How to make a jpg file smaller. Reducing the weight of a photo using GIMP. Changing photo weight in Paint

Some sites provide users with the opportunity to upload their photos, be it screenshots or avatars for personal profile. The problem is that frequently uploaded images must not exceed a certain size - for example, no more than 300 pixels wide and 250 pixels long. A limit can also be set on the file size - no more than 3 MB.

But what to do if the image you need does not meet the requirements of the portal? There is no need to immediately rush to look for another image; If you know how to reduce the size of a JPG file, you can fit any image to any requirement. The very concept of “image size” can have two definitions, depending on the meaning the speaker puts into the words:

  • The physical size of the picture is height and width (measured in centimeters, inches, pixels).
  • The amount of space that the image file occupies on the media. Measured in kilobytes (megabytes).

The higher the quality of the picture, the more space it will take up on the disk. The same applies to physical size, so reducing the number of pixels and a slight reduction in quality will combine to produce maximum effect.

Using Paint

Standard picture editor Paint in the latest Windows versions has undergone a significant transformation, becoming more functional and user-friendly in terms of interface. It is clear that it does not reach the functionality of specialized applications such as Photoshop, but it copes with basic tasks without difficulty. To reduce the size of a photo using Paint:

Working with Photoshop

Adobe's graphic editor provides users with great amount functions. You can, for example, install a font in Photoshop and make an inscription on the picture, completely change the image using simple tools, etc. It is clear that among such a variety of functions there is also the possibility of simple and quick change image size.

Please note the following feature:

To manually specify both values, you must uncheck the “Maintain proportions” checkbox.

Deterioration in quality

If you cannot reduce the physical size of the image even further (for example, the inscriptions become unreadable), and you need to remove another hundred kilobytes from its volume, then you will have to resort to degrading the quality. To do this, you need to change the image settings:

  1. Open graphic file via Photoshop.
  2. Expand the "File" menu and select "Save As".
  3. Check the format (*.jpg) and click “Save”.

A small JPEG Options window will appear in the editor window. In the Image Options field, you can see a slider that allows you to adjust the quality.

In digital display, you can vary this indicator on a scale from 1 to 12; you just have to set the desired value.

For example: a file with best quality weighs 800 KB, with medium – 150 KB, with low – 60 KB.

Don't be too zealous about degrading quality: experimentally determine when the amount of space occupied on the media becomes low enough and save the changes. There are even more ways to reduce file size in the video tutorial:

There are no similar articles.

There are situations when you need to reduce the size of a jpg file, or, simply put, compress it. In this article we will look at several ways to reduce .jpg images

There may be several reasons for reducing the size of a jpg file:

  • Takes up less disk space
  • Site pages load faster on the site
  • Some services impose restrictions on the maximum image size.jpg

Let's consider specific example. Let us have the following image

The image size is 477 KB and has a width of 1600 by 1012 pixels. Let's reduce it in several ways.

1. Reduce the size of .jpg using Paint

This is the most affordable way image compression. Its most important advantage is that this graphic editor is installed on all computers as the default program that operate on the operating system. Windows system. To get into the Paint image editing environment, just click right click mouse over the image, and select “open with Paint” from the drop-down menu.

The window that opens contains information about original size image, which is displayed in pixels and percentages. Practice shows that it is easier to change jpg in pixels. Adjust the horizontal parameters you need, and don’t forget to leave a checkmark next to “Keep proportions” so that the height changes automatically and the drawing is not distorted.

Confirm the action with the OK button and save the result.

Here we have achieved the expected result:

Our jpg image is now 404 KB (up from 477) and has a resolution of 1200 x 759 pixels instead of 1600 x 1012 pixels. The result is so-so. Taking into account the fact that the quality deteriorates after clicking the "Save" button in Paint.

2. Reduce JPG file size using Paint.NET

The Paint.NET program itself is very easy to use due to its clear Russian-language interface. In addition, it takes up very little space and can be downloaded online for free.

In order to get into the Paint.NET image editing environment, you need to right-click on the image, and select the Paint.NET program from the “Open with” drop-down list.

