How to correctly write a call for participation in a competition. The most powerful marketing secret: the call to action. How it works

Visitors come in but not everyone turns up? Are your sales numbers not growing? What's going wrong? Perhaps your ad is missing a call to action.
100 templates effective appeals to action. Implement!
Information request

1. Any questions? Ask.
2. Talk to an expert about a topic that interests you.
3. Manager ___ will be happy to answer you right now! Start a conversation.
4. Help me decide? Ask our online operators for advice.
5. To ask a question about a product you are interested in, click here.
6. Can't find a suitable product? Ask a question to a specialist.
7. Need help? Ask a question or call a specialist!
8. Contact us – we will be happy to answer all your questions.
9. Any questions? Write to us - we will be happy to answer.
10. Do you have questions about ___? Want to know the cost? Enter your phone number and we will contact you within 5 minutes.
11. Can't get through? Request a call back.
12. Any questions? Leave a request, we will call you back. Yes, call me back.
13. Yes, you are independent and you know everything perfectly well. Yes, you can read and use search. Yes, you don't like being distracted. But still... If you have any questions, press this button.

Cost calculation, ordering a consultation, downloading a trial version of the product

14. Get a quote.
15. Choose a tour.
16. Calculate the cost.
17. Open a free demo account.
18. Order a free estimate of the cost of our work.
19. Order a free measurement right now.
20. Order a free call from a specialist.
21. Get free analysis your his ___.
22. Get a FREE consultation.
23. Book a free half-hour consultation.
24. Try _________ ( trial period 7 days).
25. An indispensable tool for ___. Try it for free.
26. Order for free trial version for 14 days!
27. Try ___ for free. 7 days to make sure it's right for you.
28. Want to make sure you can trust us? Test our services for two months.

Order a service, purchase a product

29. Buy today, save tomorrow.
30. Buy today, pay only in a month!
31. Buy and receive ___ as a gift.
32. Buy on sale.
33. Start ___ right now.
34. Yes, I want it.
35. Let's do this.
36. Let's go!
37. Get to work.
38. ___ in one click.
39. Hurry up to buy. Offer expires on __date___.
40. Hurry while the promotion lasts.
41. Take the first step ___.
42. Click here to start a new life.
43. Sign up for courses and realize your creative potential.
44. Buy ___ and you will forget what ___ is.
45. Order ___. Stay one step ahead.
46. ​​Order now and in 10 days you will ___.
47. Call: qualified specialists respond promptly to all calls.
48. Order now. 14 days free. Money back guaranteed.

detailed information

49. Click here for details.
50. Find out more.
51. Details here.
52. Find out how we have helped our clients ___.
53. Intrigued? Click here to find out more.

Event invitation

54. Reserve a place.
55. Reserve your seat now.
56. The number of places is limited.
57. The most exciting event in the industry. Do not miss your chance.
58. The most anticipated event of the year.
59. We invite everyone.
60. Free seminar for those who dream of ___.
61. Come to the seminar. The entrance is free.
62. Come to our seminar and you will learn ___.
63. Come to the seminar and I will teach you ___.
64. Click here to participate.

Sharing content

65. Did you like the post? Share with your friends!
66. Did you like the material? We will be grateful for reposts.
67. Did you like the material? Please repost!
68. Did you like the post? Don't forget to "like" it.
69. Was the information useful? Join social networks!
70. Did you like the article? Punch the star!
71. Did you like the material? Press the heart.
72. Did you like the article? Don't be a radish, stop drinking!
73. Don't be lazy! Share this article with your friend!
74. Don’t be a cheapskate, give it a like.
75. Make the world a little brighter - share this article with your friends!
76. Did you like the material? It's easy to say thank you! We would be very grateful if you could share this article on in social networks.
77. Do you like our agency? Like and share with your friends!
78. Repost and get a chance to win ___.
79. Share this article with your friends. Perhaps this will inspire them to...
80. Share the article! Be a man!
81. When you leave a page without liking it, there is one cat in the world who is sad.

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A call to action is an appeal to the audience that motivates them to take a targeted action.

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Typically, the text content of the call provides an explanation or clarification of why a person should do something: follow a link, order a product, subscribe to updates, etc. Only by convincing target audience If the product offered is beneficial, the desired results can be achieved.

