How to enable javascript execution in the browser. Temporarily disabling javascript using plugins. Correct activation of this application

Nowadays it is difficult to find a website built in one programming language; usually a whole range of web languages ​​is used to develop a modern and functional resource. JavaScript for the Yandex browser is responsible for dynamic actions; the language is distinguished by its ability to perform manipulations asynchronously, that is, without reloading the page. Any actions that change the content (with the exception of videos and games) are performed thanks to the capabilities of the JS language. JavaScript in the Yandex browser must be enabled, because if it is disabled, most sites will stop working, an error will be shown on the screen, or the display of content will fail.

Before deciding whether to disable or enable JavaScript in Yandex browser, it is important to understand what this programming language is responsible for. In general JS is interactive language, processing any actions directly on the page.

What JavaScript is responsible for using examples:

  • Checking that the login and password are entered correctly. At the registration stage, fields filled in correctly and incorrectly are highlighted using JS, and hints also appear;
  • Refresh pages without reloading the tab. Most sites load completely when moving between sections, but there are also those for which everything happens instantly, without rebuilding pages. A striking example is VK, in which the music tab, search, adding news in the feed and much more are implemented in JS;
  • Connecting advertising. The controversial point is, of course, advertising interferes, but previously it was expected to connect to advertising servers and only after that the page was built, but now the content is loaded and displayed immediately, and advertising is loaded later. As a result, page loading speed increases;
  • Interactive menus and changing element styles. Everyone has come across sites where after certain actions(clicks, hovering, etc.) color changes occurred individual buttons, blocks or even pages. Using CSS with the pseudo-class:hover, you can set the element's styles to change when hovered, but on more tongue not capable, all other actions are performed in JS;
  • Animation. Usually these are simple animation effects: flipping through slides, falling rain or snowflakes, expanding the contents of certain blocks;
  • Asynchronous communication with the server. This is one of the main reasons for using the language; without refreshing the page, we can check whether there is a user with this nickname, whether the login and password have been entered correctly, etc. The page can send a request and immediately receive a response from the server database.

We recommend enabling JavaScript support in the Yandex browser for normal operation resources, because everything large quantity site owners refuse to work with users without JS. There are also back side question, Java Script is a potentially vulnerable element in the browser. It can be used by scammers to steal personal data or introduce a virus. If you need to use a resource that is not trusted, it is better to disable JS for the period of use of the site.

Important! Default in full version Yandex Browser JS is already enabled, that is, on clean browser there is no need to activate the add-on. In the mobile version, JavaScript can be disabled, iOS platform declared the vulnerability of the language and refused to support it.

How to enable JavaScript in Yandex browser?

There is one, but simple way to enable JavaScript in the Yandex browser; to implement it you will need to use the browser settings.

The process of activating JavaScript in the Yandex browser:

If you cannot enable the JavaScript add-on in the Yandex browser due to difficulties in finding it, you can enter “JavaScript” on the “Settings” page, on the right side of the window, in the “Search for settings” line. The web browser will automatically find the section where the setting is located and highlight the button that needs to be clicked. Going to the settings page, scroll the tab a little down and here we can already enable JavaScript scripts in the Yandex browser.

Healthy! Often, users who disable JS seek to change settings and cookies. Disabling cookies makes it impossible to use some sites completely. Other resources are ready to work without cookies, but access to protected sections and accounts will be unavailable. Any filters and other settings will disappear. Most websites have a tight interaction between cookies and JS.

We can enable cookies and JavaScript in the Yandex browser in the same way: go to the page “ Content settings", we need the very first section called “ Cookies", where we set "Allow saving local data". Below we include JS in the same way.

How to disable JavaScript in Yandex browser?

We won’t have to look for a long time for a place where to disable JavaScript in the Yandex browser, because the procedure is performed in the same window and place.

Disable JavaScript in Yandex browser:

How to configure JS in Yandex browser?

In the Yandex browser there is a place where we can view and change JavaScript settings, namely, indicate to the browser whether JS should run on a specific site. There are 2 ways to personalize:

  • Create your own “black list”. It is assumed that JS is enabled on all resources, with the exception of sites included in the list;
  • Create a “white list”. If JavaScript is disabled in the browser, we can run it for individual sites that cannot do without a dynamic language.

How to set up lists:

There is an even easier way to add or remove a site from the lists; you do not need to specifically go to settings and copy site URLs. We can find JavaScript in the Yandex browser directly in search bar while on any website.

An easy way to manage exceptions:

Why doesn't JavaScript work in the Yandex browser and how to deal with it?

There are several reasons for problems with JS:

Interesting! To visually see the result of the language, we can use JavaScript console in Yandex browser. Go to any website and click right click mouse, select “Examine element” from the options. Click on the “Console” tab and enter – alert(‘Good day’). A notification should appear on top of your browser tab. We can perform almost any action in the panel, but we will need basic knowledge of the structure and method of writing code.

Despite the potential vulnerability of the technology, we recommend enabling JavaScript in the Yandex browser, otherwise using the web browser will be difficult to call comfortable. On dangerous sites it is still better to disable JS.

Good day, dear subscribers, as well as guests of my educational blog. Today I will tell you in detail how to correctly enable and disable JavaScript in Firefox, explain why this feature exists and who might find it useful.

In this article I will look at two options for disabling/enabling JS using settings and a special plugin called NoScript. Well, now let's move on to analyzing the material!

Who may need to disable the scripting language

That's all for today existing browsers support and work with it correctly. However, this was not always the case. Just recently, JS support was new, and its inclusion had to be done manually via special parameters settings.

As you know, JavaScript significantly expands functionality, allowing you to process certain events and user actions, among which the most commonly used are processing orders and purchases, registration forms, logins, etc.

However, in addition to the important and useful functionality with of this language some "bad" people have the ability to introduce code that could be malicious. In this case, to combat such sites, the function of disabling script support was implemented both for specific services and for everything.

Apart from this, advanced users or developers use the JS disable feature for their own purposes. For example, for debugging web applications.

In such cases, it is worth knowing how to enable or disable support at the right time scripting language.

Let's dig into the browser settings

Starting with version 23, its developers decided to remove the button that disables JavaScript from the settings. Alex Leamy, one of the designers of this product, explains this decision by saying that this is outdated functionality that is not needed by modern ordinary users.

In addition, setting the described flag affected the display of many sites (they were either displayed incorrectly, or program code was displayed instead of pages).

Therefore, when setting up your browser, initially find out which version you have installed. To do this, launch Firefox and open the link, which will send you to the Yandex Internetometer.

If the product version is 22 or lower, then follow these steps:

If a situation arises when JS is needed, then simply check the box next to the named item.

If you installed version later than 22, the steps will change slightly:

  1. Paste into your browser's address bar special team « about:config»;
  2. A warning window will open. In it, click on the button “I promise I will be careful!”;
  3. In the window that opens, find the search text field and write in it “ javascript.enabled»;
  4. In the found setting, change the state by right-clicking on the search result and selecting “Toggle”.

To enable scripting language support, simply repeat the steps above.

Now let's savor the buns

Well, now I suggest you get acquainted with a plugin like NoScript. This is the most popular add-on for modern browsers. It allows you to disable JavaScript on pages of untrusted websites and block malicious scripts from running.

To install this plugin and configure it, you must perform the following steps:

That's it for the setup instructions. Firefox browser has come to an end. I hope that my publication helped solve the problems that arose. And if this is the case, then subscribe to blog updates and don’t forget to repost. Bye bye!

Best regards, Roman Chueshov

Read: 233 times

JavaScript(Java script) programming language widely used for creating websites. If JavaScript support is disabled in your web browser options, then some services on websites become unavailable. For example: ordering, paying for goods in online stores, pharmacies, trading at auctions, posting information on bulletin boards, exchanging and converting web currencies, communicating in in social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, MoyMir, FaceBook, etc. and so on..
Quite often, a special warning is installed on website pages, which is displayed on website pages if they are viewed with the JavaScript function disabled in the browser. For example:
Your browser does not support JavaScript
Please enable JavaScript to view this page
JavaScript may be disabled in your browser settings
Unfortunately, your browser's JavaScript is disabled. Please enable it

If you go to the page Checking whether JavaScript is enabled in your browser, you will find out for sure whether the Java Script option is enabled or disabled in your browser. If it is disabled and needs to be enabled, find instructions on how to do this for your web browser on this page. You can also see screenshots (pictures) of following the instructions on the page: Install JavaScript in the browser.

Internet Explorer (5-11)

IN top line menu, select Tools.

Select Internet Options.

Select the Security tab.

Click Other.

Scroll down to the Scripts section.

Set Active Scripts to Enable, click OK and Apply

Android WebKit (1.0)

Select Advanced from the menu

Select Settings

Check the Use JavaScript box

Netscape Navigator (8.0)

From the top menu bar, select Tools

Select Site Controls

Mozilla Firefox (23-54)

IN address bar write about:config

We read the warning and click the button to agree with the warning.

Scroll the list to the javascript.enabled line

Click on the line and right-click to open the context menu.

If the false flag is set, select the line Switch (Change) in the context menu

Switch (Change) we get the true flag.

Mozilla Firefox (1.3-21.0)

From the top menu bar, select Tools

Select Settings.

On top panel select Content.

K-Meleon (1.5-75)

In the top panel select Tools

Open Privacy

Remove the checkbox from Block JavaScript

Ice Weasel (2.0)

From the top menu bar, select Edit

Select Settings.

From the top bar, select Content.

Select the Install JavaScript checkbox and OK.

Flock (1.0)

In the main panel, select Tools

Open Tools, bottom line Options (settings)

In Options open Content

Select the Enable JavaScript checkbox and select OK.

Opera (15)

In the upper left corner, click on the logo (Opera)

Select the Settings tab

Selecting Websites

Set the Allow JavaScript radio button (recommended)

Close the Settings tab

Opera (11-12)

From the panel, select Menu


Quick Settings

Check the Use JavaScript box

Opera (8.2-9.6)


Quick Settings

Opera AC(9.2)

Select Settings in the top panel

Google Chrome (17)

In the right corner of the panel, click the service icon ( wrench) or (gear)

Select Options

Select the Settings tab

In Settings select Advanced

Click on the Content Settings button

Set the JavaScript checkbox to Allow all sites to use JavaScript

Close Settings tab or OK

Yandex.Browser Yandex (1.5) Chrome (22)

In the right corner of the panel, click the service icon (gear)

Select Settings

At the bottom of the tab, click on the line Show additional settings

Click on the Content Settings... button

In the pop-up window, set the radio button to Allow JavaScript for all sites

Click OK

Close the Settings tab

Apple Safari (3.1) for Windows

From the top menu bar, select Edit

Select Settings

Select Security

Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox.

Apple Safari (1.0)

From the top menu bar, select Safari.

Select Preferences.

Select Security.

Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox.

Mozilla (1.6-1.8)

Select Edit.

Select Settings.

Open Advanced.

Scripts and modules.

Epiphany (1.0.7)

On the top bar, select Edit

Change Settings

Select Privacy

Konqueror (KDE 3.1-4.0)

HTML Settings

Galion (1.3.12)

From the menu bar, open Web Content

Select Scripts and Plugins

Check Enable JavaScripts

Avant (10-11)

Uncheck (Prohibit scripts)

Slim Browser (4.0)

Select from the Tools panel.

Select Manage Downloads.

Check the Run Scripts checkbox.

Sea Monkey (1.0.3)

Select Edit.

Select Settings.

Open Advanced.

Scripts and modules.

Install JavaScript in Navigator.

Net Captor (6.5)

Select Security in the top panel

Select Scripting-Enable

Green (4.2)

Select Options


Maxthon (1.6)

In the top Options panel

Open Download Control

Check the Allow Scripts checkbox

Dolphin (10.0.1)

Select settings in the Menu

Open the Web Content page

Set Allow JavaScript

Brief information about using JavaScript in different versions of web browsers.

JavaScript is not supported by: text browsers like Lynx, w3m, Links, old versions of desktop browsers Netscape Navigator Internet Explorer ; browsers in most models mobile phones: Opera Mini, NetFront, Bold, Minimo, Doris, as well as some graphical browsers: Amaya, DittoB. Partially JavaScript supported text browser eLinks(at the level of simple scripts). In some browsers, on the contrary, the ability to disable JavaScript execution, through user interface, missing for example in Google Chrome up to version 10.
The JavaScript option is enabled in all modern web browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, Safari, Chrome, by default, i.e. when installing the browser into the operating system. JavaScript is disabled for the following reasons: when the browser is used by several users with different views on web surfing, during updates software, when blocking protective programs: antiviruses, anti-Trojans, anti-advertising.
Please note that blocking Java Script may be caused by the use of firewalls (firewalls, firewalls), proxy servers, anonymizers. In these cases, changing the JavaScript option policy must be performed not in the browser, but in these programs. Often, messages about JavaScript being disabled occur due to incorrect web server settings or the use of rare versions of JavaScript and frameworks on pages; this should be reported to the administrator of a site like this. It is extremely rare that script execution fails when the program code JavaScript interpreter in the operating system, solution similar problem perhaps only by involving a highly qualified specialist.
Note that some users intentionally disable Java and JavaScript in their browsers. This is due to the fact that, firstly: the execution of scripts and applets written in these languages ​​slows down the loading of web pages, and secondly, scripts and applets can be used by attackers to infiltrate malicious code viruses, Trojans, worms into the operating system. Disabling JavaScript for such users also speeds up the browser and protects against hacker attacks.
Note: Java and JavaScript, those are two different languages programming, permission to use them are separated in the settings of web browsers. The JavaScript program code interpreter is installed in all modern operating systems. And here Java platform, for some operating systems, if you need to run programs in Java, you will have to download from the official website and install.

How his life on the Internet will change without JavaScript. He disabled this function in the browser for a week, and at the end of the experiment, returned to normal internet I didn't want to anymore.

There is another best internet. It is hidden under the surface of the Internet that we access every day from our smartphones, tablets and laptops. In this hidden network no advertising, no infinite scroll no annoying pages modal windows, pop-up and block the page, demanding to subscribe to some nonsense. The most interesting thing is that to gain access to this marvelous new internet no special browser extensions or special abilities required. All you need to do is change one browser setting. Just unplug JavaScript function- and welcome to the simple and clean Internet.

JavaScript is a programming language that can be run in almost any modern browsers. At first, this language was used to create simple scripts that performed various useful features. For example, they checked whether all form fields were filled in before clicking the registration button. But as the Internet became faster and browsers became more complex, JavaScript gradually became the tool for creating all kinds of web applications. Some of them, for example, Google Docs, in size and functionality they compete even with desktop applications. But the problem is that when you open a website page, all JavaScript programs embedded in this page are launched automatically. Sometimes these scripts can be malicious and put your computer at risk.

JavaScript is also responsible for most unauthorized advertising and other annoying Edward Snowden: ad blockers are required for everyone things that can be found on websites. IN Lately many began to install ad blocking programs - some for security reasons, others simply because they were tired of flickering banners. And last week, the Intercept portal quoted the words of Edward Snowden, who believes that users not only have the right, but also the obligation to turn off advertising on sites, since page developers do not yet guarantee protection from either illegal advertising or so-called zombie cookies .

A small but growing number of users are going even more radical and disabling JavaScript in their browsers altogether. Recently, I decided to join their ranks, at least for one week, and see how my life on the Internet would change without JavaScript. By the end of the week, I was already afraid to return to the previous Internet.

It just works

As expected, I encountered a number of problems at first. Stopped working . As well as, only if you do not enable Flash, which makes disabling JavaScript meaningless. And of course, without JavaScript you can forget about using Docs. Facebook recommended that I switch to mobile version site from my laptop, but when I tried to open it through my phone, I saw a blank page. continued to work, but the character counter disappeared, without which it is difficult to understand how much is left until the end of the message. I could open the Wired site, but I couldn't browse or post comments. And some other pages simply did not load.

But the most amazing thing is that everything else worked. In many cases, even better than before. Pages loaded almost instantly, the laptop battery lasted a long time, and the Internet loaded without problems. unnecessary problems. And there was no feeling of guilt that occurs when you use ad blocker. In the end, I simply did not have to specifically avoid dangerous sites, since the ad networks simply did not respect my browser settings.

Of course, by disabling JavaScript, you cannot completely protect your computer from tracking. Cookies - perhaps the biggest threat to personal data security - still work. Having opened any website, you can already leave your data there. And if this site uses content from third-party resources, for example, images or fonts, then third-party resources also gain access to the data. And according to Mozilla chief security engineer Daniel Veditz, the main threat to Internet security is not JavaScript, but plugins such as Adobe Flash and Acrobat. However, disabling JavaScript reduces your vulnerability to exploits and prevents third-party resources from directly exfiltrating your data.

In the case when I desperately needed to get to a site built entirely in JavaScript, I simply opened it in a different browser. Additionally, browsers such as Google Chrome and NoScript plugins allow you to selectively open JavaScript on pages from whitelist. But according to Internet freedom fighters, I shouldn't open unknown JavaScript. However, these wrestlers have their own views on its use.

Freedom to the Internet

The Free Software Foundation opposes the complete abandonment of JavaScript, but strives to achieve greater transparency and control over the code on users' computers. An organization founded by the creator of free operating system GNU by Richard Stallman has been appealing to software developers for more than a decade, urging them to publish the source code of applications so that users can not only check them, but also make their own changes if necessary. According to Stallman and his associates, the user has the right to understand and control the code running on the computer.

Naturally, the fund opposed the use of licensed Adobe platforms Flash, which adds animation and interactivity to the site. And after Flash was discredited, activists took up JavaScript. In 2013, they launched the Free JavaScript Campaign, where they strive to

Has people's online behavior changed since the Snowden revelations? so that all developers use only free and open source JavaScript source code or made websites without it at all. And so that users can refuse to use licensed version JavaScript, The Free Software Foundation has developed LibreJS, a plugin for the Firefox browser that blocks not all, but most modules written in JavaScript. Equally important, the Foundation actively works with website developers such as Reddit and Greenpeace to help them reduce their reliance on licensed JavaScript.

To date, one of the group’s biggest victories has been the story with the Crowd Supply website, which is a hybrid of Etsy and Kickstarter, that is, it helps various craftsmen and handmade artists raise money for their creativity.

As Crowd Supply co-founder Joshua Lifton says, he had previously thought about the issue of licensed JavaScript, but after Richard Stallman’s letter, he finally decided to join the campaign for free JavaScript. Now the best-selling items on Crowd Supply are the Novena and Purism open source laptops. And most users, of course, view this site with JavaScript turned off.

“During this campaign, we received letters of support from users and developers almost every day. But we understand that for every supporter there are a hundred of our opponents,” says Joshua Lifton. Some joined for ideological reasons. Others had no idea that JavaScript was the cause of their problems. In any case, it became clear that this is - real problem. Crowd Supply eventually abandoned licensed JavaScript almost entirely. They still use the tool Google Analytics, but users shopping on Crowd Supply can already do without JavaScript applications entirely. As a result, says Joshua Lifton, the site has become faster, which has a positive effect on sales: “Of course, this can be seen as an ideological component, but business clearly benefits from this.”

As for me, after a week I reluctantly turned JavaScript back on. The clincher for me was that without JavaScript I couldn't use some of my favorite Google Chrome extensions. Besides, like all users, I like to watch streaming video and enjoy interactive graphics. But after experimenting, I realized that I like the feeling of control over how my browser works. And I also realized that there is a lot of garbage on the Internet that can be easily disabled.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Enable/disable in JavaScript browser- these are not the whims of sophisticated users, this is not a procedure that concerns only programmers and webmasters, these are not experiments with settings. This - necessary measures safety! Even if you have only taken your first step on the Internet, knowing how to enable javascript in Firefox and, accordingly, disable it, will definitely come in handy. More specifically, it will save your PC from many problems and troubles associated with viruses; will make walking around sites more comfortable.

NO: Before we start mastering the FF settings in the context of this task, in order to avoid confusion, let's find out what Javascript is and what Java is. Despite the similarity of the letters, these are two different concepts. Or rather, two programming languages ​​that have fundamental differences between themselves. Don't confuse them! In this article, we will look in detail at how to work with both Java and Javascript add-ons.

Disable/enable JavaScript in Firefox

Previously (before version 23 was released), you could disable javascript in Firefox with one mouse click. But, alas, these times have sunk into oblivion. Now, to solve this problem you have to put in a little more effort.

1. In your browser's address bar, type "about:config" and press ENTER.

2. Before you disable javascript in firefox , read the warning message “Be careful...” and only then click the “I promise...” button.

3. On the settings tab, in the “Search:” column, create a request - (without parentheses).

4. Find the directive of the same name (javascript.enabled) in the “Settings name” field. Right-click on it. Activate the “Switch” function in the context menu.

The setting value should change from “true” to “false”.

5. Close the "about:config" tab. Restart your browser.

Enable/disable Java in Firefox

In order to enable java in firefox, the first thing you need to do is download it from the website and install it on Windows. Because Java is standalone software platform(used not only by browsers, but also by other desktop applications).

1. Open the Java download page in your browser - Or type the query “download Java” into a search engine and follow the first link in the results.

2. Click the “Download Java” button or open the “All downloaded files...” section.

3. Download the installer to your PC and install it on your system.

The next time you launch the browser, it will “detect” installed platform Java and will automatically connect to your shell as an additional plugin.

Additionally, you can disable or enable java support in firefox through the settings menu:

1. In the "Tools" section, click "Add-ons".

2. Go to the "Plugins" tab.

3. Find in the list of connected Java plugins Deployment Toolkit and Java(TM).

4. In their field, in the drop-down menu (located to the right of the name), set the required value - “Always enable”, “Never enable”.

5. Restart your browser.

The above methods for disabling/enabling Java and Javascript are based on using exclusively regular funds Firefox browser. It is worth noting that they are not the only ones. These settings are also managed through special browser extensions.