Documents regulating relations in the information society. GAS "Justice". IPS "Law". The Strategy takes into account the main provisions of the Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society, the Declaration of Principles for Building the Information Society, and the Action Plan

In this article I will talk in detail about where lawyers look for laws and share useful links. I’ll tell you what sources of official publication are, why they are needed, and why it’s easier to search for laws in special programs.

I always smile when I hear: “This law is on the Internet!” As if global network– this is the highest authority in one person, and it definitely will not let you down. In fact, there are real people behind every site, and somewhere they update information, and somewhere they post it once and never make changes. This is how incidents arise when people refer to laws that exist on the Internet, but are no longer in effect.

Posting the text of the new law on some random website or hanging posters in the lobby of the district library will not work. The official publication has its own strict sources. These sources are indicated in the Federal Law of June 14, 1994 No. 5-FZ and in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1996 No. 763. There are only 4 such official publishers in Russia.

Sources of official publication of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation

1. – called The publication of this publication speaks for itself - laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and other important documents are published here. “Collected Legislation” has been published weekly since 1994 in the form of issues. In essence, this is a dry publication of acts. Not a glossy news magazine. You can always see what issues of the “Collection of Legislation” look like and what is printed there on the official website –

2. is a completely different edition. There is legislation, news, and pictures. "Parliamentary Newspaper" is a publication of our legislative body - the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma. Therefore, in the “Parliamentary Newspaper” we will not find either acts of the President of the Russian Federation or acts of the Government of the Russian Federation. Laws are published here - federal constitutional laws (FKZ), federal laws (FZ), and other acts of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation itself, plus news: about politics, economics, culture, incidents and the like. The newspaper has been published since 1997 and is published weekly. The Parliamentary Newspaper also has an official website - There you can buy the latest or archived issue of the newspaper in pdf format.

3. - as a rule, is known to people more often. I suspect that you have definitely heard about it. This is a publication of the Government of the Russian Federation. The first issue of Rossiyskaya Gazeta was published in 1990. Since then, the newspaper has been published daily and weekly, depending on the city of Russia - Moscow, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, etc. In addition to news about life in Russia and in the world, Rossiyskaya Gazeta is the official publisher of laws, other acts of parliament, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, acts of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and others significant documents. The newspaper also has an official website -
“Rossiyskaya Gazeta” is a good tool for checking the reliability of news in the spirit of “such a law was recently adopted...” To find out whether it was really “adopted”, use the search on the newspaper’s website - it is located in the upper right corner on home page. To search, just use keywords.

4. – This resource is electronic only. The portal has become the official publisher of acts since 2011. Laws, other acts of parliament, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties, as well as other significant documents are published here.

This is where the sources of official publication of documents ended. A logical question arises: what about all the others - websites, newspapers, collections - do they publish laws (and other acts) illegally? Legal. It’s just that other sources do not have the obligation to be an official publisher and publish the document within the period established by law. Therefore, it is possible to publish the texts of laws in other (additional) sources. All this is said in Article 5 of the Federal Law of June 14, 1994 No. 5-FZ and in paragraph 3 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1996 No. 763.

There is another very important point why official publishers are needed - in order to count the date of entry into force of the law (or other act). For example, in the text of the federal law we read: “this law comes into force on the date of its official publication.” The day of its official publication is considered the first publication of the full text in any of the four official sources (Article 4 of the Federal Law of June 14, 1994 No. 5-FZ).

And now there's an unexpected twist. All these official publishers are required to make public full text law only for the first time. If an amendment to a law is adopted, there is an obligation to publish only the text of the new law on the amendment. I quote Article 9 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ dated June 14, 1994: federal constitutional law, federal law, act of the chamber of the Federal Assembly, to which amendments or additions have been made, may be re-officially published in full .

Reference legal systems in Russia or where lawyers look for laws

Back in 2003, when I was a first-year law student, my colleagues and I regularly bought the texts of all the laws we needed in a bookstore and carried them with us like textbooks. On the cover of each such law there was an inscription: “as of ... on the “day.month.year”. This meant that beyond this date, the text of the law may be in force in a different edition. For example, article No. 5 could be different, but No. 6 is exactly the same. Then we were taught this: buy the latest issue of a Russian newspaper, cut out the text of the desired article of the law in the new edition and paste it over the old version. But it was, to put it mildly, not very convenient.

Now everything is much simpler. Students bring their smartphones to lectures, which, along with Instagram and WhatsApp, contain all the laws (and other acts) at once - in the required edition, in full. Miracles arose not thanks to a bunch of sites on the Internet, but thanks to legal reference systems (in short - SPS) - special programs, which have made the lives of millions (if not more) of lawyers and anyone else who needs accurate legal information easier. More about them, wonderful ones.

ATP can be state or non-state, paid or free. In order not to overload you with legal subtleties, I will tell you about the 3 most known systems in our country and will show how their work differs using the example of the same request. So let's start with state system.

System "Legislation of Russia"

Full title - Information and legal system “Russian Legislation”. This program is located on the official publisher's website www. via this link. The program is free and works 24/7. Tests of documents posted there are considered official. This is evidenced by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/1994 No. 662 and dated 05/23/1996 No. 763.

Let's try to find the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” in this system using a simple query “law on LLC”. We enter these keywords into the “smart search” line, like this:

We click “Search” and get the result - 532 documents in which the words from my request simply appear, but each separately, and not in the title. Among the first 40 documents there was even a Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, but there was no text of the law itself.

Let's try an advanced search using the same keywords:

As a result, we get only 2 documents: the Resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; the text of the law itself is still not found.

Finally, to complete the search, I did an advanced search for the law by number and date of adoption (I believe the system is waiting for them previously found somewhere or memorized by heart). Of course, after such a request, the law appeared. With all changes and additions - the text is in the current edition.

When I showed this search example to my students at a lecture, they perceived it as a trick and immediately started checking it on their smartphones. We were looking for it. We received the same thing. Almost 5 years have passed since my last lecture until the writing of this article. The focus can be shown further.

