Set up a new wifi router. setting up a router with an ethernet connection to the internet. Which Wi-Fi router or access point to choose?

The Internet has firmly entered our homes, on the Internet we can now find out everything we need, watch our favorite programs, TV series, films, news online, download the software we need, and most importantly, exchange information with other people. Now there are a huge number of devices in the world with the ability to connect to the Internet. Now every family has several devices that require access to the Internet. And most of them work over the network.

The question arises: how can we organize our home wireless network? A Wi-Fi router will help us with this. A router, or in Russian, a router, allows us to connect several devices at once to one Internet channel, both via wired and Wi-Fi. Many people think, but connecting, installing, and configuring a Wi-Fi Router is difficult and beyond the power of an ordinary person! This is not true, after reading this article you will understand that everything is simple! Let's begin.

Where to start setting up a Wi-Fi router.

Let me make a reservation right away: in this article I will not talk about any specific router model; here we will talk about the general scheme for setting up a Wi-Fi router. If you are interested in a specific model, go to the “router setup” section and in the list of articles, select the one that applies to your router. Also at the end of the article I will provide links to setting up the most popular models.

Before we start setting up, we need to connect to the computer and laptop using patch cords (This is a small wire with two plugs at the ends, which should have been included with the routers), you will learn more about this in the article “Connecting a router”. You also need to configure your computer (laptop), which you can find out here. Now you can proceed directly to setting up your Wi-Fi router. It is not possible to describe the detailed configuration of all router models in one article at once. Therefore, I will give you a setup diagram for any router.

Setting scheme
  1. To get started, open any browser (Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer), write the router address in the address bar. should be written in the instructions or on the back cover of the router. You can also read the article “how to find out the router address.”
  2. Then an authorization window will appear, enter “Username” and “Password”, usually the default is admin/admin. But there are models where this is not the case, so look at the back panel of the router and the name and password for your device should be written there. Enter and press “Enter” or “Submit”
  3. After you get to the working page, you need to set up the Internet first. Find the inscription “WAN” on the page (in some routers you need to go to setup mode or manual mode, and only then look for WAN). Click on it.
  4. On the page that appears, you need to select “connection type”. Then enter the provider settings. And be sure to click Save.
  5. Our next step will be setting up Wi Fi. On the same page where “WAN” is located we will find the inscription “Wireless”. You need to specify the network name (SSID) and enter the Wi-Fi key (select the encryption type “WPA2-PSK”). Save again.
  6. Then you need to Reboot the devices. All setup will be completed here.

Please note that this is just a wiring diagram so you have an idea of ​​what you will encounter. You can find out the complete and detailed setup of your Wi-Fi router here.

After setup, you will need to install the router.

Router installation

In order to understand how to install a Wi-Fi router in an apartment (house), we need to decide whether we will use only Wi-Fi or whether we will also connect a wire. If we connect a wire, it is best to install the router near the computer so that the included wire is sufficient.

For Wi-Fi only users, you can leave the router near the computer, or attach it to the wall in a place convenient for you.

For a two-story house, choose a location approximately in the center.

For beautiful models, I recommend simply placing it on a bedside table or table.

Connecting Wi-Fi at home is the most common task today for the average user. If you don’t delve into some of the subtleties related to network security, installing a Wi-Fi router only seems like a complicated matter. In practice everything is very simple.

First, let's figure out which Wi-Fi router to choose. Network equipment is divided into several categories. ADSL Wi-Fi routers are used to connect using ADSL technology via a telephone line. This technology is used less and less, and there is no fundamental difference in the settings. Wi-Fi routers connected via Ethernet are, in turn, divided into several categories. There are bridges (gates), Wi-Fi routers, Wi-Fi access points, Wi-Fi repeaters (repeaters). There is no fundamental difference between them. Special configuration of the router turns one type of equipment into another. Thus, many models of Wi-Fi routers will help act as a repeater, and the repeater can be configured as a Wi-Fi router. The Wi-Fi repeater receives a signal from one of the Wi-Fi routers and transmits it further. This expands the coverage area of ​​your home Wi-Fi network, strengthens the Wi-Fi signal, and eliminates “dead zones.” Wi-Fi gates transmit Wi-Fi signals over long distances. Using two Wi-Fi gates, you can install a Wi-Fi network in neighboring houses, and using special directional Wi-Fi antennas, you can establish a connection via Wi-Fi over a long distance (up to 10 kilometers). Configuring a router for use as repeaters or gates is uncommon. But often you need to connect a laptop, desktop computer via Wi-Fi, or make it so that you can connect via Wi-Fi from an iPhone or other mobile phone. For these purposes, regular access points or configuration as a Wi-Fi router gate or repeater are required. Based on this, it is easy to conclude that setting up a router, if you need to connect Wi-Fi at home, is practically no different from setting up a gate or repeater. Provided that you configure the Wi-Fi router specifically for your home Wi-Fi network for normal use.

