Wallet for receiving bitcoins. Bitcoin: the new cryptocurrency. Using the online service

Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular - various services and online stores are starting to accept Bitcoin as payment; it can be exchanged for real money, or you can simply keep it on your balance sheet, waiting for the rate to rise.
And of course, many people work with Bitcoin, and some of the projects at the start accept it exclusively. And we all know that the earlier you enter, the lower the risks. And wasting time waiting for the connection of other, more familiar payment systems is not The best decision. To get started with this, we first need to create a Bitcoin wallet.

How to create a Bitcoin wallet

1. Follow the link https://login.blockchain.com/#/signup
A bitcoin wallet registration form opens in front of us, fill out all the necessary fields, check the box that you have read the rules, and click on the “Continue” button. Data from your wallet will be sent to the e-mail you specified.

2. After registering your Bitcoin wallet, open the letter and copy all the information into Text Document so as not to lose anything. The letter contains: a link to log in and a link to confirm your email address. We follow the link to confirm, after which we see the inscription that our e-mail has been verified.

3. The wallet was created, it only took a few minutes. Now we need to find out our wallet number, for this personal account Click on the “Get” button.

4. The wallet number opens, all that remains is to copy and save it.

It is this wallet that will need to be specified in order to receive transfers from other people. And from it you will pay for goods, services or top up your balance in HYIP projects. Each time you will be generated new address wallet, this is done for security. But even pointing old address, you will receive transfers.

We have created a wallet, but it is empty and we need to top it up.

How to withdraw or top up a Bitcoin wallet from a card and payment systems

To replenish your Bitcoin wallet you need to use . Working with them is very simple: in the “You give” field, select the payment system with which you want to send funds, in the “You receive” field, select Bitcoin and insert your wallet number. After payment, usually within an hour the exchange will be completed. To withdraw funds, the same method is used, only in the “You are giving” field we indicate Bitcoin.

If you are a user payment system, you can top up your BTC wallet directly from it by going to the “Transfer of Funds” section – “To email. currency” ().

How to send (transfer) Bitcoins to another person

1. To transfer Bitcoin to any wallet, you need to click on the “Send” button in your personal account.

2. In the “To” field we insert the recipient’s wallet number, below we enter the amount, in the “Description” field, if desired, we write a comment on the transfer, opposite “Transaction fee” I recommend setting “Priority” so that the transfer goes faster. Next, click on “Next step”.

If you decide to mine cryptocurrency, for example, ether or litecoin, or want to buy yourself a few bitcoins, then you need to store these funds somewhere. You will need a Bitcoin wallet. It is important to know that a regular bank card or WebMoney wallet are not suitable for this as you need to create a special virtual wallet entitled Bitcoin wallet.

In this article we will tell you not only about how to create a bitcoin wallet, but also about how to get a bitcoin address, how to use it in the future and what security measures need to be applied so that the wallet for working with money Bitcoin was reliable and protected from strangers.

Types of Bitcoin wallets

Let's begin with Bitcoin wallet represents virtual storage for your cryptocurrency (in in this case Bitcoin) with a unique email address. Access is provided through your personal account, which you enter according to the principle two-factor authentication, after which you can use the functionality of a Bitcoin wallet: transfer funds to another address Bitcoin, exchange bitcoins, pay for goods or services with cryptocurrency.

There are several options Bitcoin wallets, and you should decide which Bitcoin wallet to choose based on your needs and personal preferences. Let's look at the main types of Bitcoin wallets:

  • Computer wallets Bitcoin- can be thick or thin. To use a thick wallet, you need to download the entire block chain and constantly monitor the update. Slim wallet Bitcoin does not require downloading the entire history of the blockchain, but the degree of its security will be much lower;
  • Mobile Bitcoin wallets– these are wallets that you can run on your smartphone or tablet, and also use funds from them to conduct transactions;
  • Online wallets for Bitcoin– a virtual resource that you can connect to from anywhere, not only from your computer, using a private access key. This is convenient and beneficial when you are not at home at your PC, but need urgent access to your account with your account in Bitcoin;
  • Hardware Bitcoin wallets– are specialized devices with private keys stored electronically;
  • Paper Bitcoin wallets– the most accessible and popular type of wallet that generates a Bitcoin address in the form of an image with a QR code.