So, a brief summary of the IPS “Russian Legislation” - free, 24/7, large base documents, official texts, but finding the document is not easy.

Let's move on and consider non-state ATPs - “Consultant Plus” and “Garant”. Commercial systems vary well connected between documents. In the language of programmers - linking. This is not a dry publication of the texts of laws (and other acts), it is a human-readable tool for reading legal information. You can compare the old and new editions, look at the commentary on the desired article of the law, find court practice, simply find out the answer to a question, get legal instructions and much more.

Both "Garant" and "ConsultantPlus" in their full versions work offline and for a fee. It is here that the lawyers of our vast Motherland draw their knowledge. Why do non-lawyers need this? - you ask. Will explain. Each of these systems has free online version with the most popular documents, that is, not the entire database, but a lot of everything you need in open access There is. Even a first grader can search for documents. Now I'll show you how it works.

System "Consultant Plus"

The full name is the legal reference system “Consultant Plus”. The online program is available at the link: The Consultant website appeared in 1997, and the system itself even earlier - in 1992. For future human rights activists, the world of Consultant opened in 2004, when the company began sending out its disks with small but high-quality document databases to law faculties across the country. which were collected specifically for students. During the year there were 2 disks (documents were updated). We took these disks from the dean's office, installed them on our home computers and were glad that, finally, all the “correct” documents were at hand. This is how Consultant’s marketing strategy was cleverly built.

If you read Maxim Batyrev’s book “45 Tattoos Sold. Rules for those who sell and manage,” then you probably remember the author’s own story - about how he sold the “ConsultantPlus” program and what lessons he learned from this experience. Of course, nothing is written about the program itself in the book. Therefore, let’s move from stories to action and see how the free online version of “Consultant” works and how the search for documents here differs from the “Russian Legislation” system discussed above.

Let's use something we already know search query and find the “law on LLC”. Let's do a search right from the main page:

I suspect that the result does not need any comments:

Documents that are open are marked with a green checkmark. If the document is closed in free version, You will see "red brick". There is #lifehack: more documents open in the evenings and on weekends.

Another commercial system, also available in a free version, is called "Garant".

System "Garant"

A free version of the system is available on the website “The Guarantor appeared in 1990. A group of Moscow State University students created a computer reference book on the Labor Code. Then a small reference system appeared with a small number of updated documents, the first sales of this system were made in the same 1990. And then the students’ paths diverged and it turned out two commercial brands - "Garant" and "ConsultantPlus"

Today the Garant website is more like a legal portal - there are news, documents, and even advertising banners. Let’s check the search for documents using the key phrase “Law on LLC”. We enter the words into the search bar on the main page:

As a result, we also get the Federal Law we need in first place:

The display interface is different here, so choose the program that you find more convenient.

I searched for the phrase “LLC law” as an example. You can search in these systems not only for laws, but also for other documents. For example, a registration application form individual entrepreneur, official rules filling out this application and much more.

One small #lifehack on business: cross search in different systems . For example, if you are looking for a document on the “Consultant” website, but it is “closed” there, try looking for it in “Garant”. If it is not available there either, arm yourself with the exact details (both “Consultant” and “Garant” will definitely show them) and go to to find the document in the “Russian Legislation” system.

There are other ATPs. For example, Code and TechExpert. “TechExpert” has many different GOSTs, SanPins, SNIPs, and so on (but in general there are much fewer documents than in the same “Consultant”). Cross search also applies to these systems.

Remember, at the very beginning of the article I told you about the official publishers - “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, “Parliamentary Newspaper”, “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” and the portal Now we close the puzzle - “Consultant” and “Guarantor” do not belong here. These systems publish documents in a very user-friendly manner, provide professional instructions and reviews, but are not sources of official publication. Millions of lawyers trust these systems based on established practice and reputation. Therefore, each document in both the “Garant” and the “Consultant” has a certificate indicating the sources of publication.

This concludes my review. Good luck with your search and accurate legal documents.
And see you at Pravodox!

Information and legal system IPS"LAW" contains legal acts not only current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, but also law enforcement acts, legal acts of administrative and local action, documents that have lost force, necessary in legislative work to study the history of the development of a specific norm, including:

Legislative acts of the RSFSR, Russian Federation and USSR;

Resolutions of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation;

Resolutions and orders of the Governments of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR;

Decrees and orders of the Presidents of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR;

Departmental regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia;

Legal acts of the Central Election Commission and the Central Bank of Russia.

It should be especially noted that the IPS “LAW” contains a significant section on international legal acts, for example:

Federal laws on the ratification of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

International treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

Summary and reports to international treaties and agreements;

Unofficial translations of international conventions of the Council of Europe made by the Legal Department.

The legal information system "LAW" allows users to:

Create a request and search for legal acts;

Generate collections of documents based on search results;

Insert bookmarks inside documents and work with them;

Work with documents, including using inter-document links, as well as current versions documents;

Make comments on documents.

The presented texts of legal acts are not official and are intended to inform users about their availability. Official acts on paper, as well as original translations of conventions not ratified by the Russian Federation, are located in the Department of Accounting and Systematization of Legislation of the Legal Department of the State Duma Apparatus (

Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "Sistema" The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as STC "System") was created in 1993 for the purpose of information - legal support activities of federal government bodies. By acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, STC "System" is entrusted with the implementation of a number of tasks in the field of legal informatization of Russia, including the functions of the parent organization for the implementation of legal informatization of Russia. The information fund of STC "System" consists of more than 90,000 documents, excluding international treaties, acts of executive authorities, and arbitration practice. Legal acts since 1990 are presented in full. In addition, the full version of the latest edition of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire in 16 volumes has been translated into machine-readable form. Users of the information fund of the STC "System" are government bodies of Russia, law enforcement agencies, scientific institutions, commercial organizations, and the media. Various information and legal products of STC "System" are installed in the executive and legislative authorities of 88 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

One of the main tasks of STC "System" is the creation and maintenance of a reference data bank of legal acts of the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation. The reference data bank contains official texts of legal acts of federal government bodies in machine-readable form. STC "System" receives texts of legal acts directly from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

The most important activity of STC "System" is the publication and distribution of official machine-readable collections, which are electronic copies of the official periodicals "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation" and "Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Bodies", published by the publishing house "Legal Literature" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In order to implement state policy in the field of informatization, STC "System" carries out state accounting and registration of databases and records of data banks of legal information in the Russian Federation.

