How to restore skype contacts. How to recover contacts on Skype if they are deleted

Disappearing contacts are perhaps the most annoying bug that appears from time to time in every messenger. They are a nightmare for both developers and users. Imagine, you open Skype for work, and all your contacts are gone. Of course, you don’t remember all the nicknames by heart. What if there are more than a hundred users on the list? How to restore contacts on Skype? And is this possible?

Digging into the settings

The first thing to do when any bug occurs is to check the settings. Perhaps the error appeared because you changed something in them. How do you know if everything is okay?

1. Launch Skype and open the “Contacts” menu.

2. Select “All” from the “Lists” submenu.

If friends disappeared as a result of a glitch in the settings, then after that they will appear again, and you can continue communication without asking for nicknames or sending repeated requests to be added.

Restoring manually

The easiest way to recover missing Skype friends is if you make backups periodically.

1. Launch Skype and go to the “Contacts” menu.

2. In the “Advanced” submenu, select the function of creating a backup copy of the contact list.

3. Select the storage location for the vcf file with the backup data and click “Save”. Now your list of Skype friends as of the date the file was created will always be available for recovery.

And if the next time your contacts disappear, you can easily get them back by opening the “Contacts” menu and selecting data recovery from a backup file in the “Advanced” submenu.

Remember: the more friends you have, the more important it is for you to create backup copies.

Moving the %appdata% folder

The following method for restoring contacts only works with closed Skype. You only need folders on your computer. Open any of them, enter “%appdata%” (without quotes) in the search bar and press Enter.

Now find the Skype folder and move it to another location. After this you can run the program.

When you start, Skype will begin to search for the moved folder and at the same time the procedure for restoring all damaged sectors will occur. In most cases, this returns lost contacts to their place.

Recovering deleted contacts

Sometimes the user accidentally deletes the necessary interlocutors or does it out of emotion, and then wants to add them back. If not much time has passed since the deletion, then the contact lost in this way can be restored using the “Recent” option in the “View” menu.

Now in your contacts list you will see all the users with whom you exchanged messages or called back recently, and you can add the deleted contact to your Skype again.

Here are the simplest and most effective methods for recovering lost friends on Skype. And if the problem arose with other instant messengers, for example, with WhatsApp, we recommend, which tells in detail what to do if all your friends suddenly disappear from your WhatsApp.

Skype provides great opportunities for communication. But, like almost every software, it has its own shortcomings and malfunctions, which affect the ease of use. Usually these problems can be easily solved. One of the common difficulties is the following. Imagine you turn on your computer in order to communicate with your family or work colleagues and are surprised to discover that your Skype contacts have disappeared. What to do? Are they all lost forever and will have to be installed again? And it’s good if there are no more than a dozen of them. Some of them only have at least a hundred of the most important ones, and in addition, some may be special. Is it possible to recover this data? Yes, you can!

You can minimize all the difficulties associated with recovery if you simply take care of it in advance. Skype itself has a function that allows you to back up your contacts in case your account is hacked and other possible problems. To take advantage of this, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. We are looking for the “Contacts” tab.
  3. Click on it and select the additional column in the window that appears.
  4. We hover the cursor over it and open the “Make backup copies of your contact list” tab.
  5. The program prompts you to create a folder for this. We do everything she says.

If the operation was successful the next time after the contacts have disappeared, it will be enough to find the same tab, only now click “Restore contact list from backup file.”

Attention! Anticipate the possibility of contacts disappearing from Skype in advance. Making a backup copy is especially necessary for those who have a mailing list of tens or even hundreds.

I know from practice that some problems arise due to incorrect settings. By the way, you will learn how to configure Skype correctly. Therefore, before panicking about lost data, we should check whether we ourselves are the reason for its disappearance. The operation is performed as follows:

  1. Go to Skype.
  2. Open the contacts tab.
  3. We move the cursor over the lists and click on “All”.

If the missing contacts have returned, it means that unnecessary problems and difficulties have been avoided. If the previous two steps did not help, additional efforts can be made to recover accounts, but they are more complex and require certain skills.

First, you need to completely close Skype. Now open any folder, no matter what. Open it and find the search bar in the upper right corner. Then we proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Type %appdata% into the line.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. We are looking for the Skype folder.
  4. We move it to another place.
  5. Let's start Skype again.

This procedure should help in most cases. The program starts looking for the folder in a different location and automatically repairs all damaged sectors. After that, we launch Skype and see that in most cases the contacts return to their place.

