PPP - configuration example and description. PPP protocol

PPP (Point-to-Point-Protocol) is a second-layer protocol of the OSI model used on WAN links. PPP is an open protocol, which allows it to be used when it is necessary to connect Cisco devices with devices from other manufacturers (unlike HDLC, regarding the specification of which Cisco has its own opinion).

It's worth doing right away important note: The PPP protocol is multifunctional and widespread, but at the same time, the CCNA course discusses only one way to use it: connecting two routers to each other via a serial cable. In fact, the scope of the protocol is not limited to these cases. PPP can work over null modem cable, telephone line, in cellular communication. Other popular uses of PPP are to encapsulate it within other layer 2 protocols. Let me explain: PPP itself is at the second level of the OSI model and provides direct connection between two devices, but if it is encapsulated in another second layer protocol - Ethernet (PPP over Ethernet– PPPoE), then the ethernet will deliver frames from the sender’s poppy address to the recipient’s poppy address, after which the recipient will decapsulate the PPP frame from the Ethernet and then for protocols wrapped in PPP (IPv4, IPX, ...) a complete “illusion” of that will be created , that the connection is point-to-point. In this case, PPP itself will deal with such things as authentication and traffic compression. There are other ways to use PPP, such as PPP over ATM - PPPoA, Microsoft Windows uses for VPN creation PPTP protocol, which is also an add-on to PPP. But that's all lyrical digression, to make it clear why study PPP at all. In the CCNA Accessing the WAN course, PPP is a protocol for connecting two routers via a serial cable.

What can PPP do compared to HDLC?

  1. Line quality control (PPP disconnects the link if the number of errors exceeds the specified value).
  2. Authentication using PAP or CHAP.
  3. Multilink is a technology reminiscent of Etherchannel in Ethernet: several different links are combined into one logical one, with a speed equal to the amount the links included in it.
  4. PPP Callback is a technology used to improve security: the client establishes a connection with the server, the server breaks the connection and establishes a new one for its part - to the client.

In fact, when transmitting data from router to router, PPP is encapsulated in HDLC, which performs the "transport" functions for PPP frames. You can read more about HDLC in the article “HDLC Protocol – configuration example and description.” PPP – has a layered structure, when a PPP frame comes from the network it rises through the internal PPP sublayers from bottom to top:

  1. The first sublayer of HDLC - receives the frame, checks the recipient address, checksum and transmits useful information further.
  2. The LCP (Link Control Protocol) sublayer, as the name implies, manages the connection, sends and receives various service flags, monitors the connection state (connected/disabled), monitors line quality, and monitors the consistency of configuration parameters between points.
  3. The NCP (Network Control Protocol) sublayer consists of large quantity modules, each of which communicates with a specific third-layer protocol (IPv4, IPv6, IPX, AppleTalk, ...). Thanks to this, within one established PPP connection with one login and password, it is possible to transmit traffic of different protocols network layer.

Establishing a connection between two routers using the PPP protocol occurs in layers from bottom to top, breaking the connection occurs from top to bottom.

That is, communication is established in this order: LCP, NCP, third-level payload. And it breaks: end of useful data transmission, NCP, LCP. As you can see, HDLC does not establish or tear down connections, since PPP uses HDLC frames without delivery confirmation.

The PPP frame structure is as follows:

  1. FLAG is a sign of the beginning of a frame, a special sequence of zeros and ones (“01111110”), which tells the recipient that the body of the frame will follow.
  2. ADDRESS – recipient address; the PPP protocol always uses the broadcast “11111111”.
  3. CONTROL – field contains the value “00000011”
  4. PROTOCOL – a field containing the number of the third-level protocol, the packet of which is “wrapped” in this frame.
  5. DATA – field with useful data of higher protocols.
  6. FCS check sum, which is calculated when the frame is sent and compared with the resulting recalculation, which is done when the frame is received. As a result, if the sums do not match, the frame is considered “broken” and discarded.
  7. FLAG – a sign of the end of a frame, contains the same value as the sign of the beginning of a frame.

