Fundamentals of information technology in mechanical engineering program. Information technologies in the engineering industry. Stages of information technology development

Information technologies in mechanical engineering

Is the subject “Informatics” needed in a technical school? I work at the Mechanical Engineering College, many guys come to class and say: “Why do we need to teach this?”

Technology- this is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor techniques, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of the production or non-production, primarily management, process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology- is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Information technologies themselves require complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

About 15 years ago, we could not have imagined how closely mechanical engineering and information technology would be connected. The task of modern production is to produce a finished product as quickly as possible at minimal cost. This allows us to achieve, first of all, economic efficiency, and, as a consequence, return on production. In conditions of fierce competition, it is necessary to present a high-quality product as quickly as possible, before competitors have time to do the same. And if we take into account that in the modern market many companies offer almost the same type of products, then it is necessary to make quite a lot of effort to ensure that the product remains competitive. In my opinion, this requires a design automation system. In mechanical engineering, this is a means for representing an object and representing its model. all given properties that interest us. The model is created for the sake of research that is either impossible, expensive, or simply inconvenient to conduct on a real object. There are several purposes for which a model is created:

–A model as a means of comprehension helps to identify the interdependencies of variables, the nature of their changes over time, and find existing patterns. When drawing up a model, the structure of the production object is studied, classified and becomes clearer.

– A model as a forecasting tool allows you to learn how to predict the behavior of a production object and control it by testing various variants of the model’s behavior. Experiments with a real object are more reliable, but they take more time and require much higher costs, and sometimes such experiments are simply impossible (if the production facility is still being designed).

–The constructed models can be used to find optimal parameters, research of special modes and parameters of the production facility.

–The model can also, in some cases, replace the original object during training.

With the help of a design automation system, it is perhaps the fastest way to create a model of almost any production facility.

There are many different CAD systems, both similar to each other and very different.

Basically there is such a classification of CAD packages.

1. Heavy CAD. They provide a full design cycle, complete alignment of the entire structure. The full cycle is the totality of everything that is needed - from development appearance object (what foreigners call buzzword“design”), before preparing documentation and developing control programs.

2. Average CAD. They do not provide a full cycle; they usually have gaps in the design chain, without providing a full cycle. But within the framework of their task, these CAD systems cope very successfully. Medium CAD systems were developed either by companies that did not have sufficient qualifications to create heavy CAD systems, or did not set themselves such a task. Basically, average CAD systems necessarily have the concept of “assembly-part”, and a number of modules to assist in the design-manufacturing process.

3. Lungs, or so-called. “specialized” CAD systems that solve only narrow design problems - for example, only the design of cams or molds. Sometimes such CAD systems are called “exotic” because they solve a specific narrow problem for a specific small production.

Modern production closely related to information technology! Learn computer science!

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Discipline: Perspectives on the development of mechanical engineering

On the topic: Information technology in mechanical engineering

Vladimir 2006


3.1 Operational and production planning in the conditions of automated control systems. (Integrated Automated Control System




In a market economy, independent, independent producers of goods and services, as well as all those who ensure the continuity of the cycle “science - technology - production - sales - consumption” will not be able to successfully operate in the market without information. An entrepreneur needs information about other producers, about possible consumers, about suppliers of raw materials, components and technology, about prices, about the situation in commodity markets and capital markets, about the situation in business life, about the general economic and political situation not only in his own country, but and throughout the world, about long-term trends in economic development, prospects for the development of science and technology and possible results, about the legal conditions of business, etc. In this regard, it is advisable to analyze the information market, a significant part of the services of which relates to the field of business information.

In developed countries, a significant part information activities over the past two decades, has been involved in market relations and acts as one of the most important elements of the market infrastructure for the maintenance, implementation and development of market relations, as well as as an independent specialized sector of the market, which offers special products and services.

The modern information market includes three interacting areas: - information; - electronic transactions; - electronic communications.

In the field of electronic transactions, the information market is a direct element of the market infrastructure, the field of electronic communication is at the interface with the communications industry, and information refers to intangible production.

The market for electronic transactions (operations, transactions) includes systems for reserving tickets and hotel rooms, ordering, selling and exchanging goods and services, banking and settlement transactions.

In the electronic communications market, one can distinguish various systems of modern means of communication and human communication, machine production technologies: data transmission networks, e-mail, teleconferences, electronic boards announcements and newsletters, networks and systems for remote interactive access to databases, etc.

1. The concept of information technology

1.1 What is information technology

Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor techniques, sets of material, technical, energy, and labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of the production or non-production, primarily management, process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Information technologies themselves require complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

1.2 Stages of development information technologies

There are several points of view on the development of information technologies using computers, which are determined by various division characteristics.

What is common to all the approaches outlined below is that with the advent of the personal computer, a new stage in the development of information technology began. The main goal is to satisfy personal information needs person both for the professional sphere and for the everyday life.

Division sign - type of tasks and information processing processes

Stage 1 (60s - 70s) - data processing in computer centers in shared use mode. The main direction of development of information technology was the automation of operational routine human actions.

Stage 2 (since the 80s) - the creation of information technologies aimed at solving strategic problems.

