BIOS settings are not reset. Reset BIOS settings in ASRock UEFI BIOS. Reasons for resetting the BIOS

Sometimes, in case of any computer malfunction, or erroneous changes In the settings you need to reset the BIOS settings. This way you can quickly revive your PC or laptop. There are several ways to return initial settings BIOS, now we will look at each of them in more detail.

Ways to return the original BIOS settings:

As you can see there are 5 options. But this may be for a system unit; for a laptop, usually only the first 3 points are suitable. The fifth point is quite rare; the button is located on the computer’s motherboard, as are the jumpers.

When is it necessary to reset BIOS settings?

Let's first figure out in what cases it is necessary to reset the BIOS settings:

  • In case you have forgotten the password to enter the BIOS or operating system.
  • When the computer does not load the OS, for example, the boot priority in the settings has been changed.
  • If incorrect changes have been made to the BIOS settings.

These are the main reasons why it is usually necessary to reset the basic I/O system. There are, of course, many other reasons: in the case of overclocking the processor or when you have gone too far, and old computers do not know how to automatically return the original settings for normal temperature component.

There may be a reason why you need to reset the BIOS - this wrong update wow, bad firmware and so on. If the computer does not turn on, but only makes sounds (), then resetting the settings in some cases can also solve this problem.

How can I reset the BIOS?

As mentioned above, there are several ways to reset the BIOS or return to factory settings. What happens in this case? After the reset, the BIOS returns the original settings as they were from the very beginning, that is, the factory settings will be set.

It is also important to know: in the case of points 3 to 5 (see Table of Contents above) it is necessary to open system unit or opening the laptop case, which could void the device’s warranty. But, if you don’t want to lose the warranty, and the laptop does not allow you to boot into the BIOS, then resetting with the first two options is not possible.

And so, now we will consider each of the reset points in as much detail as possible.

Resetting settings from the BIOS menu

If there is such an opportunity to get into the BIOS menu, then you don’t have to bother too much and go into the system unit or hide the laptop, because you can reset the settings right in the BIOS Setup. Let's take a closer look at how you can reset our basic system I/O

The computer will reboot and check if resetting the BIOS helped you.

Reset using Debug utility

Debug- standard utility included in the 32-bit Windows OS. If you can boot the operating system and have the opportunity to use it, but you still need to reset the BIOS to factory settings, then this item is just for you, because again, you don’t need to go into hardware or even incomprehensible BIOS menu settings.

  1. Launch the "Run" menu (Start-Run, or the Win+R key combination)
  2. Enter debug and click on OK.

A utility window resembling a command line will open. Next you need to find out what BIOS you have. You can find out the BIOS version and manufacturer as follows: you need to open the "Run" menu, enter MSINFO32 and click OK. Afterwards, a window will open where on the right in the “Element” column you need to find the item “ BIOS version", on the contrary, the manufacturer and version will be written.

If AMI BIOS or AWARD, then you need to enter the following command in Debug (after each line you must press Enter):

  • O 70 17
  • O 73 17

If Phoenix BIOS, then here is the command:

  • O 70 FF
  • O 71 FF

We just enter the first line - press Enter, also the second and third. After executing these commands, the BIOS settings will be reset to factory settings. To check if everything worked, just restart the computer.

Reset using CMOS battery

If there is no way to reset it programmatically, as in the first two options, then you will have to resort to a more stringent method, but nevertheless quite effective. If you are not afraid of losing the warranty of your laptop, then this is the best way for you to return the BIOS to factory settings.

All! The BIOS settings have been reset, as you can see there is nothing complicated about it, just pull it out CMOS battery, wait a little and insert back.

Resetting BIOS using a jumper on the motherboard

This is also effective method reset BIOS, however, is only suitable for system units; you can hardly find such a jumper on laptops.

It can also be found when instead of three jumpers there are two. They are also signed - CLR CMOS. In this case, to reset the BIOS, you just need to close both jumpers with something conductive, a screwdriver or wire, for example.

But in addition to the options above, it also occurs when there can be more contacts, like in this example, below - 6 jumpers. But closing them is also not difficult; everything is done in the same way. Where the jumper is installed by default - to reset it you need to install it opposite, the next contact is nearby, in a row, of course.

That's it, return original BIOS settings completed, now you can reassemble the system unit and turn on the computer.

