Landing pages. What is a landing page

You've probably encountered the creation and optimization of landing pages while promoting online projects. The development of a high-quality landing page is critical important components marketing campaigns. This material will introduce you to three examples of cool landing pages, and will also show you the components of their success. But first things first.

Landing pages: definition, performance criteria

Effective landing pages meet the following criteria:

There are no perfect landing pages, since staticity is one of the enemies good landing. However, the examples below are very close to the ideal option. Let's take a closer look at them.

Content Rules landing page

American content developer Content Rules created an effective landing page to distribute your e-book.

What Content Rules did right:

  • Design

The landing page looks nice and simple. The headline attracts the visitor's attention to the conversion action (Download the book for free right now - this is an approximate translation of the headline).

  • Photo

The only photo on the landing page is a preview of the e-book cover. This photo attracts the visitor’s attention and clearly demonstrates the product to him, but does not distract him from performing the necessary action.

  • Brand strength

The Content Rules logo increases the visitor's confidence in the quality of the product.

What can be improved:

It significantly increases the effectiveness of your landing page, as users can sign up for your newsletter within seconds.

What can be improved:

  • Content

This landing page contains too much text that distracts visitors from the registration form.

  • Design

ALM specialists should test versions of the same landing page with a simplified design. Reducing the number of information blocks and eliminating a large number of colors are ways to quickly improve appearance pages.

Windows Intune landing page

Microsoft uses a landing page to distribute a 30-day trial version cloud service Windows Intune.

What Microsoft company did it right:

  • Review

April 26, 2018

There are probably no people who use the Internet anymore who don’t know what it is landing page. Well, if there is, then we can briefly explain:

Landing page is a selling page on the Internet, created to sell (ideally) one product or one service. How it works.

A page is created with selling web design and content. The target audience is directed to this page from advertisements, which on the page is converted into buyers through selling web design and content.

That's it, in a nutshell. In fact, everything is very complicated. Creating, setting up advertising and promoting a sales page is a whole science. There will be no talk about the fact that this is ignored by 80-90% of landing page owners. This is a separate topic for discussion. We'll talk about the VKontakte landing page.

Why do they make a VKontakte landing page?

Well, this is kind of a ridiculous question. Any landing page is a tool for sales, and therefore for earning something for your existence in our “prosperous” country.

How to create a VKontakte landing page

In order to create a sales page, you need to know how to use wiki markup. This is the code with the help of which more attractive posts are created, which, in fact, can be called attractive only at a primitive level. Judge for yourself what attractive things can be created on the Social Network?

Wiki landing VKontakte

Wiki landing VKontakte has a lot of shortcomings. A main drawback is the absence real button buy or order. If on a professional hosting on a landing page, when you click a button, an order form opens, then on VKontakte, after clicking on the so-called order button, you will be redirected to a page where you will need to send a message to the VKontakte user who owns this so-called landing page.

But the main problem That’s not the point, it’s not like it’s a problem, but a shortcoming, but the problem is attracting target audience. How to attract the target audience to such a page? There is only one way - buy advertising from VK. And advertising is very expensive here. If you don't have enough money, you won't win anything. Promoting a VK landing page for free is much more difficult than using hosting. Therefore, an idea with such a landing page is ineffective, costly and essentially doomed to failure. But if you are an enthusiast, then go for it, maybe you will succeed.

P.S. Don’t forget to probe your VK target audience, otherwise, suddenly, its percentage here is negligible. After all, there are other networks where your target audience can currently flow in search of the best. And why limit yourself only to VK users, when with professional hosting the whole world is at your feet.


The total Internet audience in Russia is more than 47 million people, and 90% of them have an account in at least one social network. This already speaks about the volume of traffic on social networks and its position in the market. Main feature social traffic is that the user or potential buyer is in a comfort zone, therefore, to a greater extent this traffic is cold, that is, in order to satisfy a person’s need, this need must be awakened.

There is also hot traffic on social networks, that is, people who want to purchase something are looking for/interested in this product/service on social media. networks, our task here is to “track down” and attract these people to our site (community/account) and soon turn potential buyers into real ones.

Today in the article


The main methods of obtaining traffic are: targeted advertising, spam and advertising purchases in communities. (Using VKontakte as an example)

Each method has its pros and cons, none of them is a panacea. We will not consider each of them in detail, because the course is devoted to buying advertising in communities.

