Results of using forensic testing. Tests on forensic methods of crime investigation. The level of written language proficiency is characterized by -...

?Forms of using forensic equipment:

!procedural and professional
!special and professional
!professional and unprofessional
?Particular features of handwriting:
!are prepared specifically for handwriting examination
!are formed during the investigation
!made up of strokes of different degrees of depression
*formed from a combination of features of writing skills
?The slant of handwriting can be:
*all answers are correct
?Reproduction photography is used:
!when shooting small objects
!for photographing living faces and corpses
*to obtain photocopies of various types of documents
!to obtain information about the sizes of objects, the distance between them
?The most rational and effective method of action when conducting an investigation or carrying out individual investigative actions is:
!tactical risk
!tactical decision
*tactical technique
!tactical operation
?Depending on the possibility of achieving the purpose of the investigation, investigative situations are:
!real and conditional
!initial and final
*favorable and unfavorable
!conflict and non-conflict
?Investigative actions are divided into:
!subsequent and situational
!legal and situational
*initial and subsequent
!quick and final
?Forms of interaction between the investigator and operational search authorities:
!legalized and private
!initial and subsequent
!private and official
*procedural and non-procedural
?Forensic tactics as a branch of forensic science is conventionally divided into:
*general provisions of forensic tactics and tactics of individual investigative actions
!search tactics and seizure tactics
!investigation planning and search tactics
!Forensic leads and investigation planning
?Depending on the volume, forensic versions are:
!investigative and judicial
!all answers are correct
!typical and specific
*general and private
?Version in the general sense of the word is:
!assumptions explaining individual elements of the event
*variety, option in presentation, interpretation of something, in a story about something
!task to be solved during the investigation process
!an assumption made on the basis of available factual data regarding the essence or individual circumstances of a crime
?Principles of investigation planning:
!dynamism, practicality, decency, reality
*dynamism, individuality, concreteness, reality
!dynamism, originality, practicality, decency
!dynamism, reality, originality, integrity
?Methods of inspecting the scene of the incident:
?When inspecting the scene of the incident, the following must be present:
!witness to a crime
?Inspection of the human body is:
!looking at
?Removing a corpse from a burial place is:
?The removal of a corpse from the burial site is carried out on the basis of:
!permission from the administration of the burial site
!consent of relatives
*investigator's decisions
!all answers are correct
?Purpose of re-interrogation:
*clarification of previously received evidence
!obtaining information that was not mentioned during previous interrogations
!meeting the witness
!identification of sources of information on the case
?The tactical method of conducting an investigative experiment is:
!compliance with the law when conducting an experiment
!determination of the circle of participants
*similarity of the experimental conditions with the conditions of a real event
!availability of technical and forensic tools
?Forensic methodology as a branch of criminology is:
*system of scientific provisions and methodological recommendations based on them for organizing the investigation of certain types of crimes
!methods of conducting investigative actions
!system of criminalistic characteristics of crimes
!recommendations for planning an investigation
?Elements of forensic characteristics of a crime:
*method of committing a crime
*method of concealing a crime
!proposing versions and planning the investigation
!specificity of the use of special knowledge
*features of traces left by criminals
!amount of material damage caused
?The sources of forensic methodology are:
!witness's testimonies
*investigative, operational practice
!persons who have committed crimes
*criminal law norms
*rules of criminal procedure law
!publications in the media
?Elements of the crime:
!formal side
*objective side
*subjective side
*an object
!person who committed an unlawful act
?A victim of rape may be:
*female person
!grown man
!all answers are correct
!any person over 12 years of age
?The subject of a bribe can be:
!property benefits
*all answers are correct
?Typical situation when investigating extortion:
!there is a fact of extortion, but the victim does not contact law enforcement agencies
!there is a fact of extortion, which is ongoing, and the victim contacts law enforcement agencies
!the fact of extortion became known from operational sources, the victim confirms this fact unofficially
*all answers are correct
?Open theft of someone else's property is:
?Features not typical of juvenile delinquents:
!tendency to imitate
!increased emotionality
!all answers are correct
?When inspecting the scene of the incident, the fact that the act was committed by minors is indicated by:
*irrational actions of criminals
!use of special devices when committing a crime
!large shoe marks
!stealing valuable items while interesting things remain in place
?A traffic accident is:
!an event that occurred as a result of the movement of a vehicle and resulted in the death of people, damage to vehicles, road and other structures
*all answers are correct
!an event that occurred as a result of the movement of a vehicle and resulted in injury, damage to vehicles, cargo, road and other structures
!an event that occurred as a result of the movement of a vehicle and resulted in damage to vehicles, cargo, road and other structures

