Connect processing to configuration 8.3. Adding an external report to the database. External processing of filling tabular parts

Go to the top menu Service->->.

The external processing directory list form appears. In the top menu press the button Add.

The Add New Object form will appear. Click the open button and select the file with the desired processing. After you have selected the desired file, if necessary, specify a processing name (Name field). After this, you need to click OK to save the changes made.

After this, the window for creating a directory item closes, and you are taken back to the list form, which already contains the new processing.

That's all! The process of adding processing to the configuration is complete. To open this processing later, go along the old path: Service->Additional reports and processing->Additional external treatments.

For BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, ERP 2.0.

External processing for 1C:Enterprise 8 comes in several types. In this instruction, I will show you how to attach processing for group modification and processing for filling specific objects.

For the first case, we will add processing for filling out the nomenclature directory from Excel.

Let's go to the appropriate section of the program:

It is necessary that the flag for using additional reports and processing is set; follow the hyperlink to the list of external objects:

In the list click Create:

In the dialog box that opens, select the desired file for processing:

The card for the new external object in the program has been filled out, all that remains is to configure it accommodation(sections of the program from which processing will be available):

Select an arbitrary section (or several) for placement:

Write and close the external object card:

Now let's open processing from the interface:

The list is empty, click Customize the list:

Choose our processing:

It is now available for selection. To open processing, you need to click Execute:

Now let's see how processing for filling (modifying) specific objects is added. For example, let's take external processing, which attaches scans to selected elements of directories or system documents. The beginning of adding such processing is no different from the previous option. The difference is that in this case the placement is filled in automatically (and not by the program section, but by the types of database objects):

If desired, the placement list can be adjusted ( do not add additional placement, but remove unnecessary):

To accept the change, the external object card must also be written down.

In order to use processing, you need to go to a specific database object (from the placement list), click Fill in the command panel and select the command:

In the top menu go to Service->->.

After this, the directory list form will appear. In the top menu click Add.

The window for adding a new report appears. Press the button Open.

Select the file with the desired report and click Open. After adding the file, if necessary, change the name of the report (how it will be displayed in the list). Click OK.

As a result, the new report appears in the list.

After this, the report can be used, adding is completed. To open this report later, we also go to Service->Additional reports and processing->Additional external reports.

For BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, ERP 2.0.

To add an external report in 1C:Enterprise 8.3 configurations in a managed interface (using Accounting 3.0 as an example), let’s enter the corresponding section of the program:

It is necessary that the option to use additional reports is enabled, follow the hyperlink:

In the list that opens, click the button Create:

After this, a file selection dialog box with a report will immediately open, in which you need to select the desired file (in my case, it is a file with a plan-actual cost analysis).

Now you need to configure accommodation(the place in the program where the report will be available):

Randomly select the desired section of the program from the list:

Now you need to record the changes in the external report card:

Now open the report from the program interface:

The list is still empty, click Customize the list:

In the selection form, tick our report:

Now it appears in the list:

By button Execute The report form opens:

Of course, 1C Accounting 8 has very broad capabilities. With this program you can perform many different tasks. But sometimes the standard built-in tools are still not enough. What to do in this case?

Also be sure to read a similar article that explains what processing is. Here we will talk about expanding the standard functionality of the program.

Let's say you need to perform some operation and you start looking for how to do it in standard 1C Accounting configurations. Depending on What exactly what you want to do, there are several ways to solve the problem.

Method one. Non-standard use of standard program tools. Typically this applies to documents. For example, it is required that the document as a result generate such and such transactions. Then you need to find a document that is similar in meaning and fill it out accordingly, even if at first glance this 1C document is not intended for this at all.

If the document generates transactions loved ones to what you need, but still not quite the same, then you can post the document and then correct the postings manually. I won’t dwell on the peculiarities of non-standard use of ordinary documents here - this is included in my course on 1C Accounting 8. The most important thing is to show a little creativity and knowledge of the configuration, and then it turns out that the range of tasks that can be performed using the standard (unchanged) 1C Enterprise Accounting configuration will expand.

Another way is configuration modifications. For example, one of my students once told me: “ I want to have a button in a visible place in my program “How much money do we have?” ". A completely justified desire, however! ( although in fact such a report already exists in the program)

However, despite the opportunity to modify 1C Accounting at your own discretion, we will not consider this option, since this is a matter for 1C programmers. So what is left for the average user in this case?