Let's take a closer look at the method of purchasing advertising in communities using the example of the VKontakte social network, since this social network is the most popular and diverse. In fact, social networks differ only in audience; once you learn how to competently buy and convert advertising on VKontakte, you can easily do this in other social networks. networks.

Main advantages and features of traffic from communities

Affordable price

Traffic from VKontakte communities is relatively inexpensive, the average CPM for a wide audience is from 6-8 rubles, for a narrow audience from 16 rubles and above. In addition, communities have a fixed CPP, but no one has canceled bargaining.

Payment only using the CPP system

In communities, most often the sale occurs for a fixed placement amount advertising post(CPP), so in this type of traffic we pay for CPM in a limited amount, plus payment under the CPC system is very unlikely. Example: Price per post = 300 rubles Post coverage = 5000 people - full audience. Target reach of the post = 4500 people - just the audience you need. As a result, we have a price for 1 target view = 6 kopecks, but the target reach is limited to 4500 people and, whatever one may say, we will not get more than 4500 unique views from this community with this price.

Quick results

Traffic from communities comes quite quickly; on average, the potential of a post is realized within 1-2 days. BUT, this only applies to the amount of traffic. The conversion begins
for 1-2 days, and then quickly fades away. It happens that leads “arrive” even after a month.

Increased trust limit

One of the main distinguishing features of this traffic is the limit of user trust in the site (community). It’s not without reason that when analyzing communities, the engagement rate is often taken into account, which in turn significantly increases conversion. Therefore, WOW products or various competitions and promotions that require the trust of subscribers take root well in communities. As an example: breast and penis enlargers, various weight loss techniques, etc.

Targeting by topic

It happens that the target audience (target audience) does not have a clear age/gender, but has a common criterion - interest in the topic of the community. In such cases, communities are good because they “contain” people united by common interests, for example: “Typical swimmer”, “Typical photographer”, “Typical Tomsk” and the like. BUT, you should not get hung up on this feature, since the theme does not always play an important role.

What can you send traffic to?

Before you start working, read the VK rules – In particular, the rules for posting posts –

So, what can you use to drain traffic from communities:

  1. To communities with similar audiences.
  2. Desktop applications
  3. External sites
  4. Events
  5. Mobile applications
  6. Commercial sites
  7. Offers

If you are driving traffic to the B2C area, then it is better to have a representative VKontakte community that will act as a landing page. This type traffic draining is the most passive and aimed at making money more independently. In other words, this is the accumulation of an audience for your advertising platform (group, public, account, application, website) as subscribers/friends/visitors with the subsequent sale of advertising and other conversion of this audience into money. More on this a little later.

A special type of traffic drain is draining for offers, that is, draining for something for a percentage or fixed payment for installation/click/subscription, etc.

I won’t go into detail on how to choose what to pour on, because it depends only on you and everyone has their own goals and needs. I’ll give you just a couple of tips on choosing an offer:
A very important criterion for an offer is its landing pages and layouts, if they Bad quality, then whatever one may say, the conversion will be lame. The hackiness of an offer is especially important for a beginner; if there are a lot of advertisers pouring into the offer and the competition is off the charts, then a beginner should not choose this offer. Ask PP managers: how the offer behaves in VK - like an envelope, how much competition, what audience reacts to the offer, etc. Communication with managers – important stage arbitration, not only in communities, but in general.

When choosing new affiliate programs, carefully study the reviews of advertisers who have worked with the selected affiliate programs.

Mechanics of traffic draining

As you can see in the diagram, the community generates traffic (the user is interested in the advertised product), then this traffic passes through the intermediate page (the user is “insulated”) and goes directly to the selling page (makes a purchase). As for the community, I think everything is clear. But the landing and sales pages are worth taking a closer look at.

Intermediate page (Pre-landing)

A traffic pad or pre-landing is a web page located between the traffic source and the selling page (landing), i.e. the user clicks on the banner and gets to the landing page not immediately, but after visiting the site. Many novice affiliate marketers neglect this page, believing that this is an unnecessary action for the user and because of this, some of the traffic is lost. Let's try to understand this situation in more detail.

Why do you need a landing page?

1. A landing page is great for driving traffic.
Advertisement and a landing page cannot provide comprehensive information about a product, but if we use a short-page website as a layout, with its charms, reviews, etc. listed on each page, then the user satisfies his hunger for information. In my opinion, nothing can motivate a person to follow through on a lead more than a pad that tells him what he wants to hear.

