How to create a Bitcoin wallet for free: instructions for registering and choosing a wallet. How to create a Bitcoin wallet

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, the number of services where they can be stored is also growing. But not all of them are convenient and reliable, and some of the most serious and safe ones have a complex security system that significantly complicates registration. But, if you take a closer look at existing sites, questions about how to create a Bitcoin wallet on a Russian server will not arise. Most resources require a minimum of necessary information from users, and the main nuance that registrants should pay attention to is the large amount of control and financial information that must be recorded and saved (it is almost impossible to remember it).

Today there are many ways to create your own wallet. Users have access to a wide variety of options, allowing them to choose the most convenient and high-quality service that meets all the needs of the cryptocurrency owner. You can open an account:

  • on large, reputable portals via a computer;
  • less demanding method via telephone;
  • on websites with currency conversion;
  • on some international currency exchanges;
  • in WebMoney and individual virtual payment systems.

The main condition that everyone registering must comply with is care when filling out questionnaires and accuracy when saving the information provided. The rest is secondary and depends on the desires and requirements of the future owner of the financial page.

How to create a Bitcoin wallet through the official website: free

The easiest way to create your own financial page is to register on the official Bitcoin website This portal allows you to store and use cryptocurrencies, and registration on it takes a matter of seconds. To create a personal storage you will need:

  1. enter the portal;
  2. click on the item that opens the registration window;
  3. indicate your email and choose a strong password (at least 10 characters);
  4. save the mnemonic code necessary to restore access to the page (it is recommended to rewrite it on a piece of paper);
  5. after this, the login page will open, where the identifier will be entered (this should also be written down) and an empty password field;
  6. After entering the previously selected combination, you will be logged into your personal financial account.

When accessing the portal, users should know that it is registered in Luxembourg, therefore, in the event of legal claims, the proceedings will be conducted in a European court and in accordance with European laws.

How to open a Bitcoin wallet in Russian - yourself

In addition to the above, there are a lot of third-party bitcoin resources that provide their clients with a wide range of services and excellent service. To choose one of them, you need to decide where the special program for storing and processing information will be installed. Next, you need to find out whether the site meets the desired requirements. After that, all you have to do is go through a short registration procedure and download the software.

It is important to prepare in advance the computer or laptop that will be used to create the wallet. The total amount of space required for the installed program exceeds 30 gigabytes.

An additional requirement for registrants will be the need to carefully protect and store registration information.

She is the key to virtual finance, which cannot be trusted to strangers. If you adhere to these conditions, the question of how to make your own wallet will become irrelevant.

Using a thin client

The difference between a thin client and a standard service is its availability. Normal conditions require the installation of serious software that takes up a lot of space, but the thin client is designed specifically for phones and has more affordable requirements.

In general, the process of creating a Bitcoin wallet and registering on the official website will be almost identical to that mentioned above. Users will have to provide an email address and choose a password. Next, all that remains is to write down important information and save your login identifier. In extreme cases, when it is inconvenient to rewrite from the site, you can see it in the letter that will arrive immediately after registration. True, such information does not come from all resources.

Using the online service

The least demanding free cryptocurrency wallet option is online services. They allow you to create your own personal financial page without downloading and installing special programs.

The main advantage of this approach is the already mentioned accessibility. Additional convenience is created by the ease of use of the site. The main disadvantage is poor financial security.

The use of third-party devices leads to the fact that their owners are able to access the registered virtual money.

To register your page, you need to go through a standard procedure, consisting of filling out several fields and rewriting control information. There is nothing unusual or special about using online services. Their only distinguishing feature is the remoteness of the equipment used.

How to get a Bitcoin address?

The most important part of using cryptocurrency wallets is obtaining an address. It is a set of special characters that is difficult to remember on your own. It's better to write it down in advance. This combination is necessary to make purchases and make payments online. It is this that must be indicated in the field where you need to write the source of the debit.

Usually it turns out to be the starting one, so there is no need to go anywhere. Next, you should pay attention to the numbers, letters and signs located immediately below the statistics and the list of recent operations. This code is the address. It is most reasonable to save it immediately after registration, without postponing this matter for a long time. This will significantly increase the ease of use of crypto money.

