Textures. How to load new textures into Photoshop. Texture mapping in Photoshop

In chapter " Textures Photoshop" of our website, you can download any number of textures for free without any restrictions. The textures downloaded to your computer must also be moved to the Photoshop program itself in order to use them. How to do this? So: "How to properly install the ones downloaded to your computer , textures (Patterns) in Adobe Photoshop?"

Let's look at the installation order: (similar to installing a new brush, style and gradient)

1. Download a new file with a texture (the format of this file or you can also say the file extension, basically - (*.PAT)
It should be noted that usually when you download files from the Internet, they are in an Archive (RAR or ZIP) - you need to unpack them before installation!

2. So, after you have downloaded the file and unpacked it and it is on your desktop or downloads folder (depending on where you downloaded and unpacked it), open Photoshop itself or it may already be open (it doesn’t matter)

3. Go to the main menu of the Photoshop program, click Edit. As below:

4. After clicking Preset Manager, its dialog box will appear. In it, first select from the drop-down list Patterns, and then press Load. As below:

5. After clicking Load, a new dialog box will appear (as shown below).

In this window:

First: select the place where we initially saved and unpacked our texture file when downloading (In this case, this is the Desktop. For you it may be another place - for example, the "Downloads" folder, if so, select it or , I repeat, where did you save.

Second: select the file with the texture (click on it once), as shown in the figure below..

Third: click Load as below..

6. That's it, the texture is loaded into your Adobe Photoshop program (Photoshop)

Next, to make sure that the texture was installed successfully, again --> Go to the main menu of the Photoshop program (as shown in the very first picture at the top), click Edit and in the drop-down window we find the menu item Preset Manager--> Select Patterns (Textures) and see (usually from below) that indeed our new Textures have been installed successfully, as shown in the figure below:

In this tutorial on creating special effects in Photoshop, we will learn the basics of layer blending and learn how to apply any texture to a photo. This is a simple but very effective way to make an ordinary photo more creative and impressive. We'll explain how to quickly switch between blending modes to find the one that suits you best, how to blend only the brightness values ​​to keep the original colors in your photo, and how to invert the brightness.

As a texture, the author of the lesson, Steve Patterson, took old paper, shot on a simple point-and-shoot camera. Texture can be found everywhere. It can be an interesting pattern on a leaf or stone, clouds in the sky, a wooden surface, a rust stain or frost patterns on windows. In addition, texture can be obtained by scanning various things, for example, covers of old books, maps, crumpled paper, or even a piece of fabric or carpet. Of course, you can find textures on the Internet.

Here is the original photo that we will process:

And this is the texture that we will apply to it:

This is what we get in the end. We made a couple of additional adjustments, which we'll talk about at the end of the lesson:

Let's start!

Step 1: Select and copy the texture

Having opened both the original image and the texture in Photoshop, we will transfer it to a document with a photograph. The easiest option is copy and paste. Make sure the window containing the texture is active, open the menu Select at the top of the screen and then All. You can also click Ctrl+A(Win) / Command+A(Mac) on keyboard:

This way we select the entire texture. A selection outline appears around its perimeter:

After this you need to open the menu Edit, located at the top of the screen, and then Copy, or click Ctrl+C(Win) / Command+C(Mac) on keyboard:

Step 2: Insert the texture into the document containing the photo

After copying the texture to the buffer, go to the window with the photo and go to the menu again Edit, but this time we choose Paste or click Ctrl+V(Win) / Command+V(Mac) on keyboard:

Photoshop will insert the texture into the document, or rather, into a new layer that will be located above the photo. Depending on the size of the document with the texture, it may completely cover the photo, but if you look in the layers panel Layers Panel, it is clear that the original is preserved in the layer Background, and the texture turned out to be higher, in a new layer with the name Layer 1:

Now the photo and texture are on different layers of the same document

Step 3: If necessary, change the size of the texture using the tool Free Transform

If the photo and texture dimensions don't match, you may want to align them. Photoshop allows us to do this using the command Free Transform. Open menu Edit at the top of the screen and select Free Transform or click Ctrl+T(Win) / Command+T(Mac) to invoke the same command from the keyboard:

Photoshop will place a frame with handles around the texture (these are small squares on its borders). If, as in our case, the texture area is larger than the photo, it may be better to switch to one of Photoshop's full-screen views. To do this you need to click F on the keyboard (when you're done, you can go back by pressing a couple more times F). Pull any of the handles and give the texture the desired size. Since there is nothing in this image except the texture itself, distorting the proportions usually does not harm, but if you want to preserve them, you need to hold down the key while moving the corner handles Shift. When finished, click Enter(Win) / Return(Mac) to accept the changes and exit Free Transform:

Change the texture dimensions using Free Transform

Step 4: Select a Tool Move Tool

Choosing a tool Move Tool which is located at the top of the Photoshop Tools panel. This can also be done by pressing the key V. We're not actually going to use it, but in this case this step is necessary to be able to quickly switch between layer blending modes: this will allow us to understand which one will provide the best results for a particular shot and texture.

What does this have to do with the instrument? Move Tool you ask? It's just that depending on the tool you select, the hotkeys on your keyboard may not work. When choosing a tool Move Tool everything works as it should, and since Move Tool located at the very top of the toolbar, the easiest way to use it is:

Step 5: Switch Between Layer Blending Modes

The layer blending option is in the top left corner of the layers panel. The default mode is Normal, that is, the top layer does not mix with the bottom or bottom layers in any way, which is why the texture currently overlaps the photo:

Pressing Normal, you will see a list of other options - Multiply, Screen, Overlay etc. It will be much faster to scroll through them using hotkeys. Holding Shift + Alt(Win) / Shift + Option(Mac), press plus (+) or minus (-). Plus switches to the next mode in the list, and minus- to the previous one. For example, if while holding Shift + Alt(Win) / Shift + Option(Mac), you click on plus once, then switch from Normal on Dissolve:

Perhaps the effect of mixing in the mode Dissolve will be uninteresting, but you will certainly like some other mode. We'll press plus several more times, still holding Shift + Alt(Win) / Shift + Option(Mac) to get to the mode Multiply:

With option Multiply This creates an interesting, albeit dark, overlay:

I'll press plus several more times, reaching the mode Screen:

Blend mode is currently selected Screen

The result is also interesting, this time it turned out much lighter than in the Multiply:

Clicking plus a few more times, I get to the option Overlay:

Overlay also often gives an interesting result when applying texture; here light and dark areas are combined, and the image ends up with more contrast:

As a rule, the most interesting results when applying textures are achieved using the modes Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Soft Light, and Hard Light; We recommend that you try them all to understand which option is best suited to achieve your goal. In this situation, we consider the optimal mode Screen, but you can choose another option.

Step 6: Reducing the Color Saturation of the Texture

At the moment, not only the texture itself appears in the photograph, but also its color. This may be what you want, since mixing colors on different layers can give interesting results, but if you want to preserve the original colors of the photo, you will have to remove the color from the texture. The easiest way to do this is to lower its saturation. At the top of the screen, select Image, then Adjustments and finally Desaturate. You can also click Shift + Ctrl + U(Win) / Shift + Command + U(Mac) on keyboard:

Team Desaturate immediately removes color from the layer, making it essentially black and white. This is not the best option for converting a photo to black and white, but in this case it is quite sufficient. Looking at the texture layer thumbnail (Layer 1) in the layers panel, we will see that it has lost color:

Once the color is removed, only the tonal brightness of the texture is blended into our photo. For comparison, let's look at the image again after setting the blending mode Screen:

And here's what it looks like after we've removed the color from the texture:

Step 7: Inverting the Texture

Before you are satisfied with the result, you can try to invert the texture by changing the brightness to the opposite one. What was dark will become light, and vice versa. At the top of the screen, select Image, then Adjustments and finally Invert. You can also click Ctrl + I(Win) / Command+I(Mac) on keyboard:

This is what our photo looks like after inverting the brightness of the texture. According to the author of the lesson, Steve Patterson, the photo began to seem old and faded:

Step 8: Reduce the Opacity of the Texture

Finally, if the texture seems too prominent, you can reduce its appearance by lowering the layer's opacity. This option Opacity, is located directly opposite the Blending Modes at the top of the Layers panel. The default value is Opacity 100%, but the more you lower it, the more the original photo will appear. We will reduce the value Opacity up to 50 %:

The texture now looks more delicate:

Since in our case texture makes the photo look older and faded, there are a few other things we can do to enhance this effect. First, you can blur the image a little. To do this, select in the layers panel Background, then quickly create a duplicate layer by clicking Ctrl+J(Win) / Command+J(Mac). Thus, we get copies of the photo that we will work with without damaging the original:

Now I'm blurring the layer Background copy using a filter Gaussian Blur. On the menu Filter at the top of the screen I select Blur, then Gaussian Blur:

A dialog box will open Gaussian Blur. We only want a slight blur, so set the radius to around 1.5 pixels:

Click OK, The dialog box closes, at which point Photoshop performs a slight blur:

Finally, create a new layer to reduce the color saturation of the image. Click on the icon New Adjustment Layer at the bottom of the layers panel:

From the list that appears, select Hue/Saturation:

In Photoshop CS4 and later (CS5 is used in this tutorial), options for adjusting Hue/Saturation will appear on the panel Adjustments. In earlier versions they open in a separate dialog box. To reduce color saturation, you need to lower the value Saturation to about -50, moving the slider to the left:

Move the Saturation slider to the left - this will reduce the color saturation in the image

If we had Photoshop CS3 or earlier, we would have clicked OK, to close the dialog box (close panel Adjustments not required in CS4 or later). Now we see the final result after reducing color saturation:

Final result

That's all! You're now familiar with the basics of texture mapping in Photoshop using blending modes!

Source - photoshopessentials.com

Hi all! It's been a long time since we photoshopped. So today I'll tell you how to apply a texture in Photoshop to a photo, text, or selected area of ​​an object to create a stunning effect. This is not difficult to do. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to us what version you have: CS6, CC or any other. Personally, I work in Photoshop CC 2018, and in this regard it is no different from others.

Let's try to improve this photo of a guy and a girl by adding a water drop texture to them. To find photos, you can search through Yandex or Google images. Just enter something like "Texture of water drops". Once the images are prepared, we load them one by one into Photoshop.

As you can see, the effect is amazing. The photo immediately looks much more alive.

Applying a complex texture to a selected area

If in the previous example we overlayed a translucent photo to achieve a certain effect, now we will have to work a little. The fact is that now we will completely change the coverage of the object using the example of a car. Remember how we are? So we have to work in a similar style, only instead of color we will make a new pattern. Let's say I take this photo of a car and this water texture.

  1. Load both images into Photoshop, just make sure that the water texture layer is higher than the car. And be sure to rasterize the water layer. To do this, right-click on the water layer and select “Rasterize Layer”.
  2. Now, you can make the water layer invisible by clicking on the eye. At this stage, he will only hinder us.
  3. Next, we need to select the car itself with any convenient tool. I prefer to work with . Try using it too. First, select the entire car except for the wheels. Don't forget to zoom in ( CTRL And + ) to make the selection more accurate.
  4. There will probably be some details that do not need texture overlay. We will need to remove the ear. To do this, in mode "Magnetic lasso", look for the function in the tool properties "Subtract from Selection".
  5. Now let’s calmly select unnecessary objects inside, such as glass, door handles, bumpers, etc. Do not worry. You won't lose anything.
  6. Next, right-click inside our selected area and select “Copy” to a new layer. A new layer will be created right above the car layer with only the car body, which we have selected. The selection can now be deselected by pressing the combination CTRL+D.
  7. Now, we will need to make the body copied to a new layer black and white. It is important. For this you can use . But I recommend that you go to the menu "Image" - "Correction" - "Black and White". As you can see, the body has become B/W, but everything else remains the same.
  8. Now, let's activate the selection of our body. To do this, go to the layer with the black and white detail and hold down the key CTRL Click on the layer thumbnail. When you hover, your cursor should change.
  9. And now the image of water comes into play. Without removing the selection, click on the eye, activating the display of the texture. After that, invert the selection by pressing the key combination SHIFT+CTRL+I. After a successful operation, you should see a selection around the perimeter of the canvas.
  10. Now, being on the water layer, press the button DELETE to remove everything that is not included in the selected area. You can then remove the selection ( CTRL+D). As you can see, water now covers the body, but it looks somehow unnatural. This is decided.
  11. You will need to select Overlay or Soft Light in the Blending Options. Then you will be surprised how your machine has changed.

Looks like the real thing.

Moreover, if you play with brightness or color tone ( CTRL+U), then you can consider various interesting variations of the transformation. Just check the “Toning” mode and move the sliders.

You can do similar overlay effects not only with cars, but also with any other items and objects.

Applying textures to text

But to apply a texture to text in Photoshop, you need to do completely different things. You don’t need to download any pictures, but a set of patterns would be nice. But in Photoshop there are several standard sets. Therefore, first we will look at them, and then we will learn how to download new ones.

As you can see, it turned out quite interesting.

But not everyone knows that this is not the whole set. If you click on the gear when choosing a pattern, you can select one of the existing sets. The choice there is much more interesting. Plus, you can zoom in and out of the pattern to see what works best.

For example, I put a natural pattern.

How to upload a new pattern?

Naturally, you won’t get by with standard patterns, so we’ll upload new ones. For this we need so-called sets in the format PAT. They are not difficult to find. It is enough to type something like this into any search engine “Download patterns for Photoshop pat”. Well, if you're lazy, you can take them from here. There are a lot of interesting sets here.

  1. After we have downloaded the set with patterns, unpack the archive.
  2. Next, go to Photoshop and select the menu "Editing"— “Sets” — "Manage Sets".
  3. In the window that opens, select “Patterns” from the “Set type” drop-down menu. After that, click on the “Download” button.
  4. We will be presented with a file selection in Explorer in the directory "Adobe Photoshop/Presets/Patterns". For greater convenience, I recommend saving the downloaded sets in this folder. After that, select the file with the set that you downloaded.

As you can see, there are now many more different patterns. And the most important thing is that you can apply these textures directly to the text in the same way as we did above.

Your own texture for text

Well, if you are not satisfied with the sets of patterns and you want to apply a texture in Photoshop with your picture or photo, then you can easily do this too. In fact, I will not repeat myself, because essentially the whole process is identical to how we pulled the background onto the car. But here everything is even easier, since you don’t have to turn off the visibility of the layer and use the selection tools.

That is, it all comes down to the following steps:

It's simple. Now your text has a unique cover. Great, right?

Of course, if you want to deeply study Photoshop and learn how to use it well in a matter of weeks, then I recommend that you watch these awesome video tutorials. Thanks to them, you will click Photoshop like nuts.

Well, this is where I end my article for today. I hope you found it interesting. Well, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog and join my public pages on social networks so as not to miss the release of a new interesting article. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

This lesson will help you install new textures (patterns) for the Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 version. For other versions the algorithm will be the same.

To get started, download a file with new textures from our website or from the Internet and unpack it if it is in the archive.

Go to Manage Sets

Next, open Photoshop and go to the main menu at the top of the screen to the tab Editing -Sets- Set management(Edit - Preset Manager). The following window will appear:

The button next to the first pointer (in the form of a small arrow) allows you to select the type of add-on you want to install - brushes, textures, shapes, styles etc.

The button next to the second pointer shows the types of addition.

Loading patterns into Photoshop

Click on the small arrow and in the drop-down list, by pressing the left mouse button, select the type of add-on - Patterns(Patterns):

A new window appears. Here you indicate the address of the downloaded file with textures. This file is located on your desktop or placed in a special folder for downloaded add-ons. In my case, the file is located in the "Backgrounds" folder on the desktop:

Press again Download(Load).

Now, in the “Manage Sets” dialog box, you can see at the end of the texture set the new textures we just loaded:

Note: if there are a lot of textures, move the scroll bar down and new textures will be visible at the end of the list

That's all, Photoshop has copied the specified texture file into its set. You can use it!

Together with you I installed new textures for myself! Let's see what happened!


If your texture is in JPG or PNG format,then you don’t need to download it as patterns, just open such a file in the program How document and use it for work by dragging it into your work.

Often professional users of Adobe Photoshop are faced with the problem of a lack of any additional elements. This problem is relevant because the standard set of brushes, fonts, and textures is relatively small, and many users need to acquire new graphic elements to work. Fortunately, the answer to the question of how to load a texture into Photoshop is quite simple and no different from the usual loading of brushes. Therefore, even a beginner can independently carry out the process of adding textures to their general list.

Before you load a texture into Photoshop CS6, you need to understand the concept itself. This element is superimposed on top of the image, creating interesting visual effects. It is used when processing photographs, adding various abrasions, roughness and other user preferences. Using textures, it is possible to decorate graphic objects in the desired tone. At their core, textures are a kind of surface.

Instead of using intricate patterns and images, you can resort to working with layers. Connoisseurs know that Photoshop has the ability to modify layers and customize them properly.

How to load a texture into Photoshop?

All textures have a distinctive ".pat" format. Before you add a texture to Photoshop, you need to find it on the Internet and download it. There are a large variety of libraries and assemblies with patterns, brushes and fonts, so users will have plenty of options. If the texture is presented as an assembly and enclosed in an archive, then you should unpack it, preferably into a separately created folder for textures in Adobe Photoshop.

Setting the texture

After successful downloading and unzipping, you can proceed to the final stage - installing the texture into Adobe Photoshop itself.

  1. Before loading the texture into Photoshop, you need to launch the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor and create any document in order to unlock the settings section.
  2. Then you need to go to the "Manage Sets" menu, where you can add the previously downloaded texture. This can be done in different ways, but we will look at the most popular case.
  3. To get to the "Manage Sets" menu, you need to go to the "Editing" section in the program header. Then find the "Sets" category and the "Manage Sets" item.
  4. A dialog box will pop up showing your installed brushes by default. At the top, in the “Set type” column, set the “Patterns” item - the default elements will be displayed. On the right side of the dialog box there is a “Download” function - click on it.
  5. A new window will pop up in which users must select the desired texture file in the ".pat" format.
  6. After selecting the required file, click on the “Download” function.
  7. New textures will automatically be added to the general list of elements that can be edited and adjusted at your discretion.

The textures you just added will appear at the very bottom of the list. The user is able to delete and modify their pattern sets. It is important to know that Adobe Photoshop, which is overloaded with additional elements, will have performance problems.