How to fill with one color in Photoshop. Photoshop CS6 Special Technology - Content Aware Fill

Filling a layer with color is a simple and popular operation in Photoshop. This may need to be done when needed plain background or to apply some shade on top of the image - toning, for example, using a layer with yellow gives a sepia effect.

In order to make a layer completely one color, I counted 5 possible ways.

Methods for filling a layer with color

Method 1

Menu command Editing - Fill(Fill) , or pressing a combination of hot keys that duplicates this command:

Hotkey combination: Shift+F5

A dialog box will open Fill. In it, in the drop-down list Use select Color. The color selection palette will immediately open. Decide on a color and click OK.

Method 2

Using the Alt+Backspace key combination, the layer is filled with the main color set on the tool palette - .

Method 3 Paint Fill Tool

From the toolbar, select Fill tool. Click on the layer and it will immediately be painted with the main color (see example above).

Filling works when there is nothing extra on the layer. Otherwise, the tool will paint only certain areas.

I remember when I first started learning Photoshop, I used exactly this method. The idea is that you simply paint over the layer with a brush, like Tom Sawyer painted a fence.

All of the above methods have one common drawback - in cases where it is required, the layer filled with color will not increase. The part of the canvas that was added will be painted over automatically background color.

Example. Initially, the layer was filled with yellow paint. After enlarging the canvas, a reddish color was added along the contour, in accordance with what was displayed on the indicator background color.

To prevent this, you need to use the following method.

Method 5 Fill layer

Run the command Layer - New Fill Layer(New Fill Layer) - Color. You can immediately click OK. After this, a fill color selection palette will appear. Make a choice.

  • 3d_man
  • April 25, 2013
  • 2630
  • Comments to entry Special technology Photoshop CS6 - Content Aware Fill disabled
  • "Marvelous! Simply extraordinary! This can't be! - These are some of the exclamations you can hear from people who see the new content-aware fill features of Adobe Photoshop CS6 in action. Indeed, companies

    Adobe managed to do the impossible, open new page in the field of computer graphics.

    How often have you seen beautiful photographs ruined by the appearance of an unwanted object in the frame? I think all the time. Sometimes you can spend hours in Adobe Photoshop trying to remove a random passerby from a high school reunion photo or unwanted graffiti on a wall.

    In Adobe Photoshop CS6, solving the problem of deleting unwanted objects found. Moreover, for these purposes there are two methods: filling taking into account the content and the possibility of the corresponding function in the Spot Healing Brash Tool.

    The essence of this function is as follows: the program replaces the area you have selected with an image based on the objects surrounding the area. This way, you can easily remove the person in front of the brick wall from the frame: select him, then use the Content-Aware Fill feature." class="st_tag internal_tag" rel="tag" title="Posts tagged with image">изображение , из которого хотите удалить нежеланный объект. Для лучших результатов рекомендуется использовать изображения с наиболее ровным фоном и объектом относительно небольших размеров. Желательно, чтобы объект располагался как можно ближе к центру фоновой области. Для примера мы специально взяли фотографию с крупным объектом и !} complex background– it’s enough to finish drawing the vegetation difficult task(Fig. 6.18).

    https://www..jpg" width="433" height="307 src=">

    Rice. 6.20. Content-aware padding options

    5. To completely replace the selected area with a new generated image, in the Blending group of controls, in the Mode drop-down list, select Normal, and in the Opaque input field. (Opacity) set the value to one hundred percent.

    6. To apply the function, click OK.

    The selected area is filled with the image based on the elements surrounding it. You may notice that the image generated by the program looks quite natural. Experiment with the selection form to achieve best results. When working with complex images, you can use the Spot Healing Brush Tool, Clone Stamp Tool and others to mask characteristic “seams”.

For most basic operations image editing functions included in the software distributed with the OS are quite sufficient Windows graphical Paint editor. The only inconvenient thing is that it lacks the ability to place several pictures on different layers at the same time. This option is available in the Adobe Photoshop editor, so many image manipulations are easier to do in it. For example, this applies to background fill finished image in a different color.