Procedure for registering a Bitcoin wallet

How to create or register your Bitcoin wallet? This question, of course, is of interest to everyone who wants to have their own wallet. Below we will look in detail at how to create a Bitcoin wallet in Russian in order to use it comfortably and carry out all planned exchange or payment transactions.

How to create a Bitcoin wallet- step-by-step instruction:

  • Go to the website https://blockchain.info/ru/wallet/;
  • press the button "Create a new wallet";
  • After entering your login and password in the dialog box, click "Continue";
  • will appear on the screen identifier code, which you want to save (you can write it down in your personal notebook or create it in Word document record, which you will save in a remote folder). This ID is needed to get a Bitcoin address and have full access to your account after registering a Bitcoin wallet;
  • The procedure is completed and you can enter your personal account.

How to get a Bitcoin address– you log into your wallet by entering your username and password (these are the same data that you came up with for registration), after which you will see a long alphanumeric code. This is your treasured address, which is recommended to be written down separately. When you want to transfer to your wallet a certain amount cryptocurrency, this is exactly what you should indicate, this is where your funds will go.

Now you know how to register a Bitcoin wallet and register (receive) a Bitcoin address. This data is yours personally, keep it in an inaccessible place and then your digital capital will always be safe and secure.

How to create an online wallet

As we said earlier, you can use not only the standard Bitcoin wallet on PC, but also download a Bitcoin wallet online so that, while away from home, you can log into your personal account and perform the necessary operations.

Online Bitcoin wallet will work on any device - be it a computer or a smartphone, but an Internet connection is required. By generating the key you can get remote access, being in another city or even in another country, when you don’t have your own PC at hand.

How to register a Bitcoin wallet online? Everything is simple here. First, you will need to download a Bitcoin wallet, and for this you can go to https://bitcoin.org/ru/wallets/web/. From the proposed types, you select the Web version, after which you need to select the program with which the virtual wallet will work.

The following options are offered to your attention: Bitcoin wallets:

  • Coinapult;

Top best bitcoin wallets for various platforms

How to create your own Bitcoin wallet and which option to choose? Here it is important to take into account the reliability factor of the company that offers its services for storing private keys.

  • Coinkite;
  • Hive;
  • Strongcoin;

The first three positions are considered the most reliable.

Among hardware wallets, the following are popular:

If you want to create a Bitcoin wallet in Russian. on a smartphone or tablet running Android OS, then the current options will be:

  • GreenBits;

PC users choose Electrum or Copay.

Basic settings in a Bitcoin wallet

Now you already know where to get a Bitcoin address, now let’s look at the basic settings of your wallet. Essentially, we will use the wallet to receive and send funds - these are key account transactions.

To receive cryptocurrency to your Bitcoin address, you need to do the following:

  • open section "Get";
  • in the window that appears, your Bitcoin wallet number is displayed, which you communicate to the person who will transfer funds to you;
  • You can use a QR code - it's faster and easier.

Funds are sent as follows:

  • you go to the tab "Send";
  • enter the recipient's Bitcoin wallet number;
  • indicate the required amount and purpose of the transfer;
  • press "Send".

How to reliably protect your wallet

In addition to knowing how to get your Bitcoin address, it is important to think about the security of your wallet, since an unsecured Bitcoin account can become an easy prey for hackers and scammers.

In your personal account there is a special section on security, which you must fill out and activate all three levels of protection:

  1. Protection against loss of access to funds.
  2. Protection against unauthorized access to the wallet.
  3. Advanced security mode.
Security section of Bitcoin wallet

You can also familiarize yourself with the monitoring of exchangers from our partners

I hope you found the article useful and now you can download, configure and use your Bitcoin wallet yourself.