In order to change the image of a jpg file, you need to select the “Resize” item in the “Image” menu, which is located at the top of the window.

After these steps, a window will open in which you will need to configure the file resolution.

Attention! Don't forget to leave a checkmark next to "Maintain proportions" so that the image is not distorted.

This time we reduced the file size by as much as half. Confirm the changes with the OK button and save the image.

Now the jpg file size is only 83 KB, not 477, has an extension of 600 x 380 pixels, without losing image quality (reduced by 83%). Is this still not enough? 83 KB out of 477 is not the limit.

The size of this image is only 18 KB and has an extension of 260 by 160 pixels. This compression option is perfect for forums that do not support the ability to install heavy avatars.

The methods we consider above are good, similar actions can be done in the program Adobe Photoshop or PhotoFilter, but the result will be the same.

But what if you don’t want to download any programs to your computer, but do everything online? There are even a lot of services to choose from that allow you to edit images decently.

3. How to reduce jpg file size online on the Internet

This option is perfect if you don’t have any graphic editors at hand, but you need to reduce the size of the photo right now. There are a lot of such editors on the Internet now. You can reduce the jpg file using online service

The site greets us with a simple user interface. We see the "Download" button. Upload the image we need.

So easy and understandable user interface with this graphic editor. Using the slider located to the right of the image, you can adjust the compression quality of our image (the more you compress the image, the more it loses its quality).

1. Quality - 100%. Image without any changes. File size - 478KB.

2. Quality - 50%. The image is no longer as clear, but has not suffered any radical changes. The new file size is 155 KB.

3. Quality - 10%. The image is of terrible quality, the pixels are so large that the image seems to be “glued together” from squares. The size of this image is 33 KB.

We select the compression method we need, then confirm the changes with the “SAVE” button, and download the finished file with the corresponding button at the top.

To sum up, I would like to say that the most the best program to reduce jpg file size is Paint program.NET, since it provides the largest list of settings for image compression, and besides this useful function it has a lot of other useful tools.

If you are faced with the task of how to reduce the size of a JPG file, then let's try to figure out this situation together. Very often, the image size needs to be reduced so that photographs or pictures do not take up much disk space. Many users often send a large number of photos by e-mail, but as a rule, at all mail servers There is a limitation on the amount of information in one letter.

Because of this, many people are unable to send images to email, thereby falling into a stupor and not knowing how to get out of the situation. Also, if you upload image files to cloud service or transmit over the network, this will happen faster if the image has a small weight. Therefore, files must be reduced in size while trying not to spoil the image quality.

JPEG(pronounced "japeg", English: Joint Photographic Experts Group)– most popular raster format Images. Files that contain images have the JPG extension

If you pay attention, the names of many graphic images on your computer look like (“photo title”.jpg or “photo title”.jpeg). The .jpg extension is the most popular.

JPG files are perfectly compressed with or without loss of quality. Accordingly, it all depends on what the user wants to receive in end result. There are a huge number of programs and online services for compressing images. Therefore, let's look at how to reduce the size of a JPG file, different ways and programs. In order to determine the initial weight of the image, you need to right-click on it and select “Properties”.

How to reduce the size of an image using standard Windows tools?

If you don’t have to resize an image often, then it’s suitable for such purposes. standard program Paint. Its functionality will be sufficient for our purposes. So Paint allows you to perform the following functions:

  • Possibility to add various text to the image;
  • Filling individual elements;
  • Ability to trim unnecessary fragments;
  • Inserting another image and more.

If you edit an image and add new elements, its size will change.

To reduce the size of a jpg file using a graphical Paint editor, follow the instructions below.

Advice! If the image is very large, then you can set the size to 1024x768. Also choose the correct ratio of length and width, otherwise the image will not look entirely correct.

How to reduce JPG file size using Microsoft Office programs.

Since the MS Office software package is installed on most user computers. Then we will use this tool to edit the size of the JPG file.