Setting up PPP on Cisco equipment, as already mentioned, the CCNA course is not difficult. It is executed on the interface:

  1. Select the compression algorithm using the compress command
  2. We set the line quality, which will be considered acceptable (if the number of errors is more than given connection will burst). The command for this is ppp quality.
  3. We select the authentication method PAP or CHAP (more information about this can be found in the article “What is the difference between PAP and CHAP". The authentication method is set by command ppp authentication.
  4. It is necessary to configure the user under which our router will connect to another. Here the commands are different for CHAP and PAP. The user himself is added by the command username<имя> password<пароль>, and this should be done not on the interface, but in global configuration mode, but in the case of using PAP, you also need to use the command on the interface ppp pap sent-username <имя> password<пароль>.

Using PAP in real configurations is not advisable, so we will limit ourselves to an example of configuring CHAP. So, suppose the topology is as follows, you need to configure PPP with CHAP authentication. Setting up on the first router:

Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#hostname R1 R1(config)#username R2 password 123456789 R1(config)#interface serial 0/3/0 R1(config-if)#en R1(config-if)#encapsulation ppp R1(config-if )#ppp authentication chap R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#no shutdown %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/3/0, changed state to down

Setting up on the second router:

Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#hostname R2 R2(config)#username R1 password 123456789 R2(config)#interface serial0/3/0 R2(config-if)#encapsulation ppp R2(config-if)#ppp authentication chap R2(config- if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shutdown %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial0/3/0, changed state to up %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0 /3/0, changed state to up

Please note that the user we create on router R1 has the name R2, and on R2 - R1. This is necessary, because when one router connects to another, it indicates its name, accordingly, the other must know this name (see it in its list local users). Another important detail: the passwords for users R1 and R2 must match.

To check we can run the command:

R2#sh ip inter brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol … Serial0/3/0 YES manual up up …

If the status is “up” and the protocol is “down”, then this usually means that there are some problems with PPP - incorrect authentication, passwords do not match, line quality is lower than what we ordered, etc. In this case, you will have to check the configs and run debug ppp, which I wouldn’t wish on my enemy.

So. It so happened that I got it DSL modem and phone line for the Internet. The task arose to set up the whole thing. Let's get started.

Add lines to /etc/rc.conf


Word provider- can be arbitrary. This identifies the settings of the exact connection that will be used. Actually in configuration file(meaning /etc/ppp/ppp.conf) there can be several descriptions, and each can be used for its own connection.

Next, go to the directory /etc/ppp. To do this, you must have root rights (otherwise it won’t let you in). Most often, the default config is already present. But if this is not the case, read below. In any case, here is the file ppp.conf to this look.

set device PPPoE:em0:provider
set speed sync
set mru 1492
set mtu 1492
set ctsrts off
set timeout 0
set redial 0 0
enable lqr
set lqrperiod 5

set authname LOGIN
set authkey PASSWORD
add default HISADDR

Let's explain some parameters.

em0— external interface name
set authname— set a login to access the Internet
set authkey— the actual password :)

A few words about MTU.

MTUMaximum Transmission Unit. This maximum size block of data that can be transferred through the interface. This concept is at the intersection L2 And L3 and its interpretation may vary between vendors.

For example, typical size MTU for physical L3-interface 1500 . That is, roughly speaking, IP-package size 1500 the byte will be processed and 1501 – discarded or fragmented. Often packet fragmentation is not allowed, so large packets are discarded.

If you use tunneling, the packet size increases due to additional headers ( GRE, IPSec etc.) For example:

— for GRE: 24 bytes (GRE, New IP).
— for GRE over IPSec: 56 or more bytes (depends on operating mode and encryption type)
— for PPPoE: 36 (PPP, PPPoE, Ethernet)

If on your router MTU=1514, but the provider has physical interface costs MTU=1500, and the packet will be discarded.

This is a completely typical problem for all kinds of tunnels.

THE INDOTS IN THIS FILE ARE VERY SIGNIFICANT!!! Words provider And default start strictly from the beginning of the line, all other parameters begin strictly from the indentation. Actually that's all. You can start the connection like this

#ppp -ddial provider

To manage connection settings in real time, use the utility pppctl. With its help, you can change connection settings on the fly.


In this case, the logs will display fewer entries about connection

2) Break at any time

The dial string for your modem may be to blame

set dial ".... ATS10=10 OK ......"