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

The answer is very simple - expand the functionality of the program using . In particular, we will talk about external reports and processing.

This is done quite simply. We find the required report (or processing, depending on what is required) on the Internet and connect it to the standard configuration of 1C Accounting 8. For 1C Accounting 8.2, go to the menu "File / Open...", or press the button Open on the toolbar, then in the Explorer window that opens, specify the external report/processing file. An example in the figure below.

"How to connect an external report / processing in version 1C Accounting 8.3?"- the owners of the new version of 1C Enterprise will ask. Almost the same. I remind you once again that the difference is only in the interface. See the example for 1C Accounting 8.3 below.


As can be seen from the examples above, external reports and processing are connected in the same way as regular files are opened in any other program.

After selecting the file, the external report / processing will open and you can use them as if they were built into the 1C Accounting configuration. It is also worth noting that you must have the necessary access rights to the database.

Tip: store the external reports and processing you use in a specially created folder- it's comfortable. The folder can be created in the folder with the 1C Accounting database (if you have a file database); For convenience, you can change the folder icon.

Why are they called "external"?

Because when connected, an external file is opened that has nothing to do with the 1C Accounting configuration. The file itself not built in into the configuration, but only gains access to the database data.

Safety when working with plug-ins

If the reports are only read your base, but don’t do anything with them, then here’s the processing can. Of course, it all depends on what kind of processing it is and for what purposes it is intended. In any case, we can recommend the following.

Download external processing only from trusted sources! Remember - damage to the database as a result of an error or deliberate actions of the processing author can lead to serious problems.

If in doubt, make a backup copy of the database before launching processing that you have not personally tried!

Very often, 1C users require additional functionality that is not contained in a standard application solution. This could be a special printed form of a document, a report containing the necessary data, filling out directories and documents according to a certain algorithm, entering some objects based on others, etc. To perform these and many other actions, you do not need to remove the configuration from support and lose automatic updates; standard application solutions allow you to solve such problems using external reports and processing. In addition, external processing can be launched in basic versions, which do not require changes to the configuration of the application solution.

Any application solution (even an empty one that does not contain objects) built on the basis of 1C:Enterprise allows the use of external reports and processing. This is done through the main menu: “File” - “Open”. After selecting an external report file or processing, its form opens and the user can use the required functionality.

Based on the type of launch, application solutions are divided into two groups: built on the basis of a regular or managed application. The first group includes “Accounting 2.x”, “Trade Management 10.x”, “Retail 1.x”, etc. The second group includes “Accounting 3.x”, “Trade Management 11.x”, “Retail 2.x”, “Management of our company”, etc. Application solutions built on top of a regular application are outdated, but are still widely used by users.

In this article we will consider the use of external reports and processing in a regular interface using the example of a typical application solution “1C: Trade Management 10.3”.

In the normal interface, external reports and processing are connected through the main menu “Service” - “External printed forms and processing”.

The system allows the use of external reports and processing of four types:

  1. External reports

External printed forms - generates printed forms of reference books and documents that are not provided in the standard application solution.

When you add or edit an additional printing form, the external processing card opens.

In the card you must indicate the name of the printing form, a comment and select an external processing file. If external processing has auto-registration parameters, the “Print Form Ownership” table will be filled in automatically. But if necessary, it can be filled out or edited manually.

  • Object representation - an object to which an external printed form (directory or document) is attached. When you press the selection button, a form for selecting a printing plate accessory opens.

  • Selection - allows you to connect an external printing form not for all documents, but for certain ones by selection. Moreover, the selection is configured for each belonging object separately. Selection is configured similarly to standard selections in reports and processing.

  • Printable form file - allows you to select a separate external printing form file for each accessory object, i.e. these may be completely different in the implementation of processing, but identical in meaning.
  • Replaceable printing form - allows you to select a standard printing form of the object, which will be replaced by a new external printing form. This is necessary so that users do not get confused in cases where a new external one is developed instead of a standard form.
  • Processing parameters are additional parameters passed to the print function. Practically not relevant for external printing forms. Parameters can only accept values ​​of simple types (number, string, date, boolean).

After connecting an additional printing form, it will be available in the specified document or reference book in the “Print” menu.