Sign of division - problems standing in the way of informatization of society

The 1st stage (until the end of the 60s) is characterized by the problem of processing large amounts of data in conditions of limited hardware capabilities.

The 2nd stage (until the end of the 70s) is associated with the spread of computers of the 1VM/360 series. The problem at this stage is that the software lags behind the level of hardware development.

Stage 3 (from the beginning of the 80s) - the computer becomes a tool for the non-professional user, and information systems become a means of supporting his decision-making. Problems - maximum meeting the user's needs and creating an appropriate interface for working in a computer environment.

Stage 4 (from the beginning of the 90s) - the creation of modern technology for inter-organizational communications and information systems. The problems of this stage are very numerous. The most significant of them are:

* development of agreements and establishment of standards, protocols for computer communications;

* organizing access to strategic information;

* organization of information protection and security.

The division sign is an advantage that computer technology brings

Stage 1 (from the beginning of the 60s) is characterized by fairly efficient processing of information when performing routine operations with a focus on centralized collective use of computer center resources. The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the created information systems was the difference between the funds spent on development and the funds saved as a result of implementation. The main problem at this stage was psychological - poor interaction between users for whom information systems were created and developers due to the difference in their views and understanding of the problems being solved. As a consequence of this problem, systems were created that were poorly received by users and, despite their fairly large capabilities, were not used to their fullest.

The 2nd stage (from the mid-70s) is associated with the advent of personal computers. The approach to creating information systems has changed - the orientation is shifting towards individual user to support his decisions. The user is interested in the ongoing development, contact is established with the developer, and mutual understanding arises between both groups of specialists. At this stage, both centralized data processing, characteristic of the first stage, and decentralized one, based on solving local problems and working with local databases at the user’s workplace, are used.

The 3rd stage (from the beginning of the 90s) is associated with the concept of analyzing strategic advantages in business and is based on the achievements of telecommunication technology of distributed information processing. Information systems are aimed not just at increasing the efficiency of data processing and helping the manager. Appropriate information technologies should help an organization survive the competition and gain an advantage.

Division sign - types of technology tools

Stage 1 (until the second half of the 19th century) - “manual” information technology, the tools of which were: a pen. inkwell, book Communications were carried out manually by sending letters, packages, and dispatches through the mail. The main purpose of technology is to present information in the required form.

Stage 2 (from the end of the 19th century) - “mechanical” technology, the tools of which included: a typewriter, a telephone, a voice recorder, and mail equipped with more advanced means of delivery. The main goal of technology is to present information in the required form using more convenient means,

Stage 3 (40s - 60s of the XX century) - “electric” technology, the tools of which included: mainframe computers and related software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable voice recorders.

The purpose of technology changes. The emphasis in information technology begins to shift from the form of information presentation to the formation of its content.

Stage 4 (from the beginning of the 70s) - “electronic” technology, the main tools of which are large computers and automated control systems (ACS) and information retrieval systems (IRS) created on their basis, equipped with a wide range of basic and specialized software systems. The center of gravity of technology is shifting even more to the formation of the content side of information for the management environment of various spheres of public life, especially to the organization of analytical work. Many objective and subjective factors did not allow us to solve the tasks facing the new concept of information technology. However, experience was gained in the formation of the content side of management information and a professional, psychological and social basis was prepared for the transition to a new stage in the development of technology,

Stage 5 (from the mid-80s) - “computer” (“new”) technology, the main tool of which is a personal computer with a wide range of standard software products for various purposes. At this stage, the process of personalization of automated control systems occurs, which manifests itself in the creation of decision support systems for certain specialists. Such systems have built-in elements of analysis and intelligence for different levels controls are implemented on a personal computer and use telecommunications. In connection with the transition to a microprocessor base, technical means for household, cultural and other purposes are also undergoing significant changes.

Global and local computer networks are beginning to be widely used in various fields.

1.3 Components of information technology

Technological concepts used in the production sector such as norm, standard, technological process, technological operation, etc., can also be used in information technology. Before developing these concepts in any technology, including information technology, you should always start with defining the goal. Then you should try to structure all the proposed actions leading to the intended goal and select the necessary software tools.

It is necessary to understand that mastering information technology and its further use should come down to the fact that you must first master a set of elementary operations, the number of which is limited. From this limited number elementary operations in different combinations make up an action, and actions, also in different combinations, make up operations that determine one or another technological stage. The set of technological stages forms a technological process (technology). It can start at any level and not include, for example, stages or operations, but consist only of actions. To implement the stages of the technological process, different software environments can be used.

Information technology, like any other, must meet the following requirements:

* ensure a high degree of division of the entire information processing process into stages (phases), operations, actions;

* include the entire set of elements necessary to achieve the goal;

* be of a regular nature. Stages, actions, and operations of the technological process can be standardized and unified, which will allow for more efficient targeted management of information processes.

1.4 Information technology tools

Implementation of the technological process material production carried out using various technical means, which include: equipment, machines, tools, conveyor lines, etc.

By analogy, there should be something similar for information technology. Such technical means of information production will be hardware, software and mathematical support for this process. With their help, primary information is processed into information of a new quality. Let us separate out software products from these tools and call them tools, and for greater clarity we can specify them by calling them information technology software tools.

