Protect WordPress content from copying and downloading. Protect text from copying using WordPress plugins

Good afternoon, dear friends and regular and new readers of my blog! Max Metelev is with you and in today’s article I will talk about how to protect the content of a Wordpress blog from copying. Content protection is an extremely necessary thing for any start-up project. Who would be happy if your work ends up somewhere else?

But if it is already indexed by search engines, then it automatically becomes non-unique.. Here you can either rewrite it, that is, rewrite it or write it in a new way. It's up to you to decide which path to choose.

So how can you protect your work on the Internet? Here I bring to your attention small selection WordPress content protection plugins, with which you can protect your material from copying.

The only thing I want to warn you about is: if an attacker needs text information He will definitely take it from your site, because no one has canceled the open source code in the browser and all the information, albeit with tags, can be taken from there.

Here we’ll talk about those plugins that allow you to protect your articles from purely visual copying (right mouse button, ctrl+c ctrl+v), without getting into the jungle of code. So here is the list.

Copyrighted post

Adds a pre-configured copyright notice at the bottom of every article on your blog. This plugin supports four languages ​​- English, Russian, Belarusian.


Enough interesting solution. This wordpress plugin Content copy protection comes with a set of tools. You can set up an interactive notification on the pages of your blog at the top or bottom, at the moment when a person wants to select content and copy it, a window with the message “Get a license” will appear.

And it will appear every time you press the right mouse button. This plugin can be used if you want to sell articles on the site, and you can also determine how much content you will give away for free. It also has a built-in “Discovery infringement Detection” module, which allows you to “detect” and identify content thieves.

A fairly simple and convenient plugin for protecting content from copying. Easy to install on your blog. The advantages include disabling the right mouse button, disabling text selection, and protecting your blog from frames.

WP Content Copy Protection

Enough powerful tool to protect your text WordPress blog, I would even say aggressive. Uses several methods to protect your contents from theft. Here's a basic list of what this blog extension can do - block right-click, drag and drop images, save images, highlight text, view source code, also recognizes copy key combinations such as: CTRL A, C, X, U, S, V and P and disables them.

WordPress Protection

A plugin similar to the previous one that protects your content from pirates. Blocks hotkeys.

No Right Click Images plugin

This solution disables the right mouse button for images on your blog. Plugin disables context menu to images, thanks to the JavaScript language. When clicking on other objects, everything works fine, with the exception of only pictures.

This was a review of plugins. Now I will tell and show you practical example how to protect content from copying on a blog. The object of the experiment will be the wp copy content protection plugin

And we see tabs with options for protecting content.

I'll go through them briefly:

  • Post Protection by Javascript (Protecting pages with JavaScript - in the “enabled” status) for single posts
  • Homepage protection by Javascript home page also javascript – also “enabled”)
  • Static pages protection (protection of static blog pages, must also be in “enabled” mode)
  • Selection disabled message (The message that appears at the moment when we select a piece of text). I will write that “Content is protected”, like this:

On next tab“Premium RightClick Selection” we tell the plugin in which types of pages we will disable the right mouse button. By default, it is disabled on the main page, single posts and pages.

After this step, do not forget to click on the save button.

The rest of the settings can be left as they are. They will still work. Now I'll go to the browser and try to copy the text on the page. And this is what the browser writes:

I can't even click on the service tabs next to address bar. JavaScript blocks everything specifically. So you can safely install such a solution on your blogs, if you, of course, need it.

Resulting in search robots they will think that you stole the article, and your site will drop in ranking. And if the text is copied repeatedly, your site is with the original web. content may be excluded from the search altogether. And this means the end of your site. And in the future, having made another site, you remain in bad standing, as a person stealing someone else’s copyright. Proving that this is not so is very difficult, sometimes even impossible. Therefore, our first priority is to protect your site from copying.

Protection against copying of articles by plugins

There are several ways to protect content from copying. You can install a special script, I wrote about this in the previous article ““. Or you can use plugins for WordPress. Let's look at what these plugins are and what the protection is.

Plugin posts compare.

This plugin does its job perfectly, but it has one big drawback - it creates heavy load to the server. If you decide to install it, it is recommended not to use it constantly, activate it to check the integrity of the content, and deactivate it after the check is completed.

The next WordPress plugin that protects your site from copying is called WP – Copyright – Protection.

What is his defense? After installing and activating this plugin, it makes it impossible to select and copy text. Right key The mouse becomes inoperative and does not open the menu. This does not affect the indexing of your articles. Search engines will index your site in normal mode, but a person or robot will not be able to copy your text. This way, yours will be protected by the plugin.