Try setting a smaller/more timeout

3) Other breaks

Alternatively, disable compression

disable pred1 deflate deflate24 protocomp acfcomp shortseq vj
deny pred1 deflate deflate24 protocomp acfcomp shortseq vj

  • Authentication. Connected routers exchange authentication messages. Two authentication options are available: PAP-based and CHAP-based.
  • Compression. This feature improves the efficiency throughput PPP connections, reducing the amount of data per frame transmitted over the link. The protocol decompresses the frame at the destination. There are two compression protocols available on Cisco routers: Stacker and Predictor.
  • Error detection. This function detects failure conditions. The Quality and Magic Number parameters help ensure a reliable loop-free data transmission channel. The Magic Number field is used to detect channels that have a loop. Until the Magic-Number configuration parameter negotiation is successfully completed, the null value this parameter. Magic-Number parameter values ​​are generated randomly at each end of the connection.
  • PPP Callback. The PPP callback is used to improve security. By using this LCP protocol option, the Cisco router can act as a client or server callback. The client makes the initial call, asks the server for a callback, and completes the initial call. The callback router answers the initial call and makes a callback to the client based on configuration commands. The command used is ppp callback [ accept | request ] .

After setting the parameters, the corresponding field value is inserted into the LCP protocol parameter field.

Basic PPP Setup Commands

Starting PPP on an interface

To configure PPP as the encapsulation method used by the serial interface, use the interface configuration command encapsulation ppp .

The following example enables PPP encapsulation on serial interface 0/0/0.

R3# configure terminal

R3(config)# interface serial 0/0/0

R3(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

The team encapsulation ppp no arguments. Remember that if Cisco router PPP encapsulation is not configured, then HDLC encapsulation will be used by default for serial interfaces.

The figure shows routers R1 and R2 configured to use both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address on their serial interfaces. PPP is a Layer 2 encapsulation that supports various Layer 3 protocols, including IPv4 and IPv6.

PPP compression commands

You can configure point-to-point software compression on serial interfaces after activating PPP encapsulation. Because in this mode the compression process is called programmatically, it may affect system performance. If the traffic already consists of compressed files.zip, .tar or .mpeg should not be used. The figure shows the command syntax compress .

To configure PPP transmission compression, enter the following commands.

R3(config)# interface serial 0/0/0

R3(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

R3(config-if)# compress [ predictor | stac ]

PPP Link Quality Monitoring Team

Remember that LCP provides additional stage determining channel quality. At this point, the LCP examines the link to determine whether the link quality is sufficient to support Layer 3 protocols.

Team ppp quality percentage ensures that the channel meets the established quality requirements; otherwise the channel is closed.

The percentage is calculated for both incoming and outgoing directions. Upstream link quality is calculated by comparing the total number of packets and bytes sent with total number packets and bytes received by the destination node. Inbound link quality is calculated by comparing the total number of packets and bytes received with the total number of packets and bytes sent by the destination node.

If the channel quality percentage is not supported, then the channel quality is considered low and the channel is disabled. The Quality Monitor (LQM) implements a time-delay mechanism to ensure that the channel does not undergo sequential activation and deactivation.

The following configuration example monitors the data sent to the channel and prevents frame generation loops (see figure).

R3(config)# interface serial 0/0/0

R3(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

R3(config-if)# ppp quality 80

To disable the LQM tool, use the command no ppp quality .

Multilink PPP Commands

Multilink PPP (also referred to as MP, MPPP, MLP, or Multilink) provides a method for distributing traffic across multiple physical WAN links. Multilink PPP also provides packet fragmentation and reassembly, proper sequencing, cross-vendor capability, and load balancing of incoming and outgoing traffic.

MPPP allows you to fragment packets and send those fragments simultaneously over multiple point-to-point links over the same to a remote address. In response to user defined load threshold value opens several physical channels. MPPP can measure the load on only incoming traffic or only on outgoing traffic, but not the total load on both traffics.

Setting up MPPP is a two-step process (see figure).

Step 1. Creating a multi-channel group.