Reaching potential customers is one of the main factors separating abandonment and conversion. The resource may contain a unique, quality content, a useful product or service, but if there is no competent appeal, the level of sales will fall, users will not subscribe to notifications, leave requests, follow links, etc.

What is better – a call or a description of the benefits?

A call to action is motivating text on a website to direct users towards a conversion goal. He can call for anything: from registering and downloading a file, to purchasing a product, entering e-mail addresses and newsletter subscriptions. In reality, it makes no difference what the call is for, the main thing is to formalize it correctly. It should have an attractive design, well-written text and correct location on the site, so that, firstly, users cannot help but notice it, and secondly, so that it is not too intrusive.

Unfortunately, many marketers do not fully understand the importance of this instrument. Instead, they simply list the product's benefits in an attempt to entice the target audience to take action.

This is not enough. Lack of a call to action will not achieve the desired results. Every form of customer interaction should contain a call to action.

How it works

If the call is made correctly, it can convince a person that he really should take action right now. This marketing tool works in several cases:

  • When it evokes emotions in the user, a desire to do something.
  • Gives a comprehensive answer on how to do next step: go, click, order, buy.
  • Communicates the benefits of doing what the call is for.

Elements of a successful call

First you need to decide on the purpose of the call. You cannot go to extremes: formulate only the general meaning of what you want or present demands too straightforwardly. For example, if the site is dedicated to medicine, you can inform readers that by subscribing to updates or joining the VKontakte group, they will have the opportunity to directly ask a question to a specialist or be the first to receive any material.

The text should push a person to do something, inspire and at the same time provide comprehensive information about his subsequent actions. It is also necessary to allow users to express their opinions in comments. Social networks are a suitable place where you can establish contact with your target audience. Here you can contact users in real time, publish news, articles, images; accompany each publication with an active call to subscribe, go to the site, etc.

At the same time, it is necessary to constantly analyze each hidden or obvious incentive tool, identify what influenced the conversion more, which appeal does not work on users. This way you can find the ideal option.

With the help of a call to action, the site owner conveys to the target audience certain instructions for action in order to obtain an appropriate result. You can place it on the landing page, in advertisements, in posts on social networks. The instructions themselves may have different format and content: image, text, link, button and other tools that help a person understand exactly what actions he needs to take.

  • Target. From this parameter The content and type of the call depend: if the user must buy a product, the call should be striking, attract attention and not mix with the general background. The text should answer the questions why this particular product, who it is suitable for, and how to use it.
  • Context. General meaning The text should clarify what is required from a person and evoke emotions in him.
  • The target audience. Before you can create an effective call to action, you need to know about your site users: their financial opportunities, interests, from which sites they go to the resource, what queries they use.
  • Minimal difficulty. The action that is required from the visitor should not be complicated or obligate anyone to do anything.

The appeal should be beneficial not only for the site, but also for the user himself. He must understand that by spending a few seconds performing an action, he will receive something valuable that will allow him to save money, get it for free, or learn something that is in his circle of interests.

Examples of calls to action in sales

All work with the site, be it optimization or maintenance advertising campaign, are aimed at increasing the conversion rate, which, in turn, depends on the call to action. It is quite easy to check its effectiveness. For example, we have an online store. The average number of visitors who came to the site during a certain period of time was 1 thousand people. During the same time, 100 users made a purchase. Consequently, a hidden or direct call/instruction to purchase resulted in a conversion corresponding to 100 purchases divided by 1 thousand visitors and multiplied by 100%. The efficiency result is 10%. This is the simplest example of how website conversion and call-to-action effectiveness are calculated.

The call may have different kind. Its form is limited only by the creative abilities and imagination of the specialist.

The most common options are:

  • Order the product now and get a discount.
  • Promotion until March 20.
  • New Year's offer.
  • Be the first to comment on the post.
  • Share with your friends.
  • Order a free call to a specialist, etc.

It is important to pay special attention to phrases that call the target audience to action.

Our blog has a detailed one. Read it if you want to learn how to correctly compose appeals and avoid typical mistakes in their design.

Motivating website visitors to do what you want is incredible. difficult task. But there is a way out - an irresistible call to action. It sounds simple, but in reality, coming up with a call-toaction is more difficult than it seems. However, there is experience from well-known companies that have tested thousands of CTA options and were able to increase conversion.

