Beeline unlimited internet options are not connected. How to activate “All” tariffs? Special unlimited tariff for tablet

The Internet today is not limited to the computer; modern mobile devices have large displays and built-in 3G modules, which allows you to often use mobile phones to access the Internet anywhere, regardless of the proximity of the computer. Besides, in Lately the cost of Internet traffic for mobile phones has become much more affordable.

Mobile Internet Beeline tariffs for phones

Tariffs from the “Everyone” line will be optimal for all Beeline mobile Internet users. Now each subscriber will be able to choose a tariff plan based on their own Internet needs - the higher the subscription fee, the greater the volume of traffic provided per month:

If the user is satisfied with his tariff plan, but there is not enough Internet traffic, he can not change the tariff, but, which will provide the necessary additional gigabytes for a subscription fee.

  • Highway 1 GB for 200 rubles. per month or 7 rubles. per day;
  • Highway 4GB for 400 rubles. per month or 18 rubles. per day;
  • Highway 8GB for 600 rubles. per month;
  • Highway 12GB for 700 rub. per month;
  • Highway 20GB for 1200 rub. per month.

Those users who need the Internet from time to time should activate the “Internet for a day” option of 100 or 500 megabytes. Funds are debited from the account upon access to the network, and amount to 19 or 29 rubles, depending on the selected service.

For those who leave their home region, but want to use the Internet at home, it will be beneficial to connect to the “Internet for traveling in Russia” service for 7 or 30 days for 99 and 199 rubles, respectively.

Also, travelers will be interested in the option that turns on automatically outside home region and provides 40 MB of traffic for 200 rubles per day.

Unlimited Beeline Internet on your phone

Beeline mobile Internet in most cases is conditionally unlimited. For a subscription fee, the user purchases a certain amount of traffic, after which the Internet is provided until the end of the month, but at a very low speed.

Disabling Beeline mobile Internet is not necessary if you are not connected additional options or the Internet package is not included in your tariff, then while you are not using it, money for it will not be debited. Therefore, first of all, you should check the connected services and tariff characteristics. WITH full list Commands for connecting and disabling Highway options can be found here, and tariffs can be found here.

What to do if Beeline Internet does not work on your phone?

  1. You need to make sure that your phone or tablet supports Internet access. Behind stylish design Chinese fake There may be a hidden “dialer” of little use without additional functions.
  2. If there are no problems with the device, then you need to make sure that the package of three services is activated on the device - “mms, gprs and wap internet”. This option It is usually connected automatically when purchasing a SIM card, but can be disabled intentionally or due to a failure. Call the number 067409, in the response SMS you receive you can see a list of connected services. If the required package not on this list, it can be activated by calling 067409181 or sending a USSD request: *110*181# call.
  3. Check if data transfer is enabled on the device. Through the “settings” section of the smartphone, put a tick in the “data transfer” line. For iPhone and iPad, the “Cellular Data” line must be active in the settings.
  4. Make sure the account has mobile phone enough money to pay for the Internet.
  5. Check your Internet settings, and if necessary, update them in accordance with the instructions - how to set up Internet on Beeline.
  6. If after making all these changes the internet still doesn't work, you need to restart your device to activate the settings.

Modern telecom operators offer their subscribers many interesting services, options, and unlimited Internet Beeline without traffic restrictions is one of the popular options. Mobile devices(smartphones, tablets) work with the package from this company. Find out how to access the network in Russia for a fee per month.

How to connect unlimited Internet from Beeline by phone

The company has created several offers for its users who have different prices and a range of services. In each of them it is possible to connect to the Beeline Internet for a per-megabyte payment or monthly with a certain amount of traffic per day. Particularly convenient is the option with unlimited use access to the network for a subscription fee. If traffic consumption is high, it makes sense to activate such a package.

Cellular companies We have prepared several ways to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline. One option is a set special number: reserved for each package specific code. Dial the following combination of numbers and call button for:

  • Extra – 067413251;
  • Maxi – 067413241;
  • Super – 067413231;
  • Light – 067413221;
  • Mini – 067413211.

How to connect the Internet to Beeline via USSD commands

Unlimited Mobile Internet Beeline can be activated automatically using the dial short request. You'll get full package when dialing a special USSD combinations buttons for your tariff. Each package has its own command programmed. Combination options for those who are looking for how to quickly connect unlimited Internet to Beeline:

  1. All owners of the Highway Internet package need to dial *115*04#, which will provide 1 GB for a month high speed connection. If the limit is exhausted, access to the network will remain, but the speed will decrease (this condition applies to all tariff plans).
  2. Owners of this plan should dial *115*061# to get 4GB.
  3. To order 8 GB, you need to create a request *115*071#.
  4. 12 GB of traffic can be obtained via the command *115*081#.
  5. The maximum volume for surfing – 20 GB – is available through the combination *115*091#.