  • The multi-channel interface is created by the team interface multilink number .
  • In interface configuration mode, the multilink interface is assigned an IP address. In this example, both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address are configured on routers R3 and R4.
  • Multilink PPP is started on the interface.
  • The interface is assigned a multichannel group number.

Step 2. Assigning interfaces to a multichannel group.

The following settings are made on each interface that is part of a multi-channel group.

  • PPP encapsulation is enabled.
  • Multilink PPP is activated.
  • You are assigned to a group by specifying the group number configured in step 1.

To disable multilink PPP, use the command no ppp multilink .

Checking PPP Settings

To verify that HDLC or PPP encapsulation is configured correctly, use the command show interfaces serial . The command output displays the PPP setting (see figure).

After setting HDLC in the command output show interfaces serial The line encapsulation HDL C should appear. If PPP is configured, LCP and NCP status should also be displayed. Note that the IPCP and IPV6CP network control protocols are open to IPv4 and IPv6 because routers R1 and R2 have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses installed.

In Fig. shows a list of commands for checking PPP.

Team show ppp multilink checks whether PPP multilink is enabled on R3 (see Figure 3).

The output shows the Multilink 1 interface, the host names of the local and remote endpoints, and serial interfaces, included in a multi-channel group.

PPP authentication

PPP defines an extensible LCP protocol that allows an authentication protocol to be negotiated to verify the identity of the interlocutor before allowing network layer protocols to carry data over the link. RFC 1334 defines two protocols for authentication, PAP and CHAP (see figure).

PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) is a very simple two-step process. It does not use encryption. The username and password are sent unencrypted. Once received, the connection is allowed to be established. CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) has more high level protection than PAP. It uses a three-step shared secret key exchange.

The PPP session authentication step is optional. If used, the peer is authenticated after the LCP establishes a channel and selects an authentication protocol. If it is used, authentication is performed before the network layer protocol configuration phase begins.

Authentication options require the caller to enter authentication information. This ensures that the user has permission network administrator to make a call. Connected routers exchange authentication messages.

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

One of PPP's many functions is to perform Layer 2 authentication in addition to authentication, encryption, access control, and general security procedures at other layers.

PAP initialization

The PAP protocol provides a simple method of verifying a peer through a two-step handshake. PAP is a non-interactive protocol. If the command is used ppp authentication pap , the username and password can be sent as a single LCP data packet instead of the server asking for a login name and waiting for a response, as shown in Fig. 1. After PPP completes the connection establishment phase, the remote node resends the username/password pair over the channel until the receiving node acknowledges it or completes the connection.

Completion of PAP

At the receiving node, the username-password is checked by the authentication server, which either allows or denies the connection. An acceptance or rejection message is returned to the requester, as shown in Figure. 2.

PAP is not a strong authentication protocol. With PAP, passwords are sent unencrypted, so there is no protection against replay attacks or repeated trial-and-error attacks. The remote node controls the frequency and timing of attempts to enter the network.

However, there are situations in which the use of PAP is justified. For example, despite its disadvantages, PAP can be used in the following conditions.

  • Incompatibility between CHAP implementations from different vendors

Encapsulation and PPP Authentication Process

Scheme in Fig. explains the PPP authentication process when performing PPP setup. The diagram shows visual example PPP decision logic.

For example, if an incoming PPP request does not require authentication, PPP goes to next level. If an incoming PPP request requires authentication, the request can be authenticated by either the local database or the security server. As shown in the diagram, after successful authentication, the process moves to new level, and if authentication fails, the connection is terminated and the incoming PPP request is ignored.

Follow the steps in the figure to see how R1 establishes a CHAP-authenticated PPP connection to R2.

Step 1. R1 first negotiates a link connection with R2 using LCP, and the two systems agree to use CHAP authentication during PPP LCP negotiation.

Step 2. R2 generates an ID and a random number, then sends this data and its username to R1 as a CHAP control packet.

Step 3. Router R1 uses the username of the challenger (R2) and, based on this name, cross-references it to look for the corresponding password in its local base data. R1 then generates an MD5 hash using R2's router username, ID, random number, and shared secret password. In this example, the shared secret password is boardwalk.

Step 4. Router R1 then sends router R2 the control packet ID, the hash value, and its username (R1).

