How to install child protection on the Internet. How to protect your home computer from your own child

The Internet is full of safe and sometimes even useful educational and entertainment resources that can be used even by children. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of inappropriate content on the Internet that is not intended for children. The second danger is the activity of scammers and hackers; also, some children spend too much time on the Internet, practically not leaving their room in their free time.

Some parents resort to extreme measures - they prohibit their child from using the computer by setting a password on it. However, this does not always lead to the desired result; often children either get offended or throw tantrums. There are many solutions to this problem that will not be perceived so painfully by the child.

Microsoft's Parental Controls are a special feature that protects children when they use the family computer.

It affects three aspects:

To enable parental controls, you must create a separate account for children. It will allow the child to use only acceptable programs and visit sites approved by parents.

Note! Before creating a new account, make sure you have a password set on your own. Don't tell it to your child.

Step 1. From the Start menu, open Control Panel.

Step 2. Select "User Accounts" and open the "Manage Another Account" section.

Once your children's account has been created, you can proceed directly to setting up parental controls.

Step 4. Open the User Accounts section of Control Panel again.

Step 5. Now, in addition to your own, the new one you just created is also reflected there. Open a child account.

Step 6. Click Set Parental Controls.

Step 7 A new window will open all the parameters that parents can configure at their own discretion.

Step 8 Setting up the computer usage time. Use the cursor to highlight the time when computer work will be prohibited or permitted.

Step 9 Setting up games. First of all, decide whether your child can play games that do not have a rating, and then set the age category that you think is acceptable.

Step 10 From the list of all programs installed on your computer, select those that you can run. Don't flag browsers to restrict your child's internet access.

Parental controls via router

Many modern routers have built-in child control functions. Everything is already provided in advance, users just have to make personal changes.

Step 1. Open your router settings in your browser by entering one of the addresses you see in the screenshot below into the search bar.

Step 2. Enter your username and password.

Step 3. Go to the "Internet" section.

Step 4. From the menu on the left, select Parental Controls. The essence of this function is to introduce restrictions for each individual device that connects to the home network.

Step 5. Change the settings by adding a time rule and address filtering. First, create a new time rule.

Step 6. Come up with and enter a name for this rule, set restrictions that satisfy the interval of Internet use. In the "Applies to" section, check only the devices your child uses, which could be a laptop, phone, or tablet.

Step 6. You can also enter multiple URLs that will not be opened from the devices you select.

Be sure to save all changes and reboot your router if possible. The main advantage of this method is the ability to limit a child’s access to the Internet not only from a computer, but also from any other device that he uses at home. These restrictions will not affect mobile phones and tablets with SIM cards if the child does not connect to Wi-FI.

Control software

In addition to the built-in functions discussed above, there are many programs from third-party developers that also help limit children's access to the Internet.

This company's first offering in the parental control software market. The program offers cloud-based filtering and blocking of websites from 70 different categories (drugs, porn, gambling, violence, etc.).

It is possible to create your own lists of prohibited sites based on your needs.
If necessary, most settings can be overridden with a parental password.

The program runs on the latest Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android platforms

The program has a very clear, easy to use interface. Features include: social media monitoring, customized time limits for games or apps, ability to track text messages and calls. The Internet filter recognizes sites with inappropriate content in real time and blocks them.

Questudio runs on Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. Some additional features (such as game blocking, location tracking, etc.) are available with a subscription

Features: Protect Internet-connected game consoles such as Xbox One, automatically block fraudulent sites.
The competitive advantage of this program is the ability to apply parental control settings not only to individual devices, but also to the router, which allows you to filter absolutely all traffic that passes through it
This free parental control software tracks who your child communicates with and what websites and programs they use. She keeps a detailed activity log.

It does not restrict access, but allows you to monitor your child’s online activities. Unfortunately, not all functions are available in the free version, but even without them it remains a fairly well-thought-out child safety tool.

Video - How to add an account and set up parental controls in Windows 10

How to set up a smartphone (tablet) for a child

Today, children receive their first smartphone almost in kindergarten, and this is justified from a safety point of view - the child is always in touch with you. However, parents should not forget that a smartphone opens the gates for your child to the vast abysses of the Internet, which will teach your child bad things much faster than street hooligans. While Roskomnadzor is trying to block everything bad on the Web, you will need recommendations on how to make a children's gadget safe for your child.

