How to find out the VKontakte password: let's try all possible methods. What are the dangers of using your neighbor's wifi? How to recover your VKontakte password

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There are a number of ways to help you find out the password for someone else’s page on VKontakte. Their complexity depends on how close the user is to the person who selects the password, what data is available about him, whether there is access to his computer, etc. You can find out the secret code yourself, showing ingenuity and cunning, or you can use special programs that which are both paid and free.

The easiest way to become the owner of a password is to look it up on the user’s PC. To do this, you need to go to the object’s page from his computer, which will automatically open after logging into the website and click the “Log Out” button. A combination encrypted with black symbols will appear in the “Password” column, which you should hover over. Then you need to click right button mouse and select “view element code”. In the window that appears on the screen, you need to select the “input type” section and replace the word “password” with “text”. Now, instead of encrypted dots, the required combination will appear in the password line, allowing access to the page.

Options for finding a password in VKontakte without access to someone else’s computer

You can guess a password for a user account by trying to use the most simple combinations which people most often use as secret code. These could be consecutive numbers - “1,2,3,4...”, “9,8,7.6...”, the letters “qwerty...” or “ytsken”, etc. You should also try to indicate as password, last name, first name, date of birth, phone number and other data that relates to the user’s personal information. If this method does not give effect, you can try to introduce these combinations in Russian and English layout or specify them in reverse order.

If you can’t figure out the password yourself, you can turn to hackers for help, some of whom, for a fee, will open any combination, regardless of its complexity.

Ways to find out someone else's password in Contact using programs

In order to find out a person’s password, you can use special hacking programs or write it yourself. In the first case, you will need to find on the Internet suitable utility, download it and install it on your computer. For selection the required code in the corresponding line you need to indicate the page number of the user ID and start the process. The program will automatically select a password based on the combinations of letters and numbers contained in it. Such utilities can be paid or free.

Having some knowledge in programming, you can write the program yourself. Effective method is phishing, i.e. creating a site that is a VK double, which looks the same in appearance official resource, but has a different address. Having accessed his page, the user himself will indicate his login and password, which will immediately be received by the person who wrote the utility.

When guessing a password, no one guarantees success. of this enterprise). However, there are some rules that can significantly increase your chances of a favorable outcome of this matter.

Where to begin

  1. Often, not only a password is required, but also a login. If you are trying to find a login, for example, to break into your colleague’s computer, use his name. If it doesn’t work, look at what this person calls himself on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, etc.) - often it works 100%.
  2. See if there are restrictions on the length of the password you enter or the characters used. Often, the password must be at least six characters long and contain at least one number. If you don’t know, there are such restrictions, try to create your own account, for example on the site for which you select a password - during registration you will be told about the requirements for passwords.
  3. Request a hint question. Often password entry pages have this feature. As a rule, questions such as “Mother’s maiden name?”, “What is the name of your pet?”, “What city were you born in?” are used as prompt questions. etc. This will significantly narrow possible options words, especially if you know at least something about the person!

Use tricks

  1. Just guess the password. Most often people use the same standard passwords. Their list has long been known and is constantly updated). Below you will find the 25 most common passwords (according to Splash Data):
    I love you

    Here are some statistics:
    4.7% of users use password;
    8.5% of users choose one of two options: password or 123456;
    9.8% of users choose one of three options: password, 123456 or 12345678;
    14% of users choose one of the 10 most popular passwords;
    40% of users choose one of the 100 most popular passwords;
    79% of users choose one of the 500 most popular passwords;
    91% of users choose one of the 1,000 most popular passwords.

  2. Apply known selection rules. It has been experimentally established that if a password contains numbers, then it will be the number 1 or 2, and it will be at the end of it. Also, if the password has capital letter, then it will be at the very beginning of the word, followed by a vowel.
  3. A person's gender may provide a clue. It is known that women prefer to use personal names (the name of their husband or lover) as passwords, and men prefer to use their hobbies and interests (the name of their favorite sports team, car brand, etc.).

Use information relevant to the person

  1. Proper names: names of spouses, family members, pets, athletes, children's nicknames, etc.
  2. Hobbies and interests: names of favorite programs, movie characters, professions, culinary dishes etc.
  3. Important numbers and dates: birthday, address, phone number, etc.

Brute force (comes from the English phrase: brute force) - variety hacker attack- a way to hack accounts in computer systems, payment/banking services and on websites through automated selection of password and login combinations.

Brute force is based on the same name mathematical method(brute force), in which correct solution— a final number or symbolic combination is found through enumeration various options. In fact, each value from a given set of potential answers (solutions) is checked for correctness.

How brute force works

A hacker writes a special program for guessing passwords or uses one already ready-made solution their colleagues. It can be targeted at a specific email service, website, social network (i.e., it is intended for hacking a specific resource). Next, preparations for hacking are carried out. It consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparation of a proxy list

In order to hide the true IP address of the computer from which the attack will be carried out, and to prevent blocking from the site where it is necessary to hack account, you are setting up an Internet connection through a proxy server.

The search for proxy addresses/ports is carried out in the proxy grabber ( Proxy Grabber). This utility independently retrieves all the data for connecting to intermediary servers from sites that provide proxies (they are specified in the list). In other words, a proxy is collected.

The resulting database is saved in a separate text file. And then all the server addresses contained in it are checked for functionality in the proxy checker. Quite often, programs designed for automated proxy mining combine the functions of both a grabber and a checker.

As a result, you get a ready-made proxy list in the form of a list of IP/port, saved in txt file. (You will need it when setting up the brute force program).

  1. Search for bases for Brute

You need to connect a dictionary to brute force - a certain set of combinations of passwords and logins - which it will substitute in the login form. It, like the proxy list, has the form of a list in a regular text file(.txt). Dictionaries, also known as databases, are distributed through hacker forums, websites and file hosting services. More experienced “craftsmen” create them on their own and provide them to everyone for a fee. How more base(number of combinations, logins, accounts), the better (for the hacker) - the greater the likelihood of hacking success.

  1. Setting up brute force

The proxy list is loaded; the selection program will automatically change the proxy so that the web server does not detect the attack and, accordingly, the source (host) of the attack.

A dictionary of password/login combinations is connected. The number of threads is set - how many combinations brute force will check at the same time. Powerful computer With high speed Internet can confidently cope with 120-200 streams (this is optimal value). The speed of the brute directly depends on this setting. For example, if you set only 10 threads, the selection will be very slow.

  1. Running brute force

The program records successful hacking attempts: it saves the linked accounts (password/login) to a file. The duration of the selection procedure ranges from several hours to several days. However, it is not always effective due to the high cryptographic strength of the login data or the implementation of other protective measures by the attacker.

Types of brute force

Personal hacking

Hunting for a specific account - on a social network, on an email service, etc. Through or in the process virtual communication the attacker asks the victim for a login to access a website. Then he cracks the password using brute force methods: he uses brute force to indicate the address of the web resource and the obtained login, and connects the dictionary.

The chances of such a hack are small, for example, compared to the same XSS attack. It can be successful if the account owner used a password of 6-7 characters with a simple character combination. Otherwise, “solving” more stable variants of 12, 15, 20 letters, numbers and special characters will take years - tens and hundreds of years, based on calculations mathematical formula search.


A database with logins/passwords from the mailboxes of one postal service(for example, or different. And a proxy list - to mask the node (since for multiple requests from one IP address, web services Email the attack is detected quite quickly).

The brute's options indicate a list of keywords (usually site names) - landmarks by which he will search for login information on hacked mailboxes (for example: steampowered, worldoftanks, 4game, VK). Or a specific Internet resource.

When registering in an online game, social network or forum, a user, as expected, indicates his email ( Mailbox). The web service sends a message to specified address with login details and a link to registration confirmation. It is these letters that brute force is looking for in order to extract logins and passwords from them.

Click “START” and the cracking program begins brute force. It operates according to the following algorithm:

  1. Loads the login/password for the email from the database.
  2. Checks access, or “checks” (automatically logs in): if it is possible to log into the account, it adds one in the good column (this means another work email has been found) and begins to view it (see the following points); if there is no access, it is listed as bad.
  3. In all “beeps” (open emails), brute force scans letters according to the request specified by the hacker - that is, it looks for logins/passwords to the specified sites and payment systems.
  4. When the required data is found, it copies it and writes it into a separate file.

Thus, a massive “hijacking” of accounts occurs – from tens to hundreds. The attacker disposes of the obtained “trophies” at his own discretion - sale, exchange, data collection, theft of money.

Remote computer hacking

Brute force in combination with others hacker tools used to obtain remote access to the victim’s password-protected PC via an Internet channel.

This type of attack consists of the following stages:

  1. A search is performed for IP networks in which the attack on user computers will be carried out. Address ranges are taken from special databases or through special programs, such as IP Geo. In it you can select IP networks for a specific district, region, and even city.
  2. Selected IP ranges and selection dictionaries are set in the settings of the Lamescan brute force (or its analogue), intended for remote brute force login/password. Once launched, Lamescan does the following:
  • makes a connection to each IP from a given range;
  • after establishing a connection, it tries to connect to the host (PC) via port 4899 (but there may be other options);
  • if the port is open: tries to gain access to the system, when prompted for a password, performs guessing; if successful, it saves the IP address of the host (computer) and login information in its database.

  1. The hacker launches the Radmin utility, designed to manage remote PCs. Sets the victim’s network coordinates (IP, login and password) and receives full control above the system - the desktop (visually displayed on the display of the attacker’s computer), file directories, settings.

Programs for Brutus

Classic brute force, one of the very first. However, it does not lose its relevance and competes with new solutions. It has a fast brute force algorithm and supports all major Internet protocols - TCP/IP, POP3, HTTP, etc. It can forge cookies. Brutes the dictionary and generates passwords independently.

Powerful brute checker. Equipped with an expanded arsenal of functions for working with databases (checking, sorting by domain). Supports Various types proxy, checks their functionality. Scans letters in mailboxes based on settings such as date, keyword, address, unread messages. Can download letters from and Yandex.

Appnimi Password Unlocker

A program for brute-forcing a password for a file on local computer. Sort of workhorse. Free option The program allows you to select passwords of no more than 5 characters. You can read about how to install and use Appnimi Password Unlocker

User page in social network VKontakte stores a lot of information about him, from photographs hidden from the views of other users to personal correspondence. To prevent this data from falling into the hands of attackers or simply interested individuals, it is necessary to perform a number of basic actions that will allow you to avoid the page being hacked. There are not many methods for hacking someone else’s VKontakte page, knowing which, you can provide strategies for protecting confidential data.

Table of contents:

Important: this article is not an instruction on how to hack someone else’s page. The information contained in it was published to familiarize readers with possible ways to hack a VKontakte page.

What is meant by hacking a VKontakte page?

To get to your personal page on the VKontakte social network, the user must enter a login and password. After this, he finds himself in the account management area, which is accessible only to him. But it is important to understand that if you enter the same login and password on another computer, you will also be able to get to the user account management page there.

Based on this, we can conclude that hacking a VKontakte page involves the attackers obtaining the login and password of the user whose information they want to see.

How to hack someone else's VKontakte page

There are several ways to hack a page on a social network. As noted, the task of any hack is to obtain the user’s login and password, and such data can be obtained using one of three common methods discussed below.

Selecting a password for a VKontakte page

Perhaps the easiest way that is available to anyone who wants to hack someone else’s VKontakte page. Its essence lies in the fact that knowing the login for your social network account, you need to choose a password.

The question arises: “How can I find out my login?” Everything is very simple. On the VKontakte social network, the user’s login can be an e-mail or number mobile phone. Since users most often have the desire to hack the page of a friend, it is not difficult to find out his phone number or email.

Please note: Many users write their phone number and email directly on the VKontakte page when filling out their profile. In most cases, the phone number indicated on the page matches the one that is the login from the page. That is why, if you want to secure your account as much as possible, it is not advisable to place a mobile phone number on the page.

Having learned the login (phone or email) from the account, the attacker is left with the difficult part of the job - guessing the password. This is done using enumeration, which can be either manual or automatic:

  • Manual search assumes that the person wishing to hack the page has a certain understanding of what password can be used. Quite often, users do not care about the security of their social network account, setting a password that is not very complex, which may, among other things, contain their personal information, for example: last name, date of birth, name of a loved one, and so on. Attackers can learn most of this information from the user’s page. If desired, if the password is not particularly complex, finding it will not be difficult;
  • Automatic brute force assumes that specialized software will be used to select a password. There are a lot of programs that contain a database of the most commonly used passwords. Using such programs, you can find a password for your VKontakte account, but this process will take a lot of time.

Important: To protect your VKontakte page from hacking, use password generators that allow you to create unique combinations of letters, numbers and punctuation marks for maximum protection account.

Theft of login and password by a phishing site

Any popular site that stores user data will have dozens of phishing duplicates online. The phishing site is a copy home page the site it imitates. Attackers use such sites in the following ways:

The main difficulty for scammers who want to hack a VKontakte page using a phishing site is “luring” the user to this site. Most often, this task is accomplished by a virus located on the user’s computer. He prescribes changes in, and if he wants to go to the real VKontakte website, the user is redirected to the phishing one.

Another way to lure a user to a phishing site is to place an inviting banner or hyperlink on the Internet, by clicking on which the user will be taken to such a site and may inadvertently enter his username and password.

To avoid hacking your VKontakte page through phishing sites, you need to install it on your computer good antivirus, and also do not follow dubious links and always carefully look at the site address in the browser line when entering data from your VKontakte account.

Hacking a VKontakte page using a Trojan

Almost every Internet user has at least once heard about Trojan viruses. This is a separate family malware, main task which is the theft of data from the user’s computer.

Trojans operate on a computer unnoticed by the user. They can be installed from one of the programs downloaded from the Internet, and then work in background constantly. Trojans transmit information about the data entered by the user on a particular page on the Internet to the attackers’ servers. In particular, they can steal the login and password from the VKontakte page.

To avoid falling under the influence of a Trojan, you need to install a good antivirus on your computer and regularly check the system for infection.

How to determine that your VKontakte page has been hacked

The developers of the social network VKontakte care about users and the safety of their data, so they are constantly introducing new ways to protect the page. In particular, if your account is logged in from a device from which you have not previously logged in with a valid login and password, a corresponding notification will be sent to one of the devices where authorization has already been completed.

For example: you have the VKontakte application installed on your tablet, in which you are authorized. When an attacker from his computer will enter into your account, a corresponding login notification will be sent to your tablet.

What to do if your VKontakte page is hacked

Since the VKontakte page is linked to your phone number, an attacker cannot change the password on it - to do this, you need to enter a confirmation code that is sent in an SMS message. Therefore, if you suspect that your VKontakte page has been hacked, urgently change your password. We recommend using complex passwords, containing more than 15 characters in order to maximally protect your account from hacking by brute force.

Account verification, please wait...

Hacking VKontakte is a favorite pastime of the creators of spam networks. But it often happens that a family member—husband, mother—needs to find out information. After all, it’s always interesting what your loved one is doing. And if it doesn’t work out legally, why not try to get to his personal page? Of course, if you forget for a moment about the criminal liability that threatens such tricks.

Is it possible to find out someone else’s VK password, how is this done?

Fortunately, the social network VKontakte has better protection of the possible. Even “foolproof”. To lose your profile, you still need to try very hard - after all, only knowing your login, password or access to the page’s phone number will allow attackers to break into your account.

Although, with sufficient technical equipment, all that an attacker needs to start his activities is a login from the page. But if the victim is inexperienced in computer matters (and the majority are), then even this will not be necessary at all. It will only be enough to skillfully deceive her by slipping one of the methods for deception.

Methods for finding out the VKontakte password of a third-party user

As you know, this social network can be hacked in many ways. For some profiles, you only need a reliable login and a little time. For others, it’s a whole range of measures to extract the password from the user. But some are impossible to hack in principle, their protection is so strong and they themselves are so savvy in Internet literacy. Because only attentiveness and caution can save your profile from attacks. An unprepared person simply will not notice that the site on which he is about to enter a password is written not, for example,, but But the second one may turn out to be a deception site. And suspiciously good and kind communication with a previously unfamiliar person who himself expressed a desire to chat, especially with the transfer of a number or email address - a direct threat to the loss of the account.

It is worth focusing on several main methods. The very first one is theft. Browser cookies. To do this it is quite trivial to use special program create executable file, which can be disguised as a picture or text. And as soon as such a file is launched, cookies from the computer will be sent to the attacker’s email. Next is a phishing method that any unprepared person who does not have good care can easily fall for. From the outside it looks like a regular link to some VKontakte resource, which is sent to the user through a dialogue. Naturally, he crosses it. And he seems to be “accidentally” kicked out of VK, and he has to re-enter the password. However, this password entry page is nothing but a hacker’s phishing site. It completely copies the social network interface. And if you enter your login and password into it, the user will immediately lose his page. Although from the outside everything will look quite peaceful. Well, sometimes VK crashes. In addition, competent hackers always set up the forwarding of what they “wanted” to show. And after entering the password, the victim will definitely end up on the page with the declared material inside the VKontakte social network. The last and probably most stupid, but, oddly enough, sometimes works, is social engineering. That is, an attempt to deceive a person. Typically it looks like good friend(in fact, it is a “fake” by a hacker) asks to go to the victim’s page under a far-fetched pretext. Or a sudden “representative of the Administration” appears and urgently asks for your login and password to log in. Many, especially children and inexperienced users, often “buy” into the latter option and share passwords. And, naturally, they remain without a page.