Why is there an access error on VKontakte? Error solution: An error occurred while loading data

Full text errors: An error occurred while loading data. Check your network connection. This error occurs in the VK application. The application does not load news, messages and other sections. There may be several reasons for the error:


In the device settings, find the VKontakte application. Go to the permissions section. You will see "Memory" in the list. You need to disable this item, restart the phone and enable this item again. An error when loading data could have occurred due to a glitch with access rights certain files- cached avatars of your friends and other files.

When you try to turn off this permission, you may see a similar message: "This app was designed for an earlier Android versions. Revoking permission may cause operational problems." Select the "Reject" item, because later this item will be enabled again.

If the error still appears, go back to the application settings again. The problem may be not only the lack of an Internet connection, but also damaged file into the memory cache. The application is unable to display the page and ends up throwing a data loading error. First of all, go to settings, find the VKontakte application and clear the cache memory.

Clean and try to launch the application again.


On Apple devices, the problem most often occurs due to an outdated application. From time to time, older versions of the application are no longer supported. Therefore, first of all, we check for updates. After the update, go to settings and clear the cache, reboot the device and look again:

Other possible reasons related to Internet connection:

  • If you are using old version application, update it. Outdated version may not be supported.
  • Make sure that the Internet connection is stable and there are no traffic restrictions set for the application.
  • Try going to vk.com. If the site is not available, it is probably blocked by your operator or network administrator (or example Wi-Fi at your job). Try using switch to another Wi-Fi router or connect via mobile communications. If access is blocked by the operator, use proxy services.

If you find another solution to the error when loading VK data, share the solution with us in the comments.

Today we will tell you what to do if, when you start a video in VK, it displays “Error code 4”. You will find out why this VKontakte problem occurred and how to fix it.

So, in Lately many users social network VKontakte encountered a video player failure and the error “An error occurred during loading. Please try again later. Error code: 4". Loading failure appears after trying to start videos and is observed only in Contact’s native video player. Inserted video players (Youtube, Vine, Instagram, etc.) play videos without any visible problems.

An example of a failure when uploading videos to VK

Also, this problem observed mainly on desktops (PCs and laptops), while on mobile devices(Android, iOS) it is practically not observed. It can also be noted that the problem most often occurs among Yandex browser users. To be fair, I would also add that most of the videos are played without problems.

How to remove error 4 in VK?

Everyone associates the appearance of error 4 with the transition to new design Contact and attribute the bug to the misconfiguration of servers with VK video data. To be specific, the error code 4 message appears when the video quality changes, or more precisely due to the fact that the servers cannot process the requested video settings. By by and large, the problem must be solved by the developers themselves, which is what they are trying to do.

Error 4 in the video can be corrected by tweaking some settings of browsers, plugins and the videos themselves. So try the following:

  1. Before launch change video quality to a lower one, if the failure is gone, return the required quality;
  2. Apply immediately before downloading video acceleration- click on the video right click and change the playback speed;

    Changing playback speed

  3. In your VK account settings, uncheck the box for autoplaying videos.

    Changing playback settings on your page

  4. Update Adobe Flash Player- download current version and install, restart the browser and try;
  5. The problem is especially relevant for Yandex browser and Opera - so disable it in them Turbo mode, in many cases error 4 occurs precisely because of this;

    Disabling Turbo mode in Opera and Yandex browser

We don't notice when everything is fine. This is taken for granted, as something for granted. But the emergence of any problem in an everyday situation can throw anyone out of moral balance. When messages in contact are not sent, we are not only annoyed, but also deprived of the opportunity to communicate with friends through our favorite social network VK.

The most popular social network in Russia

  • Registration in a few keystrokes, just indicate your first name, last name and phone number.
  • Opportunity free use service. No subscriptions paid accounts or something similar.
  • Accessibility anywhere globe, in any language.
  • Almost every resident of Russia and the CIS is registered in this social network.
  • Numerous applications will help you find entertainment for every taste.
  • Tens of thousands of communities unite people with similar interests.
  • To make a new acquaintance, you just need to click on the “Write a message” button.

Why aren't messages sent in contact?

It is with sending the message that problems may arise. No, it’s not a matter of natural shyness, self-consciousness or suspiciousness. The purely technical side of the issue comes to the fore.

Users usually cannot send a message to vk for a reason:

  1. Failures on servers, problems with the equipment of the provider.
  2. Disabling javascript in the browser.
  3. Lack of attachment to account telephone number.
  4. You are blacklisted by the user you are trying to send a private message to.
  5. Infecting your computer with malware.

Basically, they all arise due to non-compliance with the rules for safe use of the network or simple laziness. Most often, this error occurs due to browser updates; if you disable them, you can avoid constant crashes, including VKontakte.

It just so happens that vk is one of the most popular sites in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, which is why it is convenient for attackers to target it. But if it is extremely difficult for them to hack the security of the resource itself, and often even impossible, then they will be able to test the strength of your systems.

Messages in contact are not sent, what should I do?

