Find location by imei. Video: “How to find out IMEI and Apple serial number?” Lack of equipment to search for a phone by IMEI

Instructions for finding a phone via a computer.


  • A mobile phone today is not just a means of communication. For many it is also Notebook, photo album, Personal diary and a repository of all important information. Losing a mobile device can be a serious blow to its owner. In addition, many phones themselves cost a lot of money and with their help people manage their bank accounts, register electronic wallets on them and carry out various types of financial transactions
  • It’s good if you lost your phone somewhere in the apartment. What if you dropped it on the way home or it was pulled out of your bag in public transport? All the information that you owned will fall into the hands of an attacker, and, take my word for it, he will try to use it to the maximum
  • If you are sure that the phone is not in your pocket or has not rolled behind the sofa, then before you start searching, immediately call your mobile operator and block the SIM card. If it was connected to the phone bank card, then this will protect your funds on it
  • If messages with passwords for accessing electronic wallets or others payment systems, then blocking the SIM card will not help and here you need to immediately start searching for the device. How? We will tell you about this in this article.

What is IMEI?

  • IMEI ( International Mobile Equipment Identifier) ​​– international identifier of mobile equipment. If we talk in simple language, This serial number, with which you can track the location of your phone via satellite
  • The number is individual for each phone and consists of 15 digits. Usually it is indicated on the box, battery and cover of the device, but you can also find it out if you enter the command on your phone *#06#

How to find a phone by IMEI?

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that in order to search for a phone by satellite, it must have the data transmission function enabled. mobile communications or GPS. This is necessary for the phone to identify itself in the operator’s network or on the Internet. Even if the SIM card is removed, it is possible to track the location of the device
  • The second point is that the operator legally does not have the right to provide you with information about the location of the device, even if you present them with a receipt, box and warranty card. So you should write a statement to law enforcement agencies, they will make an appropriate request and then the operator will provide them with access to the identifier database
  • If for some reason you do not want to write a statement to the police, then there are several ways to do it yourself, but none of them gives you any guarantee of success. Even through law enforcement agencies, finding a phone by ID is extremely problematic, because if an attacker understands the software, he can easily change an identification number, which will make searching for a device a useless task

How to find a phone by IMEI yourself through a computer?

  • As mentioned above, find mobile device independently through an identification number is almost impossible for a number of reasons:
  1. you do not have access to the necessary databases and equipment that only the operator can provide cellular communications and only at the request of intelligence services;
  2. someone who finds or steals a phone can change the IMEI by flashing the device;
  3. all online services, individuals, programs and applications for changing numbers are fraudulent;
  • But don't despair ahead of time. If you have licensed software installed on your smartphone iOS provisioning or Android, you have a chance to track the location of your phone in real time

How to find iPhone via iCloud?

  • It’s worth noting right away that this method will only suit you if you have previously enabled the corresponding option on your device. To do this, you must go to settings and iCloud section enable Find My iPhone feature
  • If the function is active, then we proceed directly to searching for the device through the computer. To do this, go to the official iCloud website, log in to your account and select your device in the list
  • For a positive result, your gadget must be connected to the Internet. If there is no green dot on the map that shows the device, it means it is this moment, does not have access to the Internet. Try again after some time

How to find an Android phone using Google?

  • Now most mobile companies, such as Samsung, HTC, fly and others, release their products on Android based. This operating system is developed by Google and it has the same function as in the iPhone, which allows you to track the location of the device through your account
  • If you have lost your Android device, log into your account Google entry on the official website, select your device and its approximate location will be displayed on the map
  • To track, your device must have access to geodata. If the phone is out of range mobile network, Wi-Fi points or turned off, it will not be possible to track it
  • In conclusion, it is worth saying that in addition to tracking the phone, through account iCloud recordings and Google, you can turn off the device, submit sound signal or delete all data from it

Video: How to find a stolen or lost phone?

As practice shows, most often a phone is stolen through a primitive robbery in a dark alley, quiet park, or underground passage. Such actions are usually aimed at people who cannot defend themselves and fight back against attackers. Young women and teenagers become victims of criminals most often. Unnoticed theft occurs mainly in a crowded place, where, amid the rush and crowd, it is difficult to notice how the thief snuck into a pocket or bag.

The theft or loss of a mobile phone always brings a lot of worry to its owner. The difficulty of returning a found phone is due to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. People, having found the phone, do not want to return it and take it for themselves. One of the most effective ways is to search for a mobile phone by IMEI.

