Removing unwanted objects from a photo. How to delete an object in Photoshop

Sometimes, when looking through pictures, you discover that they have been caught in the frame extra items. Or you need a photo to place a logo, but it already has other inscriptions on it. How to remove an inscription from a picture and delete an extra object in Photoshop?

For these tasks use the tool “Stamp”/Clone Stamp Tool or Patch Tool. The latter is preferable if the extra object is located on a simpler (plain) background.

Working with a tool Patch Tool, we cut out (copy) the donor area and cover everything unnecessary with it. How it works? We hold left key mouse, circle the appropriate area and move the patch. This tool has two modes:

    "Source". When using it, the selected area will be filled with the donor fragment into which the selection has been moved.

    "Destination". In this mode, the selected area will cover the area to which it will be moved.

Let's look at examples.

Patch Tool

Open the photo in Photoshop and create a duplicate layer ( Ctrl + J). On the toolbar, in the group of restoration tools, select Patch Tool. If the instrument in the group is the default, just press the key J.

To make it more convenient to work with the image, scale it ( Ctrl+ And Ctrl-).

We will be removing the Shell logo. So, we select the first donor site. On the control panel press the button "Destination", parameter "Diffusion" set it to value 7. Move the cursor and circle the area for the patch (it will be highlighted with a dotted line).

Then drag the selected area onto the logo. If the patch does not completely cover the area to be painted the first time, move it again until unnecessary object will not disappear completely. You can cancel an unsuccessful action by simultaneously pressing the keys Ctrl + Alt + Z.

Save finished image (Shift + Ctrl + S), choosing a file type that is convenient for you (for example, JPG).

Here is our result:

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Clone Stamp Tool

Now let's take a more complicated case. Let's remove the person from the image.

For this we need a tool “Stamp”/Clone Stamp Tool. It is called by the key S. You can adjust its size using the keys [ And ] . This tool creates a clone of the donor site. They correct it gradually, in small strokes.

We select the donor area next to the area to be painted. To do this, move the cursor to the donor site and, while holding the button Alt, click once with the left mouse button. The donor site is indicated by a cross. It follows the cursor as you move around the image, so the donor site needs to be changed periodically. Now move the cursor and click with the left mouse button.

There are a lot of vertical and horizontal stripes different shade. In place of the umbrella you need to draw a ceiling. In front of the boy, one door is slightly open, the second is closed. All this should be taken into account when painting.

To prevent the lines of beams and boards from looking broken, the donor area should be selected carefully. It is important to place the stamp so that the stripes match.

One of the stages. Here is a gap between the doors.

Gradually paint over the lines horizontally and vertically. To complete the door on the left, the donor area is taken from the very left edge, and vertical lines- above. We applied the stamp, clearly aligning the sections so that the straight lines ran smoothly.

Each of us has encountered a situation where completely unwanted objects are found in a photograph taken, spoiling the appearance of the entire picture. During the shooting process, some people simply do not notice foreign objects, others ignore them, and in some cases it is simply impossible to take a photo without a stranger getting into the photo. In addition, if you are using a SLR camera, a speck of dust or speck that gets on the lens can significantly spoil the appearance of the photo. Similar problems can be easily solved using Adobe Photoshop. It’s okay if you haven’t used it before, this article will clearly and easily tell you how to remove an extra object in Photoshop. Let's figure it out. Go!

Considering various methods

After launching the program, open the photo that needs to be corrected. To do this, go to the "File" menu and click "Open". First, let's consider the case when a spot or other small object appears in the photograph. Use the Loupe tool to zoom in on the problem area of ​​the image. Then select "Lasso" from the toolbar. Please note that it is necessary to recycle the standard lasso and not its other variations. Using a lasso, draw a small area around the spot. If the background is homogeneous, then it is advisable to capture more of it; if not, then circle as close as possible to the problem area. With the object selected, press “Delete” on your keyboard. In the dialog box that appears, select the color with which the outlined area will be painted. Under Content, set it to Content Aware so that Photoshop continues the background of the image as discreetly as possible. Click OK. After that, go to the “Selection” section and select “Deselect.” Ready.

It happens that the beauty of the landscape is spoiled by extraneous inclusions

Using Photoshop tools to make selections

Fill Selection Dialog Box

The desired effect is achieved quickly enough

A stain or speck is one thing, but whole object- completely different. But this can also be fixed. The first steps will be the same as in the previous case. Open a photo, zoom in on the desired part of the image and select the object using the lasso. Then also click "Delete" and set it to "Content Aware". To remove the selection, use the combination Ctrl keys+D. If some parts of the object still remain, you can remove them with a brush. Enlarge the image to 400% so that the pixels are visible, then select the Eyedropper tool. Click on the area with the appropriate color. Next, select a brush and carefully paint over the excess areas. Please note that this method only works on small objects.

To remove larger objects, you can recycle the “Stamp”. With the tool selected, set the Opacity and Pressure to 100%. Select form with blurred edges so that the changes made are as invisible as possible. Zoom in on the desired area of ​​the image. Press Alt on your keyboard to copy a section of the background, then begin painting over the object. If the background is not uniform, press Alt and copy the necessary parts of the background. Select the desired stamp diameter; it should not be very large. If done carefully enough, the changes will be completely invisible.

For example, we need to remove the PB icon

Result of the tool

Let's move on to a more complex case. Let's look at how to remove a person from a photo in Photoshop. To do this, you can use the Stamp tool you are already familiar with or apply a fill. First, select the person or part of him (depending on the background) and click “Fill (fill)”, in the window that appears, select “Taking into account content”. After this, Photoshop will fill the area you marked with pixels that are similar in color to the neighboring ones. If the background is not completely uniform, then some areas can be corrected using a stamp or brush. With such a combination of tools, you can achieve excellent result even on complex background. The main thing is to work in pixel mode and utilize the small diameter of the brush. This fine work, but the result is worth it.

Content-Aware Filling

Now let's figure out how to remove a caption from a picture in Photoshop. Many users often search for an answer to this question. The specified problem can be solved using two tools: the Eyedropper and the Brush. Having enlarged the part of the picture with the unnecessary inscription, select the background color with an eyedropper, and then paint over the letters with a brush. To make the changes as invisible as possible, work in pixel mode, selecting the brush diameter, transparency and background color. The simplest option is to simply crop the image. Select the “Crop” tool and select the picture so that the unnecessary inscription remains clearly behind the selection line.

Alternating between the “Brush” and the “Pipette” by pressing the Alt key, paint over the inscription

This is how you can get rid of unnecessary objects in the photo. Now you can make any photo perfect yourself. Write in the comments whether this article helped you, and share your opinion with other users regarding which method you think is the most effective and convenient.

In this tutorial I will tell you how to use the tool Clone Stamp Tool(Stamp) remove the person from the photo and restore the background.

Lesson materials:

Step 1

Open the Old Couple photo and above, above the background, create new layer.

Step 2

Activate Clone Stamp Tool(Stamp) (S).

To successfully use Stamp, you first need to determine the source (the point that will be cloned). To do this, simply hold down the key Alt and click in a suitable place in the image, then start drawing. You will draw with the pixels you cloned. Now that we have figured out how the tool works, let's cancel last action(Ctrl+Z) and deactivate the checkbox Aligned(Alignment) on top panel parameters.

Now, one by one, we take samples of the sources around the woman and use the Stamp to paint over her. Unfortunately, there are no universal recipes for how best to use the Stamp in any specific case. Try to completely paint over the woman. Don't worry about the repeating pattern for now, we'll fix that later.

In the screenshot, red circles mark sources for samples (Alt+click).

You should end up with something similar.

And do not forget that each stage of cloning must be done on a new layer. After the first stage we have a background and one new layer.

Please note that despite my best efforts, there was still a terrible repeating pattern in the photo (this is a side effect of using the Stamp). IN next step we will fix this with you.

Step 3

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N) and use the Stamp to try to carefully get rid of repeating patterns.

Note that the grass is sharper at the level of the man's feet than further down (at knee level). Let's try to achieve the same result on the left side of the photo. We take a sample of sharp grass and carefully paint it over, trying to avoid repeating patterns.

The flowers in the background look unrealistic, so we continue to clone them to the very edge of the document. Don't forget: new layer (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N) and Stamp.

Step 4

The result still looks unnatural. Create a selection of grass on the right side, press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy it, then create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N) and paste the copied area (Ctrl+Shift+V). Move the copied grass to left side Images.

Add a mask to the same layer Layer - Layer Mask - Reveal All(Layer - Layer Mask - Show All) and use a soft round brush of black color (B) to remove the hard edges on the copied grass. Thanks to this, we will carefully combine new piece grass with background. Repeat this process several times to cover up other bad areas of the photo.

In this lesson you will learn how to remove unwanted images from a photo. necessary objects, such as objects or people that are accidentally included in the frame. This could be some spot, an inscription, random people, or even the entire background of the photo as a whole. You will quickly see that such simple operations require a minimum amount of time.

As an example, I took a photograph of nature. In the photo above, two objects caught in the frame are clearly visible (Figure 1).

Picture 1.

To eliminate unnecessary details, I enlarge the image to 100% using the tool: Magnifier or moving Navigator up to 100%. Then I select the tool: Lasso on the toolbar, it’s him, not Straight-line lasso or Magnetic lasso. Using these tools I draw an area around two objects in the sky (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

In my case, I'm not afraid to capture more of the sky, because... it is almost homogeneous. Now I press the key: Delete. A dialog box appears (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

In it I select the color with which the selected area will be filled. I select the item: Content-aware. It is in this case that the program will try to virtually continue the existing background. And I press OK. Next I go to the panel: Select-Deselect. The photo is ready. Extra details eliminated (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Now you know how to remove unnecessary objects from a photo in Photoshop And this action takes little time.

We remove the hawk from the photo.

But in some cases it is necessary to remove much larger objects. For this example I used a photo of mountains. In this photograph, a hawk is soaring high in the sky (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Remove extra object (in in this case hawk) will not be difficult at all. As in the first case, I enlarge the image as much as possible. On the toolbar I select: Straight-line lasso and circle the bird, staying as close to its outline as possible (Figure 6).

Figure 6.

Next I press the key: Delete, in the window that appears I select: Content-aware and press OK. On the panel at the top I select: Select-Deselect(Figure 7). Like this in a simple way, you can remove unnecessary (unnecessary) objects in images.

Figure 7.

We delete the text inscription.

Now let's complicate the task. Let's try to remove extra inscription from an advertising sign (Figure 8). I will remove the red inscription by World Class.

Figure 8.

To remove this inscription, I will use the tool again: Straight-line lasso(Figure 9).

Figure 10.

In my case, after removing the inscription, a small speck formed; to remove it, I use the tool: Stamp on the toolbar. And I press the key Alt. This way, nearby layers are copied. And I start painting by pressing a key Alt as often as possible (Figure 11).

Figure 11.

Remove the background image from the photo.

More challenging task is to remove the background from a photograph (Figure 12). To remove it, you first need to select it. There is no point in highlighting the background itself; it will take a lot of time. It is easier to select the subject and shoot Inversion.

Figure 12.

To remove the background I will use the tool: Magnetic lasso on the toolbar. I move the cursor along the outline of a person. And so on until the last marker will not connect to the first, after which a dotted line will run along the contour of the object (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

Next I press the button: Refine edge located at the top of the working window. A window will open (Figure 13), I check the box: Smart radius. Below are sliders with which you can achieve maximum precise selection. Once you are satisfied with the result, click OK.

Figure 14.

I'm moving to Select-Invert. After that, I open the panel: Layers and commit double click left mouse click on the word: Background(Figure 15).

Figure 15.

Now I press Delete and the background will immediately disappear, and a transparent area will appear in its place (Figure 16). Now you can put another photo as the background.

Figure 16.

In this lesson you learned how to remove unnecessary (unnecessary) details from a photo in Photoshop. Now you can independently perform such operations in a matter of minutes. This technique can be used to edit any graphic images: photographs, drawings, sketches, etc.

All the best.

A photo shoot is a responsible matter: light, composition, etc. But even with the most careful preparation, unwanted objects, people or animals can end up in the frame, and if the frame seems very successful, then you just don’t raise your hand to remove it.

And in this case, Photoshop comes to the rescue again. The editor allows you to very efficiently, of course, with direct hands, remove a person from a photograph.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to remove an extra character from a photo. There is only one reason: the person is blocking the people standing behind him. If this is some part of the clothing, then it can be restored using a tool "Stamp", in the same case, when most of the body is blocked, then such an idea will have to be abandoned.

For example, in the photo below, the man on the left can be removed completely painlessly, but the girl next to him is almost impossible, since she and her suitcase cover important parts of the neighbor’s body.

The work of removing people from pictures can be divided into three categories according to complexity:

Photo with a white background

In this case, everything is quite simple: you need to select the required person and fill him with white.

As a result, we get a photo without an extra person.

Photo with a simple background

You could see an example of such a photo at the beginning of the article. When working with such photographs you will have to use more precision instrument secretions, for example, "Feather".

We will remove the girl sitting second from the right.

  1. We make a copy of the original image, select the tool indicated above and outline the character along with the chair as accurately as possible. It is better to shift the created contour towards the background.

  2. Let's create a selection area created using a path. To do this, click right click mouse over the canvas and select the appropriate item.

    Set the feathering radius to zero.

  3. Removing a girl by pressing a key DELETE, and then deselect ( CTRL+D).

  4. Next comes the most interesting part – restoring the background. Let's take it "Straight-line lasso" and select a section of the frame.

  5. Copy the selected piece to a new layer using a keyboard shortcut CTRL+J.

  6. Tool "Move" drag it down.

  7. Copy the area again and move it again.

  8. To eliminate the step between the fragments, slightly turn the middle section to the right using « Free transformation» (CTRL+T). The rotation angle will be equal to 0,30 degrees.

    After pressing the key ENTER we get a completely flat frame.

  9. We will restore the remaining areas of the background "Stamp".

    The tool settings are as follows: Hardness 70%, opacity and pressure – 100%.

  10. If you've studied the lesson, you already know how it works "Stamp". First, let's finish restoring the window. To work we need a new layer.

  11. Next, let's move on to the small details. The photo shows that after removing the girl, there are not enough areas on the neighbor’s jacket on the left and the neighbor’s hand on the right.

  12. We restore these areas with the same stamp.

  13. The final step will be to finish painting large areas of the background. It is more convenient to do this on a new layer.

Background restoration is complete. The work is quite painstaking and requires accuracy and patience. At the same time, if you wish, you can achieve very good results.

Landscape in the background

The peculiarity of such photographs is the abundance small parts. You can take advantage of this advantage. We will remove people who are on the right side of the photo. In this case it will be possible to use "Content-aware fill" with subsequent revision "Stamp".

  1. Copy the background layer and select the usual one "Straight-line lasso" and circle the small company on the right.

  2. Next we go to the menu "Selection". Here we need a block "Modification" and an item called "Expand".

  3. Setting up the extension to 1 pixel.

  4. Place the cursor over the selected area (in this moment we have activated the tool "Straight-line lasso"), press RMB, in the drop-down menu we look for the item "Perform Fill".

  5. In the drop-down list of the settings window, select "Content-Based".

  6. As a result of this filling, we get the following intermediate result:

  7. With help "Stamp" Let's move several areas with small elements to the place where people were. We will also try to restore the trees.

    The company is gone, we move on to removing the young man.

  8. Let's circle the guy. Here it is best to use a pen, since the girl is in the way, and we need to outline her as carefully as possible. Next, according to the algorithm: expand the selection by 1 pixel, fill it taking into account the content.

    As you can see, parts of the girl’s body were also included in the filling.

  9. Let's take it "Stamp" and, without removing the selection, we finalize the background. Samples can be taken from anywhere, but the tool will only affect the area inside the selected area.

When restoring the background in landscape photographs, you must strive to avoid so-called “texture repeats.” Try to take samples from different places and do not click on the area more than once.

Despite all its complexity, it is in such photos that you can achieve the most realistic result.
This completes the information on removing characters from photos in Photoshop. All that remains to be said is that if you take on such work, then be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort, but even in this case, the results may not be very good.