It is usually important not only to connect Wi-Fi at home, but also to ensure high data transfer speeds.
For comfortable work you need standard G, which provides speeds of up to 54 Mbps. In most cases, this is sufficient for comfortable browsing on the Internet. Happy owners of high-speed Internet access, gamers and those who download a lot via torrents, it is advisable to use a more advanced standard. Even careful configuration of a Wi-Fi router will not help if it is using an outdated standard. To use the full potential of modern high-speed wireless networks, the N standard is desirable. The table below compares standards to connect Wi-Fi at home at the desired speed:

Standard Speed Average data transfer rate
802.11b 11 Mbit/s 5 Mbit/s
802.11g 54 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s
802.11a 54 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s
802.11n 200+ Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s

The D-Link DIR-620 router supports the 802.11n standard. The installation of the D-Link DIR-620 Wi-Fi router is standard and is almost no different from the installation of Wi-Fi routers from other manufacturers. Using the example of setting up this router, we will show how connect Wi-Fi at home fast and simple.

To configure the router D-Link DIR-620 you need to follow the following instructions:

1) Connect the router to the network. Connect the Internet cable to the “Internet” port of the router. Connect the cable connecting the router to the computer to one of the LAN ports on the back panel of the router, and connect the other end to the computer’s network card.

2) Open any Internet browser and type in the address bar.
Go to the entered address. A web interface will be displayed, with which you can configure the router. Fill in the empty fields: enter admin in the “Username” field, and admin in the “Password” field. Click on the "Login" button.

3) Next, open the “Network” section, the “Connections” subsection and select the connection called WAN.

4) After this, a page will open showing the connection settings. Click on the IPoE connection type and check the "Allow" box under the type. The same checkboxes should be next to the items “Obtain an IP address automatically”, “Enable IGMP”, “Obtain DNS server address automatically”, “NAT”, “Firewall”. Save your changes.

Let's start setting up a Wi-Fi connection:
1) In the "Network" section, select the "Wi-Fi" subsection. The "Basic Settings" option appears. Make sure that the checkbox next to “Enable wireless connection” is checked. There should be no checkmark next to the "Hide access point" item. Select the "auto" channel, the maximum number of clients is 0. Accept and save the changes made.

2) Click on the “Security Settings” subsection and select “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed” from the “Network Authentication” drop-down list.

After the additional settings open, in the “PSK encryption key:” line, enter the password that will be used to connect to your wireless network. The password must contain at least 8 English characters. For maximum security, when creating a password, it is recommended to combine small and capital letters, symbols and numbers. When you have finished entering your password, accept and save your changes.

This router setup is shown as an example. As you can see, connecting Wi-Fi at home is not difficult.
Installing a Wi-Fi router simple and painless. But if you care about your security, if you want to prevent your personal data from being “lost” and intruders not getting into your computer, we recommend that you contact specialists who will quickly and efficiently do everything to ensure that the router configuration meets the highest network standards security.

Helpful Tips:

  • Removable antennas are convenient because they can be replaced with more powerful ones or unnecessary ones can be removed if one antenna is enough for a stable signal within the room.
  • If the signal is weak, the speed is low, and the connection is constantly breaking, try moving the Wi-Fi router 5-10 cm in any direction. Sometimes this simple movement helps to significantly improve the quality of reception and corresponds to a strengthening of the Wi-Fi signal.
  • Choose a password that is at least 10 characters long, consisting of letters in different cases, numbers and symbols at the same time.
  • When preparing to buy a Wi-Fi router, check out reviews online about existing models. Pay special attention to information about the operation of the router in various modes, at high temperatures and under intense load.
  • Minor savings when purchasing a router can lead to large losses of time later when installing and operating the device.
  • Before purchasing a router, check with your Internet provider which protocols your future router should support.
  • Always try to update your router to the latest official firmware. Visit the official website of the manufacturer of the router model you have chosen and check the availability of new firmware and their compatibility. New firmware improves the stability and speed of wireless devices.
  • If your Internet speed suddenly drops and websites open slowly, you can check the speed of your Internet connection by going to the free web service http://speedtest,net.
  • Most problems caused by network failure can be easily resolved by simply rebooting the equipment.

