The power of minimalism in UX design. Minimalism in web design for online stores. Why does it work better? Conversion in minimalistic web design

The minimalism style in web design has always been loved and in demand by designers. However, the apparent lightness of minimalist sites is based on a strict pattern, subject to certain rules and principles. Let's try to understand the main components of this attractive style with the help of an analytical review from Smashing Magazine.

1. Less is more
This phrase is probably the most famous description of the minimalism style. It was coined by the artist Lubwig van der Rohe when describing the aesthetics of minimalism. In web design, this tenet is achieved by placing a very minimal number of elements, only those that are necessary for a particular design.

2. Eliminate unnecessary things
This phrase is borrowed from the authors Strunk and White from their book The Elements of Style. There it sounded like “Get rid of unnecessary words" The authors used it to describe minimalist philosophy. When applied to web design, this means don't include unnecessary elements in your design. To do this, focus on the main functions of your site and, based on this, leave only those functions and elements that are necessary.

3. Simplify to the limit
What we mean here is that try to consistently simplify the design to the limit of functionality and usability, to the point after which the integrity of the site is broken.

4. Every detail matters
In minimalist design, every detail you leave matters. It is precisely because of its small number and exclusivity that any element, be it the outline around the image, the color palette, the white space, the drawn line - all this will determine the face of your site, its emotions and style.

5. Minimal color palette
In minimalist design, color takes on special significance. Choice color palette and accent color is especially important. And, although many designers prefer the classic options of white, gray and black, there is a place for absolutely any color in a minimalist design.

6. The importance of white space
Empty (usually white) space is the foundation of any minimalist design. It is the free space around an element that regulates its significance in the overall design and determines the hierarchy of elements.

7. Using gray
Grey colour is fundamental in minimalist design. Shades of gray are used as backgrounds, in images, and for writing texts. Gray color always looks stylish and advantageous on its own, as well as in combination with black and white.

8. Use large typography
Using large typography is a powerful and interesting trend. A large inscription can perfectly combine the function of a decorative graphic element, and at the same time carry a certain semantic component.

9. Using background patterns and images
A subtle background pattern or active background image can add edge and interest to a minimalist design.

10. Using simple modular grids
Protozoa modular grids not necessarily minimalist in nature, but undoubtedly one of the most effective ways organize information on the site and indicate connections between blocks.

11. Using decorative circles
All kinds of decorative circles are found in headings in many designs, and are also used as accents in navigation menus.

There are many styles in web design, but often all these trends quickly become obsolete. But minimalism has always bypassed this and continues to bypass it as if it were untouchable. Minimalism in web design Lately gained great popularity.

This style has many advantages. On sites developed in this style, information is always easily perceived; the site visitor clearly knows and understands the place where he is at a particular moment. Using minimalism in web design, you can manage the visitor and his attention much easier. It should also be noted that such sites are less resource intensive and load faster.

In addition to all this, a website designed in a minimalist style will adequately cope with many assigned tasks, such as conversion, presentation of the USP (unique trade offer), perception of information, elegance of style, resource intensity, ease of navigation and a number of other tasks. Let's look at these tasks in a little more detail.

Conversion in minimalistic web design

Indeed, the conversion rate in minimalist web design is higher than in other styles, I think this is an obvious fact. But it is still not always put into action. Often, a call to action or a button gets lost somewhere in the page design and is hardly noticeable, which reduces conversion rates. On a minimalist site, everything is the other way around: a clear call to action and a clearly understandable button, hence the higher conversion rate.

Better Presentation of the Sales Proposal

Simplicity and conciseness plus a minimum number of elements on the page contributes to better performance USP (unique selling proposition).

Surely you have noticed lately this method is very often used when creating business card websites that provide one type of service. When you get to such a page, the first screen on it contains a plain colored background or background image with a clear, understandable USP. Thanks to this, we understand exactly where we are, what they are offering us, or what they want.

