Why should you buy an iPhone? The best apps appear on iOS first. Best software and hardware integration

Do you have any doubts about what to take - an iPhone or an Android? In fact, there is practically no choice - the iPhone is definitely better in several ways important parameters, according to journalists from Businessinsider.

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iPhone gets the best apps first

Compared to Android, iOS has a much smaller market share. But developers don’t care much about this fact - they still release a version of their application first for iPhone And iPad, and only then - for Android. In addition, the version for Android often loses in quality. It often doesn't have the same high-quality design and lacks features that have been on iOS for a long time. The conclusion is obvious - if you want to get the cool games and apps that people are talking about, you're better off choosing an iPhone.

iPhone looks better

With rare exceptions - HTC One, Xiaomi Mi Note - there are practically no truly beautiful Android smartphones. Most of them are angular plastic monsters that cause disgust at first sight. In case of iPhone design much more attention is paid. As a result, it is pleasant to look at and looks much better than its competitors.

Apple Pay is rapidly becoming the best mobile payment system in the world

Payment history Apple service started just a few months ago. But Apple is, in any case, the only company on the market that has managed to create an easy-to-use system that is accepted by most banks and issuers. credit cards companies.

Excellent support at the Apple Store

Which store will be willing to help you if you don’t understand something about your Android? For many, this is the operator's salon cellular communications. But can his employee give advice that is similar in quality to consultation in a company company? App store le — ?

When something goes wrong, most people around the world simply go to the nearest Apple temple and get help. Try to find such a service for Android.

iPhone turns into your remote control... for your home!

In the summer of 2014, Apple announced a platform for working " smart home" This year we will probably hear about it more than once - after all, manufacturers around the world will release gadgets compatible with HomeKit. In other words, you can easily turn off the lights without even getting up from the couch.

appeared new feature entitled . Thanks to it, the head of the family can control the content (movies, books, applications) that appears on the devices in the family. If the “man of the house” is sure that this or that content can harm his household, all he has to do is want it, and, for example, a child’s access to things that are too “adult” for him will be prohibited.

iPhone has the highest quality fingerprint scanner

Samsung and HTC already offer analogues in their flagships. But a copy, as we know, is always worse than the original. None of them are as accurate, none are as practical in real life as Apple's fingerprint scanner. There is no need to be surprised - a few years ago Apple became the best specialist company in the production of fingerprint scanners for mobile devices. Since then, the Cupertino team has always been one step ahead.

Rare Android can compare with iPhone in picture quality

The iPhone camera, despite being “modest” by today’s standards of 8 megapixels, takes incredible pictures and has useful features like recording video in slow motion () and interval () modes. Perhaps the only truly dangerous competitor in photography is the Korean one. But even he, of course, does not have the other advantages of the iPhone.

Your software will always be the latest

Both Apple and Google release new versions of their mobile operating systems once a year. But most Android users never receive the long-awaited update - manufacturers and operators have no time to bother with firmware for hundreds and thousands of devices. When they finally get around to updating, it’s time to wait for the next update.

The iPhone is a completely different story. All current (released in the last three years) models receive the latest version of iOS. Moreover, in just a few months, Apple perfectly optimizes the system to work even on older devices.

What to choose: Samsung Android or iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 4? Which one is cooler and safer. This question remains unanswered as both types have their pros and cons. The iPhone is not only expensive, it is very expensive, but Android is not only for the poor. Now this comparison is outdated - some flagship Android devices are close to the price of an iPhone.

Although Apple is still the largest and most powerful technology company in the world, it has only recently responded to trends and technological innovations.

The first waterproof smartphone from this company was the iPhone 7. This solution has already been used for a long time in the Android Xperia Z1. There is a similar case with the dual camera in the iPhone 7 Plus - this solution is successfully used in Android.

Android also has features that you won't find in iOS - external cards memory, dual SIM card, wireless charger, fast loading- this is just the beginning of the list, but you will not find all these functions together in any device.