Step 5. R2 generates its eigenvalue hash code using the ID, shared secret password and random number, originally sent to router R1.

Step 6. R2 compares its hash value with the value sent by R1. If the values ​​match, then R2 sends a link establishment response to router R1.

If the request fails authentication, a CHAP packet with error information is generated, consisting of the following components:

  • 04 = CHAP error message type
  • id = copied from response package
  • "Authentication failure" or similar text message, understandable to the user.

The shared secret password must be identical on both routers R1 and R2.

Setting up PPP authentication

To specify the order in which the CHAP and PAP protocols are requested on an interface, use the interface configuration command ppp authentication, as it shown on the picture. To disable authentication, use a negated version of this command ( no ).

After CHAP, PAP, or both authentication is enabled, the local router prompts the remote device evidence of its authenticity. To do this, perform the following steps.

  • PAP authentication prompts the remote device for a username and password to compare with the corresponding entry in the local username database or the remote TACACS/TACACS+ database.
  • CHAP authentication sends a control request to the remote device. The remote device must encrypt the control value using a shared secret key and return the encrypted value and its name to the local router in a response message. Local router uses the remote device name to look up the corresponding secret key in the local username database or the remote TACACS/TACACS+ database. He uses the one he found The secret key to encrypt the original check value and checks the encrypted values ​​for identity.

Note. TACACS is a dedicated Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) server used to authenticate users. TACACS clients send a request to the TACACS authentication server. The server authenticates the user, authorizes the user's actions, and tracks the user's actions.

You can enable PAP, CHAP, or both protocols. If both methods are enabled, the method specified first is requested during communication negotiation. If the remote node suggests using the second method or simply refuses to use the first method, the second method is attempted. Some remote devices only support CHAP, and some only support PAP. The order in which methods are specified is based on considerations regarding the remote device's ability to correctly negotiate the appropriate method, as well as data link security considerations. PAP usernames and passwords are sent as open lines and can be intercepted and reused. The CHAP protocol has addressed most of the known security holes.

Configuring PPP with Authentication

The table describes the procedure for configuring PPP encapsulation and PAP/CHAP authentication protocols. It is important to configure this correctly because PAP and CHAP use these parameters for authentication.

Setting up PAP authentication

In Fig. An example of setting up two-way PAP authentication is provided. Each router both performs and passes authentication, so the corresponding PAP authentication commands mirror each other. The PAP username and password sent by each router must match the one specified in the command username name password password another router.

The PAP protocol provides a simple method of verifying a peer through a two-step handshake. This is only done after the channel is initially created. The hostname on one router must match the username configured for PPP on the other router. The passwords must also match. Specify the parameters passing the username and password in the command ppp pap sent-username name password password .

Setting up CHAP authentication

CHAP periodically verifies the identity of the remote host using a three-way handshake. The hostname on one router must match the username configured on the other router. The passwords must also match. The procedure is performed after the initial creation of the channel and can be repeated at any time after communication is established. In Fig. An example of setting up CHAP is given.

PPP provides a method for transmitting datagrams over serial communication links with a direct point-to-point connection. It includes three main components:

1. Encapsulation method (method of generating datagrams for transmission over serial channels). PPP uses frames similar to those of the HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) procedure as the basis for forming datagrams when passing through directly connected channels.

2. Extensible link control protocol LCP (Link Control Protocol). LCP is designed to organize, configure and verify data link connections.

3. Family of network control protocols NCP (Network Control Protocols). Serves to organize and select the configuration of various network layer protocols.

PPP can use many different network control protocols described elsewhere, so this specification covers them generally. This description of the PPP protocol includes a discussion of its general principles, encapsulation methods and a detailed description of the LCP protocol.

§1.2. Basic operating principles

In order to organize communication through a direct connection channel, the initiating PPP first sends LCP packets to configure the connection and also check the data link. After the link has been established and the necessary facultative negotiation has been performed by the LCP packet, the initiating PPP sends NCP packets to select and configure one or more network layer protocols. Once the configuration of each selected protocol is determined, datagrams from each network layer protocol can be sent via this channel. The channel maintains its configuration until LCP or NCP packets explicitly close it or until some external event occurs (for example, an idle timer expires or some user intervenes).