White space and information perception

By using large white space in a minimalist web design, the site takes on a calm, balanced tone. Which in turn leads to comfortable perception and understanding of information. Being on such sites is more pleasant, and the information is perceived the best way, since there are no irritating or distracting factors. Also, a large white space gives a feeling of some freedom, which is more comfortable for the user.

Easy to navigate

Navigation on the site pages is also created taking into account minimalism. Everything unnecessary is removed, only the most important menu items are left, and they are not used. multi-level menu. All this is done only to make it easier for the user to use the site and quickly find the necessary information.

Often simple navigation This is not easy to do, since large volumes of information require good structure.

Elegance of style in minimalist web design

Minimalism, due to calm tones, large white spaces, typography, balance and other elements, looks quite elegant and can rightfully be called an elegant style.

Companies that use minimalist websites give the client a feeling of confidence and reliability in the company. Since minimalism itself is quite calm and organic.


Fast site loading due to lower resource consumption

In addition to all of the above, sites made in the style of minimalism are less resource-intensive. On such sites, as a rule, there is a minimum of graphics (pictures), scripts, flash animation and video, which in turn leads to a significant increase in loading speed due to fewer requests. And this, as you understand, is a big plus for the site. On such sites, the user waits less for content to load, and therefore the bounce rate decreases.

Well, friends, in this article we talked a little about minimalism in web design, why it is popular, and why many are trying to choose it. If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

As technology advances and the world becomes more complex, minimalism and simplicity are an important advantage.

Consider Google for example. Search system became world famous and mega popular.

Go to Google and you will see that it remains the simplest page on the Internet.

This factor contributed to the company's dominance in the search category. Where his competitors stuffed their home pages with news, commercials and photos, simple White background Google has made it easier to use.

Take an example from one of the world's most popular websites. Simplicity drives sales. You can apply this to your online store too.

Kill advertising

When customers come to your website, you want them to focus on your product offerings. Or maybe you think it's more important to have additional income from posting advertisements, advertising banners or pop-ups? Here's a simple fact. These things tend to irritate buyers.

When people come to a website, they are focused on studying the assortment or a specific product in order to make a purchasing decision. Don't distract them to get a few pennies when you have the opportunity to make a bigger profit from selling your main product.

Additionally, placing banners and pop-ups makes your site slower, leading to bounces and lost revenue.

Center your homepage around a specific buyer action

The main screen is the area of ​​your website visible to the user before scrolling. It is advisable to display information about only one thing. Focus on getting the client to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible.

This is especially important if you are driving paid traffic (eg contextual advertising), it is important that the client, by clicking on advertisement landed on a page with a specific product, and not on the category as a whole.

If your home page looks simple, users will do what you want. If the site is cluttered with all kinds of information, then people will wonder what they should do, they will have to look around a little, delve into it, figure it out... If you are lucky, they will find what they were looking for and make a purchase.

If not, they will get upset and move to another site where they can find the product they need and buy it there.

Pictures say more than words

Our brain processes images much faster than text. When your site uses photography effectively, users will stay in your store for longer. long period time. This is also a fact.

Moreover, the images are universal. Even if a person does not speak the language, but is looking for a specific product, then nice pictures will help him make a purchase.

Seven is your lucky number

Our short-term memory can only store and remember seven elements. If you offer users more, be aware that you will frustrate them. The more options you give a person, the more likely you are to create buyer indecision.

Large selection makes people reluctant to buy as they seek confirmation of their decision. Give customers too many options and they won't buy anything at all.

Drop dead weight

Monitoring your site's analytics will help you determine which buttons are being used and which ones are just taking up space. If you find links that are not being used by visitors, simply get rid of them. Why keep something that no one uses?

The same applies to goods. If a product hangs on the main screen day after day and does not sell, then it is worth getting rid of it to give something else a chance to sell.

Think of screen space like display cases and shelves in a store. A well-known move by marketers is to display a more expensive or more popular product at eye level of buyers. The same method is used in online stores.

These are just a few ways you can simplify your online store to drive sales.

The key takeaway is that the more complex your site e-commerce, the lower the conversion you will see.

Minimalism in web design is that simple.

In contact with

Minimalistic web design samples look good. In relation to web design, the main advantage of minimalism is the variety of acceptable stylistic, color solutions, and scale options, but the goal is always the same. Minimalism as a website design style has gained popularity due to its clear advantages. Minimalistic websites load faster, consume fewer server resources, and are generally easier to modernize than bulky ones. graphic constructions. Visitors also see in them signs of professionalism and ability to stick to the point.

Minimalism emphasized the rejection of everything superfluous in design, retaining only the main elements. The rise of minimalism led to the emergence of new terms, narrow specializations, and was reflected in art - in music and literature. However, for website designers, mastering the techniques of creating minimalist resources is not easy, and many are intimidated by this task. A minimalist example of web design contains exclusively the content necessary to achieve the intended goal, is distinguished by an abundance of spaces, a small number of illustrations or the presence of just one large image, and brevity of texts. Minimalistic websites are not cluttered with details, studying and assimilating information is easy for their readers, it is not annoying, their pages are easy to navigate, and few people will get lost there. More often than not, minimalist websites look beautiful and have gained a lot of affection among designers.

Here are 15 examples of minimalist web design, although they contain a number of “architectural excesses”, but are pleasing to the eye with their appearance. We hope you enjoy them.

Minimalism is actively used in web design, allowing you to reduce the number of unnecessary elements and achieve a clean as well as super efficient layout. If you are going to create a website design in a minimalist style, then you need to think in advance about exactly what characteristics your resource needs. Minimal style focuses on geometric abstraction. The main rule of minimalism is only important things.

20% of any design is used to welcome visitors, and 80% is used to provide them with the information they are looking for.

Designers identify the main components on the basis of which they create web designs in the style of minimalism. This:

White space
- Unified concept
- Typography
- Color
- Balance

White space

This empty space around various layout design elements. The term got its name from the white paper that was widely used in the printing industry.

Despite the common and misleading belief that white space is completely useless, it should not be neglected. Moreover, you can use white space as the most powerful tool to create a layout in a minimalist style.

Unified concept

If you want to have a website with strong visual and conceptual connections between your design elements, you must adhere to the principle of a single concept. This component is very important for creating a minimal website design as it helps to hold the design concept, its structure and make it visually complete.

Creating logical groups of design elements will help users fully absorb the website's information without having to process each element separately.


With the help of correctly selected letter sizes and fonts, you can emphasize the minimal style in the site design and add a bonus to the graphic karma of the site. Drop cap, colorful typography and other stunning effects will help attract users' attention to important information Online. Minimal design focuses visitors' attention on important information, while a large number of images are just distracting.


Color is another fundamental stone of the theory of minimalism in web design. It's no secret that most successful business projects use a customizable and thoughtful color scheme. For what? This helps unify your products and create a sense of continuity. Color serves as reinforcement of structural elements, highlighting some of them. This makes them noticeable and attracts the user's attention.

There is a common myth that minimal web designs usually have white or gray color scheme. This is wrong. You can use any color, but stick to a simple color palette and choose no more than 2-3 shades. Of course, if you wish, you can try using one color scheme, which will create contrast and have a powerful impact on users.


Don't think that using images in a minimal design is prohibited! At correct use simple color schemes, typography and white space, you can add images to maximally convey to users the main goal of your project.

But when posting graphic content, keep balance in mind. Don't let one element take up too much space or stand out from the rest of the design. Make sure that all existing design components are actually needed on the pages of your site and have an overall concept.

Do you want to have a clear web design for your site so that your visitors can determine the purpose of the entire project and find the information they need from the first seconds?! Minimalism is exactly what will help you achieve the desired result. Adhering to the principle of simplicity and accessibility, which is so valued by users in our time, you can achieve more success in business.