Paid access to pages in WordPress. How to make a paid access to WordPress content

Website owners need to consider different ways making money on your site.

Each resource has its own target audience, its own strategy for attracting traffic and its conversion level. This matter requires an individual approach, especially since many interesting options have now been invented.

How to make a paid access to WordPress content? Unusual way make money even from a simple information resource.

You can hide some information from users and offer them to buy a paid account. It is important to understand that it is better to take money for something really worthwhile.

WordPress paid content

One simple plugin helps you put a paid access on a certain page, category or section.

Who might benefit from this? Suppose a blogger decided to write e-book. It can be made in any format and sold, but everyone does it. It is much more interesting to create a selection of articles and add them to a section with paid access.

The plugin in question is called WP Pay Access. It is not free, the cost is 2849 rubles. The extension is automatically updated, the developers are constantly changing something ( Last update was 5 days ago).

There is no need to say much about him, Some of the main advantages of WP Pay Access are:

  • the ability to separately set up paid access to individual sections and pages;
  • any user can have access whenever and for as long as they want;
  • The plugin is managed through the admin panel;
  • 8 payment systems are connected to pay for access to content;
  • short codes for hiding information are supported;
  • quantity paid accounts not limited;
  • create tariffs with your own conditions;
  • you can hide some content on the page;
  • Full automation of the plugin.

After installing the extension, immediately look at the settings. Everything is done so that everyone can immediately understand the functionality. The name of the accounts is entered arbitrarily, each of them is assigned certain time access:

Certain categories are closed for different types accounts. For example, you decided to block access to Section 1 and Section 2. The first section is not so important, so we set a limit on it according to the type of Gold account (for example, 10 rubles per day).

We set access to the second section only for VIP and charge an increased fee. The settings indicate the standard stub that users will see when they enter to paid sections (pages):

All types of accounts for accessing paid content have a certain expiration date. It is set in the settings, after which you will need to spend money again. To prevent users from forgetting about this, set up automatic notifications about the end of access:

The plugin is easy to manage and adds new features to administrative panel. To provide access to a certain type of account, just go to edit the category or post:

Everyone decides for themselves how much to charge users for viewing paid content. Give people a choice, at least this will help reduce the price of the cheapest offer compared to the rest:

It was said just above that you can connect several payment instruments. On this moment Payment can be accepted through:

  1. Pay2Pay.
  2. Payeer.
  3. Unitpay.
  4. WalletOne ( Single cash desk).
  5. Webmoney.
  6. Interkassa.
  7. Robokassa.
  8. Yandex.Checkout.

WP Pay Access plugin is perfect way make paid access to WordPress content. It has a good analogue, but it is much more difficult to deal with, and it was created mainly for those who conduct paid training.

The idea of ​​charging money for information is interesting and original. Not many people use this type of monetization, but you need to consider whether the method is suitable for your resource. Perhaps your target audience is not solvent or the topic chosen is not serious enough to offer paid content.

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Hello friends!

Today we will talk about creating a website with paid access based on ready-made products with resale rights.

Paid access website concept

In a nutshell:

  • The site publishes content on a specific narrow topic, access to which is provided on a paid basis.
  • To form the content basis of a resell site, you can use ready-made content with personal brand rights, editing it to suit your needs and to create uniqueness.
  • In addition to paid membership, use free access to limited material by subscribing to your newsletter.
  • You can create several access levels with different prices. Thus, the buyer at each subsequent level opens additional content with increasing value.

That is, the scheme is that you use resell products, be it electronic courses, books, software, scripts or graphics, and based on them create content for your website with paid access, aimed at a strictly defined target audience.

For example, you can take a book with private label rights and break it down into electronic course, which will be sent in parts using a series emails. Or, in the same way, break the book into articles and publish it in one of the sections of your website.

Or another example, if you have certain skills in web programming, you can create a web service based on scripts with personal brand rights that performs a specific task, and sell access to it.

