We eliminate the javascript error upload is not defined error and continue to upload your favorite VKontakte content. Fixing Javascript error: mutations are not initialized on VKontakte

Some users, while browsing the Internet and visiting various sites (especially the well-known social network VKontakte), may encounter a situation where, when trying to go to any Internet page, start a video or play music, the operation is blocked and the user receives a message at the top "JavaScript error dombyclass is not defined". In this material, I will talk in detail about this error, and also explain how to solve the JavaScript error dombyclass is not defined problem.

What does an error mean?

As can be seen from the message itself, this error is associated with poor performance of one of the program modules written in JavaScript, an application scripting language used, in particular, to make web pages interactive. Typically, the occurrence of a JavaScript error dombyclass is not defined means that the site you are on has software problems, and the problem is usually temporary, and when it is detected, developers quickly fix it. Therefore, if you encounter the error in question, you can take a screenshot of it and write a letter to the developers, pointing out the problem found. How to return the old version of VK.

How to solve JavaScript error dombyclass is not defined

If this problem occurs only to you, and other users do not experience similar problems when entering this site, then I recommend doing the following:

  • Try refreshing the page(by pressing F5 or Ctrl+F5);
  • Try restarting your computer;
  • Check the filehosts. We go to the general Windows directory, go to the system32 folder, then go to the drivers directory, then to etc. In this directory you will see a hosts file, which you need to open using Notepad (or another convenient text editor) and view its contents. You should only see localhost there, delete everything else. Save the changes and restart your PC;
  • and Java;
  • Clear cache andcookiesyour browser. For example, for Firefox it’s Settings – Advanced – Network, and click “Clear now” next to cached web content;
  • Check your system with a reliable antivirus. Sometimes such problems are caused by malicious software that somehow got onto your computer. Use proven “fighters” with viruses like Dr.Web CureIt!, Trojan Remover and others to completely clean your computer of malignant programs;
  • Remove questionable extensions. According to user reviews, browser extensions such as Vkplugin, Vksaver, BrowseMark, Super Mega Best and a number of others may be to blame for this error. Go to your browser extensions and remove them (and check if they are in the list of installed programs on your PC);
  • Use a different browser. Changing browsers helped some users overcome this error.

By the way, this and similar JavaScript error dombyclass is not defined errors can appear while viewing pages in the detailed Javascript checking mode (for example, in Mozilla). Minor defects and roughness will still be found, which can cause this problem to appear.


As you can see, the occurrence of the JavaScript error dombyclass is not defined can be associated with dysfunction of the developer code, the effect of browser add-ons, changes in the hosts file and the influence of virus programs. Following the tips I have given will help solve the problem with the error in question, ensuring reliable and stable operation of your system.

Good day to everyone who is reading the current publication. Today I will try to help you solve an error that occurs on the VKontakte social network, which looks like this: “JavaScript error upload is not defined.”

I will explain what this error is and what you should do to resolve it. In addition, I will offer you several universal solutions not only to this problem, but also to similar errors. Well, let's find out!

SOS! A terrible red window with an incomprehensible error!

In fact, this is not such a terrible mistake. It can be solved quite simply.

Unfortunately, in recent years, VK has been upsetting its users with many system glitches. And therefore, the latter have to dodge and get out of this situation using different ways of finding solutions.

After numerous encounters with similar errors on a well-known social network, I found three universal solutions that are guaranteed to help out of such situations. But first, let’s understand with you what is written in this red window.

"JavaScript error: upload is not defined" is an error that occurred when trying to download a resource (video, audio file, etc.). If this phrase is translated into Russian, we get:

There is contact!

So, let's look at the three options I mentioned above to solve the problem.

Garbage should be taken out... or disposed of

To start . To do this you need to go to "Tools", find menu item "Settings" and then find the button "Clear the history".

To quickly jump to the desired item, simply press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Delete. And after selecting the desired items to delete, click "Clear". Now try to open VK and start downloading the file. If it doesn’t work out, then move on to the next point.

Old is good, but new is better!

Your problem could be due to the fact that you have an outdated version of Adobe Flash Player and Java. To troubleshoot problems, follow the links provided to update Java (https://www.java.com/ru/download/) and then Flash Player (https://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/).

Now repeat the previous steps, i.e. Upload the desired media file to VKontakte. If no changes occur, then we move on to the next option.

Let's take the problem seriously!

Now you will have to change one configuration file. To do this, open your “Local (system) disk”. In it, go to the “Windows” folder, then to the “System32” system folder, then to the “driver (drivers)” directory and finally “etc”. Inside it you will see a file called "hosts". Open it with Notepad and clear all information. Now paste the text attached below.