Whether you install these plugins on your website or not is up to you. I just told you the methods of your author's work.

I described how to confirm your authorship in a previous article, also dedicated to content protection. I repeat that to confirm and secure the author’s rights to a new, unpublished text, you can use the service Yandex webmaster.

How to do it? You need to go to the panel Yandex webmasters, select from the list " Original texts", and paste your new text. This must be done before you add it to the site. And after that, feel free to publish the article on the blog.

Now, no matter where your article appears, the copyright to it will be retained by you, since you declared in Yandex that this text was first published on your website.

Good luck in building your website, protecting texts from copying, and being successful!

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We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


High-quality and adequate content is worth its weight in gold. And getting this “gold” using honest methods is quite problematic: either you will have to spend some money on a good copywriter, or urgently gain talent and find time for independent creativity. But many are quite stingy with their personal time and money, so they simply copy content from other web resources. How to protect a website from copying text?

It is for this reason that many people are now tormented by the issue of protecting website content from copying. And it's not just a matter of stealing mental labor, but also any from your site leads to poor ranking and indexing.

Strong protection is especially important for new sites that have recently started operating.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • slow indexing;
  • lack of authority;
  • links to a minimum number of sites.

Let's assume that you (or your copywriter) are a feather shark. You created the website quite recently and have already managed to fill it with brilliant and unique content. In this case, you are a real tasty morsel for authoritative web resources: they can copy your tasty content and place it on their website with complete impunity. Their texts will be indexed much faster, and the authorship will remain with them.

To avoid failure both in positions and in the uniqueness of content, we advise you to take all measures to protect the site from copying text. Namely...

Ways to protect text on a website from copying

These methods work best when protecting the content of the main page or section pages, since the information on such pages is usually copied manually.

Using a script to protect site content from copying

For example, you can try the service, which will add a link to the source to the copied text. To do this, you just need to register yourself, then register the site and receive the script code. It needs to be inserted into the header of the site. IN personal account A pleasant surprise awaits you on tynt - analytical collection of data on content copies.

WARNING! The script may slow down the site

There are also scripts and plugins that can prohibit manual copying and text selection. True, such scripts can create inconvenience for those who like to right-click on a link, and this can reduce the number of page views on your own site.

Besides, this method It’s not so difficult to get around, it’s as easy as shelling pears to do: open the source of the page through the browser, or rather, its menu, or by trying to disable the scripts and copying everything that is necessary. But inexperienced users after all, they will not be able to do this.

Prohibiting text highlighting in CSS styles

This method of protecting your site from text copying is similar to the previous one, but here you do not need to use scripts, but simply write a separate style that will prohibit highlighting content.
This method, unfortunately, has some disadvantages: even if you disable scripts, you will not be able to highlight information on a web resource, but disabling styles in the browser is much more difficult. Although you can also bypass this method if you open the HTML code of the page itself.

Chipmunk method

Analyst Alexey Zhukov (Chipmunk) suggested a very interesting way, which provides for dividing the text into short unique offers, no more than one hundred characters long.

Such offers can be used as anchor links, placing them on relevant, and at the same time inexpensive, sites. The only drawback of this method is the financial cost of links.

Social signals

Search engines determine the first source of content by the authority of the web resource and its indexing. And social signals can add at least some authority to pages. Therefore, it will be effective if the cards can invite visitors to tweet and like pages. You can use the following portals for advertising on social networks:

Text copy protection on joomla website

This lesson describes in detail a useful plugin for Joomla that protects texts from copying on the site.

1. It prevents you from selecting text with the mouse

2. Blocks the right mouse button.

Yes, of course, no one has canceled the CTRL+C hotkeys, but if a swindler cannot highlight the text, then it will not be possible to steal it. You can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A, but then all the junk from the page will be automatically copied, with which the thief will have to suffer for a long time.

Of course, you cannot get complete protection of text from copying from a Joomla website using this plugin. N But the plugin significantly complicates the whole process. Many will just simply leave and search required text elsewhere simply because they will be too lazy to contact you.

Text copy protection on a WordPress website ( WP-CopyProtect)

Just like on the Joomla website, text copy protection on the WordPress website is carried out using a plugin. WP-CopyProtect prohibits users can select text on the page or use the right mouse button on the site. In order to protect text on your website from copying, just visit the WordPress website, go to the plugins section, find required module WP-CopyProtect and download it.

How to install: unzip the archive, copy the files to FTP, and then activate it in the admin panel of your site.

To protect texts from being copied into add links to your website in the text of the article

Often, content is copied automatically as it is, so search engines can correctly identify the original source.

Use the Yandex service Original texts

In 2013, Yandex provided unique opportunity protection of website content from copying in the form of a new service “Original Texts”. This tool helps inform the search engine about copyright. True, there is one point: if your article is very tiny (less than two thousand characters), then Yandex will not be able to give you 100% guarantees.

Using the service is simple: go to Yandex Webmaster, register in it and find “original texts”.

Studio advice: Don’t be lazy and use this tool for the first two to three months of the web resource’s existence. It is during this period that he is very vulnerable.

True Defense texts from plagiarism - to rossposting announcements

In order to search engines were able to quickly learn about the appearance of new content, it is important to post announcements of news and articles on third party resources. Produce once necessary settings and forget about the problem forever.

Do you know any other ways to protect your website from copy-paste? Share your experience in the comments!

Hello Dear users and readers of my blog called . In this article I want to talk about what content copy protection is and how to protect your content from copying.

But before we begin our speech on this topic, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with no less interesting and useful posts, namely:

And now I want to tell you about a wonderful plugin that I just installed on my blog. We will talk about the WP Copy Protect plugin, which will help protect the copying of content from your site. Accordingly, for these purposes, the Yandex service has long existed, where you can add just typed text so that the search engine can immediately know who the original source is. But unfortunately this service will be available only after your blog has at least a TIC of 10.

WP Copy Protect

An excellent plugin that prevents copying text on your blog. Personally, I made it so that if someone tries to right-click the text, a “Copying prohibited!” window immediately pops up.

In principle, the plugin will not protect the content very much, but it is still very useful and many popular bloggers it is being used.

Now let's start installing and configuring the plugin for our blog.

2. Install the plugin in the standard way

3. B administrative panel you will see a menu item

Go to WP Copy Protect and perform the following settings.

In principle, copy all the settings as in my picture above. In the “Disable right click and show message” field I have written “copying is prohibited!”, you can write what you want.

After that, you can go to your blog and try to copy the text with the right mouse button, and you will see that nothing works for you and a window pops up. But if you, as an administrator, want to allow yourself to copy content (you never know where), then in the settings select Exclude admin users, when Apply settings to all users is selected, then no one can copy.

It seems like that's all, I hope this post it was useful to you, I’ll thank you for your comment! Thank you! I was with you.

U of this message no labels

Hello reader, today we will talk about content, how to protect it and how realistic it is. Let's get acquainted with the plugin WP Copy Protect for WordPress, let's look at the functionality, configure it correctly and... delete.

For those who don’t know, sometimes your articles and pictures can be copied, although it would be more correct to even steal them. I just came into the attacker’s field of view and that’s it. Be prepared to see, if not all, then a good part of the articles and pictures that were worked on all night long. I'm sorry, what? I heard that you don't mind? No pity? Well, it's time to open your eyes...

It has long been no secret that search engines such as Google or Yandex are fighting for unique content in the search results, because if the search engine does not give a clear answer, we will simply use another one. This means that they are mainly allowed to issue unique pages. But attention ! Yours will not necessarily be unique. There are a lot of algorithms and they all influence the output in one way or another, this is the first thing. And secondly, the page indexing speed factor is very important. And here everything is simple, the unique content is the one that was indexed earlier. This is what attackers take advantage of. By copying the article, they have a chance to be ranked higher than you simply because the robot saw them faster. And this, in turn, is traffic, clients, orders, etc.

From what is written above, it becomes clear that the problem is more relevant than ever. Only with the protection there are small pads... It is impossible to protect content on a website. No matter how much we want it and no matter how much effort we make for it. All our efforts can only slightly slow down some inexperienced villains. Moreover, there is a high probability that ordinary users will experience inconvenience.

However, if this problem has become an edge, you can complicate the copying process with the plugin WP Copy Protect.

Installing and configuring the WP Copy Protect plugin

We find the plugin in the WordPress repository through the admin panel ( located near the end of the first page), or download manually, .

We have absolutely nothing available from the settings, since the plugin starts working immediately after activation and is disabled by deactivating it in “ Plugins» — « All plugins».

Advantages of the plugin open source and just negligible weight, thanks to this there will be no load on the blog after installation.

From a functional point of view, we have a ban on any copying or highlighting of text. You can only move the mouse and click on links. This is precisely what should make copying difficult for attackers.

But Lately grabbers are used up ( scripts that automatically copy everything) and they do not use selection. And here regular users often use highlighting and copying of any words and phrases. Therefore, the use of this plugin ( and indeed any similar thing) is very limited and is recommended for use only in specific projects like online readers (readers).