STC "System" is the central node of legal information of the Russian Federation, providing free, prompt access to information and legal resources from government bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as information exchange with regional nodes of legal information and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. STC "System" is engaged in the creation and maintenance of the following software products:

IPS “Russian Legislation”- an information retrieval system containing more than 80,000 legal acts of the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and more than 8,000 normative legal acts of federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation, published after 1989 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The information fund of the legal acts database is constantly updated. Contextual search by title and text of a legal act has been implemented. Legal acts have inter-document connections (hypertext links) through which transition between them is possible. Selected documents have current versions.

IRS "Official and Periodicals" includes one or more editions of legal information in machine-readable form:

“Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”;

“Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities”;

"Bulletin of International Treaties";

“Bulletin of normative acts of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation”;

“Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation”;

"Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation."

When an auditor selects a specific program to provide an audit of a client, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics and flexible capabilities of the reference, expert and information-legal systems presented above according to the following recommended criteria: form of ownership and specifics of conducting business activities of an economic entity, related parties of the audited entity and their nature, the ability of the software to function in on-line mode, ways to update the ATP database, etc.


Information and legal support is the unity of three components: analytics, news and consulting. Analytics means working with the information and legal set of the system, which provides the user with access to a complete and up-to-date bank of legal information with effective search and analytical capabilities. Today, the information bank of systems includes more than 2.5 million documents. Among them are regulations and comments to them, judicial and arbitration practice, international treaties, forms of documents, draft laws, regulatory and technical reference books, dictionaries. The systems represent the legislation of 84 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the practice of all ten federal arbitration courts of the Russian Federation districts.

To inform about effective methods of working with the system, new services and information and legal support opportunities, when starting the system, a special window opens in which brief recommendation for specific actions when working with the system.

“Online legal support” is a separate section with which you can ask an individual question and receive an answer from qualified experts of the legal consulting service, view previously received answers and familiarize yourself with the rules of work.

The system has implemented a feature that significantly simplifies the exchange of legal information - sending the text of a document by e-mail directly from the system.

List of used literature

    Bank V.R., Zverev V.S. Information systems in economics. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009.

    Garant Platform F1 EXPERT - a system that understands you // Garant, 2009.

    Grinberg A.S., Gorbachev N.N., Bondarenko A.S. Management information technologies. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009.

    Information systems and technologies in economics / T.P. Baranovskaya, V.I. Loiko, M.I. Semenov, A.I. Trubilin. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

    Larionov R. Information and legal support Guarantor is a powerful weapon of a professional // Salary. – 2008. – No. 10. – pp. 27–29.

    Larionov R. New capabilities of the Garant system // Financial newspaper. Regional release.

    – 2008. – No. 49. – pp. 13–15.

    Larionov R. Prime is the key to successful work // Salary. – 2008. – No. 11. – pp. 23–26.

    Larionov R. System Guarantor for small and medium-sized businesses // Financial newspaper. Regional release.

    – 2008. – No. 11. – pp. 18–20.

    Morozov N.P., Chernoknizhny S.B. Reference legal systems. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “VES”, 2009.

    Official website of the Garant system.

    Patrushina S.M. Information systems in economics. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009.

Utkin V.B., Baldin K.V. Information systems in economics. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009.

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113 groups

Vishnevsky V. L.

1. Ekaterinburg - 2013InformationalsocietyVinternationalAndRussianstrategicdocuments(Okinawa,Geneva,Tunisia,


The processes taking place in the modern world are increasingly demonstrating the interconnection and interdependence of globalization and the growth of information and communication technologies. Information innovations, along with technical and managerial innovations, not only significantly expand the capabilities of government management, the development of information exchange, and the provision of public services, but also significantly increase the value of information as a strategic resource.

The Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society in 2000, for the first time at the international legal level, defined legal, political and technological measures that are aimed at enhancing the activities of the international community to form a global information society. This fundamental document, signed by the heads of the G8 countries, did not define the concept of a global information society, but only listed it character traits, which, along with global information processes, are regional and intrastate processes.

The obvious increase in the needs of the world community for objective, reliable and timely information about social processes is one of the most important features the current stage of globalization, the widespread use of global information systems, therefore, issues of legal support for information security are of particular importance, since they have a significant impact on the legal, state and political systems of states and on the process of building an information society in Russia.

An important component of the implementation of the Okinawa Charter and other international legal documents is the development of national strategies and programs aimed at making the state more open and accessible to society.

When developing national strategies for building the information society in the process of globalization, the main stages of the World Summit on the Information Society played an important role in the development of international information exchange.

The UN General Assembly Resolution of December 20, 2010 supported the proposal to use information and communication technologies for development purposes. The World Summit on the Information Society was planned as international Conference and was the result of a series of preparatory activities, regional meetings, negotiations and consultations.

The Okinawa Charter enshrines such important principles for the formation of a global information society as ensuring every member of society has the opportunity to access any information and communicate with any other member of this society, the principle of information sovereignty, the principle of equality of every member of society, people, and nation.

Under the auspices of the UN, a World Summit was held on top level on Information Society Issues (WSIS; the meeting took place in two stages: in December 2003 in Geneva and in November 2005 in Tunis. As a result of the meeting in Tunisia, two documents were also adopted: the Commitment and the Agenda for the Information Society. In 2006, a UN General Assembly resolution was adopted, proclaiming May 17 as the International Day of the Information Society.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the rule-making process in this area has significantly intensified, and it is symbolic that the Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society and the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation were signed by the President of the Russian Federation in 2000. These doctrinal documents were concretized in the Main Directions of Regulatory Legal Support for Information Security of the Russian Federation, approved in 2001 at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Information Security.