What is IMEI?

IMEI is a 15-digit code (International Mobile Equipment Identity). It is unique for each device and is assigned to the phone by the manufacturer. This code is issued to each cellular device operating in the GSM, IDEN, WCDMA networks. IMEI is stored in the phone's factory firmware. Its main task is authorization and identification in cellular network. Therefore, searching for a cell phone by IMEI can be effective if it is stolen or lost.

When a smartphone is stolen, the owner submits an official report and blacklists the IMEI. In the EU countries and the USA, such a phone will not work in any cellular network, since it is subject to call barring, with the exception of emergency services, and when you try to register, a signal is sent to the service, which allows you to transmit the relevant information about the place and time of access to the network to the police. Therefore, in foreign countries, thanks to this system of work, it is possible to successfully track a phone by IMEI and prevent theft, since when it is blacklisted, it becomes a useless thing. In Russia, unfortunately, such a mechanism for combating intruders has not yet been developed.

How to find out the IMEI of a phone?

First of all, to answer the question of how to find a phone by IMEI, it is important to find this code. To find out IMEI, just dial simple command*#06# - and a 15-digit code will appear on the screen. The information is also located under the battery in a table along with the serial number, on the original packaging or sticker and in warranty card. Thus, this code is a kind of “fingerprint”, since every time you register in GSM networks The cellular operator sees the location using the phone's IMEI.

Is it possible to change IMEI?

On some phone models, a way to change IMEI has been found; as a rule, these are Chinese devices. This feature is not available on newer mobile devices. Since manufacturers are interested in providing their users maximum level protection and security, so they are constantly looking for solutions to combat theft. However, along with manufacturers, scammers are also looking for ways and loopholes to hack the device’s software and resell the stolen phone. It is worth noting that in some countries, for example in Kazakhstan, there is an article for unauthorized access to protected information, which is punishable by imprisonment for up to 3 years. In Russia, for changing IMEI, Articles 273 and 272 of the Criminal Code are provided. And in judicial practice there are cases of imprisonment under these articles for a period of 3 years.

How to find a phone by IMEI

In Russia, people have access to information about the location of phones mobile operators. However, they do not have the right to disclose this information to ordinary citizens and provide it only at the request of law enforcement agencies.

To search for a phone by IMEI, you need to contact the police with a statement free form, indicating your last name, first name and patronymic, passport details and IMEI of the stolen phone. It is also necessary to provide copies of documents confirming ownership of the device. After this, police officers make a request to cellular communication companies in Russia, which check whether the subscriber with the specified IMEI is registered on the network, and give an official response to law enforcement agencies. The intelligence services, in turn, having learned the location of the attacker, search for him and take appropriate measures.

However, in practice, due to the bureaucratic structure of our state, requests to the police are processed quite slowly, and by the time things get underway, the attacker will already have time to resell the phone on the secondary market or change the IMEI. And mobile operators, in turn, do not disconnect cellular telephone until it is proven that he was actually kidnapped. Therefore a revision is required legislative framework to simplify the system for dealing with thefts of mobile devices.

Is it possible to return a stolen phone by identifying it using IMEI yourself?

Despite the fact that it is posted on the Internet whole line web services that offer to search for a phone by IMEI code, they do not provide any guarantee about the accuracy of the information. Since only cellular operators have official information, they do not have the right to provide information to anyone except law enforcement agencies. Therefore, these methods are questioned, and it is worth remaining vigilant when using them. It will be possible to identify a stolen phone only if it is not turned off and any actions are performed from it - calls, checking the balance, sending messages.

How intelligence agencies determine the location of a stolen phone

The mobile phone can only be detected using the cellular standard GSM communications. The signal from the mobile device is analyzed by software, which allows you to determine the sector and the nearest station base in which the subscriber is registered. This search system allows you to find a phone by IMEI and find out its location with an accuracy of 100-200 meters, which is sufficient for an attacker to be caught by law enforcement officers.

What to do if your phone is stolen?

For those who want by IMEI, just follow the following steps.