Note! Included in your package Microsoft Office, there must be an MS program Picture Manager

In order to figure out how to reduce the size of a JPG file using MS Picture Manager, do the following:

Advice! The more the image is compressed, the worse its quality will be. Therefore, choose the golden mean.

We reduce the size of a JPG file using online services.

If the methods described above do not suit you or you need to compress a very large number of images, then you can use online image compression services. One of these services is

With its help, you can reduce the image size to the maximum possible, while the program itself performs all the actions for you. You will only need to add the image to the online service.

Note! After compression, you will be visually presented by how many percent the weight of the image has decreased after processing.

After adding a picture or photograph, the program will automatically analyze the file and, if possible, compress it. In this case, the image size, length and width, remains unchanged. service works with different formats graphic images, so it will suit many users.

Another online service that allows you to change the size of an image file is The service supports working with various formats images. Unlike, the user chooses the settings for the created image.

You can set the image size manually or choose from the suggested options.

For better compression, the program has various filters. In the saving parameters, you can also set values ​​that will reduce the size of the output file.

Reduce the image size using the Snagit editor.

Not long ago, I wrote an article, in this article I touched upon the consideration Snagit programs, which can take not only screenshots of the screen, but also edit the resulting images. This program perfect for our purposes, now I will show you and tell you how to reduce the size of a JPG file using the Snagit editor.

I suggest doing everything point by point.

File Format digital images JPG is one of the most common and widely used. Quite often, computer users are faced with the fact that the image they have does not meet certain criteria, in particular size, and there is a need to reduce it. Such problems can be encountered when loading photos onto pages in in social networks, posting images in messages on forums, etc.

Decide the specified problem can be done using any suitable graphic editor. Let's look at the whole process in examples based on the built-in OS families Windows simple programs for working with Paint images, and also perform a similar operation in a powerful graphical raster editor Adobe images Photoshop.

What is the JPG file size and how to reduce it
Before you start practical examples, it should be noted that the concept of image size can include two components:

  • directly physical dimensions images such as height and width, which are measured in pixels, centimeters, inches;
  • The size of a JPG file is also considered by some to be the amount of space it takes up on the storage medium on which it is located, which in turn is measured in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes.
It is necessary to understand that JPG files with the same image, the same size in height and width can take up different quantities disk space. File with the best high-quality images will take up more space.

How to Reduce JPG File Size in Paint
If you have never had to work with images before, then most likely the built-in Paint will be the only program available to you in this moment. It will also cope with the task of reducing the file size, although not as delicately as specially designed graphic editor. To use it to reduce JPG size-file do the following:
How to Reduce JPG File Size in Photoshop
Photoshop is a program that has significantly greater capabilities for reducing images and does this with better results than Paint. With its help, you can both reduce the image in height and width without changing specified dimensions reduce the file size on disk only at the expense of a slight deterioration in its quality. Let's look at the whole process step by step.
Photoshop uses more advanced image compression algorithms to JPG format compared to Paint. This leads to noticeably less loss of image quality during compression and the fact that files processed in it take up less disk space.

Pictures began to take up too much space and they simply cannot be sent by email due to restrictions postal services? — In this article we will look at how to reduce the size of a JPG file as efficiently as possible and with minimal loss in source quality. Quite a lot has already been written on this topic on the Internet, but some use expensive programs, while others ignore the undisputed leaders in this niche.

I don’t quite understand the desire of some storytellers who force you to install monstrous Photoshop with an abundance of various plugins and filters to solve such an elementary task. You can do a simple cropping of the image and try to shrink it in size standard means Windows - Paint for example. Of course, we will lose quality with it, but what prevents us from considering other methods? - You will have plenty to choose from.

I would like to start with a small explanation about image resolution and its size - they do not always grow proportionally. Size different pictures at the same resolution may differ significantly, but if we reduce the resolution at quite specific file, then its size is guaranteed to decrease in the end.

Lowering the resolution is not the best best idea in image compression, but under certain conditions they occur in life. For example, send a photo to a friend or friend by email - on the monitor screen the difference will be almost invisible (with reasonable reduction of course), but for printing on large formats such a picture is no longer suitable - file resolution is very critical there.

