Is it possible to hand over the railway? Is it possible to get a refund if I lost my ticket? How to get a refund for an e-ticket

The terms, procedure and rules for the return (delivery) of Russian Railways tickets, for domestic and international routes, are regulated by the established standards of the railway company JSC Russian Railways and are regulated by legislation that protects consumer rights.

The rules for the return of such documents establish a sequence of conditions on the fulfillment of which the possibility of a refund of funds spent on purchased and unused tickets will depend.

Tickets sold both through the railway ticket office and those purchased through the website - electronic coupons - are subject to refund and compensation.

You can return your travel document at the return desk; they are available at any railway station. To do this, you must present your passport.

Please note that in any case, part of the amount spent will be withheld.

Full reimbursement (without deductions and commissions) of the cost of a travel document is possible only in one case - if the trip did not take place due to the fault of the carrier.

Money will be returned in the same way the ticket was paid for. Cash is issued on the spot at the cash desk, and funds transferred through a bank card will be transferred to the same card.

If the ticket is returned abroad, the money for it is paid upon return to Russia. You will have to show the refund receipt you received. To return the maximum amount, you need to submit your “international” travel documents as early as possible.

If the trip had to be canceled for emergency reasons - illness or accident, you must provide documentary evidence. In this case, 5 days are given for return.

Organized passenger groups have their own return regulations.

If a ticket is lost, Russian Railways does not refund the money, since the fault lies with the passenger.

Return of electronic tickets

The general rules also apply to electronic documents of Russian Railways.

We return online

Please note that a return is possible if the purchase was paid for by a bank card or payment systems. Go to the carrier’s website (Russian Railways) in your account – personal account.

  1. "My orders" tab.
  2. "Ticket status"
  3. "Return Processing"

If you have multiple travel documents in your order, you can cancel them all or selectively as needed.

If electronic registration has taken place, no more than an hour will be available for ticket refunds before the train departs from the first station of its route.

If more than an hour has passed, it is not possible to carry out the return procedure remotely on the website - you will have to go to the cashier.

Through the cash register

To return an electronic document, you also need to appear in person at the ticket office with your passport. The cashier will ask you for the 14-number code found on your boarding pass.

Returns are possible in two cases:

  • electronic registration has not taken place or is not available at all for this direction;
  • electronic registration has taken place, but there is still more than an hour before the train departs (counted from the starting point).

If there is little time before departure (less than an hour), the normal return procedure is no longer possible. You will have to resort to the claim form. If the train has already moved, then the normal return procedure applies.

Ticket return fees

The carrier's tariff for the service consists of the price of transportation (train travel), type of car, and commission component. Expenses for various fees (commissions, service) are non-refundable. Each route has its own tariff.

Suburban destinations:

  1. After the “start” of the composition – 0%.
  2. Less than 2 hours before the train “start” – 50% with other deductions.
  3. More than 2 hours – full cost with other deductions.

Foreign destinations:

  1. Less than 6 hours before the “start” and no more than 1 hour after it (at the ticket window of the client’s station) - fare minus the reserved seat and all commissions;
  2. From 24 to 6 hours – 100% and 50% reserved seat with other deductions;
  3. Up to 24 hours and earlier – the entire cost with other deductions.

Interregional directions:

  1. Less than 2 hours before the “start” and no more than 12 hours after it (at the ticket window of the passenger station) - the fare minus the reserved seat and all commissions.
  2. From 8 to 2 hours – 100% and 50% reserved seat with other deductions.
  3. No more than 8 hours – full cost with other deductions.

By reserved seat we mean the fare classification, and not the type of carriage familiar to the passenger. The share of a reserved seat in the total cost of a ticket varies from 30 to 80%.

Payment for services for the provision of bed linen and other travel “needs” is fully refundable, regardless of the route and the deadline for submitting travel documents.

International destinations have their own tariffs, which depend on the transport policy of another state. Each carrier has its own regulations.

In case of any complaints, you need to contact the box office where the ticket was purchased.

Commission fees

When issuing a refund, the passenger is charged a claim fee of 185.40 rubles (suburban destinations – 50 rubles).

A service fee is also deducted, which is announced by the carrier and its partners before making a purchase (these are the costs of payment, booking, telephone consultation, technical support, etc.).

Its size depends on the class of the car - from 274 to 785 rubles. Payment system fees are non-refundable.

The rate for returning tickets online is 90 rubles for each travel document.