If the power of the router is not enough for stable Wi-Fi coverage of an apartment, home or office, the need for additional devices arises. There are three ways to strengthen the weak signal of the main router: install an additional antenna, a repeater, or another router. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages; let’s take a closer look at the third option.

How to set up a router

To configure the router, connect a computer or other device with a web browser installed to it:

  • You can connect your computer with a cable by connecting the PC’s network card to a free LAN port of the router;
  • You can connect to the router via a wireless Wi-Fi network using a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

By default, the wireless network is assigned a name (SSID) identical to the name of the router model, and access to the distributed Wi-Fi network is not protected by a password.

After establishing a connection with the router, open a web browser on your computer or connected wireless device and type the router’s IP address in the address bar. For example, for a TP-LINK router the address will be as follows:

The illustrations are taken from the settings of the TP-LINK TL-WR 1045 router; for other manufacturers, the control panel looks different, but the general principles, abbreviations and terms will be the same.

Entering the router's IP address in the browser's address bar will open access to the control panel

The correct IP address, login and password required to log into the control panel are indicated on the plate attached to the bottom of the router.

The IP address, login and password of the control panel are indicated on the nameplate on the bottom of the router

The login and password indicated on the sign apply only to the control panel, but not to the wireless network distributed by the router. After entering your login and password, the main screen will appear, displaying information about the status of the device and providing access to menu items for setting modes.

Do not change the factory settings of the router unless necessary. After making changes to the router settings, reboot the device.

Video: setting up a Wi-Fi router

Two ways to connect routers

Routers are connected to one local network either by cable or wirelessly. It is recommended to use devices from the same manufacturer.

Cable connection

A twisted pair cable (UTP cable) is laid between the main and additional routers. In the main router, the cable is connected to the LAN socket, and in the additional router - to the WAN socket (this socket is highlighted in color and is sometimes called Internet). With this connection, the additional router will be a network device for the main one, and the main router will act as a provider for the additional one, distributing the Internet and providing a dynamic IP address.

Before installing an additional router, consider how the cable will be laid and carefully measure the length of the future cable channel. When purchasing a cable, buy one meter longer than the measured cable channel, and ask the seller to immediately crimp the ends of the cable into the connectors. If the cable channel runs outside the premises and is exposed to natural influences, then purchase a cable with a reinforced sheath.

Advantages of the method:

  • reliability and stability of the cable connection;
  • easy setup of both routers;
  • The installation location of the additional router is not limited by the wireless coverage area of ​​the main router.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the need to purchase and lay cables;
  • When moving the router, the cable will have to be moved to a new location.

Configuring routers when connected by cable

If the main router is already configured to work with the provider and there are no complaints about the work, then there is no need to change anything in the settings.

Make sure that the DHCP function in the main router is enabled to automatically distribute IP addresses on the local network. The start and end IP addresses do not need to be changed.

Setting up an additional router

It is recommended to immediately reset any changes made to the router settings to those preset by the manufacturer. To do this, turn on the router, find the Reset button on the rear panel, press and hold it pressed for 5-7 seconds. To protect against accidental reset of settings, the button is hidden inside the case and can be pressed through the hole using a needle or an unbent paper clip.

An example of the location of the reset button on the back panel of the router: the button is hidden inside, only the hole for pressing is visible

In the additional router, two settings are checked and set:

Making changes to the additional router’s own IP address allows you to avoid conflicts between identical addresses on the same network

After changing the router's IP address, to re-access the control panel, enter the new address in the browser's address bar.

There is a cable connection option in which the cable is connected to the LAN port of an additional router. This option requires complex setup and does not provide any advantages over a WAN port connection.

Wi-Fi connection

Advantages of the method:

  • does not require physical connection of routers with a cable;
  • allows you to easily move an additional router if necessary.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • relative complexity of setup;
  • slowdown in wireless network speed.