Third Party Sites and Resources

In addition to specialized portals that provide their visitors with services for storing and using cryptocurrencies, those who wish can use standard electronic wallets designed for traditional money. There will definitely not be any problems with withdrawal of money and conversion, but the functionality of the sites itself will be much narrower. Typically, such resources allow you to use bitcoins only as a payment instrument.

In some cases, clients can open a btc forex account. Not all brokers offer this service, so when investing money, you should inquire about this opportunity in advance.

At the same time, the use of crypto money as a trading instrument is provided for by a larger number of similar companies, so you should not focus only on these indicators.


It’s not at all difficult to create a Bitcoin wallet on a Russian website; it’s much more difficult to keep your money safe. To do this, you should be vigilant, attentive and follow the recommendations of the system.

  • Many portals offer their visitors two-level verification. You should not refuse such offers, as this will significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering problems.
  • If possible, you should link the page to your phone. This way you can get a kind of remote control that can protect users from unauthorized visitors.
  • You should be wary of local and public networks, trying not to access your wallet through them.
  • But the most important thing is not to lose or show your ID, password and mnemonic code to third parties.

How to create a bitcoin wallet?

To register on a specialized website and create your own page for cryptocurrencies, you do not need to have any special knowledge. All it takes is desire and a little time.

The most important part of any registration is recording passwords, codes and addresses.

As far as finances are concerned, each proposed combination is complex and requires careful attention. Any mistake will prevent you from accessing the portal and will deprive you of access to money, and codes that are too simple will not be effective enough.

Another nuance that registerers should remember is to read the rules and conditions of use of the portal. You should clarify in advance what actions are permissible, whether it is possible to withdraw funds to Yandex, money, other payment resources, and many other points that are significant for the user. It may be worth considering other sites and finding a more suitable resource.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to create a Bitcoin wallet in Russian for free. Absolutely any user can handle this operation, since registration takes just a few minutes.

But I want to provide you with more detailed instructions so that you do not make any mistakes. And, of course, I’ll tell you about the services where you can create your own personal bitcoin wallet.

Registering a Bitcoin wallet

According to the majority of users and from my personal experience, I can tell you that the most reliable service for working with wallets is Blockchain. It is available at –

First, go to the above site, and then go to the “ Wallet».

After which a new window will open on your screen and special lines in which you must enter your email address and password. And don't forget to check the box confirming your agreement to the "Terms of Service". Then press the button “ Continue».

It will take some time until your wallet number is generated (it will take no more than 30 seconds). After which you will be logged into your personal account.

Before you start using your wallet, you must activate it. To do this, you need to log in to the email address you specified during registration. The sender of the activation letter is Blockchain, so finding it won’t be difficult.

In the letter that opens, click on the button “ Verify Email».

I would like to draw your attention separately to the contents of the email that I mentioned above. Under the “Verify Email” button you will find a “Wallet ID” - this is a set of numbers and letters of the English alphabet that will be useful to you if you need to restore access to your Bitcoin wallet.

Save this data on your computer in a separate file, or even better, duplicate this file and transfer it to a removable disk (flash drive).

Once your blockchain account has been created, you can now “take the number” of your wallet at any time and use it for its intended purpose, for example, or on your computer.

To get your number, you need to click on the button “ Start receiving Bitcoin s".

Increasing the level of account security on Blockchain

No service can give you complete security, even if this applies to projects that involve money. Recently, Internet attackers have increasingly begun to hack users' Bitcoin wallets.

But most often they succeed because wallet owners do not install additional protection on their accounts, but are limited to only a standard password. On the Blockchain website, in your personal account, you can increase the security level of your wallet using simple manipulations. To carry out this operation, you need to go to the “ Security Center" Next, you can set a three-level security level, which will 99% eliminate all possible attempts to hack your account.

Where else can I register a Bitcoin wallet?

Among other services where you can open a bitckoin wallet, I would highlight the following:

EXMO– this project provides an opportunity for users to create a personal wallet for this cryptocurrency, but also exchange bitcoins, withdrawing money to various payment systems (for example, WebMany, Yandex Money, Qiwi, etc.).

Another huge advantage of the EXMO project is that from it you can sell your existing bitcoins at any time and transfer the proceeds into any currency (dollars, rubles, euros).