1. Forensic methods:

General scientific, logical, special

General scientific, mathematical, special

General scientific, analytical, special

2. Test. Special forensic methods include:

Physical, chemical, physico-chemical, biological, psychological, sociological

Observation, description, comparison, experiment, modeling

Measurement, calculation, geometric construction, cybernetic modeling

3. The principles of investigation planning include:

Individuality, consistency, focus, reality

Individuality, timeliness, dynamism, specificity, reality, consistency

Timeliness, consistency, purposefulness, consistency, planning

4. The following does not apply to the principles of forensic science:




5. Stages of development of criminology in Russia (in order of formation):

The origin of forensic knowledge – the development of particular forensic theories – the development of a general theory of forensics

The emergence of forensic knowledge - the accumulation of empirical material - the development of particular forensic theories - the formation of a general theory of criminology - the development of criminology in changed political and economic conditions

The emergence of forensic knowledge - the accumulation of empirical material - the formation of a general theory of criminology - the development of particular forensic theories - the development of criminology in changed political and economic conditions

6. Who is the founder of the method of anthropometric registration of criminals?

A. Bertillon

F. Galton

C. Lombroso

7. The system of forensic science consists of the following elements:

General theory of criminology, forensic tactics, forensic methodology

Forensic methodology, forensic technology

General theory of criminology, forensic technique, forensic tactics, forensic methodology

Test - 8. Forensic photography is:

One of the methods of recording evidence in forensics

A set of photography methods and methods used during investigative, operational search activities and expert research for the purpose of recording evidentiary information

An investigative measure carried out during the investigation of crimes and aimed at recording certain facts necessary for further investigation

9. Types of photographing crime scenes are:

Orienting, overview, nodal, detailed

Overview, detailed

Orienting, overview, nodal, projection

10. Branches of forensic technology are:

Research of photo, video and sound recordings, research of crime instruments, research of computer information

Investigation, habitoscopy, forensic registration

Study of photo, video and sound recordings, forensic investigation, study of crime instruments, study of documents, study of computer information, habitoscopy, forensic registration

11. Forensic science is associated with the following sciences:

Natural, medical, legal

Natural, legal social, non-legal social

Medical, legal

12. The nature of the science of forensics:




13. The main method of recording traces of crimes:

Description in the protocol


Copying traces onto various materials

14. Forensic identification is:

Evidence search process

The process of comparing facts about one object or person obtained from different sources with each other

Establishing the identity of an object or person based on a set of particular and general characteristics

15. Identifiable objects are:

People, various material objects

Investigator, expert, judge

Various material objects

16. In empirical investigation, methods inherent in:

Rational knowledge

Sensory cognition


17. What is the task of criminology?

Search for evidence

Finding evidence and investigating crimes

Development of tactics, methodological recommendations and technical means for collecting evidence

18 - Test. The legality of the use of forensic tools ensures:

criminal process

Criminal law

Constitutional law

19. What phenomenon is the reverse of identification?



The pursuit

20. What is the essence of an investigative examination?

In the seizure of evidence

In direct perception and study of the object of inspection

In identifying the victim

21. Traces remain in the fired bullet:

Rifling fields at the end of the barrel

Front cut of the shutter

Chuck rest

22. What are the functional characteristics of appearance?

Hair color

23. Purpose of the investigative experiment:

Carrying out experimental actions

Establishing the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime

Establishing the sequence of actions when committing a crime

24. If there are several accused in a case, interrogation should be carried out starting with those who:

Ready to give truthful testimony

Older in age

Younger in age

25. When the corpse of a person whose identity is known is discovered, operational search activities are aimed at:

Identification of the criminal

Finding out the motives for the crime

Appointment of examination

26. Commission examination is an examination in which:

At least two experts of the same specialty

At least two experts of different specialties

Experts of various specialties

27. Name the method of committing theft:

Penetration into the premises


28. When the fact that a crime has been committed is beyond doubt and the suspect is detained, the investigator’s task is:

Collect evidence incriminating the suspect

Find the victim

Find witnesses to a crime

29. A member of an organized criminal group who should be interrogated first is:

Leader of a criminal gang

Previously unconvicted minor gang member

Minor member of the group for whom the most evidence has been collected

30. What are operational reference records intended for?

For inquiries

To systematize and process information about unsolved crimes

To solve crimes that remained unsolved at the time of registration of the object carrying forensic information

Test - 31. A fingerprint on glass is a trace:




32. In terms of scope, the inspection can be:

Main and additional;

Primary and repeated;

General and local.

33. Test. Search and seizure tactics include:

Collection of information about the desired object or item;

Drawing up a list of questions for a specialist;

Mandatory video recording even with the participation of witnesses.

34. Which of the following is an explosive device?

35. Forensic science as an applied legal science studies the patterns of:

Mechanisms of crime and trace formation;

Crime and its relationship with other social phenomena;

The emergence of conflict situations during the investigation of criminal cases.

36. The general task of forensics:

Help in combating crime;

Determining the number of crimes committed;

Development of effective methods of conducting criminal proceedings.

37. The subject of forensics as one of the elements includes:

Methods of forensic examination of evidence and crime prevention;

Criminological characteristics of violent crimes;

Procedural activities of the investigator, inquiry officer and judge.

38. According to the sequence of conduct, the types of examinations in forensic science are:

Initial, additional, repeated;

Sole, commission;

Homogeneous, complex.

39. At the stage of general inspection of the crime scene, the investigator:

Determines the boundaries of the inspection;

Determines the relevance of the found traces and objects to the case;

Examines the elements of the furnishings in detail.

Test. 40. The principles of forensic science are:

Objectivity and consistency;

Legal equality of participants in investigative actions and the legality of their production;

Imperativeness and limitation.

41. Sources of forensic science are not:

Local regulations;

Operational investigative practice;

Methodological literature in the field of investigation of certain types of crimes.

42. Tactics for preparing for a confrontation in forensics include:

Determining the range of questions, their wording and sequence;

The use of various techniques of interrogation of persons in whose testimony contradictions have been identified;

Recording the results of its implementation.

43. Handprints in forensic science refer to traces of:




44. Fingerprints in forensic science are examined:




45. Footprints in forensic science allow us to roughly establish:

Height and shoe size;

Method of causing damage;

Type of burglary weapon.

46.Test. A repeated forensic search is not carried out if:

The need to search several places at the same time;

Poor quality initial search;

Conducting an initial search in unfavorable conditions.

47. The concept of a trace in forensic science:

This is any physical reflection of the properties of any objects or phenomena;

This is a footprint or shoe print on any surface;

This is physical evidence discovered during an investigation of the crime scene.

48. Particular features of handwriting in forensics:


49. A method of complete falsification of documents in forensic science is:

Forgery of seal;


Additional note.

50. The simplest and most common way to describe a person in forensics is:

Method of verbal portrait;

Association method;


51. The classification of weapons in forensic science according to the principle of action distinguishes:

Cold, firearm, gas, throwing, pneumatic;

Civil, combat, service;

Sports, hunting, signaling.

52. Forensics refers to:

Applied legal sciences;

Legal Sciences;

Exact sciences.

53. Recording in forensics:

Aimed at consolidating the results of the actions taken;

It is an optional part of investigative and procedural actions;

Involves only photo and video recording.

54. Classification of traces in forensic science according to the nature of the change in the trace-receiving surface:

Volumetric and superficial;

Static and dynamic;

Layering and peeling.

55. Which group of burglary tools includes a master key?

Specially adapted;

General technical;

Handy item.

Test - 56. Microtrace of inorganic origin is:

Microparticle of gold;

57. Classification of firearms by barrel design:

Rifled and smoothbore;

Long-barreled, short-barreled and medium-barreled;

Automatic, manual and semi-automatic.

58. If there is a stamping mark displayed on the target surface, then the shot was fired:

From a long distance;

From a short distance.

59. What type of bladed weapon is a crossbow?

To the civilian;

To combat;

To homemade.

60. What is the task of forensic author studies?

Identify the executor of the handwritten document;

Studying the document from the technical side.

61. The diary entry of the suspect, made before the initiation of a criminal case, is a sample of handwriting:


Conditionally free;


62. The vocabulary of a document is its:



63. Mechanical removal of part of the text with objects such as an eraser or blade is called:



By washing off.

64. The victim’s memory of the criminal’s appearance is a trace:




65. Fingerprint registration belongs to the group:

Operational information;


Forensic forensics.

66. The object of study of forensic technology is:

Mechanisms of physical interaction based on traces left during the commission of crimes, as well as methods, means and techniques for their detection and analysis during the investigation of crimes;

Patterns of behavior during criminal activity and tactical features of the investigation;

The set of weapons of all types and objects that are structurally intended to destroy, their mechanisms of action and patterns of trace formation.