  1. To find a stolen phone, you should not immediately block the SIM card. If calls are made from it, there is a possibility of detecting the location of the intruder, which will help police officers in investigating the case. It is advisable to block only if the account large sum money and a tariff with a postpaid payment system is used, since all calls on the attacker’s cell phone will have to be paid by the owner.
  2. Find out IMEI. If the IMEI is unknown, it can be found on the original packaging in which the device was sold. Using the identifier, it is possible to find a stolen phone even if the SIM card is replaced by another mobile operator. However, the factory code of the phone does not always coincide with the code indicated on the packaging, so it is worth checking it at the stage of purchasing the phone.
  3. Contact your operator's mobile phone store to obtain a printout of calls from the date the phone was lost.
  4. With your passport, documents for purchasing the phone that confirm ownership (warranty card, receipt, box), printout of calls, you must contact the police to report the loss of your mobile device. In the application, you must indicate your contact information, as well as the IMEI number, and insist that law enforcement officers contact the cellular operator to search for the loss using the identification number.
  5. You can enter your phone into one of the databases of stolen phones on such Internet resources as,, and others. If you enter your details, you can protect buyers from purchasing a stolen phone. And also if an attacker tries to sell the phone on the secondary market, other participants in this service will notify you about this.

Methods for finding a stolen phone

Android Device Manager is a service that is provided for mobile devices running on Android. When registering in the service, you have the opportunity to use the “Search for a phone by IMEI satellite” service. The option also offers to make a free call to lost phone on maximum volume, which allows you to find your phone if it was not stolen, but lost on the street or at home.

How to find a phone by IMEI made by Apple

iPhones are popular all over the world and most often they become a tasty prey for attackers. These devices are characterized by high demand, price and good liquidity. Manufacturers Apple products took care of the safety of their users by providing the ability to track the location of the device thanks to the geolocation system. To do this, you need to use the iCloud option, in which you can enable the “Find My iPhone” function. After your device is lost, just go to and enter your password and Apple ID. If this function was not activated before the theft, the system will not track the phone, and it will not be possible to find it this way. In this case, the only correct decision is to file a corresponding application with law enforcement agencies.

Alternative options for finding a stolen phone

  1. It is recommended to create a business card on the phone about the owner with contact information in case the phone turns out not to be stolen, but lost, and the people who found it want to return the loss to the rightful owner.
  2. Many mobile device manufacturers offer various services, which involve sending SMS messages when changing the SIM card to the number specified during registration.
  3. You can use the LoSToleN service, which is a database of stolen phones and allows you to place information about the IMEI of the missing gadget for a reward if found.

Searching for data on the Internet

With development information technologies Many services on the Internet offer a program to find a phone by IMEI. However, it is worth remembering that in most cases such companies are fraudulent and operate illegally. They ask you to send a paid SMS message to gain access to the service, which ultimately does not provide any information. Therefore, when looking for a solution to the problem of how to find a phone by IMEI, you should not resort to methods of searching for information on the global network.

In order to find a phone, you must have access to equipment and software all mobile operators in the country. Therefore, such a service cannot be provided by ordinary web offices. Access to information is only available to law enforcement agencies, which receive information upon request from any mobile operator. That's why independent search Recovering a stolen phone is a futile endeavor that takes a lot of time and effort. The only correct solution that can help is to contact the special services.

How to prevent yourself from buying a stolen phone

When buying a phone on the secondary market, it is worth checking it in the database of stolen phones to avoid troubles in the future. Since if the owner has already filed a statement with the police, it will be quite difficult to prove that it was not you who stole the phone, and the device will have to be returned to the copyright holder. However, not all stolen mobile devices are included in the database. You should not purchase a mobile phone without documents from a private person, and if such a device is offered, this should immediately alert you. Also, when purchasing a device, it is recommended to check the IMEI of the phone with the one indicated on the package.

Today we will look at:

Losing a mobile phone is not as difficult as it seems, because it is with us always and everywhere. And this time the whole question is how to protect yourself from losing it, and how to find the phone by IMEI yourself.

There is such an opinion on the Internet, a possibility. For reference: IMEI is a code consisting of 16 or 17 numbers, and sometimes also letters, located on original battery phone, in the warranty card and stored in the memory of the phone itself.

You can find out your IMEI by finding it under back cover phone, as well as by typing a combination of numbers on the device itself. In addition, in modern mobile devices, just go to “Settings”, find the “About phone” section (or a similar name) and find the IMEI item and the code itself there. Or you can dial *#06# and press the call button - the IMEI code will be displayed on the display.