Administration of the electronic payment system Perfect Money also added the opportunity for its users to create a Bitcoin wallet in Russian. In addition to registering here, you can also top up your wallet with a minimum commission.

The official website also provides the opportunity to open your personal Bitcoin Wallet. To do this, you need to install a specialized program on your computer, which can also be downloaded on the same website.

Among other things, makes it possible to download and install on your gadget the appropriate software for managing bitcoin accounts. Applications are available for operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.

It has become not so easy to create a Bitcoin wallet these days, since every day there are more and more places where you can store this digital currency. In such a situation, not just a beginner, but a seasoned pro begins to run wild. Adding fuel to the fire are the proliferation of unfortunate blogs and websites that, without knowing it, sometimes invite their readers to keep a wallet in unreliable and dangerous places. And yet, it is extremely important to find a suitable option, since without storing and further profitable sale of Bitcoin you will not be able to achieve your financial goals. Let's figure it out, but it's worth remembering that we'll only talk about Bitcoin. You can find information about choosing wallets for other cryptocurrencies in the relevant sections. But this does not mean that the proposed wallets are not suitable for other cryptocurrencies. On the contrary, in our other articles about choosing wallets for other cryptocurrencies, in many cases we mainly recommend these same services. But let’s look here exclusively within the framework of Bitcoin.

Ideally, storing Bitcoin should be reliable, secure, free and convenient. It is also desirable to have a Russian-language interface, since not everyone knows how to work with English. But most importantly, the wallet should allow you to easily pay with the stored asset, as well as withdraw funds at any time in any direction.

And so, there are a lot of storage facilities, but we tried to select only the best, reliable, convenient and safe. There was also an attempt to satisfy the needs of different audiences - from beginners who still work with small amounts, to trading pros who operate with immodest amounts. So, any user who works with cryptocurrencies will find a wallet for themselves from our rating. Almost all of the wallets presented below are absolutely free and available to anyone. Also, many of them can work in Russian, which is good news.

In total, there are the following ways to store BTC:

  • Exchanges are the easiest and most common way. Moreover, it is the most convenient, since you can sell or exchange what you store at any time. To get such a wallet, you just need to register.
  • Online services (, Cryptonator and others) are no more reliable than exchanges, but no less reliable. It is also enough to register to get it. In terms of functionality, they are much inferior, since it is problematic to sell and exchange bitcoins.
  • As part of payment systems (Payza, Webmoney).
  • Mobile for Android and IOS.
  • Lightweight desktop clients that need to be downloaded to your computer. They weigh little because they do not download the entire blockchain, but only the necessary files for synchronization. Let's consider the best representative - Electrum.
  • The official Bitcoin wallet Bitcoin Core is an incredibly “heavy” client that downloads the entire BTC network to the user’s computer and constantly synchronizes with it.
  • Hardware wallets, prices starting from 80 euros (including delivery).

Now about everything in more detail and in order, but we will consider only the best representatives. I’ll also tell you where I store it myself. For convenience, the wallets in question are divided into 3 main target categories:

  1. Small amounts of BTC. In this case, it is logical to use the exchange as a wallet, since there is nothing special to risk. In addition, if you hold it somewhere other than exchanges, you can deplete the reserves only through a transaction (they already cost at least $10).
  2. Average amounts. In this case, it is cost-effective to use several exchanges at the same time (if you often need to trade), and desktop Electrum (if you invest for the long term).
  3. Huge amounts of investment - in this case, desktop Electrum, official Core and hardware wallets are more suitable. It is advisable to use all three methods so as not to keep all your money in one place.

Let's look at each specific case.

The best wallets for small amounts (for withdrawal from faucets)

In this case, exchanges would be ideal options BitFlip And Yobit.

Let's start with Bitflip, which is a very ambitious and promising exchange. After simple registration, the user gains access to all functions of the site.