I would like to point out an important detail! Since today the majority of computers work with the Microsoft Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating system, I have attached the necessary content specifically for them.

The text itself looks like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 # Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host # localhost name resolution is handle within DNS itself. # localhost # ::1 localhost

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host # localhost name resolution is handle within DNS itself. # localhost # ::1 localhost

Now save the file, restart your computer and voila! Everything is working!

I look forward to your subscriptions to my blog. And don’t forget to tell your friends and acquaintances about it. For this I will be very grateful to you. I wish you good luck in fixing the problems! Bye bye!

Best regards, Roman Chueshov

JavaScript errors on the VK.com website are very common, they happen often and there are many types of them. From time to time, we are asked questions about this error on the forum, and today we decided to make a full description of it and provide several solutions to this problem.

This error may appear both in personal messages and in sections of audio, video recordings, etc. Eliminating it is quite simple and often does not take much time. Rarely, but there are still cases, when it is difficult to determine why exactly the failure occurred, since the reason may also be on the side of the VK.com site itself. Let's find out!

How to fix JavaScript error

If you tried to perform some action, but in response you only received an error message (in the upper left corner of the site), then you need to fix this problem. There are several options for solving this:

  1. Using the Ctrl+F5 key combination, try clearing the Java and browser cache or use. By holding these buttons for 2-3 seconds, you will clear the cache of the page you are on. The problem should go away.
  2. We recommend that you scan your computer for viruses using an installed anti-virus program with updated databases.
  3. If nothing works, we recommend trying again by performing the same action, but from a different browser.

If in the end, after taking the steps described above, the problem has not been resolved, let’s proceed to clearing the Host file on your device.

Not all viruses can be detected by an antivirus program. In particular, those that are added to your system using the Host. A virus may simply block your access to certain sections of the site (applications, audio files, messages, etc.).

And so, you need to edit this file and save the changes made there. You can read about how to do this in our publication “”. There is a complete overview of all the actions that need to be performed.

What Causes a JavaScript Error?

Error JavaScript occurs due to problems on the server side of the project you are logged into or because of your browser.

There are many types of these errors. Here are the most common ones:

    1. “JavaScript error: Cannot set property ‘onChange’ of undefined” - come here, it should go away on its own. The problem is with the site itself, not with the users.
    2. “JavaScript error: cannot read property “length” of undefined” 0 problem on the site side. Wait a few minutes/hours and try again.
    3. “JavaScript error: cannot convert “opts.photos” to object” - right-click on the inscription and restart the browser.
    4. “JavaScript error: initAddMedia is not defined” - do everything as for error No. 5 and clear the HOSTS file.
    5. “JavaScript error: ge(“gp_play_large”) is null” - update Flash Player, you can do it by link and install the latest version Java .
    6. “JavaScript error mutations are not initialized” - clear cache memory and cookies in the browser.
    7. “JavaScript error uisearch is not defined” - in your browser settings, allow the use of JS on sites.
    8. “JavaScript error unexpected token” - check the link is correct, a letter or number may be missing.
    9. “JavaScript error adslight is not defined” - do the same as with error No. 6.

If you get any similar error, write about it in the comments and we will definitely help you and tell you what to do to fix it!

The article was updated and supplemented: 03/16/2019.

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There's nothing wrong with that. Now I'll show you how to fix javascript errors in VK.

What does it look like?

Problems can arise at any time. When you try to start an audio recording for listening (see), when sending a message (see), etc. A warning appears in the right-left corner of the screen.

How to fix the error?

One of the options is an incorrect hosts file. This is a system file responsible for network routing. There is no need to go into details now. Let's just bring it back to its original form.

It is located in the following folder:


We go into it and open our file using notepad.

The working version of the file should not contain extraneous lines. Lines starting with the “#” sign are system comments. There is no need to touch them. If there is anything unnecessary, we delete it.

Save and try to restart Contact. The error should go away.

Sometimes updating java helps. Follow the link and download the latest version:


And the last piece of advice I wanted to give you. JavaScript-related errors can be caused by an outdated cache in your browser. Clean it up.

Let's do this in Google Chrome. Open the menu. Now tab "Additional Tools", and there is a point “Deleting browsing data”.

At the next step, indicate the time period, mark the necessary items and press the button "Clear the history".

After that we try to restart the page.


In contact with

Today, Vkontakte is the most convenient Russian-language resource, which is not only the largest social network, but also a service for watching videos and listening to audio recordings. There is a huge collection of music audio recordings, films, videos and other good stuff here.