This code is assigned to each phone at the factory and is individual for each device. When flashing a smartphone, this code is “lost”; therefore, it will be impossible to find it using IMEI or return it under warranty.

Why is IMEI needed?

This code is used as follows: after the user turns on the phone, the IMEI is sent mobile operator, after which the network appears on the device. All these actions occur unnoticed by the user. If your mobile device supports two SIM cards, then there will be two IMEIs.

How to track a phone by IMEI yourself?

So we get to the question that probably interests you most. However, we have to disappoint you - it is impossible to do this. There are several sites on the Internet that supposedly help you track the location of your lost phone, but in fact, all these databases are fake, so the information received will be false.

In general, using IMEI is possible, but for this you need to have an honorary status with law enforcement agencies, which have the right to make a request to mobile company For search desired device. All other methods - websites, selling databases or others paid methods are a common scam and fraud.

What to do if you lose your phone?

Oddly enough, write a statement to the police. In this case, you will need to prove that you are the owner of the mobile device by providing documents for the phone.

There's absolutely no point in contacting your network operator for help with the search, but be sure to block your SIM card to avoid getting a hefty bill for calls to other countries or other costs.

This must be done quickly, since the finder can reflash the phone and/or sell it, after which even representatives of the law will not be able to find the device using IMEI.

The telephone has long ceased to be a necessity; today it is a luxury that attackers can covet. If this happens, don’t despair, the phone can be found if you know its imei.

If you lost your favorite phone or have become a victim of a thief, you can always find him if you know certain individual information about your gadget. It's about about unique 15 digit number, which is assigned to each phone during production. This digital combination is called IMEI. In this article we will tell you in detail how to find a phone using it.

Program to find a phone by imei for free: where to download?

If you have discovered a lost or stolen phone and know your IMEI code, then you need to go online and download the program. Today the most reliable and widespread search program is imei-search.

Program Imei-search d Remaining easy to use, it is one of the most reliable solutions for finding a missing phone. If the phone is lost, not stolen, and there is a possibility that it is turned on, the program will help you find it also by its mobile number.

Certain information is required from the user in order to online mode be able to search for the subscriber's device. For To determine the location of your phone, the program will need:

  • Exact time last used mobile phone
  • Information about the place where you saw your device before it was lost
  • Your phone number or number IMEI

When your phone goes missing, the main thing is not to panic.

If you provide complete and most accurate data, the program will be able to provide you with the following information in response:

  • Is your phone turned on?
  • If the phone is turned on, it will determine its location as accurately as possible;
  • will indicate last number phone number used to call and send SMS.

If you do not find your phone in the usual place - download the program and within a few minutes determine its location. In order to always be able to find a lost phone, keep the box from it - an individual mobile phone is printed on it IMEI number.

Is it possible to find a phone number byimei when is it enabled?

Can ruin your mood for the whole day missing mobile phone. The ideal search result would be that your child took it to play and simply did not put it back, or you yourself forgot it at a friends place. But there are times when in transport or mallthieves operate and you become their victim.

If such a situation occurs, it is important to quickly take necessary measures. First of all dial your number, using the phone of loved ones. This is necessary in order to find out if it is enabled.

It is also possible that you will hear a familiar melody somewhere in the far corner of your own apartment, or they will answer you in a familiar voice. If this does not happen, and you just hear beeps– this, despite the sad situation, is a positive sign.

If your phone is stolen or lost, you need to call it immediately

You can act in parallel in two ways - file a police report and search on your own. To search for a phone on our own download a program from the Internet to find your missing phone and enter there your number or imei.

After this, you will still need to answer a few questions about recent actions with your phone - calls, SMS and places where you last saw it.

If you give it exact information , then in most cases the outcome will be positive - the program will be able to accurately determine where you left your mobile phone.

Is it possible to find byimei phone turned off?

A mobile phone has become for a person not only a means of communication, but also a means of storing information, a camera and a video camera at the same time. And if such a situation occurs that the phone is missing - this becomes a real tragedy for the owner - we are talking not only about spending on buying a new device, but also about lost important information and favorite photographs.

If the phone is turned on, then find it possible and quite real. Things are worse if the phone is turned off. In order to find a way out of this situation, it is better to protect yourself from losses and thefts in advance.

Finding a switched off phone is almost impossible

A mobile phone application called Signal flare recommended as a reliable means of protecting your phone in case of a low battery. The system automatically starts recording the location using the network signal and GPS.