  • Fast and easy registration
  • Many popular wallets, including Bitcoin
  • The minimum deposit amount is only 0.0001BTC, that is, 10 thousand satoshi, which is the ideal condition for withdrawing from faucets to this storage. This is why for small amounts there is no alternative to Bitflip.
  • The ability to always and at any time exchange what is stored either for other cryptocurrencies or for fiat (rubles, dollars, euros and hryvnias). You can also display it anywhere and in any form.
  • Fast transactions as all payments are made automatically.
  • Instant and friendly technical support in Russian if anything happens.
  • To find out your address, after registration, go to the “my wallets” section, then click on BTC and “top up”.

Now let's move on to exchanges, since, as already mentioned, with active trading you cannot do without them. For Bitcoin, my choice fell on these two:

Official Bitcoin Core wallet

The most important titan for real crypto maniacs. This is the official Bitcoin wallet. It differs from all others in that the user who downloads and installs it becomes a full participant in the entire Bitcoin network. There are a lot of difficulties and problems, but the user can proudly declare that it is a real blockchain chain. Only for true connoisseurs and professionals, as well as for those who are panicky about their savings. The official website of the wallet is located in the same place as the website of the leader of the crypto market. That's where it can be download to yourself. Key Features:

  • The most difficult installation - you need to download more than 150 gigabytes of the real blockchain (which is still growing every day), then try to install this miracle at least in a couple of days (it takes a long time to synchronize), then there will be a complex setup...
  • Very high system requirements - not every computer can handle it. In addition, what is installed is constantly synchronized with the network to confirm blocks, which is also a very difficult process.
  • In any case, it is advisable to use only for some colossal amounts of storage.

Which wallet to choose - summary

And so, summing up, the desired picture immediately emerges:

If we work with faucets and small amounts, then the first 2 options (Yobit and Bitflip) will be ideal, as it is very convenient to work with them. Which one to choose is a matter of taste. Also, the choice should depend on the availability of the desired output direction in one of them.

For example, Yobit wallet - here you can withdraw any number of satoshis and bitcoins, any cryptocurrencies, and immediately exchange bitcoin for rubles, and withdraw to a Qiwi wallet or somewhere else without commission. As a result, the losses for all these operations are miniscule (no more than 2-3 percent for the entire chain of operations). You can work with fairly small amounts, so the service is perfect even for beginners. Especially yobit wallet is ideal for working with faucets when you need to frequently withdraw small amounts. This wallet is literally for all occasions! But Bitflip still works faster and more efficiently.

Just understand that when storing small amounts there is no point in being afraid of exchanges. But there is a total saving on transactions, because inside the exchange you can perform any operations with what is stored. Users who have a couple of thousand satoshi are touching and avoid exchanges. Understand that this is just funny.

As for larger amounts, your humble servant personally does this - everything that is invested for the long term is stored in Electrum, and everything that is intended for daily trading is stored on exchanges and. By the way, absolutely all bitcoins are always on Exmo, since they always have the lowest prices, and it’s easy to pay in rubles and dollars. And if sometimes the required payment system is not available (sometimes it is turned off) or you are not satisfied with the commission (often changes), then first I “drive” the money to the payment service AdvancedCash, and from there I transfer it to Eksmo without commissions, because they cooperate very closely.

I am especially pleased with the Exmo-minuscule commissions, lightning-fast reaction to actions, a clear Russian-language interface, the presence of all popular and promising cryptocurrencies, various options for exchanging for money and withdrawing (up to withdrawing money to a phone), the highest level of security, full adaptation for users from the CIS - It’s not for nothing that today almost every trader works with this international exchange in one way or another.

Electrum, hardware and Core wallets - as already mentioned, are great options, but they are more suitable for long-term investments than for trading, because transactions on the BTC network are becoming more expensive every day, and it doesn’t seem possible to often trade and play on courses with such fees for “transports”.

Please note that registering a Bitcoin wallet on BitFlip, Yobit or Exmo means creating a Bitcoin wallet in Russian, which is very important for many users. This is also a huge plus.

Also, registering a Bitcoin wallet on these three trading platforms is extremely easy and simple. And working with wallets will leave only pleasant emotions.

There are many more wallets (for example, even the WebMoney payment system has its own), but we will not consider them at all, because one way or another they are still inferior to the above storage places.

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What types of Bitcoin wallets are there and which one is better to choose? How to open a bitcoin wallet in Russian and where can you download it? How to top up your wallet through your personal account?

The digital currency Bitcoin (BTC) is available to everyone: it can be acquired through exchange, purchase or mining - extraction using a computer. However, there is one simple but important condition: to become the owner of cryptocurrency, you need to open a special Bitcoin wallet.

To do this, you do not have to present personal documents, as is required when opening a bank account. You just need to choose a suitable resource, register and open a wallet for storing bitcoins.

You will learn how to do this correctly, quickly and without problems from our article.

1. Bitcoin wallet - EVERYTHING IS SIMPLE: storage and payments

Bitcoin, the ancestor of the cryptocurrency, continues to hold the lead among numerous analogues, of which there are already several hundred.

VTS has enormous advantages:

  • user anonymity;
  • lack of a central governing body;
  • the cost of Bitcoin is constantly growing;
  • The currency is not subject to inflation.

To buy, sell and other transactions with bitcoins, you must have a wallet. It is created through simple steps and represents storage for a file with secret keys.

A Bitcoin wallet is designed to store BTK and make transactions with cryptocurrency owned by the user.

Do not confuse it with your public Bitcoin address, which consists of several alphanumeric characters of different cases.

Remember - it is impossible to recover a lost key to a Bitcoin wallet.

It is important where exactly the private key will be stored - on your own PC or remote server. Each form of wallet differs in the way it stores the secret code.

2. What types of Bitcoin wallets are there?

Those who are well acquainted with the unique features of cryptocurrency will not be surprised by the large selection of electronic Bitcoin wallets.

Each type differs in the way the key is stored and its intended purpose.

Type 1. Desktop wallets

This is the very first type of wallet created Satoshi Nakamoto, who is considered the founder of cryptocurrency.

This kind of wallet is stored on the user’s PC, who himself determines the level of protection and controls his savings. Typically, such wallets are preferred by owners of solid and long-term cryptocurrency deposits.

They are divided into “thick” - Bitcoin Core, Armory and “thin” - DarkWallet, MultiBit.

The first require a complete download of information from the blockchain and constant updating.

The second type has only part of the relevant information, the rest is stored on a third-party resource. This fact indicates a lower level of security.

Desktop wallets are considered convenient, but unreliable - because to access up-to-date data you need to log into the server every time.

Type 2. Mobile wallets

This type of electronic wallet provides application of mobile application. It is similar to an online wallet: it is available at any time, and all information from the blockchain network is not loaded into it.

In such a wallet, there is a simple verification of completed transactions without authentication. For this, other nodes of the Bitcoin system are used.

The most common mobile wallets:

  • Haro;
  • Mycelium;

The largest number of options can be found on Android. Apple does not actively support such web wallets.

Type 3. Online wallets

Such a wallet can be easily managed from any gadget that is at your disposal and connected to the Internet. to its owner no need to copy a huge database across all blocks of the blockchain chain. Transactions are carried out at high speed, it is simple and easy to use. Suitable for beginners.

The most secure is a multi-currency web wallet Coinkite. It is, of course, connected to third-party services, but is equipped with security features. Having such a wallet, the user will be able to use debit cards and POS terminals.

It is impossible not to say about relatively low level of online wallet reliability. Since unique keys are stored on third-party servers, the contents of the wallet are under the control of the third party.

This type of electronic wallet is best designed to store small sums of military-technical exchange necessary, for example, to pay for purchases or services.

Type 4. Storage gadgets

Gadget wallets function like flash cards or mechanisms equipped with remote signals. The developers set themselves the task of improving them in such a way that they recognized the user's heart rate and fingerprints.

Such devices are safe, modern and convenient. But there is also a weak point - if the gadget breaks or gets lost, you can say goodbye to your wallet forever, because access to it cannot be restored.

Watch a short video about what a BTK wallet is:

3. How to open a Bitcoin wallet - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Opening a wallet is a serious procedure.

Learn the step-by-step algorithm to avoid making mistakes.

Step 1. Select a service

The user himself chooses the web service that is more understandable and close to him. It's better to choose a site that offers an easier way to create an electronic wallet.

In one of the sections below we described three popular services - you can use one of them.

After the final decision on choosing a site, on its first page you should select and open the “Wallet” section. After that, click on the inscription: “Create a new wallet” and continue the process of registering it.