If not, you can try to find the file where Skype stores contacts , correspondence history and everything else. This folder can be found at:

  1. C:\Documents and Settings\;
  2. Username;
  3. Application Data;
  4. Skype;
  5. “Your nickname on Skype”;

It contains all the information you are interested in. If it is not there, then it is unlikely that you will be able to restore contacts. If you accidentally delete it, try using the automatic system save function and roll back the changes a day ago.

The disappearance of contacts from Skype is a rather unpleasant event, but with the right approach, the probability of getting them back is about 90%.

The world-famous Skype program is becoming increasingly popular and in demand. At the same time, the number of questions that are incomprehensible to one or another user is also increasing. Questions can be of a different nature, starting with how, in fact, to download the program and ending with how to restore a recently deleted contact or several contacts. I mentioned the last question for a reason, because this article will be devoted to it. So, this time I propose to talk about how to restore contacts on Skype.

Deleting and restoring a contact

I would like to start with what a contact list is. Roughly speaking, this is a list of people with whom you wish to communicate. In order to be included in this list, you must have accepted the application for addition, or perhaps you did not send this application, and your pen pal confirmed it. It goes without saying that there can be different people in your contact list: friends, family, colleagues, or just acquaintances.

Sometimes it happens that correspondence with a person stops, and you want to remove the contact from your list. This is done easily and quickly; just two mouse clicks will be enough for a certain login to disappear from your list.

It seems to me that everyone is familiar with the situation when you delete a contact, and suddenly it turns out that you urgently need it? Or another turn of events: your contact list is literally bursting at the seams, you delete some people, but then realize that you accidentally deleted the wrong one. What to do in such a situation?

The fact is that for some time Skype stores the information that contacts exchanged with each other, and it is this information that will help you restore a deleted contact on Skype. To do this, go to the “View” tab and in the list that opens after that, select the “Recent” line.

Next, a list of all your interlocutors for the last week will open. If you want someone you chatted with, say, months ago, click on “Show older messages.” Find the one you need by clicking on his login with the left mouse button, and add him back to your friends.


In general, so that one day you don’t find out that all your contacts have disappeared and you don’t have to rack your brains about how to restore your contact list, make it a rule to make backup copies of your contact list from time to time. To do this, go to the “Contacts” tab – “Advanced” – “Back up your contact list”. That's all, the entire list will be saved in one file.

Of course, I hope that these tips are useful to you and that everything will be fine with your Skype contacts. However, it is better to know what to do if such trouble suddenly overtakes you.

Video to help

The list of contacts in Skype, which is located on the left side of the program window, is a complete list of people with whom the user has exchanged personal data. At the same time, in the process of intensive communication on work or personal issues, this list can sometimes become so large that it can be quite difficult to find in it the person who is really needed at the moment. In this case, the user can clean the list by removing from it those interlocutors with whom he does not plan to communicate.

In addition, deleting contacts can also happen accidentally: after all, it only takes two consecutive mouse clicks, which can be done by a child or another user who accidentally opens your Skype window. In all these and similar cases, a natural question arises about the possibility of recovery.

Restoring contact

There is no special tool designed for recovery in the Skype program. However, the program stores information exchanged between users during communication for some time. You can use this to restore the desired contact.

To do this, you need to select the “View” tab in the top menu of the program, and then click on the “Recent” line in the drop-down menu. This will cause a list of people you've interacted with over the past week to appear on the left side of the window, where a complete list of contacts is usually displayed. You can get on this list in other ways. One of them is by pressing the Alt + 1 key combination. Another way is to select the “Recent” tab, which is located next to the “Contacts” tab that appears by default. For the convenience of users, the “Latest” tab is also equipped with a graphic identifier - a clock symbol.

If the last time you communicated with the person you want to restore contact with was more than a week ago, you can expand the list by clicking on the “Show earlier messages” link located under the list of recent contacts. Having found the desired interlocutor, click on him with the left mouse button. As a result, the message “The user is not included in your contact list” will appear in the main window. Add to contact list." Moreover, the last sentence of this inscription is a link, clicking on which will cause it to be included in the list of your contacts.


  • How to restore contacts in Skype

Provides encrypted voice and video communications over the Internet between computers, paid services for calls to mobile and landline phones. Very often problems arise with it due to failures in the program. In most cases, they occur because the software owner has changed and Skype became the property of Microsoft. You can fix the problems and restore its normal operation yourself.


If you have forgotten your password Skype Well, then the easiest way to restore access to your account is to send a request to change your password through a special form on the website.

First of all, connect the Internet and open Skype, click on the program shortcut on your desktop, then follow the “Forgot your password?” link.

After you go to the site Skype, immediately write your email address that you indicated during registration and click the “Submit” button. Then check your mailbox. After some time you should receive a letter from Skype with information about changing your password using a temporary code.