Let's be honest - most owners of iOS or Android smartphones are not demanding users. The phone works, it has everything you need, including applications especially for Android, which has 84 percent market share.

Therefore, any self-respecting developer would like to be in his place, especially since Gmail, Maps, Chrome, virtual assistant and even the keyboard are better than Apple analogues. Apart from the price, this is a closed Apple system and open, in android - third-party manufacturers can add their services.

However, iOS has an advantage in some aspects, such as security and guaranteed updates, and iPhones work like Swiss watches.

When a company provides new system update, it immediately appears to users. It even includes older models - for example, the latest version of iOS 10 is also available for iPhone users 5 which came out a few years ago.

In Android, updates to older models are rarely seen. Additionally, updates often have to wait for the manufacturer to update their overlay.

Apple users are statistically more likely to pay (if you have money for an expensive phone, you will also have money to buy apps or games).

My observations - choose iPhone or Android

IN 2007 Apple year presented her development - and thus began the battle: “iPhone versus Android and Microsoft.” At first it was not difficult, but more than 6 years have passed since the presentation of the first Android smartphone HTC Dream, better known as the Era G1.

This allowed Google devices to spread their wings and in many ways overtake Apple. Here are some reasons why Android smartphones beat the iPhone.

Choosing between Android and iPhone – changes and stores

Android allows the user to truly choose every element, to suit every taste - from wallpaper, through icons, to complete change systems.

In the case of an iPhone, you can’t make so many changes, although if there is a Jailbreak, then the road is open for changes.

As for their stores, for some time the play brand has officially surpassed App Store in count available applications.

The only problem and eternal struggle is where there is a lot of everything - there is also a lot of garbage. Personally I think that Play Store has great alternatives paid games and programs.

What's cooler: iPhone or Android - replaceable batteries and memory cards

Today's smartphones are lightweight, but life cycle occurs through daily charging, which means that after about a year of intensive use, the battery should be replaced with a new one.

In most Android devices, you can simply open the flip and replace the power source. On an iPhone, this task seriously interferes with the device and voids the warranty.

While modern smartphones have up to 128 GB of internal memory, there are still definitely more popular models equipped with 16 GB or even 4 GB.

Without the ability to use a memory card, this space will quickly be exhausted and personally, when working with an Apple product, I see the frustration of users when I have to decide what to delete.

Additionally, the price difference between individual versions is usually disproportionate to how much you can actually spend on a memory card MicroSD good quality.

Which is better to take an Android or an iPhone – prices and equipment

Apple smartphones have been on the market for almost 8 years, but their availability depends on your budget - although the iPhone 4s latest version software do not belong to jet speed.

In turn, we will find many Android phones that offer much more. So, even for a few hundred dollars, thanks to the Chinese initiative, you can find a good functioning device,

Wireless charging, heart rate monitor, dust and waterproof, Various types displays, gestures, additional sensors and much more made in Android missing on the iPhone.

This is similar to NFC, which recently arrived in iOS products, but its capabilities are limited to payments only and it is not available everywhere.

What is the difference between Android and iPhone – iTunes and MicroUSB

Android users cannot imagine that once they connect their phone or tablet to a computer, they will be forced to use additional program to access the built-in memory to transfer photos or music.

In the case of the iPhone, we are limited to iTunes, which often irritates every interaction between the smartphone and the computer. Required permissions, archives and synchronization, a complex system transmissions and restrictions related to the number of interacting PCs.

Of course have iTunes alternatives, but you need to run it anyway to even transfer the ringtone to your phone.

With MicroUSB we can connect a cable or Charger to our smartphone at any time. This standardization allows you to avoid spending money on buying a regular USB cable.

Additionally, if manufacturers decide to use the C-port more widely, big advantage Apple's patent will cease to exist, as will the purpose of its use.

Of course, the iPhone also has its advantages, but the most important of them is the long-term support of the manufacturer. Let's summarize.