In this article, you will learn about the 11 best calls to action according to the WordStream agency.

Crazy Egg - "Show My Heat Map"

Crazy Egg has a huge following among internet marketers. The company hit the bull's eye with its CTA.

This CTA works for several reasons. First, it shows why there is no risk in collaborating with Crazy Egg, explaining in simple language reasons why the resource is considered safe.

Secondly, the “Show my heat map” is a great indicator of using the voice of the customer.

Manpacks - “Build a manpack”

Manpacks is a site for men where you can find everything for body care.

Products that can be purchased on the site: underwear, razors, condoms themselves are not very attractive. At the same time, using the desire to “build” something turned out to be advantageous (manpack is the name of the gift set).

GiftRocket - “Send a gift rocket”

Postcards and Gift certificates- the most simple ways express concern for a loved one.

This CTA is effective because it doesn't use a "Sign up now" or "Send a free postcard" message. Instead of template phrases, GiftRocket offers to send a gift rocket, which is much more original.

This landing page shows what results can be achieved by combining imagination and a short sentence.

Contently - “Tell us”

Contently provide the most best content for web pages.

Marketers could have used the usual “Send”, but instead they used friendly, conversational language that inspires trust in the company.

Less Accounting - “Let's do it!”

Force potential clients performing an action that even slightly instills a sense of risk is incredibly difficult. Even if they are very interested in your service. IT companies have probably encountered this.

The landing page is designed in subtle colors that instill calm, but the CTA button is the exact opposite.

Yes, they also ask you to “take a risk” - register and try out the demo version. However, the phrase “Let's do it!” inspires a feeling of a reliable partnership. It is noticeable that the company does not just want to obtain the client’s personal data.

Square - "Get a Free Card Reader"

Offering people what they want is the most the right way increase conversion. If you can manage it, your CTA doesn't have to be original and amazing.

This landing page is designed for small business owners. Card reader ( card reader) - a device that allows you to read credit cards through mobile phone. Square offers entrepreneurs new product, which can greatly simplify their business.

Notice the lead form title, “Start Accepting Credit Cards Today.” It accurately expresses the client's benefit.

Basecamp - "Give Basecamp a chance"

Basecamp is a service for working on projects, exchanging files, and communicating between partners of the same company.

The message is “Give Basecamp a chance. It's free for 60 days" inspires more confidence in a prospect than "Try the free version."

My Perfect Resume - “Create my resume”

Writing a resume can be a lot of hassle. This is why My Perfect Resume benefits immensely by providing its services.

Three consecutive points show how much My Perfect Resume is willing to do for you. This makes the CTA much more tempting for people who have already spent time creating a resume themselves.

Point Blank SEO - "Be Cool"

Getting users to subscribe to your newsletter is not an easy task. Yes, you can write “Register”, but this is too banal and ineffective. Point Blank SEO made an emotional call to action: “Be cool” (as if anyone wouldn’t want that).

1KISSmetrics - “Login with Google”

One of the simplest and most convincing motivators:

The page does not bore potential clients with texts with a bunch of details and links. Instead, it clearly explains what functions the platform performs. And the target action is as simple as possible - enter the URL of your site. Finally, the mention of Google instills a sense of security.

Quick Sprout - “I want...”Increase traffic or Educate your clients

Quick Sprout gives the user choices based on their interests. In the first case, it is proposed to increase traffic to site owners. In the second, train the user’s clients if he is a professional consultant.

Happy sales to you!

Many websites, especially commercial ones, have a call to action. What should it be like? Of course, effective, encouraging the user to take some action, for example, subscribe to a newsletter or buy something. For designers and marketers, creating a call to action is very not an easy task and not everyone copes with it 100%.

An effective call to action should be present in one way or another on all sites where user encouragement is required. Every website has its own purpose and goals. Even if the goal is the most common filling contact form, the user needs to be correctly led to the idea of ​​committing of this action. A well-crafted call to action attracts attention, sets the right direction, and can have a significant impact on the success of the site as a whole. How to create an effective call to action? Here are 10 methods that will help you achieve your goal.

