Astronomy program for computer. Review of astronomical programs for PC

The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and based on the work program for the teaching and learning complex of B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Straut: educational and methodological manual / E. K. Strout. - M.: Bustard, 2017. Textbook “Astronomy. A basic level of. Grade 11” by B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Strauta passed the examination, was included in the Federal List and ensures the development of the educational program of secondary general education.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 7 of the city of Konakovo

Working programm

in astronomy for 10th grade


Istomina Natalya Vladimirovna



The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and based on the work programto the educational and educational complex of B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Straut: educational and methodological manual / E. K. Strout. - M.: Bustard, 2017.Textbook “Astronomy. A basic level of. Grade 11” by B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Strauta passed the examination, was included in the Federal List and ensures the development of the educational program of secondary general education.

General characteristics of the subject

Astronomy in Russian schools has always been considered as a course that, completing the physics and mathematics education of high school graduates, introduces them to modern ideas about the structure and evolution of the Universe and contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview. Currently, the most important tasks of astronomy are the formation of ideas about the unity of physical laws operating on Earth and in the boundless Universe, about the continuously occurring evolution of our planet, all cosmic bodies and their systems, as well as the Universe itself.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

The course duration is 35 hours (1 hour per week). An important role in mastering the course is played by students’ own observations carried out outside of class hours. The specifics of planning these observations are determined by two circumstances. Firstly, they (with the exception of observations of the Sun) must be carried out in the evening or at night. Secondly, objects whose nature is studied in a particular lesson may not be available for observation at that time. When planning observations of these objects, especially planets, it is necessary to take into account their visibility conditions.

Sample list of observations

Observations with the naked eye

1. The main constellations and the brightest stars of the autumn, winter and spring sky. Changing their position over time.

2. The movement of the Moon and the change of its phases.

Observations through a telescope

1. Relief of the Moon.

2. Phases of Venus.

3. Mars.

4.Jupiter and its satellites.

5. Saturn, its rings and satellites.

6. Sun spots (on the screen).

7. Double stars.

8. Star clusters (Pleiades, Hyades).

9. Great Orion Nebula.

10. Andromeda Nebula.

Course results

Personal resultsmastering the astronomy course in secondary (high) school are:

  • formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability for self-development and self-education, as well as the conscious construction of an individual educational activities based on stable cognitive interests;
  • formation of cognitive and information culture, including skills of independent work with books and technical means information technologies;
  • developing confidence in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature and using them for the benefit of the development of human civilization;

Meta-subject resultsmastering the program involves:

  • find a research problem, pose questions, put forward a hypothesis, propose alternative ways to solve the problem and choose the most effective one,
  • analyze observed phenomena and explain the reasons for their occurrence;
  • techniques, methods of observation, modeling, thought experiment, forecasting;
  • perform cognitive and practical tasks, including design ones;
  • prepare messages and presentations using materials obtained from the Internet and other sources.

Subject resultsThe study of astronomy in secondary (high) school is presented in the course content by topic. A system-activity approach must be used to ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program and to create the basis for students’ independent successful acquisition of new knowledge, skills, types and methods of activity. In accordance with this approach, it is the activity of students that is recognized as the basis for achieving the developmental goals of education - knowledge is not transmitted in finished form, but is obtained by students in the process of cognitive activity.

One of the ways to increase motivation and efficiency educational activities in basic school is to include students ineducational, research and project activities,which has the following features:

1) the goals and objectives of these types of student activities are determined by both their personal and social motives. This means that such activities should be aimed not only at increasing the competence of adolescents in subject area certain academic disciplines, not only to develop their abilities, but also to create a product that is meaningful to others;

2) educational, research and project activities should be organized in such a way that students can realize their needs in communicating with significant, reference groups of classmates, teachers, etc. By building various kinds of relationships in the course of purposeful, exploratory, creative and productive activities, teenagers master the norms of relationships with different people, the ability to move from one type of communication to another, acquire the skills of individual independent work and cooperation in a team;

3) the organization of educational, research and project work of schoolchildren ensures a combination various types cognitive activity. In these types of activities, almost any ability of adolescents can be in demand, and personal preferences for a particular type of activity can be realized.

As a result of educational, research and project activitiesthe graduate will receive an introduction:

  • about philosophical and methodological foundations scientific activity and scientific methods used in research and design activities;
  • about concepts such as concept, scientific hypothesis, method , experiment , reliability of the hypothesis, model , data collection method and data analysis method;
  • about how research in the humanities differs from research in the natural sciences;
  • about the history of science;
  • O the latest developments in the field of science and technology;
  • on the rules and laws governing relations in scientific, inventive and research fields of activity (patent law, copyright protection, etc.);
  • about the activities of organizations, communities and
  • structures interested in research results and providing resources for conducting research and implementing projects (foundations, government agencies, crowdfunding structures, etc.).

The graduate will be able:

  • solve problems that are at the intersection of several academic disciplines (interdisciplinary problems);
  • use the main research algorithm when solving your educational and cognitive problems;
  • use the basic principles of project activity when solving their educational and cognitive tasks and problems arising in cultural and social life;
  • use elements of mathematical modeling when solving research problems;
  • use elements of mathematical analysis to interpret the results obtained during educational and research work.

From the point of view of the formation of universal educational actions in the course of mastering the principles of educational, research and project activitiesgraduate will learn:

  • formulate a scientific hypothesis, set a goal within the framework of research and design, based on cultural norms and in accordance with ideas about the common good;
  • restore the contexts and paths of development of one or another type of scientific activity, determining the place of one’s research or project in the general cultural space;
  • monitor and take into account trends and trends in the development of various types of activities, including scientific ones, and take them into account when setting your own goals;
  • evaluate resources, including intangible ones, such as the time required to achieve the goal;
  • find various sources of tangible and intangible resources that provide funds for research and implementation of projects in various areas human activity;
  • enter into communication with holders various types resources, accurately and objectively presenting your project or possible research results, in order to ensure productive mutually beneficial cooperation;
  • independently and jointly with other authors, develop a system of parameters and criteria for assessing the effectiveness and productivity of a project or research at each stage of implementation and upon completion of the work;
  • adequately assess the risks of project implementation and research and provide ways to minimize these risks;
  • adequately assess the consequences of implementing your project (the changes it will entail in the lives of other people and communities);
  • adequately evaluate the further development of your project or research, see possible options for applying the results.

10th grade (35 hours, 1 hour per week)

What does astronomy study?(2 hours)

Astronomy, its connection with other sciences. Structure and scale of the Universe. Features of astronomical methods

dov research. Telescopes and radio telescopes. All-wave astronomy.

Subject resultsmastering the topic allows you to:

Reproduce information on the history of the development of astronomy, its connections with physics and mathematics;

Use previously acquired knowledge to explain the design and operating principle of a telescope.

Practical Basics of Astronomy(5 hours)

Stars and constellations. Star maps, globes and atlases. Apparent motion of stars at various geographic locations

latitudes The culmination of the luminaries. Apparent annual movement of the Sun. Ecliptic. Movement and phases of the Moon. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Time and calendar.

