VKontakte mobile version login via computer. Mobile version of VKontakte, login from your phone

Today, any modern website has a mobile version, which is optimized for use on mobile personal devices. The social network Vkontakte also has a similar version, which is used by millions of people.

You can access the mobile version on both your computer and smartphone. To do this you need to take one simple step. Scroll to the very bottom of the page, where information about the site and developers is located. In the last line, the “Mobile version” link will be available, which will lead to the desired version of the site.

An alternative to this method is to manually enter the mobile version address. To do this, the character “m” is inserted at the beginning of the address line, and the address itself takes the form “m.vk.com”. Despite the fact that the transition to the mobile version of the site is being carried out, all available functionality is retained in full.

An important advantage of the mobile version is saving Internet traffic and increasing download speed. If you want to speed up the display of your site as much as possible, then switch to the VKontakte version without graphic elements. Enabling this mode is very simple - the link looks like “0.vk.com”. However, the site is presented in a full version, which may make it difficult to use on mobile devices.

Safety first!

Some scammers specifically create websites whose design is similar to the official one. It is for this reason that it is recommended to enter the link into the address bar yourself, rather than using external links on sites.

Moreover, if authorization was previously made on the full version of the site, then this step will not be required again. Be very careful when logging in so as not to give access to your personal account to scammers. The best way to protect yourself is to be vigilant and careful!

In this article, I will tell you in more detail about the mobile version of VKontakte, namely about the capabilities, advantages and about the application of this version. And of course I’ll give you the link address. So, let's start right away with the most important thing, the mobile version is located at m.vk.com Using this link you can log in from your phone, from your smartphone, tablet and even from a personal computer. By the way, everything also works well on PC. If anyone doesn’t have unlimited Internet on their computer, then this option is perfect, since it consumes much less traffic, unlike full traffic.

The mobile version was designed for easy use from phones. It is lightweight, without any complex structures that will slow down the user’s work on the social network. Although the structure and functionality have been slightly reduced, this will not in any way affect the user’s convenience. You will be able to send messages, view photos, receive messages, add friends and accept friend requests, comment on photos and posts, like and much more. You can also access the standard version of VK through your phone, unless, of course, you have a powerful phone, fast Internet and, of course, a lot of free traffic. Since the full version takes a lot more resources than the mobile version, all functionality will be available.

Key Features


  • The main menu is the same as in the full version, only slightly changed in design;
  • Users can add and delete photos, videos and audio files;
  • You can view news, answers, leave comments;
  • View the birthday calendar;
  • Users will have access to the news feed of your friends and groups;
  • You can safely join and visit communities and public pages;
  • Users can administer their groups without any problems;
  • Section with video and audio files;
  • The news has special tabs for “replies” and “comments”;
  • Ability to search for people, groups, community, news by filtering;
  • A section with bookmarks, as well as a “discussion” section in communities;
  • No need to constantly reload the page to see if there are new messages in your conversations. Everything will come to you without rebooting. Also a small addition, if your interlocutor is writing something to you, a small typing indicator will appear;
  • If you need to quickly get to the menu, you can quickly collapse any section;
  • You can create your own photo albums and upload your photos to them;
  • You can easily attach an image to your messages on the wall;
  • You can tag your location in profile posts;
  • All information about the user in his profile is displayed, and you can also see when he last visited the vkontakte social network;
  • You can change your status, see your subscribers, as well as strangers;
  • You can also share posts you liked with your friends and subscribers;
  • Ability to send photos via private messages to your friends;
  • A special page with settings where you can change the time zone, turn off the display of images, change your password, set up sending SMS notifications about new messages;
  • If you suddenly get to the full version of the site by logging in from your phone, you will receive an offer to receive an SMS on your phone, by which you can go to the mobile version without entering your login and password.
  • As you can see, the mobile version is almost in no way inferior to the main one. It is clear that the developers took good care of the users. But that’s not all, now let’s look at the main advantages.


