Adobe premiere pro cs6 requirements. Build a powerful computer for video editing, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5

Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 – System requirements and settings.

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Pentium 4, from 3GHz … Recommended requirements also include the use of processorsIntel (since itsSIMD instructions) with a frequency of 3 GHz. INPremierePro supportSMP (2xCPU &HT), he sang very well withIntel and perfectly supports its architectural featuresH.T.SSE -2/3. The more powerful you choose a system - processor, the faster and more comfortable you will work.

Operationalsystem- Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2.

1 G.B.RAM – random access memory. To actively work with this program,Adobe recommends using 1GB of RAM. And if you simultaneously useAfterEffects &PhotoshopCS, then much more

800 MB – free disk space for installation.

Supported sound cardMicrosoftDirectX &ASIO.

Video card with supportOpenGL. Minimum Recommended working resolution now it is 1600x1200 and a second monitor, to put it mildly, wouldn’t hurt, so in total there are two monitors with a resolution of 1280x1024x32 bits.

CompatibleDVD burner drive for recording DVD content.

OHCI compliantcardIEEE1394.

Hard drive 7200rpmUDMA 100. It is also recommended that for video use the fastest disk, or an array of disks connected to a controller that provides sufficient bandwidth. When your hard drive has less than 20% free space, the system speed decreases, especially if your hard drive is highly fragmented. Before important work or a large project, you can defragment the disk.

Surroundspeakersystem for playing 5.1 audio format.

Main working filePremierePro and main page fileWindows are located on the same volume, which leads to reduced performance.Adobe recommends installing the scratch volume on a different physical disk.

It is also recommended to highlight loose hard disk for approved audio materials or not to place these files on system disk. Let’s say you have a video source of 25 GB in size, from which Premier will coordinate the audio and create a file of 2 GB in size; this will take about 5 minutes, and while the coordination is going on, the system’s performance will decrease. When you import video clips, automatic matching of the audio component begins, this is done to speed up the work and export it without problems. In old versions 6.5, when our audio track consisted of different audio files, there were some problems. Now whatever audio formats are imported ( mp3,mpeg,wma ), they are reduced to a single 32-bit format using floating point numbers.

Drawings of sound shapes are also created to avoid delays in their drawing. And all this requires space.

Spread scratch disks across multiple physical disks. In Premiere you can specify separate disk for each type of working files. For example, one disk for captured video, a second for matched audio, and a third for preview files. Adobe recommends storing matched audio on a disk that does not contain other audio or video information.

By default, work files are saved where you save the project. If you deleted preview files or audio matching files, PremierePro, when opening this project, will create them again.

You can speed up loadingAdobePremierePro by removing or renaming the extension from unnecessary/unused plugins. Are locatedTheyHere– C:\Program Files\Adobe\Premiere Pro1.5\Plug-ins\en_US.

Change the extension from _prm to arbitrary _pr_.

This can be done usingWinRAR.

Opening and changing...

Project – a project that contains information about the location of the source clips in the edited film. What changes you make to these clips, it records the actions that need to be performed. Save your project after each action performedCtrl +S.

You can set your own autosave settings.Edit >Preferences >AutoSave.

The settings window will open.

Autosave is checked by checkbox. The next point is to save every... Default is 20 minutes. And the last point - the maximum number of versions - the preset is 5. This means that as soon as 5 copies of one project have been saved, after 20 minutes, when you need to save the next one, the program erases the first version, recording the next version. And we again have five versions of projects. We can change these presets at our discretion. There are programs NLE, which automatically save every step the user takes.

The project has extension _prproj , you can rename it to text format and view its contents.

You can play video, including effects, transitions, color correction, both on the monitor and on an external video monitor connected via 1394. But this is only possible when selecting a project D.V.Playback.

InstallASIO drivers.

Set the size of the buffer usedBuffersize.

Audio Latency – audio delay.

Short – short delay, better for precision and live recording.

Medium is the golden mean.

Long is the best option for heavy effects processing.

Defragment your disk before capturing video. Because a fragmented disk may reduce data transfer speed. You should also avoid turning on other programs during capture - antiviruses, firewalls, etc.

Go to Start > Control Panel.

There we select – Performance and Maintenance.

The following window will appear...

To find out whether this partition needs defragmentation, click on the button - Analysis.

file (swap file) to another drive.

