Clearing cache and hard rebooting in Yandex. A clean cache will ensure the speed of Yandex Browser

Let's remember what a cache is. A cache is a space designed to store temporary files. When viewing pages on the Internet, some of the information is stored on the user’s computer, and when the latter accesses this site again, the browser retrieves some of the files from the cache so that pages load much faster.

Each user has the right to independently regulate the volume of the cache folder, however, in some browsers this requires, as they say, dancing with a tambourine, while others allow you to adjust the storage volume using settings.

If some pages are not displayed correctly, it is recommended to clear the cache folder. Today I will talk about how to do this in the case of Yandex.Browser. Clearing the cache in this case will be similar.

First way

The simplest and most user-friendly method.

Open your browser and press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE. A window will appear to clear your history. Check the box next to “Files saved in cache” and select “All time” at the top. In many cases, it is also recommended to delete cookies, so you may want to check the box next to “Cookies and other site data” as well. However, in this case, deauthorization will occur on all sites where you are authorized. Then click Clear History.

Second way

If you can’t open the window to clear history, it doesn’t matter - you can open it in another way.

Click on the icon with three stripes and select “History” from the menu, as shown in the screenshot.

A page with your browsing history will open. On the right side of this window there is a “Clear history” button. Click on it.

Third way

You can use various third-party utilities to clean and optimize your system. However, not all of them support different browsers, so be careful. In fact, the above method is suitable for clearing the cache as it is the simplest and most trouble-free. That's what I recommend using.

Hi all. Today we will figure out how to clear the cache in Yandex Browser. This is very easy to do - literally in a couple of mouse clicks, so let's not delay, but get down to business right away.

So, to clear the cache in the browser, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner:

and in the drop-down menu select “History” - and again “History”:

or, for quick access to the “History” tab, just remember the hotkeys: Ctrl+H - just press this combination and a window with the entire browser history will open in front of you. And at the top right click on “Clear history”:

the following window will appear:

here, firstly, select the period for which you want to delete all the garbage, all the accumulated browser cache - drop-down item “Delete entries” - “For all time” (1) - you can select any period, see for yourself, I usually always I choose to delete for the entire period.

The only thing is that cookies are files responsible for authorization on the site - after clearing them, you will have to log in again, they store the settings of the sites you visit (time, region, etc.), as well as Cookies are very important for making purchases in online stores, without which it will simply not be possible to make a purchase. Of course, cookies must be deleted if you are working on someone else's computer. At home, you can only do this periodically, let’s say, once every month or three, so as not to constantly enter logins and passwords on your favorite sites.

The browser cache itself is the third point, namely: “Files saved in the cache”, but also “Browsing history” (1st point), of course, it also makes sense to clear it from prying eyes.

I prefer not to delete everything else, the last 3 points, especially saved passwords. If you save data for accessing sites, then do not forget to uncheck the corresponding item.

In general, select everything you want to delete and click “Clear history” (3). After some time, depending on the accumulated garbage in your browser, all data will be deleted.

How often should I clear my browser cache?

I would recommend cleaning the cache itself a couple of times a month; more often it is hardly necessary. And if you need to cover your tracks, then of course clean it immediately after finishing the job. Cookies can be deleted much, much less often, or you can do without this procedure altogether.

Yes, cookies can be disabled completely, but, whatever one may say, they are still needed for the normal operation of most sites. If, when visiting any portals, you do not want cookies to be stored, in the Yandex browser you can simply enter the “Incognito” mode - to do this, press the key combination - Ctrl+Shift+N - a new page of this type will open:

and in this mode, no data, including the cache, will be saved to your computer.

That's it. And that's all I have. If you have any questions, write them in the comments!!!

In fact, it does not matter how the browser the user uses to visit any social network.

It should be noted that the system installed on any computer saves information from visited portals.

Accordingly, a so-called cache accumulates in the computer’s memory, which needs to be cleared regularly. Therefore, many users often ask questions: “How to get rid of the cache in the Yandex browser”?

At the beginning of the last century, caches were used in microprocessors. Today, this term has become widespread in many areas. Therefore, first you need to figure out how to proceed in the future in order to properly clean your computer and not cause damage.

In some cases, when designing a site or changing elements, the browser cache can lead to certain problems. After all, it often happens that the cache re-loads the old designs and does not change the design. That's why users resort to the help of professionals and are interested in clearing the cache on the Yandex browser.

How does the browser cache work?

Each page on the Internet consists of various elements:

  • scripts;
  • images;
  • documents;
  • styling;
  • html codes

After opening a certain page, information is received and, accordingly, saved on the computer. When you connect a browser, for example, Chrome, Opera, etc., the correct loading of certain information that is available to the user is carried out.

Next, interaction with the server occurs and as a result, the computer stores all downloaded files. If the user wants to go to the previous server in the future, he will have access to the information that is saved in the browser.

Some people in bewilderment pull out information that is stored in the cache, not realizing that once the site is open, it is still stored on the server. Therefore, in this case, many people have to clear the cache on their laptop so as not to see the old information anymore.

In frequent cases, users use other people's computers and log into a social network. Therefore, it is necessary to clear the cache so as not to save passwords and accounts that can be accessed by every person.

A cache is also called a cookie. To clear the cache, you need to go to the browser menu, open it, then find the history tab and press CTRL - H. You need to press these keys simultaneously, otherwise the table will not open. After this, you should mark the files, images and other documents that you want to clean up in the browser. To carry out a complete cleaning, you will have to select the “All time” option. Therefore, a confirmation will follow, on which you will need to click “Clear history”.

Yandex Browser clearing cache - step-by-step instructions

There are two ways to clear your browser. In the first case, you must simultaneously press the Ctrl+Shift+Delete (Del) keys. You can also find the “history” item in the right section of the menu.

After clicking, “clear history” will appear. The simplified process will not force users to search for long periods of time in sections where cache clearing items are displayed.

Therefore, each person can independently cope with this task. You can easily navigate through the pictures and follow the recommendations. If necessary, you can also contact support.

Any Internet browser is designed to work on the World Wide Web. When a user browses websites, information about a particular web page is stored on the computer in a specific location. This reduces the time it takes to load the site the next time. It is believed that the Yandex Browser cache, as in other browsers, should be cleared periodically, which will increase the performance of the application.

Why clear cache?

The cache memory stores music and images that are on a particular web page. If you have already visited the site, then the next time you visit it, it will open much faster, since media files will be downloaded not from the service, but from the computer. However, over time, these files begin to take up quite a lot of space, which does not have a very good effect on the speed of the computer.

The reason that it is time to clear the cache in the Yandex browser may be that some pages are not displayed correctly. In particular, this happens due to the fact that the resource interface has been updated, and the old picture remains in the memory of the Internet browser. In addition, it is recommended to carry out the procedure if you have problems accessing any website. However, do not forget that when clearing the cache, you will lose passwords saved on a particular resource.

Clearing cache

If we talk about where the cache is in the Yandex browser, it depends on the type of operating system. For example, in Windows 7 and 8, in order to find the folder with saved files, you will need to go to the following path. First of all, click Computer - Drive C. After that, go to the Users folder and find the name under which your account is registered. Next we follow the path AppData\Local\Yandex. Find the Yandex.Browser folder and click User Data, then Default. Here we open Cash.

In Vista you will need to do almost the same steps. In OS XP, in section C you will need to find Documents and Settings. After that, click on the account name, and in the Local Settings folder we find Application Data. Here we click on the folder where information from the Yandex browser is stored, where the Cash folder is also located. Thus, it is no longer a secret to you where the Yandex browser stores the cache. However, how to clean it?

This procedure is not difficult to perform. Launch the browser and go to Settings. Here we need to select Tools. The next step in how to delete the cache in the Yandex browser is that you need to find a link that will allow you to erase data about the pages you viewed. After this, a window will appear in front of you in which you can select the elements that need to be cleared.

Opposite the required items, you must check the box and click on the Clear history button. In this case, in addition to the cache, you can delete the history of downloads and browsing of websites, cookies. It also offers the option to clear saved passwords and get rid of installed app data.

So, we looked at where the Yandex browser cache is stored. You also now know how to clean it. This information will be useful if, as already mentioned, you are having problems accessing any site. By the way, in a similar way, since both browsers are based on the same project. And if, in addition to these two browsers, you also use Internet Explorer, then you can find out how to clear the cache in it. With the release of new versions, the interface of the Internet browser from Yandex may change. However, the menu options in Settings will no doubt remain the same. Therefore, there should be no problems with how to complete all the steps, regardless of what version of the browser you have installed.


The object of study of this article will be the Yandex browser, the subject of the study will be clearing the cache of the Yandex browser. How to do this more optimally and simply, how to clear the Yandex browser cache using hotkeys. These questions and nuances will be discussed further. First, let's look at: why is this cache needed at all?

The need for a cache in the Yandex browser. The main purpose of the cache in the browser is more rapid access to frequently requested information (website). For example, you regularly go to your page on a social network and listen to the same song. So this song is very likely to end up in the browser cache. Why? Because you regularly experience this and the browser needs to download it to your computer, and if it gets into the cache, the browser will take it from your hard drive and play it from there, thereby saving time on downloading your favorite song.

Why do you need to clear the Yandex browser cache? Most often, this is a lack of free space on the disk where the browser is located. Clearing the cache frees up a certain amount of space. It depends on how big your cache is, it can be several megabytes to several gigabytes. This depends on the time of use of the Yandex browser and user activity. It happens that the cache needs to be cleared when the browser starts to glitch; in some cases, this can help. But the top 3 subjective reasons for clearing the cache in Yandex Brouser are to track changes on an information resource. Again, an example: you regularly visit and view a certain site, but at one point, the site asks a question: how do you like our new design? You think you are being scammed. However, it is not. The graphical component of the site is loaded from the Yandex browser cache and you are viewing the old version of the site. By clearing the browser cache from Yandex, the site will be presented in a new color scheme.

1. Method of clearing the Yandex browser cache using hot keys.

Clearing the cache in this browser is simple. You need to go into the program and press the key combination Ctrl+ Shift+ Detete. The following window will appear:

In this settings window, select a specific period for clearing the cache, and check the box for “files saved in the cache.” Click “Clear history”. The cache in the Yandex browser has been cleared.


2. Consistent way to clear cache inYandexbrowser.

This method is suitable for those who like to know everything thoroughly. We will go step by step to the cache clearing settings. First, let's go to the browser settings.

Scroll the mouse wheel all the way down and display additional settings:

In the first expanded setting (Personal data protection) there will be a “Clear history” button. This is where we need it.

When updating the Yandex browser, it cannot be ruled out that “Clearing history” will be moved to another location in the settings. But I think no one will cancel hotkeys, as well as the ability to clear the cache. The material presented you with a detailed answer to a small, simple question. How to clean cache in other browsers, can also be viewed on the pages of our website. Thank you for your attention.