But this is not the only way to compress a picture - we can use compression algorithms and remove meta tags from photos to reduce their size as much as possible. Surely many have noticed that VKontakte often marks the place on the map where the photo was taken. Your JPG file may contain information about GPS coordinates, camera models, shooting date and other information that is needed for regular picture just not needed. Just by compressing the image and deleting this information, we can make our JPG file lose weight significantly.

Resizing JPG Files Using Paint

To adjust the resolution of a JPG file, we don’t necessarily need to install various programs(a stone in the garden for those who recommend installing Photoshop to compress images) - everything is already in standard applications from Windows, I think everyone is familiar with Paint.

We need to open the image in it and go through all the points in order, as indicated in the picture below. In the window that appears, you can safely experiment (change to percentage or set fixed dimensions in pixels), just make sure that there is a checkmark next to “Maintain proportions” - otherwise you may end up with an image that is too stretched or flattened. To send by email, so that even in reality large monitor everything looked good, 1080 pixels horizontally will be enough (the image below, by the way, is approximately 730 pixels wide)

Unfortunately, Paint does not know how to compress images in the usual sense; it can only reduce the resolution of the JPG file, which is not always suitable. There is no way around this without third party programs- we will consider free options which are as easy as possible to use.

By the way, to open a picture in Paint, just right-click on it and select “Edit”, the image will automatically open in the editor.

FileOptimizer - Remove unnecessary things from the photo

FiileOptimizer - This is a whole combine that can easily compress all your files on your computer in a couple of clicks. It can compress not only one file, but also an entire folder.

Agree that compressing files one at a time can take quite a lot of time and will quickly become annoying if you need to reduce more than a dozen photos. And then you dropped the folder and you can drink tea with bergamot.

It’s clear that we will lose in quality, but standard settings FileOptimizer pushes the limits of size and quality - most likely you will not see the difference, but in fact it will be present. If you wish, you can do more fine settings (and the program can compress not only JPG, but also a lot of other formats) and set the required compression level.

Just for fun, I stole it from torrents small selection desktop wallpaper to estimate how much weight the images will lose after processing with FileOptimizer.

I threw the entire folder into the program, clicked “Optimize all files” and left the program running. Unfortunately, I did not measure how long this process lasted, and for you it will depend on the performance of the processor installed in your system.

As you can see, we've made some progress in compression. Albeit a little, but the file size has changed downward - isn’t that what we wanted? For maximum effect you need to use complex measures: reduce the resolution in FileOptimizer - the output will be the most compressed file.

Since the program is free, I recommend that you download it only from the official website; by the way, there is a version that does not require installation - this is exactly the option I used in the current review.

How to reduce JPG file size online - my choice

If it were me, it would be a crime to ignore the best online service for resizing JPG files. (there is support PNG compression) . All pictures on this site are compressed through this service. To get started, simply follow the link:

There are some restrictions here, for example, no more than 20 files can be processed at a time and their size should not exceed 5 megabytes. You can simply drag the images into the browser window and wait for processing to complete. A test file with an image of my desktop, saved via Paint, was able to be reduced in size by 2 times without any visible loss in quality - I think this is a very decent result.

The resulting image can be downloaded to your computer or sent to the cloud on account DropBox.

There is also a Photoshop plugin from TinyJPG for compressing images on your computer. However, like all good things, it costs money, just like PhotoShop itself, by the way.

Conclusions about JPG file compression

Of course, there are many more ways to reduce the size of a JPG file. The article could have been called “20 the best ways reduce the JPG file size” and cover this topic in as much detail as possible. However, I don’t see the point in this - I described the options that I use myself.

P.S. Now you know how to reduce the size of a JPG file - these are as many as 3 effective and simple ways. Until recently, I did not trust third-party resources and always looked for computer programs for solutions specific tasks, but after trying tinyjpg I reconsidered my views and approach. I hope you also enjoy using it online tools in your work, and you will allow them to save treasured kilobytes of space.