In all these offers, after reaching the limit, you can take advantage of the speed extension. In some situations, a service for 1 day, which activates a small amount of traffic, will be cheaper, but its cost is also cheaper. you can use following commands:

  • *115*111# – 100 MB per day;
  • *115*112# – 500 MB per day;

Connecting Beeline Internet through your personal account

For everyone who actively uses world wide web on a computer, there is a way to easily connect unlimited Internet to Beeline using your personal account (personal account). First you need to register with the service. On the Beeline website you need to enter your phone number and the SMS code that will be sent to you in response to the request *110*9#. You can connect unlimited Beeline Internet to your phone as follows:

  1. Log in to LC.
  2. Go to the "Services" section.
  3. Click on the section with the offer to connect to an unlimited tariff.
  4. Select the appropriate option, check the box next to it and activate by clicking the “Connect” button.

How to connect unlimited Beeline Internet on a USB modem

People often use USB modems to access the network from laptops and desktop PCs. To do this, in addition to the device itself, you need an operator SIM card. When purchasing a device from a company showroom, you can immediately decide on a package if you know how much traffic you need per day. Further activation is very simple:

  1. In the first 3 days after purchase, be sure to insert the device into your computer.
  2. Install the program that was on the disk with the device.
  3. Find the SMS transfer function and use it to send the code that a Beeline employee gave you when purchasing the package. The number to which the password needs to be sent will also be provided by them.
  4. This will activate your profile and you will be able to fully use your modem.

How to connect unlimited to Beeline for home Internet

The operator offers its clients several packages for home connection. The company's most popular tariffs are:

  1. “Unlimited promo 500” – subscription fee 500 rubles per month. You get 100 Mbit/s for all devices that are in your apartment. This plan is good for active users who spend a lot of time online. There is no charge for the connection itself.
  2. "Economy". For 290 rubles you get a speed of 15 Mbit/sec. This plan is good for anyone who does not download large amounts of information. Connection is free.

If you have not previously been connected to a wired Internet, you should call a technician who can set up your router and network access without paying. If you re-purchase a tariff, or have reinstalled operating system, you can use the setup wizard, which can be downloaded from the Beeline website. You should download it in advance in case of such situations.

Any modern subscriber Beeline, to one degree or another, uses mobile Internet. Some people need a high-speed connection to communicate in social networks, someone to watch movies and videos. However, there are subscribers who need unlimited Beeline Internet. What internet products do you have? mobile operator, their cost and terms of provision - you will learn about all this from our article.

Review of tariffs with unlimited internet

Beeline tariffs with unlimited Internet recently appeared in the arsenal of the television system. Previously, the operator offered subscribers only nightly unlimited service. And then, this service was available only to users of the “Highway” function. During the daytime, the client could only use a limited number of GB.

Today everything has changed. Now Beeline offers unlimited use of wireless online networks, through the following tariff plans and options:

  • any postpaid TP of the “Everything” line;
  • TP “#Everything is possible”;
  • “Highway” family of options (only at night from 24.00 to 8.00 Moscow time).

Let's look at each of the products in detail.

TP “#Everything is possible” is based on prepaid tariffication. In other words, the client first pays a subscription fee and then uses the mobile product. The user will be able to connect unlimited Beeline Internet within the framework of the “#Everything is Possible” tariff plan through the Personal Account in the “Tariffs” section, or by calling 0781.

After TP activation, the subscriber receives:

  • unlimited use mobile internet without traffic and speed restrictions, with the ability to use a high-speed connection both in your region and throughout the country;
  • free outgoing calls to network numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 250 min. (for Moscow and the region) or 100 min. (for other regions of the country), for conversations with subscribers of other Russian television systems;
  • 250 SMS (for Moscow and the region) or 100 SMS (for other regions), with the ability to send on your home network.

Subscription fee is 10 rubles/day in the first month. From the second month, the payment rises to 13 rubles/day. For Muscovites, a monthly fee of 20 rubles per day is provided.

