Sleep mode button on the keyboard. How to put your computer to sleep using buttons or hotkeys

Instead of constantly shutting down your PC when you're done using it, you can instead easily go to sleeping Windows mode 10 using a specific button. How to enable sleep mode, how to deactivate it, what difficulties an ordinary user may encounter when interacting with sleep-mode - we are going to provide answers to all the above questions in this instruction.

How to activate sleep-mode in Windows 10?

To put the computer into sleep mode, use the start button “Start”: hold it down and click in the menu that appears right key mouse on the power icon, and after that, select the “Sleep mode” category in the pop-up menu.

As a result of this elementary manipulation, the computer display will go dark, but the PC itself will not be turned off. To return the operating system to working status again, press any button on the keyboard or move the mouse cursor on the screen.

How to disable sleep mode in Windows 10?

To disable sleep-mode, you should, as always, resort to the new Settings menu, available in the Start menu. Instead of this, a more familiar method, you can use the “Win ​​+ I” button combination. In the new menu, select the “System” subcategory, and then select the “Power and Sleep Mode” section.

In the above section of the menu, you can configure the activation of sleep-mode when recharging the laptop both from the network and from the battery.

Additional configuration options can be accessed slightly further down in the Advanced Power Options category. Here we can configure the functioning of the laptop as a result of closing the lid or pressing the power button. You can learn more about these options in the subsections presented below.

Customizing sleep-mode in the control panel

By getting into the power supply settings menu through the guidance specified in the previous section, or using a more familiar method (this is to open the control panel and stop in the “Power Options” section), you will also get the ability to disable sleep mode in Windows 10 and debug its operation, and more flexible and accurate than in the description of the above methodology.

Near the one you are involved in currently time with the power supply scheme, click the “Configure power supply scheme” control. In the window that will appear in front of you, you will have the right to set the time interval for activating the sleep status both when powered from the network and from the battery. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to complete shutdown sleep by choosing context menu"Never" option.

To gain access to detailed sleep-mode parameters, you should resort to the “Change advanced power settings” control in the lower area active window. In this category you will have the opportunity to configure additional options, providing:

— setting the sleep-mode activation period (if the value is set to “0,” sleep will be completely disabled);

— activation and deactivation of the hybrid sleep-mode (in fact, this is one of the sleep state techniques when information about memory registers is saved to the disk drive in the event that the device’s power is suddenly turned off);

- activation of recovery mode timers after a sleepy state - usually, these settings do not need to be touched at all, not taking into account those situations when you have difficulties with variably turning on the power supply mode to the computer after it has been deactivated (if you have exactly such problems, All timers should definitely be deactivated).

Well, another significant category that you should not bypass to configure Windows 10 sleep mode is the “Power Buttons and Lid” section. Here you have the right to set the default functions of the computer when closing the lid (meaning the laptop lid) and the behavior of the power key (the default value is the “Sleep” option).

If necessary, in the form auxiliary option there is a configuration for deactivating drives if the PC is inactive (in the “Hard Drive” subsection), as well as customizing the device to turn off or minimize the screen brightness (in the “Screen” subsection).

The main difficulties encountered when interacting with sleep-mode

1. Well, Windows 10 sleep mode is deactivated, the display is also turned off, but after a short time interval the screen still turns off and no action occurs. This problem, as a rule, happens to users most often. Open the control panel, then go to the “Design and Personalization” section, “Changing the Screen Saver” subsection.

2. The device does not exit sleep mode– in this case, either a black display is shown, or there is no reaction to button presses, however, the indication itself indicates that the sleep state is activated. The most obvious way to fix this problem is to reinstall standard driver video adapter, Windows installed 10 by default to the personalized one offered by the device manufacturer. For removing outdated version apply drivers Display utility Driver Uninstaller, and when the uninstallation is complete, download personalized drivers from the manufacturer's website. Attention: if the situation described above occurred on a laptop with an integrated graphics chipset, you will most likely need Final version libraries from the website of the PC manufacturer itself. If the version for “ten” is not here, take a build suitable for Win 7 or Win 8 and install it in compatibility-mode.

3. Power to a desktop computer or laptop is immediately restored after entering a sleep state or turning off the device. This functionality was often observed by our editors on Lenovo devices (however, similar behavior is likely on other trademarks). To resolve the problem described above, deactivate the recovery timers in additional parameters voltage supply in the control panel (to get there, use the right mouse button on the start button).

These are all the difficulties that the Windows 10 sleep mode can push a user into. We hope that the sleep state on your PC will continue to work stably and without complaints, and if any manual intervention is needed, you will be able to use it quickly and easily , which is what our instructions will help you with.

