Utility for bios from gigabyte. Firmware BIOS GIGABYTE

Unpleasant conflicts expressed in the frequent failure of your operating system to work correctly with a certain group of drivers, as well as a completely justified desire to increase the performance and expand the functionality of the motherboard used, may become a unique reason for your genuine interest in resolving the issue of how to update the Gigabyte BIOS. And only when you are completely confident in the advisability of carrying out such an important operation, which is flashing the microchip of the basic input/output system, and at the same time are determined to dot all the i’s, then let’s upgrade your “iron friend”...

The point is...

Now the time has come to doubt the modern competence of the once impeccable model of your motherboard from the leader of the IT industry, the Taiwanese company GIGABYTE Technology Co. Ltd. A fully functional machine instantly lost its “authority” when you connected a hard drive of sufficiently large capacity or, perhaps, purchased a new, more powerful one. As a result of the upgrade, the BIOS simply cannot manage such “progressive” equipment, since the software part of the code is outdated and requires practical update. Therefore, in such a situation, the question of how Gigabyte becomes not just important, but extremely in need of a solution.

Choosing the only and trouble-free update method

Of course, you can flash the BSVV (basic input/output system) of a computer in a variety of ways. But it is highly not recommended to perform a knowingly incorrect update from the Windows environment. This is purely the prerogative of DOS, so the operating system should not perform intermediary functions. The BIOS flash memory must be accessed directly. Only this way and no other way. However, this method of firmware requires certain knowledge, so we read, remember and, accordingly, answer the question with independent practical actions: “How to update the Gigabyte BIOS?”

Number, series, revision of the motherboard: where and what exactly to look for?

First of all, you need to have information about the modification of your motherboard. You can find this out from the documentation on your computer, but if you don’t have it, use one of the options below:

We write everything down on a separate piece of paper and plunge into the vast abyss of the Internet - download programs.

BIOS firmware Gigabyte

Knowing the model of the motherboard and the version of our BSVV, we proceed to the next preparatory stage of the software upgrade. On the manufacturer's website, download the available update for your board. This is usually a file up to 3 MB in size, so you won't have to wait long. Next, you need to make a bootable USB flash drive, which will contain the new firmware for your BIOS. Only after the above will you be able to carry out the process of “uploading” more advanced program code onto the BSVV microchip, through which the hardware of your computer is controlled.

Preparing the flash drive

Having downloaded a free utility called USB Disk Storage Format from the Internet, all you have to do is carry out some actions with the program interface, that is, configure it properly:

  • To do this, in the first line we define our flash drive.
  • Specify the file system: FAT32.
  • In the Format option line, put a checkmark.
  • Check the Create a DOS Bootable Disk option.
  • In the window below we write the directory in which our firmware file is located.
  • Click Start and wait for the process of creating a bootable flash drive to complete.

Now you can update the BIOS of the Gigabyte motherboard using the built-in BSVV software that needs to be debugged.

The important final stage is setup

By briefly pressing the Delete key we go to the main page
microprogram menu for managing the hardware of our electronic machine. In this case, the flash drive must be installed in the USB connector of the computer.

  • To return the Gigabyte BIOS settings to default values, go to the Load Optimaized Defaults tab and press Enter. We agree to save the changes by selecting "Y".
  • Press F8 and go to the bootloader menu.
  • Disable the first item Keep DMI Data by selecting Disabl.
  • It is recommended to save the current firmware version, so select Save Bios to Drive and perform the backup process.
  • Click Update Bios from Drive and get into the directory of our flash drive.
  • Press the Enter key to launch the firmware file.

Attention: while updating the BIOS, do not turn off the computer under any circumstances, as this can lead to quite serious problems!

  • Upon completion of the microcode rewriting process, a window with the message Copy BIOS completed-Pass should appear on the monitor screen. Press any key.

Congratulations, the firmware is completed!

Upgrade your video card

This will probably be a small discovery for you, but the graphics module can also be subjected to high-quality software improvements or brought back to life when it is seen to be inoperable due to a crashed firmware. Question: "How to update the BIOS of a Gigabyte video card?" — needs more detailed consideration. We read about this further and understand the nuances.

  • In the Support&Downloads section, select Graphics card.
  • In the By Chipset Series window we find our modification of the graphics card.
  • Then specify the Mode Name. Click on the Search button.
  • Go to the section of the specified video card.
  • Go to the Support&Downloads tab again. Where in the Download type window you need to select BIOS, after which in a new window you will be presented with the versions of available updates.
  • We download the graphical BIOS from the server and run it in the Windows environment.

Attention: the downloaded version should not be underestimated and should express the correspondence of the symbolic and digital value with a tendency to increase by one unit. That is, the F2 firmware is replaced with F3, and F11 with F12... But in no case: F2 with F11 or F4 with F12! Gigabyte, you already know, now let's take the next step, which will help you upgrade your video card.

Small but remote

However, the VGA Tools@BIOS interface has an option to save the current BIOS version. Despite its miniature size, the utility copes with its assigned task with a bang.

  • Using the Backup VGA BIOS button we do
  • Using the Flash key we find our firmware file and mount it into the bootloader.
  • Click "OK" and after rewriting the BIOS, we will enjoy the new features and more efficient operation of our video card.


To date, no Gigabyte BIOS update program can compare with the functional correctness of the built-in software provided by the manufacturer. Such an important process as rewriting BSVV flash memory in a standard way requires only two things from the user: extreme attention and uninterrupted power supply. The system will handle the rest on its own. Happy upgrades!


BIOS is a program that is responsible for the performance of the motherboard, and therefore almost all computer components. Component manufacturer Gigabyte equips its motherboards with only the latest BIOS versions. But over time, even the newest firmware becomes outdated and requires an update that can improve the performance of the entire computer.

Some useful tips:

  • Download the update only from the manufacturer's official website. Under no circumstances should you trust third-party “craftsmen” who offer to download their BIOS build, promising wider functionality and/or stable operation.
  • The update version must be suitable for your motherboard. The manufacturer's website always indicates which equipment a particular update version is compatible with. You can find out the model and serial number of your motherboard by reading the manual that came with the device upon purchase or by disassembling the computer/laptop case.
  • Before downloading and installing, read reviews from other users about the update. Sometimes, on the contrary, it worsens the performance of the system.
  • When installing updates, make sure that it will not be interrupted by a sudden power outage or system reboot/freeze.
  • If you are updating via Windows, then turn off the Internet and antivirus, because... They can interrupt the installation or open background processes that will negatively affect the completion of such an important procedure.

Follow these steps to find out the model of your mother card:

There are two ways to update:

  • Directly through the OS. To do this, you will also need to download the free @BIOS utility from the developer's website. The whole process will require a few clicks and a little time.
  • Via BIOS. Suitable for advanced users only. This method is safer because It is possible to create backups and rollback if the update fails.

Method 1: Update via OS

After you have downloaded the utility and the current BIOS version from the official website, do the following:

Method 2: update via DOS

To do this, you will need to transfer the previously downloaded BIOS version to the USB flash drive. Connect the flash drive to your computer and follow the instructions:

An ordinary PC user can easily update the BIOS on a motherboard from Gigabyte. The most important thing is to follow the recommendations and steps in the instructions.

When producing a computer motherboard, developers implement a special BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) program into the built-in memory, which is valid during the manufacturing period. In the future, the manufacturer will improve the program, adding the latest features and correcting various code errors. In most cases, additional features include optimization of operation with more advanced processors and support for third-party devices. When considering updating the BIOS of a GIGABYTE motherboard, you must first decide what it is for.

First of all, GIGABYTE's BIOS needs to be kept up to date, as the developer is always trying to improve the motherboard's performance with certain hardware and expand the capabilities of certain functions.

Of course, it is necessary to approach it with all responsibility, since there is a possibility of disrupting the system and breaking something that previously worked perfectly. If your computer has a warranty period, flashing the BIOS leaves you without this right. You deliberately change the standard equipment, which is a direct violation of the warranty rules.

The update process is not as scary as it might seem. All you have to do is follow the instructions and not make any mistakes. Below is how to update the BIOS of GIGABYTE family boards.

Preparing your computer for a BIOS update

  1. Updating the motherboard BIOS is a simple process that is described on any official website of the manufacturer. But this procedure has small nuances that need to be taken into account. First of all, you need to remember that an unsuccessful BIOS update will disrupt the proper functioning of the computer, and it can only be “recovered” by specialized technical support services. This will entail unnecessary waste of money and loss of time. Therefore, you need to take note of all the small snags and not lose sight of anything:
  2. Try to avoid using unfinished (beta) firmware versions, as well as software that is designed for a different version of the GIGABYTE motherboard (even one digit difference in the model number is unacceptable). An exception can only be made if the manufacturer has released a single BIOS version that supports several different boards. Let's say your motherboard model is GIGABYTE GA-B75-D3H, and the firmware is presented for models of the GA-B75-xxx series.
  3. Do not trust unofficial manufacturers and third-party assemblies, even if you are tempted by additional features that were hidden from ordinary users to cut down on the motherboard, that is, create a budget option. No one will give you any guarantees that this particular version is suitable for your equipment. And even if it does, you still won’t be immune from various glitches and malfunctions in the system.
  4. Make sure you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your desktop computer or fully charge the battery if it is a laptop. Updating the BIOS does not tolerate power failure at the most inopportune moment. If this happens, then a trip to technical support cannot be avoided.
  5. Before changing the BIOS firmware, you need to clean the hard drive to free up space. Make sure it is working and there are no bad sectors.

It is worth paying attention: if you are updating the BIOS from a Windows operating system, you must disconnect from the Internet and exit all unused programs, including antivirus programs. Also, kill unnecessary processes in the task manager. Updating the BIOS should be the only and priority task performed at the time of changing the firmware in the motherboard.

Determining the BIOS version and downloading the necessary firmware

Before updating your motherboard's BIOS, you first need to find out its exact model and BIOS version. Don't trust the documentation provided to you with the board.

Such manuals are most often generalized, and they may not contain the exact board model you are using.

To determine the exact name of the model, you need to use the special Everest utility. After installing the utility, run it and open the motherboard subsection. Its properties will show the information you need (for example, GIGABYTE GA-B75-D3H). This model will be used to search for the required BIOS version on the manufacturer’s official website.

Before doing this, you still need to determine the current BIOS version. This is required in order to check the option on the official website and make sure whether the latest current version is already installed on the motherboard.

This is done by opening the motherboard subsection and selecting the BIOS item. The BIOS Version line contains the necessary information - F13.

Write down on paper the model number of the motherboard and, accordingly, the BIOS version. Do this slowly, as any mistake is fraught with serious consequences.

Proceed to download the required BIOS version. To do this, go to the official GIGABYTE website and open the motherboards section. Search for GA-B75-D3H and find your board model. By clicking on it, you can read the latest news and updates. Most often, several different BIOS versions appear with their release date and a brief description of the innovations.

Download the appropriate version and extract it from the archive. Now you need to download the extracted files to a flash drive or floppy disk. The second option is relevant for owners of outdated motherboards, since they do not support reading a flash drive outside the operating system environment. Before loading the BIOS onto a flash drive, format its file system to FAT32.

GIGABYTE Motherboard BIOS Update

You can update the GIGABYTE BIOS using 2 methods:

  1. Directly in the Windows operating system using a program designed for this, which you will find on the official website of the developer. This is a good option that will suit most users, but we cannot exclude the situation when the computer freezes due to some processes in the task manager that cannot be removed manually in the Windows environment. It's hard to say what this will lead to, but you can be absolutely sure that the BIOS update will end unsuccessfully.
  2. Directly from DOS, using the Q-Flash program, which is great for updating the BIOS of GIGABYTE family motherboards. This method is more trustworthy due to the fact that the update occurs seamlessly, that is, absolutely no processes or services interfere with it. In addition, this method is universal and safe.

Updating using the Q-Flash program is discussed below:

Updating the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard is performed in case of problems, to obtain support for new hardware and improve operating efficiency, etc. You should not flash the BIOS unless absolutely necessary if the computer is working normally.

BIOS - the basic output-output system, is a microcircuit with microprograms that check and configure the computer hardware and ensure loading of the operating system. On modern computers, the traditional BIOS interface is being replaced with a modern UEFI interface. The BIOS chip is located on the computer's motherboard.

BIOS chip manufacturers periodically release updates that fix bugs and improve the BIOS code for greater compatibility and efficiency. In some cases, it makes sense to update the BIOS firmware to resolve problems or improve compatibility with new devices connected to the computer.

Please note that updating the BIOS will void the warranty. Gigabyte company draws attention to the fact that in this case, you bear full responsibility for possible problems or failure of the equipment. If you do not dare to do the BIOS firmware yourself, contact the service center specialists or a computer workshop.

Please note the necessary condition that must be followed when updating the BIOS:

  • During the BIOS update process, a power outage can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, make sure that an uninterruptible power supply is connected to the computer while flashing the BIOS to prevent unexpected power outages.

Why did I update the BIOS on my computer?

Several years ago, the motherboard on my computer failed. This happened, as always unexpectedly, at the most inopportune moment. I had to do a forced upgrade on my PC, I had to replace almost all the computer hardware.

A certain configuration was assembled based on a motherboard manufactured by the Taiwanese company Gigabyte from parts available in a computer store. The motherboard has a BIOS from AMI - AMI BIOS UEFI.

Gigabyte motherboards support DualBIOS technology. There are two BIOS chips on the motherboard: the main one and the backup one. If the main chip fails, the BIOS will be restored from the backup copy. In this case, the computer will continue to work. Otherwise, without a backup BIOS, the motherboard would need to be replaced if it is not possible to replace the failed chip.

One day, after turning on the computer, I saw a message: “The Main BIOS is corrupted. The system will be recovered from the Backup BIOS...". This message is translated into Russian: “The main BIOS is corrupted. The system will be restored from the BIOS backup. Do not press the power and restart buttons, wait a few minutes for the process to complete. The main BIOS is being updated."

The BIOS was restored quite quickly, the operating system booted and continued normal operation. But, the next time the computer was turned on, the BIOS was restored from the backup copy.

I realized that it is necessary to update the BIOS firmware to a new version. To make the right choice, pay attention to the chipset revision (mine is rev.1.1), which can be seen directly on the motherboard or on the motherboard box.

Using specialized programs, for example, you can obtain in advance some information about the BIOS version installed on your computer. I had version F2, but it is no longer available on the official website. The latest available BIOS version for my motherboard is F8.

The official Gigabyte website offers three options for updating the BIOS microcode of motherboards:

  • Updating the firmware directly from the BIOS using the Q-Flash utility (perhaps the safest method).
  • Updating the BIOS using the proprietary @BIOS utility from Windows.
  • Updating the BIOS using a DOS utility that needs to be written to external media.

The first two methods are the easiest to use. Beginner users may experience difficulties when using Q-Flash in the UEFI BIOS interface. Therefore, in this article we will look at the easiest way: using the @BIOS utility to flash the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard.

Updating the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard using the @BIOS utility

The @BIOS utility runs directly from a running Windows operating system. Flashing BIOS to a new version occurs in graphical mode.

First you need to download @BIOS from the official Gigabyte website. Unpack the archive and install the program on your computer.

When updating the BIOS, you should be careful:

  • You need to make sure that the BIOS version matches the motherboard model.
  • Do not interrupt the BIOS flashing process.
  • Make sure that there is a source of electrical power that must be used to prevent a power failure from the electrical network.
  • During the update, the Windows operating system must run stably on the computer.
  • Close programs and connections.

To update the BIOS on a Gigabyte motherboard, follow these steps:

  1. In the Start menu, find GIGABYTE in the list of programs, click on it, launch the @BIOS program. The utility window will display information about the motherboard model, BIOS version and manufacturer. On the right side of the @BIOS window there are buttons:
  • Update BIOS from GIGABYTE Server - updating the BIOS from Gigabyte servers.
  • Update BIOS from File - updating the BIOS from a file previously downloaded to the computer.
  • Save Current BIOS to File - saves the current BIOS to a file.
  • About @BIOS - information about the program.
  1. Save the current BIOS to a file on your computer (just in case). Click on the “Save Current BIOS to File” button, select a save location, wait until the operation is completed. If the BIOS is damaged, then there is no point in saving it.
  2. Click on the "Update BIOS from GIGABYTE Server" button.

  1. In the window that opens, select the server from which you want to download the new BIOS firmware. By default, the closest server from the user is offered for selection.

  1. Confirm your choice to download the BIOS version. The window contains information about the motherboard model, chipset revision, and BIOS version selected for updating. I note that for some reason this window showed the BIOS version F7; the latest version F8 was installed on the computer.

  1. The file with the new BIOS firmware is being downloaded to the computer.

  1. Next, a message window will open warning you that the screen will freeze for a while while installing the BIOS. They ask for your consent to update the BIOS. Click on the "OK" button.

  1. Then the process of updating the BIOS to the new version will begin, which will take some time.

  1. After the firmware process is completed, a window will open with the message: “BIOS update complete! You must restart your system to apply the new changes. (Reboot is highly recommended for current BIOS update)."
  2. Follow the recommendations, click on the “Restart Now” button.

After restarting the computer, the BIOS will update to the new version.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can update the BIOS firmware to a new version on the Gigabyte motherboard using the @BIOS utility. You should be careful when updating the BIOS firmware.

It is recommended to configure your computer's BIOS in the following cases:

  1. Building a PC from scratch;
  2. Replacement of components;
  3. Availability of integrated graphics in the CPU;
  4. Overclocking the central processor and RAM;
  5. Setting up the operation of system unit fans;
  6. Enable audible emergency alerts;
  7. Reinstalling the operating system.

Setting up BIOS for Gigabyte motherboards

To enter the BIOS of Gigabyte boards, press the Del key when booting the computer. On the home page ( M.I.T.CurrentStatus) we will see the current BIOS version, the system bus frequency multiplier, the CPU and RAM frequencies, the amount of memory, the temperature and voltage of the central processor.


At the beginning of 2018, the most common type of RAM for PCs is DDR4, the frequency of which reaches 4266 MHz, which is much higher than DDR3. By default, RAM memory runs at 2133 MHz. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer it to a frequency that meets the specification. The frequency value is hardcoded into the X.M.P profile. To activate it, find the parameter Advanced Memory Settings, Further - Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) and set the value to Profile1.

For enthusiasts, memory overclocking is available by changing timings ( Channel A/B Memory Sub Timings) and voltage ( DRAM Voltage Control).

Video adapter settings

At the next stage of setup, we focus on the graphics adapter. The tab will help us with this Peripherals. If the configuration of the system unit does not require the use of a discrete video card, then we activate the graphics core built into the CPU: Initial Display Output– select IGFX. This adapter uses a certain amount of the computer's total RAM. To change its volume in the section Chipset click on DVMT Pre-Allocated and stop at the maximum possible value. And in DVMT Total Gfx Mem make the active size MAX.

If you have an external video card, the option Initial Display Output change to PCIe 1 slot (PCIEX16 slot) or PCIe 2 slot (PCIEX4 slot), and the value Internal Graphics in the submenu Chipset– to Disabled. This is done to reduce the load on the CPU. If you have two monitors, you can use two graphics adapters at once - external and built-in - the choice is up to the user.

Fan control

What is most important – maintaining the lowest possible temperature inside the case or silence? The answer lies in the type of video adapter used. If it generates a lot of heat (from 150 watts), then the hot exhaust air must be removed from the housing as quickly as possible. This is done by coolers located in front, behind and at the top of the system unit. They are connected to the corresponding connectors on the motherboard. But for undemanding tasks, a modern graphics adapter consumes little energy. Therefore, in the large section M.I.T.\PC Health Status in the submenu 1 st System Fan Speed ​​Control, 2 nd System Fan Speed ​​Control And 3 rd System Fan Speed ​​Control set the Normal parameter, which will automatically change the rotation speed of the blades based on the temperature in the system. You can also activate your own graph of this dependence by selecting Manual. These values ​​are set in the subsection Fan Speed ​​Control for each cooler. If the adapter built into the CPU core is responsible for video graphics, then to reduce noise we use the silent mode – Silent.

In the same section the parameter CPU Fan Speed ​​Control (CPU_FAN Connector) is responsible for regulating the rotation speed of the processor cooler. The following options are available: Normal (automatic operation depending on the temperature of the CPU cores), Silent (fan runs at reduced speeds), Manual (manual control), Full Speed ​​(maximum possible degree of rotation).


The specifications of central processors imply their operation up to 100 ºС. But the lower the temperature inside the CPU, the longer it will work. Therefore, the BIOS suggests setting a threshold value for this parameter, upon reaching which an alarm is triggered. Find it in the menu M.I.T.\PC Health Status line CPU/System Temperature Warning. By default it is set to Disabled. For processors with low heat generation, it is recommended to change it to 70 ºC/158 ºF, and for “hot” ones – 90 ºC/194 ºF. This parameter depends on how effectively the cooler removes heat from the processor cover. This setting is also applicable for case cooling fans.

An alarm will also sound if any of the fans malfunction and are incorrectly connected to the connectors on the system board. To enable this function in the same section, look for CPU/CPU OPT/System Fan Fail Warning and change to Enabled. Recently, coolers with a semi-passive operating mode have begun to appear on the market. When the load on the central processor is light, they do not rotate. In this case, it is advisable to leave the default value - Disabled.

Optimizing the performance of peripheral devices

To install the operating system, it is necessary that the computer, when starting, access the disk where the operating system distribution is located. You can set these parameters in BIOS Features, going to Boot Option Priorities, where we select HDD, SSD, USB or DVD as the first boot disk.

The system is now usually installed on a solid state drive, which works best in AHCI mode. You can activate it in the section Peripherals - SATA Configuration and its subsection SATA Mode Selection. Same here, but in a submenu External SATA We turn on external devices with a SATA interface.

Any motherboard has a built-in audio controller. If the user is not satisfied with the sound quality, he adds an external sound card to the PCI or USB port. Then you need to disable the integrated sound in the menu ChipsetAudio Controller.

The final stage

Confirmation or cancellation of BIOS changes made is done in the section Save &Exit:

  • Save &Exit Setup– saving corrections and exiting;
  • ExitWithoutSaving– exit without making amendments;
  • Load Optimized Defaults– loading the optimal default settings that are required after updating the BIOS or clearing CMOS parameters.

Setting up BIOS for Asus motherboards

To enter the BIOS of the Asus motherboard, press Del or F2. There are two modes available here − EZ Mode And Advanced Mode. Loads by default EZ Mode. To go to the second state, you need to find the corresponding link below or use the F7 key. Let's take a closer look Advanced Mode.

Options responsible for the operation of coolers in the system are located in QFan Control (F6). There are pre-installed and manual profiles for CPU and case fans: Standard, Silent, Turbo, Full Speed, Manual. In manual mode, you can plot the dependence of the degree of rotation of each cooler on temperature.

You can disable the cooler control function in the menu Monitor\Q-Fan Configuration. It is also possible to regulate 3-pin fans by selecting DC Mode.

Utility EZ Tuning Wizard (F11) allows you to overclock the processor taking into account its cooling type. This is relevant for owners of Intel processors with index K. In the submenu OS select a scenario for a computer for everyday use (Daily Computing) or a gaming PC (Gaming/Media Editing). Then click on the icon with a box, tower or liquid cooler and start the tuning process.

Activation of the XMP profile for RAM occurs in the submenu.

For graphics built into the CPU, it is necessary in the section Advanced\System Agent (SA) Configuration\Graphics Configuration\Primary Display set the value to IGFX, and for a discrete video adapter - PEG.

The operating mode of drives with the SATA interface is configured in Advanced\PCH Storage Configuration\SATA Mode Selection. Select AHCI. Here's the point S.M.A.R.T. Status Check provides monitoring of the status of hard drives and notifies about errors in their operation.

The speed of SSD devices decreases over time as free space fills up. Utility Secure Erase on the menu Tool optimizes the operation of solid-state drives, thereby returning them to their original performance.

Information about all connected storage media can be viewed in Advanced\HDD/SSD Smart Information.

Enabling/disabling the audio controller built into the motherboard is carried out in the submenu Advanced\HD Audio Controller.

The priority for loading devices is set in the menu Boot\Boot Option Priorities.

Saving and canceling changes made to the BIOS, loading optimal factory settings is available in the main menu Exit.

Setting up the BIOS is important for those who want to get the most out of their computer configuration. Therefore, before installing the operating system, you need to study this procedure in detail, which is described in the instructions supplied in the box with the motherboard.