Features of TP:

  • The package can only be used on a smartphone or phone. The product does not work on a tablet or USB modem;
  • You cannot distribute Wi-Fi through the TP and use it as an access point;
  • when downloading large files, the traffic flow rate may be reduced;
  • It is prohibited to download torrent files. In case of bypass by the client this limitation, the data transfer speed will be reduced to 64 kb/sec.

Internet without restrictions is also available on postpaid tariff plans of the “Everything” line. Postpay requires first use cellular services, and then pay for them. Postpaid TP of the “Everything” line can be connected at the Beeline office.

Unlimited Internet is available on any tariff plan of the family. That is, it can be used by both a subscriber who is a member of the “All 300” tariff plan and a client with activated product“All 1800.”

All products in the line also offer complete unlimited communication with network numbers throughout the country. In addition, absolutely TP includes packages of minutes for calls to other cellular directions, and SMS, with the ability to send throughout Russia.

How much does it cost to use TP for the “Everything” line? The subscription fee will depend on the TP option that the subscriber has chosen, as well as on the actual use of cellular services. That is, if the client’s phone has the “All 500” tariff plan, and he did not use extra minutes and SMS, its subscription fee will be 500 rubles. per month.

Family Features:

  • The TP cannot be used as an access point for Wi-Fi distribution;
  • TP is intended only for phones and smartphones. The product does not function on other devices;
  • any product in the line does not support downloading torrent files;
  • Connection speed may be reduced due to cellular network congestion.

All of the above described tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline are intended only for phones and smartphones. TP “Unlimited for tablet” involves using the product on tablet devices.

This Internet tariff provides completely unlimited Web access, without traffic or speed limits. TP is based on prepaid tariffication. The subscription fee is 890 rubles/month.

Despite the hefty fee, the product does not include free packages minutes and SMS. Moreover, the TP does not have the ability to use voice and text mobile communications. However, if desired, the subscriber can activate these services at the mobile operator’s office.

Features of TP:

  • the subscriber has access to downloading large files, including torrent protocols;
  • web connection is served at maximum speed;
  • Otherwise, the features of previous products are also inherent in this TP.

Through the Highway service you can get unlimited Internet on Beeline for your phone, tablet or modem. However, the function can only offer unlimited Internet on a phone or other device only indirectly.

Internet option provides unlimited use of Web access only at night (from 24.00 to 08.00 Moscow time). During the daytime, traffic from the provided package will be consumed.

As part of the Highway service, you can get packages of 8, 12 and 20 GB. Internet quota is allocated for a month. The cost of the service will depend on the option chosen by the subscriber:

  • “8 GB” – 600 rub./month;
  • “12 GB” – 700 rub./month;
  • “20 GB” – 1200 rub./month.

Features of the service:

  • high-speed Web flow may decrease depending on the region of residence of the subscriber. Maximum speed will only work in LTE networks(4G);
  • dedicated traffic is not consumed at night;
  • night unlimited stops working when connected to any tariff plan of the “Everything” family;
  • TP can be used on any device;
  • downloading torrent files is allowed.

The Internet is everyone's companion active person. It is not without reason that in some countries the right to use the Internet is legally considered inalienable. But this applies to regular wired Internet. WITH mobile situation more difficult and much more interesting.

Each of us uses a smartphone, USB modem, tablet or other devices. Most of them regularly update their system files and applications via the Internet. And often - in the background. And this is traffic, which is expensive. So why count every megabyte, it’s much more convenient to connect favorable tariff on the mobile Internet, and not think about the “gluttony” of your electronics.

This approach is also justified because mobile Internet speeds are comparable to those wired networks. But the mobile Internet has one important advantage- it can be used almost everywhere: outdoors, during a trip, at university or at a business meeting. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to unlimited Internet tariffs from Beeline.

Tariffs for unlimited mobile Internet

Unlimited Internet is offered in two main categories: economical and comfortable. Why are they interesting?


An excellent option for those who need the Internet not constantly, but periodically. For those who just want to sit on social networks, watch a series on YouTube, etc. For 13 rubles per day you get 2 GB of traffic per month with no speed limit. Once the daily package is exhausted, the speed will be reduced. This unlimited Internet per day from Beeline is convenient when traveling, as it is valid throughout Russia.

Basic tariff parameters:

  • Subscription fee - 13 rubles/day.
  • 2 GB Internet traffic without speed limit. After the package is exhausted, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps until the start of the next billing period.
  • Valid throughout Russia except the Far East.

The ability to stay online anytime, anywhere. Chat with friends, listen to Internet radio, watch and post photos. Unlimited Internet on your phone or tablet in any city in Russia.