Step-by-step solution to the problem with VK messages described below:

  1. First, run an antivirus program.
  2. If you don't have it on your computer, download it free version in the Internet. For example, free utility from Kaspersky.
  3. Check the system with it, restart the computer and monitor the changes.
  4. If nothing has changed, find hosts file. It is located in the system32 folder.
  5. This file contains certain restrictions, and the domain vk.com should not appear in it.
  6. There should only be one line, so just delete the excess and save the changes.
  7. After this, everything should work fine, if the problem was not in the browser.
  8. There are already two solutions. Simplest - clear the history.
  9. To do this, just go to the settings and select the appropriate item.
  10. If it doesn't help, change your browser to any other one. According to VK developers, Google Chrome is best supported.
  11. Or you can wait until the situation normalizes. The problem could have occurred not only to you, but there may be a problem with the server and right now dozens of specialists are working on it.

These simple steps should help you regain control. The best part is that there is nothing complicated about it, no special manipulations. Any person can do this, even if they have little understanding of computers.

At what level does the problem with VC arise?

It is always important to know whether the problem with sending messages has arisen only for you and there is nowhere to wait for help, or all users are suffering from this problem.

Local problem


News sites are silent and do not provide anything interesting on this topic.

On different resources information appears about the “fall” of vk.

All friends and acquaintances are perplexed, what kind of contact problems are you talking about?

They call you to see if you can send a message to someone else.

The site loads properly.

Every now and then there are problems loading the main page.

May float additional menus and blocks notifying about the problem.

No additions, just nothing happens after pressing the button.

It's always nicer when the problem is widespread. This means one simple thing, you don't have to worry about repairs. Technical specialists of the social network will do this for you, because the problem is on their part.

In the meantime, you can, the world is not limited to the Internet alone. And there is more than one site on the Internet, so you won’t be bored. Customized technical support department constant requests It makes no sense, such failures are usually truly widespread. Those. VK becomes unavailable for tens of millions of users at once, in such conditions, the influence of one person or even several thousand will not change anything.

Why messages are not sent

Reasons for failure to send messages in contact can be divided into two groups. Technical:

  • The browser is not working correctly.
  • The system is infected with viruses.
  • Problems with the site itself.

And social:

  • You are on the list of ignored users.
  • The interlocutor closed private messages for outsiders.

It can be much easier to get around problems from the first list than from the second. Sometimes you just shouldn’t impose on a person and give him time to think about the situation.

There is no need to raise an alarm if messages in a contact are not sent. There are dozens of other methods of communication in the world, so you will not lose the opportunity to communicate with a person. But it wouldn’t hurt to check your computer’s security.

Video lesson: fixing a sending problem

“VKontakte” is by far the most convenient Russian-language resource, which is not only the most popular social network, but also a service for listening to audio recordings and watching videos. There is a huge library here musical compositions, audiobooks, clips, films and other good things. Naturally, all registered participants enjoy the opportunities provided to them. However, recently, complaints about the “jokes” that the system is throwing out have begun to appear more and more often. They all boil down to a JavaScript Error "VKontakte" that interferes with normal operation video and audio players.

JavaScript Error Types: A Brief Overview

This misfortune can significantly spoil the mood of those who were looking forward to enjoying pleasant music or passing the time watching an evening movie. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out how to fix JavaScript Error "VKontakte" on our own. There are a few possible options solving the problem.

First, let's see what type of errors may appear:

  • initAddMedia is not defined;
  • cannot read property "length" of undefined;
  • cannot convert "opts.photos" to object;
  • cannot read property parentNode;
  • currentaudioid or simply undefined.

This is by no means an exhaustive list possible messages about the error, but the most common options are listed here. Next we will consider existing methods their decisions.

Ways to deal with JavaScript errors

If, when you try to turn on audio or open a video file, nothing works, and top corner a hateful message appears on the screen telling you what happened JavaScript error Error "VKontakte", then first try the following:

  1. Use a different browser. For example, if on this moment If you work in Opera, then install Google Chrome or Mazila. Perhaps the problem will go away.
  2. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F5. In some cases, this action clears the error.
  3. Scan your computer using an antivirus (Dr.Web or another). Don't forget to update the program first.
  4. Open the "My Settings" menu from your "VKontakte" page and check the box next to "Always use" secure connection". Perhaps this will help too.
  5. Clear the caches of your browsers, clear the Java cache.

If none of these actions helped and the VKontakte JavaScript Error still prevents you from using all the functions of the resource, then next way the solution to the problem should work.

Detection and removal of a virus in the system hosts file

Probably, the cause of such an unpleasant incident is viruses that have crept into your computer system. They work cunningly: they make entries in the system, as a result of which access to some sites is blocked (hence the JavaScript Error "VKontakte" when trying to use this service). Therefore, in order to open access, you need to clean the corresponding file, that is, hosts. This can be done automatically or manual mode. We'll look at how to do it yourself.