Let's define this concept:

Information technology tools are one or more interrelated software products for a specific type of computer, the operating technology of which allows you to achieve the goal set by the user.

The following common types of software products for a personal computer can be used as tools: word processor(editor), desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional information systems (financial, accounting, marketing, etc.), expert systems, etc.

2. Formation of the information technology market

1992--1993 can be considered a period of active formation information market. There was a washout of fly-by-night firms focused on easy money, and the consolidation of “heavyweight firms” for which the information business became the main activity. Firms that came to the market “seriously and for a long time” defined their priorities, main directions of development, sources of information and sales routes information products/services. These were mainly business directories and databases with information about producers of goods and services.

At the same time, along with domestic ones, foreign information companies appeared on the Russian information market - leaders of the world information market: Dun and Bradstreet, Compass, etc. It seemed that they would easily displace Russian information companies from the market. In any case, the work experience, professionalism, methodological, software, financial and technical resources of foreign information firms were not just an order of magnitude, several orders of magnitude higher than Russian information firms - agencies.

When Dun & Bradstreet decided to open its representative office in Russia in 1992, its first group got acquainted with several information companies in Russia and demonstrated the methods they used to work with clients. The gap between what, for example, ADI “Business Card” did and considered it information business, and what was demonstrated, seemed insurmountable, and there was only one thing left - to quickly find another business.

Foreign companies quickly got their bearings in Russian reality and did not lay claim to leading positions. There are several reasons for this.

First, opacity Russian market. Companies were unable to officially obtain reliable information about market participants, much less about the financial solvency of Russian enterprises, and therefore about their creditworthiness, which is one of the main parameters of an enterprise’s characteristics for any investor.

Secondly, the low solvency of the Russian market. Suffice it to say that the cost of a certificate about one enterprise, which foreign companies can provide, ranges from several tens to several hundred dollars. Very few participants in the Russian market - banks, oil and gas companies, large trading firms - were willing to pay such money. But big business, and only such business is of interest to large foreign companies, cannot be built in such a narrow market segment. Yuferev O.V., Shkinderov A. Databases for direct marketing. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 1999. - No. 3. - p.38-43.

2.1 Prerequisites for the accelerated development of the information technology market

The markets of Eastern Europe and East Central Europe continue to be of significant interest to the global IT industry, with total spending in these countries on information technology reaching $4.7 billion in 1995. Ongoing programs to modernize a wide range of infrastructure and basic services such as banking, insurance, manufacturing, retail and public administration, coupled with the demands of the emerging private sector, will contribute to strong IT growth in the region.

As the economic situation of Eastern Europe and Eastern Central Europe stabilizes, the expansion of the information technology market is mainly due to the so-called second phase of development, virtually non-existent a few years ago, covering proprietary and custom software, services and network processing . While the need for basic computer hardware remains high, especially in the Russian, Polish and Czech markets, annual revenue increases in the region currently caused by sales of software, professional maintenance and preventative support services.

In table 1-3 show integral indicators of costs for computer equipment, software and service in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe.

If comparing costs in absolute terms is annoying, but at least their staggering differences can be explained by the difference in the economic situation of countries, then the relative distribution of costs in various areas of the IT market carries a lot of useful information and a comparative analysis of market proportions and trends in their changes can be very useful. Znamensky Yu.N., Chugunova G.N. Market of computer science tools in Russia and Europe // Automation of design. - 1997. - No. 2

Table 1. Volume of the IT market in Russia, $ million.

Table 2. Volume of the IT market in Eastern Europe, million ECU.

Despite the fact that spending in the Eastern European region on information technology has increased significantly over the past 5 years, the ratio of the volume of IT products to gross domestic product (GDP), as well as the ratio of the number of so-called “white collar” workers to personal computers shows that costs for computer equipment are still noticeably lower here than on average in the Western European market. In other words, the potential for pent-up demand for information technology in the Eastern European economy is still very high.

Table 3. Volume of the IT market in Western European countries, million ECU.

We will present the ratio of the volume of IT products to the gross domestic product and the saturation of the management sphere with personal computers (in 1994) in Western Europe and the USA (Table 4). And although we do not have similar data for the countries of Eastern Europe, an analysis of the data provided indicates their incomparability.

Table 4. Comparative indicators.

Number of PCs per 100 white-collar workers

Western Europe


Note: EU countries - Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland.

3. Information technologies in mechanical engineering

information technology mechanical engineering

3.1 Operational and production planning in the conditions of automated control systems. (Integrated Automated Control System)

The norm for managing domestic enterprises in market conditions is the use of funds computer technology in the process of internal company planning. Their use in non-mass production is due to the need to perform a large volume of labor-intensive calculations and very complex graphical constructions.

The implementation of production planning and management processes is currently carried out in most modern enterprises using an IT complex, including software and computer hardware, which together form an automated control system (ACS).