The ongoing processes of globalization and international documents are a catalyst for the adoption of a national strategy for building an information society, and this difficult work in 2008 came to a certain conclusion in Russia - a document was developed - “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Russia”, which was approved at a meeting on February 7, 2008 Security Council of the Russian Federation. It defines a national strategy in this direction, which largely concerns and influences the development of legal regulation in the processes of formation of the information society. The strategy is a political document, developed taking into account international acts, which establishes the goal, principles and main directions of state policy in the field of use and development of information and telecommunication technologies, science, education and culture to advance the country on the path to an information society.

At the same time, the Strategy is the basis for preparing and clarifying conceptual, doctrinal, program and other documents that define the goals and directions of activities of government bodies, as well as the principles and mechanisms of their interaction with civil society in the field of development of the information society in Russia. The strategy was prepared taking into account the international obligations of the Russian Federation, the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, federal laws, as well as regulatory legal acts of the government of the Russian Federation that determine the directions of socio-economic development and efficiency improvement government controlled and interaction between government bodies and civil society in the Russian Federation.

The Strategy takes into account the main provisions of the Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society, the Declaration of Principles for Building the Information Society, the Tunisia Commitment Action Plan and other international documents adopted at the highest level on the development of the information society.

The implementation of strategic measures is envisaged in the following main areas:

1. In the field of formation of modern information and telecommunications infrastructure, provision on its basis quality services in the field of information and telecommunication technologies and ensuring a high level of accessibility to information and technology for the population, in particular, by increasing the accessibility for the population and organizations of modern services in the field of information and telecommunication technologies; formation of a unified information space, including for solving problems of ensuring national security; modernization of the television and radio broadcasting system, expansion of the area of ​​reliable reception of Russian television and radio programs; providing citizens with low level income benefits and compensation for the use of communication services, the purchase of user devices and software necessary to receive these services; creating a system of public centers for public access to state information resources, including the creation of a state legal information system.

2. In the field of improving the quality of education, medical care, social protection systems based on the development and use of information and telecommunication technologies, expanding the use of information and telecommunication technologies for the development of new forms and methods of education, including distance education; introducing new methods of providing medical care to the population, as well as remote patient care; providing citizens social services throughout the Russian Federation using information and telecommunication technologies.

3. In the field of improving the system of state guarantees of constitutional rights of man and citizen in the information sphere, the main direction is the development of legislative mechanisms.

The directions for implementing the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Russia are also defined in the following areas: development of the economy of the Russian Federation based on the use of information and telecommunication technologies; increasing the efficiency of public administration and local self-government, the quality and efficiency of the provision of public services, the interaction of civil society and business with government bodies; development of science, technology, engineering and training of qualified personnel in the field of information and telecommunication technologies; preserving the culture of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, strengthening moral and patriotic values ​​in the public consciousness, developing a system of cultural and humanitarian education; countering threats of using the potential of information and telecommunication technologies to harm Russia’s national interests.

In connection with the growing processes of globalization, the Strategy pays great attention to issues of international cooperation in the field of development of the information society. The main directions of implementation of the Strategy within the framework of international cooperation in this area of ​​development of the information society are participation:

- in the development of international norms of law and mechanisms regulating relations in the field of use of the global information infrastructure, including issues of internationalization of Internet management;

- in international information exchange;

In the formation of an international information security system, improving interaction between law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the field of preventing, identifying, suppressing and eliminating the consequences of the use of information and telecommunication technologies for terrorist and other criminal purposes;

- in international research projects in priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering;

- in the development of international standards in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, harmonization of the national system of standards and certification in this area with the international system.

The role of international information law is especially great in the international exchange of scientific, scientific-technical, economic and other types of information; when determining the legal regime of international databases of computer systems of a military and space nature; when determining the legal status of information as an international resource.

international information background document

2. Practicalexercise

On the technical support portal of the State Automated System “Justice”, find the article by L.A. Yukhnevich “State Automated System “Justice”: new technologies and opportunities”, provide its text and briefly describe the capabilities of “video conferencing”.



L.A. Yukhnevich, Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute “Voskhod”

Recently, it is hardly possible to find at least one qualified Russian judge who has not heard of the State Automated System “Justice”. What is it?

The state automated system of the Russian Federation “Justice” is a territorially distributed automated Information system, intended to form a unified information space for courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It will provide information and technological support for legal proceedings on the principles of maintaining a balance between the need of citizens, society and the state for the free exchange of information and restrictions on the dissemination of information.

The federal target program “Development of the Judicial System of Russia” for 2002-2006, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2001 No. 805, set the tasks of forming a single information space, implementing the constitutional principles of independence of the judiciary and independence of judges, ensuring unity judicial system of the Russian Federation, increasing the efficiency of the courts, as well as the implementation of the rights of citizens and legal entities for judicial and legal information. It was this program that provided for the creation of the State Automated System “Justice” in the interests of federal courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system.

At the beginning of 2004, the Judicial Department held an open competition to select the lead executor to create the system. The winner was our institute - the leading state system integrator in the field information technologies, who has created more than one large automated system of national importance (the most famous development of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute "Voskhod" - GAS "Vybory").

The creation of the State Automated System “Justice” should help achieve the following goals:

· maintaining the legality and validity of court decisions and the quality of court documents;

· reduction of time for consideration of cases and complaints based on the use of new information technologies, including video conferencing;

· increasing the efficiency of judicial records management and the preparation of judicial statistics data;

· increasing the reliability and completeness of primary information obtained during court hearings;

· increasing the efficiency of collecting and processing court materials during the preparation and hearing of cases;

· providing network access to library electronic information;

· ensuring prompt access for judges and court staff to up-to-date and accurate information on current legislation and law enforcement practice;

· providing an objective analysis of law enforcement practice, the structure of offenses and trends in the criminalization of society based on large volumes of judicial statistics and historical data;

· increasing the efficiency of information interaction between courts and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department, investigative bodies, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Justice of Russia and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· increasing the efficiency of information processes of personnel, organizational, material, technical and resource support for the activities of courts with the creation of a tool for information and analytical support for decision-making in all areas of judicial activity;

· ensuring the completeness and reliability of information necessary for administrative management, reducing the time it takes to provide it;

· creation of sufficient functional, information technology and software for courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system;

· ensuring adequate solutions to information security issues;

· increasing public awareness of the activities of courts, ensuring transparency and openness of the state of the justice system in Russia;

· creation of an effective, economically feasible system for managing, providing, operating, maintaining and servicing the property complex of the State Automated System “Justice”;

· ensuring the entry into the information space of the system of government bodies, law enforcement agencies, organization of interaction between central national authorities for ensuring the activities of courts (primarily within the CIS) with leading international legal and judicial organizations - the International Court of Justice, the Council of Europe and other foreign organizations .

