Connecting to your favorite MTS number service. Favorite mts number

If you analyze the calls you make, you can calculate that most often we dial the same numbers: family, friends, loved ones. Naturally, we would like to call them at a cheaper rate. The “Favorite Number” option from the Tele2 operator was created precisely for this purpose. By connecting to the service for a fixed fee, you have the opportunity to save on calls.

Let's look at what this option is and how to enable it.

Option Description

Due to the massive emergence of cheap tariffs and package systems, the “LN” service has become irrelevant; in almost all regions it has been archived.

The option operates in the Kemerovo, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions.

  • Basic service tariff:
  • Activation/change of your favorite number – 15-30 rubles.
  • Subscription fee – 1.0-6.6 rubles per day.
  • The cost of calls is 0-0.45 rubles.

The number of favorite numbers is from 1 to 10. Conditions and cost of the option vary depending on from region

. To find out your tariff, visit the official Tele2 website, or call 611.


  • The “Favorite Number” service does not work:
  • Outside your home region. When leaving your home region, be prepared for the cost of calls to designated numbers to begin to be calculated in accordance with standard roaming rates.

On phones served by other mobile operators. The option is valid only in the Tele2 network. This means that if one of your favorite numbers suddenly switches to another network, you will be able to call them at standard out-of-network rates.

How to view the list of "LN"

  1. If you have forgotten which numbers are on your “favorite” list, dial the following USSD combinations:
  2. *110*1# — to check the first favorite number;

*110*2# - to check the second one. Status checking for 3 or more numbers is carried out using a set of similar commands, only the.

ordinal numbers

An alternative way is to call the helpline at 611.

How to activate the service To activate the “Favorite Number” service from the Tele2 operator, send a USSD request*110*1*phone number#

, where the number 1 is a variable, the ordinal number of the favorite number. Telephone numbers should be dialed in 11-digit format

The cost of adding/changing, as already mentioned, varies depending on the location of the subscriber. For example, in the Kemerovo, Irkutsk and Leningrad regions you will have to pay 15 rubles, in the Chelyabinsk region - 30, in the Tyumen region - 20.

To get brief information about the “LN” option, use the short command *110#.

How to disable

You can deactivate an option that has become unnecessary using the USSD command *110*0#. Dialing this combination will disconnect all connected numbers at once.

If you want to remove one of them from the list, dial *110*N*0#, where N is the serial number in the list of favorites.

If after some time you want to reactivate the service, just call the operator at 611 and he will perform all the necessary actions.

The “LN” option from Tele2 is an excellent opportunity to save on intranet and frequently made calls.

Read also:

How to check connected services on Tele2?

Every day subscribers make a huge number of calls in different directions. We each have a small circle of trusted people with whom we interact most throughout the day. Now you can significantly reduce your costs for cellular services, calls and correspondence with loved ones, friends and relatives. All this is possible thanks to the Favorite MTS number service. Today in the review we will take a closer look at this option and analyze its features, as well as the terms of provision.

Description of service

Using this function, each user can leave their own personal list of persons, communication with whom will be charged in a special way. The cost of talking and exchanging text messages is much more favorable than with other contacts. The option includes a 50 percent discount.

You will have to pay a subscription fee for use, and the more contacts you have on the white list, the higher the final price tag will be. For one person the price is 1.5 rubles per day. If there are three of them, then it will be 4.5 rubles. For adding each new number, a commission of 25 rubles is charged. Removal is completely free.

The connected service involves adding only three contacts to your list of discounts. The user himself chooses the persons who deserve such treatment. The main condition must be observed - subscribers must be registered in the same region or region. The promotion is not valid for mobile phone numbers from other regions.

Attention! Pricing policy is presented only for the Moscow region. Find out the features in your city from local representatives.