When describing the recommended requirements, there was no intention of recommending that you buy top models of processors, graphics stations with server SMP platforms (but if you have money, then this is a good option) of a certain company, as recommended by the companyAdobe. You can start with the minimum requirements, of course, working in Adobe Premiere Pro will not be so comfortable, but over time you will figure out where your bottleneck is in the system and upgrade your PC. The purpose of the description was that you would take note that if you buy, for example, a video card, even of economy class, then it is better to pay an additional 300 rubles and take a model with supportDX 9. And also help optimize your work to a lesser extent fast cars. Start working on the system that is available to you and don’t regret that you don’t have the latest model pro cardQuadro &FireGL, it may turn out that in your case it will be absolutely useless. And keep in mind that expensive, specific items are then very difficult to sell for any real money. Tested by personal experience.

Memory (but you also need to know the limit, it’s not worth it when working with a 32-bit OSW.XP install more than 3 GB) and disk space there is never too much, you can add a memory module, buy another hard drive, so place the main emphasis on the platform - a motherboard with a promising socket and do not spare money on a high-quality case with a good power supply.

AdobePremierePro 2.0 system requirements.................................................... .....

Video editing technology................................................... ........................................................ .......

ABOUT FRAME, PLAN AND OTHER TERMS.................................................... ............................

INSTALLATION BY SIZE.................................................... ........................................................ ..

INSTALLATION ACCORDING TO ORIENTATION IN SPACE.................................................... ...............

INSTALLATION IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC.................................................... ......................

INSTALLATION BY MOTION PHASE.................................................... ...........................................


INSTALLATION BY LIGHT............................................................ ........................................................ ..............

INSTALLATION BY COLOR.................................................... ........................................................ ..............

MAGICAL REMEDY - “INTERRUPTION”.................................................... ............................

LET'S START INSTALLATION.................................................... ........................................................

PREPARATION OF INSTALLATION SHEETS.................................................... ............................

FILM EDITING PLAN.................................................... ............................................

ABOUT SPECIAL EFFECTS FADERS.................................................... ...........................................

TECHNICAL OPTIONS FOR INSTALLATION ORGANIZATION.................................................

Editing using a video editing console.................................................... ...........................

Nonlinear video editing on a computer.................................................................... ...............................

Interface................................................. ........................................................ ................................

Commands and settings........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Multi-camera editing................................................................... ........................................................ ........

Formats and system requirements...........................................................................................

Occupational safety instructions.............................................................. ........................................................ .....

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ...............................


The chosen topic is relevant at the present time, since in our life, without video editing, not a single television studio or film can exist, because everything that was filmed in the studio is first processed in special programs before being broadcast.

Video editing can also be done at home for editing family archives and weddings.

Home video editing became popular in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. Undoubtedly, it existed before, but not many people pursued it as a hobby.

By 2000 In 2009, video cameras in analog formats VHS, Video8 and digital miniDV appeared on the market. Video capture cards, video adapters with the ViVO (video in-video out) prefix, and TV tuners have become available to the average user.

Programs for video processing have also become available, often distributed free of charge and gaining great popularity among modern videographers who were starting their active work at that time.

Next development round– transition to digital shooting, format changed. Now everyone has switched to mini-DV, the use of which has become not only convenient and modern, but also fashionable among a number of technology enthusiasts. Significant changes took place in video processing: Premier was gaining popularity, video capture began to take place via firewire, Real-time, image control became available on an external monitor. Many video recording studios still work according to this scheme.

Modern literature, accessible to everyone, provides ample opportunities to study video editing on their own. Now everyone can become a director, cameraman, editor without leaving home.

This thesis project will help novice users improve their professional experience in video editing.

Target: Study and master video editing technology at a practical level in the AdobePremierePro 2.0 program environment


1. study the technology and basic concepts of video editing;

2. study the interface of the AdobePremierePro 2.0 program and its capabilities;

3. study and master the basic techniques of working in the program;

4. create a video clip in Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0;
AdobePremierePro 2.0 system requirements

· Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz for working with DV (Pentium 4 3.4 GHz for working with HDV and Dual Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz for working with HD video, or similar performance AMD processors with SSE2 support).

· Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition Service Pack 2.

· 512MB of RAM for working with DV and 2GB for working with HDV and HD.

· Hard drive with a spindle speed of 7200 for working with DV, and a Raid0 disk array for working with HD.

· Microsoft DirectX compatible sound card(for multi-channel sound - ASIO compatible, to create surround sound).

· For DVD creation DVD burner drive.

· Apple QuickTime 6.5.

· Monitor supporting 1280x1024 resolution.

· OCHI compatible IEEE1394 controller for DV and HDV (for HD – AJA Xena HS hardware card).