When building effective automated control systems, coordinated automation of both the sphere of material production and the sphere of information technology itself is carried out at all levels and stages based on the concept of integrated automated systems management (IASU). IASU automates both material and information components production process in their interrelation from the formation of a portfolio of orders to the sale and shipment of finished products. ACS are integral part product life cycle (LC) information support systems - CAL8 technologies. This direction is included in critical technologies, approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

The automated control system for multi-item production consists of functionally and operationally complete subsystems, each of which can function independently, exchanging information arrays with other subsystems. These subsystems can be resident at various hierarchical levels and operated as part of various organizational services. The subsystems into which IAS can be divided are: subsystem for managing production and economic activities (ASU PCB); technological preparation control subsystem (ASU TT1P); subsystem for operational control of the progress of automated production (APCS).

The main component of the automated control system, which ensures the management of the organizational and economic processes of the enterprise at all levels, is the automated control system for chemical control. The PCB ACS, in turn, includes the following subsystems: technical and economic planning; financial management; Accounting; operational management of main production; quality control; HR management; auxiliary production management.

The central place in the operational production management subsystem is occupied by the functions of planning and modeling the progress of the production process. They can be divided into two subsystems:

1) subsystem scheduling and accounting. Subsystem functions:

drawing up an inter-shop calendar plan that coordinates the work of shops and services;

calculation of production programs for workshops and areas;

calculation of production flow standards;

calculation of calendar schedules that determine the order, sequence and timing of production;

operational operational accounting;

accounting for the availability of finished parts, assembly units and products in warehouses;

accounting for technical readiness of orders, etc.;

2) subsystem for operational regulation of production progress. Subsystem functions:

analysis of deviations from established targets and production schedules and taking prompt measures to eliminate them.

3.2 Integrated computer-aided design and manufacturing system for beds

In the serial production of machine tools of a wide range, automation of the production of basic machine parts (beds, frames, bases, columns, etc.) can be effectively carried out by combining information connections of three automated systems: 1) computer-aided design (CAD) systems for the design of the machine and individual parts; 2) CAD of the manufacturing process; 3) flexible manufacturing system (FMS) manufacturing.

Let's look at specific example mechanism for manufacturing beds using IC.

The design of the frame structure can be carried out in the mode of dialogue between the designer and the computer, carried out using graphic display with light pen and keypad.

The designer gradually draws individual views of the frame on the display screen connected to the computer, producing necessary calculations frames for rigidity, vibration resistance, etc. according to programs previously entered into the computer. In this case, the computer displays the required information on the display screen upon request. background information, for example, about the properties of materials, standard designs and sizes, placed in a computer storage device.

The designer has the ability to rotate the three-dimensional image of the frame on the screen, make the necessary cuts, change the image scale, change and supplement the design.

It is possible to see stress diagrams and the deformed state of the frame under the influence of forces and moments specified by the designer on the display screen.

The optimized design of the frame is then issued via communication channels to the computer-aided process design (CAD TP) system, which develops the optimal technological process for manufacturing the frame, taking into account the conditions of automated production.

Next, in accordance with the technological process developed by CAD TP, the automated production of a frame blank is carried out, which then enters the automated warehouse of blanks of the flexible processing system. The computer of the processing system controls machine modules, coordinate marking and control and measuring machines, as well as a flexible transport system that integrates technological equipment.

According to the computer data received on the displays, the necessary tools are assembled and configured in the tool preparation department, and the necessary installation and clamping devices are prepared in the fixture preparation department. The workpieces are placed on pallets, after which they are automatically processed on machine modules. If it is necessary to reinstall the workpiece on the pallet, it is automatically transported to the installation compartment, at the same time the necessary instructions appear on the display screen for them to be carried out by the GPS operator. With pre-prepared tools and workpieces installed on pallets, the GPS can process workpieces without human intervention, for example, during the night shift.

The integrated bed manufacturing system provides a high level of automation and labor productivity, low time spent on bed design and manufacturing, and high bed quality due to optimization of the design and manufacturing process. This eliminates the need for working drawings as a means of transmitting information.

The system contains five multi-tasking machines, two inspection and measuring machines and an installation for measuring allowances.

Satellites with workpieces are transported on an air cushion at a speed of up to 1 m/s using a traveling magnetic field, created by linear electric motors of a flexible transport system controlled by a computer.

The flexible production system ASK-30, developed by ENIMS and installed at the Ulyanovsk Heavy Machine Tools Plant, is designed for processing basic parts of metal-cutting machines, including four types of beds weighing up to 5 tons and a maximum size of 3.6 X 2.2 X 1.45 m With a two-shift operating mode, the ASK-30 processes about 700 workpieces per year. The ASK-30 system contains a horizontal multi-purpose machine LR353F2 with a rotary table and a magazine for 50 tools and a multi-purpose machine model UV0856 with a magazine for 40 tools. Before processing on ASK-30, workpieces must undergo marking, rough processing, aging and painting, preparation of technological bases and installation on a satellite. The system is controlled by the M6000 or SM-1 computer, which provides preparation, control, editing and storage of control programs, control of CNC machines, operational scheduling, as well as recording of production progress. The ASK-30 system provides an increase in labor productivity by 1.5 times compared to individual CNC machines and 3...4 times compared to universal machines.