Terms of Use

Before activating your favorite numbers, you should familiarize yourself with the restrictions set by your provider. Let's consider the main conditions and features:

  1. You cannot add more than three contacts to the list.
  2. The favorite number cannot be a consumer of another mobile operator.
  3. The feature is not compatible with all tariff plans, so before installing, check with the operator representative in your region. If necessary, switch to another contract. It works only with per-minute billing, without a fixed subscription fee.
  4. The Favorite Number service has a low priority compared to other similar applications. For example, if the “Duet” and “Better Together” services are installed on the SIM card, then it will not work.
  5. When switching to another tariff, the option will continue to work if it is compatible with it. Otherwise, it will be automatically cancelled.
  6. Included with some contracts (Cool, Girlfriends, Beloved), special conditions apply to users, within which the scope of the list of privileged ones may differ.
  7. To replenish the list, use the command *111*42#, follow the recommendations in the menu that appears.

Connecting and disconnecting the service

If among your contacts there are people with whom you are ready to communicate endlessly, add them to your favorite MTS numbers. But for this you will need to install the option on your mobile device. Now there are many ways to activate, use one of them:

  1. There is a Personal Account section on the operator’s official website. It was created to manage all the functions and parameters of the tariff plan. To use it you need to create a new account. This procedure is available to all MTS subscribers. Fill out the standard form, enter your cell phone number and create a unique security authorization password. After logging in with your username, you will see detailed information about your agreement. In the main menu, click on the “Services” link and enable the “Favorite numbers” option.
  2. A similar registration process can be completed using the compact My MTS application. To start the desired service, select it in the list.
  3. With the help of the virtual assistant *111#, which in its characteristics is practically not inferior to the application and personal account. I act according to the recommendations on the display, activate the service.
  4. Enter a simple USSD code *111*42# and follow the suggested steps. After successful installation, you will receive a confirmation notification.
  5. Call your provider's customer service center. Remember the four numbers 0890. Specialists will answer all your questions and activate the service at any time of the day.
  6. You can perform similar procedures at any telecom operator's store.

The procedure for disconnecting is no different from connecting. Therefore, build on the previously listed methods.

Mobile TV systems offer many features that help users significantly save on mobile communications. But if you want to communicate only with a certain circle of people, connect your favorite MTS number.

Calls, sending SMS and MMS to “favorite” numbers - with a 50% discount.

The “favorite” can be the number of any telecom operator in Moscow and the Moscow region, and even a city number.

The daily fee is 1.5 rubles. for each “favorite” number.

The cost of changing each “favorite” number is 25 rubles, deletion is free.

    How to use

    Control "favorite" numbers:

    • From your phone: dial *111*42# and follow the instructions on the screen
    • from a computer: use “Personal Account” in the “Favorite Numbers” section

    Other subscriber's balance:

    All users of the “Favorite numbers” tariff option can open access to their balance for “favorite” MTS numbers.

    To do this, you need to activate the “Other Subscriber’s Balance” service:

    • dial *111*2137# on your mobile phone;
    • use your “Personal Account”.

    A subscriber of a “favorite” number can find out the Balance of another subscriber from his phone by dialing *140*(subscriber number without 8)#. Information about your friend's balance will be sent to your number via SMS.

    The “Other Subscriber’s Balance” service is provided free of charge, without a monthly fee.

    Special conditions for tariffs “Cool”, “Caring”, “Girlfriends”, “Favorite”

    Since May 20, 2015, the “Favorite numbers” option is no longer available for connection.
    For detailed information on providing the “Favorite Numbers” option, select your tariff plan from the list:

    • "Cool"

      • Maximum number of “favorite” numbers: 2
      • The cost of calls to “favorite” numbers is 0 rub./min.*
      • Daily payment 3 rubles for 2 “favorite” numbers

      * from September 21, 2015, if the balance is zero or negative (i.e. partially blocked), the ability to make outgoing calls to “Favorite numbers” on the “Cool” tariff plan will be closed.


