There is only a screensaver on the phone and nothing else. What to do if your phone or application freezes when you turn it on, turn it off, or on the startup screen, or the application malfunctions: instructions, video. Firmware via Recovery

If your device on the Android platform is frozen, does not turn on or does not work, blinks that it is charging, but the loading still stands still and nothing happens, then the following tips can help you.
If you need to solve the problem of incorrect loading or freezing when turning on Android, then you must clear the settings and memory of your Android device to further load the operating system correctly.

The first step if Android freezes when you turn it on is to delete the settings. To do this, you need to hold down the power key and do not release it for 10 seconds - then the smartphone or tablet will turn off. The power button can be disabled when the screen goes completely dark. Next, you need to turn on the gadget again. To do this, press the volume key (+), and then the power button. In the menu that appears, use the volume keys to select Settings (possibly written in English - Settings). The selection button in such a menu will be the power key.

In the Settings menu you need to select system formatting. With this action, absolutely all files are deleted from your device, except system files. There is no way to save them. You can also remove the memory card, because it cannot be formatted. This operation You can do it separately if you really need to. After formatting, select Reset Android and reboot the device. Now Android should not freeze when turned on.
Also, if the android freezes when turned on, then there is another way to solve the problem. The result obtained will not differ from the first method. All settings will also be reset with the loss of all data.
1.First you need to turn off your device. You need to hold the on/off key until you feel a slight vibration. Now you can let go.

2.Next, hold down both volume keys and wait until context menu.
3.B this menu Find Clean boot and select it. To select between menu items, use the volume keys. To confirm the selection of the desired item, press the camera button.
4.After resetting the settings, your device will reboot. Next, you can turn on your device and check if it works correctly.
Both methods are simple and accessible to all users. Therefore, if your Android freezes when you turn it on, now you can fix all the problems without the help of specialists and not spend a lot of money on services that you can provide to your Android device yourself.

Causes of failure and why it turns on but does not boot

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If Android does not load on your phone or tablet when you turn it on, or your Android smartphone starts but does not go beyond the logo splash screen, then the reasons for this may be the following:

  • Errors when flashing the device. These include installing an inappropriate or damaged assembly, out-of-order firmware, power failure, and other factors.
  • Lack of memory. The system may not start or may boot very slowly due to low memory. The solution may be to optimize applications and remove unnecessary data.
  • Incompatible with memory card. If your smartphone turns on but does not boot completely, try removing the memory card and trying to restart the system.
  • Hardware problems that occur after impact, fall, liquid ingress, or exposure to extreme temperatures.
  • Damage to the power button or its cable, which “shorts” the phone and it goes into cyclic reboot, loading up to the logo and then in a circle. We encounter this from time to time and can only be diagnosed at a service center.

Read How to check Android for errors

Before you try to troubleshoot Android, you need to understand why the system won't boot.

Restoring functionality

If the phone shows that the charge is coming, then the causes of the problem must be sought in the work Launcher Android. If your device vibrates or its screen flickers, then there is a possibility that the screen is damaged.

If you determine that the problem is software in nature (for example, the problem arose after a firmware update), then simple reboot won't help here. You need to reset the system via Recovery Mode or reflash the device. Let's see what to do:

  1. While holding down the power button and the volume down key (there may be other combinations, look for your model), go to Recovery Mode. If the phone does not enter Recovery Mode, then the problems are at a deeper level, so you need to contact service center.
  2. Perform a factory reset by selecting " Wipe data factory".
  3. Select "Reset" to reboot the device.

Resetting the settings will delete the user's personal data and settings. If this method does not help, perform a flashing. To do this, upload the file with suitable firmware to the root of the memory card, insert the drive into the phone and select “Install zip from sdcard” in Recovery Mode.


WITH software glitch You can do it yourself, but how to fix hardware problems? The most reasonable option is to contact a service center for diagnostics and repairs.

Possible causes of failure

There are several reasons for this behavior of the smartphone. And depending on them, the decision on repairs will be made. The first (and most common) reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Android screensaver is a failure during the installation of an operating system update. This happens because the Android OS is not very stable. That's not so bad. However, the same result can occur after the device is dropped from a considerable height. This is much worse.

Also common causes may be a malfunction of the battery, charger, or the gadget charging connector itself. Now let’s look at what to do if the phone doesn’t turn on beyond the splash screen. In most cases, you can fix everything yourself. Fatal breakdowns are extremely rare. But at the initial stage, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the problem in order to avoid making mistakes in the future.