The main router receives the Internet from the provider and distributes it via the wireless network LAN1; the additional router receives the Internet wirelessly from the main router and distributes it via the LAN2 wireless network

Configuring routers when connecting via Wi-Fi

When two routers are connected on a local network via a wireless channel, a “bridge” connection is used, in English Wireless Distribution System (WDS), designed specifically to expand Wi-Fi coverage area.

Understanding Bridged Connectivity (WDS)

When installing this type of connection, the main router operates in standard mode, and the additional one acts as a Wi-Fi amplifier, receiving and distributing the signal further.

To connect routers in bridge mode, you need to establish a permanent (fixed) communication channel between them and specify the physical addresses of the connected devices in the settings. To set up a “bridge”, both routers are turned on, the main router is configured in advance for the provider, receives and distributes the Internet, and the settings of the additional router are pre-set to factory settings by pressing the Reset button.

Configuring the main router for WDS mode

We change the automatic broadcast channel selection mode to a fixed channel mode (for example, to the 11th channel).

Setting a fixed channel number prevents the router from automatically scanning the airwaves and selecting the least loaded channel. Therefore, if other wireless networks are operating nearby, you may have to manually experimentally select the least loaded channel or use a special program to search for a free channel. The channel number must be changed simultaneously on both routers - the main and additional ones.

Setting up an additional router for WDS mode

On the main page of the router control panel, the line “WDS Status” should display “working”. This means that the additional router has connected to the main router and is distributing the Internet.

Video: how to make a Wi-Fi network between routers (WDS)

Creating a complex network requires knowledge and experience. If you are confident in your abilities, use our instructions. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to ask for help.

Setting up a router is not an easy procedure, but we are ready to help you understand all its intricacies. Just read the instructions below carefully, and in just a few minutes you can easily set the parameters you need and get started!

#1. Connection

Before you configure the router yourself via a computer, you need to connect it:

  • Insert the Internet cable into the WAN/Internet port;
  • Install the end of the network cable into the LAN port of the device;
  • Place the other end into the connector on the PC;
  • Connect the model to a power outlet and press power on.
  • Ready!

We hope that this brief instruction helped you understand the first steps, but you can read more about the connection process on the website. Now you can safely move on to the instructions, which tell you how to properly configure your WiFi router yourself.

#2. Login to the web interface

We would like to warn you that setting up a WiFi router online through a browser can only be done after turning on the device. When you activate the work, the wireless network distribution will begin with factory settings (login, password). You can change the router settings in a special web interface that each device is equipped with.

Important! To open the setup interface, you need to connect your computer to the device. Internet access is not required.

To open the site for setting up your router, do the following:

  • Open your browser;
  • Enter the IP address in the address bar;
  • In the window that opens, log in - enter your username and password.

  • The address, network name and login pin code are indicated on a sticker located on the back of the router.

  • Some devices do not have login data - they need to be installed after logging into the interface.

Please note that some manufacturers set the parameters themselves - then you don’t need to do anything when you turn it on for the first time.

#3. Setup instructions

Most routers have a special wizard option that will help you quickly set the necessary parameters. For example, here, the item is called “Quick setup”:

The most important thing you need to configure is:

  1. Internet connection;
  2. Wi-Fi network.

Let's deal with the first parameter first. Our main goal is, of course, the operation of the Internet on devices:

  • Open the General Settings tab. Most often they are located in the WAN or Internet section;
  • Specify the provider connection type, username and password - you can see the information in the contract;

  • If the provider requires MAC address binding, provide the required data (from the contract).

Important! If the provider uses (DHCP), then the connection to the network will occur automatically. Skip this section of the instructions; there is no need to reconfigure the router.

  • Open the section called Wi-Fi. It may be called differently - Wireless network/Wireless/Wireless mode;
  • In the “Network name” or “SSID” field, enter a new name (in Latin only);
  • In the “Wireless network key” field, enter the identification code you created;
  • Security type – WPA2 – Personal;
  • Change the region to the location in the appropriate line;
  • Save your changes.

If you want to change your router settings, we recommend that you change the factory access code. This is important if you want to protect yourself from unauthorized entry. Here's how to do it:

  • Find the security or privacy settings section;
  • Change the data to a new, reliable code.

All of the above instructions apply if you need to set up a new router instead of an old one or install completely new equipment. By the way, we suggest you watch a general video on how to set up a router. It is perfect for those who are not confident in their abilities, because it shows the whole process step by step and in detail!