67. Establishing the identity of an object to itself based on existing traces and other material reflections studies:

Forensic identification;


Forensic registration.

68. Forensic photography is a section:

Forensic technology;

Forensic tactics;

Forensic methodology.

69. To which group of signs of a person’s appearance does his gait belong?

To functional;

To the anatomical;

To the psychological.

70. Random signs of appearance, which are quite rare, are called:

Special signs;

Perfect tracks;


71. What is a tactical technique?

This is the most correct line of behavior, which ensures efficiency in solving problems when investigating crimes;

This is a logical inference that makes assumptions about the causes, process and details of the crime that occurred, which requires verification and confirmation;

This is a specific method of examining an object used by a forensic expert.

Topic 4. General provisions of forensic technology.

1. Which of the following is not a branch of forensic technology:[ 1 ]

1) (odorology);

2) (forensic registration);

3) (gabitoscopy);

4) (forensic examination of documents)

5) (examination of traces of burglary tools).*

2. Name the main method of recording traces of crimes:[ 1 ]

1) (making impressions);

2) (photography);

3) (description in the protocol);*

4) (drawing diagrams);

5) (copying traces onto various materials).

3. Name the technical and forensic tools used to detect traces at the scene of an incident:[ 3 ]

1) (comparative microscope);

2) (wide-angle lens);

3) (fingerprint film);

4) (iodine tube);*

5) (silicone pastes).

4. The general provisions of forensic technology include:[ 1 ]

2) (technical and forensic support for the detection and investigation of crimes);*

3) (organization of forensic records);

4) (method of describing a person based on appearance);

5) (development of methods for forensic ballistic research).

Topic 5. Forensic photography and video recording

1. Types of photographing crime scenes are:[ 1 ]

1) (stereoscopic photography);

2) (reproduction photograph);

3) (signal survey);

4) (panoramic photography);

5) (orientation survey).*

2. Name the methods of capturing photography:[ 1 ]

1) (contrasting photography);

2) (scale photography);*

3) (color separation photography);

4) (nodal survey);

5) (detailed photography).

3. Research photography is used:[ 3 ]

1) (by operational workers during operational investigative activities);

2) (by investigators during investigative actions);

3) (by a specialist participating in the inspection of the scene of the incident);

4) (an expert during examinations);*

5) (when organizing forensic records).

4. What camera accessories are intended for macro photography?? [ 3 ]

1) (extension rings);*

2) (hood);

3) (light filters);

4) (flash lamp);

5) (photo exposure meter).

5. Forensic photography is:[ 1 ]

1) (branch of forensic technology);

2) (photographic means);

3) (a set of techniques and methods);

5) (all answers are correct).*

Topic 6. Forensic investigation of traces.

1. What does not apply to traceology objects:[ 3 ]

1) (traces of burglary tools);

2) (animal tracks);

3) (traces-substances);

4) (locking devices);

5) (perfect tracks).*

2. The presence of one delta in the fingerprint indicates that this papillary pattern is:[ 1 ]

1) (arc);

2) (loop);*

3) (helical);

4) (tent);

5) (all answers are correct).

3. Particular characteristics of shoes displayed in the footprint include:[ 5 ]

1) (length of trace);

2) (sole pattern);

3) (shape of the shoe toe);

4) (signs of shoe wear);*

  1. (all answers are correct);

4. A specific person can be identified by:[ 3 ]

1) (hand traces);

2) (lip marks);

3) (traces of blood);

4) (tooth marks);

5) (all answers are correct).*

5. The base of the three-axle vehicle displayed in the vehicle tracks is:[ 1 ]

1) (distance between the center lines of the treadmills);

2) (distance between the front and rear axles of the car);

3) (distance between the spaces of paired wheels on the same axle);

4) (distance between the front axle and the center of the bogie);*

5) (distance between the front and middle axles).

6. The trace-objects studied in traceology include:[ 1 ]

  1. (parts of once whole objects);
  2. (items dropped by the criminal);
  3. (locks and seals);
  4. (items of the criminal’s clothing remaining at the scene);
  5. (all answers are correct).*

Topic 7. Forensic weapons science.

1. The objectives of forensic ballistics are:[ 1 ]

2) (development of methods, means, techniques for collecting and examining traces of gunshots, firearms and ammunition);*

3) (development of personal protective equipment against firearms);

4) (establishing the physical condition of the shooter);

5) (all answers are correct);

2. Additional traces of a shot include:[ 1 ]

1) (through holes);

2) (wiping belt);*

3) (traces of ricochet);

4) (scorching the barrier);

5) (cracks around gunshot damage).