You will need


  • Download to Photoshop image, whose background you want to edit. For this required file just drag and drop into the graphic editor window. Another way - click on it right click mouse and select Adobe Photoshop in the “Open with” section of the drop-down context menu.
  • Create a separate layer to use as a background layer - click the “Create” icon new layer» in the layers panel. This operation can also be done using hot Shift keys+ Ctrl + N.
  • Activate the Fill tool - click the corresponding button on the toolbar or press the G key.
  • Click the icon at the bottom of the toolbar, which opens the color picker. In the palette you need to set new color background for the original image, and then close it with the OK button. Click empty layer anywhere, and Photoshop will fill it with the selected color.
  • Select the bottom layer (the original image) in the palette and create a copy of it. This is necessary because Photoshop's background layers do not allow editing in most cases. This is indicated by a lock icon on the right side of the line of a locked layer in the layers panel. The easiest way to create a copy is by pressing the hot keys Ctrl + J. You can also use the “Create a duplicate layer” item in the “Layers” section of the graphics editor. The same item is in the context menu, called by right-clicking on a line in the layers panel.
  • Place the created duplicate image in front - drag its row with the left mouse button up in the layers panel.
  • Turn on the Magic Wand tool - press the W key or click the corresponding icon on the toolbar.
  • Delete all background areas on the top layer - click on each of them with the mouse pointer and press Delete key. As a result, the background color layer will become visible through the areas that have become transparent.
  • Save the edited picture. If you plan to make any changes in the future, please leave a copy in psd format, so as not to repeat the manipulations with creating layers. The corresponding dialog is called up by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ S. To save your work in one of the usual graphic formats there are two additional dialogs that can be opened Shift combinations+ Ctrl + S and Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S. Additional dialogs contain different sets of settings for changing the properties of the image.
  • Now let's consider next group tools.

    Fill tools

    Filling. Click and hold on this tool left key mouse, a selection menu will open: gradient and fill.

    Here you can select what you need.

    Bucket - fills an image (selection) with color or texture.

    So, for filling we have the following parameters:

    Fill - determines what to use as “paint”: the foreground will be filled with the main color, the pattern will be filled with some pattern.

    Pattern - pattern for filling.

    Mode is a method of overlaying pixels; there are many values ​​and will be considered as needed.

    Opacity - determines the degree of transparency of the fill.

    Tolerance - range of colors to fill.

    The anti-aliasing checkbox means to soften the edges of the transition.

    Let's try it in practice:

    Take the fill tool (click on the bucket), move it inside the selection made on previous step, and click the mouse. Our selection will be colored in the foreground color (black by default).

    Now in the options bar, select: Fill -> Pattern, Pattern -> any you like.

    Move our bucket inside the selection again and click. Now it is filled with a template and looks like this:

    Please note that in the template window that opens, only a small part of them is presented. If you click on the arrow on the right, a menu will open, at the bottom of which other collections of templates are listed. They can be added to existing ones.

    Gradient. Creates a fill with smooth transition between two or more colors.

    Let's look at the options panel:

    If you click on the arrow on the right, a palette with gradient options will open, with double click a gradient editing window will open in front of the arrow (here you can configure your gradient options).

    Determines the type of gradient (from left to right - linear, radial, angular, reflected, diamond).

    Inversion (reverse) - a checkmark indicates to geometrically reverse the gradient.

    Dither (depth - dither) - the checkbox indicates smooth to reduce segmentation.

    Transparency - a check mark indicates the use of transparency.

    Let's try it in practice:

    Create new file, take the tool rectangular selection and stretch it in the form of a rectangle, then on the toolbar click on the gradient icon, on the options bar click on the arrow and select the gradient you like, to the right select the type of gradient (any).

    Pay attention to the first two squares in the gradient selection window that opens. They use the colors you set as your foreground and background colors (the colored squares at the bottom of the toolbar). The first gradient implements smooth transition from the main color to the background, the second - from the main color to transparency.

    Now move the mouse cursor to the middle of the left side of our selection, press the left mouse button and, without releasing, draw a line to the middle of the right side (Fig. 1)
    Now draw the gradient line diagonally (Fig. 2)
    And now from top to bottom (Fig. 3)

    See the difference and experiment with different gradients and their types.

    Saving an image

    Our lesson is coming to an end, all that remains is to learn how to preserve our masterpieces.

    Click the File menu item, in the pop-up menu you will see the usual Save As item and the new Save for Web item. Let's figure out which one is for what.

    If you are working on an image and want to be able to change it in the future, you should select the menu item - Save As

    Where to save and what name to give is your personal business, but the format will be *.PSD;*.PDD. It is in this format that all your settings are saved (we don’t have them yet, but they will appear later). Thus, it is not the entire picture that is saved, but its parts, each of which you can change whenever you want.

    If your image is ready, then select the menu item - Save for Web. The image will be saved optimized for the Internet (i.e. with the best quality/file size combination). The saving window that opens should be examined in more detail:

    Four tabs at the top offer you to view image options:

    Original - the image as it is. Usually, big size file not valid for web.
    Optimal - optimal ratio quality and file size from the program's point of view.
    2-up, 4-up - respectively, two and four image options side by side, the size is indicated at the bottom of each. You can choose the best one in your opinion.

    On the right top corner This window allows you to set additional settings:

    Here you can select the format of the saved image. General recommendations- use JPEG formats and PNG for photos with subtle, realistic color transitions, GIF format- for contrasting, low-color designs. By the way, all pictures on this page are saved in GIF format.

    If you use the tabs discussed above, then customizing this part of the window is not necessary, at least not at this stage.

    So, choose the most optimal image in your opinion and click on the Save button. The usual saving window will open, where you should specify the Folder (where to save) and the File Name, the rest will already be specified, click Save again. The image for the web is ready.

    This concludes the first lesson. You learned how to create a new file, select areas and fill them different ways(color, pattern and gradient), and also save images in the desired format.

    To reinforce these skills, experiment (create different shaped areas and fill them in different ways).

    In the next lesson you will learn how to work with text and get acquainted with the main concept of the program - layers.


    Load the image into Photoshop whose background you want to edit. To do this, simply drag the desired file into the graphic editor window. Another way is to right-click on it and select Adobe Photoshop in the “Open with” section of the pop-up context menu.

    Create a separate layer to use as a background layer - click the “Create New Layer” icon in the Layers panel. This operation can also be done using the hotkeys Shift + Ctrl + N.

    Activate the Fill tool - click the corresponding button on the toolbar or press the G key.

    Click the icon at the bottom of the toolbar, which opens the color picker. In the palette, you need to set a new background color for the original image, and then close it with the OK button. Click anywhere on an empty layer and Photoshop will fill it with the selected color.

    Select the bottom layer (the original image) in the palette and create a copy of it. This is necessary because Photoshop's background layers do not allow editing in most cases. This is indicated by a lock icon on the right side of the line of a locked layer in the layers panel. The easiest way to create a copy is by pressing the hot keys Ctrl + J. You can also use the “Create a duplicate layer” item in the “Layers” section of the graphics editor. The same item is in the context menu, called by right-clicking on a line in the layers panel.

    Place the created duplicate image in front - drag its row with the left mouse button up in the layers panel.

    Turn on the Magic Wand tool - press the W key or click the corresponding icon on the toolbar.

    Delete all background areas on the top layer - click on each of them with the mouse pointer and press the Delete key. As a result, the background color layer will become visible through the areas that have become transparent.

    Save the edited picture. If you plan to make any edits in the future, then leave a copy in psd format so as not to repeat the manipulation of creating layers again. The corresponding dialog is called up by pressing the key combination Ctrl + S. To save work in one of the usual graphic formats, there are two additional dialogs that can be opened with the combinations Shift + Ctrl + S and Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S. Additional dialogs contain different sets of settings for changing properties of the picture.


    • filling background in photoshop
    • How to make cells fill automatically in Excel?

    If you spend more than an hour on the Internet and like to exchange thoughts on any forum, then the question of correctly uploading pictures is relevant for you. Due to the prevalence of thematic forums and various social networks this question in Lately, rises more and more often. If social networks already have their own forms for uploading pictures directly to the site, then forums do not yet have such a function.

    You will need

    • Free image hosting.


    Free hosting allow you to download a large number of. The volume and weight of these photos also have no restrictions. Let's look at the 2 most common photo services: fastpic and radikal.

    In order to upload fastpic to your hosting, you need to go to this service - Click the Browse button. In the window that opens, find the file you need. Click "Open".

    If you specified several images when uploading, the result will be as follows:

    In order to upload a photo to radikal hosting, you need to go to the page of this service Click the Browse button. In the window that opens, find the file you need. Click "Open".

    To upload images to your hosting, click the “Upload” button.

    Video on the topic

    When processing a photo in graphic editor Photoshop, you may need to fill background solid color. To do this quickly, check out practical recommendations.


    Load into Photoshop and select in front. Use any tool: Lasso Tool, Pen Tool and so on. In case background, you can click on it with the Magic Wand Tool and invert the selection by selecting Select Inverse from the menu when you right-click in the selection.

    Go to background New layer, which is indicated in the list of layers as Background and take the Paint Bucket Tool.

    Select the desired color using the palette or the Eyedropper Tool and fill background by clicking on it Paint tool Bucket Tool.

    Video on the topic

    The background of an image in a graphics editor is usually filled using the Fill command, but before that you need to separate the image from the background by selecting it and copying it to a separate layer.

    You will need

    • - computer;
    • - skills in working with Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw.


    Run Adobe program Photoshop, open desired image, in which you need to make a background, using the command “File” - “Open”. Or drag and drop required file into the program window. Next, select the image, separately from the background. To do this, use the " Quick selection" to control the selected areas, or the Magic Wand tool if the picture contrasts with the background. After selecting the image, right-click on it and select the “Invert Image” command. This command will highlight the background around the image for which you need to fill.

    Clear the selected background of your image by pressing the Del key, then add a new layer on which the background fill will be located. To do this, go to the layers palette and select the “New Layer” command. Drag it below the image layer. Next, select the background color by clicking on color palette left mouse button. If you need to accurately determine the color for the background, then create a new layer, copy the image with the color sample there, select the Eyedropper tool from the tool palette, left-click on the color sample. The color will be selected. Delete the created layer, go to the background layer, select the Paint Fill tool and left-click once on your background layer. The background will be filled with one color.

    Launch Corel Draw and create new document to make a single color background. Go to the Layout menu, select Page Background, check the Solid box, and click the arrow to choose a color for the page background. Click OK. To use a single-color image from your computer as a background, go to “Layout” - “Page Background”, check the “Raster” box and click the “Browse” button. Select the file, click the "Open" button. The image will be added to the Source field. If you want changes to the original image to be reflected in the drawing, select the Linked option. If not, select the “Built-in” command. To set the size background image select the “Custom size” option and specify required sizes background. Click the "OK" button.

    Video on the topic

    Like any graphics editor, Adobe Photoshop has a fill tool. color. On the toolbar it looks like a bucket of paint and is called the Paint Bucket Tool (in the Russian version “Fill”).


    To create a new one layer, click on the Create a new layer button at the bottom of the layers palette or use the combination Shift+Ctrl+N. On the toolbar, click the Set foreground color color square and select the desired shade in the color panel. Confirm your selection by clicking OK.

    To activate Fill, press G on your keyboard and click on the screen. The layer will be filled with a new one color. You can change the intensity and . To do this, change the Opacity and Fill values ​​in the Properties panel or Layers panel.

    From the Edit menu, select the Fill command or use the Shift+F5 combination. In the dialog box, in the Use list, you can select the fill color and fill method, in the Blending section, set the blending mode and opacity. If you check the Preserve Transparency checkbox, the transparent areas of the drawing will not be painted over.

    You can use not only the tool and command, but also keyboard shortcuts. To fill layer color foreground, press Alt+Bacspace, background color– Ctrl+ Backspace. If you add the Shift key to these shortcuts, the tool will bypass the transparent areas of the image when filling.

    Flood layer not only is it possible color, but also a pattern. On the properties panel, under the main menu items, next to the bucket image, there is a list. The default is Foreground. If you select Pattern, a new list with a set of textures for filling. Check any of them, then click on the screen.

    You can create the texture yourself. Open any drawing and select an area on it using tools from the M group. In the Edit menu, select the Define Pattern command and in the new window give a name new texture. Click OK to confirm. New pattern will be added to the end of the list ready-made textures.

    Video on the topic

    One of the tasks that arises when processing the results of product photography, which was carried out in insufficient or incorrectly exposed lighting, is bleaching background pictures. You can turn the grayish areas of such photos into white using the Replace Color option.

    You will need

    • - Photoshop program;
    • - photo.


    Open the image intended for processing in a graphics editor and use the Duplicate Layer option in the Layer menu to create a copy of the image on a new layer. As you work, you may need fragments original photo, so it makes sense to save it in the document.

    If it looks almost white, but you're not sure the colors are showing correctly on your monitor, you can check the background color composition. To do this, use the Info option in the Window menu to turn on the information palette and move the cursor over the image. In those areas where the color value of any of the channels would be different from 255, the background is not pure white.

    If there are not too many areas with such a background shade, they can be painted over Brush tool, choosing white as the main color. To do this, click on the primary color swatch and enter the value ffffff in the input field.

    If the background of the image needs more thorough correction, open the color replacement settings window using the Replace Color option in the Adjustments group of the Image menu. When hovering over an image, the cursor will take on the appearance of an eyedropper. By clicking on a fragment of the image with this tool, select the color that you want to change.

    As a rule, the background of images that need clarification contains areas of different brightness. Select the darkest area of ​​the background as a replacement color swatch, but do not use the shadow cast by the subject in the photo as the reference color. Adjust the Fuzziness setting so that the entire background in the preview window is light. The object in the frame should remain dark.

    Click on the color swatch in the Result field and select pure white from the palette that opens. If the result of lightening the background, which can be seen in the window open document, you are not satisfied, move the Lightness control to the right.

    Strong lightening of the background can affect the subject in the photo. Most often in such a situation, its edges suffer. To return to the subject original appearance, create a mask on the modified layer using the Reveal All option of the Layer Mask group of the Layer menu. Paint the mask with black in the areas where you want the subject to look like the original photo. For ease of use, enlarge the image.

    Save the edited image using the Save for Web or Save As option in the File menu.


    Powerful professional editor raster graphics Adobe Photoshop serves universal remedy for processing digital images. The purposes of processing may be different, but the set of typical operations performed by designers in the process of work is not very large. For example, it is often necessary to cover up background, preparing the image for further transformations.

    You will need

    • - original image;
    • - Adobe Photoshop.


    Load the processed image into Adobe Photoshop by pressing Ctrl+O. Change the current layer type from background new to the main one by selecting "Layer From Background..." in the New section of the Layer menu.

    Create a selection area around all the image fragments occupied by background ohm Depending on the complexity of the textures, use different tools. So, large areas can be selected with Magnetic or Polygonal Lasso Tool, homogeneous background- at Help Quick Selection or Magic Wand. Combine selection areas using the appropriate modes, activated by pressing the Shift, Alt or buttons top panel. If necessary, adjust the selection using Quick Mask mode.

    One way to cover up or smear background, is its blurring by filters. Expand the Blur section of the Filter section of the main menu. Click on one of the items. So, if you need Gaussian blur, select "Gaussian Blur...", if you need motion blur, use " Motion Blur...", etc. When the settings dialog appears, set the filter parameters and click OK.