Now you know everything about how to set up the Internet on a Wi-Fi router via a computer - use our article to achieve results. Just follow the instructions and in a few minutes you will be able to successfully surf the Internet.

Wireless networks are a very convenient tool for solving everyday problems related to accessing the Internet. Today it is quite difficult to find a person who does not have a router at home. Installing a Wi-Fi router yourself is not a difficult task, and now we will look in detail at how to do it.

Device selection

Before moving on to the question of how to install a router, you should select it. Nowadays you can find a great variety of different models of Wi-Fi routers in stores. However, not all of them will suit your requirements. There are several parameters to consider in this matter:

  1. the presence of a powerful external antenna - the description should indicate the power, for example, 5;
  2. convenient and intuitive interface - this will allow you to easily and quickly understand the settings. Today, routers from the company have the simplest and most intuitive interface;
  3. supported standards – there are several standards that are most common:
    • 802.11 is an old standard operating at 2.4 GHz;
    • 802.11 – is also considered obsolete and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz;
    • 802.11 is a new standard that operates at 5 GHz and is characterized by higher data transfer rates over wireless networks (up to 300 Mbps). It is worth noting that routers that support the 802.11 type can work with all types of devices, even with outdated models operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. In this matter, it is best to give preference to routers that support operation on all these standards (make sure that the box bears the designation “N” - 300 Mbits);
  4. the presence of the required ports for connecting an Internet cable, modems, computers, and so on. Here you should proceed from your preferences and requirements.

When choosing equipment, we recommend avoiding cheap Chinese devices. Such gadgets work with constant glitches. Now let's move on to the main question - how to install a router at home. It's probably best to start by determining where the access point will be located.

Determining the location

It is preferable to place the router in the central part of the room (or as close to the center as possible) somewhere under the ceiling or on a cabinet.

The higher the access point is located, the fewer obstacles there are in the signal path and the larger the coverage area.

When deciding how to install a Wi-Fi router at home, you should avoid mirrors, as they reflect the signal and radio waves simply will not pass through; household appliances, especially those with strong radiation of electromagnetic waves, such as microwave ovens (microwave ovens), refrigerators, radios, home phones, and so on.

If the room is quite large and one router is not able to cover the entire territory, then you can significantly increase the coverage area. It is worth noting that each router has wall mounts. So, now you know where and how to install the router yourself. Now you can proceed to configuration.

Equipment setup

Typically, when you turn on the router for the first time, Wi-Fi is already working. All you have to do is change the network name and assign a password for security.

First, we need to go to the access point parameters. To do this, you need to find out the IP address of the router. It is indicated on the factory sticker that is on each router (carefully inspect the gadget from all sides).

You can also find it out on the command line. Just connect to the network, open the command line, enter the ipconfig command and press . Next, we need to find the line “Main gateway” - the address we need will be there.

Now you need to enter this IP address into the address bar of any browser and click. Typically, the IP address looks like this: or There may be other meanings - this has already been clarified by the methods described above.

So, installing a Wi-Fi router at home involves two setup steps:

  • setting up local network and Wi-Fi;
  • setting up an Internet connection.

Let's take a closer look at both points.

Setting up a local network

When asking how to install a new router, the first thing you should look at is setting up the local network and Wi-Fi connection. We will look at further steps using the example of setting up a TP-Link router. If you have a different model, then don’t worry: all routers are configured according to the standard scheme. Differences may only be in the names of some sections and in the appearance of the interface.

So, follow these steps:

This completes the local network setup. But installing a router doesn't end there. Now we need to configure Internet access.

WAN setup

In order to set up an Internet connection (WAN), you need to know what type of connection your ISP uses. There are several options:

  • PPPoE – in this case you need to enter the login and password that your provider gave you;
  • binding by MAC address - in this case, as a rule, there is no need to manually enter network parameters;
  • static IP - this means that you are assigned a specific IP address and other parameters that must be entered manually.

In any case, you will have to call your provider and find out exactly how the router is configured (what type of connection is used).

There are options when you don’t need to configure anything at all. That is, you connect the router to the provider’s cable, connect your computer to your network and load any website. The first time you try, the system will display a window in which you will need to enter the username and password assigned by your provider. After entering the data, the router will automatically bind to the system and the network will be configured.