3. The following marks on the obstacle indicate a shot at close range:[ 1 ]

1) (presence of through damage);

2) (deposition of soot on the obstacle);*

3) (presence of a wiping belt);

4) (the diameter of the outlet hole is greater than the diameter of the inlet hole);

5) (all answers are correct).

4. Traces remain on the fired bullet:[ 1 ]

1) (reflector);

2) (front cut of the shutter);

3) (barrel rifling fields);*

4) (cartridge stop);

5) (shutter).

5. By examining gunshot injuries, you can establish:[ 3 ]

1) (design features of the weapon);

2) (location of the shooter);*

3) (firearm model);

4) (design features of the cartridge);

5) (all answers are correct).

6. The following types of sleeves are distinguished by shape:[ 1 ]

1) (cylindrical, conical, curly);

2) (cylindrical, cone-shaped, bottle-shaped);

3) (tubular, cone-shaped, bottle);

4) (cylindrical, conical, bottle);*

5) (cylindrical, conical, irregular shape).

7. What does not apply to the tasks of forensic explosion science:

  1. (development of techniques and technical means for neutralizing, removing and preserving explosives, explosive devices and their elements);
  2. (development of techniques and technical means for detecting explosives, explosive devices and their elements);
  3. (development of technical means and methods for inspecting the explosion site, traces of the use of explosive devices);
  4. (development of techniques and rules for preparing and assigning explosives examination);
  5. (development of methodological recommendations for the investigation of crimes related to explosions).*

8. What does not apply to the damaging factors of an explosion:

  1. (shock wave);
  2. (elements of the shell of an explosive device);
  3. (detonator caps);*
  4. (thermal effects of gases).
  5. (all answers are correct).

9. Name the three main types of explosives:

  1. (flammable, projectile, detonating);
  2. (initiating, flammable, explosive);
  3. (throwing, initiating, blasting);*
  4. (high explosive, detonating, flammable);
  5. (detonating, flammable, initiating).

10. Which of the following traces are not traces of an explosion:

  1. (fragments of the shell of an explosive device);
  2. (explosive residues);
  3. (focal cone);*
  4. (parts of explosives);
  5. (damage from blast wave).

11. Name the signs of the explosion site:

  1. (the largest accumulation of fragments of the shell of an explosive device);
  2. (presence of a crater in the ground and the greatest destruction in the premises);*
  3. (fire sites);
  4. (presence of explosive residues);
  5. (all answers are correct).

12. Objectives of the examination of edged weapons:

  1. (resolving the issue of whether the seized weapon is a cold weapon);*
  2. (resolving the issue of the mechanism of causing damage with edged weapons);
  3. (identification of bladed weapons by the wound channel in the human body);
  4. (detection of traces of human hands on edged weapons).
  5. (all answers are correct).

13. According to the principle of action, edged weapons are divided into the following types:

  1. (blade, throwing, combined);
  2. (blade, bladeless, combined);
  3. (impact-crushing, piercing-chopping, piercing-cutting);*
  4. (combat, sports, hunting);
  5. (factory, homemade, artisanal).

14. A weapon consisting of a handle, a flexible suspension and an impact weight is called:

  1. (club);
  2. (nunchaku);
  3. (brass knuckles);
  4. (flail);*
  5. (mace).

15. Which of the following parts is not part of a bladed weapon?:[ 1 ]

2) (suspension);*

3) (heel);

4) (blade);

5) (point).

16. Cold piercing weapons include:[ 1 ]

1) (checker);

2) (stiletto);*

3) (dagger);

4) (broadsword);

5) (flail).

Topic 8. Forensic examination of documents.

1. What is not included in the tasks of technical and forensic examination of documents?:[ 1 ]

1) (establishing the method of document production);

3) (identification of a typewriter from typewritten text);

4) (establishing the gender of the document materials);

5) (determining the time of document production).

2. Indicate what applies to the objects of technical and forensic examination of documents?:[ 1 ]

  1. (documents - material evidence);
  2. (banknotes);
  3. (seals and stamps);
  4. (typewritten texts);
  5. (all answers are correct).*

3. Which of the following features is not a general feature of handwriting?:[ 1 ]

1) (style);*

2) (connectivity);

3) (development);

4) (overclocking);

5) (size).

Topic 9. Forensic habitoscopy.