All registered participants take advantage of all the opportunities provided to them with great pleasure. Recently, more and more frequent complaints have begun to appear from users about the chips that the system throws out. They all usually come down to the Java Script Error “VKontakte”. This error interferes with the normal operation of video and audio players.

Java Script Errors: A Brief Overview

Such a problem can spoil the mood of those users who were going to while away the time watching a movie or enjoying pleasant music. To prevent this from happening, let's try to figure out how to fix a JavaScriptError on our own. There are several options to solve this problem. First of all, let's figure out what types of errors can appear.

Error options:

— init Add Media is not defined;

— cannot read property “length” of undefined;

— cannot convert “opt photos” to object;

- cannot read property parent Node.

This is by no means a complete list of possible error messages. Only the most common options are listed here. We will look at existing ways to solve these problems.

Troubleshooting Java Script Errors

If you are unable to turn on audio or open a video file, and a javaScriptError “VKontakte” error message appears in the upper corner of the screen, then first you need to try the following.

  1. Please use a different browser. So, for example, if you are currently working in Opera, then try installing Google Chrome or Mozilla. Perhaps the problem will disappear after this.
  2. Try using the Ctrl+F5 key combination; this action will resolve the error in some cases.
  3. Check your computer using an antivirus program (Dr. Web or another). You must first update the program.
  4. Open the “Settings” menu of “VKontakte” from your page and check the box opposite the “Always use a secure connection” item. Perhaps this will help fix the problem.
  5. Clear your browser cache and Java cache.

If none of the above steps help and the JavaScript error still prevents you from using all the functions of the resource, then the following method may work to solve the problem.

Detection and removal of a virus in the system hosts file

It is quite possible that the cause of such an unpleasant incident is viruses that have crept into your computer system. They work quite cleverly: they create entries in the system hosts file. As a result, access to some sites is blocked. This is where the Java Script Error occurs when trying to use this service. In order to open access, you need to clean the corresponding hosts file. This can be done automatically or manually. In this review, we will look at how you can perform this procedure yourself.

Instructions for cleaning the hosts file

Here are the main steps for cleaning the Hosts file. Go to “My Computer” and open the Windows/System32 system folder. It contains the Drivers folder. In it you need to find the etc folder. Among the files stored in the last folder will be the hosts file we need. Its contents must be opened using Notepad or the WordPad text editor. As a result, you will see the contents of this file as a text entry. In a healthy, uninfected file, this entry is limited to the following information: localhost. If you see that in addition to the specified text, the file also contains other entries, then this is nothing more than garbage that was left by viruses. It is this object that prevents programs on the Vkontakte website from functioning normally. It blocks access to them. It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary records. It is necessary to completely clear the document for better security. Re-enter the desired message. After this, save the changes made and close the editor. Now you need to restart your computer. After this, the error should disappear. Try searching your social network page and listening to audio files. Then try opening the video. As a result, the Java Script Error should no longer appear. This is the most reliable and at the same time quite simple method. It tends to solve a lot of problems related to JavaScript errors. To prevent such situations from occurring, it is better to check the operation of your antivirus program. If necessary, you need to update your antivirus or install a new one. Reliable computer protection is the basis for smooth operation when using the World Wide Web.

Other Types of Java Script Errors

In addition to problems with video files and audio recordings, this social network can please the user with a number of other more ridiculous Java Script Errors. Here is a list of some errors and system failures that make using the popular resource difficult. If messages are not sent, dialogs are not opened, and comments are not attached to photos, an AddEventListener error is thrown. If the wall does not work, the wallisnotdefined error appears. This is just a small list of all the system flaws or failures that may make it difficult to use a popular resource.

Java Script Error: Troubleshooting Options

Regardless of what kind of Java Script error you are experiencing, the ways to solve it come down to the same steps. As a rule, it is enough to use one of the options described above. In particular, you should pay attention to reinstalling and changing the Internet browser you are using, as well as cleaning the hosts file. You should also try resetting your browser settings. After this, you will need to restart your PC again. This simple action in some cases allows you to get rid of the error that occurs. It is also necessary to check the OS for viruses. Perhaps they are hiding somewhere else. To do this, you need to have a powerful antivirus program.

If everything is fine with your computer, but when you try to use any functions of a popular Internet resource you receive a Java Script error, then the reason most likely lies in the service itself. In this case, the easiest solution would be to contact technical support for help. In all likelihood, they will help you resolve this misunderstanding. The main advice is to take all measures to ensure the security of your computer system. You must use the latest versions of Internet browsers and regularly update your antivirus program.