§1.3. Requirements defined by the physical layer

PPP can operate over any DTE/DCE interface (for example, EIA RS-232-C, EIA RS-422, EIA RS-423 and ITU-T V.35). The only absolute requirement that PPP imposes is that it must provide redundant circuits (either dedicated or switchable) that can operate in either synchronous or asynchronous serial mode, transparent to PPP link-layer data blocks. The PPP protocol does not impose any restrictions regarding the speed of information transfer, except those determined by the DTE/DCE interface used.

PPP uses the principles, terminology and data block structure of HDLC procedures (ISO 3309-1979) of the International Standards Organization (ISO), modified by ISO 3309-1984/PDAD1 "Addendum 1:Start/stop Trasmission" (Appendix 1: Start-stop transfer"). ISO 3309-1979 specifies the structure of the HLDC data block for use in synchronous environments. ISO 3309-1984/PDAD1 specifies proposed modifications to the ISO 3309-1979 standard that enable its use in asynchronous environments. PPP control procedures use the definition and encoding of control fields standardized by ISO 4335-1979 and ISO 4335-1979/Addendum 1-1979.

The PPP protocol is designed for communication channels that transport packets between two peer entities. These channels provide full duplex simultaneous bidirectional operation and transmit packets in the appropriate order. PPP is expected to provide a general solution for seamless communication between a wide variety of hosts, bridges, and routers.

I want to connect my Mobile Internet to a PC using a Bluetooth device. I installed the blue soleil software on my computer.

  • I can connect my mobile phone to Bluetooth device bluetooth
  • I selected my device and selected Bluetooth dial-up service.
  • It prompts for the warning "DUN connected to device?" in my mobile phone.
  • After clicking "YES" a window will open Bluetooth connections DUN.
  • In this window the fields "User Name", "PassWord" appeared, which I leave blank, and then "Dial = * 99 *** 1 #" and click the "Dial" button.
  • After that it says “Registering your computer on the network...” and stops working.
  • The error is like "error 734. The PPP communication control protocol was interrupted"

The same procedure should be followed for Nokia 3110c and it works great. But in my Samsung c3053 mobile phone it is not connected and I tried with Samsung corby pro BT3510 mobile.

Are there any setting changes required for Samsung mobile phones?

5 answers

When I have seen this error in the past, it usually indicates that the username and password for the connection are incorrect. (Many GPRS configurations do not require a username and password, but some do.)

Or, GPRS APN is not configured correctly.

If you are trying to use your device as a modem general purpose, it may be difficult to set GPRS APN without additional software to dial a number. The easiest way is to add the "AT+CGDCONT" command to the "advanced initialization commands" that can be configured for the modem in the Windows Control Panel.

A specific example of what would be configured for this " additional command initialization" is:

AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "Internet"

You would replace Internet in this example with the name of the GPRS APN you want to connect to.

Also, you can refer to following link to check the connection:

I almost got angry about this problem a few days ago. I tried all the solutions suggested on different forums but to no avail.

My problem was not due to insufficient airtime as suggested by some people, nor the ppp link settings, but because I had space before entering the username in the username and password input field in my locker.

So, if you are getting PPP Connection Termination Error, carefully check the Username and Password fields for one SPACE in that field, it will automatically throw this error when typing. For example,

A space before the first number (7, as in the example above) will cause this error message. So guys, give it a check before you look for other options like airtime and dialing settings.

If you get "734, control proton ppp channel was completed" with mobile phone SAMSUNG, the problem is in the phone. In Phone Settings → PC Connections, select that your phone will always be in PC Studio mode. If you select other modes or "Ask every time" you will get 743 when you try to use your phone as a modem.

I also faced the same problem, I even searched online for a solution, but I decided that I based myself on the instructions that were provided at the customer service center. I am using bsnl network to avoid ppp link control termination problem

  • Activate GPRS by sending START sms to the service number initiated by BSNL
  • Please wait for some time, at least 2 hours to activate, after activation you will receive an activation message.
  • Since the network is bsnl, we must create an APN - access point network
    i) create APN as - bsnlnet
    ii) password as 1111
  • Now change your hotspot network like bsnlnet switch to your mobile data. Enjoy the Internet.....