How to transfer money from Beeline to another number using the Mobile Transfer service. Beeline service "Mobile transfer"

Beeline has created a convenient option for its customers to transfer money from one mobile account to another. It is necessary for those who do not want or are unable to spend cash or funds from their bank card, but must replenish the accounts of their loved ones.

A friend asked you to urgently transfer 50 rubles to your account? This is not a problem, you can complete the operation by spending 1-2 minutes of your time, holding only your phone in your hands or having access to the Internet.

If you do not yet know how to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline, we advise you to carefully study the instructions, which offer 3 ways to complete the procedure: using SMS, sending a request or the Internet. All options have certain advantages and disadvantages, but you should know that fees and restrictions will vary.

How to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline via SMS

The method of transferring funds using text messages is clear and simple for any user, even a beginner. After all, all you need to do is pick up your mobile phone and send an SMS with a certain text to the short number 7878. This is the address of the Mobile Transfers service from Beeline.

This option has only one drawback - the need to remember or enter the service number in the phone book, and also to know the structure of the message, because if it is not followed, the operation will be rejected.

SMS type: (Beeline recipient number)(amount). For example, 7ххххххххх 50 . This text is sent to 7878. After sending the text message, you will receive a notification on your phone, which will contain the information necessary to confirm the action.

Follow the instructions and when the operation is completed successfully, you will receive an SMS informing you about this.

Beeline money transfer from phone to phone using ussd request

If you need to transfer money from one Beeline SIM card to another, you can use the service from the Mobile Transfer operator, which is available in the form of a ussd request.

To do this, enter the following combination of numbers and symbols on the keyboard: *145*recipient number*transfer amount#. The finished look should be: * 145 * 903ххххххх * 100 #.

Transfer money from Beeline to Beeline Via the Internet on the Beeline website

If you have access to the network, you can use the form on the official website. Its advantage is that there is no need to remember different service numbers. Just follow the link and select the “To another phone” icon.

In the “Transfer to another subscriber’s account” window that opens, check the box next to the “Beeline” item and click on the button located at the bottom called “Transfer from the site.”

Of all possible operators, we choose the first one - Beeline. Now you should enter the following data: first field: Beeline recipient number without country code, second field - your Beeline number, third - amount to pay.

Please review the fees that will be quoted for each specific case. In our situation, when sending 100 rubles. 113 rubles will be withdrawn from the balance. (3% commission + 10 rubles).

Now you need to do the last step: enter the code from the picture, and also mark your agreement with the terms of service, which you can immediately

study. To confirm, you will need to send an SMS from your mobile phone with the code specified in the notification.

Provides its subscribers with a huge number of useful functions. So, for example, any user can use the money transfer service. But how to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline? This is where the question lies. This can be useful in various life situations, for example, if your relative or friend’s account runs out of money. It is worth noting that its use is completely free.

The translation process can be implemented in many ways. All you need to do is choose a more comfortable option for yourself.

How to transfer money between Beeline numbers on a mobile phone

This option is very convenient and fast, because all that is required for the transaction is to send a request to a specific number. If the other subscriber accepts your request, then you can freely make a transfer. To use this operation, you need to type a certain key combination.

Step-by-step instruction

Everything is very simple. First, you will need to dial a certain command on your phone: *145*, then indicate the recipient’s number and * top-up amount #, then click send request. Please note that the recipient's number must be indicated without the first digit.

After the request has been sent, a response SMS should be sent to your mobile phone, which will contain a special confirmation code. It must be dialed in the following format: *145* received code #.

After this, the amount should be withdrawn from your mobile balance. You will receive a notification that the transaction was successful. The payment itself does not take more than a minute.

If you are concerned about the safety of your funds, you can always use blocking this function. To do this, you will need to activate the service, and then send the appropriate blocking request. The command is as follows: *110*171#. After this, you will no longer be able to transfer a single ruble from your phone.

HEALTHY! There are different situations in life, and if you want to enable this function again, then call the special number 0611. A manager will answer you who will help solve this problem and re-enable the payment option.

As mentioned earlier, using this feature is completely free. If you want to pay 100 rubles, then the recipient will receive exactly a hundred. Not even a penny will go to waste, so you don't have to worry about fees. But it is worth remembering that the transfer amount is limited by the operator. The minimum replenishment amount is 10 rubles, the maximum is 150 rubles. The maximum account replenishment per day is no more than 300 rubles. After the transfer has been completed, the sender’s balance must contain at least 60 rubles. Otherwise, the payment request will be rejected.