Subject resultsStudying this topic allows you to:

Reproduce definitions of terms and concepts (constellation, height and culmination of stars and the Sun, ecliptic, local, belt, summer and winter time);

Explain the need to introduce leap years and a new calendar style;

Explain the movements of stars and the Sun observed with the naked eye at various geographical latitudes, the movement and phases of the Moon, the causes of eclipses of the Moon and the Sun;

Use a star chart to search for specific constellations and stars in the sky.

Structure solar system (7 hours)

Development of ideas about the structure of the world. Geocentric system peace. Becoming heliocentric

systems of the world. Configurations of planets and conditions of their visibility. Synodic and sidereal (stellar) periods of planetary revolution. Kepler's laws. Determination of distances and sizes of bodies in the Solar System. Horizontal parallax. The movement of celestial bodies under the influence of gravitational forces. Determination of the mass of celestial bodies. Movement artificial satellites Earth and spacecraft in the solar system.

Subject resultsmastering this topic allows you to:

Reproduce historical information about the formation and development of the heliocentric system of the world;

Reproduce definitions of terms and concepts (planet configuration, synodic and sidereal periods of revolution of planets, horizontal parallax, angular dimensions of an object, astronomical unit);

Calculate the distance to planets from horizontal parallax, and their sizes from angular dimensions and distance;

Formulate Kepler’s laws, determine the masses of planets based on Kepler’s third (refined) law;

Describe the features of the movement of solar system bodies under the influence of gravitational forces in orbits with different eccentricities;

Explain the reasons for the occurrence of tides on Earth and disturbances in the movement of bodies in the Solar System;

Characterize the features of the movement and maneuvers of spacecraft for studying solar bodies


The nature of the bodies of the solar system(8 hours)

The solar system as a complex of bodies having common origin. The Earth and Moon are a double planet. Is-

following the Moon by spacecraft. Manned flights to the Moon. Terrestrial planets. Nature

Mercury, Venus and Mars. Giant planets, their satellites and rings. Small bodies of the Solar System: asteroids, dwarf planets, comets, meteoroids. Meteors, fireballs and meteorites.

Subject resultsstudying the topic allows you to:

Formulate and justify the main provisions of the modern hypothesis about the formation of all bodies of the Solar System from a single cloud of gas and dust;

Define and distinguish concepts (solar system, planet, its satellites, terrestrial planets, giant planets, rings of planets, small bodies, asteroids, dwarf planets, comets, meteoroids, meteors, fireballs, meteorites);

Describe the nature of the Moon and explain the reasons for its difference from the Earth;

List the significant differences in the nature of the two groups of planets and explain the reasons for their occurrence;

Compare Mercury, Venus and Mars with the Earth in terms of surface topography and atmospheric composition, indicate traces of evolutionary changes in the nature of these planets;

Explain the mechanism of the greenhouse effect and its significance for the formation and preservation of the unique nature of the Earth;

Describe the characteristic features of the nature of the giant planets, their satellites and rings;

Characterize the nature of small bodies of the Solar System and explain the reasons for their significant differences;

Describe the phenomena of a meteor and a fireball, explain the processes that occur during the movement of bodies flying into the planet’s atmosphere at cosmic speed;

Describe the consequences of large meteorites falling to Earth;

Explain the essence of the asteroid-comet danger, possibilities and ways to prevent it.

Sun and stars (6 h)

Radiation and temperature of the Sun. Composition and structure of the Sun. The source of his energy. Atmosphere of the Sun. Solar activity and its impact on the Earth. The stars are distant suns. Annual parallax and distances to stars. Luminosity, spectrum, color and temperature various classes stars Spectrum-luminosity diagram. Masses and sizes of stars. Models of stars. Variable and non-stationary stars. Cepheids are beacons of the Universe. Evolution of stars of different masses.

Subject resultsmastering the topic allows you to:

Define and distinguish concepts (star, star model, luminosity, parsec, light year);

Characterize the physical state of the matter of the Sun and stars and the sources of their energy;

Describe the internal structure of the Sun and methods of transferring energy from the center to the surface;

Describe the observed manifestations of solar activity and their impact on the Earth;

Calculate the distance to stars using annual parallax;

Name the main ones distinctive features stars of different sequences on the “spectrum - luminosity” diagram;

Compare models of different types of stars with the model of the Sun;

Explain the reasons for changes in the luminosity of variable stars;

Describe the mechanism of nova and supernova explosions;

Estimate the lifetime of stars depending on their mass;

Describe the stages of star formation and evolution;

Characterize the physical features of objects that arise at the final stage of the evolution of stars: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes.

Structure and evolution of the Universe(5 hours)

Our Galaxy. Its dimensions and structure. Two types of population of the Galaxy. Interstellar medium: gas and dust. Spiral sleeves. The Galactic Core. Star forming regions. Rotation of the Galaxy. The problem of “hidden” mass. Diversity of the world of galaxies. Quasars. Clusters and superclusters of galaxies. Fundamentals of modern cosmology. “Red shift” and Hubble’s law. Nonstationary Universe of A. A. Friedman. Big Bang. CMB radiation. Acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. "Dark energy" and anti-gravity.

Subject resultsstudying the topic allows you to:

Explain the meaning of concepts (cosmology, Universe, model of the Universe, Big Bang, cosmic microwave background radiation);

Characterize the main parameters of the Galaxy (size, composition, structure and kinematics);

Recognize types of galaxies (spiral, elliptical, irregular);

Compare the conclusions of A. Einstein and A. A. Friedman regarding the model of the Universe;

Substantiate the validity of Friedman’s model with the results of observations of the “red shift” in the spectra of galaxies;

Formulate Hubble's law;

Determine the distance to galaxies based on Hubble's law; by Supernova luminosity;

Estimate the age of the Universe based on the Hubble constant;

Interpret the detection of the CMB as evidence in favor of the Hot Universe hypothesis;

Classify the main periods of the evolution of the Universe since the beginning of its expansion - the Big Bang;

Interpret modern data on the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe as a result of the action of anti-gravity of “dark energy” - a type of matter whose nature is still unknown.

Life and Mind in the Universe(2 hours)

The problem of the existence of life outside the Earth. Conditions necessary for the development of life. Searches for life on the planets of the solar system. Complex organic compounds in space. Modern features astronautics and radio astronomy for communication with other civilizations. Planetary systems around other stars. Humanity declares its existence.

Subject results allow:

systematize knowledge about research methods and the current state of the problem of the existence of life in the Universe.

Ways to check achievement of learning outcomes

When studying the course, a comprehensive control of students' knowledge and skills is carried out, including ongoing control in the process of studying the material, midterm control at the end of studying a completed range of questions and final control at the end of studying the course. A combination of various forms of testing knowledge and skills is expected: oral testing, testing, written testing. In addition, student participation in discussions when discussing completed assignments is taken into account, student abstracts and the results of project activities are evaluated.

Achievement of subject-specific learning outcomes is monitored mainly in the process of oral testing of knowledge, when performing written tests and tests, tests, and during observations. The final check of achievement of subject results can be organized in the form of a comprehensive test or test. At this stage of testing, students defend abstracts on the topic they have studied.