Seven multi-purpose machines and three PRs are installed in the flexible automated section for processing blanks of beds, columns, and bases at the Yamazaki plant (Yamazaki, Japan). Bed blanks are processed on pallets in one installation on machines equipped with CNC systems and providing processing of blanks from five sides. The guides are hardened by a robot. After hardening, the guides are ground on a CNC machine. A special robot removes chips from the internal cavities of the bed using a chip suction device. The site provides automatic processing of workpieces during the night shift. In this case, a minimum of personnel is involved.


Thus, as this abstract has shown, a necessary condition for the successful functioning of any complex system (including economic, technical, military, etc.) is the normal functioning of the following processes:

targeted collection, primary processing and provision of access to information

channels for organizing user access to collected information.

The main problem in collecting the necessary information is to ensure:

completeness, adequacy, consistency and integrity of information

minimizing the technological lag between the moment of origin of information and the moment when access to information can begin. This can only be achieved with modern automated techniques based on computer technology. It is essential that the information collected is structured to suit the needs of potential users and stored in a machine-readable form that allows the use of modern access and processing technologies.

Manufacturing and processing of parts on PU machines ensures a high degree of automation and wide versatility of the processing performed.

Of the channels for providing information available today, the most interesting are the channels for transmitting information on machine-readable media (magnetic tapes, floppy disks, CD-Rom, Internet). The reason for this is the fact that the technological lag of information when transmitting it on traditional printed media is so great that by the time it reaches a potential user it will no longer correspond to the real situation and will be of little use for making informed management decisions.


Andreeva I.A. State and development trends of the market for information products and services. // Information resources of Russia. - 1998. - No. 1 (38)

Gunther Müller - Stevens, S. Aschwanden. Information technology and enterprise management // Problems of management theory and practice. - 1998. - No. 1

Znamensky Yu.N., Chugunova G.N. Market of computer science tools in Russia and Europe // Automation of design. - 2003. - No. 2

Mikhailova E.A. Problems and prospects for the development of the Internet and international marketing. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2004. - No. 6. - p.76-89.

Pimenov Yu.S. Using the Internet in the marketing system. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2002. - No. 1. - p.36-45.

Yuferev O.V., Shkinderov A. Databases for direct marketing. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2003. - No. 3. - p.38-43.

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Technology -

Technology set
materials used in any
branches of activity, as well as scientific

Information technology (IT)-

Information technology (IT) a wide class of disciplines and areas
technologies for creating, managing and
data processing, including
application of computer technology

Main features of IT:

computer processing
information on specified algorithms;
storing large amounts of information
on machine media;
transfer of information to significant
distances in a limited time.

Computer-aided design

- design, in which
individual description transformations
object and (or) its algorithm
functioning are carried out
interaction between man and computer (GOST

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

- a set of automation tools
design related to
necessary units
design organization or
by a team of specialists
(system users),
performing automated
design (GOST 22487).

Types of CAD

Types of CAD
1.CAD products
2.CAD engineering calculations
3. CAD technological
4.SAP control programs
5.CAD of construction projects.
6.CAD of organizational systems.

CAD tasks

automation of work at stages
design and preparation

The main goal of CAD is to improve the efficiency of engineers, including:

The main purpose of CAD is
increasing efficiency
labor of engineers, including:
reduction of design labor intensity and
reduction of design time;
reduction in design costs and
manufacturing, reducing costs for
improving quality and technical and economic
level of design results;
reducing costs for full-scale modeling and

History of IT development

Before the invention of computer technology, everything
the design of new products was carried out at

Drawings were created on paper, copied onto tracing paper, and multiplied.

Engineering calculations were carried out using arithmometers and slide rules

In the manufacture of prototypes, manual adjustment of machines was used

full-scale tests of manufactured prototypes were carried out
necessary changes were made to the design,
drawings were adjusted

With the invention of the PC, it became possible to switch to paperless technology

The role of IT in mechanical engineering and metalworking

Possibility to switch to
paperless technology
Significant reduction
design deadlines
Improving design quality
Automation of documentation
Possibility of transferring information (drawing,
three-dimensional model, TP, UP) between
automated workstations

Design engineer

Uses CAD
documentation in
in accordance with

2D and 3D
parts drawings

Engineering calculations and modeling

Use systems
calculations (CAE)
T-FLEX Analysis
APM WinMachine 2010
Autodesk Simulation

Process engineer

uses CAPP


uses CAM systems,
intended for
processing design
products on CNC machines and
issuing programs for these
machine tools
CNC module. Turning

CAD composition


Complex of technical means

designed to provide input/output,
processing information in the system,
display and delivery of information in a convenient
for the designer form,
management of information processing processes
when designing.