2. Additional metric
An additional advantage of the gaskets is that you can fill them with your Yandex and Google metrics codes. This way you can track goals, web viewer and use this information for A/B testing.

3. Filtering traffic and catching bots
If you are getting traffic from teasers and other not entirely “clean” traffic sources, then using padding is very important; using padding and TDS you can filter traffic and collect blacklists. After all, many site owners often use bots to earn more money, and not all advertising networks clean before advertisers.

4. Creating your own retargeting databases
In rare cases, PPs allow you to embed various codes into their landing pages; to do this, you need to prove yourself to the PP by at least generating a dozen leads.
And so that we have the opportunity to collect a base of interested users who can potentially make conversions, we use spacers by simply inserting a Java script code from VK.
You can take it by the way here: (Copy and paste into address bar). To receive the script, you need to create an advertisement.

Retargeting databases show good results not only in B2C, but also in B2B categories, for example, with a successfully collected database and optimized advertising campaign, the price of a lead in some B2B topics is much lower than when draining traffic from the context.

Landing page (Landing)

Landing page or “landing page” is a web page containing information about a service or product, which can be accessed via a link from an advertisement.

The main goal of a landing page is to push the user as far as possible to purchase a product/service and at the same time directly participate in placing an order.

Landing can come in two forms: a website (in most cases a one-page site) or a VKontakte community. They also use wiki pages, but as practice shows, they are less effective as an independent landing page, but wiki pages are excellent as promo for a selling community.

In my experience, using a salesperson in the form of a one-pager is suitable for target audience research, for more precise marketing technologies (performance) and if you are working with an advertiser under the condition of using their one-pager.

If you are using a one-page website, then add VK widgets, this will add visitor trust to your landing page, since traffic comes from social networks, and VK is a comfort zone for users - your task is to “soften” the transition from the comfort zone to your landing page, that is, add elements of their usual social network.
If, in addition to the “site” version of the landing page, you have a selling community, then be sure to show it to visitors using the VKontakte Communities widget (). I’ll tell you how to properly prepare and optimize the community a little later.

It is better to submit reviews through the Comments widget (), for this you need to either cheat using services, or buy VK accounts and leave reviews yourself, which is more rational, because users can write back to the “authors” of reviews and determine the cheating. To prevent such incidents from happening, it is better to buy NOT engaged accounts and leave reviews of the product yourself. Regarding the content of reviews - they should not only be good and laudatory; to give a more believable effect, we write minor or forgivable “cons” of the product, which should not scare off the buyer, but only give credibility. For example: This watch is so similar to a real branded one, even the owners of the branded ones could not recognize the replica! (They veiledly indicated that the watch was a Chinese replica)
Using the Like() widget, you can create a crowd effect or the effect that people like your product. The number of likes can also be increased.

Complete list of VK widgets for the site ().

Place the VK retarget code on the sales page. You can get the code from advertising office VC (). Why do you need a retargeting code? In order to catch and “finish off” users who visited the selling page. Don’t forget about the segmentation of such users - one code on the pre-landing page, another on the landing page, another on the payment page, another on the “thank you-for-purchase” page, thereby we segment the audience into users who are interested in the product according to the degree of readiness to purchase, then there are those who visited the pre-landing page, the landing page, the page
payment, but did not take the desired action. The code on the “thank you-for-purchase” page will help you collect your customer base without the annoying “Subscribe!” and the like, which will allow them to offer related products. Regarding “finishing off” users - as an option, send private messages, manually “processing” each person. This technique, as practice shows, is the most effective. If you have too much large bases, then you can either entrust this activity to freelance workers, or use these databases in Target VK. You can also use these databases with the help of a spammer.

In most cases, landing pages on social networks are performed by the community, mainly in the form of a public page. Home distinctive feature Such landing is the accumulation of an audience in the community, which allows you to monetize the audience many times, but at the same time the process is more protracted, because it requires more time. Such lending is more productive if you plan to sell a product/service in the long term, but there are exceptions, because improvisation has not been canceled. The landing page is designed as a full-fledged online store or as a blog.