Why do you need a sleep button at all? For example, you often use a computer and have to leave the computer often. But when you return to the computer again, you need to turn it on again! It’s good if this happens once a day, but if it happens 2, 3 or 5 times.

That's what the sleep button is for.

A small digression:

Added 06/15/2017.

Before we go further, study the keyboard, if there is a button with some kind of sleep mode concept, then try what happens if you press this button. On different laptops and keyboards have different buttons, and it happens that there is a sleep mode button, or there is not.

That's why. If you do not find the sleep mode button, then you can go to point No. 2.

On my old one desktop computer, which was purchased in 2007, was separate button sleep mode. It was located to the right of the enter button. By the way, there was also a separate shutdown button.

Option #1.

Today I have And there is a FN button, between ctrl button and windows. This means that when you press the FN button and another button, a completely different command is executed than if you simply pressed that button without the FN button.

For everyone modern keyboards, the sleep mode button can be absolutely in different places! But this button exists! And we will look for her today! How do you imagine - what should the button that is responsible for sleep mode look like?

This button should be associated with sleep! We open our eyes and look carefully at the keyboard - my guess is that this is the F4 button - on which a crescent moon is drawn and there is a sleep mode button! And indeed - on my keyboard - the sleep mode button is F4.

Learn the keyboard and you will be happy!

Option #2.

If you don’t have a sleep mode on your keyboard, then it’s okay - there is a sleep mode when you close the laptop lid, or if you have a stationary PC, then you can reassign any button on your keyboard to sleep mode. We'll write about this option soon.

Sleep mode when closing the laptop lid.

Depending on the operating system Depending on the brand of laptop, the path to settings will be different.

Therefore, open the search and enter closing the lid there

Keywords button, sleep, mode, keyboard, transition, sleeping,
When the file was created - 11/27/2013
date last change file 10/04/2018
Views 6988 since September 4 (counter launched in 2017)

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In this tutorial, I will show you how you can change the default value of the power button in the Start menu and the values ​​of the power and sleep buttons to , to Windows example 7.

Let's start with the Start menu, since not all keyboards have power and sleep buttons.

Changing the Power button value in the Start menu

For example, let's create the following situation: let's say you very often leave the computer for a while, and each time you put it into sleep mode. To do this, you need to go to the Start menu, click on the additional arrow. Power button menu and select “Sleep”. See screenshot below.

So, it’s much more convenient if the default is “Sleep” rather than “Shutdown”.

Follow the steps below to change the power button value.

1. B empty space right-click the taskbar or Start menu and select Properties.

2. In the window that opens, go to the “Start Menu” tab. And change the action of the power button to “Sleep”, or another item you need.

3. To save the settings, click “OK” at the bottom of the window.

The default setting of the power button will now be “Sleep”.

Changing the meaning of the Power and Sleep buttons on the keyboard

Setting the meanings of these buttons on the keyboard is no more difficult than in the Start menu. Just follow the instructions below.

1. Open Control Panel (Start menu/Control Panel).

Or if you have the small icons view in the Control Panel, then immediately select “Power Options” and then click on the above-mentioned menu on the left.

Pressing the Sleep button on your keyboard or Sleep in the menu Windows Startup Vista should cause the computer to go into low power mode. In this state, the computer screen should be blank and the power light on the front panel should be blinking. This mode allows you to save energy while the computer is not in use.

To wake up your computer, move your mouse, press the Sleep button on your keyboard, or press the power button on the front of your computer.

Rice. : Sleep/Standby button in Windows Vista

Rice. : Sleep button on keyboard

Use this document to troubleshoot an issue where your computer randomly wakes up from sleep, does not go into low power mode when you press the Sleep button on your keyboard or Sleep/Hibernate in the Start menu, or does not wake up. when you press the "Sleep" button on your keyboard.


If you can't wake up your computer by pressing the Sleep button on your keyboard, you can usually do this by using the power button on the front panel.

Step 1. Activate the keyboard to wake up the computer

Skip this step if the computer does not go into sleep mode or wakes up spontaneously.

If pressing the Sleep button on your keyboard does not wake up your computer from Sleep mode, it is possible that the keyboard's sleep function may not be enabled. Enable the keyboard function as follows:

Step 2: Change device settings

The computer “wakes up” from sleep mode spontaneously, without apparent reason? Some device settings may cause your computer to unexpectedly exit a low-power state. Activity of devices such as wireless mouse, network or device High Definition Audio may cause the computer to "wake up". Activity network equipment may wake the computer from sleep mode, especially if the network is always on (for example, a cable modem or DSL connection). Follow these steps to prevent signals from these devices from waking your computer from sleep mode:

Step 3: Use Microsoft System Restore

If sleep/standby mode was previously working, try returning the system to a more stable state. early state when the problem did not arise. If the problem has occurred before, skip this step.

