How to send one email to many recipients at once. Working with the fields “To” (“To”), “Cc” (“CC”), “Bcc” (“Bcc”)

In Microsoft Outlook, you can specify that for all messages you send, an automatic Bcc (Bcc) will be sent to other distribution lists or users.

One scenario in which this rule is useful is when all group members reply to incoming email messages, such as Help Center. When one group member replies to a message, other group members automatically receive a copy of the reply, keeping all outgoing messages up to date.

client rules

Create a rule

Now, every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or groups that are specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or groups do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to all recipients of the message.

Disable a rule

    In the Mail view, on the tab home click the button rules > Manage Rules and Alerts.

    On the tab in the section Rule

    Click the button OK.

Rules and Alerts.

Advice: For more information about how to quickly disable this rule for individual messages, see the next section ("").

Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

If you want the flexibility to turn off automatic new copy rules based on a single message without having to navigate through the dialog box rules and alerts, you can use the categories feature in Outlook, along with a rule.


First, you need to create a rule to automatically send blind carbon copy (CC) for all email messages you send.

This specific rule is called client rules. Client rules run only on the computer on which it is created and run only if Outlook is running. If you were to send an email using an email account on another computer, the rule would not run from that computer so that it would be generated on that computer. This same rule must be created on each computer that plans to use it.

Create a rule

Now every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or distribution lists specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or distribution lists do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to everyone who receives the message.

Disable a rule

To prevent a copy from being sent automatically, you must first disable the rule.

    In Mail in the menu Service click the button Rules and Alerts.

    On the tab Email Rules In chapter Rule uncheck the box corresponding to the rule you created.

    Click the button OK.

    You can now send a message without automatically sending a copy to other people or mailing lists. The rule will be inactive until it is re-enabled in the dialog box Rules and Alerts.


Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

If you want to disable the new automatic Send CC rule for individual messages without calling the dialog box Rules and Alerts, you can set the rule to a category that is available in Office Outlook 2007.

Modify the rule you created earlier so that when you add the specified category to a message, the rule does not automatically send a copy.

Whenever you want to disable the auto-cc rule for a message, apply a category to it.

Advice: You can use a keyboard shortcut if you specified it when creating the category.

When you send a message, the auto-copy rule will not apply.


If you use an application installed on your operating system to send emails (such as Microsoft Outlook or The Bat!), then launch it and create a message that you want to send to multiple recipients.

List the email addresses of all recipients in the To field. Type them on one line, separated by a comma and a space. You can use a semicolon (;) instead of a comma. If all the addresses you need are in the address book of your email client, then instead of manually entering it, you can use it. Depending on the program you are using, this action can be organized in different ways - for example, in The Bat application, click on the icon on the right side of the “To” field, and then in the window that opens, drag all the necessary addresses from the left field to the right. Another option is to check the checkboxes of the desired list lines, and then click the right arrow button.

You can use the Cc and Bcc fields in the same way. The main difference between placing a list of recipients in the "To" and "Cc" fields is the sorting order and ease of searching for messages that have already been sent. If you later need to find the text of this message, it is easier to search for it by the main recipient in the “To” field, rather than by the whole list, which is better placed in the “Cc” field. The "Bcc" line differs from the "CC" line in that the list placed in it will not be visible to any recipients.

Click the send button for a prepared message with a completed list of recipients, and the application will begin sending the message.

If you use an email service hosted on an Internet server (for example, or, then filling out the fields described in the second and third steps must be done in the browser, and their names and purposes are usually the same with those used in the mail client. If your email service is free, then most likely it has a limit on the number of recipients - for example, should not exceed 15. Check out the corresponding restrictions of your service before sending messages.


  • How to Send 1000 Emails

It happens that you need to send several messages at once. This is usually how jokes, announcements and other information are distributed. There are special services and programs for this. They will send your messages in a jiffy.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet;
  • - ePochta Mailer 4.2 program
  • - in addition, the ePochta Subscription Manager program


For example, you can register on the website pistonposter.сom. This service is stable. Here you have the opportunity to create your own blogs. Go to the "Projects" section. Enter your text that you plan to distribute. You can also find the Action option, under which there are several icons. Select a leaf image. The Send Message window will appear. Specify where and to whom yours will be sent, and click the “Send” button.

On the social network Vkontakte you can also send several messages simultaneously messages. To do this, go to the “My Messages” section and click on the “Write a message” button. Enter the text you need and in the “Recipient” field, select those to whom you want to send your letters.

ePochta Mailer 4.25 – for sending messages. It allows mass mailings to recipients. Download and install it on . You can find it on the website Import the required e-mails and names of your recipients into it. Add the text to be sent. After this, click on the “Start” button. Within a few seconds, all messages will be delivered.

If you add a recipient"s name to the Bcc(blind carbon copy) box in an email message, a copy of the message is sent to the recipient that you specify. Any recipients added to the Bcc box will not be shown to any other recipients who receive the message.

After you turn on the Bcc box, it appears every time you create a message until it"s turned off. The option to turn on the Bcc field can be found in two locations, depending on whether you are composing a new message or replying to or forwarding a message.

Turn off Bcc

You can turn off the Bcc

View BCC recipients

Bcc Sent Items

After you turn on the Bcc box, it appears every time you create a message until it"s turned off.

Turn off Bcc

You can turn off the Bcc box for future messages at any time.