It has become not so easy to create a Bitcoin wallet these days, since every day there are more and more places where you can store this digital currency. In such a situation, not just a beginner, but a seasoned pro begins to run wild. Adding fuel to the fire are the proliferation of unfortunate blogs and websites that, without knowing it, sometimes invite their readers to keep a wallet in unreliable and dangerous places. Still, it is extremely important to find a suitable option, since without storage and further profitable sale Bitcoin will not achieve your financial goals. Let's figure it out, but it's worth remembering that we'll only talk about Bitcoin. You can find information about choosing wallets for other cryptocurrencies in the relevant sections. But this does not mean that the proposed wallets are not suitable for other cryptocurrencies. On the contrary, in our other articles about choosing wallets for other cryptocurrencies, in many cases we mainly recommend these same services. But let’s look here exclusively within the framework of Bitcoin.

Ideally, storing Bitcoin should be reliable, secure, free and convenient. It is also desirable to have a Russian-language interface, since not everyone knows how to work with English language. But most importantly, the wallet should allow you to easily pay with the stored asset, as well as withdraw funds at any time in any direction.

And so, there are a lot of storage facilities, but we tried to select only the best, reliable, convenient and safe. There was also an attempt to satisfy the needs of different audiences - from beginners who still work with small amounts, to trading pros who operate with immodest amounts. So, any user who works with cryptocurrencies will find a wallet for themselves from our rating. Almost all of the wallets presented below are absolutely free and available to anyone. Also, many of them can work in Russian, which is good news.

Total exist following methods BTC storage:

  • Exchanges are the easiest and most common way. Moreover, it is the most convenient, since you can sell or exchange what you store at any time. To get such a wallet, you just need to register.
  • Online services (blockchain.info, Cryptonator and others) are nothing more reliable than exchanges, but no less reliable. It is also enough to register to get it. In terms of functionality, they are much inferior, since it is problematic to sell and exchange bitcoins.
  • As part of payment systems (Payza, Webmoney).
  • Mobile for Android and IOS.
  • Lightweight desktop clients that need to be downloaded to your computer. They weigh a little, since they do not download the entire blockchain, but only necessary files for synchronization. Let's consider the best representative - Electrum.
  • The official Bitcoin wallet Bitcoin Core is an incredibly “heavy” client that downloads the entire BTC network to the user’s computer and constantly synchronizes with it.
  • Hardware wallets, prices starting from 80 euros (including delivery).

Now about everything in more detail and in order, but we will consider only the best representatives. I’ll also tell you where I store it myself. For convenience, the wallets in question are divided into 3 main target categories:

  1. Not large amounts BTC. In this case, it is logical to use the exchange as a wallet, since there is nothing special to risk. In addition, if you hold it somewhere other than exchanges, you can deplete the reserves only through a transaction (they already cost at least $10).
  2. Average amounts. In this case, it is cost-effective to use several exchanges at the same time (if you often need to trade), and desktop Electrum (if you invest for the long term).
  3. Huge amounts of investment - in this case, desktop Electrum, official Core and hardware wallets are more suitable. It is advisable to use all three methods so as not to keep all your money in one place.

Let's look at each specific case.

The best wallets for small amounts (for withdrawal from faucets)

In this case, exchanges would be ideal options BitFlip And Yobit.

Let's start with Bitflip, which is a very ambitious and promising exchange. After simple registration, the user gains access to all functions of the site.

  • Fast and easy registration
  • Many popular wallets, including Bitcoin
  • The minimum deposit amount is only 0.0001BTC, that is, 10 thousand satoshi, which is ideal condition for output from taps to this storage. This is why for small amounts there is no alternative to Bitflip.
  • The ability to always and at any time exchange what is stored either for other cryptocurrencies or for fiat (rubles, dollars, euros and hryvnias). You can also display it anywhere and in any form.
  • Fast transactions as all payments are made automatically.
  • Instant and friendly technical support in Russian if anything happens.
  • To find out your address, after registration, go to the “my wallets” section, then click on BTC and on “top up”.