System failure

This is the safest thing there can be. If the operating system crashes, you need to go into recovery mode and reset the factory settings and clear the cache. Be careful! After this procedure there will be no one left third party application, user-installed. You can enter recovery by simultaneously pressing the volume up button and the power button. True, for various models devices can be different combinations. Then you need to go to the point Wipe data and factory reset and confirm your choice. Then you need to check the box Reboot system now. after this the phone will reboot. If everything is fine, then the reason why the phone does not turn on further Lenovo screensavers, was precisely a system failure.

Sometimes resetting to factory settings doesn't help. Then there is another option. You just need to reflash the phone. It's not that hard to do. The Internet is full of instructions for each specific smartphone. And at any adequate forum they will be happy to help you implement your plans. Don't lose heart.

If the reason is the battery and charging

You can check this very simply. Just find it somewhere similar battery and similar Charger. If, after replacing all the components, you do not see any changes, then the reason is that HTC phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen, much deeper than you thought. There are only two options: damage to the charging socket or the board itself.

Dealing with a faulty battery or a “glitched” charger is easy. These are not particularly expensive smartphone components. They can simply be replaced with new ones. The problem with the hardware board will be much more noticeable. Here (in most cases) you can’t do without a visit to the workshop. Sometimes you have to pay a very significant amount for repairs.

If the reason is the board and hardware

It is very difficult to do something about this on your own. You need to have some knowledge of radio electronics and own the appropriate tools. If you have all this, then you can easily solve the problem. But if the phone does not turn on beyond the screensaver due to a faulty board, and you do not understand anything about this matter, then it is better to take the gadget to a service center. Because by arranging repairs on your own, you risk turning your device into a dead brick.

You can try to find a familiar specialist who repairs smartphone hardware and save on repairs. But it’s unlikely that he will resuscitate your device for free. Only if this is a very good friend. But, in any case, you will have to spend money on the Magarych. And it is unknown how much this will cost.


Now you know the main reasons why the phone does not turn on beyond the screen saver. There are ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. Unless it's a hardware problem. But, as statistics show, in most cases this problem is caused by a failure of the operating system. And eliminating this annoying misunderstanding is very simple with the help of a few buttons.

Modern smartphones The devices are complex and quite delicate. One “fine” morning, you may find that the gadget that was put on charge refuses to work. Today we will figure out what to do if the phone does not turn on or boot, and also how you can fix this problem at home.

Answers to the question why the phone does not turn on, what could be the reason for it fast discharge and there is not much to do in such a situation. Let's look at the most common options and solutions.

Adapter faulty or missing contact

The most common reason why a phone won't boot or runs out of charge quickly is a faulty charger. To verify this, you need to connect the gadget to another power supply. If it starts charging, then you have found the reason and the problem was in the charger. You can do the opposite, knowingly connect working phone to a suspicious power supply. Thus, you are guaranteed to ensure that it is faulty.

If the smartphone does not charge from working block power supply, check the contact connector. It may become clogged with dust or pet hair. Carefully clean the connection socket on the phone with a wooden or plastic toothpick and try again.

If your phone has removable battery, check the tightness of the contacts and their condition. There is a possibility that they were oxidized by moisture or bent when the battery was inserted after being dropped.

Another opportunity to “revive” the battery or make sure it is in good condition is to use a universal charger. In common parlance it is called a “frog” and is capable of charging any removable battery from the household electrical network.

SD card

One of the reasons why an Android phone does not turn on is the use of an SD card with a larger capacity than stated by the manufacturer. The desire to experiment is in the blood of users. If the specification says that you can only use 32 GB, you will definitely try 64. With a high degree of probability, the device will recognize the card. It will work normally until the recorded amount of information exceeds that declared for support.

If, after a software failure, the phone stops turning on or does not boot, just remove the problematic memory card from it. A forced reboot will return the smartphone to working condition.

System errors and failed updates

System errors, or a resource-intensive application that is not completely unloaded from RAM, can cause the battery to begin to rapidly discharge, causing the phone to turn off and not start again. A malicious program can behave similarly. The virus, if its task is not extortion, works in background. At the same time, he tries to use all available resources as quickly as possible. If your Android phone runs out of battery faster than usual while in the standby state, you should check it for infection and force a reboot. Further actions depend on the results of the anti-virus scan.

If the smartphone is clean and charged in normal mode, there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, if the device does not start or the phone is quickly discharged again, you will need to full reset and re-tuning.

An unsuccessful software update can result in the phone not responding to user actions or simply turning off. Usually, this behavior is easily “cured” by rebooting.