The achievement of meta-subject results is monitored as students carry out observations. At the same time, the following is monitored: the ability of students to set the goal of observation, select instruments, draw up a plan for carrying out observation, present the results of work, draw conclusions, ability to use measuring instruments, evaluate the measurement error, record the measurement result taking into account the error, see the possibilities of reducing measurement errors. In addition, meta-subject results are monitored when students prepare messages, abstracts, projects and their presentation. The ability to work with information presented in different forms, skills in the field of ICT, and the ability to establish interdisciplinary connections between astronomy and other subjects (physics, biology, chemistry, history, etc.) are assessed.

Students’ personal learning outcomes are not subject to quantification, however, a qualitative assessment of student activity and behavior is given, which can be recorded in the student’s portfolio.

Possible different methods issuing final grades to students while monitoring their mastery of material on a specific topic. This can be a traditional assessment system, or a rating system can be used, in which points are given separately for answers in class, for completing assignments and presenting them, for written test papers, for essays and projects, then these points are summed up and converted into a five-point rating scale. In this case, each type of activity must be assigned a certain number of points.

Forms of organization of educational activities

The teacher selects the necessary educational trajectory that can provide visualization of the learning trajectory with checkpoints of tasks of various types: informational, practical, control. The forms of organization of educational activities are determined by the types academic work, the specifics of the study group, the material being studied, and educational goals. The following organizational forms of training are possible:

  • classroom (learning new things, workshop, control, extra work, test lessons, defense lessons creative tasks). In this case, all types of objects are used. When performing project tasks, research, implementation of interdisciplinary connections, and search for information are carried out by students under the guidance of a teacher;
  • individual and individualized. They allow you to regulate the pace of progress in the learning of each student in accordance with his abilities. When working in a computer class according to pre-selected information, practical and control tasks, collected from relevant objects, the student’s individual trajectory is formed;
  • group work. Groups of students can work on individual assignments. Previously, the teacher forms blocks of objects or a general block, based on the demonstration of which there is a discussion in groups of a common problem, or if there is computer class, discussion of mini-tasks that are part of the overall learning task;
  • extracurricular work, research, circle work;
  • independent work of students to study new material, develop educational skills and abilities practical application acquired knowledge, implementation individual tasks creative nature.

Information and educational environment line

To implement the Working program uses an educational and methodological package, including:

  1. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B. A., Strout E. K. “Astronomy. Grade 11". Textbook with electronic supplement.- M.: Bustard, 2017.
  2. Methodological manual for the textbook “Astronomy. 11th grade” by B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Strout.- M.: Bustard, 2017.
  3. Work program for the educational and educational complex of B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Strout: educational and methodological manual / E. K. Strout. - M.: Bustard, 2017.



Lesson topic

Type of student activity

Subject of astronomy.

Astronomy, its connection with other sciences. The development of astronomy was caused by the practical needs of man, starting from ancient times. Astronomy, mathematics and physics developed in close connection with each other. Structure and scale of the Universe

Search for examples confirming the practical orientation of astronomy

Observations are the basis of astronomy

Ground and space instruments and methods for studying astronomical objects. Telescopes and radio telescopes.

All-wave astronomy

Application of knowledge acquired in a physics course to describe the structure of a telescope. Characteristics of the advantages of observations made from space

Magnitude as a characteristic of the illumination created by a star. According to the magnitude scale, the difference is 5 magnitudes, the difference in light fluxes is 100 times. Equatorial coordinate system: right ascension and declination. Using a star map to determine what objects can be observed at a given point in time

Preparing a presentation on the history of the names of constellations and stars.

Application of knowledge acquired in a geography course on drawing maps in various projections. Working with a star map when organizing and conducting observations

The height of the celestial pole above the horizon and its dependence on the geographic latitude of the observation site. Celestial meridian.

The culmination of the luminaries. Determining geographic latitude by measuring the height of stars at the moment of their culmination

Characteristics of the distinctive features of the daily motion of stars at the poles, equator and mid-latitudes of the Earth

Ecliptic and zodiacal constellations. The inclination of the ecliptic to the celestial equator. The position of the Sun on the ecliptic at the equinoxes and solstices. Changes in the length of day and night at different latitudes throughout the year

Characteristics of the features of the daily movement of the Sun at the poles, equator and mid-latitudes of the Earth

The Moon is the closest celestial body to the Earth, its only natural satellite. Moon's orbital period

The Earth and around its axis is a sidereal (stellar) month. A synodic month is a period of complete change of phases of the Moon. Conditions for the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses. Their frequency. Total, partial and annular eclipses of the Sun. Total and partial lunar eclipses. Predicting future eclipses

Study of the main phases of the Moon. Description of the order of their change. Analysis of the reasons why the Moon always faces the Earth with one side.

Description of the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun during eclipses. Explanation of the reasons why eclipses of the Sun and Moon do not occur every month

Time and calendar.

Exact time and determination of geographic longitude. Time Zones. Local and zone, summer and winter time. Calendar is a system for counting long periods of time. History of the calendar.

Leap years. Old and new style

Preparation and presentation of a message about the history of the calendar.

Analysis of the need to introduce time zones, leap years and a new calendar style

Geocentric system of the world of Aristotle-Ptolemy. A system of epicycles and trims to explain the loop-like motion of the planets. Copernicus' creation of the heliocentric system of the world. Galileo's role in the formation new system peace

Preparation and presentation of a message about the significance of the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo for the formation of a scientific picture of the world.

Explanation of the loop-like motion of planets using epicycles and trims

Inner and outer planets. Planetary configurations: opposition and conjunction. Periodic changes in visibility conditions of the inner and outer planets. Relationship between the synodic and sidereal (stellar) periods of revolution of the planets

Description of the visibility conditions of planets in various configurations. Solving problems on calculating the sidereal periods of revolution of the inner and outer planets


Kepler's three laws. Ellipse. Changing the speed of planets in elliptical orbits. Kepler's discovery of the laws of planetary motion - important step on the path to the development of mechanics. The third law is the basis for calculating the relative distances of planets from the Sun

Analysis of Kepler's laws, their significance for the development of physics and astronomy. Solving problems for calculating the distances of planets from the Sun based on Kepler's third law


Dimensions and shape of the Earth. Triangulation. Horizontal parallax. Angular and linear dimensions of solar system bodies

Solving problems on calculating distances and sizes of objects


Plan of the Solar System on a scale of 1 cm to 30 million km, indicating the position of the planets in orbits according to the data of the “School Astronomical Calendar” for the current academic year

Construction of a plan of the Solar system on an accepted scale, indicating the position of the planets in orbits. Determining the possibility of their observation on a given date


Confirmation of the validity of the law of gravity for the Moon and planets. Disturbances in the motion of bodies of the Solar system. Discovery of the planet Neptune. Determination of the mass of celestial bodies. Mass and density of the Earth. Ebbs and flows

Solving problems on calculating the mass of planets. Explanation of the mechanism of disturbances and tides


Spacecraft launch time and flight path to the planets and other bodies of the Solar System. Performing maneuvers necessary to land on the surface of a planet or enter orbit around it

Preparation and presentation of a report on spacecraft exploring the nature of the bodies of the Solar System


A hypothesis about the formation of all bodies of the Solar System in the process of long-term evolution of a cold gas and dust cloud. Explanation of their nature based on this hypothesis

Analysis of the main provisions of modern ideas about the origin of the bodies of the Solar system


Brief information about the nature of the Earth. Conditions on the surface of the Moon. Two types of lunar surface - seas and continents. Mountains, craters and other landforms. Processes of formation of the lunar surface and its relief. Results of research conducted by automated vehicles and astronauts. Internal structure of the Moon. Chemical composition of lunar rocks. Discovery of water on the Moon. Prospects for lunar exploration

Based on knowledge from a geography course, a comparison of the nature of the Earth with the nature of the Moon. Explanation of the reason for the absence of an atmosphere on the Moon. Description of the main forms of the lunar surface and their origin.