Information about the purchase - product, benefits of purchase, delivery, special offers, discounts, how to order the product. All this should be in the forefront of the community; a potential buyer should see it immediately after visiting the selling community. It is better to depict basic information and benefits on the community avatar. Information about discounts and special offers It’s better to present it in a pinned community post. If the community sells not one product, but several, then make a product catalog. The catalog can be made through a wiki page or through a VKontakte community album.
Be sure to indicate the price of the product. If there is an offline representative office or pickup, do not forget to mention this.
Example directories: Implementation through a community album.

Implementation via wiki page

Find out the code of someone else's wiki page possible using the extension – VkOpt
The “Contacts” block is also important. Add the consultant's profile there, indicate the position and phone number for accepting orders. This will improve conversion.


Create pseudo-activity in the community, add reviews on the community wall(preferably with a photo of the supposedly received product).

Review example:

Writing unique reviews from scratch is quite problematic and tedious, to make this task easier, we use the VK search with the query you need, select a plausible review from the results and edit it, then post it to the community from the “left” account.

Or we order such reviews on SeoSprint and similar exchanges, since the cost of such services is not high - no more than 5 rubles.

Create discussions or info-wiki pages on the following topics:“Question and answer”, “Payment for goods”, “Reviews”. Answers in discussions can also be increased. This will increase the loyalty of a potential buyer.

Example discussion:

Example of an infowiki page:

Sooner or later you will encounter negativity or haters - always defend your product, if the product really meets the characteristics you stated, argue that you are right as best as possible. Looking for compromises. Removal negative reviews or comments - this is the latest method of dealing with negativity; it is better to refute than to delete. If you have a store with a wide assortment, then create a Menu in the community. A database of wiki menus found on the Internet -

As for the content, it should be exclusively thematic and not frequent (about 2-3 publications per week are most often enough).

All the recommendations mentioned above apply to commercial communities; the requirements for entertainment-themed communities are much softer. In most cases, the requirements are limited to the quality of the content and its presentation. It is impossible to say any strict requirements - it all depends on the specifics of the community and the method of advertising promotion. To put it roughly, “Test various criteria and analyze the needs of your target audience.”

This type of landing is essentially a thematic community in which the content is adjusted to the “pains of the target audience” and at the same time associated with the type of monetization, for clarity, an example: a beauty blog, which is subsequently monetized by selling clothes and jewelry; or the blog “How I will earn 100,000 in a month,” which is monetized by earning courses. Links to similar blogs:

Such “blogs” give very good conversion, moreover, they can be monetized many times, and in addition they accumulate an audience. Such good indicators are achieved by accurately hitting the target audience and increased audience involvement.

This type of landing page is only suitable for a narrow target audience.

Using this landing method, it is better to attract traffic from the target (using retargeting), thematic and related communities and mailings to profiles (using retargeting databases) - this will allow you to reach the audience as accurately as possible.

In this type of landing page, a very important component is content. You must understand and be well versed in what you are broadcasting about, otherwise you will quickly lose your audience.

Increasing your engagement rate (basic recommendations)

The content must be interesting to the audience and must be unique. He must satisfy the information hunger of the target audience, they are also “the pain of the target audience” (more on this later).

Create reasons for discussion, this will help you not only understand the target audience (their view on a particular problem), but will also serve as an indirect criterion of trust in you, because if a person participates in your discussion, then at least he is not indifferent to you.

Offer test period, in other words: let customers touch your product in a “cropped” version.

If you try, you can find paid courses V free access, after all SMM knowledge you won't be disturbed.

Two in one - landing and pre-landing

By official rules VK landing page is prohibited, but moderation does not exercise strict control, so if you do not work through the VK exchange, then you don’t have to be afraid of blocking. But if you buy through the VK exchange, then you can use one feature - landing and pre-landing on one site. This is implemented as a pseudo blog site, in which the pre-landing page is a review article on behalf of the blog author about a product/service with a link to the sales/landing page.

This landing page is most productive in combination with a “review post” - more on that later.

Blog templates can be found on the Internet.

Since the landing page acts as a website, the recommendations for the preparatory part are similar to those of a one-page website.

Target audience analysis

If you don't have a passive flow of registrations/subscriptions/customers, etc.

Preliminary analysis.

We are looking for a community on a similar topic, for example, if you sell watches, you are looking for a community in which the main topic is watches or the sale of watches, that is, so that the community contains an audience interested in buying watches. If any game is on PC, then a community of a similar game in genre and type, for example: WarCraft - Lineage - Perfect World, WorldOfTanks - TankiOnline, etc. This is all for B2C; in the case of B2B, it’s generally difficult to find a community on B2B topics, so here we are guided by purely personal assumptions or analysis of competitors.