Return deadlines

The rule for returns is that they are returned in the same way the purchase was made.

This allows you to stop the actions of scammers.

Regardless of the payment method, a single refund period is established - 30 days from the date of return of the ticket.

Cash amounts are issued on the spot at the cash desk - immediately .

Practice shows that the amount is received on a bank card within 30 days, through payment systems - within 10 days (maximum 60 by law).

If you return your ticket and the carrier refuses to return the money, feel free to go to court.

Power of attorney for return

If there is a need to submit a child's document, in addition to your passport, you will need the child's birth certificate. It is also possible to return a ticket issued for any member of your family. You are required to present identification documents for yourself and your relative.

(3 ratings, average: 3.33 out of 5)

The procedure for returning a ticket is as popular as the procedure for purchasing it. For the convenience of passengers, it has become possible to buy and return tickets both online and at the ticket office. But how much does the passenger receive from the original ticket price upon return? How long does it take to return a ticket in order to receive the amount for which it was purchased? Why is money deducted when returning a ticket? Read the article.

How to return a train ticket purchased through the website?

If you have not yet received a paper version of what you purchased through the website (the official website of the Russian railway,, etc.) (if this is the case for you, read the following sections), then you need to understand whether you have completed electronic registration or not.

How do you know that you have completed electronic registration?

Electronic registration has been carried out if, at the time of issuing an electronic ticket through the website, you have ticked the box under your passport details. In this case, without receiving a paper version of the ticket at the station, you immediately go to the train, show your passport to the conductor and take your passenger seat.

  • If you bought an electronic ticket through the website and then printed it out at the terminal at the station or received it at the ticket office.
  • If you bought a ticket at the box office.


The refund amount also depends on the time of contacting the cashier. The later you do this, the lower the compensation amount will be.

  • More than eight hours before the train's departure. The refund amount is the full cost of the ticket.
  • Less than eight and more than two hours before the train departs. The refund amount is the cost of the trip and only half the cost of the seat.
  • Less than a couple of hours and no later than 12 hours after departure. The refund amount is the cost of the seat.

How long will it take for you to receive your money after returning your Russian Railways ticket?

  • If you paid for an e-ticket through the site using a bank card, the money will be refunded to the same card within one to four weeks.
  • If you paid for an electronic ticket using an electronic wallet (WebMoney,, Qiwi, etc.), through a terminal or at a mobile phone store, then you can get your money back in cash at the station ticket office.
  • If you bought and paid for a ticket at the ticket office at the Russian Railways station in cash, then when returning the ticket the money will also be returned in cash.

The railway was, is and, in the near future, will be the most popular mode of transport when it comes to intercity or interregional communication. The number of passengers of JSC Russian Railways is constantly growing, because the train is not only a convenient, but also a fairly economical mode of transport. But, unfortunately, sometimes life circumstances develop in such a way that we are forced to abandon planned and long-awaited trips. But what if the ticket for the Russian Railways train has already been paid for? Will you be able to exchange the purchased document for another date, return the money in full, or will only part of the money paid be refunded? And what commission will the Russian Railways charge for exchanging or returning a purchased train ticket?

If you are faced with the problem of exchanging or returning a travel document purchased from Russian Railways, our lawyers will be happy to help you understand all the intricacies of the current situation. In order to receive advice from highly qualified lawyers, you only need a computer or Internet connection. After all, you just need to enter the question you are interested in in a special online form and our consultants will tell you:

  • how to return a Russian Railways e-ticket;
  • how much the commission will be if you decide to return the coupon and return your money;
  • Do the rules for transporting passengers provide for penalties for refusing a travel document;
  • where to download a sample power of attorney to refuse tickets purchased by a legal entity;
  • Is it possible to return a document certifying the right to travel purchased online;
  • how to understand how much you lose when returning a travel pass;
  • Are electronic travel tickets purchased through the Russian Railways website subject to exchange?

It is important to note that consultations on these and other issues are provided by our specialists around the clock (excluding lunches, holidays and weekends), and also absolutely free.

The rules governing the return of such documents establish a number of conditions under which you have the right to return both an electronic travel ticket purchased through the website and a regular one purchased through the ticket office of Russian Railways OJSC. The rules established by the domestic railway company regulate the terms of refusal and exchange of railway tickets, fines for refusing a trip, requirements for a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity (if travel passes were not purchased on behalf of an individual).

The amount of money received back will directly depend on the time it takes to contact the refund office:

  • if you want to exchange or return the purchased document eight or more hours before the train departs, then you can return the full cost of the trip, which is 100% of the cost of the travel card and 100% of the cost of the reserved seat;
  • if you can contact the ticket office only later than eight hours, but no later than two hours before departure, then you will be able to return 100% of the cost of the travel card and only half the cost of the reserved seat;
  • If you can contact the refund office only less than two hours before departure, then you can only count on a refund of the cost of the travel pass. The cost of the reserved seat, in this case, is non-refundable.

Knowing these rules, you can easily calculate how much you lose when submitting a document. Also, it is worth noting that you can submit such a document and return the money only when you contact the Russian Railways ticket office, regardless of whether the ticket was purchased through the website or at the ticket office.

Can the pass be exchanged?

In accordance with the conditions and rules governing the return and exchange of travel passes, Russian Railways passengers have the right to exchange previously purchased passes for trains traveling on a different date. To do this, the passenger must contact the ticket office. But it is worth noting that the re-issuance of travel coupons for an earlier next train is carried out by a responsible employee of the domestic railway service, only on condition that there are at least twenty-four hours left before the train departs.

An important condition for the exchange is that Russian Railways retains additional commissions and fees for the exchange of travel coupons. You can find out detailed information about exactly how much you will have to pay extra for the exchange directly from the railway ticket office employees.

What documents must be presented in order to return the money?

The conditions for the return of money stipulate that if a passenger intends to return a travel pass purchased on the website or through the Russian Railways ticket office, he must present the following documents to the ticket office:

  • the ticket itself;
  • bank card from which the payment was made (if applicable);
  • power of attorney from a legal entity (if applicable), drawn up in the correct format.

You can request a sample power of attorney at the box office or download it on the website. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that a power of attorney that does not correspond to the sample is a reason for refusing to return the money. A power of attorney drawn up incorrectly or containing false information may also prevent you from returning your money.

If you purchased a ticket on the website using a bank card, you will only be able to receive money on the same card. Typically, money is credited within seven to thirty days. You can find out how much money will be credited in your case on the Russian Railways website or at the cash desk.


It is worth noting that the rules governing the refusal of tickets have a number of exceptions. For example, if you purchased 2 tickets to a luxury class carriage on an international train in one order, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to return only one such document. Also, the rules for returning tickets for international trains differ from the rules for tickets purchased for local trains. For example, these rules establish different deadlines for canceling a trip and penalties. Moreover, you will have to pay the fine for canceling a trip by international train in foreign currency at the rate valid on the date of cancellation of the trip.

You can find a more detailed list of exceptions on the Russian Railways website.

Considering the number of exceptions and clauses in the terms of return and exchange of tickets, passengers often have misunderstandings related to the amount of money returned or refusal to return money. If you find yourself in such a situation and want to defend your legitimate interests, you can always seek legal assistance from our specialists!

Buying electronic train tickets is a convenient and practical solution. But what to do when the trip is canceled and time is running out? Is it possible to return the money paid? How to return an electronic Russian Railways ticket via the Internet, without visiting a ticket office?

In the article we found out that a travel document purchased via the Internet differs from a regular “paper” one only in form. Otherwise, it has the same properties: it can be returned, and doing so is even easier than returning it at the cash register.

To do this, you need to log in to the Russian Railways website, go to your personal account and find the section “ My orders" If there are several orders, you should find the one you need and click on the link below it “ Request ticket status" Now the button we need will appear next to the order: “ Issue a return».

By clicking on it, you will see some text with information about the return policy and the amount you will receive back. It will be different from what you paid. Regardless of the time remaining before the train departs, you will be charged a flat fee of 185.40 per ticket. It would be a good idea to print out the “return coupon” by clicking on the button of the same name. Actually, that's the whole procedure.

It should be noted that if you have already received a boarding pass at the Russian Railways ticket office, then the ticket turns from an electronic one into a regular one and you will not be able to return it via the Internet, you need to do this at the ticket office.

What amount is due back?

By returning your ticket no more than 8 hours before departure, you will receive the full amount (minus the above fee). If there are 2 to 8 hours left before departure, you will be refunded the full cost of the ticket, but only half the cost of the reserved seat. If less than 2 hours remain, then only the cost of the ticket itself is refunded, but not the reserved seat.