Another idea is to create video or audio content for members of your private site. That is, you can take an e-book and create a video clip or even an entire video course based on it, which will be available to people after purchasing access to your site. This is also one of the ideas that, in fact, you can come up with a lot more.

Applying these ideas together will increase the perceived value of your paywall site. As for paying for access, you can choose either a one-time payment model, or, if you plan to add new content permanently or create a web service, then you can organize access with monthly or annual payment.

Advantages of creating a closed website using this model

Here are the main benefits of creating a paywalled website using a private label product model:

  • Using ready-made content with personal brand rights significantly speeds up your work on filling a closed site. And adding your own information and your editing significantly increases the value of the content and, ultimately, leads to an increase in your profits.
  • You can further increase interactivity on your site by transforming offline content into live training sessions with live chats, homework checks and your feedback. Your customers, instead of passive learning, will be maximally involved in the process; they will begin to act more actively, learn the material faster and get results. All this leads to customer satisfaction and an increase in your online popularity.
  • You can also create additional sources profit by selling advertising space, placing affiliate links, or selling additional products to site members. The possibilities are very wide, and you can increase your profit from selling access at least twice. Also, using the free level of access through a subscription, you will receive a growing base of email subscribers, which can also be monetized.

Disadvantages of a site with paid access using this model

There are also disadvantages. Here are some of them:

  • Maintaining the functionality of such a site, as well as the relevance of its content, can take a lot of time and effort. This is exactly the case if you create a site with periodic access fees. If you are creating a website with a one-time payment, then this disadvantage can be ignored.
  • In any case, initially you will have to work hard to fill the site with at least the initial content. As a rule, such a project requires a significantly larger amount of content than conventional “boxed” information products.

How to technically create paid access to closed sections of the site

Here, in principle, everything is as usual, as when launching any website. You will need Domain name, hosting, content management system and payment acceptance system.

You can choose any hosting and CMS. My favorite hosting is - I have been using it for several years now, and it has never let me down. As for the content management system, I choose WordPress due to its convenience. You can learn how to create a website on WordPress.

Next, you will need a payment acceptance system and a way to close access to certain pages Your website. All this can be easily done using the system.

Here brief instructions how to create a paid access to closed pages Your site:

  • Register on if you are not already registered there.
  • Create new product, in the product settings specify “Subscription (access)”.
  • Next, in the “Insertion code” section, check the box for the method of connecting the script “Via insertion in PHP”. You will receive a PHP code that will close your pages.
  • Now in WordPress you need to install the plugin “Allow PHP in Posts and Pages” - install and activate.
  • After installing the plugin, you will see the “Allow PHP in posts” item in the admin panel menu - go to it. At the bottom you will see a window with the heading “Add a new snippet”. In the Snippet Title field, write any name in Latin, it is just for your convenience. In the Snippet Code field, copy the same code from Glopart. That's it, click Save Snippet.
  • Now in the same window you will see a shortcode of the form. Just copy it and paste it into WordPress editor to the top of the pages to which you want paid access.

All is ready. Now the Glopart system will accept payments, control the buyer’s subscription period, and close access upon its expiration. Also, a huge advantage of the system is that you immediately receive a ready-made affiliate program and ample opportunities to promote your project from the first day of launch.

You will also need products with personal brand rights, from which you will create content for your site. To start, you can take a couple of products and make the basis of your content from them. Then, gradually add new content to expand and increase the value of your site. Products with private label rights can be found at Reselling Club "Master of Resale Rights" , new materials are constantly published there, access to the catalog is inexpensive and the selection of materials is always large.