Reset using a button on the motherboard

As already mentioned, such a button is quite rare on a motherboard. But nevertheless, we will not miss this method of resetting BIOS settings and will also consider it in a little more detail.

The location of this button (more precisely: CLR CMOS) can be either inside the system unit or outside, somewhere on the back side of the system unit. Here are some sample pictures showing where this button might be located:

The examples above show what the CLR CMOS buttons inside the system unit might look like. The pictures below show what the BIOS reset buttons may look like from the outside:

And as you probably already understood, resetting BIOS settings using this button is quite simple - just click on it and the original BIOS settings will be returned.

In these ways (and there are 5 of them in our article!) you can reset the BIOS settings to factory settings. There are several other methods, but we did not consider them in this guide. If you know how else you can reset the basic I/O system, be sure to share with us in the comments.

Many problems on a laptop can be solved if you reset the BIOS settings to factory settings (sometimes they are also called optimal or safe).

In general, this is done quite easily, it will be more difficult if you set a password on the BIOS and when you turn on the laptop it will ask for this same password. Here you can’t do without disassembling the laptop...

In this article I wanted to look at both options.

1. Reset laptop BIOS settings to factory settings

To enter the BIOS settings, the keys are usually used F2 or Delete(sometimes F10 key). It depends on the model of your laptop.

Finding out which button to press is quite easy: restart the laptop (or turn it on) and look at the first welcome window (it always indicates the button to enter the Bios settings). You can also use the documentation that came with the laptop upon purchase.

And so, we will assume that you have entered the Bios settings. Next we are interested in Exit tab. By the way, in laptops different brands(ASUS, ACER, HP, SAMSUNG, LENOVO) the names of the Bios partitions are almost the same, so there is no point in taking screenshots for each model...

Next, in the Exit section, select a line like “ Load Setup Defaults"(i.e. loading default settings (or default settings)). You will then need to confirm in a pop-up window that you want to reset your settings.

And all that remains is to exit the BIOS while saving the settings made: select Exit Saving Changes(first line, see screenshot below).

By the way, in 99% of cases with the settings reset, the laptop will boot normally. But sometimes a small error occurs and the laptop cannot find where to boot from (i.e. from what device: flash drive, HDD, etc.).

To fix it, go to Bios again and go to the section Boot.

Here you need to change the tab Boot Mode : Change UEFI to Legacy, then exit BIOS saving the settings. After rebooting, the laptop should boot normally from the hard drive.

2. How to reset BIOS settings if it requires a password?

Now let’s imagine a more serious situation: it happened that you set a password for the Bios, and now you have forgotten it (or your sister, brother, friend has set a password and is calling you for help...).

Turn on your laptop (in the example, an ACER laptop) and see the following.

To all brute force attempts, the laptop responds with an error and after several incorrect passwords are entered, it simply turns off...

In this case, you cannot do without removing the back cover of the laptop.

You only need to do three things:

  • disconnect the laptop from all devices and generally remove all cords that are connected to it (headphones, power cord, mouse, etc.);
  • remove the battery;
  • remove the cover protecting the RAM and hard drive of the laptop (the design of all laptops is different, sometimes you may need to remove it completely back cover).

There are two contacts under the RAM strips (they are also signed JCMOS) - these are what we need. Now do the following:

  • close these contacts with a screwdriver (and do not open them until you turn off the laptop. This requires patience and accuracy);
  • connect the power cord to the laptop;
  • turn on the laptop and wait about a second. 20-30;
  • turn off the laptop.

Now you can connect RAM, HDD and battery.

We need to say a few words about the “pitfalls”:

  • not all laptops will have two contacts, some will have three, and to reset you need to move the jumper from one position to another and wait a few minutes;
  • instead of jumpers there may be a zero button: just press it with a pencil or pen and wait a few seconds;
  • You can also reset the BIOS if you remove the battery from the battery for a while. motherboard laptop (battery looks like a tablet, small).

That's all for today. Don't forget your passwords!

As a result of installation incorrect parameters in the BIOS settings, it is broken correct work, this manifests itself in unstable work system or its complete failure. To prevent such consequences, the BIOS provides a reset function. Resetting the BIOS is a reduction of values BIOS settings to the factory settings selected by the motherboard manufacturer as the most secure and stable.

