Kyrgyzstan code Bishkek. New license plates for cars have been approved in Kyrgyzstan

On December 7, Prime Minister Temir Sariev signed a decree of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of new models of registration license plates.” This was reported by the press service of the State Registration Service.

According to the government order, the authorized body for the production of license plates is the State Registration Service.

According to the new license plate design, the regions of the country are defined in numbers, that is, the cities of Bishkek, Osh and regions of the republic are assigned digital codes on registration plates.

List of digital codes of the cities of Bishkek, Osh and regions of the Kyrgyz Republic used on state registration plates Vehicle:

  1. Bishkek - 01;
  2. Osh - 02;
  3. Batken region 03;
  4. Jalal-Abad region 04;
  5. Naryn region 05;
  6. Osh region 06;
  7. Talas region 07;
  8. Chui region 08;
  9. Issyk-Kul region 09.

Codes are assigned to cities and regions according to the Kyrgyz language alphabet, with the exception of Bishkek and Osh.

An innovation is the use of a special font that will be applied to the license plate. The font will be implemented taking into account international standards. The reason for this is the need to eliminate cases of counterfeit license plates. For example, “P” could easily be corrected to “R”, “B” to the number “8” or “3”, and “O” to “Q” and vice versa. The uniqueness of the new font lies in the fact that letters similar in configuration and spelling are almost impossible to interrupt. This font is called “impeding falsification.”

It is noted that the introduction of a new font in the production of registration license plates will serve as preparation for the implementation of the “Safe City” project, since video surveillance systems will better recognize registration number new vehicle sign due to the lack of letters and numbers that are similar in configuration and spelling.

The draft decree also proposes that all state and local self-government bodies, as well as legal entities, issue registration license plates of the same type.

As part of the implementation of the order of the State Registration Service, in order to systematize and index registration license plates, it will develop and implement software for issuing registration license plates. This measure will completely eliminate corruption risks when issuing registration plates, that is, the computer will automatically select the serial registration number and series.

The State Registration Service plans to issue new registration license plates for physical and legal entities, government agencies and local government bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic from April 1, 2016, as citizens apply.

Articles and Lifehacks

For one reason or another, many Russians and others are trying to figure out how to correctly and profitably call Kyrgyzstan from the Russian Federation. We will try to tell you about all the methods.

How to dial a number correctly

First you need to find out the code of the country where they are calling - 996. The correct dialing sequence looks like this:
  • +996-number.
Certainly, mobile device always at hand, and therefore making calls from it is especially convenient. But, unfortunately, not everyone still has it - for example, the elderly. In this case, you may need a combination to call Kyrgyzstan from a home number:
  • 8-10-996-number.
When calling to a landline, you need a code settlement where they are calling. Of course, it should be taken into account that each such call will cost the subscriber a round sum. It is also worth considering that it is even more expensive to call from a cell phone to a landline phone.

How to call more favorable conditions? Let's try to find out what alternative to such expensive calls exists.

How to make the best calls

  1. If you have the Internet at hand, then the most profitable way contact family and friends - use Skype . Today this application exists not only for computers, but also for tablets and smartphones (regardless of the installed version).

    Of course, the subscriber we are contacting must also use Skype. In addition, through this program you can even call regular landline phones, but you will have to pay. If you call from program to program, there are no expenses. In any case, saving on international communications is quite possible.

  2. Agent - another way to make more profitable calls. Thus, a call to Kyrgyzstan will cost from 6.66 rubles per minute of conversation. You can call both landline and mobile phones. In addition, you can connect to the Agent social media and other messengers.

    The application provides free video calling, as well as Voice connection. You can use it after the program has been downloaded. Specific rates for calls to Kyrgyzstan will need to be clarified with a support specialist.

  3. Another great way save - IP telephony . For example, such telephony services are provided by SIPNET. To start using them, you must first register.

    The SIPNET network does not provide fixed prices, however, by default, priority for calls is given to the operator offering the desired direction at the minimum prices. There is no connection fee. In addition, the company offers free calls to Kyrgyzstan on the days when the corresponding promotion is valid.


The entire territory of Kyrgyzstan is located on two mountain bases, or rather on the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai, which, while providing a wonderful climate, significantly complicate work mobile operators communications, and therefore a stable connection across the country was achieved quite recently. In addition to the Russian federal companies MTS and VimpelCom (Beeline Kyrgyzstan, which bought out the largest local operator Sky Mobile), there is also a local operator in Kyrgyzstan cellular communications- MegaCom.

Kyrgyzstan, like all countries in the world, has its own telephone code, which consists of three digits: 996. This code refers to telephone zone number nine, which includes various countries from India to Mongolia.

After you have dialed the telephone code, you should wait for the dial tone, so you will understand whether there is a connection in this zone. There are two ways to dial a call to Kyrgyzstan: from a mobile phone or from a landline device. Dialing systems vary, so first select the device to call.

If you are calling from landline phone, then you should press the combination of numbers 8 and 10 before the dialing code 996. The combination 8-10 is used everywhere, it serves as a kind of key to access international telephone communications. As soon as you hear the beeps after this set, dial the landline number you need.

Please note that when using various operators communication, the code 8-10 can change and make up a different combination, for example, 8-26, after which you may be asked to enter the telephone area code and the city code you are calling. Therefore, check everything necessary information in advance, namely:
- code of the country,
- area code,
- city code,
- operator code that will connect you with the desired subscriber.

If you are using a mobile device to call Kyrgyzstan, then you just need to dial the dialing code 996 and continue entering the subscriber number you need.

Kazakhstan– another state, so calls there are made by international rules. The country has its own telephone code, but before that you need to dial other codes to access an international line. You can travel to Kazakhstan both from your home landline phone and from a pay phone installed in public place, or use mobile phone.


To call a number in Kazakhstan, you must first dial 8. After waiting for the dial tone, dial 10. 10 is the code for accessing an international line. Then the number 7 is the telephone code assigned to Kazakhstan. After this, you can start dialing the area code, then you should directly dial the number of the subscriber you are calling.

For those subscribers who are located in a country whose telephone code coincides with the code of Kazakhstan, that is, it is 7, you do not have to dial the exit code to international communications, and immediately start dialing the number. Russia has a code telephone communication 7, so from this country you can call from your phone by simply dialing 8, then you need to wait for the dial tone and immediately dial the area code and the number you need.

If you are calling from a country with a country code other than 7, you must dial the number in accordance with its rules. For example, for Ukraine, a call from a landline phone works like this. First dial 0 - this is access to long-distance communication. Repeated digits 0