After choosing a community, you need to survey its members or those who have liked the posts of this community. It is better to interview on behalf of company managers or as an interested buyer who wants to learn more about the product and reviews. Examples of questions (not clichés): In the case of physical goods - “Did you buy this product?” If the answer is yes, then “why did you buy it?” “What did you like/dislike?” In case of leaks to applications and other media - “What did you like about this game/application?” “How did this app help?” In the case of services – “What did you like/dislike?”
The question “How did you find us?” will help determine whether it’s worth promoting through public advertising at all.

What is the survey for? To determine the goals and interests of your target audience.
Everyone who answered positively: we analyze, we deduce common features, average gender and age, hobbies, in which communities they most often “hang out” - this will be a portrait of your target audience (preliminary)

Don't be afraid to narrow your audience after all, the number of audiences does not always promise profit, but when working with the “quality of the audience,” the chance of profit will be higher.

Basic criteria for analysis:

  • Age
  • Interests
  • Income level
  • Family status
  • Education
  • Field of activity
  • Cultural level
  • The main values ​​in life
  • The audience's pain points (what they are weak in)
  • What does the audience value in stores like yours?
  • Why does the user need your product/service?

If you have a flow of registrations/subscriptions/customers, etc.

A detailed analysis is an analysis of YOUR customers/subscribers, that is, an analysis of not potential, but real customers.
It is done quite simply and is not much different from preliminary analysis.
The main difference is that you survey and analyze not “strangers,” but “your” customers/subscribers.
Since target audience analysis is based on profiles, if the social network serves only as a source of traffic, and the conversion process is carried out on an external resource, then for analysis it is necessary to obtain the profiles of your clients. To do this, you need to use the VK retargeting script.

A detailed analysis of the target audience should be carried out systematically, this will allow you to determine the portrait of your target audience most accurately, since the audience may be dynamic or you may miss a little thing that can play a cruel joke on you when conducting an advertising campaign.

Search for VKontakte communities

Before you start analyzing the site, you need to find it. There are a lot of ways to do this, but I’ll tell you about the most effective:

Advertising exchanges

This method is based on searching for communities on exchanges for selling advertising posts: either the official VK exchange () or Sociate ().
The main advantage of exchanges is the presence of a large number of communities in one place (the official exchange has 5,960 sites, Sociate has 23,750 sites) and besides, each community has open statistics and advertising company analytics methods: Sociate has automatic screenshots of placements, engagement rate, socio-demographic portrait, CPC, CPM, clicks on external links.
The official exchange has a little wider functionality - the number of community subscribers and the total number of users who viewed advertising post(from the community wall or in the news, views of republications are not taken into account), as well as their distribution by gender and age. The number of unique users who followed at least one link from a post, as well as the number of users who shared, commented, or liked the post using the “Like” button. If the post promoted a community, you will also receive information about the number of users who joined it.
All this data will help save time, unlike manual analysis, and will also help track the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and allow you to get a more complete picture of the implementation of the advertising campaign (advertising campaign).
Another important advantage of exchanges is the guarantee that the advertiser’s obligations will be fulfilled. If you paid money, then be sure that they will work, and the advertising post will be posted at the agreed time.

In the case of searching through an offline exchange, it is easier to directly select communities through the service This service It’s better than the official filtering system in that you can select many more search criteria. All this is due to the fact that the VK off-exchange is still “raw” and is a beta version.

1. Exchanges charge enough large percentage from the sale of advertising, this results in an increase in the costs of conducting an advertising campaign. Sociate commission – 30%, VK exchange from 20% to 50%. The price of a post on exchanges is initially indicated with a commission; there is no need to calculate anything additional.

2. Most often, communities in exchanges are already, one way or another, fed up with advertising and the audience in such communities is “squeezed to the fullest,” but occasionally there are exceptions.

3. Exchanges do not cover all communities, but this does not mean that there are not enough communities in the exchanges.

