Windows 7 save web page. Save the text document. Copy selection

Traveling through the vast expanses of the Internet, we find many useful information. Sometimes you want to save instructions or a recipe on your computer so that you can print it out on paper. Many novice users wonder: " How to save a page from the Internet to your computer?"

Saving text information from the site

Let's look at one way to save text information from any website to your computer.

The simplest option:

  1. select the desired piece of text;
  2. copy it;
  3. insert into text editor(for example, or);
  4. save Text Document.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

1. Select the desired piece of text

Selection is carried out with the mouse as follows: place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment. Click left button mouse and holding it move the cursor over the text. The text will begin to highlight. Release the left mouse button after selecting the desired area. If the selection fails, repeat it again.

2. Copy the selected fragment

To copy, you need to right-click on the selected fragment to bring up the context menu. Now from this menu we left-click on the command Copy. You won't notice anything on the screen, but the selected text and pictures will be copied to your computer's memory (clipboard).

3. Paste into a text editor.

To paste into a text editor, you must first launch it. IN Windows system is , which we will use to save a text document. Launch it from the menu Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> WordPad. After startup it will appear clean White list, we will paste the copied text onto it. To do this, point with the mouse cursor at the insertion location and right-click. IN context menu select an item Insert and left click.

All text will be inserted; if this does not happen, then you did step two incorrectly.

4. Save the text document

After all required text has been copied, it needs to be saved on your computer. To do this in the menu File select a team Save. Now we need to specify the name of our document and the location to save it.

Easy way

To save a page from the Internet to your computer and view it offline, modern browsers have special function. Right-click on the page and select the command from the context menu Save as..

Thus, in the specified folder the page and folder (with the same name) with graphic elements(pictures from the page).

How to save text from a secure site?

On the Internet you can find sites with copy protection and the above method It does not work. What to do in this case? If you only need text information, then save the page as a test file with the extension TXT. And then we view it using Notepad. Or rather, let's do it this way. In the browser menu File select a team Save as


At the usual computer mouse two keys. One for the index finger, the other for the middle finger. If you're confused about which key to press when, remember: To tell the computer what to do, use your index finger. To show him that you are smarter and know that he is hiding something from you, use the middle one.

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Best regards, Sergey Fomin.

PS: Interesting Facts about printing books in a modern printing house

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Imagine the situation: you went to some website and found on it interesting information and now you’re thinking about how to save it. The easiest option is to use, which is supported by any of the modern Internet browsers. The only problem is that you can go to the site or specific page You can use bookmarks only if your computer is connected to the Internet.

Another possible variant- this is saving text from a page into a Word document, Excel or any other text editor. But in this case, you will not be able to save the pictures, and such a document will not look very good, to put it mildly.

In order to save a page from the Internet on your computer and always have access to it, regardless of whether your computer is connected to the Internet or not, each browser has a special function that can save web documents, including entire pages.

Save the page on PC

So, as mentioned just above, you can save the page in any of modern browsers: , Opera or (I gave the most popular Internet browsers as an example).

Now I will show you in pictures how to use this function correctly. I will show an example based on Google browser Chrome, in other browsers the process will be similar. So, let's go.

The first step is to open the page that you would like to save. I opened Yandex.News. Here I see a list of news.

The next one is very important point: a window will appear in which you can not only set the file name (or leave it as it is), but also select the location to download our page.

Pay attention to the file type, as this is very important. The fact is that by default the browser saves the entire web page, including images, text and other files that the page may consist of. Decide for yourself what exactly you need to save - if the entire page, then don’t change anything, just click “Save”. If you only need text, select “Web Page, Text Only.”

By the way, pictures and other files will be saved in separate folder. If you delete these files, only the page with the text will open. I think you won't have any problems with this.

IN Google Chrome there is one additional function, which is not available in other browsers (at the time of writing). With its help, you can save the page as a . To do this, you need to call the “Print” menu (press the key combination CTRL+P), then in the “Printer” column, click “Change”.

The last step is to save the PDF document on your computer by clicking on the button of the same name in the menu.

I repeat once again that the procedure in other browsers will be absolutely identical, with the exception of the point through which you can save pages in PDF format in Google Chrome. In addition, almost all browsers support saving by pressing certain keys. IN in this case this is CTRL+S.

I hope this short article helped you deal with the problem that has arisen. If you have any questions on the topic, please ask them using the comments, the form for writing which is located just below.

– Igor (Administrator)

In this article for novice users, I will tell you how to save a page from the Internet to a computer, as well as the nuances associated with this process.

When you surf the Internet, you somehow come across useful articles that you would like to save. Some people prefer to keep tabs open, some copy text manually, others use bookmarks. However, each of these methods has its disadvantages. Tabs and bookmarks will not help if the text of the article is corrected or if the web page is no longer on the site. At manual copying There will always be problems with formatting, the appearance of “crazy language” in documents and other troubles.

Note: By the way, in the PrintFriendly article on how to print a page from the Internet (on the website), a service is presented that allows you to print and generate a PDF file with the contents of an Internet page without unnecessary blocks (a very convenient thing).

In fact, everything is very simple. The fact is that almost any browser (including Opera, Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and others), it can do this by default. And here are the instructions:

1. Open in browser desired page or press the key combination "Ctrl + S" and go to step 4 of the instructions

2. Right click on empty space on the required web page

4. A window will open, as shown in the figure above, where you can select a location to save, specify a file name, and also select “File Type” (in fact, this is the format for saving information).

