How to set the computer name on the network. How to change computer name in windows

More and more people are using personal computers, are eager to learn how to change the username in Windows 10, since many of the default logins set by the system do not meet the requirements for work. This operation simplifies the use of the system and allows you to more conveniently and accurately define work groups and devices. There are various ways to change your name in Microsoft Windows latest versions.

How to change login on Windows 10

The simplest way to change the user name in Windows 10 is to change system parameters account. This function is accessed through the Start menu, where you need to click on the icon with the avatar and user name. You can also go to the system control panel and select “User Accounts”.

In the window that opens, you can rename the profile of both your own and other users (if you are logged in as an administrator).

Enter the desired name and confirm it by pressing Enter. Now you can see it in the Start menu, on loading screen and in other places. Computer owners interested in how to change the username on Windows 10 should keep in mind that it is better to indicate any system name with Latin letters. The use of Cyrillic is allowed, however, this may cause conflicts with some programs that do not support the Russian language, where the name in this font will be displayed incorrectly. Think about this if you want to thoroughly understand how to change your username on Windows 10.

Changing the computer name and workgroup

To replace the computer name and working group In Windows, the same sequence of actions is used. Go to the “Start” menu and click on the name of the “PC Settings” item. Go to the “System” tab, where you will see the current name of the computer and workgroup. Click “Change settings” to make changes and in the window that opens, rename your computer and, if desired, your account, confirming the action by clicking OK.

note that change made will become active only after rebooting the computer.

Execute this operation you can immediately click on the button that appears, or later, after completing active applications. If your computer is connected to other devices in the house via a network, you should also remember to rename the network connection (for example, by restarting the router) so that it appears in network groups accordingly.

Creating a new user and deleting accounts

If you are interested in how to change your Windows 10 username, be sure to keep in mind that some applications begin to work incorrectly after standard replacement username or workgroup. In addition, some of system folders It will no longer be possible to rename and move to other directories. If similar phenomenon observed on your computer, optimal solution will create a new account and make it the default primary account (give administrator rights). To get started, use standard features system by going to the Start menu, clicking on your avatar and selecting “Change account name.”

In the window that appears, select the function to change parameters. Go to the "Family and other users" tab and then select the option to add a new profile for current computer. Many people ask questions about how to rename Windows users 10 or create new ones without online connection.

The fact is that by default, when creating a new profile, the computer is under Windows control 10 automatically binds it to the Microsoft server, connecting to the system manufacturer’s website. This is not convenient for all users, since access to various data will require constant active connection to the Internet, so the corresponding option can be disabled.

To avoid synchronizing with Microsoft servers, create new profile without indication existing address Email, and also check the “Add without a Microsoft account” option.

Now you can specify the desired name and, if necessary, set a password, supplementing it with a hint for recovery in case of loss. Give the created profile administrator rights by selecting the “Change account type” function and selecting “Administrator” here. Restart your computer to sign in with your new settings.

After creating a new profile, you most likely won't need the old one anymore, so you can delete an unused account in Windows 10. Use the account settings window you already know, which opens through the Start menu or Control Panel. Here you can go to the options of any profile that is not a computer administrator and select “Delete”.

Don't forget to save it first separate folder or in removable media all unnecessary profile data from the Users directory on your hard drive, since they will be deleted from the default folder immediately after the current user entry is eliminated.

Performing these actions is not difficult and is done quite quickly. It is worth noting that for this you need to have administrator rights. In addition, the use of Cyrillic characters and special characters is not provided.

To rename a PC running Windows 7 you need to:

Allowed use of Latin characters and hyphens. Russian letters and other special characters should be avoided. The new name will become active the next time you turn on the device.

How to change name in Windows 10

Through system settings

One solution is to use " Parameters" To open the required settings window you need to:

Changes will take effect after reboot device, about which the user will also be notified by the system.

Through system properties

The settings menu, designed specifically for Windows 10, is not the only place where you can set a new device name. To take advantage of more familiar interfaces necessary:

Renaming via the command line

Change this parameter also available via the console. To do this in cmd with administrator rights you must enter the command «% computername%"callrenamename=”New computer name”. To avoid problems, it is recommended to use only Latin letters. After restarting the device, its name will be changed.