Preparation and presentation of a report on lunar exploration carried out by astronautics


Two groups of planets.

Analysis of the main characteristics of the planets. Separation of planets by size, mass and average density. Terrestrial planets and giant planets. Their differences

Analysis of tabular data, signs of similarities and differences of the objects being studied, classification of objects


Nature of the terrestrial planets

The similarity of the internal structure and chemical composition of the terrestrial planets. Surface relief. Volcanism and tectonics. Meteor craters. Features of temperature conditions on Mercury, Venus and Mars. Differences in the composition of the Earth's atmosphere from the atmospheres of Mars and Venus. Seasonal changes in the atmosphere and surface of Mars. The state of water on Mars in the past and now. Evolution of the nature of planets. The search for life on Mars

Based on knowledge of physical laws, explanation of phenomena and processes occurring in the atmospheres of planets. Description and comparison of the nature of the terrestrial planets. Explanation of the reasons for existing differences. Preparation and presentation of a report on the results of research on terrestrial planets


Discussion of various aspects of problems associated with the existence of the greenhouse effect and its role in the formation and preservation of the unique nature of the Earth

Preparation and presentation of a message on this issue. Participation in the discussion


Chemical composition and internal structure of the giant planets.

Sources of energy in the interior of planets. Cloud cover and atmospheric circulation. Diversity of the nature of satellites. The similarity of the nature of satellites with the terrestrial planets and the Moon. The presence of atmospheres on the largest satellites. Structure and composition of rings

Based on knowledge of the laws of physics, a description of the nature of the giant planets. Preparation and presentation of a report on new results of research on the giant planets, their satellites and rings. Analysis of the definition of the concept “planet”


Small bodies of the Solar System

Main belt asteroids. Their sizes and numbers. Small bodies of the Kuiper belt. Pluto and other dwarf planets. Comets. Their structure and composition. Orbits of comets. Total number of comets.

Comet Oort cloud. Asteroid-comet danger. Possibilities and ways to prevent it

Description of the appearance of asteroids and comets. Explanation of the processes occurring in a comet as its distance from the Sun changes.

Preparation and presentation of a report on methods for detecting dangerous space objects and preventing their collision with the Earth


Meteors, fireballs, meteorites.

Single meteors. Speed ​​of encounter with the Earth. Small bodies (meteoroids). Meteor showers, their connection with comets. Large bodies. The phenomenon of a fireball, the fall of a meteorite. Classification of Teorites:

iron, stone, iron-stone

Based on knowledge of the laws of physics, description and explanation of meteor and fireball phenomena. Preparing a report on the fall of the most famous meteorites

Sun and stars (6 hours)


The source of energy of the Sun and stars is thermonuclear reactions. Energy transfer inside the Sun. The structure of its atmosphere. Granulation. Solar corona. Detection of solar neutrino flux. The significance of this discovery for physics and astrophysics

Based on knowledge of physical laws, description and explanation of phenomena and processes observed on the Sun. Description of the processes occurring during thermonuclear reactions of the proton-proton cycle


Manifestations of solar activity: sunspots, prominences, flares, coronal mass ejections. Streams of solar plasma. Their influence on the state of the Earth's magnetosphere. Magnetic storms, auroras and other geophysical phenomena affecting radio communications, failures in power lines. Period of change in solar activity

Based on knowledge about plasma acquired in a physics course, a description of the formation of spots, prominences and other manifestations of solar activity. Characteristics of solar activity processes and the mechanism of their influence on the Earth


Physical nature of stars.

The star is a natural thermonuclear reactor. Star luminosity. The diversity of the world of stars. Their spectral classification. Giant stars and dwarf stars. Diagram "spectrum - luminosity". Double and multiple stars. Star clusters. Their composition and age

Definition of "star". Indication of the position of stars on the “spectrum - luminosity” diagram according to their characteristics. Analysis of the main groups of the diagram


Cepheids are natural self-oscillating systems. Dependence "period - luminosity". Eclipsing double stars. Nova outbursts are a phenomenon in close systems of double stars. Discovery of "exoplanets" - planets and planetary systems around other stars

Based on knowledge of physics, a description of Cepheid pulsation as a self-oscillating process. Preparation of a report on methods for detecting “exoplanets” and the results obtained


Evolution of stars.

Dependence of the speed and duration of evolution of stars on their mass. A supernova explosion is the explosion of a star at the end of its evolution. The final stages of the life of stars: white dwarfs, neutron stars (pulsars), black holes

Based on knowledge of physics, estimate the glow time of a star based on the known mass of hydrogen reserves; to describe the nature of objects at the final stage of stellar evolution


Test work on the topics: “Structure of the Solar System”, “Nature of the Solar System Bodies”, “Sun and Stars”

Preparing for the test.


Main topics;

Ways to solve problems;

Techniques for practical work with the plan of the solar system


Our Galaxy.

Dimensions and structure of the Galaxy. The location and movement of the Sun. Flat and spherical subsystems of the Galaxy. The core and spiral arms of the Galaxy. Rotation of the Galaxy and the problem of “hidden mass”

Description of the structure and structure of the Galaxy. Study of objects of flat and spherical subsystems. Preparation of a report on the development of research into the Galaxy


Our Galaxy.

Radio emission from interstellar matter. Its composition. Star forming regions. Detection of complex organic molecules. The relationship between stars and the interstellar medium. Planetary nebulae - remnants of supernova explosions

Based on knowledge of physics, an explanation of the various mechanisms of radio emission. Description of the process of star formation from cold gas and dust clouds


Spiral, elliptical and irregular galaxies. Their distinctive features, size, mass, number of stars. Supermassive black holes in the cores of galaxies. Quasars and radio galaxies. Interacting galaxies. Clusters and superclusters of galaxies

Determination of types of galaxies. Preparation of a report on the most interesting studies of galaxies, quasars and other distant objects


Cosmology of the early twentieth century.

General theory of relativity. Stationary Universe of A. Einstein. A. A. Friedman's conclusion about the nonstationarity of the Universe. "Red shift" in the spectra of galaxies and Hubble's law. The expansion of the Universe occurs uniformly and isotropically

Application of the Doppler principle to explain the “redshift”.

Preparation of a report on the activities of Hubble and Friedman.