Taking into account the diversity and scale of the tasks and goals of the State Automated System “Justice”, it was designed as a system with a multi-level hierarchical structure corresponding to the levels of the hierarchy of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department System. The objects of automation are the central apparatus and departments (departments) of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional and equal courts, district (naval) military courts, district (city) courts and garrison military courts, where specialized software and hardware systems are installed. 27 functional and support subsystems are being developed and modernized.

For example, "Judicialoffice workinternationalstatistics" is a subsystem that provides automated judicial office work, document flow and maintenance of electronic archives of court cases, criminal record databases, as well as the collection, control, processing, storage, analysis and presentation of judicial statistics data. The subsystem includes technological support for recording court records, including automated sound recording of court proceedings and archiving of materials.

"Bankjudicialsolutions(judicialpractices)"- a subsystem for the automated collection and analysis of court decisions, systematization of information about precedents of court decisions, analytical processing and replication of generalized data from judicial practice, prompt exchange of this data between courts of different instances.

"Right"- a subsystem that provides access to legal information and legal publications in electronic form, maintaining legal bases up to date, informing judges, judicial panels and bodies of the Judicial Department about legal norms and the results of generalization of judicial practice.

"Finance"- a subsystem that automates accounting and reporting processes, processing of current balances and the generation of consolidated reporting of courts and bodies of the Judicial Department. Maintaining databases for tasks of economic analysis and forecasting of various situations. The subsystem includes tools for accounting for the allocated amount of funding, calculating wages, forming a budget and monitoring its execution.

"Personnel"- a subsystem for automating the activities of personnel bodies of the Judicial Department and courts, recording, storing and analyzing data on the organizational structure and actual personnel composition.

"Video conferencing"- a subsystem that ensures consideration of cassation and other complaints in courts using videoconferencing technology.

"Document flow"- a subsystem that provides automation of office work processes, document flow and archive maintenance with documentation of each stage of the document life cycle.

"DepartmentalstatisticsJudicialdepartment"- a subsystem that provides automated collection, control, processing, generation and storage of departmental statistics data of the Judicial Department, generated from databases functional subsystems Judicial Department and its territorial bodies, including analytical materials.

"Education"- a subsystem designed for information and technical support of the processes of development and implementation of vocational education programs using computer distance learning tools.

"Appealscitizens"- a subsystem for automated registration of information about proposals, complaints, applications of citizens (organizations and institutions), putting them under control, analysis of timely consideration of incoming proposals, complaints and applications, generation of certificates and statistical materials on work with citizens' appeals.

"Real estate"- subsystem of accounting, control and management of real estate. The subsystem organizes automated accounting of real estate objects of courts and bodies of the Judicial Department, depending on the necessary data, updated and replenished as information about real estate objects changes.

And, perhaps, the subsystem occupies a special place "Refereecommunity", providing accounting, systematization and automated processing of information for bodies of the judicial community (the All-Russian Congress of Judges, the Council of Judges and the High Qualification Board of Judges of the Russian Federation, bodies of the judicial community in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). The decision to create this subsystem was made taking into account the importance of the activities of the bodies of the judicial community for the entire judicial system of Russia. The “judicial community” will unite informational resources all regions and will enable bodies of the judicial community to publish information about their activities, which will be located in one place, integrated with each other, use a single search system and, as a result, represent the most convenient information resource.

An integral part of the subsystem will be, for example, the Internet site of the High Qualification Board of Judges of the Russian Federation, which will be posted on the network at WWW.VKKS.RU.

It will include the most important sections:

· “Vacancies” (for the position of judges), moreover, a visitor to the Internet site of the High Qualification Board of Judges of the Russian Federation will be able to find out a list of vacancies not only in his region, but also in Russia as a whole and at the same time take advantage of complete package samples of documents accompanying an application for a recommendation for a vacant position;

· “Analysis of practice” involves the publication of reviews of the activities of qualification boards of judges, the exchange of opinions on various problems and ways to solve them;

· “Considered by the Supreme Court of Russia” is a section where strictly documentary information is posted on the progress and results of appealing decisions of qualification boards of judges, that is, the decision of the QCC itself, consideration in the court of first instance, cassation and supervisory proceedings, which will give the opportunity to the visitor of the Internet site receive comprehensive information on this case and understand all the motives, grounds and level of argumentation of the parties;

· the sections “Questions and Answers”, “Publications”, “Composition”, “News” and a number of others will also be “working”.

In addition to functional subsystems, GAS "Justice" includes several standard functional and support subsystems:

· Internet portal;

· subsystem for displaying information for collective use;

· operation and maintenance support subsystem and some others.

Considering the importance of trouble-free and efficient operation of the entire system and potential threats, the State Automated System “Justice” provides for the implementation of a three-circuit security system. It will contain three information security circuits - public, departmental and protected.

Information connectivity of public security circuits is ensured via the Internet through e-mail and web services.

Open information circulates between all circuits: public, departmental and protected. Information exchange via the Internet is carried out only from the public circuit through firewalls.

Information of limited distribution circulates between departmental and protected circuits. Information exchange occurs through a specially created departmental interaction environment, that is, a secure network superimposed on existing communication channels.

Information constituting a state secret circulates only between protected circuits.

The creation and implementation of the State Automated System “Justice” takes place in three main stages in compliance with all state regulations and standards for the creation of automated systems.