For business

Control your business even when you are not in the office. Yours workplace wherever it is convenient for you. Use email, surf the Internet, conduct telephone conferences- always be in touch with your colleagues and business partners.

RATES for use
mobile internet

Unlimited Internet 1000

1000 rub


Volume and speed

  • Unlimited internet traffic
  • speed not limited
  • operates according to Moscow and region
Mobile Internet 900

900 rub.

mobile internet

  • operates according to throughout Russia on the Beeline network

gprs traffic packets
for all tariffs

mobile internet for phone and tablet
Plastic bag Abonetskaya
Coverage area
Fast and Furious 1.5 GB 200 rub. Moscow region
Fast and Furious 4 GB 350 rub. All Russia
Fast and Furious 8 GB 550 rub. All Russia
Fast and Furious 16 GB850 rub.All Russia
Fast and Furious 32 GB 1150 rub. All Russia

Tariffs “Fast and Furious 4 GB”, “Fast and Furious 8 GB”, “Fast and Furious 16 GB”, “Fast and Furious 32 GB” are valid throughout the Russian Federation. When roaming in the territory,

Magadan region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Territory, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Internet traffic is provided at speeds up to 128

Kbps Speed ​​is restored within two days from the last Internet session outside these territories. In the territory

Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the cost of 1 MB will be 9.95 rubles.

After exhausting the amount of traffic included in the subscription fee, the Internet speed is automatically reduced to 64 kbit/s

Despite the rapid development communication technologies, the main means of communication is still the mobile phone.

Most business, personal and friendly conversations are conducted via cellular communications. We want you to be able to communicate with your family, friends, partners and colleagues without restrictions. This is possible - you just need to buy an unlimited Beeline tariff.

Mobile Internet opens up many opportunities for modern man- you can look into it at any time email, communicate on social networks and so on. For active users, Beeline offers unlimited Internet services under the following tariffs:

  • Postpaid tariff plans of the “Everything” line – initially the subscriber uses mobile communication services, and then at the end of each current month pays for them;
  • “#EVERYTHING is possible” service – Internet traffic is provided for using social networks and music services;
  • Tariff plans for tablets – “#Everything is possible. Tablet” and “Internet forever”;
  • The Highway series service provides nightly unlimited Internet, which is available from one in the morning to eight in the morning.

Postpaid tariffs "Everything"

When switching to a postpaid tariff plan, the subscriber receives a monthly individual spending limit. Connection to tariffs with a postpaid payment system is usually carried out at the branches of the mobile operator.

The "All" tariff line includes different variants packages:

RateMobile InternetCalls to all operators in your home region and to Beeline throughout RussiaSMS to all numbers in your home region and when traveling around RussiaSubscription fee
All 11 GB300 minutes 11.7 rub. per day
All 26 GB400 minutes500 SMS18.3 rub. per day
All 310 GB1200 minutes500 SMS30 rub. per day
All 415 GB2000 minutes500 SMS50 rub. per day
All 515 GB5000 minutes500 SMS83.3 rub. per day

Each of these tariff plans includes unlimited calls throughout the country, unlimited Internet, package minutes for communication with subscribers of other operators and SMS. Each tariff has its own volume. package services and for different regions it may be different.

How to activate “All” tariffs?

  • All 1
  • All 2
  • All 3. To activate this tariff, call the number. Or use the binomer to switch to the tariff:
  • All 4. To activate this tariff, call the number. Or use the binomer to switch to the tariff:
  • All 5. To activate this tariff, call the number. Or use the binomer to switch to the tariff:
Also, to switch to another tariff, you can use your Beeline Personal Account or through the My Beeline application.

For different regions, the cost and tariff conditions may be different.

Tariffs "Everything" postpaid: disadvantages

Despite the fact that Beeline makes it possible to use the mobile Internet unlimitedly, it imposes a number of conditions:

  • When using a phone with a SIM card as a modem device or Wi-Fi access point, there are restrictions on access to the Internet. There's no word on specific speed limits, but usually the network disappears completely.
  • For subscribers connected to postpaid tariff plans "Everything", the "Internet for Everything" option is not provided, which allows you to share traffic with other users.
  • The operator does not make any guarantees that the speed will be normal under network loads.
  • "Everything" postpaid tariff packages are intended only for phones and are not suitable for other devices (tablets, modems, etc.).
  • For "Everything" tariffs there are speed limits when working on file sharing networks. This means that downloading files through Torrent clients is impossible.