In our example, for the document “Invoice for payment to the buyer,” an external printed form replaces the standard one with selection by counterparty.

For the document “Sales of goods and services”:

External processing of filling tabular parts

External processing for filling out tabular parts - allows you to fill out tabular parts of reference books and documents using specified algorithms.

When adding or editing processing to fill out tabular parts, an external processing card opens. It is different from an external printed form card.

In the card, you must indicate the name of the processing for filling out the tabular parts, a comment, and select an external processing file. If external processing has auto-registration parameters, the “Print Form Ownership” table will be filled in automatically. But if necessary, it can be filled out or edited manually.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Object representation - an object to which external processing of filling tabular parts (directory or document) is attached. When you click the selection button, a form for selecting accessories for processing filling out tabular parts opens.
  • Tabular part - the tabular part to which processing is assigned.
  • Button view - the name of the button that will trigger the processing of filling the table parts.
  • Processing parameters are additional parameters passed to the print function. Parameters can only accept values ​​of simple types (number, string, date, boolean).

After connecting external processing for filling tabular parts, it will be available in the specified document or reference book in the “Fill” menu of the selected tabular part.

In our example, the “Fill in balances” button is added to the “Goods” tabular section of the “Goods receipt order” document.

External processing - process data using an arbitrary algorithm.

When adding or editing an external processing, its card opens.

In the card you must indicate the name of the processing, a comment and select an external processing file. The “Affiliation” table part is not active for external processing.

After connecting an external processor, it will be available in the list of external processors and can be opened by double-clicking.

External reports

External reports - display data that is not provided for in a typical application solution.

In the card you must specify the name of the report, a comment and select an external report file. The “Affiliation” tabular part for the external report is not active.

After connecting an external report, it will be available in the list of external reports and can be opened by double-clicking.

As we can see, the use of external processing in a regular interface expands the capabilities of a standard application solution and simplifies the user experience.

In the next article, we'll look at the managed interface, which gives even more opportunities for using external reports and processing.

In this article we will look at how to connect external processing or reporting to your 1C. As an example, we use the configuration “Enterprise Accounting ed. 3.0", but the article is also suitable for any other modern 1C.

Processing connection

  1. If the processing came to you by mail, first save it to your computer;
  2. Go to the menu “Administration” - “Print forms, reports and processing”:
“Administration” - “Printed forms, reports and processing”

3. Check the “Additional reports and processing” checkbox if it is not already selected:

"Additional reports and processing" checkbox

If you do not have this checkbox, it means you do not have enough rights in 1C. If 1C is installed on your server, then contact your 1C administrator so that he can enable processing for you. If he has never done this before, give him a link to this article.

Also, this checkbox may not be present if your 1c is in a cloud service. In this case, simply send the processing file to your manager. If they refuse to connect processing to your cloud, we can

4. Go to “Additional reports and processing”:

5. In the list that opens, click “Create”:

Adding External Processing

6. 1C will display a security warning, click “Continue”:

7. A window for selecting a processing file will open. Select the desired file and click "Open":

Selecting a processing file

If the message “It is not possible to connect additional processing from the file. Perhaps it is not suitable for this version of the program,” which means either you downloaded the processing not for your version of 1C, or the developer formatted the processing code incorrectly, or there is an error in the program code itself:

Contact the processing developer, or contact us, we

8. If the file matches your version of the program, a form for creating a new external processing will open. It will immediately contain the name of the processing specified by the developer and the name of the command that opens the processing:

You need to fill out the location of the processing and determine the list of users to whom it will be immediately available.

9. Click on “Undefined”:

10. In the form that opens, select one or more sections from which you want to open processing:

11. Now specify those users who need access to processing:

12. Use the “>” button to select the required users. If everyone needs access, then click “>>”:

13. At this point the settings are completed, all that remains is to save the processing. Click "Save and Close":

Checking connected processing

14. Now go to the section in which you placed the new processing. The “Additional processing” link should appear in it:

15. Click on it, there will be a newly connected processing. By selecting it with the mouse and clicking “Run” you will start processing:

Connecting a report

An external report is connected in the same way as external processing.

The only difference: the report will appear in the “Additional reports” section:

Running an external report is the same as for external processing:

That's all, now you know how to connect external processing or reporting to 1C