At the first stage (second half of 2004), the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute "Voskhod" conducted a survey of the state of informatization of the judicial system, prepared and agreed with the Judicial Department private technical specifications(ChTZ) for all 27 subsystems, an experimental zone has been created to test scientific and technical solutions. Based on the results of testing technical solutions, a technical working draft was prepared, according to which the system is being created.

For the regions in 2004, a noticeable signal about the creation of the State Automated System “Justice” was the activities carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute “Voskhod” and the cooperation it created from almost 40 leading Russian enterprises in the field of informatization to deploy several thousand workplaces in local computer networks of courts and departments of the Judicial Department, supply technical means (personal computers and server for subsequent implementation).

After the approval of the technical working draft, the main work of the second stage (2005) was the development of special software for most of the subsystems of the State Automated System "Justice", the continuation of the deployment of local computer networks and supply of technical means for subsequent implementation. In addition, licensed software will be supplied - database management systems, office software packages, antivirus programs and some others.

In 2005, the tasks of full coverage of courts at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a videoconferencing subsystem will also be solved: the installation of 50 videoconferencing sets is planned.

At the third stage (2006), work on the creation of special software for GAS “Justice” will be completed and the system will be fully implemented, after which acceptance tests will take place.

All this time, training will be carried out for employees of courts and departments of the Judicial Department on the basis of the Scientific and Training Center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute "Voskhod" with the involvement of regional training centers, where it is planned to train up to 5 thousand people.

We are convinced that the creation and implementation of the State Automated System “Justice” will mean new effective opportunities for speedy and fair justice for every court and every judge in Russia.

Possibilities"video conferencing".

November 18, 2009 marked 10 years since the judicial system of the Russian Federation, for the first time in world practice, used videoconferencing information technology to conduct trials. Previously, throughout the world, videoconferencing was used only in the judicial and penitentiary system, mainly for hearing testimony, as well as communication between convicts and lawyers and relatives. It was in Russia that videoconferencing was first used directly for court hearings.

As a result, the judiciary of the Russian Federation has become a leader in the use of videoconferencing within the country on a global scale.

During this period, more than a thousand video conferencing systems were installed in courts of general jurisdiction and pre-trial detention centers, with the help of which more than 350 thousand criminal cases have already been considered, that is, 350 thousand video conferencing sessions. Some videoconferencing sessions were conducted at a distance of several thousand kilometers.

As a result, videoconferencing in courts of general jurisdiction allows saving huge public funds amounting to billions of rubles per year.

Video conference - is an area of ​​information technology that simultaneously provides two-way transmission, processing, transformation and presentation of interactive information over a distance of real mode time using computer hardware and software. For video conferencing, the technology used is video conferencing. Video conferencing interaction is also called a video conferencing session.

Video conferencing (abbreviated as videoconferencing) is a telecommunication technology for the interactive interaction of two or more remote subscribers, in which it is possible for them to exchange audio and video information in real time, taking into account the transfer of control data.

The countdown for the creation of a video conferencing network in the country for remote participation of convicted persons in cassation court hearings begins in May 1999. On November 18, 1999, for the first time in world practice, a trial was held using videoconferencing technology.

The idea of ​​using technology for judicial consideration of cassation complaints of prisoners belongs to the Chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court; OJSC Svyazinform of the city of Chelyabinsk provided communication channels and equipment for the regional courtroom and pre-trial detention center in Chelyabinsk.

Considering the benefits received in November 1999 and having received short time positive result, since 2000 the formation began federal system video conferencing in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation throughout the country . The first hearing of cases in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the mode of remote presence of convicted persons was held on April 19, 2000. The continuous communication session between the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and SIZO-77/3 of the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments (from January 1, 2005 - FSIN) in Moscow lasted about 3 hours. The court considered three criminal cases. The video conferencing system demonstrated high quality and stability. No communication failures or noticeable artifacts were noted in the image. On May 16, 2001, the first trial between the regions took place.

Thus, both in our country and in other countries, the experience of the judicial system of the Russian Federation began to be taken into account and applied in accordance with the laws of the state. Experience in organizing a telecommunications environment for video conferences of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has become the foundation for many countries.

Video conferencingsocietyjudicialsystemRussiaprovides:

1. Conducting trials using video technology for the interaction of judges, prosecutors and lawyers located in the courtroom of a court of general jurisdiction with one or more convicts or persons under investigation in one or more correctional institutions (hereinafter referred to as pre-trial detention centers) in real time.

2. Meetings with the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation, heads of ministries and departments, as well as with regional governors.

3. Conducting consultations, meetings, seminars of judges and court staff with colleagues from one or more courts.

4. Communication between lawyers and relatives with convicts to clarify their position in the upcoming trial.

5. Interviewing victims under the witness protection program (with voice distortion and concealment of eyes) in criminal or other judicial proceedings in accordance with Russian and international legal acts.

6. Interactive distance learning for employees of courts of general jurisdiction and correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

3. Practicalexercise

On the official website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, find and describe the procedure for creating a request to search for documents in the reference information retrieval system “Law”.


INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM "LAW"(IPS "LAW") The Legal Department of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is the main source of searching for normative legal acts in the State Duma.

IRS "LAW" contains legal acts not only current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, but also law enforcement acts, legal acts of administrative and local action, documents that have lost force, necessary in legislative work to study the history of the development of a specific norm, including:

Legislative acts of the RSFSR, Russian Federation and USSR; - resolutions of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation; - resolutions and orders of the Governments of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR; - decrees and orders of the Presidents of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR; - departmental regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia;

- legal acts of the Central Election Commission and the Central Bank of Russia;

It should be especially noted that in the IPS "LAW" contains a significant section on international legal acts, for example:

- federal laws on the ratification of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

- international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation; - summaries and reports to international treaties and agreements; - unofficial translations of international conventions of the Council of Europe made by the Legal Department.

The presented texts of legal acts are not official and are intended to inform users about their availability. Official acts on paper, as well as original translations of conventions not ratified by the Russian Federation, are located in the Department of Accounting and Systematization of Legislation of the Legal Department of the State Duma. Information and legal system "LAW" allows users to:

create a request and search for legal acts;

create collections of documents based on search results;

insert bookmarks inside documents and work with them;

work with documents, including using inter-document links, as well as current versions of documents;

maintain comments on documents;

save documents in text format and WinWord editor format;

work with document cards.

Fformationdocument search request

To search for documents, you need to set search conditions - create a request. A request to search for documents is generated using one or several criteria.

In the IPS, the search criteria are:

· type of act

· receiving body

date of acceptance

· number

· Name

· text

· publication

· keywords

· branches of legislation

Zfilling out the request form

To set search conditions, click on any criterion(s) in the left area of ​​the web page.

When defining a criterion, a search form for this criterion appears in the right area. You must complete this form(s) and then click on the Request menu and select Execute.

If you've gone overboard with your search criteria, click on the criterion under the words "Remove Condition."

If you change your mind about searching using the specified parameters, in the "Query" menu, select the "Clear" submenu.

Conditions are maintained. To do this, select “Save” in the “Request” menu and enter the name of the request when prompted by the system.

To recall a saved query, from the Query menu, select Recall. In the “Request: Call” window that appears, with saved requests, select the required one by clicking the mouse and click on the “OK” button.

Button "Exit" - to cancel the action.

To delete saved queries, from the Query menu, select Delete. Then mark the deletion request and click on the "ok" button.


To fill out this form, simply select the required one from the proposed list of legal acts. To select several types of documents, use the Ctrl key.

Determine whether the document belongs or does not belong to one of the given types.


To fill out this form, select a legislative body from the list provided. To select multiple legislative bodies, use the Ctrl key. Determine whether the document was accepted or not accepted by one of the given legislative bodies.


To fill out this form, select a publication from the list provided and in the box above, mark whether the document was published in one of the specified sources or the document was published in each of the specified sources.

To select one element from the list of proposed data in the “Document Type”, “Legislative Body”, “Publications” forms, click on it with the left mouse button. To select several items in order or all items from the list of suggested data, click on the first item in the list and press the Shift key, and then, without releasing it, scroll to the last item in the list and click on it.

To deselect, click on any selected list item. To select multiple out-of-order data list items, press the Ctrl key and click on the data list item you are interested in. To cancel the selection, repeat the operation, that is, press Ctrl and click the mouse.


The “Document signed” form is filled out as follows:


Day and month are two-digit numbers, year is four-digit.

The time period is specified by a combination of numbers in both windows. The specific date is specified in the first window and marked by clicking in the “Exactly” box. The date can be entered into the window either manually or using an electronic calendar. To call up the calendar, click on the button with three dots located next to the date entry window. In the calendar that appears, you must select the year, month and day. Specified date will be automatically entered into the form window.


The format for filling out this field is as follows:


Some document numbers have a letter extension. In this case, the format for filling out the "Document number" field is filled in as follows:

numberdocument- alphabeticextension

If you are not sure about the document number, you can specify the document number in the form:


where the asterisk denotes "any number of characters".

And also in the format:


where the underscore means "one character only".

Combinations of these formats are also possible.

If you select the “Select” state, the search result will be all documents with the specified numbers.

A reverse search is also possible. If you know exactly which documents you are NOT interested in, then enter their numbers and check “Do not select.” The search result will be all documents except those marked.


Possible formats for filling out the "Document Name" field:

- allegedwordsfromnamesdocument(separated by space)

In the "Document Name" field, the words may not be written in full (without endings, for example). In this case, the symbol * (asterisk) is placed at the end of the word.

The - (minus) sign before a word means that this word is excluded when searching by name.

When filling in the field with the expected words from the title, check “Any sample” or “Every sample”. The “Any sample” state corresponds to the logical “OR” and means that the IRS will select the names of legal acts in which at least one specified word is present. The “Each sample” state corresponds to logical “AND” and means that the IPS will select the names of legal acts that contain all the words you specify.


Possible formats for filling out the "Text" field:

- allegedwordssocietytext(separated by space)

In the "Text" field, words may not be written in full (without endings, for example). In this case, the symbol * (asterisk) is placed at the end of the word.

The - (minus) sign in front of a word means that this word is excluded when searching through the text.

When forming a request, words consisting of less than 4 characters cannot be used, i.e. search for whole words consisting of 3 or less characters is not performed. However, it is possible to search for short words using the * (asterisk) symbol.

RECOMMENDATION: It is advisable to place frequently used words at the end of the list of suggested words.

When filling in the field with suggested words from the text, check “Any sample” or “Every sample”. The “Any sample” state corresponds to the logical “OR” and means that the IPS will select legal acts whose text contains at least one specified word. The “Each sample” state corresponds to the logical “AND” and means that the IPS will select legal acts in the text of which all the specified words are present.


You are not allowed to fill out the Keywords form manually. To fill it out, double-click on empty field in the "Keywords" form - a new window will open with a new form. To read recommendations for using this form, click the "Help" button. If you select the "Document Linked" state, the search result will be all documents associated with the specified keywords. If you select the "Document NOT linked" state, the search result will be all documents not related to these keywords

To search for documents that contain ALL selected words, select "With Every Word (AND)". To search for documents that contain at least one word, check “With any word (OR)”.


Filling out the "Branches of Legislation" form manually is not allowed. To fill it out, double-click on the empty field in the “Branches of Legislation” form - a new window with a new form will open. To read recommendations for using this form, click the "Help" button.

To search for documents related to ALL selected categories, select "With each category (AND)". In order to search for documents related to at least one category, check “With any category (OR)”.

If you select the “Document linked” state, the search result will be all documents related to the selected categories.

If you select the “Document NOT related” state, the search result will be all documents NOT related to the selected categories.


1. Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society. [Electronic resource]. URL:

2. Parshin P.B. Global information society and world politics // Analytical reports. 2009. No. 2 (29). P. 6.

3. Resolution of the UN General Assembly A\RES\65\141 of December 20, 2010. [ Electronic resource]. URL:

4. Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2008 No. Pr-212 // Russian newspaper. Federal issue. 2008. No. 4591

5. Talimonchik V.P. World Summit on the Information Society in the Development of International Information Exchange // Information Law. 2006. No. 2 (5). pp. 3-6.

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The information retrieval system "Law" (abbreviated name - IPS "Law") was developed in Legal department Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1991 with the aim of automating the processes of collecting, storing and maintaining laws and other regulatory legal acts in a controlled state. In 2003, the system software was modernized. Update shell made it possible to present the IRS “Law” as a Web-pecypca.

Types of documents

At the time of this publication, the Law Information System contains at least 26,440 documents, starting from January 11, 1940, including:

  • legislative acts of the RSFSR, Russian Federation and USSR
  • resolutions of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation
  • decrees and orders of the Governments of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR
  • decrees and orders of the Presidents of the RSFSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR
  • departmental regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia
  • legal acts of the Central Election Commission and the Central Bank of Russia

IRS “Law” has a special section on international legal acts, including summaries and reports to international treaties and agreements, as well as unofficial translations of international conventions of the Council of Europe made by the Legal Department of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Search documents

Documents are searched using the following criteria:

  • type of act
  • receiving authority
  • date of acceptance
  • Document Number
  • Title of the document
  • document text
  • publication
  • keywords
  • branches of legislation

Search criteria are set by clicking on the corresponding menu button in the left area of ​​the web page. In this case, a search form based on the specified criterion appears in the right area. After filling out the forms given criteria you need to click on the “Query” menu and select “Run”.

To successfully search for documents with the Law IPS, you will need to spend time studying the recommendations for working with it, because its work is not based on the Garant or Consultant Plus platform.

Filling out the “Date of Acceptance” form is not difficult to master: the date can be entered into the window either manually or using an electronic calendar. To call up the calendar, you just need to click on the button with three dots located next to the date entry window. If you know the exact date of adoption of the act, you need to set it in the first window and click in the “Exactly” box. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the date, you can set the time period within which the search will be carried out.

To fill out the “Document Name” form: you must enter the words supposedly contained in the document name, separated by a space. It is advisable to place frequently used words at the end of the list. If you want to exclude documents containing a certain word from the search results, enter that word and put a - (minus) sign in front of it.

To search for documents using words contained in the text of the document, you need to fill out the “Text” form. As when filling out the “Document Name” form, you should avoid introducing frequently used words. A - (minus) sign before any word will mean excluding a document containing given word, from the search results.

Filling out the “Key Words” and “Branches of Legislation” form will require some skill. You can study recommendations for working with them at: and, respectively. The result of the document search is displayed in a separate browser window, which consists of two areas - frames:

  • on the left - a list of documents found by this request With brief information about the document - the accepting body; date of acceptance; Document Number; title of the document, if any. If the document does not have a title, then parentheses a description of the document is written. If you see the inscription “result: 0 documents,” it means that no legal act was found for your request.
  • in the right - the text of the document, its edition or document card. The card is presented in the form of folders in which it is given the following information about the document: signature; publication; keywords included in this document; branches of legislation by which it is classified this document; connections with other documents.

The blue top line of the left frame displays the number of documents found that match the search criteria. No more than 20 documents are displayed on one page. (at the top and bottom there are links to go to another page with search results).

Next to the document name there are tools for working with a list of documents:

In the blue top line of the right frame, tools for working with the document are presented in the form of pictures:

Since its creation, the IRS “Law” has been exclusively of an official nature, which predetermines a sharp contrast with commercial legal reference systems(“ConsultantPlus”, “Garant”, etc.). Of course, the system requires modernization, but while maintaining its official purpose.

Contents 1. information and retrieval system "Law" - legislative base of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; 2. scientific and technical center for legal information “System”, a reference bank of legal acts of the highest bodies of state power; bank 3. information and legal system “Legislation of Russia” GSRPA of Russia 4. database of the NCPI of the Ministry of Justice of Russia; NCPI of the Ministry of Justice of Russia 5. database of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

O Computer reference and legal systems appeared in the second half of the 60s of the last century with the development of modern technologies and telecommunications systems. The first electronic file cabinet for computer search legal information became the Belgian system, which began operating in 1967.

The system was created jointly by universities in Belgium and the Belgian Union of Lawyers and Notaries. The information bank of the system includes data on documents of domestic and international law, as well as parliamentary materials. However, CREDOC did not imply a direct connection between the user and the legal framework; to obtain the data he was interested in, the user had to contact a special information office. A response came from there, and the waiting period ranged from 2 to 8 days

O Development of the first Lexis legal reference system (LexisNexis) began in 1967 with an agreement between the Ohio State Bar and Mead Data Central. Unlike the electronic catalog CREDOC, the American system was full-text, that is, it allowed not only to find the necessary documents among hundreds of thousands of others, but also to work with the texts themselves, and also provided Additional information Moreover, it became possible to search for them by context and dates. In 1980, Lexis incorporated British law and, since 1981, British case law. At the same time, the system became available to users in the UK, and since 1985 in Australia. LexisNexisMead Data Central

O The creation of legal reference systems in the USSR began in 1975, when it was decided to create the first information base regulatory documents. It was considered necessary to “introduce state accounting of normative acts of the USSR and union republics, as well as organize centralized information about such acts.” To implement this decision, the Scientific Center for Legal Information (NCLI) was created under the USSR Ministry of Justice. His tasks included state accounting of regulations and development of legal databases

OV OV Subsequently, the NCPI created the first reference legal system “Etalon”, intended for use in government agencies. The first Russian developer of a commercial database was the Intralex agency, which in 1989 introduced software package"Legal Reference Information System" (USIS). In 1990, the SPS development of the Scientific and Production Association “Computational Mathematics and Informatics” (NPO “VMI”) was released. Subsequently, the Garant-Service company, which currently distributes the Garant system, separated from the NPO VMI. In 1992, NPO "VMI" issued SPS. In subsequent years, SPS was created, the main difference of which is a large number of regulatory and technical documents (GOST, SNiP, San PiN, etc.), the presence of specialized help systems in various industries: construction, ecology, electric power, labor protection, etc.