Instructions for cleaning the "hosts" file

  1. Go to "My Computer" and open system folder Windows/system32. It contains a drivers folder, in which we need the one called etc. Among the files stored in this last folder will be the hosts we need. Open it using Notepad or text editor WordPad.
  2. You will see the contents of this file as text entry. In this case, in a healthy (not infected with a virus) file, the entry is limited to the following data:
  3. If you find that in addition to the specified text, there are other entries in the file, then this is nothing more than garbage left by a cunning virus. It is he who prevents programs on the VKontakte website from working normally, blocking access to them.
  4. We need to get rid of unnecessary records. We completely clear the document (in order to better security), A the right message re-enter. Save the changes and close the editor.
  5. Now you need to restart your computer, after which the error should disappear. Try going to your social network page and listening to audio files, as well as opening videos. The JavaScript Error "VKontakte" no longer appears.

This method is the most reliable, but at the same time quite simple. Typically, it helps resolve issues related to JavaScript errors. To prevent such troubles, check the operation of your antivirus. If necessary, update it or install a new one, because reliable protection A computer is the basis for smooth operation, including when using sites on the World Wide Web.

Other types of JavaScript errors "VKontakte"

In addition to problems with audio and video files, this social network can also “please” with a number of other, even more ridiculous JavaScript Errors “VKontakte”. What to do if dialogs do not open, messages are not sent and comments are not attached to photos - an addEventListener error is thrown; the wall does not work - wall is not defined; no access to others essential functions. This list is only a part of the system's problems or failures, which make it difficult to use the popular resource.

JavaScript Error Troubleshooting Options

No matter what specific JavaScript error you're experiencing, the steps to resolve it are the same. As a rule, it is enough to use one of the options described above. It is especially worth paying attention to reinstalling/changing the browser used and cleaning the “hosts” file.

You can also try resetting set parameters browser (Properties/Advanced tab). After this you will need to restart your computer. In some cases, this simple action helps get rid of the pop-up error. In addition, it is necessary to check the entire operating system for viruses; perhaps they are hiding somewhere else. To do this, you need to have a powerful and properly working antivirus.

Last resort

If everything is fine with your machine and system, but when you try to use some functions of a popular resource, a JavaScript Error "VKontakte" still occurs, how to fix it in this case? The problem is most likely in the service itself. The most the best solution will seek help from technical support website "VKontakte" and explain the situation that has arisen. They will probably be able to resolve this misunderstanding.

Most main advice- do everything in your power to ensure complete safety his computer system. Update your antivirus regularly and, if possible, use the most latest versions browsers. Then such errors will be minimized.

All RuNet users, from children to the elderly, have had personal page on the social network VKontakte. Some see this great way communicate with friends and family; for some, VKontakte is a way to earn money or, on the contrary, relax by watching movies online and listening to your favorite music.

Unknown errors in VKontakte music playback

Unfortunately, not a single social the world's network cannot work without possible errors, breakdowns and other troubles. This is sometimes very frustrating for users who, for example, want to relax a little while listening to their favorite songs. But it often happens that suddenly an error occurs when loading an audio recording. It's funny, but people react very differently to this situation. Some people start looking for reasons from their computer: clearing the cache, removing certain filters, etc. Others are overcome by outright panic, which forces them to write to the support service. Well, the third type agrees to simply wait until the disappointing message “an error occurred while loading the audio recording, try refreshing the page” disappears. Each user has their own rights in this situation, but in any case there are a couple general recommendations for such a case.

Problems caused by the user

1. Be sure to check availability updated version Adobe Flash Player on your computer. Very often this is where the whole problem lies. Often, if an error occurs while loading an audio recording, it is the unupdated Flash Player that is to blame.

2. The most banal but sometimes effective method may be to use another browser or full reboot computer. By the way, if an error occurred when loading an audio recording in only one browser, it may be worth reinstalling it or updating it to a more advanced one. modern version. If this does not help, check its compatibility with your device.

Computer error

1. One of the main reasons may be slow speed Internet, which simply does not allow the VKontakte playlist to play well and without errors. You can check the speed of incoming and outgoing traffic on special online resources or consult with your provider by phone or online support service.

2. It happens that users, trying to secure their computer, install antivirus programs. This may also be the answer to the question why an error occurred when loading the audio recording. "VKontakte" is popular social. network, which many programs mistake for a malicious site without good reason, and cancel this ban This is only possible using the antivirus system settings.

3. It also happens that the parameters of your operating system may not accept some files that the computer encounters. Check thoroughly all the specified sound settings and the compatibility of all drivers. Usually this takes very little time, but the result is not long in coming, and soon the music begins to play again without any problems in normal mode.

Site problems

1. And the sixth reason why we, regular users, unfortunately, we are unable to influence - these are problems on the site servers themselves, because they store very large amounts of information, which is sometimes difficult for technology to cope with. Do not rush to contact support, as most likely they have already been notified and are trying to correct all errors and inconveniences as quickly as possible.

It’s very good if you solved the problem when an error occurred while loading an audio recording. Remember that this is the most common, very small problem that should be correctly solved once, put an end to it and forget it forever!