Not everyone knows that you can return an electronic Russian Railways ticket even if you are late for the train. If you make a return no later than 12 hours from the moment of departure, you will also be refunded the full cost of the ticket. The reserved seat is not refundable. Moreover, if you back up your words with documents confirming an illness or accident, you can return the cost of the ticket within 5 days.

Perhaps we should define the concepts. What we used to call a ticket is actually a travel document. It, in turn, consists of two quantities:

  • actually, a ticket, the price of which includes payment for the use of railway infrastructure (railway tracks, stations, locomotives...);
  • reserved seat, which is payment for the use of the carriage.

The ratio of the cost of a ticket and a reserved seat is approximately 50 to 50. It depends on the distance of the route and the class of the carriage. For example, you need to travel 1000 km in a regular reserved seat carriage. The ratio will be approximately 60 to 40, since the distance is long and the cost of the car is low. And vice versa, if you travel 200-300 km in an “SV” carriage, then the proportion may be 40 to 60.

How to get a refund for a Russian Railways e-ticket

The money will be sent to you on the same card you used to pay when purchasing your ticket online. If for some reason you cannot use it (the validity period has expired or you have lost it), you should contact the Russian Railways support service or directly to VTB24 Bank to change the details.

Refunds occur within a week to a month. All this time, it is advisable to save receipts and a return coupon (if you printed it out).

The exception is the presence of valid reasons (providing sick leave). The cost of travel and a reserved seat is indicated in the coupon or travel form in separate digital values. When will money be refunded for returned tickets? If the ticket was purchased in cash, then the money is issued at the box office at the time of purchase. In case of payment by credit card, funds are returned within 1 week to a month. In practice, money can be credited earlier than the deadline. If the travel document is returned after the train has departed, the funds paid will be credited to the claim account within 60 days. The returned money will be credited to your e-wallet within 10 to 60 days. If payment was made with a gift certificate, then a certificate of the same denomination is issued minus the costs incurred by the transport company.

How to return a train ticket purchased online or at the Russian Railways ticket office?


In this case, you need to return the ticket:

  • No later than six hours before the train leaves the station where you decided to land. The refund amount will be equal to the full cost of the ticket.
  • Ticket delivery later than six hours - only the cost of the seat will be reimbursed without the fare.

Sometimes the fare in this case may not be refunded.

There is no fee for returning an e-ticket only for a child seat (child under five years old). How much will you lose by returning your ticket to the Russian Railways ticket office? You can return your ticket to the Russian Railways ticket office:

  • If you bought an electronic ticket through the website and then printed it out at the terminal at the station or received it at the ticket office.
  • If you bought a ticket at the box office.

Information The refund amount also depends on the time of contacting the cashier.
The later you do this, the lower the compensation amount will be.

How to return train tickets and how much money you can get for them

However, sometimes circumstances change and the trip is postponed to another time. The ability to return a travel document that was not needed helps to avoid unnecessary expenses.

The content of the article:

  • Where and how to return a Russian Railways train ticket?
  • Return Policy
  • Sample power of attorney for delivery of railway tickets
  • What percentage of the cost can be returned?
  • How much are you losing?
  • E-tickets

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

How to return Russian Railways tickets - algorithm and pitfalls


Returning electronic tickets In order to return an electronic ticket, you must first receive it. To do this, you need to come to any railway ticket office and get tickets using the order number and passport of one of the passengers.

You can then return them at the returns desk. If you have completed electronic registration and want to return your tickets, you must first cancel your registration. This can be done on the website, through an operator or at the ticket office at the station.

Please note that it is not possible to cancel electronic check-in 1 hour before train departure. This means that it is no longer possible to return tickets. The cost of returned electronic tickets will be returned to you using the means of payment you used to pay for the purchase.

If you paid for tickets with a bank card, then the money will be returned to the card. Money is returned within 1 month.

How much is lost when returning a train ticket?

As for the refund, it will be returned to the card within a month; if the payment was made using payment systems, this will happen within 10-60 days. The procedure for returning a travel document There will not be any special problems returning an electronic ticket to the ticket office, the only thing is if the electronic registration has not been completed or there is more than an hour left before the train departs from the starting station.

You can also return a ticket in the usual manner if the passenger did not board the departing train (was late) within 3 hours. Whether it is a regular or a claim return procedure, you need to have with you the document whose data was entered into the order form and provide the 4-digit order number.
By the way, the railroad will not refund service or commission fees. The earlier we return, the more they return. Well, now it’s worth moving on to the process of returning traditional (for now) tickets on a form purchased at the box office.