In case of failure when flashing the firmware on new version OS, the situation is a little more complicated. When the phone starts, but the boot does not go beyond the splash screen, the recovery mode can save the situation. It is best to find out what to do and how to enable Recovery Mode for a specific phone on the manufacturer’s website or in the documentation for the device. When this is not possible, try universal methods. The vast majority of smartphones are Android based, supports turning it on by holding down the power and volume keys. Whether it is an Up or Down button depends on the device manufacturer. You can try both options sequentially.

Hidden defects

Some users think that physical damage This is when the phone fell on a hard surface and shattered into pieces. Before that moment, he also fell twice, but only “slightly” scratched and crumpled. Meanwhile, we cannot rule out the appearance of hidden defects from impact on the gadget’s body. Damage internal contacts will lead to the fact that the Android phone does not turn on and does not charge, and sometimes it worked and suddenly turned off. So if your phone falls, fix the problem yourself motherboard impossible and you will have to contact specialists for full diagnostics and possible replacement of components.


If the phone does not turn on even after you have gone through everything probable reasons, you should contact the service center. By not being too proactive in trying to revive him, you will save yourself time and nerves for specialists.

Everyone should know what to do if Android won't start. All the methods proposed below do not require additional technical knowledge and cannot harm the operating system or the device itself.

The Android operating system is not only the most popular in the world, but also very simple, convenient and reliable. However, any modern device sooner or later it breaks down or starts to work not quite correctly. Such an unfortunate incident is upsetting and can seriously damage your nerves. There are times when the problem is serious and only a specialist can help. But before you go to the service center, you should try a few simple techniques, which can completely revive a smartphone.

Battery or charger

This may sound trivial, but more than half of the problems with turning on Android are related to the battery or charger. It's about not that you simply forgot to charge your phone, but about more global reasons.

With long and active use smartphone, its battery gradually wears out. There comes a moment when it is discharged to such an extent that the ordinary network adapter can no longer help her.

If the phone model is old and collapsible, remove the battery and use the “frog” device. This is a charger that provides more powerful charge and can save the phone for a while.

Photo: Frog for charging batteries

Owners of one-piece and non-separable models should not experiment at home. If you suspect that the battery may have failed, contact a service center to have it replaced.

The charging AC adapter may also be causing the problem. New chargers may not be original or may not be compatible with this smartphone. This means that the battery does not receive energy during charging, and the android simply cannot start. In old chargers, contacts come off, wires break, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to try charging the phone from a different adapter.

Hardware problems (phone freezes)

It may happen that the phone is not turned off at all, but is “stuck” with the screen turned off. It’s worth figuring out what to do if Android doesn’t start due to freezing.

All procedures will be aimed at maximum activation and restart of the device.

If the phone has a removable cover, remove the battery for a couple of minutes, then replace it and turn on the device. Such simple manipulation often gives good results and returns the smartphone to normal operation.

With more modern models the situation is a little different, but there is nothing complicated here either.

If, after a standard single press of the power off or lock button, the phone does not turn on, hold down this button for 10-15 seconds. After this, the screen may light up and the phone will continue to work.

The second way to reboot will be the so-called “ forced reboot" To do this, you need to find the reset button and carefully press it with a needle, paper clip or toothpick. In all models it is located in different places, but looks almost the same. If you can’t find the reset button, open the instructions for your phone.

Photo: reset button on the phone
Photo: Reset button on a Sony smartphone

There is another simple method that can “stir up” your phone. Connect it to your computer via USB. By detecting a new connected device or power source, the smartphone can wake up from its sleep mode.

Software problems

If none of the above methods help, the last chance to turn on the phone yourself will be a complete reset (in technical circles it is called).

There are also several methods and options here.

First, let's consider a situation where the phone still turns on, but does not work correctly and the android constantly hangs.

When you return to factory settings, absolutely all information will be deleted and the phone will become just like new. Therefore, if possible, be sure to back up all data. New models in their menu already have such functions as “data backup”, “ backups", and also then full recovery data. Information can be copied to any existing account, Google Drive or to the cloud.

Photo: Backup on the phone

It is also possible to copy all data to a PC or laptop when USB help cable or, for example, a program Share it (Download). It is worth remembering that contacts from phone book will be saved in one of the folders as a .vcf file.

To reset the settings, go to “Settings”, select “Privacy” (if Android version is 2.2 or lower), and then “Reset settings”. IN latest versions go to “Settings”, select “Backup and reset” or “Backup and reset”, then click on “Reset”, “Reset settings”, “Reset Tablet PC” or “Master reset”.