List of most common reasons due to which there is a need to reset the BIOS:
1. The computer does not respond to pressing the Power button.
2. The computer turns on, but makes some sounds and does not want to load the operating system.
3. The computer works, but is not stable - it freezes, reboots, etc.
4. If necessary, update the BIOS version.
5. To reset an unknown password.

Reset BIOS. Method 1

Turn off computer. Find the jumper on the motherboard responsible for Clear CMOS; usually it is located near the battery. Place it from the original position (1-2) to position (2-3). Wait 10-15 seconds, move the jumper back to position (1-2). In addition, it is better to disconnect the power cable from the power supply.

Reset BIOS. Method 2

Turn off computer. Find the coin cell battery on the motherboard. Carefully pull it out of the slot, bending the lock, and place it separately. Wait 1 minute. Put the battery back.

Reset BIOS. Method 3

If your motherboard does not have a battery, find a chip marked Dallas or Odin (they have a built-in battery) - the jumper should be somewhere nearby. Sometimes you can reset the BIOS by closing the contacts of the microcircuits. It must be said that shorting the contacts of the battery itself is sometimes very dangerous.

Reset BIOS. Method 4

Using any programming language, a value from 10H to 2FH is written to the port with address 70H, and any value that is not equal to the old value is written to port 71H. Here is an example for Borland Pascal 7.0: Port[$70]:=$10
Port[$71]:=Port[$71] xor $FF
The operating principle of this method is based on the destruction checksum contents of CMOS memory. After the reboot, the BIOS values ​​will be reset to the factory defaults and the password will become standard for this BIOS version.
Turbo Pascal program code:

Reset BIOS. Method 5

Windows includes the DEBUG utility - for operational change the contents of the specified memory cells. The principle of operation is similar to the previous one - destruction of the CMOS checksum. In order to run the utility, you need to go to the Start menu, click Run and enter debug.
Then enter the following:
o 70 17
o 71 17
And reboot.

Reset BIOS. Method 6

You just need to pull out the jumper from a pair of contacts and move it one contact to the side. That is, it bridged the first and second contacts, but you need to switch it so that it closes the second and third.

Sometimes you may encounter this option:

Here you need to bridge the contacts with a screwdriver or something similar.
After the necessary contacts are closed, turn on the computer, wait a couple of minutes and turn it off again. We return the jumper to its place and turn on the device.
BIOS reset!

Method three. Battery

Another option is related to system battery CR2032, responsible for the safety of CMOS data. Here she is:

To return the BIOS settings to factory settings, you need to unplug it for 15-20 minutes. How to do it? Press the clamp foot in the direction opposite to the battery, as shown in the photo:

After this, the battery should pop out of the slots. We wait 15-20 minutes and return it back. Your computer's BIOS settings have been reset!

Your computer's base hardware and time settings are stored in the BIOS, and if for some reason you're having problems after installing new devices, you've forgotten your password, or you've simply configured something incorrectly, you may need to reset the BIOS to its default settings.

In this instruction, I will show examples of how you can reset the BIOS on a computer or laptop in cases where you can get into the settings and in a situation where this cannot be done (for example, a password has been set). There will also be examples for resetting UEFI settings.

Resetting BIOS in the settings menu

The first and easiest way is to go into the BIOS and reset the settings from the menu: in any interface version such an item is available. I will show you several options for the location of this item so that it is clear where to look.

In order to enter the BIOS, you usually need to press the Del key (on a computer) or F2 (on a laptop) immediately after turning it on. However, there are other options. For example, in Windows 8.1 with UEFI, you can get into the settings using additional options downloads. ().

In older BIOS versions, the main settings page may contain the following items:

  • Load Optimized Defaults - reset settings to optimized ones
  • Load Fail-Safe Defaults - reset to default settings, optimized to reduce the likelihood of failures.

On most laptops, you can reset the BIOS settings on the “Exit” tab by selecting “Load Setup Defaults”.

On UEFI everything is approximately the same: in my case, the Load Defaults item (default settings) is located in the Save and Exit item.

Thus, regardless of what version of the BIOS or UEFI interface is on your computer, you should find the item used to set the default parameters; it is called the same everywhere.