System Restore:

Step 4: Disable the screen saver

Some programs - "screen savers" - may conflict with sleep/standby mode. Shutdown screen saver or replacing it with another one may fix the problem.

Step 5. Block programs from starting at startup

Many components software run automatically and work unnoticed. Most of these programs are not necessary for the computer to function, but they can affect the computer's sleep/standby mode. Execute the following actions for troubleshooting. This will block programs from starting when Windows boots.

But even while extending the life of hard drives, we are faced with another problem. This is noise coming from the computer and high power consumption in constant-on mode. To solve this problem, Windows has power management modes.

In XP everything is simple: standby and hibernation modes. The standby mode is very good. We press the button - the hard drives turn off, the screen goes dark, saving energy and creating silence, but the machine works and is ready to turn on at any key press on the keyboard or mouse.

In Windows 7 they went too far: they made three modes. These are, hibernation mode and hybrid sleep mode. And the translators have confused everything to the limit. Look, in XP there were and are, as we know, 2 modes: “Sleep mode” was designated as “waiting”, and the “Hybernate” mode was translated as “Sleeping”. Cheerful translators, in a word.

In Windows 7, "Hybernate" was called "Hibernation", and "Stand by" or "Sleep mode" was designated as "Sleep". And they also created a third mode, which is designated as “Hybrid sleeper”.

Without a glass of Coca-Cola, these modes are difficult to understand.


I needed to make the same settings on the installed Windows 7 that correspond to the "Standby" mode in XP. And my adventures began...

In short, it has been experimentally revealed that the "Standby" mode in XP is the "Sleep" mode in Win 7, and the "Sleep" mode in XP is the "Hibernation" mode in Win 7.

During hibernation, the computer turns off completely, but the contents of the memory are written to a file on the hard drive. When turned on, the session is restored completely, as before the computer went into hibernation. This mode takes time, which feels a little longer than a normal Windows boot.

Separately, I’ll say about the hybrid sleep mode in Win 7. This is a combination of sleep mode and hibernation. A memory image is made and saved to the hard drive, as with hibernation. At the same time, the computer does not turn off, but switches to reduced power consumption, as in sleep mode.

In Win 7, I am not interested in this mixed mode or hibernation mode. I need the “Sleep” mode so that I can turn off the screen and hard drives and turn everything back on in a few seconds (analogous to the “Standby” mode in XP). And for this, just, you need to dig a little deeper into the power settings.

But first, you need to configure the following in Device Manager:


Network adapter

Perhaps all these jackdaws will already be standing; all the better. This is so that when you press a key on the keyboard or mouse, the computer wakes up.

Next, Start -> Control Panel -> instead of “category” select “icons”. At the bottom there will be “Energy Supplies”, click on it.

You can set up Sleep mode by choosing a power plan, such as Balanced. It’s better to disable “Sleep” in these settings and force the computer into this mode at night.

It’s better to set “Never”, more about additional power options below

You can activate the “Sleep” mode (other modes as well) from the keyboard if it has a Sleep button. Can be activated via the "Start" button. Previously, this mode, like any other, can be assigned to the power button, or you can not assign it, but select it from the drop-down menu:

What the power buttons do

Assigning modes to the power button and sleep button

You can shut down work, or you can choose sleep or hibernation

And a few more important settings. If we want the “Sleep” mode, but at the same time leave some default settings in the depths of our “Balanced” energy plan, then the “Sleep” mode simply will not work. This also applies to hibernation.

By default, hybrid sleep mode is set. We turn it off by going to the additional power settings, as in the screenshot, and turn on, if suddenly turned off, wake-up timers, in order to wake up the computer from the mouse.

Even with all this, there may be problems with the computer entering or exiting Sleep mode. Sometimes the whole computer freezes. Very often the monitor does not come out of sleep. The video card is most likely to blame here. This is especially noticeable on Radeons of the 7000 series. As an option to solve the glitch with the monitor waking up from sleep, you can try:

  • update video card drivers

  • update motherboard chipset drivers

  • turn off the webcam and mouse from their sockets while checking sleep mode

  • reset the BIOS by temporarily removing the battery and unplugging the power cord from the outlet

They say that the following can also help: change the PCI-E slot of the video card, change the jumper on the motherboard, update the BIOS, use a monitor and not a TV, change the socket of the video signal output cable to the monitor, play with wake-up timer modes, disable external card readers and usb -hubs, change the standard “Aero” theme to another one.