Focus on the meaning of the call

Before the user commits required action, he needs to be convinced that he is making the right decision. Therefore, people need to be given reliable information. The following approach works very well: you need to point users to a problem, identify it, and only then offer a product or service that solves this problem. You also need to explain what benefits site visitors will receive if they take the proposed action. At first glance, everything is simple, but even large companies make mistakes when trying to reach the user.

Let's take Skype for example. A user who wants to install this messenger on his computer sees the following picture:

This isn't the best call to action, although it looks pretty compelling and the CTA button is clearly visible. But in an attempt to create a powerful call to action, Skype's designers and copywriters lost focus and were unable to clearly explain what exactly the messenger was for. The appeal is emotional, but the benefits are not obvious. And it must be both.

Answer user questions

In order for a user to take an action, you must first gain his trust. Many actions involve making a payment or providing personal data, and some users are wary of this. They immediately have a number of questions to which they try to find answers. People often want to know in advance what will happen if they click a button, fill out a form, or follow a link. These answers should always be before their eyes.

Under no circumstances should site visitors be forced to search for how much delivery will cost or what the system for returning goods is. All this should be present next to the call to action. If the site owner offers to subscribe to the newsletter, then he needs to mention how often notifications will be sent by email. It is also advisable to indicate how easy it is to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Users want to know the answers to such questions, so they cannot be kept in the dark.

Reduce the number of calls to action

When designing a call to action page, you need to focus on what's most important. If there are too many calls on a page, it can confuse the user. Research has shown that if a person is faced with too many products to choose from in a supermarket, the chances that he will make a purchase are significantly reduced. On a site where there are a lot of calls, everything happens exactly the same.

By limiting the number of actions the user must take, the designer relieves the user of the need to think. All people need is step by step guide. This approach works everywhere - from navigation to contact forms. The number of calls to action may vary depending on the purpose of the site. But there should not be many of them and it is desirable that they do not duplicate each other.

Positioning the call to action

It is very important that the call to action is in a prominent place. Ideally, it will be located on the first screen and in the very center of the page. Here's how in this example:

But you need to be careful, as good positioning does not always guarantee success, especially if there are images of people on the page. The illustration with the heat map shows that the user’s attention is first of all attracted to the girl’s face and only then to the CTA button. This is mistake.

But everything can be corrected by simply choosing a different picture. If the image and the call are closely related, the action button will be more prominent. If the person on the page looks at the call to action, it will definitely grab the users' attention.

Surround the call with empty space

Positioning your call to action is important, but it will be useless if it gets lost among other design elements. Around any call should be enough empty space– this will make it more noticeable. The more emptiness there is around the call, the more attention it will attract. It's better to explain this with an example. In the picture below we see the main pages search engines Google and Yahoo! And it’s immediately clear where the call to action is more noticeable. Of course this is a Google page.

Working with color is effective way drawing attention to design elements. In this case, color works best if in the main color scheme The site has a limited number of shades. Here good example: The color scheme uses muted blues and grays, and the call-to-action button is bright green. This stark contrast leaves the user in no doubt about what he must do. Of course, you shouldn't rely on color alone, as many people are color blind. Color must be used in conjunction with positioning and white space.

Size matters

Many web designers get annoyed when a client asks them to make an element larger. This approach often disrupts harmony and deprives the design of integrity. But sometimes the client is still right. Especially if he asks to make the CTA button larger. In this case, size really matters. The larger the call to action, the more noticeable it will be to site users. A big appeal is more persuasive, but only if it is accompanied by quality text surrounding it.

Scarcity as a means of encouragement

Understanding psychology can help designers and marketers create effective calls to action. Human brain reacts very actively to restrictions, so this property can be used in work. For example, you can create a sense of urgency in the user by informing him that the promotion will end very soon. Many people are afraid of missing out on something interesting and will be more willing to click on the call button. To make the user want to act, you can use the following psychological tricks:

  • Limit offer by time
  • Limit the number of products
  • Show how quickly an item sells out

Users who are faced with a limited supply subconsciously feel that the shortage is directly related to the value of the product or service, so they are initially motivated to perform the desired action.

No distractions

If it turns out that many users are not responding to a call to action, then there is something wrong with the design. The designer was unable to guide the user to the call and somewhere along the way the visitor got distracted by something else. This is bad. Distractions were triggered and the person did not perform the desired action.