Let me focus a little on the latter. The fact is that every web page is an HTML document in which special form There is not only the text of the article, but also links to necessary files with styles and scripts for correctly displaying a web page. Accordingly, you can either save only the document by selecting “Web page, HTML only”, or save the document and all necessary files in a separate directory (by the way, the directory will be named exactly the same as the saved page and located in the same directory) , selecting "Complete web page".

Note: Depending on the browser, the names of the "File Types" list may vary, but they are quite similar.

5. Now, you only need to click the “Save” button, after which the page will be saved on your disk.

It is worth noting that the resulting file can be opened in any browser and the file will also open double click mice. In addition, if saved completely, the page will be displayed normally even without Internet access.

How to save a website page to your computer. Sometimes you want to save the entire page of a site you like so that later you can easily view it on your computer or tablet, without even going online. This option exists, but not in all browsers, and for now only in Google Chrome.

All browsers are good in their own way, but I like Google Chrome more than all the others. Many people complain that it slows down a lot, but just push it a little and it will just “fly”. I’ve already written about how to do this, so I won’t repeat myself. Today I would like to tell you how in this browser you can save the entire page with your favorite article as a book in PDF format.

Typically this format is used when e-books, which you download from the Internet. The only thing required to read such books is special program for reading PDF files. It can be downloaded online upon request. "download the program for reading pdf files for free", or open such files through online services.

Now let's talk about how to save a website page in PDF format. This is especially convenient when the site has copy protection. Authors of young or good sites often have to put up such protection against thieves who copy other people's articles and appropriate them for themselves.

The fact that they appropriate these articles for themselves is not so bad. But because of such actions on their part, a good site may get banned and even cease to exist. Since search engines strictly monitor duplicate articles on sites, and do not take a long time to sort them out, but immediately push such sites to the last positions in the search, where the reader will never find them using a search query.

So if you see copy protection on some website, don’t rush to scold the author for it. Often this is a necessary measure. Although it does not always help protect a good website.

But you can save the site page to your computer even with copy protection. Most likely, the thief will not want to redo and rewrite the entire article by hand and then upload it to his website. After all, the PDF format must either be converted or rewritten. He needs a quick and easy option, and this format is very suitable for you and me.

I often save in this format myself. good articles other authors, and then I enjoy viewing them on my netbook.

Press the keys on your keyboard at the same time Ctrl +P and in the new window, press the button on the left side Save.

Specify the path to save the file, and the site page is now on your computer.

If something is not clear, then watch the video on How to save a website page:

Having trouble accessing the Internet?

Do you wish that necessary information was it always at hand?

Don’t want to waste extra time searching for a site you liked before?

In this case, tips on how to save an important website page will come in handy. Today, the most popular Internet access point is Yandex. Browser". The topic of saving pages both in PDF format and on the desktop is connected with this.

How to save a site as a bookmark?

In order for the icon electronic resource has always been in front of you, you must perform the following steps:

  • Open the window of the corresponding site. For example, let's take the popular men's magazine MAXIM. Open the browser, find in search engine website and go to the main page.

  • Next, on the right top corner You will find a gray star icon with a mouse arrow next to it. Click on it. After clicking, a new window will appear in front of you, where you will be asked to select a name and also indicate the location to add the bookmark. If you don't want to add new information, then you can safely click the “Done” button.

Now, every time you want to save a page, you should perform the 2 steps described above. Besides, advanced users can use a combination Ctrl keys+D. Every time you open your browser, the saved site will appear before your eyes.

How to save a page in PDF format?

Many people spend their travel time reading. Despite the age of technology, not everyone has the opportunity to use the Internet 24/7. The ability to save a page in PDF format will provide an incredible service here.

Your actions:

  • You decided to read the News. As an example, let's take a site called Ria Novosti. Opens the page you want to save. Next, click on the control panel of the Yandex browser, which is located on the same line with the “Close” and “Collapse” buttons. After pressing, the main menu appears. In the “Advanced” tab, you must select “Print”, as shown in the picture. In order to immediately complete this action, you can use the key combination “Ctrl+P”.

  • After clicking print, a new window opens before yours with new options regarding printer selection, print format, and so on. In order to save the page in PDF format, you need to click the “Edit” button, which is located next to the printing device selection item. After clicking, the window shown in the picture opens in front of the user. Click “Save as PDF”.

  • After completing the actions, you must click the “Save” button in the upper right corner. After which a new window will appear in front of you, offering the opportunity to select a name for the file and where to save it on the computer. In this case, it is proposed to save PDF page V standard folder"Documentation".

  • After saving, the file appears to the user in the following form:

Note! If you have problems opening a file, you need to download the appropriate program from PDF support. The most popular among users today is “ Adobe Reader", which allows you to easily open any site you like in the appropriate format.

Saving a site as a document

You can also pin the page you like to your desktop. To do this, you need to import the bookmark to your desktop. However, please note that if there is no Internet access, then open tab will not be able to download all the necessary information.

Any of the above methods is suitable for quickly using the saved data. In the second case, you can quickly view the site without access to the Internet; in the first and third cases, you must have access to the Global Network.

It is worth noting that the presented option to save a page is suitable not only for Yandex. A browser from another company will also be able to successfully save the page if you use method No. However, they will also have their own characteristics, but that’s a completely different story...