Resetting BIOS settings using a jumper on the motherboard

Most motherboards are equipped with a jumper (otherwise known as a jumper) that allows you to reset the CMOS memory (which is where all BIOS settings are stored). You can get an idea of ​​what a jumper is from the picture above - when closing contacts in a certain way, certain operating parameters of the motherboard change, in our case this will be resetting the BIOS settings.

So, to reset you will need to do next steps:

At this point, resetting the BIOS settings is complete, you can install them again or use the default settings.

Reinstalling the battery

The memory in which the BIOS settings are stored, as well as the motherboard clock, are not non-volatile: there is a battery on the board. Removing this battery resets the CMOS memory (including the BIOS password) and the clock (although sometimes you have to wait a few minutes before this happens).

Note: Sometimes there are motherboards where the battery is not removable, be careful not to use unnecessary force.

Accordingly, in order to reset the BIOS of a computer or laptop, you will need to open it, see the battery, take it out, wait a little and put it back. As a rule, to remove it, it is enough to press the latch, and to put it back, just press lightly until the battery clicks into place.

We switched something wrong in the BIOS or UEFI and as a result, problems arose in the operation of the computer. You messed up something in the settings and don’t know how to return them to default. Or maybe the computer does not start at all after changes to the BIOS. Let's look at how you can reset the settings to default values.

BIOS have a direct impact on the operation of the computer and its individual components. Sometimes there are times when you need to change something - switch the drive operating mode, adjust processor settings, and the like. It may happen that we configure something incorrectly and don’t know how to reset it to original values. It even happens that the computer may not boot at all - what to do in this situation?

Method 1: Reset via BIOS/UEFI

The best option is to reset the BIOS to factory settings. Then all the changes you made will be reset and everything will work as before. There are several ways to do this. If the computer turns on, then you can go into the BIOS and restore the default settings. Otherwise, if you cannot enter the BIOS, you will have to edit it manually.

If the computer turns on, the first screen will display information about the key through which you can Setup. As a rule, these are the Del or F2 keys.

These functions are responsible for restoring default values. Launch one of them, and then exit the BIOS by clicking on “Save and restart”.

If you have a slightly different BIOS window, pay attention to options like “Load BIOS defaults”, “Reset to default settings” or something similar. Then save the changes and restart the BIOS.

However, the situation with recovery is the same in the case of UEFI, only the graphic window is different, which is more extensive. We go to the main UEFI window and look for the option to reset to factory values.

Typically this option is located on the “Exit” tab or is displayed when exiting UEFI - to reset the settings to factory settings, click on “Load UEFI default settings” and save them before leaving the configuration.

Method 2: Reset using a jumper on the motherboard

If you cannot enter the BIOS on a desktop computer, you can reset it using CMOS jumpers on the motherboard. This is used to reset to default values.

Find the jumper on the motherboard designed to reset the BIOS. It is usually labeled as Clear, CLR, CLRCMOS or something similar. With the computer turned off, it needs to be reinstalled from contacts 1-2 to 2-3 for about a minute. After this, the settings will be reset.

Another way to reset the settings to factory settings is to remove the battery from the socket on the motherboard. It is responsible for saving BIOS settings and system clock. Remove it for a few seconds and insert it back, which will reset the settings to default values.

Many problems on a laptop can be solved if you reset the BIOS settings to factory settings (sometimes they are also called optimal or safe). In general, this is done quite easily, it will be more difficult if...

Many problems on a laptop can be solved if you reset the BIOS settings to factory settings (sometimes they are also called optimal or safe). In general, this is done quite easily, it will be more difficult if...

We switched something wrong in the BIOS or UEFI and as a result, problems arose in the operation of the computer. You messed up something in the settings and don’t know how to return them to default. Or maybe the computer does not start at all after changes to the BIOS. Let's look at how you can reset the settings to default values.

BIOS have a direct impact on the operation of the computer and its individual components. Sometimes there are times when you need to change something - switch the drive operating mode, adjust processor settings, and the like. It may happen that we configure something incorrectly and don’t know how to reset it to its original values. It even happens that the computer may not boot at all - what to do in this situation?

Method 1: Reset via BIOS/UEFI

The best option is to reset the BIOS to factory settings. Then all the changes you made will be reset and everything will work as before. There are several ways to do this. If the computer turns on, then you can go into the BIOS and restore the default settings. Otherwise, if you cannot enter the BIOS, you will have to edit it manually.