Change in Windows 8

Overriding this setting in this version operating system from Microsoft somewhat different from the previous ones. This state of affairs is caused by a differently constructed interface logic.

To change your name in Windows 8, you will need to follow these steps:

Now the device will contain in its parameters a different identifier assigned by the user. This is especially useful within local network, when it becomes obvious who is the owner of the device. You should avoid identical names within the same node, otherwise there is a high probability of network conflicts.

Today we'll look at how different ways change name Windows computer 7.

What is the name of a computer, what is its meaning? In most cases, it makes no difference what your PC is called. On a local network, clients are identified by name, not by IP or MAC addresses, so the names of computers on the network must be unique. Having two identical names will lead to a conflict and a reset network connection, and the user will see a notification about this. If this happens, let's figure out how to rename a PC on Windows 7.

Properties of the system

It's easy to change the system name of your computer or laptop.

  1. Open the properties of the “My Computer” object through its context menu.

If the directory icon is located on the desktop, it is not necessary to expand this drop-down menu.

This window is also called in another way.

  • Open the “Control Panel”.
  • Click “System” if the elements are displayed as icons.

  • Otherwise, click on the “System, Security” link.

  1. In the window where the main system information, click “Change settings”.

To gain access to the dialog in which a new network name for the computer is specified, you must have administrator privileges.

The first two steps can be replaced by running the command "sysdm.cpl" in the command interpreter window (runs combination Win+R.

  1. In the window that appears, click “Change...”.

Another window will open. There you can already enter a new computer name.

  1. Write the desired name in the text form.

Please note that it must consist only of Latin characters, hyphens and numbers. Spaces and special characters are not allowed. If you try to do this, an error will appear saying that the name entered is invalid, listing characters that should not be in it.

Entering an underscore and Cyrillic characters in the name of a PC may result in it no longer being visible to other network participants if they do not use a DNS server from Microsoft.

  1. Press Enter.
  2. If necessary, we reboot, saving the work progress in all open applications.

Until you do this, the previous network identifier will be used on the computer, and a corresponding notification will appear in its properties.

If you are working under an account with limited rights, you will be asked to confirm the operation or enter a password.

Renaming from the command line

Computer names in Windows can also be changed through command line. Open it with elevated privileges.

  1. To do this, call the command interpreter when help Win+R.
  2. Enter and run the “cmd” command.

How to change the computer name in the black window that appears?

  1. We execute the following code:

wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call rename name="NAME"

Here we replace “NAME” with a new name for the computer, taking into account the restrictions described above.

The renaming command can also be executed in command interpreter– the effect will be similar.

Although the method is simpler and shorter, it has a couple of disadvantages. The first is that almost no one knows how to find the computer name in the command line. Let's figure this out.

Enter the command “hostname” (will display the name, taking into account the case of letters) or “echo %computername%” (all characters will be in capital letters). The screenshot shows both options.

The second drawback: the command line does not show the new name that will be assigned to the machine after it is rebooted.

Registry Editor

Below are instructions from which you will learn how to find the computer name in the registry editor and replace it with a new one.

  1. Execute "regedit" in search bar or the Run window.

  1. Go to the section with global HKLM parameters.
  1. In the “SYSTEM” folder, expand the “CurrentControlSet”, “Control” and “ComputerName” directories.

  1. Open the folder “ActiveComputerName”.

The “ComputerName” key stores the current name of your machine. We don't touch it under any circumstances. In the “ComputerName” directory there is a similar key with a new name if it has been changed. Otherwise, the values ​​of the entries will be identical.

  1. Open the parameter editing window in “ComputerName”, for example, through the context menu.

  1. Set a new name, click “OK” and reboot.

We looked at what a computer name is in Seven, where to find it and how to change it different ways: via the command line, registry editor and system properties.

Video instruction

We suggest watching how to rename a PC using the first method in the video below.