Please note that this email may be considered spam by various email systems and programs, so if you do not see the email in your Inbox, then be sure to check your Spam folder. Please study its contents carefully.

Then click on the “Time Code” link to return to the site Skype A. If this link doesn't work, try going to the "Enter code manually" link and enter it manually. Change your password. In order to come up with a good password, take some word in the language and write it on the English layout, then it will be much easier for you to remember it.

After this, windows will open for you to enter a new password. Enter it in the “New Password” box and then enter the new password again in the “Repeat Password” box. Next, click on the “Change password” and “Login to Skype».

If you have several accounts, then select from the list the one for which you forgot the password. If there is only one login, then it will be selected, and you will only have to enter a new password.

In case you cannot remember your login, then follow the link “What is my login Skype?. It will be available in the login window Skype and or when entering your personal account.


  • how to switch from skype

Skype is a popular program for sending instant messages and making video calls. The list of contacts can be edited, either adding new ones or deleting those that are no longer needed.


Launch Skype, log in using your username and password and wait until the list of available contacts finishes loading. Right-click on the user you want to exclude from the list. In the menu that appears, select the “Delete contact” command. If this feature is not available, select “Block” and then “Delete”. Please note that in this case, the user will disappear from the program window, but you will still be present in his own contact list, albeit with a note that you have denied him access to your personal data and removed him from your directory.

You can select the "Block" command to prevent the user from sending you personal communications as well as making video calls. In this case, he will be present in your contact list with the appropriate mark. When added to the blacklist, the program will also offer to delete a contact forever, which will allow you to combine both functions - the person will disappear from your directory in the program and will not be able to send a request to be added to it in the future.

Switch to Do Not Disturb online mode. In this case, people in your contact list will not be able to send you messages or make video calls. The mode is activated by going to the Skype main menu section and the “Network Status” tab. This function will be useful for those who do not want to remove users from their contact list, but want to get privacy for a certain time so that no one will distract them from their work. At the same time, you will still have the opportunity to send messages to any contacts.

Helpful advice

Try not to add suspicious or unwanted contacts to your list so that you don’t have to waste time deleting them in the future. Please review their personal information carefully before sharing your personal information.

This is a convenient program with which you can communicate for free with your loved ones and colleagues located anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, it often happens that for one reason or another password is forgotten, and, as a result, it becomes impossible to use the services Skype. But there is no need to despair right away - password quite easy to restore.

Imagine you opened Skype messenger to contact someone, and were surprised to find that your friends list was empty. Contacts on Skype have disappeared – you will find out what to do in this situation and whether it is possible to recover the information you need by reading this article.

Why did all my contacts disappear on Skype? Versions can be different, from a system error to accidental deletion. But whatever the answer, the problem requires a solution. Let's look at how you can recover information.

Method No. 1

In this case, the solution to the problem is based on the fact that you have created a backup copy of your friends list in advance. In this case, everything is solved very simply. So, if contacts are not displayed in Skype:

  • Open the menu and find the “Contacts” tab
  • Here we need the “Advanced” section. Open it.
  • Click the “Restore list from backup file” button. Your problem is solved.

Unfortunately, not everyone creates a backup copy in advance, and this, as you understand, is a very useful function. Just in case, we’ll tell you what you need to do so that you don’t have to think about how to restore data if all your contacts have disappeared on Skype:

  • Open the same tab as in the previous instructions
  • Select "Make backups"

  • The system will offer to create a separate folder in which your information will be stored.

  • For everything to work out, follow the assistant's prompts.

Method No. 2

If all contacts have disappeared after updating Skype, the problem may be due to broken settings. To reset properly, do this:

  • Go to the same tab as in the previous instructions
  • But this time select the “Lists” section
  • And click on the "All" button
  • After the settings are set in this way, all subscribers, as a rule, return to their place

Method No. 3

Sometimes the reason why the contact list disappears after reinstalling Skype is damaged sectors. Then the following instructions will help:

  • Open the command line using the Win+R key combination
  • Enter the command %appdata%

  • Find the Skype folder and move it to any other location

  • Restart messenger

If you move a folder, the program starts searching for it upon startup and automatically restores all damaged files.

Method No. 4

If your contacts are missing after updating Skype, check if the folder in which all profile information is stored on your device is still there.

  • Write %appdata%\skype in the command line

  • Open the folder with your login name
  • The boring file for you is called main.db

  • If it is in place, then the necessary information has been preserved. In some cases, reinstalling the program helps.
  • If missing (for example, deleted as a result of a system error), we can only recommend rolling back the system to a previous save point

What can you do if, you will find out by reading another of our articles.