How much money is lost when returning Russian Railways train tickets on the day of departure?


Just be sure to remember the need to print out a ticket on a form before traveling if electronic registration is not completed. It is worth noting that the rules for refunding tickets issued for Russian Railways trains abroad are different. If necessary, you can look here. We read about how to return a train ticket, electronic or regular, in the article “how to return a train ticket”? Thank you all for your attention.

How much do you lose from returning a train ticket in 2018?

In this case, the amounts of all kinds of service fees, payment commissions and special payments are not refundable. On average, you can lose 150–200 rubles using this return method, regardless of the type of train and the direction of its route.
That is, returning tickets for some trains is simply unprofitable. For trains traveling abroad, the return period to receive the full cost is at least 24 days before departure.
2. If the ticket is returned 2–8 hours before the train’s departure, the failed passenger will be refunded 100% of the fare and additionally exactly 50% of the price of the reserved seat. All other costs are non-refundable. That is, the ticket buyer loses approximately 25–50% of the money paid.
Here the amount is directly dependent on the type of seat chosen by the passenger. The better the reserved seat in the carriage, the more the ticket buyer will lose. For trains departing abroad, the return period is 6–24 hours. 3.

Rules for returning and returning train tickets (procedure, conditions and how much you lose)

It does not apply to children under 5 years of age who do not occupy a separate seat.

  • Cancellation of the trip is made using the same documents as the order was made.
  • Refunds can be made for one ticket from the order or for all tickets at the same time.
  • A return of the Sapsan travel document is possible only after returning all four seats.
  • Cancellation of travel in Luxury class is carried out only if all tickets purchased in one compartment are returned at the same time.
  • When traveling on a Sapsan at a round-trip fare, the return ticket is first refunded, and then the return ticket. You can only return the travel document “back”.

Refund for Russian Railways ticket - terms and conditions

How to return Russian Railways tickets - algorithm and pitfalls I will immediately note that in all cases you will definitely be charged a fee for returning the ticket (until the end of 2017 it is 192.7 rubles for each seat). Let's consider the possible options (in this case, options for returning tickets issued for travel within the territory of the Russian Federation are being considered):

  1. The ticket is returned no later than 8 hours before the train departs from the passenger boarding station - you are refunded 100% of the cost of the ticket and reserved seat. Only the fee that I mentioned above is charged.
  2. The ticket is returned from 2 to 8 hours before the train departs - 100% of the ticket price and 50% of the cost of the reserved seat are refunded.
  3. The ticket is returned less than 2 hours before departure or no later than 12 hours after departure (yes!) - 100% of the ticket price is refunded.

How much money is lost when returning a train ticket?

How much do you lose if you return your train ticket? Attention Let's start with the fact that the cost of travel on the train consists of the cost of the “ticket” and the cost of the “reserved seat”: The ticket is the cost of your travel directly, while the reserved seat, if the memory of the former conductor serves me correctly, is determined as payment for maintenance of the railway track, for the work of train crew employees, etc. Therefore, it is logical that the refund of the cost of a ticket and reserved seat is carried out in different ways in different situations. How much do you lose when returning a train ticket? In all other cases, in order to hand over someone else's ticket, you need a power of attorney certified by a notary and a passport. The deadline for handing over is 12 hours after the train departs from the station indicated in the travel document. back to contents Important Sample power of attorney for handing over railway tickets A sample power of attorney for the delivery of railway tickets can be downloaded here.

How much money is lost when returning a train ticket?

  • 1 Is it possible to return a train ticket?
  • 2 Conditions for returning Russian Railways tickets
  • 3 Russian Railways ticket return rules
    • 3.1 Refund of Russian Railways tickets purchased via the Internet
    • 3.2 Return of Russian Railways tickets purchased at the box office
    • 3.3 Return of train tickets by proxy
  • 4 When can I return a train ticket?
  • 5 Refund of train tickets - how much money are you losing?
  • 6 When will money be returned for returned tickets?
  • 7 The answer to your question may be here

Traveling by train is one of the most common types of transportation between populated areas. As a rule, the ticket is purchased several weeks before the trip. In this case, unforeseen circumstances may arise at the time of travel, and the person will be forced to cancel the ticket.