In addition, Beeline provides the ability to translate using the convenient “ ” function.

Money transfer from Beeline to Beeline

In order for you to be able to use this service, you need to dial the following number - 7878. With its help, you can engage in charity, helping sick children in need of help.

The translation function is carried out using a special message structure. At the very beginning, you must indicate the recipient's number. Important! The number is entered without the 8. After the space, the amount you want to transfer is indicated. At the end, confirm sending the message to number 7878.

IMPORTANT! The operator charges a small commission, which is 5% of the total transfer amount. To make SMS payments more profitable, use the online service.

This option can only be used in cases where the total transaction amount is no more than 5,000 rubles. The daily limit is 15,000 rubles.

Video instruction

Translation using an online service

This method is one of the most technologically advanced and convenient. In this case, the entire operation will take no more than a minute, without forcing the recipient to wait or you to perform any actions. Everything is very easy and simple.

All you need to do is look at the official website of the Beeline operator and read the terms and conditions. Once you agree to all the terms, you can make the transfer.

On the website you will need to select a specific item - “To the account of another subscriber”. You will be shown an impressive list with all the capabilities of the service; select a mobile communication service. In the window that appears, fill in the required data, do not forget to check it. After filling out and confirming your actions, funds will be immediately withdrawn from your account. After making the payment, you will need to correctly enter the captcha from the image.

The service itself charges a small commission from the client for using its functionality. Its size is written out in a separate field when performing the operation. As a rule, the cost of the service is 10 rubles + 3% of the total transfer amount. No more than 5,000 rubles per day.

How to transfer to the number of your own and someone else's operator

Absolutely all methods described earlier can be used not only for transfers between Beeline subscribers. They can be used to make transactions to other numbers. To save on the service, you can use a special USSD request.

Greetings, friends!

Very often we use the same cell phone provider among family members and friends. This is due to small privileges for subscribers within the network. It happens that your close friend or family member urgently needs to top up their phone account, but there is no way to do it yourself in cash or with a bank card. Can you help solve your loved one's problem? Certainly!

There are several ways to transfer money from the account of one Beeline subscriber to the account of another subscriber of the same operator. Through the efforts of operators, new opportunities are being created to improve the work with the phone, including various methods of replenishing an account, such as Trust payment, Always in the black, Autopayment, Mobile transfer, etc. Today we will talk about the latest service - mobile transfer of funds from the account of one subscriber to account of another within the Beeline network. Thanks to this service, it is always possible to help out a loved one - a Beeline subscriber - by topping up his account by transferring money from his own phone.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised that you can transfer funds in three ways at once. You are most likely already familiar with one of them - Mobile transfer. In addition, there is another transfer method using the Beeline.Money service, in which you can use one of two methods of transferring funds. I will talk about all these methods in more detail in this article.

Method 1. How to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline using the USSD command? Mobile transfer service

As part of the Mobile Transfer service, the operator provides its subscribers with the opportunity to use a special USSD command to transfer funds to numbers of other subscribers within the Beeline network.

The service is provided free of charge for connection and is available initially when purchasing a SIM card, but the cost of one transfer is currently 5 rubles per transfer. The service is available both in the home region and in roaming. There are also certain restrictions when using this service, which will be discussed below.

Algorithm for making a payment using a USSD command

To use the Mobile Transfer service, dial on your phone a USSD command of the form ✶ 145 ✶ subscriber number ✶ transfer amount # and then call.

Subscriber number - the telephone number of the person who will receive your transfer. The number must be entered in ten-digit form, i.e. without +7 or 8. And the transfer amount, as the name implies, is the amount that the subscriber will receive. Do not forget that an additional 5 rubles will be debited from your account for making the transfer.

After you have sent a request for a transfer, you will receive an SMS message with a unique three-digit payment confirmation code

To confirm the payment, you will need to send another command containing the code from the SMS message that you received. This command looks like this: ✶ 145 ✶ code #. Only after sending this USSD command will money from your Beeline account be transferred to the recipient's account.

Example: To transfer 150 rubles to the number +7-905-456-12-13, you should dial on your phone:*145* 9054561213 * 150 #. We receive an SMS with code 678. We send the command:*145*678#

If you suddenly want to prohibit transferring money from your phone account to the accounts of other Beeline subscribers, you can disable the Mobile Transfer service. To disable the service, enter the command: ✶ 110 ✶ 171 #

If some time after disconnecting the service you decide to use Mobile Transfer again, then an operator will help you connect the service; you can contact him by phone 0611, or you can use your personal account, find and activate the service yourself.