However, you need to remember that distractions can reduce the effectiveness of the call, even if the user clicks on the button or follows the link. What happens after the transition? There are many options: it can be filling out a contact form, registering, electronic payment and so on. It is very important that there is nothing superfluous in the design; all the efforts of the designer should be aimed at ensuring that the user follows the path indicated to him to the end.

Don't annoy users

A well-designed call to action can significantly increase your conversion rate. However, often marketers, in pursuit of efficiency, go too far and make the tone of the call too aggressive. Any call to action is inherently manipulation, and people are very aware when they are being manipulated too openly. This causes a sharply negative reaction and in this case you can forget about conversion.

The user needs to be convinced, and not try to sell him your product at any cost. You need to act softer and smarter, and then even such an annoying element as a pop-up window will be perceived normally by users. When it comes to calling to action, you need to be very careful. Don't just focus on transformation; you also need to think about perception. This is the only approach that works in the long term.

Cost Per Action(from English - “price per action”) - a payment model for online advertising, in which only certain actions users on the advertiser's website.

In clear words, this is a call to action - an element that creates magic in sales. Regardless of where he is. Be it a landing page, outdoor advertising, a post on social networks, or just a speech from a manager. And such calls to action have great amount different variations. In this article, we'll look at both offline and online calls to action.

How to end a commercial proposal

An example from life... A friend, an online business owner, contacts me so that I can help him solve a problem with a lack of sales. When I suggested to him as one of the solutions to the problem, using Email marketing and landing page, he immediately objected: “I have such crap! A beautiful infection, but it doesn’t work!”

What I subsequently saw in the browser window answered all my questions.

The subscription page was indeed very beautiful and also original. But the whole problem lay on the surface. There were no calls to action on the site. More precisely, on the landing page it was the only one at the end of the page, and then in the form of a call back.

The page didn't work! People visited the site, received aesthetic pleasure and then simply left with the words “Thank you, it was nice to meet you.” And all because they did not understand what they could get from this offer and, moreover, did not see steps for further action.

Call to action, why does it work?

A call to action affects a person’s subconscious. Kind of like motivation. People understand that they are being controlled, but they do not contradict and agree, because they feel that you are helping them. When a person understands what he needs to do to get this or that result, it becomes easier for him to act. Because he doesn't think, he just does. In addition, these kinds of messages create the effect of urgency of action.

One rule

Call to action has different variations and depending on the area of ​​business, calls to action will be different. And, of course, you will get different results.

And remember once and for all the most important rule: the easier the action, the less it obliges the client, the higher the conversion of your page will be.

High conversion is not always good; with such conversion, you begin to receive more “dirty” traffic, which takes time, money and clutters up the total volume of subscribers and potential clients. Maintain a balance between effortless action and targeted action.

Call to action structure

Now I will tell you how to write a call to action. To do this, we will highlight 4 ready-made formulas that are used to create all the call buttons on the site:

1. Action
Example: Request a call / Call by phone
2. Action + time limit
Example: Download now / Get next day.
3. Action + benefit
Example: Get selection 5 best tours/ Order a free specialist visit.
4. Action + benefit + deadline(it’s not always possible to use)
Example: Get access for 7 days only today / Place an order at night and receive ____ as a gift.

Types of appeals on the Internet

In practice, offline with calls everything is simpler. Everything is more complicated online. Since potential buyers at one point in time can see different advertising materials or be on several sites at the same time. And as we know, everything is relative, so calls to action on the site should be on target.

Download price list

This option will work if you have a fairly large catalog of models with at different prices. And, of course, this is the most popular button in the wholesale industry.

Find out more

If your block does not reveal all the advantages of your products, then by placing such a button, you will help tell the visitor more. This is an example of an intermediate call to action.

Subscribe to _____

You can, of course, use more original options from the “I’m in the know” series, but the meaning is the same - getting something useful.

Request a call back
Accordion, accordion, so we will not dwell on this.
Get a discount/gift

It is used if it is in a place where the client wants to receive something, but does not know how.

Try 7 days free
You can give demo access or a trial period for your product, so what are you waiting for, hurry up!!! And the word “try/test” itself has a very soft character, which has a positive effect on performance.
Buy/add to cart

Do people buy your product emotionally? Or are you an online store? You simply cannot live without these options.

