How to enter your personal account megaphone. Insufficient access level. Mechanism for sending documents signed with an enhanced electronic signature

I can't log in Personal Area Rostelecom - some users encounter this problem. It's important to study possible reasons its occurrence for prompt solution.

What reasons can be given:

  • Incorrect login and password.
  • You have not registered for the service.
  • The browser is not working correctly.
  • The computer is infected with viruses.
  • No internet connection.
  • Temporary problems on the server.

What to do

The first reason why a user cannot log into his personal account is that the data was entered incorrectly. Usually the system displays the message “non-existent login password pair”.

Your actions:

  1. Delete the data and try entering it again.
  2. Check the case and language on the keyboard.
  3. If you still can’t log into the system, start the password recovery procedure.

What to do if you forgot your login and password

If the password has been forgotten, then you need to start the recovery procedure. Necessary:

  • Click on the “Forgot your password” item.
  • Specify login, phone or address Email.
  • Get a recovery code.
  • Enter it into the highlighted window.
  • Confirm.
  • Specify a new password.
  • Remember it well or write it down in a notepad.

If you forgot your phone number, email or login, then take your passport and go to the nearest operator’s office. You can try to gain access through support. But it is not a fact that a specialist will agree to remotely identify a client to restore his personal account; there are security rules.

Haven't registered on the site

I can’t log into my Rostelecom personal account, what should I do? You may not even have registered on the site yet. Necessary:

  1. Click on the registration item next to the login form.
  2. Indicate your number, password, place of residence.
  3. Connect services according to instructions from the company.

The registration procedure takes a few minutes. After completing it, write down your password so as not to lose access to your personal account.

Browser error

Why can't I log in to the personal account? One of probable causes– error in the browser or incorrect work programs with various types connections. What can be done?

  • Open another browser.
  • Try to log into your account through it.
  • If the login is successful, then the problem is in the program.
  • Remove the browser, download the latest version from the developer's website.
  • Install it on your device.
  • Try logging in again.


Sometimes it is impossible to fully use websites due to viruses. They are able to get to PC different ways. How the user should proceed:

  1. Find any good antivirus program.
  2. Install it on your PC.
  3. Launch the application.
  4. In the menu, select scan at startup. This is the most effective option.
  5. Reboot your device.
  6. Wait until the scan is completed. It may take several hours, depending on the number of files.
  7. If infected objects are detected, you can select an action for them.

Internet problems

One likely reason is connection problems. How to check:

  • Go to any other site.
  • If the page does not load, then network access has failed.
  • Try restarting your PC and router.
  • Access not restored? Then you should call your provider.

Server failures

The cause may be server failures. Sometimes accidents occur, or an update is carried out for your personal account, Maintenance. It can last from 15 minutes to several hours.

Try logging in later. If access has not been restored after a long period, then you should contact support.

Another option is to connect the Internet and TV at standard rates. Of course, such a solution will cost more. But if you do not have the opportunity to wait for the start of a similar promotion, you will have to join the provider under standard conditions.

How to apply?

  1. You can come to the office in person.
  2. It is proposed to select a TP on the website and fill out a form, sending it to the company’s specialists.
  3. Another solution is to contact support by calling 8 800 100 08 00.

Publication date: 12/30/2016 08:58

Sometimes users forget their password. Until now, in order to recover a password, it was necessary to visit an inspection. Now the Federal tax service This service has been improved to include the ability to recover a password for logging into the FL account using email without a personal visit to the tax authority.

IN new version service LC FL, installed on December 20, 2016, the user who has logged in is asked to choose a password recovery method using email, which an individual may need in the future in case of loss of the password. Next, having agreed, the user indicates a phone number, a confirmed email address, sets a security word (up to 24 characters long) and saves the changes.

The user can enter data to recover the password at any time by checking the box indicating consent to recover the password via email in the event of its loss without a personal visit to the tax authority in the “Profile” section.

In the future, if the user has forgotten the password, home page LK FL you need to click on the link “Forgot your password?” and enter yours: TIN, email address, security word. In this case, you are given three attempts to enter details.

If the information entered is correct, a message will be sent to the email address specified in the user profile with a link to a page to recover your password. The link is valid for 12 hours from the moment it is sent and can be used once.

In case of exceeding permissible quantity Attempts to recover the password are blocked for a day. It will be possible to recover your password in this way after 24 hours, or the taxpayer (his legal/authorized representative - using a notarized power of attorney/power of attorney equivalent to a notarized one) can contact any inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (with the exception of specialized inspectorates of the Federal Tax Service of Russia), regardless of location registration, with an identification document.

Control information technologies draws attention to the fact that new opportunity allows you to prevent loss of your password in the future and is available only before the occurrence of this event, since this requires prior login to the service.

A user who has already lost his password, but did not take care of the settings for the possibility of restoring it in advance, will not be able to use the corresponding LC FL mode. Available for such users existing method to receive a new password - a personal visit to the tax authority.

What to do if orders in your personal account on Aliexpress are missing?

3.8 (75.71%) 28 ratings.