View BCC recipients

If you"re the recipient of a message, you can"t see whether the sender added Bcc recipients. Only the sender of a message can see the names of Bcc recipients by opening a message in the Sent Items folder where all sent messages are stored by default.

Best practices for using BCC

    Pave the way Before you add an intended recipient"s name to the Bcc box in a message, make sure that the recipient is expecting your message. That person may need to take steps to establish you as a safe sender (or a safe recipient, if your name will be in the To box of the message).

    Why is this necessary? Using Bcc is a favorite technique of spammers. Therefore, many junk email filters flag messages that use the Bcc box as junk. So if your intended recipient has not added your name to the Safe Senders List in Microsoft Outlook, your message may go straight to the Junk email folder or its equivalent.

    For more information about setting up the junk email filter in Outlook, see Add names to the Junk Email Filter Lists.

    Think before you include a distribution list in the Bcc box People who use rules to sort their email into folders will be inconvenienced if you list the name of the distribution list in the Bcc box. Because their rules depend on the name of the distribution list being in the To box or Cc box, your message will not be sorted according to their rules.

    Know your limits Many email service providers set limits for the number of names that can be included in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes in a message. For example, your email service provider may limit each message to a maximum of 100 email addresses. If these addresses are distributed among the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes, remember that the names in the Bcc box will count towards your total limit. Ask your email service provider about the policies for your account.

Ideas for using BCC

    Keep the recipient list private Bcc can help you to be respectful of others" privacy by keeping them in the loop without disclosing their identities. For example, if you send a job announcement to multiple people, you may want to use Bcc to keep the identities of the potential job seekers private.

    Tip: Consider using mail merge in Microsoft Office Word 2007 as an alternative to Bcc. With mail merge, you can quickly send the same email message to individual recipients. Mail merge allows you to do a mass mailing with just one name in the To box of the message.

    Help curb a conversation that has gone wild Here is one situation in which using Bcc for a distribution list or a large number of names can be helpful.

    Suppose you send a message with a large number of people listed in the To box. The discussion starts to get lively, and everyone wants to give an opinion. The number of messages increases drastically because many recipients reply with the sentiment "please stop replying all to this message." The problem is that when they do this, they click Reply to All. One way to curb the use of the Reply to All option is to respond and put the name of the distribution list in the Bcc box. For example, you can click Reply, put only your name in the To box, move the distribution list to the Bcc box, and write a message similar to the following:

    "I appreciate peoples" thoughts on this issue. If you have further comments, please respond to me directly. (I have put this distribution list in the Bcc box to cut down on the reply-to-all messages.)"

    Tip: If you are sending a message to other people who use Outlook, you can prevent them from using the Reply to All option altogether. For more information, see Preventing Reply All.

    Reduce spam Although people who send junk email or spam may like to use Bcc, they won"t like it if you use it. If you hide the recipients" names by listing them in the Bcc box, no one will be able to copy the recipients" email addresses from your messages.

Don't forget to BCC the recipients of the email if not all recipients need to see each other.

BCC, or Blind Carbon Copy- this is what is called a hidden copy in Russian. Thanks to it, the recipient does not see all the other addresses where the letter arrives. This feature is found in all email services, from Outlook to Gmail, and if you still don't know about its existence, then it's quite possible that your colleagues and clients don't like you.

First of all, Bcc is an unspoken etiquette in email correspondence. Just as you shouldn’t, in the same way you shouldn’t show other people’s postal addresses to anyone. And even if you did click on your favorite “Reply all” button, your message will not reach the recipients in BCC.

Not everyone knows this, but BCC not only protects email addresses from prying eyes, but also works as a kind of antivirus, preventing spam from entering your computer. This is because hidden email addresses are inaccessible to viruses traveling via email. And although an email address on the Internet is not as personal and important as a home address, you should not leave it in the public domain - otherwise spam will most likely not be avoided.

Craig Child


“Bcc is where you put contacts that you don't want other people to see. It is usually used for mailings and spam, but this field is also convenient for maintaining decency and not showing email addresses to outsiders. I think it's a mistake to think that people are comfortable with other people seeing their addresses. For example, if it’s an invitation to a party: not everyone knows each other, so it’s often inappropriate for people to see each other’s contact information.”

Most email clients, including Gmail, Yahoo,, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, provide the ability to send one email to a large number of recipients. Usually you can do this using the function Copy(in English, the abbreviation used to denote it is SS), or Hidden copy (CCB). When sending a message to Copies Recipients can see the email addresses of other people who also received the email. In the second case, the identity of additional recipients is hidden.

Adding a recipient's address

To specify the recipient(s) of the email, enter their email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter your username into a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see the full list of other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy used to exchange electronic messages in a more indirect way than the field To whom. If you are not directly addressing the person in your email, but would like that person to follow the conversation in the email thread or simply be aware of the topic, the field Copy would be a great option. The addressee, who is in Copies letters, receives an unread letter in his mailbox, just like the one who was placed in the box To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter to first in the body of your email. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues informed about various events and topics.

You can list email recipients by simply entering a list of addresses in the field Copy, which is usually located immediately below the field To whom. Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to BCC an Email

Every email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of an email to reach a large number of people without exposing their information to other users in the email chain. This function is called BCC or Hidden copy. You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom And Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unwanted emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access settings; V Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; V Gmail need to press a button Copy And Hidden copy; V Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys simultaneously Alt + B.

Image: © Ruslan Nesterenko -