If previously it was possible to work with processors that do not support the SSE2 set of SIMD instructions, now when you try to install the program on such a platform, the following message will appear:

Video editing technology

First of all, what is video editing? In a primitive sense, this is the process of “assembling” a film from individual elements - frames. But cutting out the bad places and gluing the remaining ones does not mean “mounting”. Competent video editing, even in the simplest films consisting of one episode, requires adherence to a whole set of rules. These rules are based on some physiological laws of perception of visual and audio information. They were developed purely empirically during the first two or three decades of the existence of cinema and have not undergone significant changes since then. The so-called modern “clip” video editing is most often either a primitive parallel video editing of two or more different episodes, or untalented attempts to reinvent the wheel in the field of emotional video editing. When we're talking about When it comes to video editing of one scene, the author’s task is to ensure that the viewer understands what is happening on the screen and where the action is unfolding, unless the author sets himself the opposite task - to “fuss” the viewer’s brains. Moreover, in most cases, it is highly desirable that when viewing the viewer does not notice that this scene consists not of one, but of several frames glued together. In theory, this is sometimes called a comfortable perception of the joint or gluing. In practice, they often say that these frames are edited together, while others are not edited.


Before we start talking about video editing, we need to give a few definitions from the cinematic and television lexicon. Shooting frame or plan - any section of the original video tape, with recording from pressing the RECORD button until the pause, the next press - the next shooting frame begins. An editing frame or plan is an element of an edited video film - what remains of the filming frame after it has been “trimmed” and inserted into the right place. Editing sheet - a description of the source material or the finished film with a sequential indication of the content of each frame and its coordinates on the film (according to the counter). The object is the location of the shooting (street, apartment, beach, etc.), another meaning is the character acting in the frame. Source materials (sources) - material recorded directly by a video camera. Master cassette (master) - a cassette on which the edited film is recorded. The term "plan" has another meaning - it is an image of a certain scale or size. Let's define the plans in order of decreasing scale:

1. Super close-up or Detail - a frame in which only part of the face is placed (eyes and nose or nose and mouth, for example), some small object or its fragment (a lighter, several buttons on the keyboard).

2. Close-up - a frame in which the person’s head takes up almost all the space.

3. 1st medium shot - a man waist-deep.

4. 2nd medium shot - a man up to his knees.

5. General - a full-length person.

6. Long shot - a person occupies a very small area of ​​the frame.


The most common case of video editing is when you need to edit two images of the same character shot at different plans (scales). For example, you want to first show a person in full height ( overall plan), so that the viewer can see his costume, gait, objects or people that surround him. Then you want to give the viewer the opportunity to see the hero’s face, so after the general shot you put a close-up, when the face occupies almost the entire area of ​​the frame. Such a junction is unlikely to go unnoticed by the viewer. The fact is that in a general plan, as a rule, facial features are poorly distinguishable, and in a close-up, objects surrounding the hero fall out of the frame. Therefore, the viewer has to compare the two images for some time after the start of the close-up and look for a connection between them. There is a delay in perception; the viewer does not follow the action, but tries to figure out what’s what. Another option for gluing: after the half-length shot of the hero (1st medium), the viewer sees a close-up. There is no doubt that the same person is in both frames; the facial features in the 1st middle shot are clearly visible. However, this junction will not be very successful - the difference in the scale of the image is so insignificant that the viewer’s consciousness may perceive such a transition as a sharp leap of the hero from one place to another. Many years of experience have established that the most smoothly perceived junction is between planes located on the above scale through one. That is, the general plan is mounted with the 1st medium and vice versa, the 2nd medium with a close-up, etc. Exceptions: a close-up is mounted with a detail, a long shot with a long shot. One more recommendation. To ensure that your joint looks 100% perfect, don’t be lazy when shooting when transitioning from a medium shot to a close-up, approaching the object a couple of steps, and also take a step to the side. At the same time, the angle and background behind the hero will slightly change, which will also have a positive effect on the perception of the gluing.

Adobe Systems Corporation has long been creating cool software for its users, which is used by specialists from various industries in their work. The company's software development began back in 1982. During this time, a huge number of applications were released, which is difficult to count.


Popular ones include Reader, Photoshop, Flash, Lightroom and Premiere Pro. These are the main leaders of the company, who are always popular and are considered the most in demand. Their popularity is due to their versatility, since almost every user needs applications for reading electronic publications, watching videos or editing images.

Among others, many of the company's applications are aimed at a specific industry. So, there is a package of software intended for web developers. There are desktop publishing systems for layout and editing. There are a lot of software designed for creating interactive games, etc.

About the program

The system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro have not made this program the most popular, since a weak PC cannot fully cope with it. However, this is a favorite program for non-linear video editing. She began her service back in 2003. It was then that the first version of Adobe Premiere 7 was released. The first two versions were available to owners of PCs running Windows OS. Apple owners began using the software from the third version.

Initially, the developers began to release a separate program, but starting with the third version, they decided to include it in Adobe Creative Suite 3. Over the years, the software has undergone significant changes, turning from a simple video editing system into a multifunctional platform.