We protect from adult content

Modern children will not be surprised by a touch screen or wireless Internet. It’s as if they were born with this knowledge, and from an early age they begin to reach out to their parents’ gadgets. To prevent a child from formatting your smartphone or tablet, buying up all the games in the app store, and accidentally stumbling upon inappropriate content, you need to limit the child’s ability to control the device’s operating system. Fortunately, there are a great many ways to protect yourself from excessive curiosity.

In Android tablets starting from version 4.3, it is possible to create an additional account with restrictions for selected applications. In smartphones, profiles with restrictions only work in versions of Android 4.3 and 4.4. To enable your account, you need to go to settings, find the “Users” tab, then click “Add user” and select “Restricted profile”. In this profile, the child will only have access to those applications that you manually add to the list of allowed ones. In a limited profile, the child can independently customize the appearance of the desktop, which will not affect the main user’s desktop in any way. Data for each application for each account is stored separately, so you and your child can play the same games on the same device, but each will have their own achievements. At the same time, it is important to reliably protect access to the administrator’s profile. It is best to use a PIN code or password for this rather than a pattern.

However, in most Android devices, in an additional account you can only disable the ability to make calls. If this is not enough, install a children's launcher. This is a kind of protected sandbox with bright wallpaper, funny icons and a strictly defined set of gaming and educational offers. There are quite a lot of children's skins on Google Play. We chose Kid's Shell. With Kid’s Shell, access to files, phone book and messages will be closed, so you don’t have to worry about your child inadvertently losing valuable information.

In this launcher you can configure almost everything: select available applications, block access to the Internet and the application store, set a time limit during which a child can use a tablet or smartphone, as well as the time period when the device is available for children’s use.

By the way, it is not necessary to turn off Internet access, because there are a lot of very useful entertaining and educational sites. Just set access to them not through the browser, but through applications. As part of the sandbox, you can also give your child the right to make calls to selected numbers from the address book. However, for this you will need to buy the Pro version.

The child has his own smartphone: we trust, control

If your child has reached the age when he can be trusted with a smartphone with Internet access, it would be a good idea to protect him from “adult” content. You can block access to unwanted sites using a mobile antivirus. This function is available, for example, in the Dr. application. Web Security Space (free license for two weeks). To activate it, you need to go to the application settings and select the Cloud Checker option, then set the switch next to the “Enable / Disable URL filter” item to the “Enabled” position. Next, you will be taken to a list with content categories (“Drugs”, “Violence”, “Gambling”, “Social networks”), which can be closed for access either individually or in bulk.

Google Play also has parental control features. You need to go to the “Settings” store menu and select “Parental Controls”. Once you enter your password, you'll be able to set an age limit for content, and enable authentication for purchases in the store or in any app.

In Apple devices, the parental control system is thought out much more carefully, and works on both tablets and smartphones. To enable restrictions, the user must go to the “Settings | Basic | Restrictions". You will see a list of applications to which access can be restricted. For iTunes and AppStore, you can set an age limit for all downloaded content, as well as password protect the ability to make purchases, including games.

Apple's parental controls also allow you to block sites with inappropriate content. To do this, in the “Restrictions” section, you need to select the “Allowed content” option and find the “Websites” line there. In this menu you need to enable “Adult Content Limit”, which will automatically weed out all sites with questionable content. Remember that this feature will only work with Safari, so you should first restrict access to other browsers and the app store. If you want to restrict access to social networks or other sites, scroll down the screen to the “Never allow” line and click “Add site...”. Here you need to enter your email address. By the way, if the site has a mobile version, its address must also be entered. If you want to allow access only to certain sites, add their addresses under the line “Allow access only to these sites.”

Device protection: a bumper is not enough!

If your child begins to show interest in your smartphone, you urgently need to reconsider the set of protective accessories: cover yourself more carefully and wrap yourself in films! And of course, you need to immediately take care of reliable protection if you decide to buy your child his own device. An elegant bumper and a film for the screen will not be enough - you need a durable case and protective glass. Of course, this is not a panacea, but still for little money you can extend the life of the device. Parents of beginning schoolchildren should consider purchasing a waist bag. A smartphone in a backpack will be of little use. Firstly, the child will not hear the ringtone of the call or message, and secondly, the device may simply be stolen.

Device protection: alternative solutions

In general, when buying a smartphone for a child, you must come to terms with the idea from the very beginning that the device will sooner or later (usually sooner) die a heroic death. There is no point in scolding a child for this. In order not to be upset later, it is better to take care of either protection or choosing the optimal device in advance. It’s a pity that the store doesn’t have a shelf with the title “So you don’t mind breaking it, and so you don’t feel ashamed to use it in front of your classmates.”

A children's tablet can be a good option for a preschooler. They usually have a more durable body and a set of pre-installed content, including a children's launcher. A young schoolchild can buy either a secure smartphone or two devices: for entertainment - a tablet on which he will play and watch videos at home, and for school - a simple push-button phone. The latter is stronger, has a longer battery life, and does not distract from activities while playing games.

Location monitoring: where is the child?

Parents always want to know where their child is. Is it skipping classes, or has it fled to a neighboring city as part of an extraordinary teenage protest. A smartphone will be the best assistant for parents in this matter. Moreover, there are several ways to obtain information about the whereabouts of a child. You can even do without a smartphone entirely by purchasing an inexpensive, bright device that your child can even show off to their peers.

Method 1: operator service

Firstly, all major mobile operators provide location tracking services. To connect it, it is enough to have the consent of the desired subscriber, but who would ask him, right? MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 will provide subscriber geolocation data with one SMS request. For this, neither the operator nor the subscriber will need an Internet connection, so this function will work even if the child has the simplest push-button telephone. Another advantage of determining location by base stations is saving battery power.

Method 2: Applications or OS Settings

The second way to always know where your Kindersurprise is is to install a special application, like KidsLocation, which we recently wrote about. For Android, the “Where is the child” utility is suitable, and for iPhone - “Find iPhone”. These applications are similar, but each has a number of advantages. For example, “Where is the child” is designed to work with children’s devices. First of all, this is a tracker that will allow you to track all the child’s movements in real time. In addition to the main one, it has convenient additional functions - monitor the battery charge, receive alerts if a child has crossed the border of the danger zone marked on the map. Using the application, a child can send an SOS signal to the parent’s phone. The downside of the apps is that they use GPS and the Internet connection, draining the gadget's battery.

Find My iPhone also shows you the location of your device using GPS and nearby base stations. The application is compatible with the Family Sharing feature, so it does not require linking both devices to the same Apple account. By the way, parents should not neglect the family sharing function at all. It allows you to monitor your child’s purchases in the AppStore and, if necessary, limit them.

Method 3: separate gadget

If your tomboy needs constant monitoring or is simply inclined to forget the device wherever possible and impossible, a smart watch will come to your aid, which will always be on the child’s hand. A good choice would be the inexpensive Chinese Smart Baby Watch Q50. By installing a companion application on your smartphone, you can track the movements of the watch in real time, exchange voice and text messages with your offspring, monitor his physical activity, view the history of his movements, remotely set an alarm for him and even listen to the background surrounding the child. Before using the watch, you must send an SMS with a command to set your region on it. You can learn about this and other subtleties of setting up the gadget.

Hello, dear guests and readers of my blog. Protecting children online is one of the most important responsibilities of parents. Children nowadays understand the Internet better than their parents and roam freely on the World Wide Web. They meet new people, visit sites with various content, among which, of course, there are sites that can harm the child’s psychology. However, this is not a reason to prohibit a child from accessing the Internet; there are solutions to this problem in other ways, which we will talk about.

Probably, each of us has found ourselves in such cases when, in search of ordinary information, without wanting it, suddenly, instantly and unexpectedly, THIS appears! Horrible footage from sites of pedophiles, xenophobes, neo-Nazis and porn sites For an adult, this causes disgust and shock, but imagine what is going on in a child’s head? Therefore, we must try to limit our children from this and take care of protecting children on the Internet. Honestly speaking, in our time it is very difficult to do this, but not doing anything at all to protect your child is what is truly unforgivable for parents.

Every day the Internet comes more and more into our lives, and becomes an integral part of our lives and the lives of our children. And therefore, when we want to protect our children from the trash pit of the Internet, the words “Be careful - this site is for adults only :)” simply won’t do it.

What unwanted resources can lie in wait for your child on the Internet?

Many parents mistakenly believe that the Internet cannot harm a child; the Internet is full of information that can cause irreparable harm to a child’s psychology.

There are many programs that can limit access to unwanted resources. However, I think that in fact the problem cannot be solved by simply restricting access to unwanted sites.

  1. I myself am of the opinion that the main thing in protecting children will always be their upbringing. To protect the child, he just needs to devote more time. Show him interest and passion for something worthy in this life. Explain to him that there is a lot of bad things on the Internet, but it is easy to do this. Find a common language with your child, help him find useful resources and guide him to something interesting and useful.
  2. Do not agree to install a computer in your child’s room; the computer should be in a publicly accessible place.
  3. Explain to your child that you cannot post personal information online, such as last name, first name, patronymic, age, school, address, etc.
  4. Discuss in advance how much time your child can spend on the computer.
  5. Some free services offer you help in protecting children, such as Microsft Windows live - parental control.
  6. Configure search engines for safe search.
  7. I also recommend using the Internet Censor program, which is described below.
  8. Help your child find useful resources. To get started, I advise you to go to the catalog and familiarize yourself with the list of children's Internet resources.

Setting up search engines for safe search

If you use search engines like Yandex and Google, I recommend setting them up so that sites with dangerous topics are not displayed in the search results of these search engines.

How to set up the Yandex search engine?

To do this, you need to go to:

Go down a little and find the section "Page Filtering", then set the value "Family Search"

Save the settings.

In order to configure the Google search engine, you need to go to:

Place a check mark in the line “Do not produce obscene results” and save the settings.

However, these settings will only be applied to search, but will not block sites with dangerous topics themselves. That is, they will not appear in search engine results, but by entering the address of a resource with a dangerous topic in the browser line, you can easily open this resource. Therefore, I advise you to install the program, which is discussed below.

Protecting children online with “ Internet Censor"

Currently, there are many programs and filters that help control the use of Internet information and time spent on the Internet. But we will look at the program that is most famous for its effectiveness and ease of use, it is free"Internet Censor".

The parental control program will not only be able to block access to dirt and trash on the Internet, but will also be able to limit the time you use the Internet. This means you will have complete control over Internet access.

The operation of this program is based on working with the so-called white list and black list, which guarantees 100% protection from all dangerous and unwanted information on the Internet. The whitelist includes more than a million sites that have been manually checked, and their list is constantly being updated.

Installing the Internet Censor program is very easy. When installing, it is advisable to write a real email address, because messages will be sent to it if someone enters the wrong password to disable the filter.

After this, the program will ask you to enter a password, enter and remember it, it will be useful in the future to gain access to the filters.

While the program is running, an icon in the form of a blue ball will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen (in the system tray). If you need to disable it, click on this icon and a window will appear to enter a password to gain access to the settings.

Enter the password and select the time for how long you want to disable the filters.

This program also allows you to create your own list of black and white sites. To do this, just go to the “My Rules” tab and enter the site address in one of the columns.

After installing this program, do not relax, because on the Internet very often, under a decent word there is indecent content. And do not be negligent in protecting your child.

Good luck to you!.

In addition, there is a video tutorial on installing the program: Internet Censor.

Almost every child between the ages of seven and fourteen has a device that allows them to freely “travel” the World Wide Web. And their first contact with a laptop occurs at an early age.

Parents understand that the Internet is not only a way to quickly get the necessary information or an opportunity to communicate with people on another continent. The Internet is full of content that is not suitable for children. But how can you limit your children's access to the Internet so that they can still do their studies? There are several ways to block inappropriate content on different devices.

How to restrict children's access to the Internet?

First, parents need to understand what the essence of parental restrictions on access to the Internet and applications is. This protective measure is a control over the impact of the Internet and personal computer on a child. Parental controls are activated either using software built into the operating system or using third-party applications.

To understand how to restrict children's access to the Internet, you need to understand the types of parental controls. Access restriction can be divided into two main subtypes:

  • Active parental controls.
  • Passive parental control.

Active control consists of total monitoring of all the child’s actions. The software sends the parent a list of sites visited by the child. An adult can also impose a ban on loading sites containing inappropriate content.

Passive parental control allows you to set a time limit for using a personal computer or smartphone. The parent can also prohibit the downloading, installation or launch of certain applications, for example, games. Children can only have access to a certain list of sites, and so on. It’s easy to figure out how to restrict children’s access to the Internet. No special skills or knowledge required. The menu of specialized applications is intuitive.

Parental controls on a computer or laptop

Many parents wonder how to limit their child's access to the computer. Setup in the Windows operating system does not take much time.

First you need to go through the following path: “Start” - “Settings” - “Accounts” - “Family”. Next, you need to create a new profile by clicking on the “Add family member” button. The system will then prompt you to “Add a child account.” After entering the basic data, you must indicate the age of the child. If you put a date that says it will be less than eight years old, the operating system will automatically set the maximum security level.

Parental controls in action

After installing parental controls, questions about how to restrict your child’s access to the Internet do not arise. Windows will automatically block unwanted content. But parents themselves can make some changes.

For example, a parent can set a timer. By setting the exact operating time of the device, adults can be sure that the child will not spend the whole day playing games. Parental controls allow you to block certain applications. The program also allows you to track how much time your child spent on specific applications.

In addition, every week the parent will receive complete information about the activity of the child who used this device.

Setting up Internet access restrictions on a smartphone or tablet

There are several options for limiting your child's Internet access. Android devices allow you not only to use the built-in functions, but also to download a special children's launcher from the Play Market.

"PlayPad Children's Launcher" after a simple installation will allow parents to strictly limit the list of applications that can be launched. The program will also ensure that the child does not wander into online stores and make purchases. In addition, exiting “child mode” will be available only to parents.

The launcher gives parents the ability to control the device remotely, set time limits for using the gadget, and will also help track the child’s location.

Devices running Android version 5.0 and below have a built-in “Pin to Screen” function that allows you to limit access to one pinned program. In order to configure this function, you need to go to “Settings” - “Security” - “Attach to Screen”. In the window that opens, you must select one of the proposed programs and secure it. The child will not be able to exit the application without the parent's permission.

for parental control

Internet filter for children

The Internet for a child can be both useful and harmful, and in some cases even dangerous. On the one hand, the network provides a huge amount of educational, useful and simply interesting materials. The child can find his own entertainment, contact friends or collect information for study in a matter of minutes.

On the other hand, malicious sites are full of materials that can harm a child’s psyche. Murders, drugs, sects, propaganda, attackers on social networks - all this poses a danger to a young user. In order not to cut off access to the Internet, but at the same time to protect the child from unwanted sites, parents install a children's filter for the Internet.

I’ve been using your program for a long time, at first it was a trial version, then I bought the program and have no regrets! so thank you for this information product!

The easiest way to block malicious sites is parental controls, which are present in all versions of Windows since Vista. It is located on the taskbar and allows you to create a controlled profile specifically for your child. The filter already has its own blacklist of sites built into it, but you can add additional addresses there yourself.

Some programs provide an Internet filter for children, which filters out the most harmful requests. For example, the SkyDNS service, which can replace the addresses of malicious sites. SkyDNS also has a paid subscription, but in order to ensure the complete safety of the child, the free version is quite enough. All you need to do is download the program from the official website, run it and specify the filtering categories. The rest will be done for you. If you are looking for a way to install a child filter on the Internet using a router, then SkyDNS will be useful to you in this case too. In the addresses of DNS servers, you just need to register the IPs that the service gives you, and the child will no longer be able to bypass the ban using a phone or tablet.

However, blocking can hardly be called an effective way to protect children from harmful content. Many protections and Internet filters can be bypassed or even removed, and a child can easily find a way to do this. In addition, rough blocking shows strict parental control, which does not have a very good effect on your relationship with your child.

With the help of the Mipko Personal Monitor program, you will provide yourself with discreet and careful supervision of your child. This is a program that can:

By analyzing the data obtained, you can better understand what your child is doing on the Internet. This will also help you conduct an educational conversation about the dangers of the Internet if your children have been exposed to harmful content or an attacker, but have not yet realized it. Mipko Personal Monitor will help you gently raise your child, which is many times more effective than simple prohibitions.