Now let's move on to exchanges, since, as already mentioned, with active trading you cannot do without them. For Bitcoin, my choice fell on these two:

Official Bitcoin Core wallet

The most important titan for real crypto maniacs. That's what it is official wallet bitcoins. It differs from all others in that the user who downloads and installs it becomes a full participant in the entire Bitcoin network. There are a lot of difficulties and problems, but the user can proudly declare that it is a real blockchain chain. Only for true connoisseurs and professionals, as well as for those who are panicky about their savings. The official website of the wallet is located in the same place as the website of the leader of the crypto market. That's where it can be download to yourself. Key Features:

  • The most difficult installation - you need to download more than 150 gigabytes of the real blockchain (which is still growing every day), then try to install this miracle at least in a couple of days (it takes a long time to synchronize), then there will be a complex setup...
  • Very high system requirements - not every computer can handle it. In addition, what is installed is constantly synchronized with the network to confirm blocks, which is also a very difficult process.
  • In any case, it is advisable to use only for some colossal amounts of storage.

Which wallet to choose - summary

And so, summing up, the desired picture immediately emerges:

If we work with faucets and small amounts, then the first 2 options (Yobit and Bitflip) will be ideal, as it is very convenient to work with them. Which one to choose is a matter of taste. Also, the choice should depend on the availability of the desired output direction in one of them.

For example, Yobit wallet - here you can withdraw any number of satoshis and bitcoins, any cryptocurrencies, and immediately exchange bitcoin for rubles, and withdraw to a Qiwi wallet or somewhere else without commission. As a result, the losses for all these operations are miniscule (no more than 2-3 percent for the entire chain of operations). You can work with fairly small amounts, so the service is perfect even for beginners. Especially yobit wallet is ideal for working with faucets when you need to frequently withdraw small amounts. This wallet is literally for all occasions! But Bitflip still works faster and more efficiently.

Just understand that when storing small amounts there is no point in being afraid of exchanges. But there is a total saving on transactions, because inside the exchange you can perform any operations with what is stored. Users who have a couple of thousand satoshi are touching and avoid exchanges. Understand that this is just funny.

As for larger amounts, your humble servant personally does this - everything that is invested for the long term is stored in Electrum, and everything that is intended for daily trading is stored on exchanges and. By the way, absolutely all bitcoins are always on Exmo, since there are always the most low prices, and it’s easy to pay in rubles and dollars. And if sometimes the required payment system is not available (sometimes it is turned off) or the commission is not satisfactory (it changes often), then first I “drive” the money to payment service AdvancedCash, and from there I transfer it to Eksmo without commissions, because they cooperate very closely.

I am especially pleased with the Exmo-minuscule commissions, lightning-fast reaction to actions, understandable Russian-language interface, availability of all popular and promising cryptocurrencies, various options exchange for money and withdrawal (up to withdrawal of money to the phone), highest level security, full adaptation for users from the CIS - it’s not for nothing that today almost every trader works with this international exchange in one way or another.

Electrum, hardware and Core wallets - as already mentioned, are great options, but they are more suitable for long-term investments than for trading, because transactions on the BTC network are becoming more expensive every day, and it doesn’t seem possible to often trade and play on courses with such fees for “transports”.

Please note that registering a Bitcoin wallet on BitFlip, Yobit or Exmo means creating a Bitcoin wallet in Russian, which is very important for many users. This is also a huge plus.

Also registering a Bitcoin wallet on these three trading platforms extremely easy and simple. And working with wallets will leave only pleasant emotions.

There are many more wallets (for example, even the WebMoney payment system has its own), but we will not consider them at all, because one way or another they are still inferior to the above storage places.

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Cryptocurrency, as a class of money, appeared quite recently. In 2009, Japanese programmer Satoshi Nakamoto and a group of like-minded people proposed a way to generate unique elements based on the principle of blockchain and cryptography. Blockchain implies a chain of transactions in which each link contains information about all previous blocks and the entire chain. These elements were called bitcoins ( digital coins). The crypto code, open to everyone, showed everyone a way to mine bitcoins by executing a mathematical algorithm using a computer and a powerful video card.