If the computer turns on, the first screen will display information about the key through which you can Setup. As a rule, these are the Del or F2 keys.

These functions are responsible for restoring default values. Launch one of them, and then exit the BIOS by clicking on “Save and restart”.

If you have a slightly different BIOS window, pay attention to options like “Load BIOS defaults”, “Reset to default settings” or something similar. Then save the changes and restart the BIOS.

However, the situation with recovery is the same in the case of UEFI, only the graphic window is different, which is more extensive. We go to the main UEFI window and look for the option to reset to factory values.

Typically this option is located on the “Exit” tab or is displayed when exiting UEFI - to reset the settings to factory settings, click on “Load UEFI default settings” and save them before leaving the configuration.

Method 2: Reset using a jumper on the motherboard

If you cannot enter the BIOS on a desktop computer, you can reset it using the CMOS jumper on the motherboard. This is used to reset to default values.

Find the jumper on the motherboard designed to reset the BIOS. It is usually labeled as Clear, CLR, CLRCMOS or something similar. With the computer turned off, it needs to be reinstalled from contacts 1-2 to 2-3 for about a minute. After this, the settings will be reset.

Another way to reset the settings to factory settings is to remove the battery from the socket on the motherboard. It is responsible for saving BIOS settings and system clock. Remove it for a few seconds and insert it back, which will reset the settings to default values.

It is no secret that in some cases, to restore the functionality of a computer system, you may need to reset the BIOS. This technique allows you to eliminate many problems with equipment, which by means and Windows tools they don't dare. Below are some basic ways to do this without special problems. Let's consider both software and physical methods resetting the parameters of the primary system.

Why might you need to reset the BIOS?

Quite often you can come across situations where those who like to delve into the system settings set such parameters that then not only installed equipment does not work or does not work correctly, but the operating system does not boot.

You can often encounter situations where a login password is set through the primary system, which to the settings operating system has no relation at all. Sometimes it is necessary to reset the settings to factory settings even if the user notices that all computer system It works extremely unstable (it constantly crashes, reboots spontaneously, etc.). In some cases, this approach even allows you to restore the OS boot if problems at startup were observed due to the fault of the hardware.

How to reset BIOS: standard method

By by and large There is nothing particularly difficult about resetting the parameters to factory settings. How to reset BIOS settings? Nothing could be simpler.

When turned on computer device you need to enter the primary system itself, using the keys that will be indicated on start screen, and then go to the reset point on home page. It can be called differently, but most often it is the Load Setup Defaults parameter or something like that. After activating it, the system will issue a warning to confirm the reset, which you must agree to by pressing the “Y” (Yes) key.

In some versions of the primary system, such an item may be present in the Exit menu.

Using a jumper on the motherboard

The question of how to reset the BIOS can also be resolved through physical intervention in the filling desktop computer(on laptops, the suggested actions usually do not apply).

Here, near the battery, you can find a special jumper or so-called jumper, which is usually labeled CLRTC, Clear CMOS, or a similar name. The position in which it is installed is responsible for changing the operating modes of the motherboard and resetting the settings of the primary input/output system itself. How to reset BIOS settings to standard? If there are three contacts on the board, you need to set the jumper to the second position, if there are only two, use additional jumper from another location on the motherboard to short-circuit them. Naturally, all actions must be performed with the computer terminal. After this, the question of how to reset the BIOS involves long pressing the power button (about ten seconds). The computer, of course, will not turn on, but you are guaranteed to reset the settings of the primary system. Then you should install the jumper in initial position(and also remove the additional jumper if it was installed) and turn on the terminal.

Reset by removing the CMOS battery

Another technique that allows you to quite easily solve the problem of how to reset the BIOS is to temporarily remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard socket.

The pause between its removal and reinsertion is about ten to fifteen minutes. But here you need to be very careful, since on some motherboard models the battery is non-removable.

Using the Debug Utility

Finally, the problem of how to reset the BIOS on a computer with Windows on board can be solved by using a small utility called Debug, which is a built-in tool of the operating system itself.

To launch it, you need to call the “Run” menu, where you enter the command of the same name as the tool. After the start, a black window will appear, no different in appearance from command console. Here the parameters entered will depend solely on which version and which manufacturer is installed on the computer system.