Restrictions applicable to the Mobile Transfer service

  • A one-time transfer cannot exceed the amount of 200 rubles.
  • You can transfer a maximum of 400 rubles per day.
  • The minimum amount to make a transfer is 10 rubles.
  • After making the transfer, there should be at least 50 rubles left in your account.
  • The maximum number of transfers received per day is 5.
  • After receiving the transfer, the amount in the recipient’s account should not exceed 10,000 rubles. Further transfer of money received through Mobile Transfer is possible only after 24 hours.
  • The Mobile Transfer service will not be available if you have a new SIM card and the cost of communication services for it has not yet exceeded 300 rubles.

Method 2. How to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline via SMS? Service "Beeline.Money"

If the first method is too inconvenient and time-consuming for you, then you can transfer money from Beeline to Beeline much easier by using the Beeline.Money service. First, let's get acquainted with the Beeline.Money service.

The “Beeline.Money” service will allow you to receive money from friends or loved ones to the account of your Beeline mobile phone, receive it in cash at any branch of the UNISTREAM money transfer system in Russia, and also transfer money to a bank card.

Terms of service

The service does not require a connection and is available to all subscribers - individuals over 14 years of age.
There are some restrictions when using the service:

  • From one telephone number it is possible to make a transfer to no more than 5 different bank cards linked to one client’s current account.
  • It is possible to make a transfer to one bank card (to one bank account) from no more than two different phone numbers within 30 days.

Cost of translation services

When using the service, an additional commission is charged, which is debited from the personal account simultaneously with the transfer amount:

  • when transferring to Unistream branches: 2.99% of the transfer amount + 10 rubles;
  • when transferring to a bank card:
    • from 50 to 1000 rubles - 50 rubles,
    • from 1001 to 14000 rubles - 5.95% of the transfer amount +10 rubles.
  • when transferring to the phone of another Beeline subscriber - 3% of the payment amount + 10 rubles

There is no charge for sending an SMS message to 7878.

To transfer money to another Beeline subscriber from your mobile account, send an SMS to 7878. In the text of the message you must indicate the operator code - bee, subscriber's phone number in 10-digit format and transfer amount. All this data must be entered separated by a space.

For example, d To transfer 200 rubles to a subscriber 8-905-456-12-13, you should send an SMS like:bee 9054561212 to number 7878

Method 3. How to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline via the Internet?

We are already familiar with the Beeline.Money service and you know how to make a transfer using SMS, but if you spend a lot of time on the Internet, then it will be good news for you to know that you can transfer funds to the account of another subscriber using the Beeline service website .Money -

Just like when transferring money via SMS, Beeline charges a transaction fee of 3% of the amount + 10 rubles, as when using SMS messages

To transfer money from Beeline to Beeline via the Internet, follow the following algorithm:

  • Go to the operator’s website - and click on the link Money transfers
  • Scroll down the page a little and select “To another subscriber’s account” beeline And translate from site

  • Select an operator - Beeline (as you can see, there is the possibility of transferring to other operators)

  • We fill out the forms. In field 1 indicate the phone number of our recipient, field 2 — your phone number from which funds for the transfer will be debited, field 3 contains the transfer amount that the recipient of the transfer will receive, and below is the amount including the commission ( 7 ), which will be debited from your account. Enters the code from the image (field 4 ), put a tick ( 5 ) and click “Pay” ( 6 ).

What if you need to transfer to another operator? It's simple. Click on this button and follow the instructions:

All the rules and conditions are the same as when using SMS messages to make transfers, since everything happens within the framework of the Beeline.Money service, but different tools are used - SMS and the mobile operator’s website.

These methods will allow you to always help your loved ones in cases of urgent need to transfer funds to your phone, which means you can always stay in touch. I would like to believe that this article was useful to you, dear readers!

This article has come to an end, good luck to you friends and see you again.

Often you have to top up your account not only on your mobile phone, but also on the phones of relatives and friends. If your loved ones are served on the network of the same mobile operator as you, you can transfer money to them through a mobile transfer. Transferring funds in this way is carried out quickly, the commission amount is minimal. Let's consider options on how to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline without leaving your home.

The “Money Transfers” service is especially popular among Beeline subscribers. Users pay bills for telephone calls, pay off debts on loans, fines, and make payments for housing and communal services. All financial transactions are made from a mobile phone account.

