What do you need to install your front door yourself? DIY video surveillance installation

In this article you will learn how to properly install Windows 7 on your computer or laptop. In addition, I will tell you how to prepare for this process so that everything goes without negative consequences. Follow all the steps, be careful and you will succeed.

Before you properly install Windows 7, you need to make sure that everything is ready for this. Four requirements must be met:

  1. You must have a reliable installation disk with Windows 7 or a bootable USB flash drive with it.
  2. Make sure that the local drive on which the system will be installed does not contain important files that you need. This drive will be formatted and all data will be deleted.
  3. Make sure you have the necessary device drivers at your disposal or before installing Windows 7.
  4. Make sure you have installation files for all the programs you need. They will need to be installed after successful installation of the system.

How to install Windows 7 correctly

The installation is divided into three stages:

  • BIOS setup;
  • Hard disk preparation and installation;
  • Completing Windows installation.

Let's look at each of these stages.

BIOS setup

Before you install Windows 7 correctly, you need to understand that a disk or flash drive with the distribution kit is not enough. You also need to configure the computer to boot from this disk (or from a flash drive), and not from the hard drive. By default, most computers are configured to boot from the hard drive.

There are many BIOS versions, and setting the boot order of devices is different everywhere. You can find out how popular BIOS versions are configured for booting from external media.

Start installation

Finally got to installing Windows. When your BIOS is configured to boot from the required device, connect this same device (that is, a disk or flash drive) and restart the computer. Booting from removable media should begin.

If you are installing original Windows, then before booting the message “Press any key to boot from CD...” will appear. While it is lit, you must press any key to start the installation. If you don’t have time, the normal download from the hard drive will begin. If you are installing some build of Windows, then such an inscription may not appear. Instead, there may be a menu where you need to select the installation of Windows 7.

The installation begins. The first step is to select various language options and then click “Next”.

Choose language

After this a window appears. Click Install.

Start installation

Before you properly install Windows 7, you need to choose which version you will install. This is done at this step. You need to select the desired OS version from the list. The system capacity is also determined here. After selecting the version, you need to click “Next”.

Select Windows 7 version

Now check the box that you agree to the license and click the “Next” button.

Agree to the license

Now you need to choose: update the system or perform a full installation. To install Windows 7 correctly, select the full installation.

Select full installation

Before you properly install Windows 7, you need to work with your hard drive. Click Disk Setup.

At this stage of installation, you will have a utility at your disposal with which you can operate hard disk partitions. So, using the buttons you can delete, create and expand partitions, as well as format them.

Click "Settings"

Select (or create) a partition on which Windows will be installed and click the “Format” button. A warning will appear stating that now everything will be deleted from this section - we boldly agree, because we have prepared for the installation and have saved everything we need in another place.

Format the drive

Once formatting is complete, click Next.

And wait for the process to complete. This may take a long time.

Wait for the installation to complete

Completing the Windows installation

When everything you need has been copied and unpacked, Windows 7 will prompt you to enter names for the user and computer. Enter these details and click “Next”.

Enter your username and computer name

Now, if necessary, you can create a password. You can leave all fields blank and click Next.

Enter a password if required

You may then be asked to enter your Windows activation code. Enter and click Next. If there is no code, then you can skip this step and activate Windows later.

Enter your Windows activation code

After that, select the desired security mode on your computer and click “Next”.

Before you start reinstalling Windows, you need to save all the necessary information from the system disk (by default: drive C). It is very important not to forget to do this, because... when formatting all data from the disk C will disappear forever.
We are considering a situation where our operating system is in a working state and we can independently save the necessary data. Otherwise, you will have to copy the information using LiveCD or by connecting our hard drive to another computer.

We save information

1. Save documents, photos, movies, and music that are important to you to an external drive or another logical drive (not the one on which the new system will be installed).

Many users store their files in the “ My Documents” and on Desktop. In fact, you shouldn't do this. By default, these folders are located along the path C:\Documents and Settings\Username. Those. If the files that are in them are not transferred, then when you reinstall Windows they will be irretrievably lost.

By the way, my advice to you: if you can’t get rid of the habit of throwing everything into the “My Documents” folder, just change the default location for it. To do this, on your desktop, right-click on the “My Documents” folder – select “Properties” – “Destination Folder” tab. In the “Folder” field, enter the path to the new location (for example: enter D:\Mine) and click “OK”. If such a folder does not exist, the “Create Folder” window will appear - click “Yes” in it. In the next “Move Documents” window, also click “Yes” to move the documents to the new location. Now everything you save in “My Documents” will be located in the “My” folder on the local drive D.