For example, for primary Phoenix systems the values ​​O 70 FF, O 71 FF and Q are entered sequentially, for AMI or Award systems the parameters O 70 17, O 73 17 and Q are entered. But for the correctness of the entered reset commands, you must first familiarize yourself with technical documentation BIOS, using, for example, the developer’s (manufacturer’s) Internet resource. If you enter incorrect values, this may either have no effect at all, or lead the entire system to a completely inoperable state.

Additional measures

In some cases, when it is only absolutely necessary, a reset can be performed by setting updated firmware which settings previous version does not inherit.

True, it is categorically not recommended for ordinary users to do such things without knowing the intricacies of flashing, otherwise they will then have to change even the chip itself with the primary system, and maybe even the entire motherboard. So be careful.


If we draw some conclusions from all that has been said, it is recommended to reset BIOS settings and parameters through the options of the primary system itself. For fixed terminals, zeroing can be used by temporarily removing the battery. You should also be careful with jumpers without knowing the essence of the issue, otherwise you will close the wrong contacts, and the motherboard, as they say, will “fly”.

It’s rare to find a working computer that has not experienced hardware failures over a long period of use. The following picture is often observed: after pressing the power button, power is supplied to the motherboard, the coolers are spinning, hard disks work, but there is a characteristic sound produced motherboard no, just like the images on the screen. Under such circumstances, users immediately agree to diagnose and repair their PC at service centers. But before you waste time and money, try resetting the BIOS on your computer, returning the motherboard to factory settings.

Why reset BIOS settings?

Resetting (resetting) BIOS settings helps in the following situations:

  1. The computer turns on, but there are no sounds made by the motherboard when loading BIOS. Also images on the screen.
  2. You have forgotten the password to enter the BIOS (or the password to continue booting the OS).
  3. Periodic crashes in the PC, the BIOS loads every once in a while.
  4. Windows won't boot.
  5. Changes have been made to the BIOS Setup settings configuration and you want to return them to their original form.

Reset on PC

You can reset BIOS settings either hardware or software.

Hard reset

Depending on the motherboard, you can reset the BIOS by hardware using a jumper or a special button.


Cheap motherboards (for example from ASUS) suffer from periodic glitches. Since the BIOS did not boot, you will have to reset using a jumper marked Clear CMOS:

  1. Turn off the power supply (to standby voltage 5V was not supplied to the motherboard).
  2. Open the system unit to access the motherboard.
  3. Look for the Clear CMOS marking near the jumper pins (may be labeled CCMOS, Clear RTC, CLRTC, CRTC). Look for batteries in the area.

  4. Turn on the power supply. We check the work.

Advice! If there are more than 3 jumpers, don't worry. Close necessary contacts from left to right, as indicated in the instructions. Subsequent contacts do not need to be closed.


Modern or mat. Premium boards are increasingly equipped with a button to reset the BIOS settings:

Advice! If you remove the battery for 10 - 20 minutes, the BIOS may reset the settings. The date and time will also be lost and will have to be set again.

Soft reset

If the BIOS boots, a factory reset can be done using the commands.

In BIOS Setup

Using the Debug utility

The Debug.exe utility is included in Windows family. The debugger migrated from DOC OS. To use it, press Win+R and run the command

  1. If you have AMI BIOS or AWARD, enter the following commands: O 70 17 O 73 17 Q
  2. For Phoenix BIOS: O 70 FF O 71 FF Q

Important! The Debug.exe program is only available in 32-bit Windows versions. If you have the x64 version, use other methods to reset BIOS settings.

Resetting on a laptop

The procedure for resetting the BIOS on a laptop is similar. The only difficulty is that the laptop is compactly equipped and getting to the motherboard is not so easy. If software zeroing occurs exactly like this, then for hardware we do the following:

  1. Disconnect all peripherals from the laptop ( Charger including) and turn it screen side down.
  2. Remove the back cover, remove the battery, hard drive, and RAM cards.
  3. If there are two of them, close for a few seconds with a metal jumper (for example, a screwdriver, but be careful). If there is a jumper, short-circuit the other contacts for a few seconds. .
  4. Assemble your laptop and check your work.

Instead of jumpers, the laptop may have a reset button. Using a pencil or pen, press and hold for a few seconds.