Service "#everything is possible"

When you connect to this service, you are provided with 10 GB of Internet to spend on social networks through official applications(Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and listening to music in the services Vkontakte, Yandex.Music and Zvooq.

For a long time, Beeline did not provide tariffs and options with completely unlimited mobile Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic. Unlimited Beeline Internet was available only at night (from 01:00 to 07:59) as part of the “Highway” option. The rest of the time, the subscriber was provided with a limited package of Internet traffic, the volume of which directly depends on the “Highway” option. In 2016, Beeline opened postpaid “Everything” tariffs for connection, which in addition to communication service packages include unlimited Internet. After some time, the “#EVERYTHING is possible” tariff plan appeared distinctive feature which is unlimited mobile Internet.

Unlimited Beeline Internet is available on the following tariffs and options:

  • Tariffs “Everything” postpaid;
  • Tariff plan “#everything is possible”;
  • Tariff “Unlimited for tablet”;
  • “Highway” line of options (unlimited from 01:00 to 07:59).

Each of the above proposals has a number of features and pitfalls. Before connecting to unlimited Internet on Beeline, you need to study all the offers and then choose the most suitable option for yourself. As part of this review, we will provide a detailed description of Beeline tariffs and options with unlimited Internet.

Tariffs “Everything” postpaid

The postpaid system allows you to use communication services first and pay for them later. By connecting to a postpaid tariff, you receive a personal spending limit for the month (the amount by which you need to go into minus). As a rule, switching to such tariffs is possible only at the Beeline office.

IN tariff line“All” postpaid includes the following tariffs:

  • “All for 300” (not available in all regions);
  • “Everything for 500”;
  • “Everything for 800”;
  • “All for 1200”;
  • “All for 1800.”

All tariffs include unlimited calls in the Beeline network throughout Russia and unlimited mobile Internet. Tariffs also include packages of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators and SMS. The scope of service packages depends on the specific tariff plan and may vary depending on the region. As an example, consider the tariff for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. If you are a subscriber in another region, the size of the minutes and SMS packages may differ. Unlimited Beeline Internet on “All” postpaid tariffs is valid in all regions (with the exception of the Amur region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Irkutsk Region, the Kamchatka Territory, the Magadan Region, the Primorsky Territory, the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ), Sakhalin region, Khabarovsk Territory

The “All for 500” postpaid tariff includes:

  • Unlimited calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia;
  • 600 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators;
  • 300 SMS messages;
  • Unlimited Internet with an unlimited traffic quota (there are a number of restrictions, see below).

At first glance, the tariff may seem ideal. For a subscription fee of 500 rubles per month, in addition to unlimited Internet, you receive unlimited calls within the network and impressive packages of communication services. Don't forget that we're talking about about operator services cellular communication, which means there are some pitfalls here. Unfortunately, Beeline’s unlimited Internet on postpaid “Everything” tariffs provides for a number of restrictions.

Postpaid “Everything” tariffs have the following disadvantages:

  1. If a phone with a SIM card is used as a modem or Wi-Fi hotspot, Internet access is limited. The operator is silent about how limited the speed will be, but in practice the Internet disappears completely.
  2. “Everything” postpaid tariffs cannot be used on modems, routers and even tablets. Unlimited mobile internet is available only for phones/smartphones.
  3. The tariff provides for a speed limit for downloading from file-sharing networks. That is, you will not be able to download files through torrent clients.
  4. The operator does not guarantee Internet speed in case of network load and information about this condition is in the document with detailed description tariff. In fact, at any time your network access speed can be reduced and you will be referred to this point.
  5. On tariffs of the “Everything” line with a postpaid payment system, the “Internet for everything” service is not available. Let us remind you that this service is intended for distributing the Internet to other subscribers (not via Wi-Fi).

As you can see, it is difficult to consider such unlimited Beeline Internet as full-fledged. There were some restrictions, and there were quite a lot of them. The operator provides the opportunity to use the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic, but subject to a number of conditions that greatly spoil the impression of the tariff. It should be noted that “ALL” postpaid tariffs with unlimited internet are provided as part of a promotion that has already been extended several times.

Tariff “#everything is possible”

Unlike postpaid “Everything” tariffs, the “#possibleEVERYTHING” tariff plan provides for a prepaid payment method, that is, first pay for communication, and use it later. Activating such a tariff does not imply the need to visit the office and enter into a written agreement with the operator. You can switch to a tariff plan by calling 0781 or in your personal account.

