Why do people still use old Windows? Ideal for programmers. Software update

Briefly about the main thing: Are you wondering why and with what? Linux is better than Windows? Do not be surprised. Linux is better than Windows and in this article, I will describe the advantages of Linux over Windows.
If you are not an advanced user, it may seem that "Windows" is best choice(or simpler) compared to Linux. In any case, if you didn't like working in Linux, then Windows is obviously better for you.

However, in reality, having experience working in different operating systems, we can compare them and draw our own conclusions in which Linux is better than Windows.

1. Open Source - Open source code

What it is? Imagine buying a car, but you can't see what's under the hood? The same is true when you are using a Windows system.

However, unlike Windows, Linux has a completely open source source. You can see the original Linux code, which is a huge plus.

I know that most users do not pay attention at all to whether the system has open source or is it proprietary software with closed code, for me, open source in Linux is the most important feature at using GNU/Linux.

2. Security

Let's face it. The Windows operating system is vulnerable to various types attacks. Linux is not yet as vulnerable as Windows, since Linux has not yet achieved such a level of popularity that every second person uses Linux as their main platform. Of course, it cannot be said with certainty that Linux is completely the ideal that is not susceptible to viruses, but in comparison with Windows, it is much safer.

This is exactly the case, Linux is designed in such a way that makes it a secure operating system. Overall, the package management process, working with repositories, and many other features allow you to use more ample opportunities, which makes Linux more secure than Windows.

After installing Windows OS, you need to download/purchase antivirus program to keep your computer safe from hackers and malware. However, Linux does not require the use antivirus programs. Of course there are software, for example, firewalls, which will help your system be protected from threats, but to a greater extent this is not necessary if you only use the computer for work, games, watching movies and surfing the Internet.

3. You can work on computers with old hardware

As operating systems evolve, their hardware requirements increase exponentially. For example, if you purchase a licensed copy of Windows 10, you will have to update your hardware to at least the minimum requirements that this OS requires in order to run the system successfully, and so that all applications run as expected and do not slow down, random access memory at least 4 GB otherwise it will be horror, not work.

However, with Linux, you can use even your most old computer with old equipment and the system will do everything necessary tasks. This doesn't mean that every Linux distribution will run with 256MB of RAM combined with an older processor. You have a choice and you can choose from many options, you can install a system on such equipment with minimum requirements to work with, for example Puppy Linux.

As a result, if you compare the efficiency of Windows and Linux, Linux will win in any case, since here you will find a distribution for your equipment, be it an old computer or a new one, you can choose a distribution in which you can work with minimal loads. Unlike the Windows operating system, which has higher hardware requirements without giving you a choice or considering whether your hardware is old or new.

In general, even if you compare Linux and Windows, in Linux you have a choice, unlike Windows where you are only forced to install the system and use it on permanent basis. Those who have tried Linux at least once already have experience working both on one side of the barricade and on the other and can compare where it is better and what is better and why you need to buy licensed software there, but not there, and also the choice is huge, take it or take another Install what you like. Why do you think most of the servers around the world prefer to run on Linux, here is the answer to the question of which OS is better.

4. Ideal for programmers

Linux supports almost all major programming languages ​​(Python, C/C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, etc.). In addition, it offers a wide range of applications used for programming.

Linux Terminal is superior in features command line. You can find many libraries developed originally for Linux. In addition, many programmers note that the package manager in Linux helps them install most applications easily and simply.

Interestingly, BASH scripting capabilities are also one of the most compelling reasons why programmers prefer to use Linux OS. Linux has built-in support for SSH, which will help you manage your servers easily.

5. Software update

Microsoft offers update software only when they have enough time a large number of bugs or other problems and only then are major updates released, in other words, Windows is in no hurry to release updates every day if you only need to fix one security bug or something else, unlike Linux. On the other hand, it was sometimes possible to see software updates to solve minor problems.

In Linux, you will notice more updates, which mostly offer to fix bugs or install security updates or simply update your applications to more advanced ones. new version, you may encounter all this. Not only will you see a large number of software updates, you will also see much more quick update and without the need to restart the computer, unlike Windiws.

6. Linux fine tuning and styling

One of the main advantages using Linux compared to Windows, is fine tuning systems to suit your needs. If you don't like it appearance your system, in Linux you have the opportunity to configure everything perfectly as you need.

In addition to installing themes, there are a lot of beautiful icon themes available to you. In addition to this, you can use Conky to display system information on your desktop in a place convenient for you by placing the appropriate widget for this. This is just a small part of what you can do with your desktop.

7. Variety of Linux distributions

On Linux, you will find hundreds of distributions, each with a specific focus on performing specific tasks. So you can install any of the available Linux distributions according to your requirements.

For example, there are Linux distributions for hackers that have a huge set of software that is pre-installed and you don’t have to search for everything separately on the network, there are Linux distributions for programmers, there are distributions for very old computers, and there are also Linux distributions for games. There is also Linux for everyone, it all depends on you and what choice you make, which is not the case in Windows.

8. Free to use

Linux is completely free to use! However, this is not the case with Windows!

You don't have to pay $100-250 to get your hands on original copy Linux distribution (for example, Ubuntu, Fedora). Everything is completely free.

If you use the system completely free, that’s good; in our case, we will save a certain amount of funds that we can use in a more useful direction, for example, we can consider upgrading your computer’s hardware.

9. Support. Better community that will always help

You don't need to hire an expert to solve your problems if you are facing problems using Linux. You just need to look for a solution on the Internet if there is no solution on the Internet, although this happens extremely rarely since thousands of users have already asked the question to which you are looking for an answer. If you still don’t find the answer, you can ask the community on the forums where users who have already encountered this problem will help you and you will definitely find a solution and you won’t have to pay for it.

If you have questions, you can ask in these communities:

  • and many others of which there are many.

10. Reliability / Stability

Windows, as we already know, is becoming more and more unusable day by day, if the system is not taken care of and the garbage is not cleaned regularly, after a few months you will definitely need to reinstall the system.

If you are using Linux, you won't have to worry about reinstallation In order for the system to work faster, you just need at least a little care in cleaning the cache after installing applications, clearing garbage after installing applications, for all this there is ready-made free software, although you can do everything using the terminal by running specific set commands, everything is very simple and your system will work stably on an ongoing basis. Yes, even if you work on Linux, you need to monitor the updates that you install, do not rush to constantly update the kernel, if the system is stable, there is no need to update to a newer version of the kernel, it’s another matter if these are security updates, this is of course necessary install. On personal experience passed stage, strongly frequent updates kernels will not lead to good things because somewhere you will definitely encounter a flaw or some other bug.

Let's go back to Windows again, using this operating system, you will have to develop the habit of constant reboot systems both with and without a reason.

  • If you just installed the software, reboot!
  • If you recently uninstalled the software, reboot!
  • If you have just installed Windows updates, Yes, reboot again!
  • If the system is running slow, reboot again!

However, in the case of Linux, you do not have to restart your computer for the situations that are mentioned above. You can continue your work comfortably, and Linux will not bother you as persistently as Windows.

Another fact that proves the reliability of Linux is web servers. You may have noticed that most Internet giants such as Google and Facebook run on Linux. All supercomputers run Linux.

So, why is Linux preferable over Windows? Linux is because it is much more reliable than Windows OS.

11. Privacy

You've probably already heard that Microsoft collects data received from each user, often this happens precisely when updating the system, you don't even suspect it, but Microsoft will already know everything you did on the network and what sites you visited, who you communicated with on social media. -networks or what we talked about with the girl on Skype. Many have heard about Windows 10 and how much dirt has been poured on it, how it collects data, what it collects, etc., etc.

If you've ever used Windows 10, you might have seen that in the privacy settings, everything is turned on by default. Even if you refuse to send information about your data, Microsoft will continue to collect your data and send it to Microsoft servers. Using Windows, you cannot be calm when using this operating system because at every stage it uses spyware modules that cannot be disabled.

In contrast, Linux will ideal solution And confidential information it won’t be leaked anywhere, you don’t need to worry about that. First, distributions do not collect your data. Plus, you won't need additional tools to protect your privacy, or rather in installing an antivirus, as a last resort you can install the Gufw firewall, which will allow you to protect yourself from possible network threats, although in order to suffer from anything in Linux, you will have to work hard or break something yourself, which is what happens in most cases.

Do you also think Linux is better than Windows?

After reading the material, you learned about all the advantages of using Linux compared to Windows, what do you think about this?

If you're still on the fence about switching to Linux and continue to use Windows as your primary operating system, what's stopping you from switching to Linux? If you have already made your choice and are already using Linux, what is the advantage for you in comparison with other OSs that you have used before?

Opinions. Advanced users they talk about their favorite versions that they never part with. Why?

Microsoft has launched Windows 10. But there will probably be users who, for some reason, will not want to install the update. Some go further - they use older versions of Windows like 98 or XP. Look At Me found these people and asked them to tell us about their favorite version of Windows.

Yuri Litvinenko

"Despite the fact that I have more or less modern computer, which is about to receive an update to Windows 10, I very often turn on the old IBM 2000 with Windows 98 on board. For what? Not at all to be nostalgic (although there is an element of that here too). The fact is that old systems, in my opinion, are better suited for purely offline work than new ones, not inferior in this regard to new products that are still being released.
Think about it: what can a computer with a Pentium III, 256 MB of RAM and a 10 GB hard drive be capable of? For a lot. Almost everything I do for the university is done under Windows 98 in Office XP. If you properly configure such a combination (it takes no more than half an hour), then it works quite adequately with modern standards and formats: DOCX files, USB flash drives, connection via local network with modern computers. Playing music, searching in dictionaries and reference books, recognizing text from scans, reading and editing PDF - “junk” copes with this no worse than modern PCs.

I just understand that the Internet is not needed for everything.

Actually, the question is: since there is no difference, then why do I even use the old computer for the same tasks as the new one? It's all about offline work. Modern software is highly dependent from online services, clouds, accounts, and even if you don’t use any of this, you still come across all these Internet connections where they are generally not needed. I’m not paranoid and I don’t think that the CIA and NSA are watching me, but I just understand that the Internet is not needed for everything, and if something can be done with your own (computing) forces, then why not do it yourself . Behind all this come the less overloaded and more convenient interfaces, increased speed work, reliability and predictability PC actions.
And returning to Windows 98, I note that an old computer for me as a gamer is a great way to play games for MS-DOS or older versions of Windows without solving a ton of problems with 64-bit compatibility, not recognizing new hardware, installing emulators and buying special “ adapted" versions of games.
Is Windows 98 the ideal system? Of course not. In principle, there is no ideal, as well as a clearly defined “ better system" An OS is, first of all, a tool with which we manage a computer. Is there a better hammer or a better wrench? No. It all depends on specific tasks, specific hardware and, of course, the ability to handle all this. I tried great amount systems, from various Linux distributions to “exotics” like Haiku, and I can only say one thing: if you have direct hands, an understanding of the capabilities of the system and an idea of ​​​​the hardware suitable for it, then you look at the holivars between fanatics with laughter.”

Sergey Chumakov
teacher, organizer of the retrocomputer festival ASWDF

“I’m already tired of watching how more and more new versions of Windows are offered to users - in a few years Vista, “Seven”, Windows 8 have soared to the peak of popularity, and now the next release is expected. I watch this as a passenger on the platform looks at the express train passing without stopping.
I found myself in a time when computers were large and low-power, and I have no plans to get out of it. So I’ll stay on the platform - almost every day I turn on my old 486 computer or laptop from 1996, both with Windows 98 installed. Why this quirk?

Checking mail and chatting on IRC, now forgotten by the masses, more than covers all my needs.

Judge for yourself: my profession involves some work with documents and text in general (I'm a teacher). But what has changed over the decade in the techniques and methods of editing the same “Word” files? Windows 98 is simple and unpretentious, and Office 2000 allows me to create the same documents as, say, Office 2003 for Windows 7. And all this on a processor with a frequency that is completely far from the frequency of the average processor of some smartphone released in 2015. I just understand what I need and how I want to achieve it from the computer. And from my point of view, "old" systems do a great job with a lot of daily tasks while managing a minimum of resources.
Multimedia? Yes, I am deprived of the dubious pleasure of listening to mp3 online (due to the fact that under Windows 98 there is no current browsers), but I can enjoy the sound of CD albums of my favorite artists.
Net? Checking mail and chatting on IRC, now forgotten by the masses, more than covers all my needs. In addition, there are many sites that can be displayed in browsers from the early 2000s, often these are optimized versions of popular resources that few people know about.
Games? This is a separate topic and the power of habit. What could be more exciting than a digger running away from enemies in search of crystals? By the way, some enthusiasts still release some software updates for Windows 98, for which they are honored and praised. The number of downloads of the latter reaches several dozen per week.”

Yakov Khalip

“I am a professional photographer and work at the Multimedia Art Museum. Old computers are my hobby. And I’m not used to giving up morally obsolete things and phenomena, be it mechanical watches, audio cassettes or samovar. Maybe you remember Marshak’s children’s book “kerosene lamp, stearine candle”? So I absorbed this from a very young age, while all the children were drawing Ferraris, I was six years old - Oldsmobiles and Buicks of the 20s and 30s and wooden airplanes.

Now the “seven” is considered “outdated”

Well, for myself I shoot on film. And not only in black and white, but also in color - both negative and slide. Many professional film scanners at my home work better on XP - this is from a practical point of view. And in general, XP is very good in every sense. At home I have quite a lot of machines from Pentium 3 to junior dual-core ones, which serve scanners specifically for XP and are at the same time compatible with modern storage media. Now the “seven” is already considered “outdated” - and this is what I have on my main machine for photo processing.
And for “nostalgic” reasons, I love Windows 98 - because it covers a wide range of machines from 486 to Pentium 3. Well, Windows 3.1 - it works on both AT 286 and 486.”


“There is a lot to love about older versions of Windows:

Windows 95/98 are not yet hung with all sorts of tinsel. There are no heaps of all sorts of services that are responsible for unknown reasons and most often unnecessary, UACs, intrusive updaters, and so on.

Almost all the bells and whistles of Windows 98 can be disabled at once or configured with various tweakers such as WinBoost.

Moreover, the system allows you to do whatever you want with yourself. Never tried to delete the folder \ Windows means Windows itself?

They have full DOS. I always added the line c:\nc\nc.exe to autoexec.bat - and played Warcraft, Duke, and so on.

Full compatibility with 16-bit Win-programs, and indeed with everything and everyone - on the test screw installed Windows 98 loads on both the 486 and C2Duo.

On “those” configs it requires much less resources than 2K/XP - tested on P1/P2/K6(1-2).

Direct access to hardware and VXD drivers is allowed, which is why, say, games run much faster - sometimes even by 30 percent. Naturally, on “those” configs.”

The Windows 10 operating system can be found today on computers, laptops, tablets, game consoles and other devices. Microsoft Company invests huge cash in its promotion and it is bearing fruit. Moreover, it regularly adds new functions and capabilities to it, designed to expand the scope of its application and give new user experience owners of devices under its control.

Perhaps Windows 10 is not like that at all bad system, according to some people, but Microsoft's policies are disgusting. This manufacturer acts even worse than Apple with its iPhone smartphones. When something comes out major update for Windows 10, the American corporation simply takes and includes by default absolutely all the new functions and capabilities that have been added to it. For example, not long ago a new protection system was introduced into the OS. As a result, the speed of working with files in the Explorer program decreased by 4-5 times.

This approach is simply terrible, because after each update, if Microsoft has added some new functions to it, you will have to go into the settings or “Google” on how to turn off this or that function. However, since the introduction of the Windows 10 operating system, there has been main reason, because of which the OS should be hated by absolutely every sane person.

It’s hard to believe, but Microsoft, without the knowledge of the owner of the computer or any device, makes sure that right out of the box, his equipment automatically distributes updates for the Windows 10 operating system to other people’s equipment. All this is implemented on the principle of a torrent network, that is, when one the computer stores all the files and then distributes them to other computers, which may even be located on another corner of the Earth.

Everything would be fine, except that updates are not only automatically distributed, but also take up space on the drive. If the laptop has a memory capacity of 512 GB, then after 1-2 years of active using Windows 10, about 20-40 GB of space can be used exclusively for updates. They are stored specifically so that the computer can distribute them to other people. With all this, for the Windows 10 Pro operating system, in fact, you need to pay 15,000 rubles. This is exactly the amount her license will cost.

In order to eliminate this “feature” of the Windows 10 operating system, you need to open the “Settings” application, and then follow the path “Update and Security” → “Windows Update” → “ Extra options" Here you should switch the toggle switch to the “Off” position, and then restart the computer. By using special programs You can also find and destroy all updates that are stored on your hard drive solely for the purpose of being distributed to other devices around the world.

Previously, the editors of the site wrote about how to get an eternal license Windows version 10 Pro.

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Year after year, Linux supporters claim that their system will become more popular and Windows will lose users, but in practice this does not happen.

But why? Let's figure it out.

There are many articles on the Liberatum that say that Windows is blatantly spying, they either accuse them of it, or they make promises that also do not come true.

This was a small digression, but now let's get down to business.

1. Linux can't fully replace Windows

Proponents of switching to Linux argue that it has a wide variety of software, distributions, in which much is available out of the box. BUT, pay attention, what exactly is in the box? Office, browser, graphical environment, photo viewer, player... and that's it?
Where is the alternative to programs such as Photoshop? Adobe Premiere, Autocad, Kompas, and other software that is only available for Windows?

There are also no drivers out of the box, or rather high-quality drivers. For example, in distributions Linux Mint, Ubuntu, there is a problem with the sound, namely, it may stutter. Therefore, in this situation, it’s not possible to watch videos or listen to music normally, but finding and installing a proprietary driver to make it work is a big success.
Video drivers out of the box cannot be compared to proprietary ones, which must be downloaded separately.

Drawing an analogy with Windows, we can say that there is practically no software out of the box.

As for LibreOffice, it is a stripped-down office suite compared to MS Office.

I would also like to say something about WINE. Yes, you can use it to run Windows programs, but not all of them. And even if you run them, it is not a fact that they will work correctly - not lag, etc.

I won’t talk much about games, since this is a controversial topic, but the number of games for Windows and Linux is not comparable.

2. "Linux interferes with Microsoft by imposing its system, pre-installing it on the PC, etc."

For supporters of this position I have sad news. Actually Microsoft case for the most part does not try to fight it, quite the contrary. She is involved in the development Linux kernels. If Windows is preinstalled on your computer, no one is stopping you from removing it and installing Linux. After all, Linux can be installed on almost any modern computer, but people remain on Windows, and not because they are used to it, but because there is no comparable alternative to Windows.
When Linux more precisely systems, based on this kernel, will be comparable in terms of functionality, then we will be able to observe an increase in the popularity of distributions, but today Linux is only suitable in two places - servers and the mobile platform.

3. Linux consumes more power on mobile devices than Windows.

Have you ever compared Windows power consumption Phone/mobile and Android?
Let me give you an example from my personal life.
I had Nokia Lumia and TeXet. The battery capacity was approximately the same - about 1500mAh. So here it is. In standby mode, Windows lasted about a day, Android - about 9 hours. Now imagine the energy consumption on tablets and laptops.
Energy consumption is a Linux headache. Here it certainly loses to Windows.

It’s not for nothing that there are jokes on the Internet about an Android that is constantly on charge.
Have you heard similar jokes about Windows? Personally, I don't.

4. More expensive service in organizations and lack of centralized technical support.

Software for Windows is often paid, but when purchasing Windows, the user receives qualified technical support. support. Linux doesn't have it unified service support, this is especially important for commercial organizations.

There are a lot of techies for Windows, but for Linux there are much fewer, one might say there is a shortage. Rare specialists are more paid, and as a result, the amount of spending on salaries for programmers in companies will increase.

Moreover, there is no training documentation for staff, which is why it will be very problematic and costly to transfer them to Linux.

Is it possible to change the situation?

Yes, and even necessary. In a competitive environment, the quality of products increases. Today Linux is not Windows competitor. (Android is an exception, and for a different reason - for Windows Mobile written fewer programs). Therefore, “Penguin” needs to gain an audience and become more usable

How to do it?

  1. We write high-quality software. Current programs, well, except for browsers and drivers, are not competitive. We bring the quality of software to the level of Windows.
  2. We optimize energy consumption.
  3. Let's stop being offended by Microsoft, which is in command

    And which, by the way, is involved in the development of Linux. And we cooperate more closely. Including so that Wine works better, and not as it does now.

  4. We write high-quality documentation and create technical support. When it comes to changing the operating system across an entire enterprise, you need to have documentation so that staff can easily learn how to use it. new system. On this moment Many distributions have a community, but there is no centralized support like the hated Microsoft.

Instead of a conclusion

Linux has every chance of becoming as popular as Windows, but for this it needs to do a lot. We don’t have to wait another 25 years, as the “Papa” of Linux said - Linus Torvalds, and develop the system at an accelerated pace.
Linux has strengths - file system, lack of a registry and, as a result, no “brakes” in the system for non-advanced users. Low probability of infection with a virus (although the argument is controversial; as the system becomes more popular, the number of viruses will also increase), more quality work with graphics/video is also an advantage, but it's not enough to put it on par with Windows.

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