There are not many advantages, but the main thing is that they are:

  1. It loads much faster, does not freeze or slow down, unlike the main version, where similar problems are observed.
  2. It uses an order of magnitude less traffic than full traffic. Of course, now Internet traffic is not so expensive, and often at the end of the month many people still have unused data, but this is still an advantage. There should be savings in everything.

Official mobile application

You can also install a special application on your phone. You can install it by following the link located at vk.com/mobile

I remember those times when the social network VKontakte first appeared. From the moment of its appearance, it immediately became the most popular in the CIS. This popularity did not bypass me either. I also immediately created my own page there and started communicating with old friends who had fled in all directions. And even now I keep in contact with them.

Since the moment when smartphones became common among users, Durov created an application for Android phones with the same name. Of course, I also did not stand aside and downloaded the VKontakte application for Android. At first, before installing, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to really sit in the application and there would be fewer options. After installation, it turned out that all my opinions were wrong. I got full access to my page, I can easily view the news and communicate with friends just like from a computer.

Of course, to work you need mobile Internet or a Wi-Fi access point, but nowadays, with the development of mobile communications and thanks to the competition of operators, high-quality mobile Internet has ceased to be a problem at all.

The VKontakte smartphone application will be a real help for those people who cannot constantly sit near their computer, but at the same time cannot live without their favorite Contact. After all, in this way you can go to your page in any place where there is at least a minimal connection to the Internet. With this application you can also monitor the progress of your group, since the possibilities are not at all limited.

For example, I have never regretted installing this application on my phone, since it has helped me out more than once. After all, anyone may have a situation when they urgently need to get online and contact the right person, but at the same time there is no access to a computer for the next few hours. Here you can also pass the time while traveling or while waiting. If you like to play various VKontakte applications, you also don’t have to worry that it won’t start.

In general, here is my opinion about it and I advise everyone to be sure to download the VKontakte application for Android, which will provide a guaranteed opportunity to be with your favorite social network at any time and anywhere. As for the rating, it’s a guaranteed five, since the application is designed just perfectly and provides an excellent opportunity to log into VK while away from the computer.

Lately, given the recent global updates, my attitude towards VKontakte on Android has become very doubtful. It seems that there are few useful functions left, it seems that sitting is not particularly interesting, but you can’t do anything.

Let's start with the cons - fortunately, there are not many of them. It seems to me that this application lacks various themes that would allow you to change tones, colors, and fonts. Place your picture in the background of dialogues or make VK completely transparent.

Not all functions that are available in the full version of the site can be used on Android. The application has always suffered from this, as long as I remember it. Although most of these functions are rarely used, there are times when you come across situations where they are very necessary.

The main disadvantage of the application download VKontakte for Android is, of course, the music. Every active network user has long noticed that music has become paid. Not completely, of course, but only offline. Now you can’t download tracks to the cache and listen to music without an Internet connection. It would be nice if we ended there, but no! Not very long ago, the administration added a limit on listening to music with a locked screen. Now, when you turn off the screen, you can only listen to music for 30 minutes a day. In my opinion, this is simply terrible!

Is the app really that bad? Not at all. We just forgot to talk about the pros. First of all, the advantage of the application is that it has become very comfortable. Especially in the latest versions, many people are just not used to it yet. Of course, the design idea was borrowed from other social networks, but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

Also, in addition to being convenient, the application has become quite attractive. They should have changed the annoying interface with a sliding panel on the side a long time ago. It was very inconvenient, although quite familiar. Now all the necessary buttons are located at the bottom of the screen, it has become really more convenient!

The main advantage of the application download VKontakte for Android is that it is official. As stupid as it may sound, yes. This is much better than dubious alternatives like Kate Mobile or Polyglot, which primarily compromise the security of your account. If before they were used because they had some additional functions, then after the fix, I don’t see any point in these programs at all.

If any bug is found, it will be fixed in the near future by VKontakte team members who are actively working on this. You can be sure that no one will hack your account. Always protect your personal data!

No matter what anyone says, the official VK client is the best of all, in my subjective opinion. It has a lot of advantages, and we will sort them out in order. Let's talk about the disadvantages too.