You can exchange balance between 2 Beeline SIM cards in 4 ways:

  • Via USSD command;
  • By sending SMS;
  • Through the official Beeline website;
  • Through the payment platform "MOBI.Money".

Making payments via USSD command

To transfer funds you need to dial *145*phone number# and press Call. Despite the obvious simplicity of the method, the size of the commission can be confusing. Regardless of the replenishment amount, the commission fee is 15 rubles.


1 We dial the command on the phone *145*9XXXXXXXXXX# and press the button "Call";

2 Enter the transfer amount and press "Call";

3 The amount of the commission is indicated. We continue the operation by sending the code;

5 Incoming SMS indicates successful transfer of the amount.

Following the instructions eliminates the possibility of errors. Problems can occur if the subscriber does not respond to system requests in a timely manner. If you did not have time to respond to incoming notifications in time, start the whole procedure again.

Making payments by sending SMS

You can use regular SMS messages to top up your balance. The method involves sending an SMS to service number 7878. In the text field, enter the recipient's number and the transfer amount in the format "9XXXXXXXXX_30".

1 Open a new message. We write in the body of the sms "subscriber number_amount", indicate number 7878 as the addressee. Send;

2 Most often, money is debited for sending messages to short numbers. Therefore, you need to confirm your actions. Outgoing SMS to service number 7878, as well as to 8464, are free, so press the button "Send";

3 We respond to the received message. We send the number "1";

4 We agree with the statement that messages sent to service numbers may be chargeable. Select a button "Send";

5 Based on the notification received, we learn about the amount of credit and commission.

The method of replenishing your account via SMS is convenient and practical. Users of push-button phones can make the transfer. The disadvantage of this option may be one point - not all subscribers manage to correctly remember the service address 7878. Since outgoing messages of an informational and entertainment nature to 4-digit numbers are paid, an incorrectly specified address in SMS threatens to write off an extra amount of money.

Making paymentsthrough the official Beeline website

Easily make mobile payments from your smartphone or computer. On the official website of the operator it is allowed to carry out any types of transfers. Having access to the Internet, the subscriber can view payment history and print receipts. Receipts are required in case of an erroneous transaction. Refunds of incorrectly credited money are made at Beeline communication stores.

The procedure for transferring funds between 2 SIM cards is carried out in 5 stages:

1 Open the start page Let's move on to point "Money transfers" In chapter "Payment and Finance";

2 The first in the list of services offered is “Transfer to another subscriber’s account”. Click "Translate from site";

Click to enlarge image

3 Select an icon "Beeline";

Click to enlarge image

4 Fill in the empty windows. We enter phone numbers and payment amount;

Click to enlarge image

5 We check the entered data and indicate the code numbers. We put a tick in the place where you need to read the terms of service. Click "Pay";

6 We send a response "1" to address 8464. If you are not satisfied with the amount debited, refuse to continue the procedure. Send a number «0» ;

7 We agree with the notification received on the phone, because Working with the 8464 service is free. Click "Send";

Click to enlarge image

9 After refreshing the page, we find out that the payment has been credited. If necessary, you can print a receipt;

Click to enlarge image

10 The receipt contains the details of the recipient and sender, payment amount, commission and method of replenishment.

Click to enlarge image

It will not be difficult for active users of the World Wide Web to make the required payment. A significant advantage of this method is that you do not need to remember any combinations or service numbers. It's difficult to make a mistake in the program. The site has good navigation, the services available to subscribers are highlighted and described in detail.

Making paymentsthrough the payment platform "MOBI.Money"

Financial actions can be performed through the universal platform “MOBI.Money”. Payments for services are debited from the mobile phone balance. Filling out payment documents is carried out through a secure connection. In order to protect against fraud, the user must dial code numbers to enter the program, and send a confirmation SMS to make a transfer.

To make payments between 2 Beeline SIM cards, you need to complete 8 steps:

1 Open the start page;

Click to enlarge image

2 In the top menu, click "Money transfers" and further;

Click to enlarge image

3 A password is required to log in. To receive it, indicate the telephone number in the required line;

Click to enlarge image

6 We enter the transfer amount and the phone number where you want to credit into the payment form. Click "Pay";

7 Choose "Confirm payment";

8 We send "1", agreeing to the terms of the transfer;

9 All actions with service address 8464 are free, so click "Send";

10 The status of the working page has been updated. Text in green font indicates the successful completion of the operation.