What is Bitcoin mining

To understand how to create Bitcoin, imagine a certain set of symbols (cryptocurrency code), for which you need to choose the same length, but completely different from it. The process of creating and mining bitcoins is called mining. Each cue ball is a chain of blocks containing information about each previously released block. For the convenience of using cryptocurrencies, wallets have been created that store bitcoin identifiers. Bitcoin mining requires the installation of modern computer equipment and special programs.

Is Bitcoin mining profitable in 2019?

The maximum Bitcoin issuance limit is 21 million coins. By mid-2017, just over 13 million had been produced. According to calculations, the limit will be reached by 2040. The complexity of calculations is growing, and along with this, mining costs are rising. The profitability of bitcoin mining is determined by the amount of investment that the miner is willing to bear. The profitability of production is influenced by a large number of factors, from the cost of equipment to the cost of energy costs. It is worth taking into account the growing demand for the use of cryptocurrencies.

Changes in mining conditions and reward levels

The creators of Bitcoin laid down a method for limiting emission by gradually reducing the reward for creating new blocks. The step for this change is the number of bitcoins taken to be 210,000 coins. After producing this number of bitcoins, the reward for new transactions is reduced by half. When mining the first 210,000 coins, the reward was 50 BTC per block. Since 2013, there has been a transition to the next stage, in which new block for 25 bitcoins. Now the miner will receive a reward of 12.5 bitcoins for each block.

Cryptocurrency rates for today July 25, 2017



Change over 12 hours and 7 days

$ 42,540,484,835
16,456,005 BTC

5.89% ($162) 12h
+10.49% ($245) 7d


$ 19,409,871,923
93,493,505 ETH

7.25% ($16.2) 12h
+0.63% ($1.30) 7d


$ 2,213,599,789
52,160,595 LTC

5.54% ($2.49) 12h
-5.08% ($2.27) 7d

$ 1,446,791,985
7,448,311 DASH

6.74% ($14.0) 12h
+21.15% ($33.9) 7d

$ 6,172,364,421
34,920,190,690 XRP

7.26% 12 hours
-4.15% 7 days


$ 127,572,361
7,386,007,120 DGB

16.65% 12 hours
+43.66% 7 days


$ 353,606,673
2,547,499,142 BTS

18.49% ($0.03) 12h
+12.71% ($0.02) 7d

How to mine bitcoins

Bitcoin mining and block generation is a complex operation. Building and verifying the originality of a blockchain takes a lot of time and requires fast computer equipment. To solve this problem, it is possible to use the power of a simple home computer, create a farm for the mining process, or connect to services cloud mining. You can find out how to mine bitcoins in cloud services on Internet sites. Different ways production digital currencies use special programs.

Solo mining

Any miner, having built his own farm, has the opportunity to mine bitcoins alone. The essence of CPU mining is to find a new hash, or key, for a new block. The miner who solves this problem receives a reward of 12.5 BTC. But to make a profit from alone you need to produce great amount comparison operations require large computing power equipment. If the probability of finding this hash is low, the efforts expended in mining Bitcoin may not bring profit.

Creating a mining farm

To create a cryptocurrency generation farm, a standard computer equipment, including powerful source nutrition, motherboard, and the modules connected to it. Based on the types of these modules, farms are divided into three types:

  1. Usage GPUs, in other words, video cards to create a farm is called GPU mining. The optimal price/performance ratio is video AMD cards. In the early stages of mining, these cards were widely used, but as the complexity of mining increased, problems arose with their power consumption and cooling. The prospects for their use are low. The advantage is the opportunity to sell the equipment.
  2. The use of programmable logic arrays for this purpose led to the creation of the next stage - FPGA mining. Their performance is comparable to GPUs, but they consume less power and do not require cooling. These farms are widely used because they provide the opportunity to generate different cryptocurrencies.
  3. Alternative way To farm bitcoins are special ASIC processors (ASIC) for calculating a block of Bitcoin. Mining performance on ASIC is 20-30 times higher than FPGA farms, but the cost is very high. This led to the need to create groups of miners, or pools, to unite financial opportunities large quantity miners for the purpose of creating or renting farms on ASIC devices.

Cloud mining

Cryptocurrency mining is possible using cloud services. Cloud mining is the rental of mining capacity from real owners of large farms through an intermediary. Suitable for this purpose home computer, laptop. After registering for a service in the cloud, carefully study how to generate bitcoins. After the contribution, the client receives his share of the power, which is measured in hashes per second. After the pool receives income, each of them receives his share, depending on his contribution to the result. The client withdraws income through an exchanger or cryptocurrency exchange.

How to earn bitcoins using a computer

Anyone has the opportunity to understand the question of how to mine Bitcoins correctly. For anyone who is going to make money on investments, it is important to maintain a positive balance between the funds spent, effort, electricity, time and the result obtained. At the initial stage, Bitcoin mining using home PCs was profitable. Now the complexity of trying out the entire number of options makes it possible to make money on the user’s computer only with the help of cloud services.

Mining on a video card

Despite all the difficulties, individual mining of cryptocurrencies and bitcoin using farms brings income. The profitability of mining using a video card for the first half of 2017 was due to a clear trend of increasing the cost of Bitcoin coins, which pulled up the prices of most forks. Bitcoin mining on a video card has led to a shortage of relatively inexpensive air- and water-cooled cards. The most popular cards are AMD Nvidia.

Using special processors

Video cards are more suitable for generating cryptocoins, but high-performance processors are also suitable. The best processor for production in terms of price and performance ratio is Intel Core i7 58020K Hexa-Core at 3.3 GHz with a speed of 202 hashes/second. For mining on a processor, the most important thing is optimal ratio its operating frequency and price. The operating frequency of each processor will determine the power of your entire farm, and its price will affect the efficiency and profitability of the entire process.

How to start mining

To start earning cryptocurrencies using special equipment, you need to create a farm. The most popular miners, Avalon6 and AntMiner S7, cost about $600 and can bring a net profit of 0.1 to 0.2 BTC. To get started you need:

  • buy a ready-made module, or build a farm yourself;
  • download and install special program– miner;
  • register in the pool of miners, indicating your capacity;
  • get part of the task and get to work.

Pool selection

For optimal performance BTC mining requires a rational combination of its requirements and conditions with the power of your equipment. Power depends on the performance of the video card. The pool needs the power resources of your hardware. Consider the proportionality of the income distribution of the pool, which will pay your income corresponding to the contribution of your equipment to general process. Internet pool sites contain tables of income versus performance. The largest pool on the Bitcoin network is Antpool, which is owned by Bitmain.

Installing and launching a program for mining bitcoins

One of the main programs for mining cryptocurrencies is CGMiner. It does not have its own shell. Operates from command line, so it is recommended for experienced programmers. good graphical shell has GUIminer - when using it, the client works both in solo mode and when entering the pool address. During installation, it automatically determines the equipment parameters and saves the settings in a profile file. To work in the bitcoin system, you need to create a wallet address.

Creating a Bitcoin wallet

To store cryptocurrencies, appropriate wallets are used, which are downloadable applications, the choice of which depends on your computer system and the type of crypto. You need to download the wallet to your computer or smartphone and come up with a login to log in. The password in many wallets is generated automatically in the form of a crypto key. After activating the wallet, do not forget to save the main ID, which is the wallet address, for making payments. To sell bitcoin, use exchange offices or crypto exchanges with higher exchange rates.

Where to mine bitcoins

Cloud mining is a good starting platform for a new cryptocurrency businessman. Having invested a small starting capital, you have the opportunity to start mining bitcoins and study this issue. As with any money business, many scammers have appeared in the cloud service, hiding under the guise cloud service hype projects. Below is a rating of cloud mining services that have good network capacity and pay fees to their participants:

  • HashFlare. Start of work – June 2015. Minimum input/output 1.2 USD/ 0.00085 BTC. In addition to Bitcoin, he mines several cryptocurrencies.
  • Hashing24. Start of work – June 2015. Minimum entry/withdrawal 19.95 USD/ 0.001 BTC. The power is provided by the BitFury company. Deposits and withdrawals of funds are carried out bank cards Visa/Mastercard.
  • Genesis-Mining. Start of work - February 2014. Minimum input/output 30 USD/ 0.0001 BTC. For the purpose of cloud mining, the power for the SHA-256, X11, and Dagger-Hashimoto algorithms is rented. The advantage is that payments exceed costs. Entry and withdrawal are possible by bank cards and transfers.
  • HashNest. Start of work – July 2014. Minimum input/output 0.001 BTC/ 0.001 BTC. Good stats ASIC S9 cards used by this service.
  • Eobot. Start of work – June 2017. The minimum input/output is unlimited. On this service Various cryptocurrencies are mined, there is a faucet for the opportunity to get cryptocurrency for free.

How to calculate mining profitability

To determine the efficiency of cryptocurrency mining, use mining profitability calculators located on cloud mining sites. The initial data entered into the calculator is the complexity indicator, the cost of the block, the cost of electricity, the power of the equipment and others. The result of the calculations is the value of the profit from production for a certain period of time.

Cost of equipment for bitcoin mining

Cue ball mining equipment differs in its performance and price. The most significant influence on production efficiency is the electrical power consumption. Several miners, their cost, mining power, electricity consumption, approximate monthly income, payback period are presented in the table:

Miner name

Power, Gh/s

Consumption, kW/hour

Income, USD/month

Payback period, months

Bitmain AntMiner S 9

Spondoolies-Tech SP 500

Electricity and equipment cooling costs

As can be seen from the table above, energy costs affect production efficiency. The bulk of the electricity consumed goes to cooling the chips. The farm operates around the clock, so serious care must be taken about ventilation of the room, air conditioning and cooling of the microcircuits. In addition to traditional ventilation, to solve this problem it is used water cooling, similar to cooling a car engine.

Growth in the number of miners

We are currently experiencing a boom in the number of miners. Cheap video cards for mining have disappeared from sales not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe. The difficulties of bitcoin mining and the increasing hardware requirements for this are forcing many miners to switch to other cryptocurrencies. The only positive factor supporting interest in bitcoin mining is stable growth cue ball prices on the cryptocurrency market. When the price decreases or corrects, the number of people willing to mine Bitcoin decreases.

Bitcoin mining calculator

To calculate mining efficiency, thematic sites contain automatic mining calculators. They can be used by all people who mine any cryptocurrency. The initial data for the calculation are the difficulty coefficients of cryptocurrency mining, mining speed, characteristics of the miner, pool, and others. After entering all the required data, the result is an indicator of the income of the entire mining process.

Risks and difficulties of generating cryptocurrency

With the growing complexity of mining crypto coins, the main criterion for efficiency is the ability to invest a large sum money to buy expensive but fast equipment. It becomes harder to make a profit from the process. The main risks and difficulties of mining, which must be taken into account by everyone involved in mining when drawing up a business plan, remain:

  • reducing the price at which the generation of new blocks is rewarded;
  • increase in the cost of equipment due to an increase in its productivity and growth in demand;
  • the cost of electricity, limits on its use for specific premises;
  • the likelihood of a fall in the price of Bitcoin, as often happened with financial bubbles.


In this article I will not tell you what Bitcoin is, how it works, etc. – I assume that in order to earn money you need a wallet into which you will receive bitcoins and from which you will withdraw funds. The rest is unlikely to interest you, right? So:

How to choose the best bitcoin wallet?

There are three types of Bitcoin wallets; choosing the best one depends on the purposes you have for it and the amounts you plan to store in it.

Method one: For advanced users and experts

The very first way, which is also offered to you by the official website of the bitcoin community, is to install a wallet on your computer - download bitcoin program core, install and use.

  1. Your money is with you, and not with some guy on the server;
  2. You are not limited in your actions by any rules of other people’s sites - you can do whatever you want with your money;
  3. You can take any security measures to keep your money safe.
  4. You will help the Bitcoin community develop the network - your computer will synchronize transaction data to other computers with installed bitcoin wallet core.
  1. You will have to make regular backups ( backups) your wallet, otherwise, if your computer breaks down, you will lose everything without the possibility of recovery;
  2. If you are not an expert information security, your computer is less protected from intruders than standard server on Linux - in other words, your money can be stolen;
  3. When installed, the wallet will download the entire transaction database for the entire history of the entire network - this will take approximately 100GB on your hard drive, and this number will grow in the future, since the entire transaction database of the entire network will be duplicated on your computer (the developers are working on so that you don’t have to take up so much space, but so far this issue has not been resolved);
  4. Your wallet must work for several hours a day in order to have time to synchronize data - in other words, the computer must be turned on and Internet access provided every day. From experience, the wallet sometimes “takes away” the speed of up to 2 Mb/sec, so if your Internet channel is not very fast, it will become even slower.

Conclusion: this method is suitable for those who are well versed in information and network security, is going to store large amounts of money on his computer, this computer never turns off and has no problems connecting to the Internet. If you plan to receive and transfer relatively small amounts of Bitcoin from time to time, consider other methods. If you need just such a wallet, you should go to the download page from the official website at https://bitcoin.org/ru/download.

Method two: bitcoin wallet online

There are services that allow you to enjoy all the conveniences of Bitcoin wallets without installing software and without delving into the essence of the network. You simply register on the site, create a password and gain access to your wallet. What’s nice is that such services are also presented non-profit organizations, so you don't have to pay for anything. The most popular online wallet is Blockchain.info. All you have to do is follow the link, click on the “Create a Free Bitcoin Wallet” button on the website, enter your address Email and come up with a password - and you have your own wallet.

Tip: Specify an email for which you will never forget the password, and write down the wallet password on a piece of paper and hide it in a convenient place - otherwise, you will not be able to restore access, since serious one-way encryption is used. Also write down the wallet ID that will be sent to you by email (the link will look something like this: blockchain.info/wallet/1111-222-333... – write down everything letter by letter, otherwise there is a risk of losing your wallet forever ).

Click the Receive button and receive your payment address. In the future, if someone asks you for an address to send you money, give them the line. Also indicate it when registering on various sites where a Bitcoin wallet is required - for example, on faucets, on exchanges or exchangers.

If someone sends you money, you will see an incoming transaction (as in the picture, below you can see an outgoing transaction - I sent money, and above you can see an incoming transaction - someone sent it to me). As a result, all the money sent to you will be accumulated in your wallet, from where you can withdraw it, save it, or pay for something.

Conclusion: this is the most convenient way create bitcoin wallet, for the leisurely accumulation of satoshi, control over incoming receipts and expenses. It should be taken into account that when transferring funds anywhere you have to pay a commission - this applies to all wallets, both local and online, this is how the Bitcoin network works. But there is a third way that may be more profitable.

Third method: bitcoin wallet for earnings and withdrawal

This method is tricky, but you should consider it carefully - it will help you pay less commission on transfers and earn more overall. It is suitable for those who plan to earn money in bitcoins, but in the future exchange bitcoins for rubles/dollars/euros and withdraw them “to your pocket”. It is also suitable for those who consider bitcoins as a means of investment when playing on exchanges.

So: You have earned bitcoins, what happens in the normal scenario? You will accumulate a certain amount in your wallet, then you will want to withdraw it to a card or somewhere else. You will send bitcoins from your wallet to an exchange or exchanger to convert bitcoins into rubles. For this transfer you will pay a commission, after which the exchange/exchanger will take their commission - and in the end you will lose a little. How to avoid this?

It’s very simple: transfer bitcoins directly to the exchange! You won't need your wallet or anything else. The action algorithm is as follows:

  1. Register on the exchange (I recommend Exmo, their payment addresses do not expire)
  2. Click the “Top up” button and receive a Bitcoin address to receive payment
  3. You indicate this Bitcoin address everywhere during registration (at faucets, games, etc.)
  4. All payments go directly to your account on the exchange - at any time you can transfer any amount into rubles/dollars/euros and withdraw it to your card without commission.

And finally, after you have opened a bitcoin wallet, you need to somehow replenish it (for there is a popular belief that the wallet should not be empty, even if there is a penny there, it should be there). To do this, I advise you to read the article “”, and traditionally, I wish you great income and good luck!