Proof of the validity of Hubble's law for an observer located in any galaxy


G. A. Gamow’s hypothesis about the hot beginning of the Universe, its justification and confirmation. CMB radiation. The Big Bang Theory. Formation of chemical elements. Formation of galaxies and stars. Acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. "Dark energy" and anti-gravity

Preparation and presentation of a report on the activities of Gamow and Nobel Prize laureates in physics for their work in cosmology


The problem of the existence of life outside the Earth. Conditions necessary for the development of life. Searches for life on the planets of the solar system. Complex organic compounds in space. Modern capabilities of radio astronomy and astronautics for communication with other civilizations. Planetary systems around other stars. Humanity declares its existence

Preparation and presentation of a report on the current state of scientific research on the problem of the existence of extraterrestrial life in the Universe. Participation in discussion on this issue


Lesson – conference “Are we alone in the Universe?”

Calendar and thematic planning

10th grade (35 hours, 1 hour per week)


Section names

Section topic

Lesson topic

Planned results

Scheduled date






Astronomy, its significance and connection with other sciences (2 hours)

Subject of astronomy.

formulate findings and conclusions

reproduce information on the history of the development of astronomy, its connections with physics and mathematics

Observations are the basis of astronomy

classify objects of research, structure the material being studied

use previously acquired knowledge to explain the structure and operating principle of the telescope

Practical Fundamentals of Astronomy (5 hours)

Stars and constellations. Celestial coordinates. Star cards.

reproduce definitions of terms and concepts: constellation;

location orientation

Apparent motion of stars at different latitudes.

find a research problem, pose questions, put forward a hypothesis, propose alternative ways to solve the problem and choose the most effective one,

reproduce horizontal and equatorial coordinate systems;

have an idea of ​​a moving star chart;

explain the movements of stars observed with the naked eye at various latitudes

Apparent annual movement of the Sun. Ecliptic.

reproduce definitions of terms and concepts: height and culmination of the Sun, ecliptic;

explain the movements of the Sun observed with the naked eye at various latitudes

Movement and phases of the Moon. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

formation of cognitive and information culture

analyze observed phenomena and explain the reasons for their occurrence

explain the movement and phases of the Moon observed with the naked eye, the causes of eclipses of the Moon and the Sun

Time and calendar.

formation of cognitive and information culture

prepare messages and presentations using materials obtained from the Internet and other sources

Reproduce definitions of terms and concepts: local, zone, summer and winter time;

explain the need to introduce leap years and a new calendar style;

determine time by the location of the stars in the sky

Structure of the Solar System (7 hours)

Development of ideas about the structure of the world.

formation of cognitive and information culture, including skills of independent work with books and technical means of information technology

classify objects of research, structure the material being studied, formulate findings and conclusions

reproduce historical information about the formation and development of the heliocentric system of the world

Planetary configurations. Synodic period.

formation of cognitive and information culture

in practice use basic logical techniques, methods of observation, modeling, thought experiments, forecasting

reproduce definitions of terms and concepts: configuration of planets, synodic and sidereal periods of revolution of planets


Laws of motion of the planets of the solar system.

developing confidence in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature and using them for the benefit of the development of human civilization

use basic logical techniques and thought experiment methods in practice

reproduce definitions of terms and concepts: astronomical unit;

formulate Kepler's laws, determine the masses of planets based on Kepler's third (refined) law


Determination of distances and sizes of bodies in the Solar System.

formation of cognitive and information culture, including skills of independent work with books and technical means of information technology

carry out educational and practical tasks

reproduce definitions of terms and concepts: horizontal parallax, angular dimensions of an object;

calculate the distance to planets from horizontal parallax, and their sizes from angular dimensions and distance;


Practical work with the plan of the solar system.

organization of purposeful cognitive activity during practical work

Formulate a research problem and extract information

reproduce definitions of terms and concepts.


Discovery and application of the law of universal gravitation.

formation of cognitive and information culture

carry out educational and practical tasks

describe the features of the movement of bodies in the Solar System under the influence of gravitational forces in orbits with different eccentricities;

explain the causes of tides on Earth and disturbances in the movement of bodies in the Solar System;

characterize the features of the movement and maneuvers of spacecraft for studying the bodies of the Solar System.


Movement of artificial satellites and spacecraft (SC).

developing the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity

classify objects of research, structure the material being studied, argue your position, formulate findings and conclusions;

The nature of solar system bodies (8 hours)


The solar system is a complex of bodies that have a common origin.

formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, responsible attitude to learning

carry out educational and practical tasks

formulate and justify the main provisions of the modern hypothesis about the formation of all bodies of the Solar System from a single cloud of gas and dust;

define the concepts: Solar system, planet;

explain the mechanism of the greenhouse effect and its significance for the formation and preservation of the unique nature of the Earth


The Earth and Moon are a double planet.

formation of a positive attitude towards Russian astronomical science

define and distinguish concepts: planet, its satellites;

describe the nature of the Moon and explain the reasons for its difference from the Earth


Two groups of planets.

formation of cognitive and information culture;

carry out educational and practical tasks

list the significant differences in the nature of the two groups of planets and explain the reasons for their occurrence


Nature of the terrestrial planets

formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, responsible attitude to learning

carry out educational and practical tasks

Define the concepts: terrestrial planets;

compare Mercury, Venus and Mars with the Earth in terms of surface topography and atmospheric composition, indicate traces of evolutionary changes in the nature of these planets


Discussion lesson “The greenhouse effect: benefit or harm?”

problems of science.

carry out educational and practical tasks

extract information from various sources and evaluate it critically

apply acquired knowledge and skills when studying astronomy to solve practical problems encountered both in educational practice and in everyday human life


Giant planets, their satellites and rings.

formation of cognitive and information culture;

formation of a positive attitude towards Russian astronomical science

classify objects of research, structure the material being studied, argue your position, formulate findings and conclusions;

describe the characteristic features of the nature of the giant planets, their satellites and rings


Small bodies of the Solar System

formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, responsible attitude to learning

carry out educational and practical tasks

define and distinguish the concepts: small bodies, asteroids, dwarf planets, comets, meteoroids, meteors, fireballs, meteorites;

Characterize the nature of small bodies of the Solar System and explain the reasons for their significant differences


Meteors, fireballs, meteorites.

formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, a responsible attitude to learning, readiness and ability for self-development and self-education, as well as the conscious construction of individual educational activities based on sustainable cognitive interests.

use basic logical logic in practice

techniques, methods of observation, modeling, thought experiment.

define and distinguish concepts: meteors, fireballs, meteorites;

describe the phenomena of a meteor and a fireball, explain the processes that occur during the movement of bodies flying into the planet’s atmosphere at cosmic speed;

describe the consequences of large meteorites falling to Earth;

explain the essence of the asteroid-comet danger, possibilities and methods of preventing it.