The main advantage is that it is stable. Personally, over the long history of using this application on various devices, I had a minimal number of crashes, which indicates that the developers were finalizing the application and testing it, and did not make it for show (well, of course: such a profit). Loads quickly, loads stably, notifications work as they should.

The second advantage is that the application completely copies the site interface, and mostly the mobile version, which is good because for me it is more convenient and faster. The same Kate Mobile (whose main feature was invisibility, but now it doesn’t work) has a completely different interface. Often, to get to a page, you need to click more times than in the official client.

One of the downsides is that the developers did not think at all about the flexibility of settings and additional functions that could make their application much more attractive. Which, by the way, is where other clients excel. There are not enough color schemes, background settings and fonts. There are not enough settings related to the graphic part, namely the quality of downloaded images, previews, videos, and more.

And so everything suits me and I chose to download VKontakte for Android, I use this client because it is time-tested and stable. Everything in it is standard, everything is taken from the original design of the site. It is convenient to correspond here, sit in groups, as well as view albums. Speaking of groups, several other clients are not as comfortable to sit in. For example, in Kate you go to a group and see something like a menu with different sections, such as: discussions, photos, audio, recordings, etc.. You go, for example, to posts and see a list of them. If you want to read a post in full, you click on it. If you want to read the comments, click on the special function again. Here you don’t need to click on the screen a hundred times - you open, one might say, the same page as on the site with all the content. And Gifs here work by tap. And it’s very convenient to attach files! I can’t speak for the player - I’ve never really tested it, but people seem to be happy with it.

Overall the client is excellent, you can download VKontakte for Android! When you use it, you fully feel the whole atmosphere of VK, original, from its creators themselves.

An application for the VKontakte website on Android is always a search for a more convenient application with a minimum of limited functionality. One of the best and most downloaded now is vk.

With the release of the updated interface, this program has become not only simpler and easier to navigate, but more enjoyable, especially for users who use it frequently.

The most important change is the bottom line, where the most necessary buttons are displayed. Now there are 4 of them:

· Messages

· Notifications

· Home page

A separate messages tab makes it much easier to switch between conversations. When you receive a response, you can reply to the message without being distracted from what you are doing, and when you receive a new letter, you will hear a sound notification.

Notifications displayed in a separate icon will be especially convenient for fans of various online broadcasts and streams, because with just 1 click on the bottom panel you will see what notification they sent you, what broadcast is starting, who wanted to add you as a friend, and maybe your birthday someone has, and you forgot about it. Quick access to notifications is also always an important point for many users, since what they are looking forward to now will definitely not be missed.

Now the panel, which previously pulled out from the side, is placed separately in the form of a button with several lines. This is much more convenient, because when pressed, the touch screen of any smartphone will respond much more readily, especially if your hands are wet. As before, on this tab you will find links to your favorite groups, audio recordings, videos, games and other functions that are available to you on the regular VKontakte website. Since the application is used without the ability to access a social network through a computer, you are not limited in your actions, this applies not only to the fact that you can go in to read, write, but you can also use all the settings that are available in the PC version. In addition Birthdays are displayed directly under the main page, which allows you to always be aware of your friends’ holidays.

In the event of a malfunction of the application, the user can be sure that in the shortest possible time everything that interferes with the correct operation of the application will be corrected and with a small update all problems will be resolved.

A convenient search system will greatly facilitate the search for new groups, friends, channels to watch, acquaintances you have not yet added as friends, and anything else that may be useful to you for using this application.

In VK, the mobile version via a computer is available at https://m.vk.com by going to this site optimized for mobile devices you can:

  • firstly, reduce the load on your weak computer
  • secondly, reduce traffic, which is very important for laptops working through the “mobile Internet” whistle

What does the mobile version of VKontakte look like?

By going to the above address from your computer, you will see a simplified interface. Here, as usual, you need to enter your phone or email address, then your password.

After successfully logging into your VK page, you will see the familiar interface on the left. It has almost everything as in the full version of the site.