Click to enlarge image

For those subscribers who are unable to use the Internet, the MOBI.Money company offers to make payments using messages. To transfer the balance from one SIM card to another, follow these steps:

1 In the text field of the new message, enter the combination "Bee_9XXXXXXXXX_30". We will send a request to service address 3116;

2 We agree with the information received. Click "Send";

3 We will send a response to the incoming SMS "1";

4 Notification of enrollment is sent to the recipient subscriber.

Service “MOBI.Money” convenient to use when replenishing a mobile account in the amount of up to 200 rubles. The payment system takes a commission of 5.95%. For larger payments, it will be more profitable to use other methods.

When working with the service, it is important to pay attention to the following details:

  • The acceptable transfer amount for 1 transaction is 20 – 20,000 rubles;
  • The permissible number of operations per day is 10 times;
  • The maximum possible transfer amount per day is 15,000 rubles;
  • The permissible number of operations per month is 50 times;
  • The maximum possible transfer amount per day is 30,000 rubles.

When transferring funds from Beeline to Beeline, it is important that the sending subscriber maintains a balance of at least 50 rubles in his account. Otherwise, the operation is impossible.

Calculation of commission and requirements for the “Money Transfers” service

The Money Transfer service, like any other operator option, has its limitations. You will not be able to abuse the capabilities of the service. When performing financial transactions on the official Beeline website or via SMS, it is important to pay attention to the following details:

  • The minimum payment amount for 1 transaction is 10 rubles;
  • The maximum payment amount for 1 transaction is RUB 5,000;
  • The possible number of operations per day is 10 times for a total amount of no more than 15,000 rubles;
  • The possible number of operations per week is 20 times for a total amount of no more than 40,000 rubles;
  • The possible number of operations per month is 50 times for a total amount of no more than 40,000 rubles.

Maximum payment amounts are indicated including commission. The commission depends on the replenishment amount: up to 200 rubles. – 15 rubles, above 200 rubles. – 3% + 10 rub.

Before planning a transfer, you should find out how much balance you can spend. Free command for verification *222# .

When replenishing your account using the USSD service, you should know the following rules:

  • The acceptable transfer amount for 1 transaction is 30-200 rubles;
  • The permissible amount of payments per day is 400 rubles;
  • The permissible number of transfers that a subscriber can receive is 5 times/day;
  • The maximum possible balance for the recipient after the transfer is 10,000 rubles;
  • The minimum time interval between 2 transfers is 2 minutes;
  • Withdrawal of funds by the recipient – ​​24 hours after the last transfer.

After transferring funds, at least 50 rubles must remain on the sender’s balance. The commission is 15 rubles. The amount of the commission fee is not affected by the payment amount.

Service management

Beeline subscribers registered in the customer database as individuals can make transfers and pay for goods and services. The Mobile Payment service is included in the main list of free services on SIM cards with a prepaid payment system.

Additional activation of the option will be required on tariffs where money is deposited after the end of the reporting period (postpaid system). Subscribers receiving services on such tariff plans must create a special account. The connection command is *110*271#. To carry out any financial transactions, you need to top up your virtual wallet. Money is credited in any usual way, only when dialing a phone number, the number “9” is replaced by the number “6”. For example, to transfer to a special account at the number 9035678909, you need to enter 6035678909 on the terminal.

Newly connected subscribers may not be able to take advantage of the Money Transfer service right away. Mobile payments become available after the user has spent more than 150 rubles on communications. When calculating the amount, funds spent on calls, Internet, SMS and mms are taken into account. This does not include fees for connecting additional options, roaming, international and long-distance calls.

You can disable the service yourself using the combination *110*171#. A ban is established in cases where a SIM card is given for use to a stranger, children, or the elderly. If the need for connection arises again, you must contact the service office or the help desk 0611. Contact center specialists will activate the function online and send an SMS with information regarding the rules for the provision of the service.

To make a money transfer from one account to another, the user only needs to know 1-2 methods. All considered replenishment options are convenient and safe. Only the size of the commission can play a decisive role in the choice. The lowest commission fee is offered by the MOBI.Money payment system. With it, it is practical to pay for services both via the Internet and via SMS messages.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What to do if you made a mistake with the number during transfer?

If, when transferring money, you made a mistake in the number, you need to seek help from specialists at the Beeline service office. Operators will be able to help if the recipient’s number is also connected to the Beeline network. If the payment is credited to a SIM card registered in the network of another operator (MegaFon, MTS, Tele2, etc.), you need to go to the communication store of this particular provider. When payment is made online, it is possible to print a receipt as proof.