Sun and stars (6 hours)


The sun: its composition and internal structure.

formation of cognitive and information culture, including skills of independent work with books and technical means of information technology

carry out educational and practical tasks

define and distinguish concepts: star, star model, luminosity;

characterize the physical state of the matter of the Sun and stars and the sources of their energy;

describe the internal structure of the Sun and methods of transferring energy from the center to the surface;

explain the mechanism of the appearance of granulation and sunspots on the Sun;

describe observed manifestations of solar activity and their impact on the Earth


Solar activity and its impact on the Earth.

formation of cognitive and information culture;

formation of a positive attitude towards Russian astronomical science

carry out educational and practical tasks

define and distinguish the concepts: luminosity, parsec, light year;

calculate the distance to stars using annual parallax;

Name the main distinctive features of stars of various sequences on the “spectrum-luminosity” diagram;


Physical nature of stars.

formation of cognitive and information culture

classify objects of research, structure the material being studied, argue your position, formulate findings and conclusions;

compare models of different types of stars with the model of the Sun;


Variable and non-stationary stars.

developing confidence in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature and using them for the benefit of the development of human civilization

carry out educational and practical tasks

explain the reasons for changes in the luminosity of variable stars;

describe the mechanism of nova and supernova explosions;

estimate the lifetime of stars depending on their mass;

describe the stages of star formation and evolution;


Evolution of stars.

developing the ability to find adequate ways of behavior, interaction and cooperation in the process of educational and extracurricular activities, to show respect for the opponent’s opinion during the discussion of controversial issues

problems of science.

characterize the physical features of objects emerging at the final stage of stellar evolution: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes

main parameters of the state of stellar matter: density, temperature, chemical composition, physical state. Their mutual conditionality.


Test work “The Sun and the Solar System”.

systematize knowledge about research methods and the current state of the problem of the existence of life in the Universe.

explain the mechanism of the appearance of granulation and sunspots on the Sun;

Describe the observed manifestations of solar activity and their impact on the Earth;

The structure and evolution of the universe (5 hours)


Our Galaxy.

formation of cognitive and information culture.

Characterize the main parameters of the Galaxy: size, composition, structure and kinematics;

Determine the distance to star clusters and galaxies from Cepheids based on the “period - luminosity” relationship;


Our Galaxy.

developing confidence in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature and using them for the benefit of the development of human civilization

carry out educational and practical tasks.

Characterize the main parameters of the Galaxy: size, composition, structure and kinematics.


Other star systems are galaxies.

show respect for the opponent’s opinion during the discussion of controversial scientific problems.

find a research problem, pose questions, put forward a hypothesis.

determine the distance to star clusters and galaxies using Cepheids based on the “period - luminosity” relationship;

Recognize types of galaxies: spiral, elliptical, irregular.


Cosmology of the early twentieth century.

developing the ability to find adequate ways of behavior, interaction and cooperation in the process of educational and extracurricular activities, to show respect for the opponent’s opinion during the discussion of controversial scientific problems.

find a research problem, pose questions, put forward a hypothesis, propose alternative ways to solve the problem and choose the most effective one.

explain the meaning of the concepts: cosmology, Universe, model of the Universe, Big Bang, cosmic microwave background radiation;

Compare the conclusions of A. Einstein and A. A. Friedman regarding the model of the Universe;

Substantiate the validity of Friedman’s model with the results of observations of the “red shift” in the spectra of galaxies;

formulate Hubble's law;

determine the distance to galaxies based on Hubble's law; by supernova luminosity.


Fundamentals of modern cosmology.

developing confidence in the possibility of knowledge

laws of nature and their use for the benefit of the development of human civilization.

extract information from various sources (including mass media and Internet resources) and critically evaluate it;

argue your position

estimate the age of the Universe based on the Hubble constant; interpret the detection of the CMB as evidence in favor of the Hot Universe hypothesis;

classify the main periods of the evolution of the Universe since the beginning of its expansion - the Big Bang;

Interpret modern data on the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe as a result of the action of anti-gravity of “dark energy” - a type of matter whose nature is still unknown;

systematize knowledge about research methods and the current state of the problem of the existence of life in the Universe

Life and Mind in the Universe (2 hours)


Lesson – conference “Are we alone in the Universe?”

formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, responsible attitude to learning

carry out educational and practical tasks

apply acquired knowledge and skills in the study of astronomy to solve practical problems encountered both in educational practice and in everyday human life


Lesson – conference “Are we alone in the Universe?”

formation of the ability to manage one’s cognitive activity and a responsible attitude to learning.

extract information from various sources (including media and Internet resources) and critically evaluate it.

apply acquired knowledge and skills in the study of astronomy to solve practical problems encountered both in educational practice and in everyday human life.

  • Physics,
  • Astronomy
  • The new school year has begun. Pupils and students poured through the doors of scientific institutions. And teachers and professors prepared to meet them. But now, the first days have already passed, the joy (am I not mistaken?) of the meeting has subsided a little and ordinary everyday life has begun. Teachers on the one hand, students and pupils on the other. The chain that unites them is the subject being studied, the personal character of both representatives of one and the other side, their charisma, communication skills, and so on. And if the character and other qualitative characteristics of an individual are different depending on the person, then the subject serves as something generalizing. And interestingly, by presenting it to the pupil (student) with high quality, the teacher (teacher) establishes a strong connection with the audience. On the other hand, the audience of interesting things “eats” with pleasure.
    Accordingly, I wanted to focus on teaching an interesting and ancient science - astronomy. Or rather, not even on teaching, as such, but on its diversity. How can teaching be diversified in the 21st century? Well, of course - using software and modern gadgets.

    This publication will be a small overview of programs that make it easier and more diversified to teach and study such an interesting subject as astronomy.

    SkyChart (Cartes du Ciel)
    SkyChart (Cartes du Ciel) is a sky atlas, a free planetarium program for MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. The program allows you to create star maps using many astronomical catalogs of stars and nebulae, taking into account the positions of planets, asteroids, and comets.

    KStars is a planetarium program included in the KDE Education Project.
    The program is available to users of UNIX systems.

    The purpose of the program is to prepare various cards starry sky for specific observation. A large number of customizable parameters can be selected either automatically or manually: catalogs used, color and size of stars and nebulae, grid display and much more.
    All these features allow the celestial atlas to fully compete with planetarium programs.
    Download SkyChart (Cartes du Ciel):

    Celestia 1.6.1
    Celestia is a 3D visualization of space that allows the user to view objects ranging in size from artificial satellites to galaxies in real time. In this virtual planetarium, the user can freely travel around the Universe.
    The program is available to users of MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.

    Celestia displays objects of the Solar system, more than 100,000 stars according to the HIPPARCOS catalog, more than 10,000 galaxies. There is an extension mechanism to add more objects. Accordingly, on the Internet you can find many addons created by enthusiasts from all over the world.
    The program allows you to take screenshots and record videos. There is support for training scenarios.
    Download Celestia: .

    Stellarium 0.13.0
    Stellarium is a realistic 3D sky simulation in real time. It displays stars, constellations, planets, nebulae and other things like soil, landscapes, atmospheres. In fact, this is one of the best planetariums. In addition, it is free and available for both MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux platforms, as well as for Simbian, Android, iOS (Stellarium Mobile).

    The default catalog of this program consists of more than 600,000 stars (there are additional downloadable catalogs with more than 210 million stars), data on almost all objects in the NGC catalog, Messier and Milky Way objects. All planets of the Solar System and their main satellites are present. Artistic depictions of all constellations are available, with a selection of designs available from a variety of cultures (modern Western, ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Chinese and others). It is possible to simulate solar and lunar eclipses. In the location window, you can change not only the city or country, but also the planet.
    Plugin support is available.
    You can download Stellarium here:

    World Wibe Telescope (WWT)
    WorldWibe Telescope (WWT) is a planetarium program running under the control of a client program on Windows platform or a cross-platform browser client created using Silverlight technology.