Through a computer in the mobile version of VK you can listen to music, exchange personal messages and watch friends’ news.

Let's see what VKontakte sections look like in the mobile version.


Previously, the version for mobile phones did not have this section, but the developers tried and added a full-fledged version. Now, when logging in from a computer or laptop, you can search for videos and view them.

You can now listen to the song too. By selecting the appropriate menu item, you will be taken to a page with your audio compositions. If you want to add new ones, just enter the desired name in the search bar.

Answers tab

On the replies tab you will see not only your messages, but also comments to them. This functionality was also not previously available in the mobile version.

In general, I would like to say that when using VK in the mobile version via a computer, you will get almost the same functionality as in the full version. The only negative for gamers and lovers of all kinds of applications is the inability to launch them. But here you can simply switch to the full version by going to vk.com



VKontakte - mobile version of the VK website via a computer

Many people who frequently and actively use tablets and smartphones become so accustomed to the mobile version of websites that they find it more convenient to work in it than in the full version for regular computers and laptops. And the social network VKontakte is no exception here either. But it's so simple

In fact, everything is very simple. All major social networks have an option for mobile gadgets implemented separately from the main one on a dedicated third-level domain. For VK it is m.vk.com. It is on him that all phones and tablets are transferred. Therefore, we just need to enter this exact domain in the address bar:

That is, instead of the usual address in the web browser, enter “m.vk.com” and... go to the “Welcome” page of the mobile version. Contact via computer:

Here, just like in the full version, you will need to log in, after which you will be taken to the “My Page” section, from where you can already browse the rest of the social network:

Please note that in the mobile version of VK, even through a computer, the menu is optimized for phones and tablets. To call it, you need to press a separate button:

After which a menu will open on the left side of the window. To exit m.vk.com, there is an “Exit” item at the bottom of the menu.

Now you know how to log into the mobile version of VKontakte via a computer or laptop.

m.vk.com, vk mobile version, vk mobile version, m.vk.com


VKontakte (VK) mobile version – login

By logging into the Mobile version of VKontakte (VK), you can visit your own page on this social network, both from a computer and from a mobile phone or tablet with Internet access.

Recently, the mobile version of VKontakte for the computer has become very popular among people of different ages, for numerous reasons: for example, while at work you can freely access your page, since the system administrator does not always close access to it, or if you are traveling and There is no desktop computer or laptop with Internet access at hand. This version of the site can also be used to save limited Internet traffic, since all information is transmitted in a small format and in a compressed form.

Mobile version of VKontakte (VK) for computer – login to the site

Go to the mobile version of the VKontakte website

Login details are sent to the number specified during registration, which subsequently becomes your login, after which you can log in to the mobile version of VKontakte via a computer or other device. Using your phone number, if you lose your password, you can also quickly restore access to your own page.

My page of the Mobile version of the site

The main task when creating a mobile version of VKontakte (VK), as well as on other social sites, was to make a convenient version of my m.vk.ru page, which can be used even on a smartphone with a small screen and at the same time, so that all functions available on the computer version. Today, modern youth increasingly prefer to communicate on a social network; they access the mobile version of my contact page through phones and tablets from a browser or using a phone application. Since an active lifestyle, especially in the warm season, does not allow you to stay at home for a long time.

  • As a result, the mobile version of VK for a computer, in its current version, is very convenient and functional. By opening the site menu, all the necessary sections with logical icons expand.

  • “My friends” here the main emphasis is given to a photo of friends and a link to quickly go to their pages, and a phone number is also indicated, provided that it is provided on the profile page.

  • The “News” and “My Photos” sections repeat the order of display, as on the computer version, of information related to this area of ​​social communication between users and personal information.

  • “Messages” here displays the visible area of ​​the latest dialogues and when clicked, you go to the page of the ongoing correspondence with a specific person.

