Asus calibrate the battery in the BIOS. Automatic and manual calibration. Why do you need to calibrate your Asus battery?

How to calibrate a laptop battery that has started to act up? Before we begin to understand the “how,” it is logical to answer “why.” Why calibrate your laptop battery? And what does "calibration" mean?

Calibration is “bringing to life” electronic brains batteries - controller. The latter monitors and controls the battery charge level. And over time, it gets confused and begins to show a higher charge level than it actually is. This is where complaints appear like “the battery runs out quickly”, “does not hold” and so on.

But it may not be the battery at all. It is quite possible that all this is the tricks of the controller. How can I get him back on the right path? Calibrate the battery. Let us immediately note that our advice applies only to lithium-ion batteries. But if your gadget is quite modern, then with a 99% probability it has just such a battery on board.

The controller records the voltage in the battery cells. And it may display it correctly or incorrectly. In the latter case, calibration helps bring the controller to life. Maximum voltage equals one hundred percent battery charge or 4.2 V cell voltage. After calibration, the controller will adequately display the charging percentage.

How to calibrate the battery?

Any user can do the calibration. No special knowledge is required for this. You just need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Charge the battery completely.
  2. Discharge the battery completely.
  3. Charge the battery fully again.

With point one, in theory, everything is extremely clear. Charge the battery as usual to one hundred percent. But point two can cause difficulties if you need to discharge quickly. For those who want to speed up the process, we recommend a simple life hack.

To make the discharge happen faster, you can set the laptop battery to high performance while disconnecting the laptop from the network. This way you will avoid constantly “falling asleep” on your laptop while you take breaks from work.

The operation is extremely easy: click “Start”, select “Control Panel”, click on the “Power Options” icon. To help you special function“Create a power plan” is easy to understand. You need to find the line " High performance" In the name of the plan, without further ado, you write “Battery Calibration”, which is completely true.

In the plan settings, we prohibit turning off the display and going into sleep mode. Don't forget to confirm your intentions by clicking the "Create" button. Now the list of your power plans includes the “Battery Calibration” plan you created. This is the item we select.

After the battery is completely dead, charge it again to 100 percent - this is important! It is also highly advisable to turn on the laptop “for charging” immediately after the battery “runs out” completely, without a long break. Only in this case can we assume that your battery is calibrated as it should.

Happened? Of course yes! And now your desktop friend is more capable than ever!

Calibration “for advanced”

Did you know that you can calibrate without waiting for the laptop to boot? To do this, you should go into the BIOS during the boot process. How to get there? One of the keys is responsible for this - Del, F2, F10 or Esc. If you don’t know which one, you can try all four – one of them will definitely work!

Next, open the Boot tab, then Smart Battery Calibration (it may be called differently, but the meaning is the same). Wait for the window with the inscription “Would you run the Battery Calibration?”, click “Yes” and monitor the development of the situation using the “Current Battery Level: ...%” indicator.

In addition, on the websites of laptop manufacturers (Acer, for example) there are often special programs for calibration - even with minimum level computer literacy it is quite possible to use them. Or download the Battery Doubler program (it is considered universal, but I personally had successful experience calibrating only Acer batteries, namely the Acer BAT-1010 battery at 3260mAhr.

Whichever calibration method you choose, you need to remember that a one-time procedure is clearly not enough for long and reliable operation of your gadget. To ensure that your laptop does not let you down in the future, you should take care simple rules use (they apply, by the way, to most electronic devices).

How to extend battery life?

1. Refrain from working with a laptop at temperatures below minus 10 and above 35 degrees. Obviously, such temperatures do not exist indoors, but mobile computer device The good thing is that it gives you the opportunity to work anywhere, even on the street. Take care of this ability!

2. Recharge your laptop if it is low, and unplug it if it is charged. It is equally harmful to keep the laptop completely discharged or constantly plugged in. A non-working organ atrophies - and a battery without workloads quickly becomes unusable.

3. Calibrate the battery every two to three months, depending on the intensity of use of the gadget in everyday life. This way you will prevent unnecessary failures in the operation of the controller and will always be aware of “what light you are in” and how long your laptop will last without charging.