    The WWT virtual planetarium allows you to view a detailed photographic map of the starry sky, as well as surfaces different bodies Solar system, travel around the Earth and the Universe, simulate celestial phenomena occurring both at the present time and at any point in time from 1 to 4,000 AD. e.
    WorldWibe Telescope official website:

    Google Earth
    Google Earth is a cross-platform project by Google, within which satellite images of the entire surface of the Earth were posted online. This program has interesting bookmarks: “Earth”, “Sky”, “Mars”, “Moon”.

    And if everything is clear with the “Earth” function, and “Sky” leaves much to be desired, then “Moon” and “Mars” can be actively used in the study of these celestial bodies.
    Official site:

    Orbiter 2010
    Orbiter 2010 is a free space flight simulator with carefully designed realistic physics and extensive configuration and writing capabilities various extensions. Realistic ones are used physical models ship dynamics, atmospheric phenomena and planetary movements.

    As the reader noted, in my review, I only reviewed free software. It is available online and anyone can familiarize themselves with it. I hope that this review will be useful not only to students and their teachers, but also to everyone interested in astronomy and cosmonautics.


    • popular science
    • astronomy and space exploration
    • teaching
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    A virtual guide to the starry sky, allowing you to travel almost like in a real spaceship, but without restrictions in time and space, and also learn a lot about the structure of the Universe.

    Children used to dream of being pilots and astronauts. But the formidable aunt Perestroika came, and they, having reconsidered their views, decided to become businessmen and managers :) However, childhood dreams still remained somewhere at the very bottom of consciousness (or subconscious) ...

    Looking at the starry sky, we involuntarily admire all the splendor of the Universe, and sometimes we regret that we exchanged our childhood dreams for a more prosaic way of existence.

    But... If you are still irresistibly drawn to the stars, you can easily make, albeit a virtual, but quite realistic journey through near and far space. To do this, you only need to have a computer and the appropriate program.

    Range of applications of this type is not particularly wide, but almost all of them have free status, so there is plenty to choose from. In my opinion, for free travel around the Universe, it is best to opt for the program Celestia.

    It allows you to fully view not only our Solar System, but also distant stars, as well as nebulae and even galaxies! Similar functionality is offered to us paid program Pocket Stars:

    Comparison of the free star map Celestia with its paid counterpart Pocket Stars

    Despite the fact that Pocket Stars introduced support for a 3D observation mode, it is still clearly not up to the level of Celestia in either the quality of textures or the ease of working with it.

    In addition, the paid analogue does not have a support system for third-party plugins that could significantly speed up the improvement in the detail of the display of celestial bodies. Therefore, Celestia is still far ahead of its competitors in all respects.

    Installing Celestia

    To install the program, we just need to open the downloaded archive and run the installer. Despite its English language, I think there will be no problems with the installation, since the whole process practically boils down to confirming all the forms proposed by the application. Once the installation process is complete, the program itself will start:

    During loading, Celestia will first show us our Sun, and then center the image on Earth. This completes the download and we can begin direct work with the program.

    Demo video of the program

    To better understand the purpose and capabilities of the application, I would advise you to first run a demo video. To do this, go to the “Help” menu and activate the “Run DEMO script” item:

    In the demo video we will see that with the help of Celestia you can observe any planets in the solar system, stars, or even our entire galaxy! Upon completion of the scenario, we will return to our starting position, that is, back to Earth.

    View Settings

    Before starting to work with the program, it would not be superfluous to also go into its settings and adjust them “to suit you.” To do this, call the “View” menu and open the “View Settings” item:

    Here we can activate the display of those components that we need and remove unnecessary ones. For example, we can enable the display of constellations in the corresponding section by checking the “Shapes” checkbox. And by unchecking the “Names in Latin” box, we will get the familiar Russian-language names of the constellations! In general, try and experiment ;).

    Program management

    A few words about program management. In fact, you can only use the mouse for this (although it is possible to work with hot keys). By holding down the left mouse button, we will be able to move the viewing window in a two-dimensional plane. For three-dimensional movement you need to hold down right key. Using the wheel, you can move closer or further from the selected viewing point.

    A single click of the left mouse button serves to select the desired object, and double - to center the view on the selected celestial body. Click right click mouse brings up the context menu:

    Using this menu, we can get detailed information about the selected celestial object, put a mark on it (to use as a reference) and/or navigate to it.

    When you select the “Go” item, an animated virtual “flight” in outer space is launched, after which we can see the selected object up close:

    In this case, in the upper left corner will be displayed quite detailed information about a celestial body.

    Navigation through the starry sky

    Now I propose to consider one of the main menus of the Celestia program - “Navigation”. Here all points are divided into three categories. The top contains functions that allow you to select any celestial bodies and travel to them.


    Interesting facts about various space objects (mainly the Solar System) can be gleaned from the Guide. By selecting a specific celestial body in the drop-down list, we will have the opportunity to read about it and, if desired, proceed to its observation.

    If you are “lost” in the Universe, the “Select the Sun” item will help you return to the Solar System ( hot button"N") Select the Sun and then activate the “Go to selected object” option or press the “G” button. Well, here we are at home :).

    Also, to navigate in the virtual space of the Celestia program, it is convenient to use the “navigation” menu items “Select object” and “Go to object”. The first allows you to find a celestial body by its name, while the second, in addition to the name of the object, can also use exact coordinates:

    Time travel

    We figured out how to move around the Universe with Celestia, but the program allows you to easily overcome not only space, but also time! With its help, we can simulate the location of celestial bodies, both in the past and in the future. To do this, just go to the “Time” menu and select “Setting time”:

    In the window that opens, you need to go to the “Julian Date” window and use it to set the required point in time. For example, without waiting for 2022, we can calmly observe a large parade of planets;).

    Installing add-ons

    If you're a serious astronomy enthusiast, you'll also appreciate Celestia's expandability. With the help of connected plugins you can get, for example, a detailed rendering of the relief of distant planets, display of nebulae and even fantastic elements in the form of spaceships and fictitious planetary systems.

    In this case, installing add-ons comes down to simply unpacking them into a special “Extras” directory in the program folder.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • good detail of outer space;
    • convenient control;
    • ability to manage time;
    • plugin support;
    • many settings.
    • there is no way to observe the sky from the surface of the Earth;
    • V basic version very few images of nebulae and galaxies.


    Celestia will be useful to anyone who wants to learn more about the cosmos around us. For example, at school, teachers and students can use the program in astronomy lessons to observe celestial bodies in real time.

    With Celestia you will always be aware of all events in the sky. It will help you find out when a particular comet will be visible, or where to look for the planet that you want to observe with binoculars or a telescope;).

    Finally, the program will allow you to look into the most remote corners of our galaxy and see even stars that are millions of light years away! In general, as Big Ear said, there are many miracles in the sky! And to see them, just install Celestia ;)

    P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote. this article provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

    Stellarium is a freely distributed planetarium program for computers, laptops and netbooks (there are also separate versions for iOS and Android operating systems). Stellarium realistically visualizes outer space in 3-D format, as if the user were viewing the starry sky in a real planetarium, through binoculars or through a real telescope. To build a virtual computer planetarium at home, just download Stellarium for free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, as well as Vista and XP SP 3 (32-bit and 64-bit) on your PC, install and run this program. Connecting a powerful digital USB telescope and an HD projector will bring the Stellarium virtual home planetarium to the level of a real planetarium in a regional center or a scientific university observatory. Similar system works at the regional planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod.