Software and methodological complex

includes provision:

Service staff

divided into
providing and

CAD structure


CAD subsystems are divided into two types:

design - implement
a certain design stage or
a group of related project tasks
service providers - provide
functioning of design
subsystems, design, transmission and
data output, support

Each subsystem consists of
components providing
subsystem functioning
According to their intended purpose, they distinguish
CAD subsystems (components):

CAD (Computer Aided Design) -

CAD (Computer Aided Design)

products) -
intended for
two-dimensional and/or

CAE (Computer Aided Engineering (automated calculations and analysis)

CAE (Computer Aided Engineering)
(automated calculations and analysis)
Intended for
engineering calculations,
analysis and simulation
physical processes,
carry out
verification and
product optimization
T-FLEX Analysis
Autodesk Simulation

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
(automated technological
intended for
processing of products on
CNC machines and dispensing
programs for these
machine tools
CNC module. Turning

CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning)

CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning)
(computer-aided design
technological processes)
intended for

PLM – and Product Life Cycle Management (product life cycle management)


Types of CAD software

Technical support(THAT) -
a set of related and
interacting technical means
network hardware
communication lines
measuring instruments

mathematical - totality
mathematical methods, models and
algorithms needed for
execution of design procedures

linguistic - totality
languages ​​used in CAD for
providing information about
designed objects, process and
design tools

software - a complex of all
programs and operational
documentation for them in the form of ordinary
text documents or recorded
on machine media

Information Support -
set of information required
to carry out the design.
Main part - databases

methodological - description of technology
functioning of CAD systems, methods
selection and application by users
technological methods for
obtaining specific results.

organizational - kit
documents establishing rules
practical implementation
computer-aided design;
responsibility of specialists for
certain types of work; rules
access to databases.

Classification CAD, CAM, CAE

Systems lower level intended:
-to automate the release of design and
technological documentation;
-preparation of control programs for
CNC equipment “according to electronic drawing”;
-reducing the time frame for issuing documentation.
Compass chart

Mid-level systems are designed

for creating volumetric model products
definitions of inertial mass,
strength and other characteristics;
modeling of all types of CNC processing;
working out the appearance
photorealistic images;
release of design and technological

Top-level systems make it possible to:

design parts with control
design parts taking into account features
simulate the operation of mechanisms;
perform dynamic assembly analysis
design equipment with process modeling

Modern CAD design documentation

Year of manufacture, country, company
1989, Russia, ASCON
1981, France,
Dassault Systems
1988, USA, RTS
Creo (until 2010
NX (formerly Unigraphics)
1983, USA, Siemens PLM Software
Current version,
year of issue,
V16, 2015
V6R2015, 2015
Creo 3.0, 2015
NX 10, 2014 supreme
1990, Russia, Group of companies
1992, Russia, Top systems
1982, USA, Autodesk
9.05, 2015
14, 2014
2016, 2015 average
Autodesk Inventor
1999, USA, Autodesk
2016, 2015 average

Information system (IS) is a set of organizational, technical, software and information tools combined into a single system for the purpose of collecting, storing, processing and issuing the necessary information intended to perform management functions.

All IP can be classified:

By degree of automation

processed information:

By area of ​​application:

Decision support systems.

Computer-aided design systems.


Organizational management systems.


Technical process control systems.

Any IP consists of 3 main components:

- functional, - data processing systems, - organizational.

Data processing system (DPS) is intended for information services for specialists from various enterprise management bodies who make management decisions.

Main function of SOD– implementing standard data processing operations.

Data processing operations:

    Collection, registration and transfer of information to computer media.

    Transfer of information to places where it is stored and processed.

    Entering information into a computer, input control and its arrangement in computer memory.

    Creation and maintenance of an in-machine information base.

    Processing information on a computer (filling, sorting, adjusting, sampling, arithmetic and logical processing) to solve functional problems of the system (subsystem), object management.

    Output of information in the form of videograms, signals for direct control of technical processes, information for communication with other systems.

    Organization, management (administration) of the computing process (planning, accounting, control, analysis, implementation of computation code) in local and global computer networks.

SOD can work in three main modes:



    In real time.

SOD on includes information, software, technical, legal and linguistic support.

Information Support is a set of methods and means for placing and organizing information, including classification and coding systems, unified documentation systems, rationalization of document flow and document forms, methods for creating an internal information system information base.

Software– a set of software tools for creating and operating ODS using computer technology. The software includes basic and application software products.

Technical support is a set of technical means used for the operation of a data processing system, and includes devices that implement standard data processing operations both outside the computer (peripheral technical means of collection, registration - scanner, data transmission devices ...), and on various computers classes.

Legal support is a set of legal norms regulating the creation and functioning of IP. Legal support includes normative acts of contractual relations between the customer and the IP developer, and legal regulation of deviations.

Legal support for the functioning of the ODS includes:

    Conditions for giving legal force to documents obtained using computer technology.

    Rights, duties and responsibilities of personnel, including for the timeliness and accuracy of information processing.

    Rules for the use of information and the procedure for resolving disputes regarding its reliability

Linguistic support is a set of language data processing tools used at various stages of the creation and operation of ODS to increase the efficiency of development and ensure communication between humans and computers (translators, programming languages...).

If previously each user had to program algorithms himself in his professional activity, today “handicraft” programming has become unnecessary. It is replaced by knowledge and ability to use existing information technologies in each professional field. And this primarily concerns specialists in the field of mechanical engineering and metalworking. It has created automatic design systems such as AutoCAD, KOMPAS-3D, automated process design systems(CAM), technologies for ensuring the product life cycle from marketing to disposal of end-of-life products or parts (CALS).