Bottom line - comparison of Android and iPhone

iOS and Android are currently the most popular operating systems available on mobile devices. According to the analytical report, Android Samsung continues to lead in smartphone sales, with 29 percent of the market. Huawei came in second with 23 percent and Apple with 11 percent.

iOS and Android are very different, so our choice should be guided mainly by our expectations and needs.

First of all, this system gives us a guarantee of continuous software updates. When a company introduces a new product, it automatically appears on all users and equipment, often including older models.

Another advantage of iOS is its compatibility with other devices. Both the operating system, applications, and other devices such as iPad are synchronized. Sharing data between all Apple devices is very easy. In addition, there are many devices on the market that work with iOS smartphones, such as a smart light, sports camera or smart kettle.

Many people like one of iOS benefits, also talk about ease of use. In fact, this system is not complicated - all applications work quickly and very efficiently. Apple recently introduced tools for people with visual or hearing impairments. Such objects are especially appreciated by the general public.

What are the disadvantages of the Apple device system? First of all, iOS has a small amount of personalization options. Smartphones with this system are definitely intended for people who value design and simplicity more than the advanced configuration of the device.

Because the system is closed, we cannot change the original icons, download other software, or install widgets.

The disadvantage is the relatively high price. Apple devices still have more high price even flagship Android models. Their price remains at a high level even several months after release.

For whom is it better to choose Android? Most people can boast that he is open system. Thus, the user has the opportunity to independently intervene in the system.

For example, when installing an application from external sources. Due to the openness of the system, users can add their own native applications and system modification. You can also download the new look.

Another advantage is the variety of devices. With a full range of phones available in the market, there is something for everyone. Variety also applies to prices - you can now buy devices with similar features to Apple, but at a much lower price.

One of the main disadvantages of this system is the low level of security. It is not protected from viruses and Trojans. This is mainly due to the ease of installation of software and applications that come from an unfamiliar source.

Another problem is fragmentation. Manufacturers are slow to update and many cheap models will never see the new version of the system. If there is already some update, it is usually only for more expensive models, and soon after release.

An often cited disadvantage is “freezing.” This problem even applies to equipment even with very good parameters. This is mainly due to the lack of system optimization for specific hardware, which causes the phone to freeze frequently and creates performance issues.

There is no doubt that for one there is an advantage, for others it can be a disadvantage. So for so many years iOS war With Android, the question of choosing one or the other cannot be decided. What about you, which system do you prefer? I'm interested in your opinion!

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Why iPhone? – every third potential buyer of Apple smartphones thinks. Why iPhone? – the owner of HTC One exclaims in surprise when he saw the apple symbol on his smartphone best friend. Buying a premium smartphone raises a lot of questions, primarily because Apple smartphones come with certain expectations. Today we will tell you what to expect from the iPhone and why multimedia smartphones with fruit symbols have already won millions of hearts.

1. Powerful processor. I don’t know what kind of miracles Apple engineers are doing with the iPhone hardware. But Ax chips manage to maintain escape speeds for several years. No slowdowns, no glitches, no disappointments. Powerful. Reliable. Long-playing.

2. Retina display . A lot has been written and talked about iPhone screens. And it’s not just that Apple managed to achieve maximum this moment pixel density and provide the user with excellent picture quality. Apple Displays also boast excellent readability and rich color palette. To be honest, most smartphones look faded or, conversely, “toasted” compared to the products Apple.

3. Frame . Traditionally, aircraft-grade aluminum was used to make the iPhone. I received the smartphone reliable protection and a stylish shell. And in 2013, the iPhone 5C was released - the first color plastic iPhone. Unlike the iPhone 3G/3GS, the updated case is made of solid plastic, which is placed on a steel frame, and the top is coated with a special solution, giving the gadget a phenomenal shine. To be subjective, then iPhone model The 5S is elegant prestige, while the iPhone 5C is comfortable chic. It fits perfectly in the hand, the screen and body create a single composition, and the thoughtful design and quality of materials do not even allow the thought of “cheapness”.