But if the phone is stolen and turned off quickly, the program simply will not have time to turn on the recording and indicate to you the required location. But here too you can find a way out.

On the Internet you can find special applications that will help you find your phone by IMEI, if the attacker decides to change the SIM card. By downloading such an application, you will indicate in advance additional number phone number to which when changing SIM card To you a notification will come indicating the new number. This binding is also carried out according to the factory IMEI number, which even when changing the card remains unchanged.

There is a way out of all situations - and so that the loss of your phone does not take you by surprise, download it to your device in advance required applications and stay always in touch with your favorite device.

How to find a phone usingimei on computer?

In order to find a stolen phone, you can not only download protective and search programs. Using a computer, you can enter all the data about your phone and save it in case of loss or theft on a special website.

IN certain cells You will be asked to enter your IMEI number and e-mail to obtain information about the phone and the status that you select depending on the situation.

You can find your phone if you know the secret 15-digit code

Information about IMEI number and mailbox remains unchanged, and the status will be changed by you to correct the situation with the phone. This site will give you the opportunity monitor the device status not only to the owner, but also to the buyer “from hand to hand” or the police.

Using a computer is also convenient to track the location of the phone by GPS information on the map. By registering on the manufacturer’s website or Google account it is very convenient to track the movements of the device on detailed map cities.

If you just bought a phone, don’t forget to add it to the phone database (you can find the site name if you enter it in the search “find phone by IMEI online”). This will help you, if your phone is lost or stolen, to quickly track and notify others about the theft of your phone.

How to find a stolen Android phone imei?

Special settings on your new Android will help you remotely worry about personal data on your phone and increase your chances of finding and returning your missing device. For this it is necessary go through these steps:

  • Register for Google website– be sure to authorize your account to be able to track your phone using Google GPS;
  • Connect your mobile phone to your device Internet access, to be able to control remotely.

After this step, log in to your newly created account on your computer. Google website in the Android remote control section. On the map, if you have Internet access on your computer or other smartphone, you will be reflected phone location data, to which number the account is registered.

It’s better not to engage in amateur activities when searching for a phone, because every minute can count

The site has implemented a function "Etc call the phone"- the phone will ring 5 minutes, even if it is in silent mode. This will make it possible to find the device if it is nearby.

If your phone is stolen, you can remotely remove all personal data from it. To do this, you need to activate the “ Remote blocking and reset settings." You need to do this not only on your phone, but also in your Google account.

After this, in case of theft, you can delete photos, videos or recordings that you do not want to show to strangers. If you found the phone using google maps GPS, Contact the police immediately - do not risk your life in negotiations with intruders, but entrust this matter to professionals.

How to findiPhone by imei?

Telephone Apple Today it is considered the most attractive device for thieves, as it is one of the most expensive representatives of mobile phones. Knowing these nuances, phone manufacturers are trying to create maximum protection for your products.

And if now there are such craftsmen who can reflash in 2-3 days IMEI regular phone, With iphone everything is more complicated - this procedure is much more expensive and complicated.

Many sites now offer online searches for popular gadgets. In these applications after registration you can write down the number IMEI and track the location of your phone.

It's quite difficult to reflash an iPhone, so law enforcement has time to find it

  • You can also download the application FindIphone and register there - using the data saved in the application IMEI The program will help you locate your missing device
  • Apple has created an excellent security feature for its phones - if you have phone stolen, then by calling technical support, you can always block the device and the attacker will not be able to either use it himself or sell it to anyone, since in iPhone Absolutely all functions will be blocked
  • After you have blocked the phone and tracked its location, it is best to contact the police with the data provided. Naturally, you can contact the police immediately after theft or loss, but the search process will take a little longer.
  • Again, if you do not block the phone right away, the attacker may sell it and the person who bought it will suffer - he will lose money and the device will suddenly be blocked for reasons unknown to him

Therefore, to successfully resolve this issue, follow the steps indicated sequentially, and soon your iPhone will be found.

How to find a phoneSamsung by imei?

  • The Samsung company is largest company South Korea, which has gained the trust of millions of users thanks to innovative technologies, which are used in the production of new models
  • In case of loss or theft of the phone, the company has introduced precautionary measures for its customers. Thanks to the Samsung dive service, the phone owner can find and remotely control the device
  • In order to use the service, you need to create account Samsung. In this program, you will need to enter information about your phone - number, imei and path where the system will send notifications about changes in information in the phone - this will be your mailbox

Find a phone by imei

Using this function and GPS signal Within twelve hours you will receive information about the location of your phone. You can see all the information about your movements on your computer by logging into your account from your computer.

Also, with this function, you can delete information from a stolen phone that you do not want to show to strangers and completely block the phone so that the thief cannot use it himself or sell it.

The Samsung company cares about its customers and all owners of such devices can use the service absolutely free, which copes with its functions perfectly.

How to find a stolen phone By imei in Ukraine for free?

According to Law of Ukraine “On Telecommunications” to counter illegal possession mobile phones In the country, law enforcement agencies are doing their best to assist in the search for missing phones.

To search for the missing device, you need to file a police report, indicate imei and number, and then it’s up to the work of law enforcement agencies. If your phone is very expensive or there is a recording important information, this must be indicated during a personal conversation with the police.

Ukrainian legislation does everything to combat phone thefts

The investigator who will be searching for the missing phone, after court permission, can submit a request to the mobile company to provide all possible phone location information By the specified number calls made and SMS sent. After the data received and search activities carried out, there is a high probability that the phone will be returned to its rightful owner.

You can also search for your lost phone on your own - download the program and by using imei code track movement. But even if you found it using the application, or the attackers themselves contacted you for material gain, do not under any circumstances transfer money to them - all such requests are a common scam.

How to find a stolen phone By imei in Kazakhstan for free?

Very comfortable and modern way Phone tracking was introduced in Kazakhstan. Using the program "Kaz-GPS" You can track the location of a lost or stolen phone all over the globe.

The application has special anti-theft protection installed "Anti-theft", which will send information about the coordinates of the device to the previously specified phone number when you top up your account for the first time.

In Kazakhstan, you can find a phone thanks to GPS monitoring

If on the phone changing SIM card, then without specific code, which only the owner knows, the phone cannot be unlocked. The application is so universal that by specifying imei, you can not only remotely control the phone’s functions, but also monitor your child’s attendance at school or training - a phone with the configured function will show all his movements.

Despite the extreme necessary functions, the company does not use the application as a way to earn money - the application is absolutely free and anyone can use it.

How to find a phone numberimei: reviews

  • Judging by the reviews of people who were looking for their phone, using imei, it is quite possible to find a lost device. But the main thing to understand is that you should not engage in unnecessary amateur activities.
  • Many reviews indicate that when contacting law enforcement agencies, investigative measures were carried out, thanks to which the phone was found. Naturally, for this you should not just submit an application and wait, but persistently take an interest in the progress of the case and assist in the search in every possible way
  • If you contact the police immediately, provide them with information O imei numbers from your lost phone and its last location, you will soon get your phone back

Video: How to find a phone number by imei?

Like any other communication device, a cell phone has its own unique identificator– fifteen-digit IMEI code set by the manufacturer. When making a call, the mobile operator receives the mobile device data in the form of an IMEI - SIM pair, which allows you to identify the source of the signal. Unfortunately, mobile operators can only transfer device geolocation data to law enforcement agencies by court order. Most often, if a phone is stolen or lost, this is not a good reason to go to court. But don't despair, in this case You have every chance to successfully search for a device by IMEI, even if it is turned off and SIM card was deleted.

Try calling your number

This point is quite obvious, but as it turns out, it is not always the case. Often, a person who has lost his phone, being in a state of shock, does not even try to call it. But we should not forget that there are many people who will return the device free of charge or for a nominal fee.

Contact law enforcement

If previous method did not produce results, immediately contact the law enforcement authorities at your place of registration. But do not forget that you will be required to indicate a fifteen-digit IMEI code and provide documents confirming that the device belongs to you. If the phone was purchased secondhand and there are no documents for it, you can safely skip this point.

Use the built-in search function

Majority modern smartphones equipped with a factory search function. For devices from the manufacturer Apple based on the operating system iOS systems it's called Find iPhone. On Android devices similar function called Remote control Android - Google. Find out more about methods of searching for a smartphone by IMEI (link to the bottom of this page)

Leave a request in the LoSToleN service

LoSToleN is a unified database of IMEI and serial numbers of stolen phones, smartphones, cameras and other devices. After you leave a request indicating the amount of reward for returning the device, you will have a chance that it will be more expedient for the seller to return the device than to deal with the costly change of the IMEI identifier.