Photo: Resetting your phone Photo: General reset of phone settings
Photo: Resetting your smartphone
Photo: Restoring and resetting your phone

When the phone is turned off and it is not possible to turn it on, you must simultaneously press the volume up button and the power button (on some models the volume button, the Home button and the power button). Technical information should appear on the screen Recovery menu. You need to select the line wipe data/factory reset (down-up control is carried out using the volume key). Then click on Yes, delete all user data.

Do not forget that for a full rollback to factory settings, you need to clear the entire cache and SD card. To do this, you can go to “settings”, “memory”, “clear SD” or clear it immediately upon reset by clicking on wipe cache partition.

Photo: Recovery menu

Important nuances of resetting settings

There are several very simple ones, but important rules that must be followed. For example, during all operations with a smartphone, it must always be connected to charging. Then the phone will not turn off at the most important point, ruining the entire setup process.

If you plan to reset the settings to factory settings in advance, you need to “overclock” the device’s battery. To do this, first discharge it until it turns off, and then fully charge it. This will ensure correct work battery.sys file.

Since all phones are very different in interface and Android firmware, some users experience certain difficulties during the procedure. Don’t worry, be calm and read every menu name very carefully. If the smartphone model is very new or rare, it is better to study the instructions for it or go to the official website.

Problems after factory reset

Unfortunately, it is quite possible that the Android will not turn on after resetting the settings. You should again press the familiar volume up, power off and Home buttons and hold for 10 seconds. A menu will appear Recovery mode, select the “wipe” item, confirm your decision by pressing the Home button.

In a collapsible phone, remove the battery; under it there is a factory reset button. After pressing it, the settings will be reset again and the phone will turn on.

If the advice does not help, be sure to contact a service center to reflash the software.


The tips listed are safe and quite effective. In most cases, with their help you can return the smartphone to normal and correct operation. You don’t need to rack your brain for a long time about what to do if your Android won’t start for one reason. In the case when home diagnostics did not give a positive result, you need to contact professionals. The cause of the failure can be serious, for example, completely faulty software, problems with the matrix, or other internal damage.

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In our world, people can no longer imagine life without a smartphone. He became an extension of our hand. For most people, the breakdown of their favorite gadget will cause panic and hysteria. This, of course, is not very good, but you have to put up with it. Modern mobile devices- very capricious things. Sometimes they behave unpredictably. In order not to be left without communication, you need to know what to do with the device if it suddenly “kicks up” and does not react in any way to the user’s actions. The most common problem with gadgets is that the phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen. What can you do to revive your “pet”? Let's try to answer this.

Possible causes of failure

There are several reasons for this behavior of the smartphone. And depending on them, the decision on repairs will be made. The first (and most common) reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Android screensaver is a failure during the installation of an operating system update. This happens because the Android OS is not very stable. That's not so bad. However, the same result can occur after the device is dropped from a considerable height. This is much worse.

Also common causes may be a malfunction of the battery, charger, or the gadget charging connector itself. Now let's look at the screensaver. In most cases, you can fix everything yourself. Fatal breakdowns are extremely rare. But at the initial stage, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the problem in order to avoid making mistakes in the future.

System failure

This is the safest thing there can be. If the operating system crashes, you need to go into recovery mode and reset the factory settings and clear the cache. Be careful! After this procedure, there will be no third-party applications installed by the user. You can enter recovery by simultaneously pressing the volume up button and the power button. True, there may be different combinations for different models of devices. Then you need to go to the point Wipe data and factory reset and confirm your choice. Then you need to check the box Reboot system now. after this the phone will reboot. If everything is fine, then the reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Lenovo screensaver was precisely a system failure.

Sometimes resetting to factory settings doesn't help. Then there is another option. You just need to reflash the phone. It's not that hard to do. The Internet is full of instructions for each specific smartphone. And at any adequate forum they will be happy to help you implement your plans. Don't lose heart.

If the reason is the battery and charging

You can check this very simply. It is enough to find a similar battery and a similar charger somewhere. If, after replacing all the components, you do not see any changes, then the reason that the HTC phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen is much deeper than you thought. There are only two options: damage to the charging socket or the board itself.

Dealing with a faulty battery or a “glitched” charger is easy. These are not particularly expensive smartphone components. They can simply be replaced with new ones. The problem with the hardware board will be much more noticeable. Here (in most cases) you can’t do without a visit to the workshop. Sometimes you have to pay a very significant amount for repairs.