Today's article will tell inexperienced users How to change the computer name in Windows 10 to what you want. But first it is worth noting that when naming a system you cannot use Cyrillic characters, punctuation and majority special characters (?).

Also for renaming user computer You must have an administrator account or have administrator privileges in the account under which the PC is renamed.

If a user knows how to change the computer name in Windows 10, will he need this knowledge in practice? Definitely yes. For example, in a local network, each computer must have its own unique name(different from others). If there are two PCs on the network with same names conflicts are possible when accessing one of them, which is unacceptable for normal operation corporate or home network.

Due to the fact that Windows 10 generates these names randomly Based on the algorithms specified by the developers, some devices can carry same names. The problem is widespread in Windows builds 10, where their authors specify specific names for the system.

Important! If the option of automatic authorization in the system is activated, deactivate it while renaming the computer, and then enable it back after restarting the operating system, when the PC has a new name. This is necessary to avoid problems with creating new accounts with the same name as the PC.

Changing the PC name in the operating system settings

Let's begin our discussion of the topic with Microsoft's default method of renaming a PC to Windows environment 10. This is using the Options menu.

  1. We call it using the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ I” or by clicking on the item of the same name in the Start context menu.
  2. In the window that opens with a tiled structure, go to the “System” section.
  3. Let's go to last tab"About the system."
  4. In the first section, click on the icon that says: “Rename your computer.”
  5. Set a new name in Latin letters and click “Next” to save the changes.

In the window asking you to reboot, it is advisable to answer in the affirmative, saving everything before doing so. open documents. Only after a reboot will the computer have a new name.

Change the PC name in its properties

Changing the name of the computer is also available in the window familiar from the “seven”.

1. Call up the computer properties through the Start context menu by selecting the “System” item in it.

3. Click on the “Computer name” tab and click on the icon called “Change”.

4. Set a new name for the PC and click “OK” in both windows to close them and save the changes made.

Remember: the changes will take effect only after the “ten” is restarted.

Changing the PC name from the command line

Let's look at how to change the computer name in Windows 10 using the command line.

  • We launch the tool with administrator privileges, for example, through the Start context menu.
  • In the window that opens, execute: wmic computersystem where name=”%computer_name%” call rename name=”. Instead of the phrase “computer_name”, enter its desired name in Latin, which does not contain special characters.

After a notification appears about the successful completion of the procedure, close the window and reboot the system.

Please keep in mind that changing the computer name in Windows 10 when working on it using a Microsoft account means that a new device is linked to the user’s online account. Although this is not accompanied by problems, you should remove the old device from the list of devices in your account on the Microsoft page.

When using the archiving functions and file history they will start again. The last tool will notify you about the launch, and will also offer options for actions that should be taken to add old story operations to the current one.

If you find computers (with an old and a new name) on your home network, the router should be rebooted while the computer is turned off or in hibernation mode.

A computer name is a set of characters that is used to identify a computer on a local network. The computer name is initially set during the operating system installation process. But many users simply skip this installation step. As a result, an automatically generated character set is used as the computer name. Naturally, this complicates working on a local network and in such cases it is necessary to change the computer name. In this article we will talk about how to change the computer name in Windows 7 or.

Changing the computer name is quite simple; all you need to do is access the system settings. To begin, click on the “System and Security” link, and then on the “System” link.

After this, the “View basic information about your computer” window will open in front of you.

Here on the “Computer name” tab you need to click on the “Change” button. After which you should see a window called “Change computer name or domain name”.

In this horse you can change the computer name. To do this, enter a new name in the “Computer name” field and close the window by clicking on the “OK” button.

It should be noted that it is recommended to use only the English alphabet (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and the hyphen (-) as the computer name. However, the computer name cannot contain only numbers or include a space. In addition to Space, it is prohibited to use the following characters:< > ; : » * + = \ | ? ,

All changes have been made. In order for the computer to use the new name, you must restart. After closing the System Properties window, a window will open asking you to reboot. You can agree by clicking on the “Restart now” button or refuse and restart your computer at any time convenient for you.