When using the mobile version of VKontakte (m.vk.com), the user’s limited amount of Internet traffic and possible low transmission speed are taken into account, since in most cases data transmission through a cellular operator is used. In this regard, all information on my m.vk.ru page, especially photos and videos, is transmitted in compressed form to save user traffic. But there are exceptions among the Internet access services provided - some operators do not take into account the traffic received from a given network, possibly due to joint cooperation with the network. This can really be very useful, especially if the subscriber pays specifically for the traffic used.

It is very convenient and short to receive information from other users, gifts and reminders, clicking on which will take you to this area. Some users who are already accustomed to logging into the mobile version of a contact continue to use this template on computers due to its convenience (link above). Or for the reason that system administrators at the workplace block access to popular networks, and the ban on entering my m.vk.ru page is often not included in this list.


  • If you have Internet access on your smartphone or tablet, you can easily access the page of the mobile version of VKontakte (VK) at any time, no matter where you are;
  • No one from the management will know how much time you devote and spend on the social network, what pages you visit, with whom you correspond;
  • Only the provider that provides you with the Internet will be aware of your activities, but they generally do not show any interest in them.

Until recently, people only dreamed of having their own personal computer and did not know about the existence of a mobile version of the computer in the form of phones and portable tablets, but today it has all become a reality. Tablets, phones, smartphones have processors that are not much inferior in their characteristics to devices installed on a desktop computer. They have great functionality, they have cameras with shooting quality that are practically not inferior to professional ones. And now the time has come when users of social networks do not depend in any way on the whims and restrictions of system administrators; they now decide for themselves how, when and how much time they spend on their favorite VKontakte.

If you urgently need to write a message, go to your favorite group, read the news, say hello to someone, then your device will at any time provide the opportunity to log into the mobile version of VKontakte (m.vk.com).

Mobile version of the contact in the form of an application for smartphones and tablets

The mobile version of the contact can also be used using the VKontakte application for devices based on the Android and iOS operating systems. You can find and download these applications on Google Play and the App Store.

This application has many advantages compared to the usual page of my mobile version of VK, so after installing it on the device and opening it, it will operate online - receive messages from users with appropriate notifications.

In terms of design, the application is almost the same as on the mobile version of VKontakte (VK).

Also, when using it, there is a significant saving of resource and battery charge due to low power consumption, which cannot be said about logging into the VKontakte mobile page (m.vk.com) through a browser.

Social networks have had a significant impact on the lifestyle and communication of modern people. No matter how they talk about the harmful effects of such Internet resources, there are also a lot of positive aspects and advantages. This is especially true in the area of ​​new acquaintances and possible further serious relationships, despite any distances from each other, people for whom it was very difficult to find a suitable person.

How to open the mobile version of VKontakte

Popular Questions, Page

It’s very easy to switch to the mobile version of VKontakte from your computer; just change vk.com to m.vk.com in the address bar.

So it was:

We change the url in the address bar and press enter - we are already in the mobile version and my page looks like this:

Of course, this instruction is relevant only for computer users, since the mobile version of VKontakte opens from the phone by default. If necessary, you can open the full version of VKontakte from your phone. In the mobile version, the design is adapted for mobile devices, so some features and functionality look different and are not intuitive for those who are used to using the full version of the site.

If you have questions about how and what to do in the mobile version, feel free to ask in the comments.


Mobile version of VKontakte

For those who cannot part with their favorite network even for a minute and spend hours on VKontakte using a mobile phone, a mobile version of the social network began working in February of this year. The features of the mobile version, specially designed for mobile devices, are a unique interface and ease of operation from the phone.

The mobile version of VKontakte is in constant development, it is updated and supplemented with more and more new functions to be on par with the regular version of the site. Even today it is almost a full-fledged website with unlimited functionality for your mobile phone.

Log in from your phone, however, this is also easy to do from a personal computer; you can access the mobile version of VKontakte using the link m.vk.com.