Receive an offer with full prices/book by e-mail
We have this button on this moment showed the best option among the A/B tests, but it is not final, obviously we will find something even better. And those who are not ready to wait, try it.
Calculate my project for free

People like to receive calculations before concluding a contract, as well as measurements. It’s also definitely worth using.

I want to work with you

Can this button call it an analogue of “Buy”, only it is more relevant in the B2B segment.

Write a question
Surprisingly, not all people like to call. Some are embarrassed and therefore write, write and write, washing their hands until they bleed, just so as not to call. Therefore, this option also has a place.
Order ______.

Here on empty space It may be your product right away, or it may be part of it from the “Order a prototype” series, as we use this on our website for creating landing pages.

Book a place/Sign up for a seminar

Relevant for events, both online and offline. Moreover, as you can see, “Book a place” is an easier entry than “Sign up for a seminar.” But again, you need to think about what is more important to you - more traffic or more targeted traffic.

Important! All buttons must have different option calls to action, otherwise you will get the opposite effect, lowering the site’s results.

Probably in in this case It's better to over-salt than under-salt. Since than more buttons, the more likely it is that the client will notice and click on it.

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Don't forget to place the buttons on the first screen. The one that the client sees as soon as the site loads. Moreover, here there should be the strongest, highest conversion action, best call to action, if you will.

The next rule will be: the meaning of the block matches the text on the button.

The most important thing here is that a person sees and receives what you announce!

Button design

How can marketers not pervert the design, including the design of buttons. And this is correct, since, although only a small part, design still affects performance.

Button color

Many people believe that by changing the color of a button, especially to red, it will convert more. This is wrong! The most important thing when choosing a color is to pay attention to:

  • general style of the site;
  • contrast between button and background.

The button should stand out relative to the background, be eye-catching, and match general style, but there is no way to be red in all cases. Don't forget about the red traffic light or the red rag for the bull. And yet, changing the color can have a positive effect on sales growth if you initially chose not the best option.

Important! Use different colors of buttons on the site to focus attention on certain calls.

Button size

It's much simpler here. The size should be large enough that it can be easily seen and easily pressed, but again not so large that it disgusts her. You can double your conversion by doubling the “BUY” button on your website. So, size matters here.

Button length

As for this parameter, of course, all this happens due to the length of the text on it, which, again, is definitely worth working on, because short and punchy texts convert better than long and blurry ones.

Secrets and tricks of Call To Action

1st person text

We are creating a website, a blog for clients, so I just want to write Yours, Yours, You, BUT it would be more correct to write on the buttons the way the client reads - Mine, Me, Mine. This approach can double your conversion rate! Using an example, to make it clearer, the option “Get your training plan” is worse than “Get my training plan”, if this approach does not mislead the person.

Button animation

Many people forget about this. Your buttons should blink, enlarge, move, either on hover or just being on the screen as shown above. There is no need to go into fanaticism, of course, and make a button in the style of the “elusive avengers” so that the client runs the mouse across the screen trying to catch it.

Double forms

This is what we call a form that contains both Additional information, and the form itself to fill out. It is required if the button calls for more information or to receive something. That is, when clicked, the client expects to receive something when clicking the button.


There are situations when the client seems to want to click, but something stops him. To do this, many marketers, especially under the “Buy” and “Subscribe” buttons, recommend, for example, payment options or text from the “We are against spam” series.


If a person may assume in their thoughts that your product has an expiration date/lifetime, then you can add words like “Now/Today” to the button to create the effect of urgency.

Example: “Get a 50% discount right now.”


Additionally, attract attention not only through animation, color and size, but also with the help of additional element in the form of an arrow, which by the way can be animated interestingly.

Let's sum it up

From the above, we can conclude that there are simply tons of options to beat your target action. Until you test several options, you will not know whether the call to action option is the best for you now or not. You understand perfectly well that there is no limit to perfection, that it can always be better, and thanks to a call to action you can increase conversion.

Checklist for what the ideal call to action button should be:

A clear call;
— Easy entry;
— Bright and eye-catching;
- Located in the right place.

Therefore, do not put it off until later, but take it and go test these small and so important elements, especially since now you already know exactly how to write a call to action.

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