2. Let's go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data. In folder Application Data settings of installed programs are stored (if you do not see this folder, then select “Tools” - “Folder Options” - “View” in the menu bar - check the box next to “Show hidden files and folders” - click “OK”).

If you have games installed on your computer and you do not want to lose your saves in them, then look in Application Data for the folder with the name of the game and copy its contents to another logical drive (saves along with profiles may also be located in the folder with the installed game).

For Internet Explorer: go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username – save the Favorites folder;
For Google Chrome: go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default – save the Bookmarks file;
For Mozilla Firefox: go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\profile name - save the bookmarks.html file;
For Opera: go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Opera\Opera - save the file bookmarks.adr

You can also save bookmarks in another way - use the export function available in browsers. For example, in Mozilla Firefox you can do this like this: in the menu bar, go to “Bookmarks” – “Show all bookmarks” – “Import and backup” – “Export bookmarks to an HTML file” – save the file, for example, to a flash drive. After reinstalling Windows: install Mozilla Firefox - go to the same path - select “Import bookmarks from an HTML file” - open our file on the flash drive.

4. If you work with email via a web interface, then the following information will not be interesting to you. If you use an email program Outlook Express, then it will be useful for you to know that all letters received and sent through it are stored here: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\(set of letters and numbers)\Microsoft\Outlook Express.

You should also save your email accounts. They store the settings necessary for receiving and sending messages (login, password, SMTP and POP3 server). To do this, in the Outlook Express menu, go to “Tools” – “Accounts” – select an account – “Export” – save the file with any name. After reinstalling the system, we will have to go through the same path in the program, select “Import” and indicate our saved file.

5. If you use the program uTorrent, you distribute the downloaded content and the rating on torrent trackers is important to you, you will probably want to save all the settings of this program. Save the folder located at this path: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\uTorrent. After installing the operating system, copy this folder to where you got it from. Also, if the folder with the downloaded files is located on your system drive, do not forget to move it.

Saving network and internet settings

Go to “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Network Connections”. Right-click on the network connection - select “Properties”. On the “General” tab, in the “Components used by this connection” field, find the line “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”. Stand on it and click the “Properties” button. If you have one computer and it is not located on the local network, then it is likely that in the window that appears, the switch will be in the “Obtain an IP address automatically” position and no other parameters will be filled in here. In this case, simply close this window. If the switch is in the “Use the following IP address” position and the fields below are filled with numbers, then be sure to write down all these parameters (IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS server if any) on a piece of paper. Also, if you know for sure that your PC is on the local network, write it down Name And name of the working group. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon – “Properties” – “Computer Name” tab. Click the “Change” button. This is where you can change the computer name (under which it will be visible on the network) and the name of the workgroup. But you don’t need to change anything: just copy the parameters onto a piece of paper and close this window.

Saving drivers

Before reinstalling Windows, make sure in advance that you have disks with drivers for all computer devices. If there are none, then in principle this is not a problem - drivers can also be downloaded on the Internet from the official websites of the manufacturers. But it will all take too much time.

In such a situation, it is easier to use special software for saving drivers. Such programs can automatically scan the system, identify all devices, identify all the drivers corresponding to them, and then save them in a separate folder. Previously, I used the program for these purposes DriverMax. Unfortunately, it did not always work flawlessly, so I found an excellent replacement for it - .

We can work with it completely free of charge for 15 days: then we will have to either delete it or buy it. We are quite happy with this option, because... We can install Driver Magician immediately before reinstalling Windows: we will make a backup copy of the drivers, and we will no longer need it.

Download the program from the official website (select “Download” at the top, and then click on the “Click Here” link). We launch the installation file - click “Next” everywhere - then “Install” - “Finish”. A window will appear reminding you that this is a trial version - click “ Register Later”.

A program will launch that will immediately show us all detected non-Microsoft drivers (i.e. those that are not included in the operating system distribution). We can select either all drivers or only those disks with which we do not have drives. Just in case, I select everything (by clicking the “bottom right” button Select All”).

Then press the button “ Start Backup”.
Specify the folder where the drivers will be saved. Remember that this folder should not be located on the system drive, otherwise it will be deleted when you reinstall Windows. Therefore, select either a USB flash drive or another logical drive. I select “Local disk (D:)” and click “OK”. We wait for some time while the saving process takes place. Upon completion, a folder will appear in the location we specified Drivers Backup. If you open it, you will see something like this:
That's it: we've made a copy of the drivers.

After we reinstall the system, we will no longer need to install Driver Magician again. You need to right-click on “My Computer” – “Properties” – “Hardware” – “Device Manager”. Find the device for which you need to install the driver (there will be a yellow exclamation mark on it).
In my case, the problematic device was the webcam:
I find it, click on it with the right mouse button - “ Update driver" In the window that appears, put the marker in the position “ No, not this time” - “Next” - select “ Installation from a specified location" - "Further". Then I check the box next to “ Include next search location" - I press " Review” and find it on the disk D folder Driver Backup, and in it a folder iLook 300(that’s the name of my webcam) - click “OK” - “Next”.
All! The driver was successfully installed and my webcam was detected in Device Manager.

We will install the driver in the same way, for example, when installing a printer. After we connect the device, “ New Hardware Wizard” (if it doesn’t start, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Hardware Installation”). In it, select “Install from a specified location” – “Include the following search location” – “Browse” – find our folder with Driver Backup drivers, and in it the folder with the name of the printer. That's all.

Now the preparation is considered complete. We have saved everything we need, now you can start reinstalling the operating system.

In the process, you will format the local drive that contains the current version of Windows. Simply put, before installing a new system there, you will have to erase all old data from it. The contents of the remaining disks should remain unchanged. But it’s better to play it safe and first copy absolutely all data from your computer that you are afraid of losing to the cloud or to physical media.

If paid programs are installed on your computer, be sure to read their documentation for the rules for working with licenses when reinstalling Windows, otherwise you may lose them.

2. Create a boot disk or flash drive

If you want to install/reinstall a licensed version of Windows, make sure you have the appropriate activation key. Even if you are already using an activated system and just want to install the same version again, the old activation key may come in handy again.

  • If you already have a bootable USB flash drive or disk with the version of Windows that you are going to install, you can proceed to step 3. Otherwise, you need to download a Windows image from the Internet and burn it to any of the listed media according to the instructions below.
  • Decide on the version of Windows you will be installing and check that your computer meets its system requirements. This information can be found on the official Microsoft website or on the disk with your purchased Windows. Don't forget to also check that your computer supports the new version's bit depth: 32 or 64 bits. To be on the safe side, you can install a version with the same bit depth as your current version of Windows.
  • To create a bootable USB flash drive with any Windows image found on the Internet, you can use the program (with UEFI support) and proceed to step 3.

And below I will tell you how to create a boot disk or flash drive with an official system image using Windows 10 as an example.

3. Boot the system from a disk or flash drive

Now that you have physical media with the desired Windows image, you need to go to the special BIOS software environment and select a disk or flash drive here as the boot source.

Perhaps instead of the classic BIOS you will see a more modern graphical interface. In addition, even in different older BIOS versions, the settings may differ. But in any case, the procedure will be approximately the same: go to the boot menu, select the desired media as the source and save the changes.

After this, the computer should boot from the selected disk or flash drive.

4. Run the installation wizard

If you did everything correctly, the Windows Setup Wizard will appear on the screen. Further actions are no more complex than installing an ordinary office program. All you have to do is follow the system prompts and wait for the files to be unpacked. Unless you have to select a local disk to install the operating system and format it.

Also, be prepared to enter your activation key during the process. But if you are reinstalling Windows 10 that has already been activated on your computer, then you can skip the step with the key.

Once the installation is complete, your computer should boot into normal operating mode.

5. Install drivers

Modern versions of Windows load drivers themselves. But if, after reinstalling the system, you notice that the video card, speakers, or anything else is not working correctly, you can use the driver autoload utility. For example, the free Driver Booster is suitable.

Having completed all of the above, you can get to work. The computer must be ready.

If you are just starting to master the computer and don’t even know yet, how to install the program, then I’m sure after reading this article you will no longer have questions on this topic. Installation of different programs may differ, but it is almost the same everywhere, and in fact, installing a program is much easier than some beginners think at the beginning of their journey.

In general, it is worth saying that if you do nothing, but simply follow the usual instructions in the windows when installing programs, that is, simply click the available buttons: “Next”, “Next” or “OK”, then you can easily install the program. But we decided to learn, right? And we need to know what actions lead to what when installing programs.

Installation of programs. Example!

Now, using the example of installing a real program, let's look at how this is done correctly.

Then from the Internet or from some disk, we usually have a file like this on our computer.

First of all, you need to launch it by double-clicking the left mouse button. The first window will open. In 99% of cases this window " Software Installation Wizard", where we are greeted. There we can see the name of the program, and sometimes we are reminded that it is advisable to close other applications before installation. In this window we need to click the “Next” button.

Almost always when installing programs, we need to check the box “ I accept the terms of the license agreement", well, that means that we agree with the rules for using this program. Here's an example:

The next window that is always present during installation is folder selection. During the installation process of the program, a window should appear indicating where the files will be copied for its full operation.

Typically the program is installed on the system drive “C” in the “Program Files” folder. You can of course change this path by clicking the "Browse" button and selecting the folder where you want install the program. I usually leave it as is, that is, by default! And all the installed software is in the “Program Files” folder on the “C” drive.

Very often when installing free programs, they are trying to install some additional applications for us, or change the start page in the browser. Pay attention to this, and if you don’t need such additions, then uncheck the extra boxes, and only then click “Next”.

Another window that is always present, and usually after installing the program, is a window in which you need to leave checkboxes next to the items that interest us. For example, this could be creating a shortcut on the desktop, or a program folder in the start menu, and so on. Read and everything will be clear.

The most important stage is the one itself, during which the necessary files are copied.

In the last window, after everything has been copied and installed, we are prompted to click the “Finish” button and the program will start if we have not unchecked the corresponding box.

We have now described the main windows that appear when installing programs. In different cases they may differ, but the essence remains the same. There are also other issues: windows for selecting the program language, installing an add-on, where you need to uncheck it, etc.

After installing 5 – 10 different programs, thoughtfully and independently, you will no longer have questions about which window to do what, and roughly speaking, the brain itself will develop the necessary actions.

Epigraph: guys, the topic is already outdated. Nowadays they take everyone by the balls for installing left-handed Windows. So it's better. Create a blog for yourself live and in a year you will earn 50-100 thousand a month. Verified. .

Hi everybody! Alexander Borisov is with you! Today we will talk about how you can earn decent money (I earned 70-80 thousand rubles per month) if you know how to install Windows! Let me say briefly, you can earn money by doing computer help at home! Installation of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, various programs, antiviruses, etc.

There are many people in your city who need this kind of help. Every day someone's computer breaks down, every day someone's computer starts to glitch, every day someone's Windows crashes. , some programs, the PC is blocked by some scammers (porn informers, etc.), in general, some people need the help of a specialist, since many cannot fix their PC themselves.

Why not help them for money! That's what I did! Before I tell you how it's done, listen to my story.

About a year and a half ago, I came up with the idea of ​​doing Computer Help at Home! There are only 2 PC repair and maintenance services in our city (now there are more, by the way, the city’s population is only about 40 thousand people). They take money from people for a bare installation of Windows as much as 1400 rubles. Amazing.

I found out what kind of Windows they install, what kind of work they do on the PC, etc. Honestly! This is a robbery!

A person whose Windows has crashed, for example, must bring his computer to the service center and after about 2-3 days he can pick it up back (by also coming to pick it up). By the way, it’s not a fact that they won’t rip something else off him by saying, “This, this, and this one flew inside you, but we replaced it.” Yeah, that's all there is to it!

Anyway! And what is the result of all the work? Result - They will install a regular bare Windows for a person without any programs, antiviruses, etc., if he wants an antivirus and programs, then he has to pay extra! In short - it sucks! I’m not talking about all computer service centers, but in our city the services leave much to be desired, of course!

What did I decide to do? I decided to start doing computer help at home! Precisely at home, and not so that people bring me their PCs, and I set them up. I decided to help people with quality and for less money!

What does quality mean? This means that, as I said, people don't have to worry about shipping a PC, people don't have to pay extra to install additional programs and antivirus, etc., people will be given a discount on setting up a PC again.

What I've done? I burned several operating systems onto CDs or DVDs (Windows, Vista, Windows 7), recorded all the necessary programs (software, office, antiviruses, utilities, etc.) on a separate disk and advertised in city newspapers and television! A week later, calls began to pour in, from which there was no rest!

“Help, install, configure, my PC is buggy, my antivirus license has expired,” etc. and so on.

At first I charged 500 rubles for 1 computer. Everything was done simply. When I received an order, I came to the person’s home, having previously found out what kind of problem he had with his PC, and quickly set it up. Yes, that's right, FAST! But QUALITY!

I installed not a simple standard Windows, but a very functional one, and besides, the installation time took only 10-25 minutes! 10-15 minutes and Windows with all standard and necessary programs is configured! All I had to do was adjust the settings a little, as well as install an antivirus with the necessary programs for the person, at his request. In short, 30-40 minutes and 500 rubles. earned!

With laptops it’s a different story, they need special drivers, so when a person told me on the phone that his laptop was broken, I asked him the model of the beech. You can configure laptops in 2 ways:

1. Download the necessary drivers at home, come to the customer and make a laptop at home.
2. Come to the customer, take the laptop to your home, make it and bring it back. (That’s basically what I did: I type laptops in the morning, bring them, do them at home, take them back in the evening and get $).

I earned approximately 3000-3500 rubles per day . This is if you take 500 rubles. for the work, but then I thought about it and decided to take more, since my competitors might soon shut me down (just kidding), I’m just tired of running around with orders! I really did my job very well and not a single person, after I made him a computer, called me and complained.

I know everyone is wondering what kind of Windows I installed. Well, I'll tell you the secret. Windows Lex Pro. Awesome Windows! I installed additional programs from the Windows XP Zver assembly, there is a function for batch installation of programs, select the ones you need, tick them and install them. I installed different antiviruses, Avast, Kaspersky, NOD-32, etc.

Over the course of half a year of work, I have accumulated a large database of necessary drivers and programs, and most importantly, I have gained a lot of experience in setting up and servicing computers! Now I haven’t been doing this for a long time, but occasionally people call and ask for help.

Our city is small, so it was easy to promote ourselves. I made a high-quality computer for 5-10 people, gave a discount coupon for the next PC help, they will like your work and then they will recommend you to all their friends and acquaintances. Viral marketing right =).

ATTENTION! We are installing Windows that is hacked (not licensed), this is understandable, so you can be punished for this under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Violation of copyright and related rights! Naturally you don’t want this, right? So! What can you do to avoid getting spanked? Read on!

Recently, one of my best friends and business partners on the Internet, Anton Firyulin, gave me an awesome idea about this! Namely, how to relieve yourself of responsibility for distributing Windows and put it on the shoulders of the customer!

Everything is done very simply. When you install Windows for a person, you give him a piece of paper (a contract) that clearly states that you installed the software from his disks, not from yours, and the customer knows that the software is hacked! That is, you are not involved in distributing pirated copies, you are only helping the person with the installation, he doesn’t understand this =)!

In general, at the very beginning, before setting up a computer for a person, he needs to be warned about this! To say that a license is expensive (5000-12000 rubles), that 70% of people in Russia use hacked programs and Windows, that if you install licensed Windows, then most of the programs (hacked) will not be accepted by this Windows, and licensed programs cost money, etc. d.

If a person agrees with you and signs an agreement, then you can install Windows without any problems, but if you disagree and say that he does not need pirated software and asks to install licensed Windows, then you should always have it at hand. Install the licensed version, activate it and you're done!

If someone suddenly calls you and asks about the legality of your activity, what Windows you are installing, whether you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, etc., then you have nothing to worry about. Speak honestly, “I put the license, the individual entrepreneur is open.”

By the way, your IP must be open! By the way, if someone calls, first ask who is calling and what does he care about your activities, usually competitors like to scare =). This happened to me too! I sent one farther away, and ignored the other!

In general, I advise you to find out about all these matters in more detail and really only install a license! You can purchase the enterprise version of Windows from Microsoft and live in peace! It is installed on several PCs (a different number of times), everything needs to be clarified.

Well, that's basically all! Why did I stop doing computer help at home? It's simple. Firstly, I don’t want to have problems with the law, you never know what happens (although if you do everything as I described above, you won’t get anything for it).

I have other plans now - “”. Maybe in the future I’ll open my own computer assistance company at home, where I won’t run around and install programs myself, but my employees, whom I’ll hire, will do it for me, but I don’t think it’s likely.

Linear business is a pain in the ass, and I really liked Bill Gates’ phrase: “In the coming years, there will only be two types of companies left: those on the Internet and those that have gone out of business.” I chose the Internet! I wish the same for you! Good luck!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov