How to remove an extra account from Odnoklassniki. How to remove yourself from classmates

Deleting your Odnoklassniki page is easier than it might seem at first glance. Despite the obviousness of this action, there is no option in the personal profile settings to delete your profile. Apparently, programmers are trying to save as best they can the situation with the loss of popularity of this social network and users deleting their accounts.

To delete your own Odnoklassniki profile, you will first need to log into the site.

The “delete your profile” button is safely hidden in a rather unexpected place - custom agreement, the so-called “Regulations”. To get to the regulations page, you need to scroll to the very bottom on any page of the site.

After opening the regulations, scroll the page again to the very bottom. The desired button was “hidden” there. It’s called “Refuse Services”.

After clicking this button, a new window appears. It asks you to indicate the reason for wanting to delete your profile. Below is the last attempt to “convince” the user to abandon his plan and a field for entering a password.

Before deleting your own profile, you should remember that all correspondence and photos you uploaded are also deleted from the network server along with your personal data. Be sure to save all the information that is important to you, because it cannot be restored. And in case you dare again

Communication via the Internet has become the norm in the modern world, where access to the network is available from any gadget, for example, a tablet, phone or laptop. For this reason, social networks have gained popularity, creating an ideal communication platform for millions of users. For some reasons, people decide to delete personal pages from these services, but this is not always easy to do.

OK brings together a huge number of users, many were able to find their old friends and acquaintances here, but enterprising marketers and sellers began to use the platform for their own purposes. Due to annoying advertising and fake accounts, some people decide to delete their Odnoklassniki page forever. The reasons may be different, but there is no large and visible “Erase profile” button on the social network; the developer does not want to let his audience go so easily. Below we will describe simple ways to block or completely erase an account from the site.

How to delete your page on Odnoklassniki

It is not necessary to completely destroy the profile; you can simply close access to it so that other users cannot see your personal data. If you decide to completely remove yourself from your classmates forever, you can use one of the options:

  • delete the page through the “regulations” section on the site;
  • using a special link through the address bar.

From computer

To remove yourself from classmates, you will need a PC, a browser, Internet access and your username and password. This is a simple and accessible method that can be used as follows:

  1. To go to the main page of the social network, you need to be an authorized user, but you don’t have to go to the profile itself.
  2. Use the mouse wheel to scroll the pages all the way down. At the bottom (footer) there will be five columns with sections (additional menu). They are created for convenient and quick user access to the necessary parts of the site. You need to look in the far right column for the section called “regulations.” Click on it once.
  3. A new page will open on which a large number of rules will be written. You don't need them at the moment, but you can get acquainted with them if you wish. Scroll down the page.
  4. Under the text there will be two active inscriptions “contact support” and “refuse services. Click on the last link.
  5. An additional menu will load in which you will be asked the reason for your desire to delete the page. You can choose one of the proposed options or specify your own.
  6. Next, you will receive a warning from the Odnoklassniki website that you will lose the opportunity to communicate with friends in OK if you do not restore the page or register a new one.
  7. After confirming the desire to erase the profile, you must enter a password.
  8. Click the delete button.

That's all you need to delete a page in Odnoklassniki. You will notice a notification that you can still restore data on the service for 3 months. In order for a page to be permanently deleted from OK, you need to forget about it for 90 days and not try to log in. This will erase it completely and irrevocably, and the phone number will be free to create a new account.

From phone

Mobile gadgets are actively used when a person is away from home and does not want to lose contact. Large services have developed special free applications for iOS and Android. There is currently no way to remove someone from classmates via phone. The developers simply did not provide such a function in the application. This is explained by the desire to protect their clients from attackers who are trying to hack accounts on social networks.

If you use a modern smartphone, you can perform the deletion using the full version of the Odnoklassniki website. To do this, you will need a browser on your phone and Internet access. You go to the site without using the application, scroll down the page and click on the inscription “Full version of the site”. Then you need to follow the steps described above using the “Regulations” section.

If you forgot your login and password

Social network developers try to protect client profiles from hacking in various ways. For this reason, it will not be possible to delete a page in Odnoklassniki without knowing your password and login. If you have forgotten your data or the page has been hacked, you need to contact customer support with a request to recover your password and login. The administration does not respond immediately, so you will have to wait. After regaining access to your profile, you can delete it using the method described above.

How to close your page on Odnoklassniki

It is not necessary to delete your profile to limit other users' access to your data. You can use the standard service settings. They allow you to erase information about you or close it from prying eyes. This does not prevent you from using the services of your classmates: watching videos, pictures, listening to music. Information about activity on your page will be closed. Step-by-step instructions on how to close a page in Odnoklassniki.

Social networks have taken over the whole world, and already more than 70% of Internet users have an account in one of them. However, there are also people on the Internet who are already quite tired of virtual communication, and they delete their profiles. So, if you decide to leave the social network, then this article will be useful for you to read.

There are several ways to delete a profile in Odnoklassniki:

  • through the “Regulations” (the most common);
  • link;
  • using special code (obsolete);
  • via telephone.

How to remove yourself from classmates completely

Before deleting your Odnoklassniki profile, think carefully, because when deleted, all your friends, photos, messages, videos will be completely destroyed. If you want to return to again, you will have to create a new profile.

So, in order to remove yourself from classmates, first of all you need to go to your profile by entering your username and password. After this, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see a menu at the bottom in which you should select the “Regulations” item.

By clicking on it, you can familiarize yourself with the regulations, and under it find what you needed: the “Refuse services” link.

Next, a window will appear in which you will need to select one of the reasons why you want to be removed from your classmates. Having selected the appropriate category, you enter your password and press the delete button.

As you can see in the picture, a deleted profile can be restored if desired, but this can be done no later than 90 days from the date of deletion.

To check whether you have been removed from classmates, go to the site again and try to log in with your username and password. If the deletion is successful, a message will appear informing you that there is no such account.

If for some reason the first method did not help, try using the link:

The four x's highlighted in bold mean the sixth, seventh, last and penultimate (in that order!) digits of your ID, that is, you will need to enter these numbers manually instead.

It’s unlikely that everyone knows their ID by heart, so I’ll show you a way to find it. So, on our page, under your first and last name, we find the “More” item. In the pop-up list, click “Settings”. At the very bottom is our treasured identification number.

Third removal method

This method is already outdated, but there is still a chance that it will be useful again after a while. The method is that you will need to enter the code in the address bar after the right slash: dk?cmd=PopLayer&st.cmd=userConfig&st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile .

After entering, press Enter. A window will appear to delete your account, where you only need to provide your password.

Removing classmates from a mobile phone and tablet

There are cases when a personal computer or laptop is broken, but you need to urgently remove yourself from the social network. Then users ask the question: How to remove yourself from classmates completely using a phone or tablet? The answer is simple. You must also log in to your page and click on the tab labeled “OK”.

A menu with various options will appear on the left. You will need to scroll to the bottom of this list. There, in the “Other” tab, you will find the inscription “Full version of the site.” After selecting this item, you will need to perform all the manipulations that were described above.

If you use the mobile application for Odnoklassniki, you will need to delete it, since it does not provide an opt-out function. To delete an application, go to your phone’s settings and click on “Application Manager” (Android), find Odnoklassniki and delete.

And finally, a little moralizing. Yes, every social network does not want to lose its users, but it is better to lose hundreds of virtual friends than a couple of real ones. Spend more time with friends, not with your PC and mobile phones.

How to delete an account on Odnoklassniki completely - this question worries many people on this social network, so in this article we will look at this issue in detail. However, many inexperienced users are still unfamiliar with this feature and the algorithm of actions. After reading this material, you can delete your Odnoklassniki account permanently or temporarily in a matter of minutes. And for those who want, there is a separate guide on our portal.

What methods are there?

  • removal and blocking forever through the regulations and the link in it;
  • hide all personal data through profile settings;
  • paid function “Close profile”.

Using these methods, you can delete your Odnoklassniki account in 2016. There is also an option using a separate URL code, but it does not work at the moment.

Regulations and link to deletion

To remove your profile quickly and easily, follow all the tips in our step-by-step guide:

  • go to your profile or any other social network page;
  • in the bottom block of the site you will see several columns with sections. We are interested in the last column on the right with the “Regulations” section. Click on it;

  • Scroll to the very bottom of the next page and follow the “Cancel services” link;

  • A window will appear in front of you with the procedure for deleting the profile;

  • indicate the reason for refusing OK services;
  • then confirm your actions with a password and click the “Delete” button.

If you do not restore your profile within 90 days of deletion, it will be completely deleted from the database with all information about you, including your phone number (so you can create a new page using the same number). This way you can delete your Odnoklassniki account forever. You can find separate instructions on this on our website.

Privacy settings

Now let's look at the second method:

    • go to the main page of the social network after logging in from your page;
    • go to your profile settings: to do this, click “More” and then Settings:

    • open the “Publicity Settings” section and check all the boxes in the far right column;

    • then confirm the changes.

If you do not understand this algorithm of actions, then watch the video describing the removal procedure.

“Close profile” function

At the end of the list of sections in the settings there is a “Close profile” button. with its help you can hide your profile. With its help, you can configure access to your page only to individual users. It is worth noting that this feature is paid. By purchasing it once for 40 OK (about 84 rubles), you can use it constantly from this profile.

Is it possible to delete an Odnoklassniki account with a URL code?

As of 2016, this method is completely blocked by developers. A little earlier, you could remove your profile by the following steps:

Perhaps this removal method will be useful to OK users someday. Therefore, it is recommended to bookmark it.

Now you know how to delete an Odnoklassniki account using completely different methods. You can read about this in our guide for beginners.

How to delete an account

Tired of being stuck online? So it's time to free up time for more important things! According to statistics, even at work, 50% of the population spends more than two hours chatting on social networks. There is even a new form of addiction - social media addiction.


How to delete a page normally?

Let us remind you once again that the result of such deletion is final, and everything that you had on this page has sunk into oblivion forever!

P.S. Small clarification

It is very rare, but there are situations when all the above actions have been performed, but the page still exists and continues to operate, in defiance of fate. Then you need to go to your profile again, select the “Regulations” item at the bottom, but select the button that was recommended above, and “Contact support”.

After this, you will be presented with a form that you need to fill out, where you will be asked for your email, full name and description of the problem. After this, you will receive a standard letter describing your further actions, the purpose of which will be to verify whether you are who you say you are. Having fulfilled all the requirements specified there, you can breathe a sigh of relief and say goodbye to your annoying classmates again.

How to temporarily delete a page

There is another way to delete a page in Odnoklassniki, or rather, make it inaccessible to the whole world except you. From the outside it looks as if you erased it, but if you change your mind, you can return everything back at any time.

To begin with, we also go to Odnoklassniki and stop at the top of the page. There, under the avatar there are several links, you need to click on “Change settings”. In the menu that appears, select “Publicity Settings”.

There you will see a list of various actions that are currently allowed to you, your friends, and all strangers. This needs to be corrected by checking the very last column, where the items are “Only for me” or “For no one”. By doing this you cut yourself off from the world, gaining long-awaited peace and a lot of free time. To complete the process, you need to completely clear the “About Me” section, which contains your year of birth, kindergarten, school, university, names of your favorite songs and cat names, and also change your first and last name. After this, even your own mother will not suspect that this page belongs to you.

If you change your mind after some time, it will not be difficult to restore everything; you just need to go to the page and return all the settings back.

How to delete a page if you can't access it?

Unfortunately, the situation when a page is hacked and a lot of spam messages are distributed from it is not so rare. It’s quite possible that you don’t really want to stay on this social network, but you also wouldn’t want to leave your page to attackers. In this case, the algorithm is also quite simple: you need to contact the classmates administration. You need to describe the situation with approximate dates when you lost access to your data and a request to delete the page completely and forever. It is quite possible that you will be asked to clarify some information, and upon completion of the correspondence, neither you nor malicious hackers will be able to use this profile anymore.