How to add a new column in excel. How to add a row in Excel

Today I would like to touch on a slightly office-Word topic and talk about one feature that speeds up working with tables in Word. I’ll show you the example of installed Word 2007. Most likely, the method will work in all versions of Office.

One day I needed to create a table in Word. Not very big, just a couple of pages. It was unknown exactly how many lines would be needed, so I set it to 10 to start with. When they became scarce, I noticed that it was inconvenient to add each new line through the right-click menu. Especially if you need to add several dozen lines. And I found a quick and easy way to insert lines using the keyboard that I now use all the time.

Let's say you inserted a table through the menu Insert -> Tables. And after a while there was a need to insert a new row at the bottom or in the middle of the table. Now I will show how this is done in the usual way, and after that I will explain the quick way.

The standard way to add is to right-click on any cell in the row below or above which you want to insert a new row. Then select the item Insert, and then select the desired option from the list.

This is all good, but it takes a long time. The more lines you want to add, the faster discontent grows and righteous anger intensifies :)

Office developers have provided for this scenario and added the ability to insert lines using the Enter key. Here's how it's done:

1)) Place the cursor behind the table, behind the line below which you will insert a new one.

2)) Press Enter (see screenshot). In the example below, the row between 4 and 5 will be inserted.

It should be noted that this will copy the design (for example, fill color or alignment) of the overlying row. If the cell was filled with green, then in the new line it will also be filled with green, in the same column. In the example above, this is a cell with the numbers 111. Take this nuance into account.

How to place the cursor behind a line. The most obvious way is to click once with the left mouse button immediately after the line, as shown in the picture above. But you can do the same with the left/right arrow keys. To do this, click the right arrow at the very end of the last cell in the row. The cursor will move behind the table, and then press Enter.

The left arrow trick is not so obvious at first glance. But it is also very effective. To do this, place the cursor at the very beginning of the very first cell of the line and press the left arrow. The cursor will jump behind the table to the end of the parent line. And after that you can immediately press Enter. Profit!

If you need to insert several lines at once, then you can make a killer combo of quickly alternating presses on the left arrow and Enter, left and Enter, left and Enter... Try it, new lines will multiply and multiply right before your eyes! :) It's much faster, than inserting each line with the mouse.

The Excel workspace consists of several lined sheets of paper, virtually laid on top of each other like book sheets (hence the name “Book” of the document). Often these blank sheets are called tables, although strictly speaking this is not the case. In the following presentation, tables will be used to refer to the filled sections of these sheets.

Most often there is a need to insert a row or several rows at the end of a finished Excel table. To do this, you need to follow several steps.

Inserting inside a table

Suppose you need to add 3 empty lines between lines 4 and 5. This insert is similar to the one just discussed. The difference is in the first step. First, instead of the last line, you need to select 3 lines below the fourth. (Note in parentheses that to insert one line between lines 4 and 5, only the fifth line should be selected.)

After repeating steps 2 and 3, the table will take the following form.

Obviously, when you select the second line, an empty new line will be added between it and the header. To add a row to the table above the header, it must be highlighted.

How to insert non-adjacent rows? Let's assume that we need to add one blank line after the fourth and seventh lines. As part of the first step, select lines 5 and 8 (while holding down the Ctrl key). After repeating steps 2 and 3, the table will look like this:

In column D of the table, the salary is calculated using the formula shown below.

As you can see, the insertion of three lines in the middle of the table did not in any way affect the correctness of the calculations and was carried out with the formulas preserved.

Alternative methods

Some users may find the alternative selection and paste methods described below more convenient.

Selecting a complete row of a worksheet

The implementation of all the options discussed above began with highlighting the corresponding row of the completed table. There is another option for the first step - select the entire row of the sheet, including the empty cells on the right. To do this, click on the line number (or numbers).

After the second step, an empty line will immediately appear between lines 4 and 5. The fact is that the program already knows about selecting the entire line of the sheet. There is no need for a context menu to appear asking you what exactly needs to be added (step 3).

Using the Home Tab

After selecting a line or lines, there is an alternative to calling up the context menu by right-clicking on it. On the “Home” tab, go to the “Cells” section, open the “Insert” list and select “Insert rows into sheet”.

Video: How to add a line in Excel?


We looked at how to insert rows into a sheet of the most commonly used version of Microsoft Excel 2010. In the new editions - 2013 and 2016, the sequence of actions is the same.

If you work with an editor that is included in the general Microsoft Office package, then you definitely need to know how to add a row in an Excel table, since this action is very often required when carrying out certain operations when editing a document. Let's try to understand this issue. In order to add a row to an Excel table, you do not need to use any additional services. Everything is done directly using standard tools that are present in this program. Today we will talk about how to correctly add and remove rows and columns in an Excel table. Surely this article will help you in resolving such issues, since the entire process will be outlined step-by-step.