If you find that all orders have disappeared from your personal account, do not be alarmed! They did not disappear without a trace, they were simply hidden under a sheet of calendar. That is, when there is an impressive list of pages in the “My Orders” section, and the statute of limitations for completed transactions is 6 months, such orders are simply hidden by the site administration. When you try to go to one of the pages of old orders, you will be shown blank sheet, and the page count will decrease.

In order to return to previously completed transactions, you must manually specify the desired range for viewing your list. In the order filter, click on the calendar icon and select the date of the demonstration.

Information about an unfinished order has disappeared

This situation may arise if you made an order for, bypassing the registration confirmation procedure. That is, you entered the site, selected the product you needed, put it in the cart, provided registration information, entered the delivery address and paid for it.

The fact is that the email address is the login for accessing your orders. At the initial stage, you will, of course, see your order. But imagine the situation if you made a mistake when entering the address by at least one letter or number. After a certain time, if you do not perform any actions on the site, Aliexpress will automatically terminate your authorized session. And then you will no longer be able to log in to the system and see your order.

When making purchases on Aliexpress, be extremely careful, as the site has the ability to pay for orders without confirming the buyer’s email address.

If you indicated correct address, but have not confirmed your registration, after some time your account will be blocked. IN in this case You will be able to view your orders, but you will not be able to make new purchases. A letter confirming registration is sent to the specified address. email address. For activation account given 3 days. But if the verification link has expired and your account is still active, you can resend the request.

To do this, you need to go to the profile tab and click “edit user profile settings.”

We activate the request again and wait for a new letter from with a registration confirmation link.

Account on official portal from a renowned telecom operator – it’s convenient and practical. If the Tele2 personal account does not work, the user is deprived of the ability to manage the account, control, analyze expenses, plan, and perform a host of other operations. Users rarely encounter this problem, but it will be useful for them to know how to correct the situation.

There are a lot objective reasons when it is not possible to log into the operator’s account. Each of them should be dealt with separately.

Writes authorization denied

If the system does not respond from a tablet, computer, or mobile device when trying to open your account, the reason may lie in:

  1. Long-term downtime of rooms. It could not be used by the subscriber for a long time, after which it was automatically deactivated.
  2. Blocking a subscriber. The reason may be different - lack of activity, fraudulent activities, expiration of the contract, etc.
  3. Incorrect username and password. To avoid mistakes, you should carefully enter characters, check the layout language and enable/disable special registers, including capital letters, symbols, etc.
  4. Lack of registration of the number on the network. To solve this problem, it is enough to go through the authorization and identification process.

To find out why your Tele2 personal account is not working, you can contact representatives of the operator to clarify the circumstances and make a decision.

SMS sending is blocked for you

If it is not possible to send messages via personal phone, you should look for the cause of the malfunction. The problem may lie in:

  • Incorrectly entered operator center number. To deal with the situation, you need to dial the number 8-950-8090000, and then enter the correct number in the SMS parameters.
  • Incorrect network settings. To assess the situation, you should go to the GSM parameters and check the functionality.
  • Faulty phone or defective SIM card. If the memory of the device you are using is full or the SIM card is not functioning, then the messages will not go anywhere. If the reason is in the gadget, you should clear the memory or take the phone to service center. In the second case, you need to visit the nearest operator center to obtain a new card.

SMS does not arrive

If you cannot receive a sent message from your computer, phone, or tablet, you should check:

  1. Device serviceability. To do this, you can insert any other card to which the message was sent.
  2. Signal strength. If a subscriber is not in the network coverage area, it will be difficult for him to receive letters, connect to the Internet or make calls.
  3. The serviceability of the SIM card, its identification.

Writes the wrong phone number

The lack of letters from a tablet, other gadget, or messages can be directly related to a blocked card. The reason should be found out from the operator by calling 611. After the call, the representative will ask some questions, and then look at the information on the account and make it clear why it is not possible to log into the LAN or verify the phone number.

If necessary, you can request account movements for the last 6 months from the operator.

I can’t log into my Tele2 personal account

The account allows you to perform various actions with the account, but it is not always available. There can be a lot of reasons for this.

from computer

Often the operator receives complaints of the following nature from the client: “I can’t log into my Tele2 personal account.” If the login is via a computer or laptop, the reason may lie in:

  • Poor signal quality.
  • No network connection.
  • Incorrectly entered login and password.
  • Incorrectly entered data.

from tablet

Frequent reasons for failure of the operator portal may be:

  1. Faulty SIM card.
  2. There is a problem with the device.
  3. Lack of network - interference from the operator.

from your phone

The refusal may be due to:

  • Damage to the gadget or card reader slot.
  • Blocking the number.
  • Lack of network or poor connection.

What to do?

It is important to correct the situation. If there is no reason to believe that the malfunction is due to a device failure, you can:

  1. Call the operator at 611.
  2. Go to the nearest branch of the company to clarify the circumstances.
  3. Recover your password if it has been lost.

You should look for ways to solve problems on an individual basis. You should not exclude any of the options presented.