Before we learn everything about the system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro, let’s figure out who uses it in their work. If you think about it, it is obvious that the main users are among those who work with video. So, most video bloggers have acquired this software and use it to create content for their channels.

In addition to them, often large companies, television channels and programs, such as the BBC or The Tonight Show, create their materials using this program. It is also known that the software is used for editing films. Thus, in the Adobe application the following were created: “Social Network”, “Through Dust to Victory”, “Deadpool”, etc.


More than 40 versions of this program are known. Each of them has its own recommended Adobe Premiere Pro system requirements. The first version of the program was released without the word Pro in the name. In general, the corporation’s policy involves the announcement of a new product in April, after which all reviewers and partners can publish reviews and advertising. In June, an updated version appears, which can be installed on a PC by any user.

Then in September, the developers make another announcement, but this time it will be updates to certain software components or bug fixes. After which, in October or November, the “update” arrives on the computers of the software owners. In connection with reviews and complaints, if any, the program may upload changes, bug fixes, etc. throughout the entire time.

First samples

It is difficult to understand the sequence and number of versions. It is known that people first learned about the software in 1991. Then the first version for Mac OS was released. No one knew yet that Adobe Premiere Pro would appear. System requirements have been announced for Adobe Premiere. The PC had to work with VideoSpigot and PICT formats. It became possible to create films with a resolution of 160x120. Audio was supported at 8-bit, and the system had to output to video tape.

The next version for Apple devices was released in 1992. It was equipped with more functionality, and therefore stricter system requirements were required from the PC. The software now supported capturing audio and video in QuickTime, helped create titles, sequences, speed up and slow down motion, etc. The application supported up to 49 special effects, 5 filters for audio, and 41 filters for video. In the third version, which appeared in 1993, the number of video tracks increased to 97, as well as audio tracks to 99. The system had to withstand batch processing, which was a resource-intensive task.

By thumb

Versions for Windows began to appear in 1993. It was difficult to understand what the system requirements would be for Adobe Premiere Pro so that working with the software would be optimized and comfortable. Support for AVI, AIFF, and WAV was required, and for images BMP, DIB, PICT, PCX, TIFF. Already in the second version they add support for various technologies that worked on video capture, import, extensions, etc.

Since the summer of 1994, versions for Windows and Mac OS have appeared almost simultaneously. Adobe Premiere fourth version expands the capabilities for the user. Now you can overlay almost 100 video tracks, a trimming window and a dynamic preview appear. For Apple owners there is an option to edit filters, batch capture, and support for a new format. The Windows version, on the contrary, does everything to optimize the previous version of the program and expand its capabilities on other platforms.

So, until 2003, the developer improved versions one after another. Starting with the fifth revision, a joint program is being released for Windows and Mac OS. A huge number of new functions and technologies are appearing. Work with projects is increasing, tools are being optimized, etc.

New breath

In 2003, everyone quickly began to become interested in the system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro. The first version makes a real leap in technology. It receives an updated design, as well as a completely rewritten source code of the software. Now the user is provided with a wide selection of tools for color correction, setting up hot buttons, a new Media Encoder and a lot of formats.

From 2004 to 2006, new updates took place, which, in general, although not very dramatic, still help the user to improve their work in the program. The main ones include DVD and HDV editing, Adobe Clip Notes and After Effects. Those computers that are equipped with a built-in graphics chip carry out enhanced processing.

Adobe Creative Suite

The appearance of this software package led not only to changes in the technical component, but also in the name of the program. The first version of the software package appeared in 2003. But it was in 2006 that Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 appeared in it. Thanks to the release of Adobe Creative Suite, users were able, in addition to offline work, to use online work by publishing their projects, using documentation, etc.

Up until CS6, Adobe Premiere Pro practically did not change the system requirements for PCs. In its versions and their revisions, it added support for new video card models, synchronized work with other proprietary software, and the functioning of new formats, resolutions and extensions. New video effects and filters for audio began to appear. We decided to introduce into the application work with video cameras of different models and support for their metadata.

On the last journey

In 2012, a new version of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 became known. The system requirements turned out to be optimal for many users. Therefore, this version of the program became a priority for a long time, despite the appearance of a new version. The software operated on both Windows and Mac OS.

In the first case, the processor could not be weaker than the Intel Core2 Duo or AMD Phenom II versions, and the system capacity had to be 64-bit. Operating system versions available for installation: from 7 to 8.1. It was recommended to have 8 GB of RAM, but it was possible to install the program on systems with 4 GB. It was necessary to free up 4 GB of memory on the hard drive. To save or use files, it was necessary to allocate more space for them - up to 10 GB.

The screen resolution of 1280 x 900 made it more comfortable to work with the software. The railway had to be fast - from 7200 rpm. To use all the features, it is important to activate the program and install QuickTime, OpenGL 2.0, etc.

The system requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for Mac OS were almost identical to those for Windows. It was desirable for the processor to have several cores, operating system versions starting from 10.6.8. Otherwise, the requirements remained the same regarding RAM and internal memory, hard drive speed, availability of the necessary software, etc.

Adobe Creative Cloud

This set replaced the previous Adobe Creative Suite. Now all components began to be supplemented by another abbreviation: instead of CS it became CC. This package of application programs has been completely redesigned in functional terms, but all available software remains the same. They also slightly changed their functions, added new tools and technology support.

Firstly, the user can purchase this set and gain access to all branded programs and cloud storage. Secondly, when working with any software, the user can save all the necessary materials to the cloud, or exchange them with others over the network. Thirdly, everyone can install all the components of the package, as well as each one separately, without clogging the system with unnecessary software.


Adobe Premiere Pro CC did not set the system requirements too high. If you look closely, you will notice that they are no different from the requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. The new version also required a processor based on Intel Core2 Duo or AMD Phenom II, 4 GB of RAM was required, 8 GB was recommended. The software required 4 GB of internal memory, and another 10 GB for storing files. In order for the QuickTime function to work correctly, it was necessary to install the software of the same name.

The 2014 version of Adobe Premiere Pro did not change the system requirements, but a whole list of supported graphics processors appeared. Thus, for Windows, in order to increase hardware graphics acceleration, it was recommended to use video cards from the GeForce GT 650M version for laptops and from GeForce GTX 470 for stationary systems. The Quadro accelerator series began with the 2000 version for PC and ended with the Quadro K6000. Also, a huge list was presented for owners of video cards from AMD. In this case, the system should not work with a card lower than the Radeon HD 6750.


The next version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 has changed the system requirements somewhat. The PC still had to acquire a multi-core chip in order to quickly execute all the necessary commands. 16 GB of RAM was recommended, although it was possible to use a system with 8 GB. The same amount was needed to install the software on the computer. The list of video cards has also been updated to speed up the graphics processor.

The release of new accelerators immediately launched support for their implementation in the company’s product. Therefore, all the latest versions, as always, worked without problems with new video cards. But support for older accelerators was declining, as outdated versions had difficulty coping with the updated components of the Adobe software platform.

Adobe Premiere Pro 2015 has updated the system requirements for accelerators due to more current versions of video cards. Versions of NVIDIA Quadro no longer began with the 2000 model, but with the more powerful K1100M. Also, a couple of versions of video cards were left behind in the GeForce series. Support began with the GeForce GTX 680 model. The list of video cards from AMD was also updated. The program could be installed on systems with an accelerator no younger than FirePro S7000, Radeon R9 280, Radeon HD 8470, etc.


People often search for system requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2016 on the Internet, but do not find them. Users are wondering why there is nothing about this. Could it really be that the company released the 2015 version, and then immediately 2017. It turned out that this really could happen.

What this is connected with is difficult to explain. But it is worth noting that after the release of the 2015 version, 4 more revisions appeared within a year, with changed characteristics. Therefore, there was no time to release the 2016 version. The corporation decided to skip it and at the end of 2016 announced a new product, but with the name 2017.


The release took place in April 2017. The program has acquired many interesting functions that have not been seen before. Made it easier to work with graphic objects and titles on video. Appeared new constructor headers. It was formed on the basis of the core of visualization of text materials, which are developed in Photoshop and Illustrator. Using the cloud and other access to libraries, you can allow other users to view motion graphics templates.

Looking at the new parameters of the new product, you understand that Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 system requirements for a PC should form cosmic ones. Because using new audio effects with integration into Adobe Audition should require a lot of system resources. Also, creating audio with special effects for virtual reality platforms is a resource-intensive task for a computer. There is especially good news for owners of Pro Touch Bar or Surface Dial touchpads - their support is now implemented in the new version.

It turned out that the system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro 2017 are practically no different from those needed for the 2015 program. A multi-core processor is also required, and support for updated operating systems has appeared. RAM still requires 16 GB, although 8 GB can be used. The program needs the same amount of time to install itself into the system.

The display for working with software can still have a resolution of 1280 x 800, although 1920 x 1080 is recommended, since it is possible to work with graphics in 4K format, and to do this correctly and effectively, you need a high-quality monitor.

Working with Adobe Stock has been updated with new features. Now you can add an artistic resource there, while using technological publishing processes. Thus, it becomes possible to work with huge masses of buyers, as well as to easily receive significant royalties. When you provide public access to one of your projects, the rendering and sharing of videos on popular sites occurs immediately in the program.


Despite the fact that each Adobe Premiere Pro product provides minimum system requirements for each user, for more effective work it is necessary that the system fully complies with this software. Otherwise, no one is immune from the appearance of various types of errors that are difficult to foresee.

So, if you have an outdated audio system on your PC, then sounds may disappear in the videos that you imported. Also, users who are already using the new version have noticed errors in synchronization with Audition. Sometimes various problems arise with special effects, but this can most likely be attributed not to the compatibility of the program with the system, but to its errors that have not had time to be corrected.

Description: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 is a powerful, customizable non-linear editing editor that lets you edit your video exactly the way you want it. Import and freely combine any video, from phone clips to raw 5K, and edit without re-encoding.

Additional Information:
Edit video faster with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015, the ideal tool for professional editors. There are many new features now available, including built-in color grading with Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015, expanded support for native formats, improved multi-camera editing, and more.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 is included with Creative Cloud. Therefore, its users have access to everything Latest updates, and access to new versions is provided from the moment of their release. Improve your skills and master new tools with a large and growing collection of training videos. With Behance integration, you can share your designs with other users and get instant feedback on your work from designers around the world.

Benefits of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015.3:
Interactive text templates
Change text in After Effect compositions without leaving Premiere Pro.
Masking and tracking
Create feather masks to darken or highlight objects. These masks will follow objects from frame to frame. Send masks to After Effects via Dynamic Link to access advanced tracking features.
Master Clip Effects
When you add effects to a master clip, they will be reflected in each part of that clip in the sequence.
Graphics enhanced with Mercury Playback Engine
Improved OpenCL processes, GPU debayering for RED media, and Intel Iris support help speed things up.
Faster editing
Working with large projects has become even more convenient; Added faster search and sort functions to the Project panel. New editing functions help fulfill any user request, such as rotating a fusion frame or moving a volumetric keyframe.
New export formats
Export your projects to AS11 format for broadcast production or Digital Cinema Package (DCP) format for theatrical release. Both formats include associated metadata. You can also export audio in Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus stereo formats.
Typekit integration
Find Typekit fonts in the Title menu and download them to use in your projects.
Autosave in Cloud
Automatically back up your Premiere Pro projects to Adobe Creative Cloud.
Support for new native formats
There is built-in support for the ARRI AMIRA camera format. When these projects are imported, LUTs are applied to them as master clips. Sony STtP, Canon RAW and CinemaDNG formats are also supported.

New features of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015.3:
Creating lightweight proxy options. Thanks to fast switching between high and low resolution you will be able to edit videos on any device without unnecessary load on the system.
Installation during import. While streaming multimedia content in the background, you can start editing footage in almost any format. Once the transfer is complete, Premiere Pro switches to the copied footage and releases the camera.
Increased level performance and stability. Built-in support for Apple Metal technology and H264 hardware decoding allows for more realistic effects and reduced frame drops (only with Intel Iris Graphics Driver for Windows installed).
Convenient work with flowers. Limetri tools now have new HSL secondary colors. Now you can isolate and fine-tune colors, adjust white balance, and adjust color to the finest shades. Apply the new SpeedLooks style with just a click.
Convenient key combinations. Keyboard shortcuts speed up the process of making changes by allowing you to move between keyframes and zoom in or out on individual frames in the timeline. You can quickly undo certain effects using the Remove Effects command.
Support video mode virtual reality. In VR mode, you can view video from the viewer's perspective using pan and tilt functions.
Subtitles. Create subtitles that will be displayed on the screen. You can also change visible subtitles to hidden ones and choose their font, color, size and position.
Comprehensive format support high resolution. The latest source file formats are supported, including Red Weapon.
Expanded language support. Now you can create headers for more more languages ​​with different alphabets (for example, Arabic and Hebrew).
Quick publication to in social networks. You can instantly publish videos to popular sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and Twitter.
Optimization of work with libraries. Asset management features in read-only Creative Cloud Libraries allow team members to use assets, but do not allow them to edit or delete them.
Updated Libraries workspace. The new Libraries workspace makes it easier to find content and lets you apply filters when searching Adobe Stock. New icons have also been added for licensed Stock assets. You'll be able to view the length and format of each video in your libraries and receive links to watch.
And much more. Other updates and improvements: support for color management interfaces, improved Lumetri areas for more fine adjustment brightness, improved resolution and monitoring color space Rec2020.

Features of RePack"a:
Type: installation.
Languages: ML.
Cut: nothing.
Treatment: carried out (thanks to Painter).

An original distribution with compressed components, thereby reducing the size of the installer.

Before installation, be sure to turn off the Internet!

Note!!! Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to visit the website of the author of the repack. Click Yes or No as desired.

Regarding the system requirements, when choosing a region they are different:
When choosing a region, Russia shows these system requirements:

When you select the United States region, these are the system requirements.

Adobe develops and constantly updates a huge number of software products. Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, Lightroom, Acrobat - just what comes to mind first. Well, since all the company’s tools in one way or another touch on the topics of publishing, design, motion design, web design, digital photography, it would be logical to give users the opportunity to purchase programs in sets, depending on their field of activity. In my opinion, this is one of the first materials in the “software and games” section in which the word equipment will be mentioned. Now we will have to talk about it in great detail.

Adobe Creative Suite CS6

Almost all applications included in Creative Suite CS6 are sold separately. But, of course, in some cases it will be more profitable to purchase them in sets. And easier.

So, Adobe Creative Suite is currently available in four versions (sets). The most complete and expensive is called Master Collection and includes Photoshop CS6 Extended, Illustrator CS6, InDesign CS6, Acrobat X Pro, Flash Professional CS6, Flash Builder 4.6 Premium Edition, Dreamweaver CS6, Fireworks CS6, Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, After Effects CS6, Adobe Audition CS6, SpeedGrade CS6, Prelude CS6, Encore CS6, Bridge CS6, Media Encoder CS6. All this will cost about $3,000 in ruble equivalent. At the time of publication of this material, there is no information on this matter in the official Adobe store. But it is known that the Design & Web Premium version (includes Photoshop CS6 Extended, Illustrator CS6, InDesign CS6, Dreamweaver CS6, Flash Professional CS6, Flash Professional CS6, Acrobat X Pro) will cost 66,200 rubles. The Production Premium bundle (includes Premiere Pro CS6, After Effects CS6, Photoshop CS6 Extended, Audition CS6, SpeedGrade CS6, Illustrator CS6, Encore CS6, Flash Professional CS6) costs the same. Well, the Design Standard kit (Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6, InDesign CS6, Acrobat X Pro) will cost about 45,000 rubles.

All programs exist in both Windows and Mac OS versions - without exception. Let us note once again that Adobe stubbornly ignores the Mac App Store. There you can only buy Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10. All professional packages still need to be purchased from the official Adobe Store, which is not as convenient as the App Store. However, such products are purchased once, and then systematically updated, and you can upgrade to the new edition (that is, CS7) for a symbolic price. Adobe's updater is fine, thank God.

We dealt with Adobe Creative Suite CS 6 Master Collection, so in this material we will not talk in detail about each of updated programs, but let’s just briefly go through the main innovations in all applications. Yes, by the way, the system requirements have expectedly increased - the table shows the minimum configuration on which CS6 will run, but for comfortable work (especially if you convert RAW images or work with uncompressed FullHD material in Premiere or After Effects) you need a computer with very serious configuration. Top 17-inch Sandy Bridge laptops (including MacBook Pro) are quite suitable.

System Adobe requirements Creative Suite CS6
Windows MacOS
- Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor with support for 64-bit computing (Core 2 Duo or AMD Phenom II - for Premiere Pro, After Effects and Encore, Core i7 - for Adobe SpeedGrade) - Windows XP SP 3 or Windows 7; - 4 GB RAM (8 GB or higher recommended); - 14.5 GB of free hard disk space for installation; - monitor resolution 1280x900; - capabilities and playback of HTML5 media content.- Intel Core 2 Duo processor with support for 64-bit computing; - Mac OS X 10.6.8 or 10.7 - 4 GB of RAM (8 GB or higher recommended) - 15.5 GB of free hard disk space for installation; - Monitor resolution 1280x900 - QuickTime 7.6.6 – for multimedia capabilities and playback of HTML5 media content.

Perhaps the most numerous and significant changes affected Photoshop CS6. It is included in all Creative Suite CS6 packages, but we recently had a separate article about it that you should definitely check out. However, it is still worth recalling the main innovations.


The advanced editing function taking into account the content of the image (content aware) is very useful and convenient. It allows, for example, to quickly select and move a person in the frame to another place, and software algorithms will automatically fill the resulting void with a suitable texture.

An example of using content-aware tools in Adobe Photoshop CS6

And another example of using content-aware tools in Adobe Photoshop CS6

In addition, the new Photoshop received basic functions editing 3D graphics. All this happens in the same work area and is easily overlaid on the main image using layers and various overlay effects with highly adjustable transparency. A video mode has also appeared; its presence is dictated by the fact that every self-respecting SLR camera can shoot video today. But only the most primitive features are available here, which can only be useful for quickly processing videos. For more in-depth work, there are Premiere CS6 and After Effects, which are also included in the Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection.

One of the options for applying the blur effect in Adobe Photoshop CS6

Working with the Iris Blur filter in Adobe Photoshop CS6


The updated Illustrator has become simpler (simplification is a general trend for professional software) and more automated. Now you can, in particular, create separable vector patterns that are very easy and quick to edit. New mechanism Tracing allows you to quickly convert raster images to vectors. It works with very high accuracy, although, of course, the result greatly depends on what the original image was like.

Trace the image to Adobe Illustrator CS6

Support for 64-bit processors allows you to process (translate from raster format to vector) more complex images. And if you have a powerful computer, all operations happen faster. Even on the 2010 13-inch MacBook Pro, there was no obvious stuttering.

Premiere Pro

The new Premiere has expanded compatibility with video formats. But this is not the most important thing, because the list of supported devices and recording formats is constantly growing as new models are released. Premiere CS6 supports DV, HDV, RED, DPX, Sony XDCAM, XDCAM 50, XDCAM EX and XDCAM HD, Panasonic P2, DVCPRO HD, AVCHD, AVC-Intra, as well as video recording formats from all existing DSLRs. Another thing is more important, namely the ability to apply effects to several clips at once using adjustment layers, as well as the possibility of mass color correction. The feature is called Three-Way Color Corrector.

New Adobe Premiere CS6 interface

Another important thing is dynamic trimming on the timeline. This is not new, but the implementation in Premiere Pro CS6 deserves more respect than Final Cut Pro X.

Manufacturers of photo and video equipment are constantly improving image stabilization systems when shooting. And some cameras (for example, Olympus OM-D E-M5) allow you not to use software stabilization during further processing, but Premiere Pro and After Effects have a very powerful Warp Stabilizer function, with which you can even “stretch” videos taken by phone on the run.

After Effects

The new After Effects allows you to track objects in three-dimensional space, preserving depth of field (!), shadows (!!) and even reflections (!!!). All this is configured by placing points along which the program is oriented. Of course, in complex scenes the result does not always meet expectations, but in general the operation of the function leaves the user in a slight shock.

Full ray tracing and feathering for variable width masks have been implemented. Working with masks here is implemented even more subtly than in Photoshop.

Adobe After Effects CS6

Vector graphics from Illustrator (in AI and EPS formats) can easily be converted into After Effects shape layers. And the aforementioned Warp Stabilizer function in After Effects allows you to eliminate the rolling shutter effect (mainly relevant for videos with mobile phones and SLR cameras). There are no problems with this at all, since the effect is well studied, and the algorithms for eliminating it are relatively simple.

It remains to be added that for 2D motion tracking in After Effects, the Mocha engine from Imagineer Systems is used, which supports variable-width masks and contains a powerful external shape module.


Another product for working with video is Speedgrade. It has the highest hardware requirements: on processors weaker than Intel Core i7, you don’t even have to try to use it. But at the same time, if the configuration matches, the application runs very quickly. Speedgrade allows you to work with 3D video, and also supports uncompressed video recordings (RAW) and allows you to create pseudo-HDR videos from them. However, similar effects can be applied to already completed projects, but, of course, the quality of the final video very much depends on the quality of the source material.

Well, the fast work of Adobe Speedgrade is ensured by the Lumetri Deep Color Engine with support for 64-bit processors and GPU acceleration, regardless of frame size. In short, if you already own a 4K camera, it will be difficult to do without Speedgrade.

Dreamweaver, InDesign, Flash Professional

The Dreamweaver HTML editor has noticeably improved its speed. And although Adobe focuses on this with each update, in this case the difference is really visible to the naked eye. The built-in FTP client supports multithreading, which makes working with complex sites somewhat easier.

You can now create sheets in Flash Professional CSS sprites, export symbols and animation sequences - all this allows you to improve the quality and productivity of projects. For Flash, this is especially important; complex animations usually heavily load the processor and often cause browsers to crash.

A feature accompanied by powerful PR – Fluid Grid Layouts. It is used primarily in Dreamweaver and serves to quickly adapt content to mobile devices– smartphones, tablets. Naturally, the feature also works in CSS3-based layouts.

Audition, Prelude, Story

Adobe Audition has not been as popular as other audio packages, but there is no doubt that selling the software in bundles will make it more in demand.

The most interesting feature– reversible stretching of audio clips in real time. The playback speed can be flexibly varied, as well as the pitch of the sound.

Prelude is used for convenient organization of work on complex projects. This program allows you to transfer files of any format and keep logs using time markers, the ability to search and organize. Well, Story is a simple tool for writing scripts and creating a work schedule. That is, it is more of an auxiliary utility for professionals. It allows you, in particular, to create metadata for video projects so that they are easier to find through Adobe Premiere.