First of all, you need to click on the Start menu button, which you will be able to notice in the lower left corner of your screen. Next, you should go to the “All programs” item, respectively, after that we find the Excel application. This program can be launched directly from a shared folder called Microsoft Office.


Second step. In order to edit a specific table, you first need to launch the application, and to do this, select the Excel program from the list provided and open it. When the document is active, you need to load an existing file or start from scratch, everything will depend on your needs.

Additional field

Third step. You should go down to the bottom of the table and select the very last cell, which is located in the outermost row of the column. After this, press the special Tab button on the keyboard, this is necessary in order to create a new empty line. That's not all, follow the instructions - and you can learn how to add a row in an Excel table.


Fourth step. Now you are required to enter the required value into the cell; this can be either symbols or specific text. You can also add a new line or drag the page size symbol down. The limiter is located at the bottom right of your table that you plan to edit.

Fifth step. It should be done as carefully as possible. You need to select the line before which you plan to create a new (additional) one, after which you must open a special menu called “Cells”. This feature is located in the top bar of Microsoft Office. To make the process of adding to Excel more understandable to you, we recommend remembering all the steps so as not to harm your document in the future and do everything as correctly as possible.

In the sixth step, you will need to select a special command called “Insert”, and then click on the index arrow next to the line. However, it is very easy to notice, so you can’t go wrong.

Seventh step. Now you are required to specify a special item called “Insert table rows at the top”. In order to carry out the adding procedure, you need to use a similar function “from below”. This is necessary to add the required element at the end of the document. However, everything is clear here, and you already practically know how to add a row in an Excel table.

The eighth step is also very important for the element to appear in a certain place. First, you should select the line before which you want to install a new one. In the future, you can easily move it to the desired location. After selecting the line, you should open it. This is done using the right mouse button. Next, select the “Insert” command, so you should have a new line that you can edit at your discretion.


Ninth step. When you right-click on a specific row to add a new one, you can select the desired action or call the context menu of the cell that you first need to specify. Next, select the “Insert” tab from the drop-down menu. This step provides a separate method that will help you understand how to add a row in an Excel table, so do not confuse it with the instructions given, this method is an alternative.

Completion. Tenth step. You will need to select the “Table rows above” option in the context menu; this is required in order for the selected operation to be performed. You can insert new fields at your discretion, and you can also quickly delete them if necessary. In conclusion, we note that Excel is a program that was created specifically for processing spreadsheets. Thanks to the capabilities of the application, you can carry out economic and statistical calculations and use graphical tools. At the moment, Excel is one of the most popular programs in the world.

MS Word has an almost limitless set of tools for working with documents of any content, be it text, numerical data, charts or graphics. In addition, you can create and edit tables in Word. There are also quite a lot of tools for working with the latter in the program.

When working with documents, there is often a need to not just change, but supplement a table by adding a line to it. We will tell you how to do this below.

Before we talk about how to do this, it should be noted that these instructions will be shown using Microsoft Office 2016 as an example, but they also apply to all other, older versions of this software. Perhaps some points (steps) will differ visually, but in terms of meaning you will definitely understand everything.

So, you have a table in Word, and you need to add a row to it. This can be done in two ways, and about each of them in order.

1. Click on the bottom row of the table.

2. A section will appear on the top control panel of the program "Working with tables".

3. Go to the tab "Layout".

4. Find a group "Rows and Columns".

5. Select where you want to add a row - below or above the selected table row by clicking on the corresponding button: "Insert on top" or "Insert from below".

6. Another row will appear in the table.

As you understand, you can add a line in exactly the same way not only at the end or beginning of a table in Word, but also in any other place.

Add a Row Using Insert Controls

There is another method by which you can add a row to a table in Word, even faster and more conveniently than described above.

1. Move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the line.

2. Click on the symbol that appears «+» in a circle.

3. The row will be added to the table.

Here everything is exactly the same as with the previous method - the row will be added below, therefore, if you need to add a row not at the end or beginning of the table, click on the row that will precede the one you plan to create.

That's all, now you know how to add a row to a table in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2016, as well as in any other versions of the program. We wish you successful work.

Tables in text documents are used everywhere to enter and save data in a certain order, if necessary, with characteristics and detailed descriptions. There are times when you inserted a table into the text, enter data, but it turns out that you did not calculate the number of rows. What to do in such a situation? Regardless of the version of the MS Word 2003-2007-2010-2013 text editor used, there are several ways to solve this problem.

To get started, you need to open the Word document itself. Use the shortcut to launch a new document or open an existing one with a table in which you want to change the number of rows.

There are many ways to insert a row in a table; everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. Using the above techniques, you can add rows not only at the end of the table, but also in the middle of the table and even before the first row. Follow the instructions carefully and you will succeed. Good luck!