Strategy for launching a closed website with paid access

Here are some tips for starting such a project:

  • First of all, decide on the topic of your project and its target audience, then gather the materials you'll need. For example, you could take the theme of a website “personal growth” and target people employed by large corporations. For such a project, you will need to collect various materials - videos, e-books and courses, articles, etc. with topics such as “how to climb the career ladder”, “how to be successful”, “time management”, “stress management”, etc.
  • Create two membership levels - free and paid. To access free level materials, a person will need to subscribe to your newsletter. At the paid level, you will publish advanced materials.
  • Create content for each of the levels. These can be books, articles, audio books, video courses, software or graphic templates - depending on what specifically suits your topic. For example, on free level You can offer some articles and e-books, and at the paid level post full courses and videos. By using products with private label rights, you don't have to create content from scratch. The easiest and fastest way to create content is to simply change the content format. For example, having at hand a collection of articles with personal brand rights, you can record several videos on them and combine them into one video course. In the article I discussed the process in detail quick creation unique content and increasing its perceived value.
  • Pay special attention to the selling text that you will publish on home page for visitors who came to your site for the first time.

Marketing a private website

Once your site is ready and filled with content, it’s time to move on to attracting visitors to it and creating a base of paid and free members.

An important and decisive factor for success is affiliate program. If you use the Glopart service, as I wrote above, then you already have an affiliate program and, when you launch membership for sale, the first partners have already come to you. 99% of them will be inactive - this is normal. But the rest of the partners included in the 1% will bring you a lot of sales. Be sure to add your project to “Verified Products” on Glopart. It costs only 500 rubles, and you will get a lot of partners. When the time for placement in the “verified” ones runs out, you can renew it again and continue to do so for a month or two - believe me, these small investments will pay off with interest.

I myself, when starting projects, use paid advertising, to quickly test your idea, measure conversion, and also get your first sales, so that when attracting partners, the statistics are not zero.

Create a free e-book, the purpose of which will be to lead the reader to your project. Make it possible to replace the link to your site with affiliate link and invite your partners to distribute this book for free. Such viral advertising, as a rule, gives good results.

Well, I hope I have explained this idea to you in sufficient detail. The creation of such projects with paid access, unlike conventional “boxed” information products, can bring much more profit and even create residual income, bringing you money for many years.

If you like the idea or have questions, write your comment at the bottom of the article - I’ll be happy to discuss it.

Good luck with your business!

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Hi all. Yesterday I attended one very interesting webinar: ““. I recommend watching it to anyone who plans to make money selling information products. This material will help you rethink this type of business. Judging by myself, I really can’t say for sure how this material will affect you.

So, at this webinar we talked about the fact that the future information business will be ruled by closed communities with paid access. I don’t want to try to explain why exactly this will happen. Since this was explained to us during the 3 hours of the webinar. So let this be another reason for you to watch the recording.

Example of paid access to a site

For example, let’s take the same school of bloggers, where all students make a one-time payment and subsequently learn all the intricacies. Of course, all this wisdom can be found in open access. But in order to put them together, to weed out all the consumer goods and choose only the most important, what works 100%, the guys needed to spend a lot of effort. Moreover, they constantly keep us informed of new important events, for which we are again willing to pay them.

Such closed communities have many more advantages for participants:

  • Constant work support;
  • Homework and collaboration over mistakes;
  • Webinars;
  • Motivation;

In general, this creates a whole community of like-minded people, a big close-knit family, where everyone works in the same direction.

Now compare such a paid site with a regular course. Not to say, of course, that regular courses in a DVD box are bad, but training in a closed club is ten times better and more effective. And to create a site with paid access, it is not necessary to teach people some kind of business or how to make money. In fact, this can be done in almost any subject. The main thing is to think and think carefully.

I am currently in deep thought about this. I still can’t even imagine what will come of it and in which direction to go. But I’m sure that through trial and error I will be able to create a website with a paid subscription. Maybe it will be one-time, or maybe monthly.

I also want to say a little about the most important advantage of this approach for organizers: by creating a website with periodic subscription payments, you will have a constant flow of clients. After all, every month the old ones will pay extra and new participants will be constantly added. Thus, having created your own closed community You can earn money no less than using standard methods.

