Full price list for services

Without software, a computer is just a pile of chips and wires. It is programs that make the computer do what the user asks of it. Small business organizations often lack their own IT specialist on staff ( system administrator). It is customary to get out of this situation in different ways: someone invites an outsider, someone uses the services of one of the employees with increased level computer literacy, well, someone enters into an agreement for computer subscription services with a third-party organization.

But sometimes a small business owner has to face a situation where there is simply no one to solve the problem with the “raging” software. A responsible employee may get sick or quit, a service organization may fail, or a force majeure situation may occur. In this case, you need to find a specialist who would put 1C in order over the network, set up network printer or client bank, etc.

In this case, turning to small companies in the “computer help + computer repair” category is quite risky, because... The level of fraud in this industry exceeds all imaginable limits. For one-time work on a computer, such a “specialist” can end up paying over 10 thousand rubles. Even if something later fails, you will no longer want to call it back under warranty. So what should we do? Where can you find a professional who will do everything efficiently and for a reasonable price? To do this, you just need to contact a company with a proven reputation.

Prices computer help, repair and service computer equipment in Moscow.

Installing Windows at home or in the office

The prices in the table are for services only. If Windows licenses If you do not have them, they will be paid separately.
Additional information about licenses and their costs can be found by phone or by visiting the website.

Installing programs on a computer or laptop

Service cost "Installing programs on a computer or laptop" depends on the complexity of the programs and the time required to install and configure them.
Simple programs- such as Skype, instant messengers, browsers, codecs, antiviruses, players, games, etc.
Complex programs - such as editing programs ( Adobe Photoshop,Pinnacle Studio, Sony Vegas, Corel Draw), bank clients, programs working with databases, software packages such as Microsoft Office and so on.

System recovery Windows 10, 8, 7

Included in the cost of the service "Recovery Windows systems" all included necessary work to restore its functionality.

Custom computer assembly

To the service "PC Build" includes: selection of components, assembly system unit, testing, delivery, connection.

Cleaning Windows. Speeding up Windows 10, 8, 7

Included in the cost of the service "Acceleration Windows operation" all necessary work to speed up work is already included operating system Windows systems - removal unused programs, disabling unused services, optimizing startup programs, removing from the registry Windows erroneous And empty entries, optimizing the operation of browsers and antiviruses, cleaning the system from unused files.

Removing viruses from a computer or laptop

Included in the cost of the service "Removing viruses from a computer or laptop" includes search and removal of malware and adware, security audit - search for vulnerabilities due to which the infection occurred, installation and configuration of resident protection - antivirus, setting up browsers for safe browsing on the Internet, consultations on safe work to prevent further infection.

Installing MAC OS and programs

Service Price For regular customers
Departure computer technician to your home or office. Moscow, Balashikha500 rub 450 rub.
Saving and restoring user files - (100 GB)700 rub 630 rub.
Update macOS versions X2500 rub 2250 rub.
Installing macOS X (Simple package)3500 rub. 3150 rub.
Installing macOS X (Advanced Package)5000 rub 4500 rub.
Installing the program for macOS X1000 rub 900 rub.

In the package "simple" includes: disk formatting disk utility, partitioning the disk into partitions, Mac installation OS, connection to account Apple records ID.

In the package "extended" includes all services from the “simple” package, as well as: assistance in creating/recovering an Apple ID account, installing and configuring the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Reader, browsers, archiver, setting up accounts Email, consultations on working with the operating system, browsers and standard programs.

Remote computer assistance

More detailed information You can find out about the services on their pages of the same name in the left menu of the site.

Service Price For regular customers
Remote software diagnostics500 rub 450 rub.
Remotely setting up a new computer2000 rub 1800 rub.
Remote comprehensive maintenance of the Windows 10, 8, 7 operating system - cleaning, acceleration and configuration2000 rub 1800 rub.
Remote installation and configuration of simple programs500 rub 450 rub.
Remote installation and configuration of complex programs1000 rub 900 rub.
Removing viruses, installing antivirus, setting up safe operation2000 rub 1800 rub.
Uploading data to the user's computer via the Internet500 rub/hour 450 rub/hour

Setting up a Wi-Fi router and network equipment

Included in the cost of the service Setting up any home Wi-Fi router setup work included Wi-Fi connections router with internet, creation Wi-Fi networks(with encryption and password), DHCP setup(allocation of addresses to home devices), firmware update (if necessary).

Setting up a printer, scanner or MFP

Included in the cost of the service "Setting up a printer, scanner or MFP" included physical connection devices to a computer, installing and configuring the necessary software (including drivers) for printing and scanning, as well as setting up the device for operation.

Computer maintenance for legal entities

Transferring the system to an SSD or another drive

Included in the cost of any service "System Transfer" includes physical replacement of the disk (with disassembling and reassembling the device), as well as all the necessary work to transfer the system and data from one disk to another.
The replacement disk is not included in the cost of services.

Computer Center «#root". Systems could be operational.

Agreement for the provision of services for installation and configuration of software No. ___________

Moscow "____"____________20___

Acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, and ________ represented by _________________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________________________________________, hereinafter the Customer, collectively referred to as the Parties, have entered into this agreement as follows:

Subject of the agreement.

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with the following services: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completion date: “___”___________20___,

hereinafter referred to as the Services, the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the Services in accordance with clause 3.1. The cost of the Services is determined on the basis of the price list (price list) of the Contractor, valid at the time of conclusion of the contract.

1.2. Installed by the Contractor software(software) LINUX, as well as packages application programs Open Office etc. are freely distributed, no payment is taken for them. Only the installation and configuration of the software, as well as additional expenses, are paid for. Any software that is not freely distributed can be installed only from the Customer’s distribution kits.