4. The reach of a post is not always a reliable indicator, since it can be increased using reposts.

Community directories

The most popular directories are AllSocial() and TopPost()
In essence, AllSocial and TopPost are modifications of the official search for VKontakte communities. The main difference is additional set search criteria. In addition to topics (as in the official search), AllSocial has sorting by number of subscribers, by reach, by visitors, by growth, by CPP (cost per purchase of advertising). In addition, the catalogs display communities that are blocked in VK search results.
TopPost has more criteria:

Using catalogs is great if your target audience is either “wide” or tied to a certain city (in this case, TopPost comes to the rescue).
If you use the filter as part of the name, then:
Catalogs are very helpful when searching for communities with “standard names”, for example: swimming theme - the community is called swimming, swimmer, typical swimmer; The topic is humor - the community is called humor, laughter, jokes.
Communities with rare names or names that do not reflect the theme of the public are difficult to find in catalogues, for example: Esquire (online magazine), Brighton Beach (humor), since sorting by subject is not entirely objective, and it’s difficult to guess search query very difficult.
Directories should not be confused with advertising exchanges; directories are not responsible for advertisers and advertising campaigns; this is nothing more than a modified search for communities.

Search for communities using SMM Tools Alpha

Some search optimization is also possible using the SMM Tools Alpha () application. This application is a great assistant for advertisers and SMMers. Let's look at three program functions that help make it easier to find communities for advertising.

Audience Search feature

We copy the link from the community in which your target audience supposedly hangs out and paste it into the “Copy the link to the public here” field. We set criteria; for beginners, I recommend limiting the number of subscribers to 250 thousand, since communities with big amount participants are often clogged with advertising and the price for purchasing a post is far from small, as a result, the success of the Republic of Kazakhstan is not always pleasing and the budget is wasted.
After analysis, the program will provide a list of communities. Those communities in which the most a large number of matches your target audience and the topic matches yours - we save it for further analysis.

Audience Finder 2

This function has a slightly different scheme - we put down the criteria for your target audience: gender, city, age and community coverage. You can also choose which community users these criteria apply to – online or all.
This method is suitable if your target audience is quite wide and your advertising object is not narrowly niche, or if you need to focus on the regional community. In the case of narrowly niche projects, choosing only a city, gender and age is not enough to get into the target audience.
After completing the search, we select communities for more detailed analysis.

BORGI service

2. We pin the wiki page in the community.

3. In the post itself, the content is shortened to the point of intrigue, that is, it must have time to interest the target audience and at the same time not reveal itself - maintain the motivation to click on the “Show full..” button. Immediately after the shortened text, a tag is inserted that refers to your community [link to community|Show in full.. /Read the continuation/Find out answers, etc. ]

Post review

This type of advertising post is designed as a review or review of a product/service. The post is published either on behalf of the public (increased trust limit) or in the form of an interview with a link to a fake blog (landing site-blog). The text of the post should be as plausible as possible, it should not be exclusively laudatory, because this may seem suspicious, add a few “negative” points, just don’t get carried away. “Negative” should be insofar as, that is, solely for appearance’s sake, no more. When composing the text, take into account the pains and desires of the target audience: after all, your main goal is to encourage potential client to purchase. The title plays a special role - it should motivate to read and attract the client.

Example post:


Before you start the competition, please read the rules of the competition -

Split testing

Sooner or later you will have to add new elements to the post or completely redo it marketing strategy. Split testing will help you understand the impact of changing a particular element. It is very important to test sequentially and change 1-2 elements (if you change many elements at once, you can get confused or miss the factor that influenced the conversion), while monitoring changes in advertising indicators (UTM tags, flows and various services). Ideas for improving the post can be taken as follows:

Monitoring and tracking new

Advertising is progressing every day, affiliates are discovering and testing something new. Being on trend is very important criterion for an affiliate marketer, because sooner or later old advertising tricks are replaced by newer ones and you need to adapt to this. I'll tell you how I track advertising trends:

1. For convenience, you need to create a private VK group: Go to the My Groups section and click on the Create Community button, community type Group, group type Private (To prevent strangers from entering the group).

Selecting community subscribers and your private group

The comment field can be used to record the name of the community from which the post was taken, because in the case when a post is reposted, in the end only the community from which the repost was taken is displayed, and the intermediate community is omitted.
Screenshot for clarity:

As a result, in private group the repost is displayed not from the community where it was advertised, but from the original community.

In order not to lose the community from which the advertising post was taken, I write in the comments to the repost the link and name of the community in which the post was advertised. This helps a lot when analyzing an advertising post - you can understand the approximate audience for which the post was intended and draw parallels with a similar product/service. After collecting the database of posts, we analyze - we look for new or interesting changes. Next, we test the most interesting option, in your opinion.

You can download supporting materials from the link below.

Hi all. They have already written to me several times asking me to make a landing page on VKontakte. I couldn’t immediately understand what it was all about, since the questions and thoughts were formulated incorrectly.

Something like this: “How to make a landing page for VK” or “Help me make a VK landing page”, in general, after another incident, I asked the woman what she meant, and it turned out that you just need to layout the page using wiki markup VC. As many of you have probably already made menus for your groups.

In general, if anyone is interested, then let's figure out how to create such a landing page on Vkontakte.

Landing page on VKontakte using Wiki markup

I won’t describe here what Wiki markup is. For those who are completely unaware, here is a link to the definition on Wikipedia (tyts). For those who are too lazy to read, I’ll just say that this type of markup is used on the VKontakte social network to create pages. Whether it’s convenient or not is up to you to decide, and there’s no point in arguing here, let’s just use it to create the following page on VK:

In fact, there is nothing complicated in wiki markup. You can figure it out in a few hours. In addition, it is very similar to html, only to build such pages they do not use buttons, do not layout each individual element, but simply (roughly) cut the layout, and design the desired section as a link, if necessary. That is, in places where there is, for example, a button or link to payment, order, etc.

If you describe everything in html, it will just be a set of pictures, some of which are links. Everything is as simple as possible.

So, let's start with what we need to create new page in a group or public. To do this you need to use a link like this:


Where, XXX is the id of the public or group. And instead of “Page_name” you need to specify any word or phrase that will name the page.

In order to find out the group id, you need to go to the group management and look at the “page address” section:

If you, like me, have a human-readable URL, then you need to click on all posts on the wall or on any post on the wall. It will look something like this:

69093928 is the id of our group. In the end I got this link:


As you can see, the capabilities of the visual editor are quite scarce, therefore, as I already said, all menus, buttons, and links are designed with pictures.

The width of a wiki page in VK is 607 pixels, so the layout must be of appropriate dimensions. Now, you need to cut the layout. I divided my prototype into 5 parts and, accordingly, received 5 pictures. Visually, it looks like this:

Now, in order to arrange all this as we need, we need to understand how pictures and links are designed. It looks very simple:

PhotoXXX_XXX is a link to the image. All pictures that you want to show must be stored in an album. The album can be either general or specially created for specific task. I created a separate one, just for such purposes (design of pages, menus and other nonsense). Here it is: _

607 pixels is the width of the image. Nopadding is needed so that there is no space between pictures empty space, since it is present by default, but I have dark background and white stripes would look strange.

Now, let's talk about designing a link that will direct users to the location we specified :) I'm just trying not to confuse you. I hope it works. Users can be directed both to a section or another page, and outside of VK. If, like me, your links should lead to another site, then simply enter the site address, for example, . If there is another page in VK or a section in a group, then the link will look like this: page-123456789_123456789.

In the end, this is what I ended up with:

[] [] [] [] []

As you can see, nothing complicated. Here is my result.

Vkontakte retargeting is a special type of interaction with target audience, in which we target our offer to landing page visitors who have an account on the VKontakte social network and have completed specific action: from a simple transition to a resource to completing an order or filling out a lead form.

Based on the information received, the marketer can contact this audience with advertising offers to optimize landing page conversion or average check.

IN in this example We will divide users into two groups - visitors who did not complete the target action and potential buyers who submitted an application. In our example, the users who completed the target action are potential buyers of a smartphone, to whom we can also offer to buy a headset.

First, we need to install retargeting counters: one on the main landing page, the second on the thank you page.

Installing a counter

6. B visual editor LPgenerator open the thank you page and use the Scripts tool to paste the copied code. Set the position to "Inside tag" ».

9. Similar settings need to be set on home page to capture all users. To do this, we go through the entire chain of actions from points 3 to 6 again.

10. After some time, we receive information on the collected visitors. In our case:

A group of potential buyers who submitted an application on the landing page - code placed on the thank you page
The group of all landing page visitors is a code placed on the main page.

We create targeted ads

Now we see two user audiences. Let's put this information into practice and make our own targeted ad for each group. Below we will look at an example of creating advertisements for the sale of headphones.

2. We will make the first announcement for a group of users who completed an order (filled out an application) on our landing page.

Click on the “External Site” icon. Since the resulting retargeting user base can be used for both the current and another landing page, you can use a link to both a separate landing page and the one from which you collected the base: