Secrets of running a VKontakte group. How to change group settings. What not to do

How to lead a group on VKontakte? How to format posts? What name should I choose?

1. Use a timer. Regularity of posts is important. Choose a time interval that you can maintain and stick to it. Optimal quantity posts for information publics – 10-20 per day. For commercial purposes, one every one or two days will be enough.

2. Use horizontal photos. Photos with horizontal orientation look better on both desktop and mobile version(application). This post looks neat.

3. Add extra line spacing between paragraphs. On VK, users don’t like to read a lot, so they need to make the task as easy as possible.

4. Ideally, the size of the post should be such that the post “does not collapse.” Therefore, before publishing, it is better to send the post to a timer to see how it will look in the feed. The approximate size is no more than 600 characters including spaces.

5. Use a double dash to get em dash. It looks more impressive.

6. If the purpose of the post is to follow a link, then put a characteristic emoticon in front of it (an arrow, for example). This will attract attention. Place the link after the title and before the description. There is no need to “embed a link” if the post already has a photo, this will overload the publication.

7. Use hash tags to group messages. It cannot be said that they are searching using hash tags, but if characteristic words are not in the text, then it is better to add them. Hash tags can also be used to highlight important words in the text, because on the desktop version they are highlighted in a different color.

8. The photo should catch the user’s eye. Try to choose something bright and interesting. If there are a lot of photos, then pay attention to their grouping, depending on the loading sequence - the location and scale of the photos may change, don’t be afraid to experiment.

9. Posts without links get more likes and reposts. VK users usually don’t want to go anywhere; they need information here and now. Remember this.

10. Don’t be shy about “flirting” with users, especially if the audience is young. Calls like “Like if you support Zenit,” although they often look stupid, sometimes with their help you can improve the “feedback” statistics.

11. Search VK – best source new subscribers. It is from there that the “hot” users are ready to immediately become a member of the community. Therefore, pay attention to the name of the public – this is one of 3-4 ranking factors in search. Other factors are description, group size, group statistics. The name should be as short and descriptive as possible.

Useful public pages for VK administrators.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


More than 97,000,000 people use VKontakte every month. And for last years The site’s audience has matured and people of different ages are registered on it. As a result, purchasing power has increased. No wonder that social network evolved into effective remedy sales, increasing company awareness, developing loyalty to it. If you wish, you can reach your potential clients! It is only important to show your brand and engage users in a “dialogue” with it. This will be discussed in our article. We will give detailed guide to action. Let's begin!

Groups, publics and events - communities of this type are created in VK. The third format is suitable for those whose income is related to lectures, seminars, concerts, master classes, and trainings. The first two types differ from each other only slightly. A public page cannot be hidden - it is visible to all visitors and you cannot leave documents on it (there is no such section). But this is what they most often choose to run a business page. Otherwise the functionality is similar. You can add various media files, connect discussions, polls, write longreads.

To get started, go to your account, go to the list of groups and click “Create a community”. Select an action from the list. Six options will appear in front of you. The first three are essentially a public page with the same capabilities. Open the item that best suits your purposes, enter the name and fill out the line provided. By the way, if you already have a representative office on this site, then you can also choose a category to attract targeted visitors.

Now you have ready-made template and you can begin to design and fill it out. This important point, since the reaction of users largely depends on visual perception. This is where maintaining a group on VK and promoting it begins.

Creating a visual and semantic component

The next step is description. When you create a community, the settings will open where you need to act. Public pages indexed in search engines, so write a meaningful post about yourself, your services and what the reader will find on this resource. For example, this is what information about Semantica looks like.

This is a window in which the name and other data are changed. There is one more way to get into it. In the top right corner, find three dots, open the drop-down list and select “Manage.”

Then upload your avatar and cover photo. The images you choose should be unique, eye-catching, and relevant to the theme of the blog.

  • First image: 200*500px; thumbnail: 200*200px.
  • Second: 1590*400px.

Change necessary settings. In “Sections”, check the boxes next to the tools that you want to see in the public: photo albums, links, products, audio recordings, contacts and others. Also in this menu there is a transition to your personal account, where you can connect advertising.

How to lead a VKontakte group: basic principles

The key to running a community is useful, engaging content that appears in reader alerts on on a regular basis. Competition for views and subscriptions will be very strong, since the social network great amount commercial and entertainment pages. Therefore, posting should be thoughtful.

To creative crisis Don't take you by surprise, always write down note ideas that come to mind. Even if the thought is not yet fully formed, bring it into the special file Where will you store such sketches?

Analyze competitors' pages. Do it with special services. For example, LiveDune. What resonates with users? Consider the topic they cover from a different perspective or make a similar but more creative post. If you have been blogging for a company for a long time, update old articles. Suppose a year ago you compiled a list of “10 best tourist centers”. Check the relevance of the data, add missing addresses and descriptions and show it to readers again.

You can write texts yourself, take photographs, order material from professionals, or promote a community of specialists who themselves will generate ideas and posts, and share experiences. The main requirement is uniqueness.

How to lead a group on VK: activating visitors

Coming up with notes and posting them is not enough. You need to get a response from people who follow you.

Often those who create a group are interested in what hours are best to post texts. There is no universal recipe. To determine the exact option, you need to know when the target audience is on the site. Experiment with posting a few times in the morning, afternoon, and evening at odd times. For example, at 12.08, 10.05, 18.14. This will help you avoid blending in with your competitors. Then, using a statistical service, find out when subscribers were active. Use Popsters or a similar tool for this purpose. Enable auto-posting to make your work easier.

Now you know how to activate an audience in a community, but before this exciting process, you need to attract people. It's difficult and this moment It's almost impossible to do for free. We will list all the ways in which you will attract the attention of VK users to yourself.

You created a public page and even partially filled it interesting materials. What's next? Invite all your friends to it, ask them to repost. This is done in “Actions”. They look like this and are located on the right under the cover or avatar. Click on the three dots and select the desired item.

Free and relatively free ways promotions include:

  • Mutual PR. Exchange of advertisements with publics with a similar target audience.
  • Mention on your resources: website, Youtube channel, Instagram, email.
  • Offline advertising. Mention on business cards, souvenirs.
  • Participate in discussions on other pages. The goal is to show your expertise.
  • Give a discount or gift for subscribing. Organize competitions and sweepstakes using the same principle.
  • Use hashtags, film live broadcasts, organize flash mobs.
  • Post vacancies, this also helps in maintaining the VKontakte group. This way you will hire employees faster and increase trust in the company.
  • Light up information events events that happened in your field and beyond.
  • Enable the products function if you have an online store. This way, users will be able to make a purchase in the VK application.

Regularly study statistics to understand whether the chosen direction is working and, if necessary, adjust it. The contact has a section where data on coverage, attendance and activity is stored. It is also found in "Actions". If you scroll down the graph, you will see from which cities and countries you are being viewed, the age, and gender of the readers.

Other promotion methods

Now we will talk about paid promotion. One of its options is targeted advertising. It can be a banner and flashes on the left, and appears in the news list. For example, here's an ad.

The beauty of this method is that knowing your target audience, you can connect impressions specifically for her and compose a motivating text for possible buyers. The campaign is set up in personal account. it's easy to enter. Open “Actions” under the cover or avatar, select the desired item and follow the instructions of the program.

Three more methods:

  • Retargeting. Setting up for those users who visited your site.
  • Paid posts in popular communities. You buy a certain amount of time in the public, come up with a separate text for it, or provide a link to an existing one.
  • Native promotion with opinion leaders. Mention of a product/service from a famous blogger.

We told general principles and rules for maintaining a VKontakte group. Of course, there can be no universal recipes for any business. Simply because each entrepreneur has his own target audience and different ways of working with it. But by using the information in this article, you will create an attractive, engaging, active community for sales or other goals.

Any group or public on VK requires attention and support. Social networks provide excellent traffic from which you can make money. But the VKontakte community is a complex system, which in itself either develops very slowly, or does not develop, but gradually declines. This is a social network, it’s easy to bring people into the group, but it’s quite difficult to keep them, especially when VK has hundreds of thousands of communities on any topic.

If you look at the cost of running a VKontakte group, the price will include the following work:

  • Development of a content plan.
  • Regular publication interesting posts on behalf of the group.
  • Creating new discussion topics that will be of interest to participants and provoke them into discussion.
  • Writing comments, correspondence with participants, involvement in the life of the community.
  • Moderating communication in a group or public, clearing spam, deleting blocked users.
  • Communication in other communities (including guerrilla marketing).
  • Selection of communities and negotiations with their administrators about mutual PR.

If you hire third party company For comprehensive promotion groups, then the cost of work will range from 4200 - 8000 rubles per month, to 14000 - 20000 rubles / month.

Rules for maintaining a VKontakte group

The collective experience of many SMM specialists says that when maintaining and developing a community, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Posts need to be published regularly, 10-20 per day, use the VK “Timer” function for this.
  • Users don't like long texts. It is advisable to write posts within 600 characters, make small paragraphs and separate them with an additional blank line.
  • Use pictures and photographs of horizontal orientation.
  • Try to find an original, bright photo that the user will catch his eye on.
  • If you are writing a post to force people to follow a link, then highlight it additionally, for example, with an emoticon with an arrow. It is better to put the link itself immediately under the title. But remember that posts without external links get more likes and are reposted more often.
  • Use hashtags, they combine posts into thematic groups and draw readers' attention to important parts of the article.

Costs for independently maintaining a VKontakte group

If you engage in community development on your own, you need to have a very good understanding of the topic that the public or group is dedicated to. If you run your group entirely yourself, then your main expense is time; every day will be spent on administering the public and creating new materials. If you like it, great, otherwise you'll have to hire performers. Only posts on community topics can be prepared by copywriters hired on freelance exchanges. One post of 500 characters will cost from 30 to 90 rubles. And the lowest price means the most low quality. Accordingly, to publish 10 posts a day you will have to spend from 300 rubles.

And if you decide to hire SMM manager, then the salaries of such specialists can be 4,000 rubles per month or more.

How to find authors who will run a public blog

It should be understood that if you delegate the development of the community to another person, then the one who provides a comprehensive service is preferable. Otherwise, you will still find yourself in the role of a manager, and will separately control the administrator, editor, and distribute orders on exchanges for commenting and other actions in the group.

Cost of running a VKontakte group for freelancers

There is an opinion that the cost of running a VK group by freelancers is lower than by agencies. In fact, the cost of running a VKontakte community by freelancers, judging by their data on large exchanges, ranges from 3,477 to 22,800 rubles per month. From a specialist with big amount positive feedback average cost maintaining a group - 10,000 rubles per month.

You should understand that you can negotiate a lower price with a freelancer, and he will be more flexible in adapting to the task. But you will depend on one person and he must be checked very carefully. The main risks are the unknown level of qualifications of the specialist, the danger of violating the deadlines for completing the work. And if you order the management of a VKontakte group from an agency, the cost will be higher, but the work is performed by a team and its result, meeting deadlines does not depend on one person. It’s easier to find reviews and other information about the agency. Consider these factors when deciding who to trust with your community.

It's no secret that you can directly earn money on the Internet. As a rule, this can be done most different ways. For example, in the VKontakte group. For example, for advertising that will be placed in your group, you will be paid quite a lot of money. Of course, provided that your group is advanced enough. You can also earn money from your group on affiliate programs. However, to have good income, you must be able to directly and correctly lead a VKontakte group. This is what we will discuss in today’s article.

What do you get in the end

If you have a banal and boring group, then the tips and tricks used in this article will directly help improve the situation. What will you get in the end?

  1. Subscriber growth.
  2. Increased activity in the group.
  3. Increase your earnings.

Work on the name

The essence of this advice is to correctly describe the essence of your community. As a rule, the name of your group must clearly and clearly reflect the essence of your community. The name should not be too big.

Unique and original design

The second tip is to completely redesign your community if yours is bland and boring. First of all, you need to replace the main image of the community. It should be bright and attractive so that it directly attracts visitors to your group. After that, it's time to work on the cover of your community. If you are not particularly strong in Photoshop, then it is better to order a group cover from special people (freelancers) who create covers.

Short posts and pictures

When you post this or that entry, you should know that you should not write bulky and very large records, and it is also recommended to dilute the entries with a variety of pictures that will be relevant to the topic. In addition, you can insert directly thematic emoticons through each sentence or phrase.

Use scheduled posting

Scheduled posting is very useful feature, which will save you a lot of time and also have a positive impact on your group. This is directly related to the fact that in most groups all posts are published in certain time, for example at 14:00 or 22:35. Accordingly, not all subscribers like this. And, if you use delayed posting, subscribers will immediately know when a certain post will appear, and will not have to guess.

Build connections with subscribers

As a rule, some users, when working with your group, have certain questions that they either cannot find an answer to or find, but with great effort. This has a very negative impact on the well-being of your group and accordingly affects your immediate income. To eradicate this, it is recommended to use a function directly called “VKontakte Community Messages”. It is thanks to this that your subscribers can directly ask you questions that concern them and will soon receive your answers to them.

Increase activity in your community

In order for your community to directly develop, you need to achieve activity in it. To create an activity, you need to create the following:

  1. Competitions.
  2. Various, interesting surveys.
  3. Discussions on topics that interest both you and them,
  4. Allow subscribers to leave comments under posts.


As a rule, in order to move forward and earn money, you need to learn to analyze your current situation. By going to the statistics of your group, you can easily determine the target audience of your community, identify their hobbies and passions, and move in this direction. Thanks to this, you can soon achieve stunning success and greatly increase your earnings.

In this article, we have provided some tips on how to properly manage your VKontakte group in order to increase your earnings in the future and become more successful in life.

First, let’s make a reservation: for simplicity, we will write about “maintaining a VKontakte group,” but we're talking about about that “entity” that is controlled by some company on social networks. This group VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, page on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram it's easy account, on YouTube it's channel.

  1. group management
  2. attracting an audience (in this article we are talking only about leading a group; attracting is described in another article -)

What is “maintaining a VKontakte group” and other social networks?

Maintaining a VKontakte group is what you post about in the group, how often, on what topics and in what format. That is, this the set of measures you take to fill the group with content, as well as how you respond to questions or comments in the group.

Groups that are well run are easier to promote—that is, to gain an audience.

How to properly lead a group on VKontakte (or other social networks)?

This, of course, depends on the goals. Maintaining a group on VKontakte or a page on social networks is just a small piece marketing strategy your enterprise, which should describe what you generally want to achieve from social networks, and, accordingly, how exactly you will achieve this.

Goals, moreover, change over time; if at the first stage it is more important for you to gain an audience, then sooner or later the question will arise that it would be good to sell something to the acquired audience.

Therefore, the methods of running a group or page on social networks change over time, and there is no absolutely correct tactics for running social networks for all occasions.

However, we will outline to you how we see the correct management of groups on social networks, which is suitable in most cases. We proceed from the fact that the goals of maintaining a group consist of three components - audience growth, activity in the group, and sales - either in the form of traffic to the site, followed by conversion, or in the form of offline sales.

So, the first postulate:

The group should regularly post interesting and relevant content

Let's clarify a couple of points. Why post content in a group at all? Because one of your goals is probably to grow your audience, and the audience will not be in a hurry to join a group where there have been no new posts for the last six months.

How often should you post to the group? The answer often surprises our clients, but it is:

You need to post often enough to achieve your goals.

It is clear that the group will not grow from posting alone, that is, there will also be advertising. And you need to post so many times to achieve your goals. If, at a certain level of advertising, you achieve your group growth goals, ok, then everything is fine. If another KPI becomes important for you - traffic from the site - perhaps you need to increase the frequency of posting with links to articles on the blog or to products/services on the site.

Why should the content be interesting? So that the visiting audience joins the group. Therefore, you need to weigh very carefully what you want to post. Is it really interesting to your audience that your company took part in some kind of exhibition? Or that it’s your accountant’s birthday?

Why should content be relevant? Because in this case it acts as a kind of filter. Imagine that you are selling, say, some equipment. Of course, you can post cats and owls in your group, and maybe you will even be able to increase your audience. But these people joined your group also because there was SUCH content there - they wanted it. They don’t care about your equipment, and therefore they don’t need such an audience. It’s better that you have great difficulty gaining an audience by talking about your machines, but if people join there, it means they are interested in something about them.

Useful information should be interspersed with materials about products/services

Sometimes group/page owners post ONLY various useful articles and don’t offer to buy anything at all. Either they are embarrassed to do it, or they don’t believe that it will work.

But as we said, most likely sales are your goal.


That is at least make some attempts. Therefore, from time to time you need to post your proposals to the group. It is important that this does not become a continuous stream of advertising, because this will harm the growth of the group.

People often imagine that all SMM is about posting regular information about your product on social networks, and nothing more. This may help those who are looking for such a product right now, but it certainly won’t help build an audience. Nobody wants to read only advertisements.

Use hashtags

First, use hashtags for your product, service, and city (region) if you are limited to a certain geography. For example - #Tomsk #business cards. Secondly, use a hashtag specifically for your brand. This will help when people search for something you offer or your brand.

You can also use separate hashtags for promotions, competitions or various activities.

There is no need to overdo it with them, more than 2-3 hashtags are only appropriate on Instagram, but it is advisable to use them.

You need to post links to the blog on your website.

Why? Yes, because if a person reads your entire article from the comfort of his VKontakte feed, then ok, he will read it, say thank you, and scroll further through the feed. And if he goes to the site, you have an increased chance of selling him something, or getting him to take another targeted action - subscribing to a newsletter, for example.

He can also, after reading an article, go to another article, because you probably have implemented the “similar articles” mechanism. He may be interested in a product catalog or price list for services. Traffic to a site is always better than traffic that just stays in the group.

Keep track of what's happening in the group

If your group reaches any significant size, those who offer you will start posting all sorts of spam similar products or services. Of course, the group needs to be cleansed of this.

Answer questions in a group

You can often see this picture - the owner of the group himself does not look there often, and does not even see the questions that are asked to him there. This is truly scary. After all, this is essentially what everything is done for. No one will ask a question about a product or service they don't care about. If a person asks a question, it means that he is interested in one way or another in purchasing, that means he is a “lead”!

Of course, all questions in the group must be answered. What do you think about a group where you drop in and there are unanswered questions for a week? Our article describes how to track comments in a VKontakte group.

Encourage questions in the group

If no one in your group asks any questions, that's bad. This may indicate that the group has not gathered the right audience. Again, it’s difficult to sell something to indifferent people. Someone may be interested, but he is embarrassed to ask - after all, no one asks here!

It's like in a bar - you come to a bar where music is playing and everyone is dancing - and you yourself will dance. Or do you come to a bar where no one is dancing - it takes a lot of courage to go out first and start dancing?

It's the same in the group. People look at what is “accepted” here. If it is customary here to ask questions, if they are answered, then they will also ask questions.

Sometimes it helps to create a separate “discussion” in your VKontakte group, where you just write your questions, and post something like “we’ll be happy to answer your questions.”

And finally, for the initial promotion of activity in the group, you will most likely have to simulate it. There's no escape. If there is no example, people will not follow it. That is - either with the help of your friends, or with the help of activity from the same service like - you create a certain stream (not necessarily large) of questions in your feed or in a discussion in your group, and answer them on behalf of the company (community ). This will definitely help group members to “embrace” and ask questions on the topic.

We cannot write enough to overstate the importance of this. Activity is very important in the group, because from a question to a sale is one step. If there is complete “silence” in a group, it is very difficult to imagine that it will sell anything.

We doubted for a long time whether it was worth using such an idea as unblocking content on the site “in return” for social action- like like...