My paywall example

It just so happened that without knowing it, I had already made one website where there was paid access to content. This happened because I didn't want to bother creating the box. Let me tell you how it happened and what came of it:

I have a forum. On it you can create hidden section. That's exactly what I did. I created about 40 topics there, numbered them and sorted them:

In every topic, the first message is my lesson. And if something is not clear to someone, the participant can ask a question at any time and receive an answer, both from me and from any other student who knows the solution to the problem.

This all means that I have already conducted my little experiment. I will say more, such a forum with closed sections is best solution, with which you can create a paid website for free yourself.

And that's why:

How to make a paid subscription on the site

So, let's finally move on to the main question and find out how to create a paid website anyway? In this article, I will list several options and then you can choose the best one for yourself.

By the way, a little advice: to hide your material from public access and from pooling, it is enough to participate in all the pooling yourself and then block access to the accounts through which the pooling was done.

So, I think everyone understands: in order to create a paid website for free yourself, you need to spend a lot of time studying the technical side. For a beginner, this will take several weeks, or maybe months. I recommend not skimping and saving a lot of time by purchasing some training material. Of course, decide for yourself whether you need all this or not. But in any case, there is something to think about.

Top 2 plugins that will help you make paid access to pages, posts or categories on your website or WordPress blog.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I will tell you about one very cool feature on , which can increase your income significantly. We're talking about paid content.

To be honest, I have never done this before. But in Lately, began to think. That's why I had to study this topic. There are a lot of articles on the Internet. But to see everything with an example, how it works and whether the blog needs it, unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information. I immediately decided that on our blog, such an article would be useful to all our readers and guests. After all, the topic is really worthwhile.

So, what did I “dug up” and what conclusions did I draw? Let's see...

Paid access to content on WordPress

You can make pages, categories, or the site as a whole paid using a plugin. On WordPress, 70% of all settings and various useful goodies are done by plugins. I'm sure this is not news to you. Anyone who works with WordPress will understand me. So, there are “sea” of plugins. Here the question rather arises not of how to create a paid access, but of which plugin to choose.

I’ll say right away that the plugins are different. They are not competitors to each other. The plugin is best suited for closing regular pages, posts, categories or other parts of the site. As for Memberlux, everything is more complicated. This is not a plugin that is created for one purpose, it is multifunctional. In fact, it will suit you only if you are engaged in training, teaching people online.

For example, you have training on creating a blog. The first lesson, the second and the third are free and available to all users. In the fourth lesson you have information on how to start making money on this blog ( valuable information). Here you can make this lesson a paid one. That is, the user must first pay for access and then continue learning. Cool, isn't it?

More information about this plugin, you can find or watch the training video:

Let's return to the plugin. Let's find out what it is and how to use it.

The first thing I want to say is that the plugin is paid. Its cost today is: 3346 rubles. Expensive or not, it's up to you to decide. I believe that with such functionality as here, the price is quite reasonable. Take another look at what you get from your purchase:

  1. Make your pages and sections paid.
  2. You will be able to assign access to any user for any time at any time, change already current time access or remove access from the user altogether.
  3. You will manage everything from the admin panel (create tariffs, set your price, active time, etc.).
  4. Possibility to connect 8 payment systems: Interkassa, Robokassa, Pay2Pay, Payeer, Unitpay, WalletOne (Unified Cash Desk) and Yandex.Kassa.
  5. Working with simple shortcodes. For example, to close a paragraph in an article: hidden content.
  6. Free updates. You will always have the latest version at the old price.

You can find out about other benefits by clicking on this link(author's website).

How to install and configure the plugin?

Everything is simple here. After purchase, you will receive an archive file by email. Download it. Next, go to your WordPress admin area and install it in any way convenient for you. Be sure to activate.

In general, the plugin is already working. All that remains is to set up tariffs and payment systems.

Should you use paid content on your website or blog?

If the article actually contains worthwhile information, unique, which cannot be found anywhere else, then yes. Know that the main thing here is not to overdo it. In no case, do not make paid content one after another. For example, today in one article, and tomorrow in another. This approach will definitely affect refusals. You can track failures using LiveInternet or " Yandex.Metrics" What percentage of failures should there be, I wrote.

I guess I'll end here. Thank you all very much, at least for reading the article to these lines. I hope that the information was useful to you and now you know how to create paid content on WordPress. If you have any questions or suggestions, write them in the comments. I'll be glad to help.

Thank you for your attention! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

Best regards, Mogish Ivan

This article will summarize the information presented in previous articles. A plan will be drawn up further actions step by step.

Let's list it again important conditions for the success of a site with a paid subscription:

Clear niche;
. Unique information;
. Practical information;
. Availability of free content.

1. Define and analyze a niche

First of all, you need to determine the niche you will work with.

The topics for websites and the choice of niche are discussed in as much detail as possible in previous articles.

After determining the niche of the site, we conduct a brainstorming session.

We analyze the needs of the audience. We study what exactly is needed for our potential clients. We read questions and answers on thematic forums, look at comments on materials from your niche. We collect and identify topics, information and questions that will be of interest to your potential clients.

Let's get to know our competitors. If there are sites on similar topics, information products or memberships, then study how they are structured, all their advantages and disadvantages. We translate their disadvantages and inconveniences into our advantages. Just don’t copy your competitor’s information under any circumstances, it can only backfire. If a competitor did not do something or did something poorly, then you need to do better.

Possible prospects. Think about what else you can implement. What people don’t seem to be asking for now, but what they might need.

2. Site structure

Detailed description of all sections. Do detailed description each section on your future website, what information and on what topics will be included there, what it will look like.

Material format. Decide on the format in which the material will be presented. Will you protect paid material or not?

What's paid, what's free. Determine which sections will be paid and which will be free. Divide them according to the characteristics that are important to you.

Addition frequency. Determine how often and how often materials will be added to the site.

List of topics. Make a list of topics, titles for the first ten free and paid materials. During the website development process, write these materials. It is advisable that at the end of site development not a single section is left empty.

Tariff plans. Think it over tariff plans and demand motivators. Write everything down in detail and think it over.

3. Appearance.

Schematic structure. Draw a schematic structure of the site and determine the arrangement of elements for your pages.

Sample. Currently available a large number of templates for Joomla. Decide which templates the best way suitable for your site. You can purchase templates from the developers or download them on the Internet.

Design elements and logos in ready-made template can be changed. Layout of templates from scratch has not yet been discussed on the site, but in the future this topic will be covered in detail.
Don't get hung up on the little things, the little things aren't important yet. They can always be corrected in the future.

After this you need to do technical work to create a website with paid access. This will be discussed in detail in the following articles.

In the meantime, let's go over overall plan actions. This information is for general information. All this will be discussed in detail in the following sections.

First we install Denwer, then we install Joomla and all the necessary extensions.

Content types;
. Fields;
. Sections;
. Menu;
. Modules;
. We bring in materials.

1. We enter tariff plans and their description;
2. We close access to materials;
3. We produce necessary settings;
4. Check the functionality.

Let's start the project.

1. Buy a domain name;
2. We transfer the site to hosting;
3. We conclude agreements with payment systems;
4. Test the site, checking each section.

We are making a plan for adding materials.

In the first stages, you need to fill out the site so that you have something to sell. For efficient work You need to make a schedule for yourself. For example, add 10 to the site useful materials in Week. Of course, the quantity here depends on the amount of information provided and the format of the materials.

An individual plan for adding materials is required!

Try to strictly adhere to your plan.

While the technical intricacies of creating a website with paid access have not yet been discussed here, you can conduct a detailed analysis of your niche and draw up a detailed structure for your future website.

Be sure to write down and sketch everything about your niche analysis and desired structure.