Before the invention of computers, all design of new products was carried out using the so-called paper technology. Any design bureau was a hall with rows of drawing tables - drawing boards, at which designers developed drawings of a new product on paper. These drawings were then copied onto tracing paper and then multiplied. All documentation was kept on paper. All engineering calculations were carried out using arithmometers and slide rules. During the manufacture of prototypes of products and their mass production, machine adjustment was done manually. Next, full-scale tests of the manufactured prototypes were carried out. Based on their results, the necessary changes were made to the design, the drawings were adjusted and preparations began for serial production products.

With the invention of computers, many stages of creating new products have undergone fundamental changes. It has become possible to switch to paperless technology. A computer equipped with appropriate programs, together with a printer, plotter and graphics tablet (digitizer), replaced the drawing board, paper, pencil, adding machine and slide rule. At the same time, the computer made it possible to automate and significantly speed up engineering calculations.

An example is the automated calculation of a gear train using Microsoft programs Excel. The initial data are the gear ratio and the module of this transmission. Calculation formulas are entered in the appropriate line Excel tables. By entering the values ​​of the gear ratio and module into the formulas, we obtain a complete calculation of all parameters of a gear transmission of any type.

Another, much more complex example is the calculation of steam turbine blades, which requires the use of high-performance computers.

The use of modern computer technologies makes it possible to significantly reduce the duration of design work, implement design procedures in a new way and, as a result, obtain more effective technical solutions.

The hardware of automated workstations (AWS) for workers of various professions differs little from each other. Its basis is a professional computer. The main difference is their software, which distinguishes, for example, the workstation of a design engineer from the workstation of a process engineer.

Newest Computer techologies allow you to organize an automated workplace for a designer. The basic software products of the designer's workstation are the operating Microsoft system Windows and the universal graphics platform AutoCAD 2004 from Autodesk.

Computer-aided design (CAD) systems, called CAD systems (Computer Aided Design) in English, are used to solve a variety of engineering and design problems. The most popular is the powerful AutoCAD computer design system from Autodesk, used to create drawings.

The use of CAD technologies allows you to reduce the time it takes to complete a project and produce products, reduce possible mistakes, improve the quality of design documentation, and when using software-controlled equipment, prepare the necessary data for this in the required format. The full range of problems solved using CAD is extremely rich, and quite a lot of programs designed for this have been developed.

To work effectively with CAD programs, it is better to use a monitor with a large screen size. To obtain a hard copy of the work results (drawings, diagrams), plotters are usually used that allow you to work with large paper formats.

AutoCAD is graphics core computer-aided design systems (CAD). Rich functionality, extensive programming capabilities, connection to databases, large selection of compatible peripherals graphics devices actually did graphics package AutoCAD is the global industry standard in its field. Versions of the program are released for various platforms and for various OS. The program is compatible with all types of printers and plotters.

When creating new engineering structures it can be used math modeling(machine experiment) - modeling of real-life objects, carried out using the language of mathematics and logic using a computer.

Mathematical modeling is based on the creation and study of a mathematical model on a computer real system- a set of mathematical relations (equations) that describe this system. The equations (mathematical model), together with a program for solving them, are entered into the computer and, simulating various values ​​of input (in relation to the system under study) signals and operating conditions of the system, the quantities characterizing the behavior of the system are determined.

Mathematical modeling, in contrast to material (experimental, subject), is theoretical, occurring only in a computer, and not in reality. It allows you to do without complex, expensive or dangerous experiments, for example, when creating cars, airplanes, locomotives.

Mathematical modeling of a process or phenomenon cannot provide complete knowledge about it. This is especially significant in the case when the subject of mathematical modeling is complex systems, the behavior of which depends on a significant number of interrelated factors of various natures. Therefore, sometimes mathematical modeling is supplemented with the creation of a natural model.

The KOMPAS-3D three-dimensional solid modeling system is designed to create three-dimensional associative models of individual parts and assembly units containing both original and standardized structural elements. Parametric technology allows you to quickly obtain models of standard products based on a once designed prototype. Numerous service functions facilitate the solution of auxiliary design and production maintenance tasks. The problem solved by the system is modeling of products in order to significantly reduce the design period and launch them into production as quickly as possible. The drawing editor "KOMPAS-Graph" provides the broadest possibilities for automating design and engineering work in various industries. It is successfully used in mechanical engineering design, design and construction work, drawing up various plans and diagrams.

Information support for individual stages of creating engineering structures was replaced at the end of the 20th century by the business ideology of CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support) or, in a more modern form, PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). Behind the term “lifecycle” are two concepts - “marketing life cycle” (MLC) and “functional life cycle” (FLC). MLC relates to behavior certain type products on the market and ends with obsolescence and discontinuation of production, and the life cycle cycle is associated with the functional purpose of the product and ends with physical wear and tear and disposal. An example would be personal computers. The marketing life cycle of systems based on Pentium II has ended, but physically they continue to be successfully used in many organizations.

The concept of "life cycle" includes the following stages: marketing, design, production, sales, supply and operation. An example of the application of the concept of “life cycle” in our country is its use in the largest aircraft manufacturing complex “Sukhoi”. It covers four main stages: design, production, after-sales service and disposal.

Rice. 12.11.

Today, the production of complex mechanical products has become impossible without providing information support at all stages of their life cycle. Information support- this is a whole range of issues, including automation of design processes, support of technological production processes, automation of management activities of enterprises, creation of electronic operational documentation, implementation of automated systems for ordering spare parts, etc.