4. iMessage, Facetime, iLife, iCloud, Mail... and dozens more free programs that make the lives of modern people easier, more productive and brighter every day. Moreover, if you buy an iPhone, there is a 99% chance that the best mobile applications will appear on your device, and not on competing platforms. Apple has created amazing “tasty” conditions for application developers, which allow them not only to fully develop and support their products, but also to implement the most unusual - exclusive ideas and plans. The original is always better than the finished copy.

5. Scrolling and touch. May the “opposition” supporters forgive me, but the iPhone is the only smartphone on the market that has such smooth scrolling, accurate touch recognition and system responsiveness to user requests. Other manufacturers suffer from either a noticeable delay in response or a delay in scrolling and loading applications. Such things are difficult to describe in words. In order to feel the difference, you need to hold the two devices and compare ease of use.

6. iPhone photo/video camera. Specifications iPhone 13 cameras are inferior to global flagships. But independent tests show that the iPhone is inferior to competitors only in the number of pixels. This difference does not affect the quality of pictures, sharpness or aperture of the camera. We have already talked about fairly simple techniques that raise the camera’s performance to a semi-professional level, and the photographs to highly artistic ones.

7. Branded “fruit” design. Whatever you say, the apple logo is eye-catching. This feature makes the iPhone not only a source of envy from colleagues and passers-by, but also increases the risk of becoming a victim of criminal elements. The fact is that the market price of used Apple gadgets not much different from retail. The release of Touch ID somewhat curbed the ardor of street thieves, since the quick resale of smartphones with indicators in the form of fingerprints became impossible in principle.

8. Accessories. A huge number of interesting, unusual and functional products are produced specifically for Apple technology. Major global brands and startup leaders have long realized how diverse, sophisticated and potentially profitable this niche is. But also demanding. Apple accessories must be no less unique than the product itself. And if the manufacturer manages to bring a truly high-quality and useful product to the market, then it will be a huge success among Cupertino fans.

9. Apple - choice of educated, forward-thinking people . The rumor that iPhone buyers are on top of the golden toilet is exaggerated. Nowadays, Apple products are preferred by people who know how to value their time and money. People who know how to prioritize and evaluate the deep potential and functionality of purchased products. People who value quality, unity of thought and ideas.

10. Multimedia capabilities . Apple offers best conditions for listening to music and watching movies. The reliability of iTunes branded stores always remains unrivaled.

11. Support. It's about not only about professional technical support from Apple specialists, including employees of the Genius Bar department. iPhone fans are a narrow club of people who are always ready to offer each other all possible help in taming apple gadget. Most thematic Internet portals are dedicated specifically to Apple products, which daily reveal to their readers the hidden potential of fruit gadgets.

12. Timely software updates. iPhone users are confident not only in the stability and security of their system, but also that they will receive timely updates operating system regardless of external circumstances. At the same time, Cupertino representatives provide support for their products “until their last breath” - as long as the system technically meets the software requirements, your iPhone will be updated to the new one iOS versions. Android cannot boast of such results: most korean smartphones They stop updating within the first year of use, and the release of a new update can take up to several months.

13. Content security. All applications in the App Store undergo strict moderation and selection. Strict requirements ensure uninterrupted iOS work and prevents viruses and malware from entering the system. The exception is users who opt for jailbreak.

14. The price of a used iPhone will always be higher than that of a competitive product. When the time comes to change your iPhone to a new one, you will be pleasantly surprised that used apple phones are successful on trading platforms and are sold for decent money. It is also worth considering that not all Apple fans are chasing new products and prefer a certain model, which may already be discontinued. Not to mention the legendary iPhone 1, which becomes the heart of thematic collections.

15. No one has given up the iPhone yet. I've met people who actively oppose buying an iPhone. But I still haven’t seen the person who received Apple iPhone, sells it and buys an Android smartphone. At first, you may hear a lot from new iPhone users, but after a short adaptation, you will notice that indignation is replaced by quiet admiration.

Like everything new, the iPhone has become associated with success. The desire to have something that others don’t have played a role, and the first smartphone became very popular.

Some journalists in the first days of sales stated that the iPhone personified high cost and simplicity (at that time it was really expensive). As a result, a strong opinion began to emerge that the owners of these phones were modern people who enjoy authority. This is largely due to Apple's excellent marketers.

iPhone functionality

The built-in functionality allows a person to do many useful things: from sending messages to automatically compiling a list of necessary purchases. There is no need to use several devices at once - everything is concentrated in one. This revolution in the mobile phone market allowed it to gain widespread popularity immediately after the start of sales.

Certainly, modern models phones from other companies do not lag behind these indicators, but it was the iPhone that became the pioneer, which played the greatest role.

iPhone assembly and design

For the manufacture of iPhones they use only high quality materials, which are assembled in accordance with specially developed technologies. The result is a device that doesn't slow down, doesn't lag, and is capable of running a variety of applications.

The design of models (especially modern ones) is really simple, but eye-catching. You can find it in stores great amount covers and stickers. No other phone has such variety. The color rendition is done really well. The colors are very bright, and the display does not lose brightness even in very strong sun.

Of course, today you can find more for the money, but over the years the iPhone has proven itself to be an excellent device that suits to modern man.

Cell Phones firmly entered into people's lives. In an effort to satisfy all consumer needs, manufacturers are releasing more and more new device models, providing them with a variety of additional functions. The appearance of some gadgets becomes truly revolutionary - this is exactly what happened with the iPhone, which won the love of millions of users.

The iPhone is the brainchild of the world famous company Apple, its appearance on the market became a real sensation. Regularly produced, featuring improved characteristics and more wide possibilities. If some shortcomings could still be found in the first options, then in the latest models - such as the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, there are practically none.

What's good? First of all, it is distinguished by very high quality performance typical for all Apple products, it doesn’t fit in with the cheap Chinese handicrafts that have flooded the market. When you purchase an iPhone, you can be sure that it will serve you well for many years.

operating room iOS system, used, used on many others Apple devices– in particular, on famous iPad tablets. This means that the owner of an iPhone has access to a wide range of software. As a rule, many new programs for iOS are released in two versions at once - for iPhone and for iPad. The differences are only in adaptation to the screen size.

iPhone has a large amount of internal memory, from 16 GB to 64 GB. Even 16 GB is enough to accommodate thousands of music tracks, books, video files and photos. It is worth noting that the iPhone is equipped with an excellent player - without further ado, the manufacturers simply built it into new gadget the well-proven iPod.

iPhone users can use the Internet; the built-in browser makes visiting Internet pages very convenient. Apple Supported iTunes store Media Store allows gadget owners to purchase a huge amount musical hits at very low prices, and in the App Store you can both free apps.

Of course, the iPhone is very easy to use, as it has a capacitive touch screen. You don't need to put any pressure on it, light pressure is enough. The iPhone interface is simple and convenient, there is nothing superfluous in it. The device has a very good and durable battery, which is also important.

Thanks to iOS features The gadget consumes very little energy and resources. Even if you have launched a dozen applications, only the one that is currently activated on the screen will work; the rest are in a “frozen” state, not consuming energy and resources. The rule does not apply to currently playing musical compositions or to work Email and other applications that should always be in active mode.

iPhone owners are provided with very high quality technical support. You can be sure that yours will be supported by the company for a long time, right up to the complete obsolescence of the device.

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A touchscreen is a touch screen used on mobile phones, tablets and touch monitors. All operations using the display are carried out by touching the surface with a stylus or finger. This type screens are by far the most popular and used in modern technology.


The first touch screen was invented in the United States, and a device using the implemented touch technology was released in 1972 on a computer called PLATO 4, which was equipped with a touch-sensitive screen. The display had low accuracy in recognizing where the user clicked, but allowed the researchers to select the desired response when working with the computer and performing the desired tasks.

Gradually, the technology was increasingly adapted and improved. By 1983, the developers managed to release a computer based on an IR grid. On that moment touch screens industries began to spread. First Cell phones with touchscreens appeared a little later - after the advent of liquid crystal displays.

Advantages and disadvantages

Today, touchscreens are used not only in mobile gadgets, but also in special terminals for making payments, installations for automating the trading process (for example, R-keeper), game consoles(eg PSP), etc.

Among the advantages of such screens are the simplicity of the interface used, saving of usable space and device size, quick selection required functions and more convenient set text, as well as extended multimedia functions(for example, zooming in with your fingers or controlling video rewind using touch). Among the disadvantages of touchscreens are their fragility, high requirements for battery life and the need for constant cleaning of the display, application protective coatings or films.

The new displays support multi-touch technology, allowing you to control phone functions using multiple fingers. This makes it possible to implement screen control with gestures to zoom in on the image being viewed or turn the pages of the displayed document.

Display Types

According to the operating principle, they are distinguished by four-wire, five-wire, matrix, capacitive, infrared, DST and induction screens. Depending on the technology implemented, screens can display images and respond more accurately to touch, both using auxiliary objects (for example, styluses) and with hand touch. Screens also have a lifespan, which can also vary depending on the technology used.

Video on the topic

Geeks are geeks, they can figure out what to buy themselves. But here's what to do ordinary users who really don't understand why pay extra for an iPhone? Many people want to buy good smartphone, but do not want to make a mistake and spend money on something that will not satisfy their needs. It is for these people that I wrote this article, in which I talk about 10 reasons to buy an iPhone.

1. Much less likely to stumble upon bugs

Let's take some good manufacturer smartphones and compare it with Apple. Let it be Lenovo, Samsung - it doesn’t matter. The problem is that everyone except Apple has many smartphones in production, and sometimes many lines, each with several models. Each device must be carefully thought out and designed to ensure that all of the device's stated capabilities function properly. The thing is, when you have one or two, or even three smartphones in production, this is much easier to do than when you have twenty of them. I am not inventing possible situations, I am only describing real ones that I have encountered or, more often, my friends have encountered. The most common bug in smartphones is bad reception signal, oddly enough. I know a person who really finds it difficult to buy an iPhone, given the cost of smartphones from other giants. But he was simply fed up with the quality of the connection, so he decided to spend money once on a normal smartphone.

Problems also happen with software, which from update to update acquires both bugfixes and new problems. Open and read topics on thematic forums, they are constantly discussing certain problems with firmware or, worse, hardware.

I am in no way saying that any smartphone other than the iPhone will have bugs. I'm just saying that the likelihood of their presence is higher than in the case of the iPhone. Although he also had some mistakes in history!

2. The iPhone is a small investment in your next smartphone.

This is a fact that has been proven over the years. If you purchase new iPhone and a new flagship smartphone from another manufacturer, from any one, then in a year, two, three you will sell it for much more, even if initially they cost the same. Simple story. At the beginning of 2016, I bought two new smartphones for friends: Samsung Galaxy S6, which was still a flagship, and iPhone 5s, after which iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s came out. There is a two-year age difference between these smartphones, which is a lot in terms of technology. Guess which one cost more? iPhone 5s, and for 2k UAH. Even in the primary market, the difference after a while is huge, but imagine how much one and the other smartphone will be sold for in a year, for example? Therefore, if you buy flagships every year, then by selling an iPhone, you will have to add much less to a new device than by selling any other smartphone. Especially if you do it ahead of time like I did. Here you go.

3. iPhone is much easier to sell

Again, this is a fact! It is easier to sell an iPhone in any condition than any other smartphone in the same condition. Most often, it takes from a few minutes to one day to sell an iPhone. Sometimes, if you are not in a hurry, it makes sense to sell at a higher price than others, especially if you have good condition devices. In the case of other smartphones, you will either have to charge a small price or wait longer for the buyer.

4. A lot of accessories have been and are being released for the iPhone.

And a variety of them, not just cases and covers. Toys, camera kits, stands, tripods, cases with batteries, gamepads, breathalyzers, musical equipment and a bunch of other useful and not so useful features. No other smartphone in history has produced half of what is available for any iPhone. For example, many musicians use iRig accessories. I use one to connect an iPhone or iPad to a midi keyboard, for example. But even if you don’t need all this, you will always have the opportunity to choose from more different covers. I just recently, which, by the way, is only available for some smartphone models. But iPhone is always among them.

5. The iPhone already comes with everything you need out of the box.

Of course, this is a very relative plus in favor of the iPhone, because many Android devices also have everything they might need installed. But there are no guarantees, because bare Android does not have the same notes. But the logic of the software preinstalled out of the box on the iPhone is still better. For example, an inexperienced user may have questions about why a new Android smartphone has two standard email client, two browsers and so on. With an iPhone, such issues will not arise.

6. iPhone doesn't age like other smartphones

This point is important for slightly abnormal people, often geeks. In short, it is very important to me personally. Imagine that you have just purchased a car, and a month later a restyled version appears on sale and it costs the same or less! It's disappointing, because you could have waited a little and bought something better. This is what happens with Android devices. You buy a freshly baked flagship, and a month later some other brand, often Chinese, releases a smartphone that blows it away on all fronts, and which costs less. This really bothers me, I answer! And the iPhone is like a separate universe. Nothing else will come out on iOS that will suddenly be superior original iPhone. Therefore, when you buy an iPhone, you know for sure that your device will not become obsolete in six months.

7. The same games run much better on iPhone

Again, fact for 90% of cases. In my reviews of all smartphones, I show how World of Tanks Blitz works on them. And most often you want to hug and cry. Budget devices do not play the game with good graphics settings due to old hardware, top smartphones– due to low display resolution. There are other games that can be cited as examples. But the great thing is that on the iPhone these same games are available on maximum settings graphics, not only on the latest 6s, but also on 6 and 5s. That's why I appreciate it so much Chinese smartphones on Android from good iron and Full HD display.

8. With iPhone you get everything at once

This is a kind of continuation of the previous point, because if the Chinese Zuk Z1/Z2, OnePlus Two and others can handle games, just like the iPhone, why not take them? In fact, many people take them. But you definitely won’t get everything at once: good performance, high-quality case, excellent software, good autonomy, gorgeous display, one of best cameras, best scanner fingerprints and so on. Some things will be good, but somewhere there will be serious subsidence. With an iPhone, you get everything at once!

9. iPhone is practically the only small flagship on the market

We're talking, of course, about . Today in Ukraine it can be purchased for $480, which, compared to other flagships, is not so expensive. And the main thing is to get almost all the capabilities of the top-end iPhone 6s in compact body. Believe me, there are people who need this! Among Android devices I can only oppose him Sony Xperia Z5 Compact, but it is still larger and has a number of disadvantages. Although it also has advantages, in the end we look at the dimensions and cost. It will cost either more or the same price, but you will obviously sell it cheaper than the SE.

10. Long-term support

To conclude this story, I have prepared a good iPhone trump card! If you buy a new iPhone, you can be 100% sure that immediately after release new version iOS (interim, or major), your smartphone will definitely receive this update. Three points are important here:

  1. Will definitely get it
  2. Receive immediately
  3. You will get the experience that the designers and developers intended.

You see, not all Android devices receive updates. Not even all flagship models, what can we say about mid-range or affordable smartphones? But even those that do receive new versions of the OS with long delays, sometimes until the next one is released global update OS. But that's not all! Google creates a beautiful OS with many innovations, some of which are cut by the manufacturer, and some of which you simply won’t see due to third-party shells.

Of course, this post is not a guide to buying an iPhone. These are exactly the answers to the question: “Why should you buy an iPhone?” And, for the most part, these are facts, not analytics. Other smartphones also have their advantages, so expect a continuation soon in the form of material: “Why should you buy an Android smartphone?”

Video 10 reasons to buy an iPhone

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