      • Maximum number of “favorite” numbers: 5
      • As a “favorite” there can be an MTS number in Moscow and the Moscow region
      • 50% discount on calls to “favorite” numbers
      • Deleting a “favorite” number is free
      • Daily payment for the first three “favorite” numbers is 0 rubles, for the 4th and 5th “favorite” numbers - 1.10 rubles each
    • "Girlfriends"

      • Maximum number of “favorite” numbers: 10
      • As a “favorite” there can be an MTS number in Moscow and the Moscow region
      • The cost of calls to “favorite” numbers is 0 rub./min.
      • Deleting a “favorite” number is free
      • The daily payment for each “favorite” number is 20% less than for the previous one:
        1st 6.60 rub/day
        2nd 5.30 rub/day
        3rd 4.20 rub/day
        4th 3.40 rub/day
        5th 2.70 rub/day
        6th 2.20 rub/day
        7th 1.70 rub/day
        8th 1.40 rub/day
        9th 1.10 rub/day
        10th 0.90 rub/day
    • "Darling"

      • Maximum number of “favorite” numbers: 3
      • Any number in Moscow and the Moscow region can be used as a “favorite” number: MTS number, another cellular operator, or a city number
      • 84% discount on calls, sending SMS/MMS to “favorite” numbers
      • Deleting a “favorite” number is free
      • 3 “favorite” numbers are already included in the daily rate
  • Conditions for providing the option

    The “Favorite Numbers” tariff option has a lower priority in relation to the services: “Duet”, “WE” group, “Better Together” group. When interacting with these services, the discount on “favorite” numbers does not apply.

    When simultaneously connecting the “Favorite numbers” option with the services “Favorable balance”, “Progressive annual contract”, “MTS numbers”, “Free time”, “RED Zone” and the “Region” tariff option, the discount for calls to the “favorite” number is multiplied with a discount on the specified services.

    On the “Many calls”, “Many calls +”, “Many calls to all networks” tariff plans, calls to “favorite” numbers are not included in the daily accumulator of local outgoing toll calls, but are accumulated in a separate accumulator.

    The “Favorite numbers” option is available until 09/01/2011 for all tariffs that do not have a monthly fee.

    Subscribers who activated the “Favorite numbers” option before 09/01/2011, when switching to any MTS tariff open for connection and transition, on which the “Favorite numbers” option was available for connection before 09/01/2011, will be able to continue to use the option.

    The offer is valid for MTS subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region when located in Moscow and the Moscow region.
    All prices are inclusive of taxes.

If we analyze all outgoing calls from our number, we will find that most often we communicate with only a few subscribers. For example: with parents, with a best friend, with a spouse, etc. Therefore, nothing stops us from making communication with these people inexpensive and unlimited.

Connecting the “Favorite Number” from MegaFon will help us with this. What is this service and how does it work? Let us remind you that you can choose and buy a beautiful MegaFon number for your loved ones.

Description of the “Favorite number” option

The “Favorite Number” option from MegaFon provides unlimited communication with one or two selected subscribers - this is 1440 minutes of calls. Almost any local MegaFon numbers can be selected as favorites, with the exception of those served at the “Just for Communication” tariff. Free minutes are provided at midnight and are valid for 24 hours, that is, until the next day.

It must be remembered that after midnight the current call must be interrupted so that the package of minutes for the new day comes into effect.

The option will be very convenient for those who talk a lot with one or two numbers and want to take advantage of unlimited communication. The subscription fee for one favorite number will be 5 rubles/day, and for two numbers – 6 rubles/day. In total, we get unlimited conversations for literally pennies. To add or change a number you need to pay 30 rubles one-time.

How to connect “Favorite number” on MegaFon

In order to activate the “Favorite Number” service on MegaFon, you need to dial the USSD command *105*0083*number#. Please note that the number is entered in ten-digit format, without “eight” and +7. Will be written off immediately afterwards connection fee and subscription fee for the current day– you can start unlimited communication.

You can activate the service using an SMS command. Select the required number from your phone book and send it as an SMS to 0500983. You can also call 0500983 and use the intelligent voice menu.

The easiest way to connect and manage the service is through the “Personal Account”, where all operations are performed as clearly as possible.