If the reason is in the board and hardware

It is very difficult to do something about this on your own. You need to have some knowledge of radio electronics and own the appropriate tools. If you have all this, then you can easily solve the problem. But if the phone does not turn on beyond the screensaver due to a faulty board, and you do not understand anything about this matter, then it is better to take the gadget to a service center. Because by arranging repairs on your own, you risk turning your device into a dead brick.

You can try to find a familiar specialist who repairs smartphone hardware and save on repairs. But it’s unlikely that he will resuscitate your device for free. Only if this is a very good friend. But, in any case, you will have to spend money on the Magarych. And it is unknown how much this will cost.


Now you know the main reasons behind the screen saver. There are ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. Unless it's a hardware problem. But, as statistics show, in most cases this problem is caused by a failure of the operating system. And eliminating this annoying misunderstanding is very simple with the help of a few buttons.

Sometimes smartphones fail; there can be many reasons, from an error in the phone’s firmware to a virus. You can use several methods to turn on the phone, but if none of them help, then it is best to take the phone to a service center.

If your Android phone won't turn on, you can try to turn it on.

Method No. 1. Reset factory settings on Android. Do not forget that this method will lead to the loss of all data that was saved on your smartphone. However, if the phone can be “revitalized”, then it will not be difficult to restore the data. To reset the factory settings, when the phone is turned off, you need to simultaneously hold down several buttons, the power button and the volume button. This will reset all settings so the phone turns on.

Method number 2. Reset factory settings. The first method of resetting factory settings is suitable for those whose Android phone does not respond at all to pressing any keys. The second method is for those devices that freeze at the loading stage. In this case, you can also reset the factory settings, to do this you need to dial code #3d5*361d4fb8#, this will result in the loss of all data, but the phone will turn on.

Method No. 3. Reflashing the device. If you do not know how to do this yourself, it is best to use the services of specialists from the service center. For those who can do the flashing themselves, you need to check whether the smartphone can switch to the “emergency mode” mode; to do this, you need to simultaneously press the “Return”, “Volume” and “Power” buttons. When carrying out this procedure, it is strictly forbidden to remove the battery from the device. If the smartphone goes into the specified mode, it means that it is possible to flash it.

Virus. When using a device to access the Internet, there is a risk of receiving malware, which not only delete files on their own, but can also block the operation of the device. Therefore, if all of the above methods do not help you, it means that you have received a virus that has deleted all the files that are necessary for the operation of your Android smartphone. In this case, it is best to contact specialists.
When buying some smartphone models, you need to carefully monitor the updates it offers, sometimes this is useful. There have been cases when an Android smartphone may stop working due to an unupdated firmware version, this is warranty case, so you need to contact the service center. Now, you know almost all the reasons why an Android smartphone does not work.

What to do if your Android tablet does not turn on?

If your Android tablet does not turn on, there may be two reasons: either hardware, that is, problems with some spare part, or “software”, that is, incorrectly installed operating system or installed incompetent programs.

Problems with the internal parts of the tablet can occur if you drop or hit it. In this case, it will simply be impossible to repair it yourself. After all, the impact could damage the battery, some cable or board. In this case, it is best to take the faulty tablet to a service center. If you still decide to repair it yourself, then you can find diagrams of the boards and cable locations in order to check that they are connected correctly.

In the case of a software problem, it will be much easier to revive the tablet. To do this, you can resort to a hard reset. For all models, this procedure looks noticeably the same, but it is best to find instructions specifically for your tablet model. Standard procedure a hard cut looks like this. First of all, you need to turn off the tablet if it freezes at the loading stage. To avoid data loss, it is better to first remove the memory card and SIM card. Then you should hold down the button to turn on the tablet and change the volume level. In some tablet models you need to hold down the volume up button, and in others you need to press down the volume button. (This is why it is better to find instructions for specific model tablet). It takes approximately 10-15 seconds to press the buttons, this time also varies for different models. After this, the tablet should “respond” to you with vibration. In the menu that appears, select Settings, and then Format System. After this, the tablet must be rebooted.

Most often, this procedure does not help after the first time, so do not despair and repeat the procedure. If this method fails to restore the tablet’s functionality, then you can resort to firmware flashing. It is best to entrust this to specialists who will not only repair the tablet, but also eliminate the cause of its breakdown.

Sometimes the reason the tablet freezes at the loading stage lies in large quantities downloaded applications that are not always good quality, so resetting the settings to factory settings helps 100 percent. In other cases, of course, it will be more difficult to repair it. In order not to risk permanently damaging the device, it is best to contact specialists, especially if the device is still in storage. warranty service, it is best not to take any action so as not to void the warranty.