The difference between the mobile version and the regular version of the site, as well as the version for Android, is that entering the main page opens a menu, not a news feed. The menu of the mobile version is represented by the following sections: my friends, my messages, my replies, my news, my groups, my photos, search. The version for phones has an additional feature: now, by logging into the My Friends tab, you can see (to the right of the avatars) the home and mobile phone numbers of your friends. No one guarantees that the numbers presented here are real, since the information is taken from that provided by the user for general viewing.

The My Photos and My News tabs are made in variants of the regular version of the site and do not have any special features.

A non-standard button in the My Answers menu is the Answers tab, which is actually located in the My News section for the “convenience” of users.

Messages in the section of the same name are presented as grouped dialogs, but the mobile version does not have this option to view them as individual messages, although such a function is provided in the standard version of the site.

The search engine in the mobile phone version searches in three sections: the first is people, the second is communities, and the third is news. Please note that the advanced search function is still being finalized and is currently not available to the user.

On the main page of the VKontakte version for mobile devices, along with menu sections, reminders are also displayed when your friends have birthdays. In addition, there is a function whereby by pressing a button you go to the gifts tab.

You can go to the mobile version of the VKontakte site using not only the m.vk.com address, you can also access it via your phone using a quick link without entering your login and password. To do this, you need to do the following: first, follow the link vk.com/login?act=mobile; second, find it in the lower right corner of the page and click “Receive link via SMS”; third, wait for the message that should arrive at your address within a minute; fourth - go to the mobile version using the received link. Read more...

  • Article "Mobile version of VKontakte"

Social networks today are a huge world with its own virtual population, where people communicate, exchange experiences, knowledge, and observations. Previously, most of them did this through a computer, but now the mobile version of VKontakte or Odnoklassniki opens the entrance to the social network. There are people who like mobile applications or mobile versions of the site more than the regular versions. For such people, our article today - here you will learn how to use the mobile version of VK for a computer.

VK - mobile version via computer

The VKontakte audience is so vast that almost everywhere you can find someone who has registered on it, or at least heard about it. Among the huge number, there are also connoisseurs of the version of Contact on mobile devices. If you are a fan of mobile versions or VKontakte applications, and on your PC you want to use only this version, read how to log into mobile VK on your computer.

Login to VKontakte via browser

In order to log into the mobile version of Contact through a browser, you just need to type m.vk.com instead of the familiar Vk.com address. This version is useful for those who do not use unlimited Internet, where every MB counts. Also, a big advantage of this version is its loading - here it is much faster than in the full version.

In mobile VK there is no back or top button. Flipping through the same photos is done with the mouse - just as if you were flipping through pictures on a smartphone. Logging in is similar to logging in in the full version.

Login through the VK mobile application for computer

If you want to use the VKontakte Android application on your PC, then you need to install a program that will help you do this. This program is called BlueStacks App Player. This program is an emulator of Android applications and games for PC. You can download it from the official website of the program.

Installing this program will not be difficult for you. You just need to follow the instructions of the Bluestacks Setup Wizard. After installation and automatic configuration, the program will prompt you to log in to Google mail. You should definitely do this - this will log you into Play Google and be able to download any applications to your computer.

The program menu looks like this:

In the upper left corner, click on the Search icon. In the search bar that opens, enter VKontakte, and then simply download the application to your computer. All operations in Bluestax are similar to installation operations on a mobile device. If you have difficulties with the keyboard layout in Bluestacks, you should read this article.

This is what the VKontakte mobile application looks like when used on a computer:

Mobile version of Odnoklassniki via computer

If you want to use the mobile version of Odnoklassniki for your computer. Then you should use the mobile version of the m.ok.ru website. The login will be the same as in the full version.

You can also install the Odnoklassniki mobile application on your computer through the BlueStacks program. This can be done using the example of installing VKontakte on a computer (see above). The Odnoklassniki Android application launched via Bluestacks looks like this:

Unlike VKontakte, OK's left panel is constantly hidden, leaving more space for viewing the information you need.


Despite the fact that mobile versions of social networks were developed for mobile devices, they have gained great popularity among PC users. This is also due to the low Internet traffic requirement. But first of all, high-quality Android applications that are very convenient to use on a computer.