1. A person’s own characteristics of appearance include:[ 3 ]

1) (items of clothing, personal items);

2) (permanent and wearable);

3) (general physical, anatomical and functional);*

4) (permanent and accompanying);

5) (all answers are correct).

2. Which of the following signs is not indicated when describing the anatomical elements of a person’s appearance?: [ 1 ]

1) (size);

2) (form);

3) (quantity);*

4) (position);

5) (configuration).

3. The “verbal portrait” method was developed by:[ 1 ]

1) (Hans Gross);

2) (A. Bertillon);*

3) (M.M. Gerasimov);

4) (S.M. Potapov);

5) (E.F. Burinsky).

4. Which of the following rules do not apply to the rules for describing a person’s appearance?:[ 1 ]

1) (completeness of description);

2) (description from general to specific);

3) (use of uniform terminology);

4) (measurement of the main elements of appearance);*

5) (simultaneous description in front and profile).

5. There are the following three types of subjective portraits:[ 1 ]

1) (signaletic, verbal, drawn);

2) (drawn, photographic, verbal);

3) (compositional-drawn, compositional-photographic, drawn);*

4) (photographic, compositional-drawn, signaletic);

5) (compositional-photographic, verbal, sketch).

6. The elements of the human auricle do not include:[ 1 ]

1) (auditory opening);

2) (tragus);

3) (curl);

4) (filter);*

5) (antitragus).

Topic 10. Forensic registration.

1. There are the following three main types of accounting:[ 1 ]

1) (operational-reference, forensic-expert, reference-information);

2) (forensic, operational information, investigative);*

3) (reference and information, forensic, expert);

4) (expert forensic, operational forensic, reference forensic);

5) (operational information, expert, investigative and forensic).

2. Which of the following records is not contained in the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?:[ 1 ]

1) (alphabetic-fingerprint);

2) (accounting for counterfeit banknotes);*

3) (registration of lost, identified and stolen firearms);

4) (accounting for stolen and seized license plate items);

5) (registration of stolen, abducted, detained and “orphan” motor vehicles).

3. Which of the above-mentioned records is not carried out by forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation?:[ 1 ]

1) (accounting for stolen and confiscated antiques);*

2) (accounting for counterfeit medical prescriptions);

3) (accounting for bullets, cartridges and cartridges with traces of weapons);

4) (registration of persons based on appearance);

5) (accounting for traces of hands recovered from incident sites).

4. Which of the following is not used as a form of forensic accounting?:[ 3 ]

1) (collections);

2) (video libraries);

3) (card files);

4) (albums);

5) (simulation).*

Topic 11. Microobjects and traces of human odor as sources of forensic information.

1. Micro objects include:[ 1 ]

1) (microtraces);

2) (microparticles);

3) (microquantities of a substance);

4) (objects of the material world with a diameter of less than 1 mm and a mass of less than 1 mg);

5) (all answers are correct).*

2. Depending on the state of aggregation, the following types of micro-objects are distinguished:[ 1 ]

1) (gaseous, solid, liquid);*

2) (organic, inorganic, mixed);

3) (fabric fibers, solid particles, liquid drops);

4) (human hair, paint particles, textile fibers);

5) (all answers are correct).

3. What is the main forensic significance of micro-objects?:[ 3 ]

1) (in the ability to identify the source of their origin);

2) (in the possibility of establishing their group affiliation);

3) (in that they always remain at the scene of the incident, even if the criminal destroys other traces);

4) (in the possibility of their expert research);

5) (all answers are correct).*

4. Which of the following does not apply to the tasks of odorology?:[ 3 ]

1) (establishing, based on scent traces taken from different crime scenes, the participation of the same person in these events);

2) (establishing the belonging of the criminal to the items found at the scene of the incident);

3) (establishing the belonging of the items seized from the criminal to the victim);

4) (development of techniques and methods for training service-search dogs to work with scent marks);*

5) (development of methods and techniques for detecting, removing and preserving scent traces).

5. What phenomenon underlies one of the methods for removing scent traces?:[ 1 ]

1) (adhesion);

2) (diffusion);

3) (adsorption);*

4) (luminescence);

5) (diffraction).

6. What increases the reliability of the results of odorological sampling?:

1) (conducting sampling, if possible, immediately after removing the scent trace);

2) (repeated sampling of the same object by different dogs);*

3) (using a trace-carrying object for sampling, rather than a preserved scent trace);

4) (reducing the objects presented for sampling);

5) (all answers are correct).