Step 2. Fill out the form and create a password

This stage is not difficult, but the most important. After clicking “Continue”, a key phrase will appear that requires saving so that you can log into your account.

Step 3. Save the mnemonic key and go to the login page

Having saved the mnemonic key, we will be taken to the main page for logging in for a new user. The registration process is completed by specifying a password that will open a new Bitcoin wallet.

Each wallet, in addition to the secret key, has an identifier - something like a login. It also needs to be written down.

Step 4. Log in to the system and start working

To do this, open the first page of the site, click “Open wallet”, fill in the password in the specified field. If the wallet opens and information about the movement of cryptocurrency appears, it means registration completed successfully.

Keep your Bitcoin wallet password and mnemonic code in a safe place

In the wallet, under the balance and transaction statistics, it is reflected address your wallet. It is this, and not the key, identifier or password, that will need to be entered on various resources when paying for goods, services, transferring bitcoins and crediting cryptocurrency to your account.

4. Where to register a Bitcoin wallet - review of the TOP 3 popular services

In fact, there are many more such services.

But for beginners, it’s better to limit yourself to the three most popular resources and choose from them the one that seems more comfortable for work.

This site offers an accessible procedure for registering a wallet thanks to an intuitive interface.

To register an electronic wallet you will need:

  1. Open the “Create a new wallet” window on the first page.
  2. Fill in the free fields: indicate your email, create a password (be sure to save it on media of different formats).
  3. Enter the captcha.
  4. After the “continue” stage, a page will open with information about the unique “key” (set of words) created by the system. It must also be copied and sent for storage in electronic (possibly on a flash card) and paper media.
  5. After that, use your password and ID to open your wallet.

It will contain the user’s Bitcoin address (a set of letters and numbers in different registers), where Bitcoins will be stored.


On this site, after logging in, the user receives 5 wallets for different cryptocurrencies at once.

The service offers an extremely simple registration procedure: enter the necessary information - login, password, email. Once all steps are completed, confirmation information will be sent to your email. If the page opens in English, it is possible to translate it into Russian.

The resulting numbers of new Bitcoin wallets can be used to collect crypto coins on various faucets and cloud mining sites, and exchange them for other types of currencies.

All notifications related to the movement of digital money in the electronic wallet will be sent to the email address.

The service has attractive conditions for clients who want to become owners of BTC wallets. First, you need to decide on the type of electronic wallet from the 4 offered by the service - mobile, online, offline, gadget.

The creation process follows the above algorithm. A characteristic feature of Bitcoin Wallet on this service is two-factor authentication, which significantly increases the level of security.

In addition to the password and mnemonic phrase, you must specify a code that is generated automatically and sent to your mobile phone or email. After completing the registration procedure, you exit the wallet. The next entry does not require any extra conditions - just enter your PIN code.

5. How to top up a Bitcoin wallet - 3 proven methods

A cryptocurrency wallet is of no use if there is nothing to store in it.

Let's talk about ways to replenish an electronic Bitcoin wallet.

How to open a Bitcoin wallet and fill it with Bitcoins - this question worries today, if not all, then many users of the global Internet.

Cryptocurrency - what is it?

Cryptocurrency is a certain category of digital currency - a subtype of electronic money, the issue and promotion of which cannot be controlled by either states or individual citizens. Intermediary sites that transfer bitcoins or other cryptocurrency from one wallet to another or withdraw it to a bank card can set a commission at their discretion. The Bitcoin rate is unstable; anyone can watch the races.

Cryptocurrency is now legalized in many countries around the world, but there are states where the use of this category of electronic money is prohibited by law. Not a single serious bank allows you to withdraw virtual money.

How to top up a Bitcoin wallet? Using payment systems Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and other “payments”.

Where do bitcoins come from?

The procedure for obtaining any type of cryptocurrency is called mining. Payment for simple actions taken is credited to the miner's account. As mining develops, it becomes more and more difficult to mine cryptocurrency, so many Internet entrepreneurs compare this type of activity to gold mining.

You can pay for services or purchases from a wallet in which cryptocurrency is stored only by transferring funds from one wallet of the same type to another.

When the funds spent on obtaining cryptocurrency exceed its real value, the existence of this subtype of electronic money ceases.

You can create a Bitcoin wallet (or a carrier of another type of digital currency) in order to pay bills and make financial transfers on special sites that register electronic wallets for free.

Creating a wallet for collecting bitcoins on the website

How to open a Bitcoin wallet using the Blockchain service? The procedure is very simple.

Once on the site, the user should go to the tab labeled “Wallet”, and then click on the inscription “Create a new wallet”.

Having specified an email address and created a password, the potential wallet holder continues registering the Bitcoin wallet by clicking the “Continue” button, and when the key phrase required to restore access to the account opens in the window that appears, it must be written down or printed using the “Quick Print” option. .

Once again clicking on the “Continue” sign, the user finds himself on a page with an identifier, which is recommended to be rewritten or saved in a separate file.

At the end of the procedure, you must specify a password that opens the newly created Bitcoin wallet. Registration is considered complete after successful authorization on the site after clicking on the “Open wallet” button.

At the end of the procedure, the user should go to a page where all the information regarding received and spent bitcoins is written down. The address to receive this type of cryptocurrency is listed at the bottom of the page.

How to create Bitcoin Wallet (bitcoin wallet) for Android

Before creating a Bitcoin wallet in your smartphone, its owner needs to make sure that the version of Bitcoin Wallet found on the global Web is comparable to the phone’s settings. Then a Bitcoin wallet downloaded from the Internet and installed on a smartphone will work autonomously.

If the wallet is installed correctly, the phone owner will be able to use the built-in Bitcoin Wallet applications - a calculator and currency conversion program, using which you can display the available bitcoins (BTC) in the form of any other known currency.

The keys to the Bitcoin wallet address and the address itself are stored in the phone’s memory, usually in the wallet.dat file. The phone owner has the opportunity to block access to the created wallet.dat wallet with a password.

How to create a Bitcoin wallet in the WebMoney system. Instructions for a beginner

Users of the popular payment system WebMoney and those who have issued a formal certificate can open a wallet to earn bitcoins. To do this, you need to provide the site with your passport details and mobile phone number.

You are prompted to provide a mobile phone number immediately after registering a new user. At the next stage, the potential owner of the Bitcoin wallet is asked to enter personal data, after which the user who clicks on the “Continue” button will be redirected to a new page, where in the window that opens he will have to enter a digital code sent to his mobile phone number.

By clicking on the “Continue” button again and finding yourself on the next registration page, the newly created owner of the wallet must come up with and set a password with which he can log into his payment account.

Once on the next page of the site with the inscription “Create a wallet,” the user can either immediately create all the wallets he needs, or first open a Bitcoin wallet (selecting the desired abbreviation from the list), and create the remaining wallets later.

Bitcoins in the WebMoney system are designated by the abbreviation WMX.

using the WM Keeper program

After opening the klassic program ("WebMoney Keeper Classic"), go to the tab with the list of wallets, and then in the top menu find the "Create" button, which is located in the upper left corner above the list of available wallets).

By clicking on the “Create” button, the user opens a list of wallets available for creation and selects the desired position. In this case, it is a WMX wallet (1 WMX is equivalent to 0.001 bitcoin). After creating a wallet, its owner will be asked to read and agree to the terms of the agreement on the creation of property rights.

The number of the created wallet is the account in which the bitcoins will be stored.

on the WebMoney website and link the address to the WMX wallet

It is necessary to understand that a Bitcoin address and an internal WMX wallet are not the same thing. A wallet created on the WebMoney website is used to pay for services and purchases.

In order for the desired bitcoins received on various sites distributing this type to end up in the WMX wallet, the holder of the electronic wallet must first obtain a Bitcoin address from WebMoney and then link it to the Bitcoin wallet.

By logging into the page of the Bitcoin deposit and withdrawal service, the address of which is indicated above, and opening the “Operations” tab, the WMX wallet holder activates the “Receive” command, after which the Bitcoin address is downloaded and activated.

From now on, all Bitcoin (the rate of this currency, by the way, can fluctuate hourly, since it is one of the most unstable currencies in the virtual world), received on specialized sites and credited to the Bitcoin address, will automatically go into the WMX wallet. After conversion, they can be easily displayed on any card.