How to disable “Favorite number” on MegaFon

To disable the “Favorite Number” service, use the USSD command *105*248*0# or call the help desk at 0500 (or 8-800-550-05-00 from other mobile and landline numbers). You can disable the service and via "Personal Account", which is most convenient.

Terms and restrictions

All services and options are subject to various conditions and restrictions. They are also present in the “Favorite Number” service. For example, you need to know that it cannot be activated on tariff plans of the “All Inclusive” line - here the intranet unlimited works anyway. Also, The “Favorite number” service is incompatible with the “Unlimited communication” option.

Oddly enough, 1440 minutes (the number of minutes in 24 hours) may not be enough - this happens when using a conference call. In this case, minutes will be spent on all outgoing calls. The next package will be provided at the beginning of the next day. If you have not spoken all the minutes provided for the day, then they “burn out”.

The last limitation is due to the fact that the service only works in the home region. If you leave Moscow and the Moscow region, the provision of free minutes will be disabled. In addition, we cannot assign numbers from other regions as favorites.

All tariffs, conditions and restrictions presented in the review are valid for MegaFon subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions of Russia, the conditions for providing the “Favorite Number” service may differ - use the reference information on the operator’s website, remembering to select your branch from the drop-down list.

Beeline’s “Favorite Number” option once again confirms that the company cares about its customers. This feature guarantees communication with selected people at competitive prices.

Description and conditions

The “Favorite Number” service on Beeline has some features.

  1. 50% discount. Calls to all people marked as “favorites” (there can be three or one) are charged at a discount of 50% of the cost of one minute of conversation, the conditions of which are offered by the tariff. The price of calls to other phones will be in accordance with the selected tariff plan.
  2. Select contacts within the network or a landline number. You can connect your “favorite” person by choosing among Beeline clients or connecting a landline phone locally.
  3. Deactivation. If the person who has activated this option is in roaming, he will be able to call his “favorite” contact at full cost. Also, the function does not apply to international calls.
  4. Airtime. If the tariff connected to the subscriber, by its terms, implies the availability of minutes of airtime, then the 50% discount will only apply after the included minutes have expired.
  5. Prepaid payment system. If the subscriber belongs to such a system, then you can change the “favorite” person only by contacting the Beeline operator by dialing the combination 0611. In this case, you may be asked for personal passport information.

The advantages of this service are obvious. A Beeline client can communicate with a near and dear person (or even three) without worrying about the amount of conversation time. Therefore, such communication will only bring comfort and pleasure. It is worth noting that previously a subscriber could connect up to five “favorite” numbers.

Service activation

There are several methods for connecting to this service. Each person can choose the method that he likes. The most common option for activating a function on any tariff is to send a USSD code. To connect 1 “favorite” contact, enter *139*881*subscriber number#. All telephone numbers to activate the service using this method should be entered in the format without the number 8. To activate 3 “favorite” contacts, dial *139*883*one subscriber*second subscriber*third subscriber#.

In the Beeline SIM menu section you can also connect your “favorite” contacts. You need to find the “Other Services” section and the “Favorite Number” subsection. Next, the system will prompt you what to do and click. Another method to activate this function on any tariff is through your Personal Account on the Beeline website. To do this, enter your phone number and password in the appropriate fields. If you have forgotten your password, you can request it on your phone using a USSD code. This is *110*9# and the call key.

Service management and its cost

You can disable the option settings by requesting *139*880#. In addition, you can find out the available connected contacts. You should send the USSD command *139*889#, after which you will receive an SMS notification with a list of connected subscribers. To change one contact to another, use the same combination as when activating the option, just change the number of the desired contact.

The cost of connecting one “favorite number” is 15 rubles. A daily subscription fee of 0.5 rubles is charged. For three “favorite numbers” you will have to pay 35 rubles just for connection. 1.5 rubles are withdrawn daily as a monthly fee.

Five numbers, starting from 2009, are not connected. But those subscribers who activated this service before February 2009 can use it under starting conditions. The daily subscription fee is 7 rubles. To summarize the information, we can say that this service greatly simplifies communication with a person who is close or dear to you.