Now you know everything, or almost everything, that a conscious laptop user needs to know who wants to use the device into old age - his or even his own. Enjoy surfing the Internet and meaningful work on your laptop!

Batterygator project - batteries for laptops of any brands and models.

Modern laptops can work for several hours without recharging, it all depends on the manufacturer and specific model. With time this indicator is decreasing, and many users are thinking about completely replacing the battery. Is it possible to restore a laptop battery on your own, and how does this happen? Let's take a closer look!

The cheapest option is to replace individual components

Battery structure

All batteries are made of several elements soldered together and placed in a housing. The reason for the decrease in battery quality may be the failure of one of these components, so you should not immediately run to the store and throw away money on new battery. Experienced experts say that a worn-out battery can be brought back to life.

There can be a maximum of 8 components in the battery case, all of them resemble batteries that are familiar to us (those used in the TV remote control, for example). The operation of all these parts is controlled by a special microcontroller. The circuit is designed to allow the user to view information about the battery temperature and charge level on the device screen. It is impossible to do without reprogramming the specified microcircuit during the battery repair process. This condition is mandatory; the procedure requires certain knowledge, so not everyone can do it with their own hands.


Repairing a laptop battery can be done by calibrating it. The task comes down to returning the original capacity of the product; we are talking about adjusting the operation of the power components, microcircuit and control unit. There are times when the battery loses its capacity very quickly, instantly dropping from 100 percent to 30 percent. The reason for this behavior is said to be inconsistency of internal components.

It is most convenient to perform calibration using special programs. One of these is the BatteryCare utility. Among the main advantages of this tool are the following:

  • simple interface;
  • automatic update;
  • switch settings automatically;
  • presence of useful tips;
  • does not affect system performance;
  • convenient monitoring of battery condition.

BatteryCare has a number functionality. For example, you can find out how much the device’s capacity has decreased compared to the information declared by the manufacturer. The laptop battery recovery program displays the number of charge cycles, voltage, calibration date, temperature and much more. She herself will prompt you about the need to perform calibration and give useful recommendations to complete this procedure. Calculation of the remaining life cycle calculated based on statistical data.

Using the battery recovery utility, you can also monitor current temperature hard drive and processor.

The calibration process itself consists of three stages. First you need to charge the battery to 100%, then discharge it to zero and recharge it to full capacity. During such manipulations, the battery charge level on the chip will level out, and the controller will now again show the real value.

Laptop owners who notice that their device is draining quickly are often interested in a process such as battery calibration. What is this process? Is it necessary to carry it out? What types of batteries need to be calibrated? What effect should you expect from battery repair?

What types of batteries are there?

Before you calibrate your battery, you need to know what type of battery you are using. this type"treatment".

Distinguish following types batteries:

  • Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) and Ni-Cd (nickel cadmium) are batteries used in older laptops. They are quite heavy, resistant to temperature changes and have a charge memory effect. When fully charged, such batteries should not be used in conjunction with a direct connection to the mains, as this may negatively affect the operation of the drive.
  • Li-Polymer (lithium polymer) is absolutely new type batteries based on Li-Ion battery. However, a polymer material is used as the electrolyte. The main role in this battery is played by the charge controller. This type of battery holds a charge for up to 8 hours.
  • Li-Ion (lithium-ion) is the most common type of battery, which is used not only in laptops, but also in tablets, smartphones and ordinary mobile phones. This type of battery has a large capacity and smaller sizes compared to Ni-MH battery. It has no memory effect, and therefore the user can charge or recharge such a battery at any time.

It is important to note that the main role in modern charges is played by the battery controller. It monitors the condition of the battery. If you disassemble the battery, you can see several batteries that are connected to special board. This is the charge controller. By measuring the voltage on each battery, it provides information about the state of the total charge of the battery, and based on this data, the approximate time until the next recharge is calculated.

It is important to note that when calculating battery capacity, the controller performs calculations in Watt hours, not in amperes. Amperes are used to subtract the charge in household appliances, but not like in laptops.

How to determine battery charge?

To determine the battery status you need to run command line with Administrator rights and enter “powercfg.exe -energy -output d:Nout.html”, where d is the drive where the report file will be saved.

The battery test will start.

The system will notify you about the battery status. For detailed data, go to drive D (or whichever you specified).

After opening the file, look detailed information about batteries.

How can I calibrate my battery?

If the last charge is lower than the calculated capacity, it is worth calibrating. If the numbers are the same, battery calibration is not needed.

Manual calibration is the safest, as it will not harm the battery or negatively affect the operation of the controller. In order to perform it you need:

  • Charge the battery to 100%;
  • Discharge the battery until complete shutdown device and, with the power off, turn on the laptop until it refuses to start at all;
  • Charge the battery to 100% again.

IMPORTANT! As soon as you unplug your laptop, its power plan will change. Upon reaching a certain level low battery, the laptop will automatically go into sleep mode. Accordingly, it will not be possible to completely discharge it. You can solve this problem as follows.

  • Go to “Control Panel” and select “Power Options”.

  • A new window will open. In the menu on the left, select “Create a power plan.”

  • Check the box next to “High Performance” and give the plan a name.

  • The next step is to prevent the display from turning off and the laptop to go into sleep mode.

  • Now you can discharge the laptop battery.

IMPORTANT! After completing the above steps, the controller failure will be resolved. Calibrating a laptop battery does not increase the operating time of the device without connecting to the network, since it is impossible to restore using software methods physical wear of the battery. But the battery capacity will be displayed correctly.

Battery calibration can be done using BIOS settings. However, not all motherboard firmware versions support this function. To perform calibration using this method, do the following:

  • Reboot the PC and press “F2” and “Del” when the motherboard logo appears. Booting into BIOS.
  • Find the “Boot” section and launch “Smart Battery Calibration” by selecting “Yes”.

  • Calibration will take several minutes. The system will notify you that the process is complete. Only then will it be possible to restart the PC.

It is worth noting that many laptop manufacturers provide their own utilities to calibrate the battery. You can download them on the official website of the manufacturer. Calibration should be carried out no more often than once every 6 months.

To learn how else to calibrate the battery, watch the video:

How to calibrate an asus laptop battery

A laptop battery is the most important component that needs careful care. If used carelessly, the battery loses its power. Considering the cost of batteries, not everyone will be able to spend their finances on replacing it. Calibrating your battery will help preserve its service life and save your budget.

Often laptop users make mistakes in calibrating the battery for laptops, which leads to irreversible processes in the battery's performance.

The mistakes are that there is massive misinformation on the Internet about battery calibration or advice from a friend who does not know all the nuances of this procedure.

Therefore to this process should be approached responsibly. This requires very little of your time and special care in adhering to all the rules. Thanks to this, your battery will last a significantly longer time.
The calibration process consists of discharging the battery to 10%. and then charge it, then repeat this action again. We do not recommend discharging the battery to 0%, because the battery has a chip that can block it, after which you will not be able to “start” the battery.

And so let's get started!

  1. To do this, you will need to turn off the computer and turn it on by holding down the BIOS entry button
  2. In Bios, every laptop has such a function as battery calibration.
  3. Select with the up and down arrow and click on Battery function Calibration Confirmation and the process is started,
  4. In a few minutes your battery will be calibrated.

If this method didn't help you, yes alternative way. To do this, you need to turn on the computer, wait until the battery is fully charged, and unplug the laptop cord from the network. You will need time to drain the battery; you can do your business on the laptop, listen to music, watch movies, play games. After waiting full discharge put the batteries on charge and repeat the procedure. This completes the calibration process.

Many laptop users often calibrate the battery, thinking that this will increase its service life, but this is a mistaken opinion that many fall into. A battery has a limited number of discharge and charge cycles. With frequent calibration, you reduce these cycles and thereby reduce its operating time.

Calibration needs to be done once every six months and this will be much more sufficient.
But if your battery is often not completely discharged, then calibration can be done once every three months.

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A large assortment Batteries for laptops, phones, tablets, screwdrivers

At one time, laptops gained immense popularity due to the ability to run on a rechargeable battery, which made it possible not to be chained to one place and perform necessary work almost everywhere. The first models could last only a short time without a charge, and the nickel-metal hydride batteries used had a lot of disadvantages. But manufacturers did not sit idly by, and over several decades, battery manufacturing technologies have undergone dramatic changes. Today, the vast majority of laptops use lithium ion batteries. They can last quite a long time and lack many of the disadvantages of their predecessors.

However, they are not perfect and may also become unusable over time. A battery malfunction means that it discharges very quickly, or the laptop does not display the charge level correctly. In this case, manufacturers and sellers of equipment recommend purchasing new battery. But, since the cost of the original component is quite high, you can try to correct its operation yourself. Depending on the degree of damage, it is necessary to either replace the battery cells, or it will be enough to reset the laptop battery controller.

Exactly about last chance We want to tell you more in today’s material. You can find out in what cases you need to reset the controller, and we will also tell you about possible ways how you can do it yourself at home.

First, it's worth finding out what a battery controller is. This is a small chip built into the battery itself that controls it working condition, as well as the charging and discharging process. It interacts with the power controller on motherboard the laptop itself, and also transmits the necessary system information operating system. We hope the diagram is clear to you. We tried to describe everything in simple words, but if you want to know technical details, search on the Internet.

When this small chip stops working correctly, you may need to reset the controller. This procedure is also popularly known as battery calibration. By by and large, there are only two situations when this may be required: incorrect charge display and replacement of battery cells.

An incorrect charge display should be understood as a situation when operating system laptop even after long charging shows that the charge level is less than 100%, or the charge drops sharply, and the laptop turns off not after a few hours, as it should, but much faster. Many people begin to think that the battery has become unusable, but this is not always the case. The problem very often lies in its controller, which simply does not display the charge correctly.

By replacing battery cells we mean that in some workshops and service centers can offer the so-called repackaging of batteries, that is, replacing those that have become unusable indoor units. After this, the controller must be reset so that all new elements are recognized and can be used correctly. Although, if after replacing the blocks something does not work correctly, you have every right make claims and demand correction of defects.

Now let's look at how to reset a laptop's battery controller. Let's touch on the software and manual methods.

Controller soft reset

On some sites you may see a recommendation to use the Battery EEPROM Works program. This is truly a very powerful and advanced utility that can, in some cases, literally revive the battery. But there is one big BUT! To use it, you need to know a lot and be able to understand electrical circuits, as well as have the necessary adapters, which are not always easy to get on the open market. We will not recommend this program for use in home devices, as it is very easy to permanently damage the battery. What then is right for you?

Battery EEPROM Works window

Almost every manufacturer has built-in power management utilities. It can be downloaded from the support site, on the driver download page for your device, and in some cases the utility can be either pre-installed or recorded on the included driver disk. Select the reset or calibration option and follow the on-screen instructions exactly. Most often, the utility discharges the battery to zero, after which it charges up to 100%. The controller will remember the extreme charge level indicators and will work as it did immediately upon purchase.

Manual controller reset

If for some reason you cannot find or install the power management utility, you can reset or calibrate the battery manually. How?

  1. Disconnect the laptop from electrical network, then transfer it to BIOS mode. You can read more in the article how to start BIOS mode.
  2. Leave the laptop and do not touch it until it is completely discharged. Take care that it does not overheat.
  3. Without turning on the laptop, put it on charge. Wait until it is fully charged; to do this, you can leave it overnight.

In 99% of cases such simple steps will help bring the battery back to life. Well, if this doesn’t help, buy a new battery, or connect laptop computer directly to the outlet while removing the battery.

  • If you only use your laptop at home, then to reduce wear on its battery, it would be better to remove it. But before that, charge it to about 80% and also check the charge level from time to time as it is prone to self-discharge. After removing, connect the laptop to the power supply and use it as desktop computer. This option is suitable for those who have a laptop in only one place, since with this use you can lose data if you disconnect the laptop from the power source while working.
  • To increase the operating time of your device, set the appropriate parameters in the power plan settings. If necessary, use the power saving mode.


Friends, today we talked about how to reset a laptop charge controller. We learned that sometimes the problem lies not only in the computer hardware, but also in software. Therefore, there is no need to rush to order a new battery right away. We hope everything worked out for you and there are no questions left. Don't forget to share your opinion in the comments.