Several attempts have been made, but funds have not been transferred

It happens that the notification about the crediting of the payment is received only on the recipient’s phone. Therefore, the sender may doubt whether the money has arrived in the correct account. To refute any doubts, check your balance after the transfer. The balance has been reduced, which means the funds have been transferred. The person who is waiting for the balance to be replenished can also explain the situation.

In all other cases, the subscriber is notified immediately of problems with enrollment. Information comes to him in the form of notifications and SMS at the time the transfer is made.

Is it possible to transfer money to Beeline CIS numbers?

You can transfer money from a Beeline SIM card in the Russian Federation to Beeline SIM cards in the CIS countries. Send a free SMS to the service address 7878, instead of text, indicate the number in international format and the transfer amount separated by a space. If the text is typed incorrectly, an SMS will be sent to your phone indicating the correct template.

Is it possible to make a payment without a fee?

When transferring funds between 2 Beeline numbers, a commission is always charged. The commission fee is the same when replenishing your account via SMS and the official website of the VimpelCom company. When crediting an amount up to 200 rubles to your mobile account, you will have to pay an additional 15 rubles; payments over 200 rubles. will require a commission of 3% + 10 rubles.

Moving any amount of money through a USSD request involves withdrawing 15 rubles. When paying for communication services through the MOBI.Money payment platform, the commission will be 5.95%.

Does the Mobile Payment service work in roaming?

When roaming in Russia, financial transactions can be carried out using SMS. The service will only work in locations where the Beeline network is present. When staying abroad, you can use the company’s official website to transfer money. Please note that Internet traffic is paid separately.

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Let's look at 3 ways to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline. Each subscriber has the opportunity to use any of these methods at any time in order to, if necessary, transfer money from his account to any other. So, you can make a transfer by typing a special USSD command on your mobile phone, via the Internet using the website, or simply via SMS with certain content. Below is a detailed description of each method, algorithm of actions, conditions, restrictions and cost of services.

The first method is the Mobile Transfer Service.

A free service that is always available to subscribers, no matter where they are. It also works in roaming. The money transfer process takes place in two stages (sending an application and confirmation using the USSD operator commands presented below) and requires very little of your time.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Step one - Submitting an application. On the phone in dialing mode, enter a USSD command with the following content:
  2. * 145 * recipient number* transfer amount # and press the call button

    Here you need to pay attention to the fact that the recipient’s number must be specified in ten-digit format. That is, the starting numbers 8 or +7 do not need to be entered.

    Example: let's say your friend asked for 100 rubles to his number 8-919-968-0899. On your part you need to dial the command * 145 * 9199680899 * 100 #

  3. Step two - Waiting for SMS to process and confirm payment. Almost instantly after submitting a payment request, an SMS with a unique three-digit code is sent to your phone, which must be used to dial a confirming USSD command in order to successfully transfer money from Beeline to Beeline. Typed like this:
  4. * 145 * received 3-digit code# and press the call button

    If everything is done correctly, a message indicating a successful transfer will appear on the screen. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you will receive a notification. After this you can repeat the request again.

What are the conditions for Mobile Transfer?

  • Connection cost and subscription fee for the service are free
  • The minimum transfer amount is 10 rubles.
  • Maximum – 150 rub.
  • The maximum transfer amount within 24 hours is 300 rubles.
  • The minimum balance that must remain in the sender's account after transferring money is 60 rubles.
  • To prohibit the transfer of money from your Beeline account, the subscriber just needs to dial the following command on the phone - * 110 * 171 #
  • In order to resume the service again after a ban, call the toll-free number 0611.

Second method - How to transfer money via the Internet

It’s not for nothing that they say that the Internet simplifies our lives. This also applies to mobile communications, including replenishing your balance. To quickly transfer money from your account to another Beeline subscriber using the Internet, you need to take only 4 steps:

Third method - How to transfer money from Beeline to Beeline using SMS

It's quite simple to do. You need to send a short SMS message with the following content to service number 7878:

  1. recipient subscriber number in 10-digit format;
  2. transfer amount.

This data is entered on one line separated by spaces. For example: bee 9199680899 100

This means that you transfer 100 rubles to the Beeline subscriber’s account 9199680899.

Terms and commission

  • A commission of 3% of the transfer amount is charged.
  • The minimum transfer amount is 10 rubles.
  • The maximum amount is 5000 rubles.
  • The daily transfer limit is 15,000 rubles.
  • Monthly limit – 30,000 rubles.
  • After the transfer, at least 50 rubles must remain on the balance, otherwise the operation will not be successful.