Rights and obligations of the parties:

The Contractor undertakes:

2.1. Carry out the agreed scope of work under this contract.

2.2. When carrying out work on installing and configuring the software on the Customer’s computer, offer the Customer to retain in full all valuable information. The customer is requested to save all documents created (stored) on the hard drive, Accounts mail program(client), logins and passwords remote connections, contents of the “Favorites” folder, software distribution kits stored on the hard drive.

2.3. Compatible on program level old documents and developments are not guaranteed, but are checked at the request of the Customer.

2.4. Provide accessible communication for subsequent requests from the Customer.

The customer undertakes:

2.5. Formulate (together with the Contractor) a list of services under this agreement before the start of work.

2.6. Save to external media all valuable information, and information of any degree of confidentiality should be removed (moved) before work begins. Computers containing information constituting a state secret are not accepted for service.

2.7. Provide to the Contractor workplace in accordance with safety requirements.

2.8. In case of ordering the Service " Remote administration» provide the Contractor remote access to the corresponding computers (workable channel external access), and also provide access passwords. In this case, the execution of accounting documents is carried out by the Contractor's courier.

2.9. Pay for the Services in accordance with clause 3.1. actual agreement.

Contract price and payment procedure.

3.1. The contract price is:_____________________(______________________________________________________________) rub. VAT is not assessed due to the simplified taxation system used by the Contractor.

3.2. Payment is made by non-cash payment (according to the invoice issued by the Contractor) upon completion of the work, delivery of the work is confirmed. In the case of a large volume of agreed work, a staged payment scheme can be applied; in this case, each stage is formalized in a separate agreement and act.

3.3. The payment period for completed work is three working days from the date of signing the work acceptance certificate. For each day of late payment, a penalty of 0.2% of the total amount is charged.

Responsibility of the parties.

4.1. The Contractor is not liable in connection with any losses of the Customer, direct or indirect, resulting from the installation of new software or loss of information. Any information important to the customer must be stored in advance on external media.

4.2. The Contractor is not liable to third parties.

4.3. If a call from the Contractor's representative is made without going through the Contractor's dispatcher, claims for the provision of services are not accepted, the Contractor reserves the right to no longer provide Services to the Customer.

4.4. If the Services are not provided in full due to faulty equipment The customer (or equipment incompatibility) is charged for the actual work (services) performed.

4.5. Any information that became known to the parties to the contract about each other in the process joint activities(including access passwords, nature of activities and information, etc.) is considered confidential.

Other conditions.

5.1. All claims regarding the quality of services provided and financial settlements are considered by the director of the Contractor (or the person replacing him).

5.2. In everything that is not provided for in this agreement, the parties are guided by current legislation Russian Federation, disputes are resolved through negotiations.

5.3. The limited warranty for work (services) implies that all work agreed upon with the Customer has been completed and the result of this is the functioning of the software at the time of signing the Work Acceptance Certificate. There are no other warranties, express or implied, or warranties of compatibility or fitness for any purpose with respect to the free software. Warranties for other software are provided by its manufacturer.

5.4. The agreement is drawn up in two copies, each having the same legal force, one copy is with the Contractor, the second is with the Customer.

Addresses and details of the parties:

Executor: Customer:


Legal Address: Moscow,

st. Gabrichevsky, house 10, bldg. 4, apt. 396 Yur. Address:____________________________________


Taxpayer Identification Number// Taxpayer Identification Number/KPP_____________________________________________

Payment account No. Payment account No._________________________________________

K/account No. K/account_________________________________________

At the bank: Moscow Bank__________________________________________



Tel. (4, E-mail: *****@***ru Tel. ________________ E-mail:___________________

Director ________________ ____________________(__________________________)

() signature

All valuable information saved until work begins. ()

Certificate of acceptance of work under contract No. ____________ dated “____”_____________ 20___

Compiled by “____”_____________ 20_ __ G.

It is hereby confirmed that all work and services under the specified agreement have been completed in full. The Customer has no claims against the Contractor. The customer undertakes to pay for the specified work (services) on time.

Director ___________________ ____________________________________

Systems are operational.

Installing drivers, as well as programs, is perhaps one of the most important processes on which the operation of the equipment depends. Even new technology Without configured software it is useless. If you are not familiar with the process of installing programs or simply do not know where to get them, then our specialists will help you. Attentiveness and efficiency are an integral part of our work. Garant-Service LLC employs excellent specialists who will help you install programs of varying complexity: text, as well as graphic editor, OS, drivers, etc.


Garant-Service LLC offers software installation in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • For the office. These programs include design and editing applications such as Word; creating tables, for example, Excel, creating presentations, for example Openoffice;
  • Installation of popular operating systems;
  • Mail client. This type mail is intended for storing and writing mail messages;
  • Drivers. They provide OS access to PC hardware devices. As a rule, manufacturers already install everything on the computer necessary drivers however, if you need to install additional programs, then our masters in Moscow and the regions are ready to offer you help;
  • Multimedia. We offer installation of multimedia, with the help of which you can listen to audio files and watch your favorite films. In addition, we can also recommend that you install special codecs that make it possible to view files of different formats;
  • Browsers and antiviruses. A browser is a type of software that provides access to the Internet. Using browsers, you can view information that is posted on the Internet. In order to make using the Internet as convenient as possible and avoid problems with viruses later, we also recommend immediately installing an anti-virus program;
  • For accountants. Installation and configuration of BOSS, Accord, BEST, etc. allow you to to a large extent simplify the calculation of salaries for employees, etc.;
  • Archivists, keyboard trainers, as well as any other programs.

Our specialists will not leave you in a difficult situation!