    Description and functionality

    For those interested in astronomy, or parents who want to introduce their children to this spectacular science, we recommend downloading Stellarium in Russian for free from the mirror of the official website, without leaving the site without registration and SMS. Stellarium will become a real virtual home planetarium, capable of showing on a computer screen in real time everything that people go to a real planetarium for, or why they buy an expensive optical telescope. By entering your geographical coordinates, the user receives a spatially oriented, realistic 3D image on the screen and can explore the sky as if looking at it from his window through an optical or radio telescope. The image of the starry sky is not static, it changes in real time. In Stellarium you can slow down or speed up the passage of time, or go to a certain moment in the past.

    To creative individuals who wish latest version Download Stellarium for free in Russian for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP SP 3 (32-bit and 64-bit) to your computer, you’ll love the ability to add space and terrestrial objects and phenomena own production. For example, you can create your own galaxy, star, system of planets and satellites. You can name your own creations, for example, by your own name, or by the names of your friends. If you post your creation on the Internet, then share it with friends on in social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google Plus, it won’t be difficult to become famous like Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Edwin Powell Hubble, after whom space objects are also named.

    Cross-platform functionality of the free Stellarium program is supported for operating systems Microsoft systems Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, there are also separate applications for mobile iOS platforms(iPhone, iPad) and Android. IN App Store And Google Play you can easily find Stellarium for the right price. These applications, called Stellarium Mobile, are ported versions for iPhones, iPads and Android smartphones and tablets. Developers original program Stellarium is not directly related to these versions. Regular version virtual planetarium for personal computer distributed free of charge under the GNU General Public License, with source code open to developers. Stellarium uses OpenGL and Qt specifications, which allows you to create a colorful, realistic celestial sphere in real time. Among the popular analogues it is necessary to mention free programs(Google Earth), WorldWide Telescope (World Wide Telescope), Celestia (Celestia), StarCalc (Star Cals).

    A realistic three-dimensional picture of the starry sky in Stellarium contains stars (from one hundred twenty thousand to more than two hundred million, additionally loaded), nebulae (according to Messier), the Milky Way, planets and their satellites. Those who decide to download the free Russian version of Stellarium for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (x86 or x64) should pay attention to the following functionality Stellarium like:

    • selection of observation location (from anywhere in the world),
    • timing to observe interesting events,
    • time control,
    • viewing a photorealistic 3D picture of the starry sky,
    • viewing photorealistic landscapes of planet Earth,
    • the highest quality and realism of images,
    • realistic twinkling of stars and other visual effects,
    • study of asterisms and outlines of constellations of various cultures,
    • image scaling,
    • display of geographical coordinates,
    • projection of quatorial, ecliptic, azimuthal and galactic grids,
    • Advanced Search,
    • viewing information about all objects,
    • the ability to control a real telescope,
    • working with projectors,
    • projecting images onto various surfaces, including domes,
    • creating maps with the exact location of all objects,
    • adding custom space and earth objects to the database,
    • connecting additional scripts.

    The functionality can be expanded using the many plugins, extensions and add-ons created today. The database of space objects is constantly updated, so periodically it is worth downloading the latest version of the Stellarium program for free in Russian and thus updating information about the universe on your computer.


    Any PC user can easily use the convenient, professionally designed interface of Stellarium. Based on user reviews and comments on social media vKontakte networks, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google+, even five-year-old children enjoy traveling in space and on planet Earth in the Stellarium program. High-quality support for the Russian language further simplifies the task of introducing astronomy.

    In virtual planetarium Stellarium convenient to observe the movement of stars, planets, satellites, comets and other celestial bodies, solar and lunar eclipses, sunrises and sunsets, fogs and other atmospheric phenomena. With maximum comfort, Stellarium allows you to virtually travel around our planet Earth, viewing not only celestial phenomena, but also terrestrial panoramic landscapes.

    Using Stellarium with additional hardware

    For scientific research or astronomy games, you can connect a real digital USB telescope to your computer, such as Celestron, Sky-Watcher, Meade, Vixen, National Geographic. Such telescopes are used to observe the Moon, planets and their satellites, galaxies, nebulae, star clusters and terrestrial objects. Connecting a telescope with digital output connection to a computer allows not only observation in more comfortable conditions, but also video recording. Displaying titles and other titles on the computer screen useful information about stars, planets, satellites and other space objects allows you to move from contemplation to study. Information about objects necessarily contains coordinates, distance, azimuth and altitude.

    If you have a projector, using projection modes, you can equip an almost real planetarium in any room of the house and conduct excursions. Design modes: normal, perspective, sphere and wide-angle fisheye. By changing the design modes on any ceiling you can create the illusion of a real star dome. It is advisable to download Stellarium in Russian for a computer for free from the mirror of the official website on this page of the website without registration and SMS, since without this program, even if you have a telescope or powerful binoculars, such a range of possibilities is not available.

    Free programs download for free

    Now you are on the page "Stellarium - a virtual home planetarium for a computer" of the site, where everyone has the opportunity to legally download free programs for a computer with Microsoft Windows for free. This page was updated on 02/12/2019. Thank you for visiting the programs to study section.

    The image of a person staring at a small screen and not noticing anything that is happening around is a common illustration of a typical smartphone and tablet user. However, in fact, these mobile devices can not only take a person away from reality, but also, on the contrary, open up new interesting facets of it. Today we want to introduce you to a series of Android applications that will open your eyes to the stars.


    This application gives you basic information about the main astronomical objects such as constellations, planets of the solar system, their satellites and so on. You can find out detailed data about their properties, location, visibility depending on the observer’s position, date, time and time zone. The application has a beautiful design and a well-developed interface.

    Vortex Planetarium – Astronomy

    One of the most complete planetariums in Google store Play. Allows you to see the starry sky without leaving the comfort of your living room. Using a camera lens and special augmented reality technology, you can superimpose an image of the night sky directly onto the environment around you. This feature is not available in any other similar application.

    Astronomy Picture of the Day

    A simple program that automatically downloads and sets new wallpapers from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day catalog as your desktop picture every day. You can also read Interesting Facts about displayed astronomical objects and phenomena.

    Stellarium Mobile Sky Map

    This is another fully featured planetarium for your phone that you can use to gain knowledge about the stars. By pointing your device's camera at any astronomical object in the sky, you will receive its full name, picture and location within a few seconds. The app contains data on more than 600,000 stars, real-time sky maps, and 3D visualizations of the solar system's major planets and their moons.

    Star Chart

    This application is included in the list of the most popular programs in the Education category and is installed on mobile devices more than ten million people. Star Chart brings a virtual planetarium right to your pocket. It uses location technology with using GPS, a 3D model of the universe that computes in real time current location every star and planet visible from Earth. If you want to find out the name and information about any speck in the sky, just point your device's camera at it.