An important role in the life cycle is played by marketing (eng. marketing, from market - market) - a management system based on a comprehensive analysis of production and sales activities and the impact on it in order to make a profit.

Marketing emerged as a type of management activity in the second half of the 20th century. But if at first it was used exclusively for the purpose of marketing manufactured products, then from the second half of the 1970s. it becomes an element of strategic management of the company, a business philosophy. From here new concept marketing management, that is, the construction of all management activities of the company.

Marketing includes product and pricing policies, as well as product promotion and sales policies.

Basic principles modern marketing are: production of products based on accurate knowledge of the buyer’s needs, market situation and real capabilities of the company; effective solution consumer problems; the company's focus on long-term commercial success; active influence on the formation of market needs.

Design and production are inextricably linked. The designer develops the geometry of the product, installs technical requirements and draws up design documentation, and the technologist ensures the manufacture of the product, taking into account the specifics of production, technical processes and equipment.

An electronic product description provides a comprehensive description of the designed product and actually replaces paper design documentation. Based on it, it becomes possible to automate the planning of technological processes. Thus, another principle of CALS is fulfilled - the principle of paperless presentation of information.

In the Sukhoi company, the Sukhoi Design Bureau is located in Moscow, and the main manufacturing plants are in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Irkutsk and Novosibirsk. Given such geographical distance from each other, their coordinated work is ensured by means of the Internet and information security.

Organization of the technological process of manufacturing prototypes and serial production production of products is carried out using automated process design systems, the so-called CAM systems (Computer Aided Manufacturing). They provide the most rational choice of machine tools, tools and parts processing modes.

Integrated solutions are based on advanced hybrid modeling technologies, integrated electronic document management tools, as well as a wide range of specialized modules, among which an important place is occupied by programs for virtual modeling of mechanical and electrical erosion processing processes with access to computer numerical control (CNC) machines.

Modern metalworking machines and multi-operational machining centers are equipped with computer numerical control (CNC). This is the control of the processing of a workpiece on a machine according to a program specified in digital form. The CNC device issues control actions to the executive bodies of the machine in accordance with the program and status information managed object. CNC machines combine the high productivity inherent in automatic machines with the flexibility and speed of changeover to other operating modes, which is typical for universal machines. The machining center is equipped with a tool magazine large capacity and devices for automatic change tool. The machine allows for complex machining large number workpiece surfaces using various methods - turning, milling, drilling, etc.

In modern mechanical engineering and instrument making, products are becoming more complex, their range is increasing, and the serial production is decreasing. This leads to significant increase volumes and timing of work in the field of design and technological preparation of production. The requirements of a market economy force enterprises to constantly improve the consumer properties and quality of products, and reduce their production time as much as possible.

This gave rise to the concept of an end-to-end design and production cycle from idea to metal. Its essence is that computer systems and equipment should be considered as a single information technological process throughout from design to manufacturing of products. The end-to-end cycle consists of CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM blocks. CAM systems are part of this broader concept.

In addition to three-dimensional (virtual) models on a computer monitor, modern information and laser technologies make it possible to create “solid” models of individual parts from photosensitive plastic. This technology is called "laser stereolithography". It is based on the use of photopolymerization with laser radiation.

First, according to the designer’s design, a computer (virtual) model is created, which in a minimum time can be implemented in the form of a real model. All parts for assembly are produced. The assembled model can be painted, the possibility of installation and placement can be checked electronic components, optics, ergonomics, present for design approval by the customer, etc.

The plastic model is easy to process, paint, and metallize. The model can be used to test the designer’s ideas, used in presentations, marketing campaigns, etc.

Application areas of laser stereolithography:

  • production of equipment for different types of casting;
  • precision casting using solid burnt models.

Laser stereolithography allows you to create parts of the most complex shapes with maximum dimensions 250x250x250 mm.

Volume first virtual image divided into a set of layer-by-layer images of thin sections (0.1-0.2 mm). A flat stand, on which the object will subsequently appear, is placed in a bath filled with a photopolymerizing liquid, so that it is immersed to the thickness of the layer being formed (the same 0.1-0.2 mm). Then the surface of the liquid is treated with a laser beam, and in those places that it irradiates, solid areas are formed. This is how the bottom layer of the model appears. The platform is slightly sunk and the second layer is formed. The operation is repeated until the model is completely ready.

An important role in mechanical engineering is played by logistics (from the English logistics - material and technical supply) - control over all activities related to the purchase of resources for production and delivery of finished products to the buyer, including the necessary information support for these processes. Logistics also coordinates the relationships of all members of the supply and distribution system. The direct functions of logistics include: transportation, warehousing, order collection, product distribution, packaging, service.

The logistics system includes input logistics and output logistics. The first manages all operations with raw materials and supplies, from choosing a supplier to returning low-quality raw materials; the second controls the distribution of finished products, including their delivery to the final consumer.

Logistics is used by participants in distribution channels to reduce costs, improve the quality of customer service and maintain the volume of inventory in the warehouse at the minimum required level.

So information technologies in mechanical engineering and metalworking are important, but aid Today they have become the main organizing force - real end-to-end automation of production processes.