It differs from the postpaid tariffs of the “EVERYTHING” line not only in the calculation method, but also subscription fee, as well as the size of service packages. As for the Internet, there are almost similar conditions with the same pitfalls.

The “#everything is possible” tariff plan includes:

  • Unlimited mobile Internet throughout Russia without speed or traffic limitations;
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline Russia subscribers;
  • 100 minutes (in most regions) or 250 minutes (Moscow and Moscow region) to all networks in the home region and Beeline Russia phones;
  • 100 SMS (in most regions) or 250 SMS (Moscow and Moscow region) to numbers in your home region.

As you can see, the “Everything is Possible” tariff, in contrast to the previously discussed “Everything for 500” tariff, includes much less. It should be assumed that the amount of the subscription fee is in this case should also decrease. Unfortunately, Beeline has its own logic and significant savings cannot be observed. Daily fee is 10 rubles in the first month. From the second month, the subscription fee rises to 13 rubles. per day for most regions of Russia and 20 rubles. for Moscow and Moscow region.

It turns out that the package of minutes and SMS has decreased, and the subscription fee has increased. Regarding the Internet, too, not everything is simple and there are many pitfalls.

  1. The “#EVERYTHING is possible” tariff has the following disadvantages:
  2. The tariff is intended for telephone/smartphone only. If a SIM card with a tariff is inserted into a router, modem or tablet, access to the Internet and other communication services is limited.
  3. It is not allowed to use the tariff on your phone in modem or Wi-Fi access point mode.
  4. If the subscriber creates a significant load on the network, the speed of the mobile Internet cannot be guaranteed by the operator.
  5. When using peer-to-peer protocols, mobile Internet speed is limited. For example, BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol, therefore, you cannot download files from torrent clients.

The tariff does not include the ability to share the Internet with other numbers as part of the “Internet for EVERYTHING” service.

The tariffs described above are intended exclusively for smartphones. They cannot be used in a modem or tablet. Offers with completely unlimited Internet for computers from Beeline in currently no, but for tablets there is an assumption. provides unlimited Beeline Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic. As you already understood, the tariff will only work on tablets.

A distinctive feature of the tariff plan is that it does not provide for protocol restrictions. The operator provides the ability to download files from file-sharing networks (torrents) at high speed. It is worth noting that all other tariffs with unlimited Internet have a similar limitation. Otherwise, the tariff is characterized by the same underwater rocks, as for the previously described tariff plans.

The subscription fee for the tariff is 890 rubles. per month (Moscow and Moscow region). Packages of minutes and SMS are completely absent. Moreover, on this tariff and there is no possibility at all to carry out voice calls or send SMS. Connection voice communication and SMS messaging services are possible only upon concluding a written contract for the provision of mobile phone services radiotelephone communication. When you switch to a tariff, you only get unlimited Beeline Internet, and even then with big amount restrictions.

Unlimited Beeline Internet within the Highway options

Unfortunately, Beeline has not provided tariffs and options for a long time that provide absolutely unlimited mobile Internet without any restrictions. All the tariffs we reviewed cannot be used in a modem or router. For computers and laptops, Beeline offers to connect the “Highway” option. Within this option, only nightly unlimited access is available; the rest of the time you will have to save money so as not to spend traffic beyond the package.

“Highway” is a family of Internet options that differ in cost and package of available traffic. Night unlimited(from 01:00 to 07:59) is valid on options with 8, 12 and 20 GB of Internet traffic. Subscription fees will vary depending on the region. As an example, we provide information for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Cost of Highway options with night unlimited:

  • “Highway 8 GB” - 600 rubles/month;
  • “Highway 12 GB” - 700 rubles/month;
  • “Highway 20 GB” - 1200 rub./month.

Internet speed depends on many factors, in particular your location. In the 4G network, Beeline promises average speed data transfer 10-20 Mbit/s. On a 3G network - 3-5 Mbit/s, on a 2G network (GPRS) - 60-100 Kbit/s. If you have one of the “All for” tariff plans and you additionally activate the “Highway” option, then unlimited night traffic It does not work.

The speed is not reduced at night, at least this did not happen during testing of the option. If you have encountered similar or other problems, please leave feedback. The “Highway” option can be used on any device (smartphone, tablet, modem, router). There are no speed reductions on torrents yet. In general, this is a good option, but there is a significant drawback - Beeline unlimited Internet without speed and traffic restrictions is only valid from 01:00 to 07:59. The rest of the time you will be able to get a maximum of 20 GB.