When connecting to Wi-Fi, an authentication error appears. How to fix authentication error on Android and IOS devices. What is an authentication error in a general sense?

Often when connecting a computer, laptop or tablet to the Internet via Wi-Fi system displays an authentication error message. Let's look at what it is and for what reasons it occurs, and also give recommendations for eliminating them.

Authentication error: concept

The authentication procedure always involves verifying the authenticity of the user. Authentication requires entering a specific password. If the password is entered incorrectly, an authentication error is generated.

Authentication Error: Causes and Solutions

Having understood what an authentication error is, you should dwell on the reasons for its occurrence. As mentioned above, the error usually occurs due to an incorrectly entered password when connecting to a wireless network. You will need to make sure that you indicated it correctly - it was used desired layout and language. If after this you still cannot authenticate, this means that there has been a failure in the network settings and you need to delete it. You need to do the following:

  1. Go to the menu of your router and select the “Settings” section.
  2. In the list that opens, click on the item “ Wireless network", opposite it, click on the "Delete network" button.
  3. Click on the “Refresh list of networks” item, after which the network you are using will be available again.
  4. Restart your router.
  5. Open the authentication window and enter the correct password.
  6. After these steps, your computer will need to connect to Wi-Fi.

If the password is saved during authentication, but a message about WPA\WPA2 protection appears under the name of the network you are trying to connect to, then you need to change the router settings. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to the router menu and select “Network mode”.
  2. In the tab that opens, change the “Only” mode to “Auto” and save changes made.
  3. Disable wireless connection on the device and reboot the router.
  4. Check that the entered password for connecting the Wi-Fi network and its mode are correct.

If after this an authentication error still appears, then you need to change the operating modes of the router. Proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab in the main menu of the router.
  2. From the list that opens, select the “Wireless Network” section.
  3. In the window that loads, set the following command opposite the Mode option: 11bgn mixed.
  4. Save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button.
  5. Reboot your router and try to authenticate.

If the system gives an error again, then again go to the “Wireless connect” section and enter this command in it: 11bg mixed. When repeated error You will need to enter 11g only next to the Mode option. Be sure to save your changes and restart your router before authenticating again.

To avoid problems with authentication, use a password consisting of only numbers. Be sure to write it down. In this case, you will not need to go through the password recovery procedure or reset it later.

Pay attention to the security settings of the router. They often cause problems with authentication. It would be better if they looked like this:

  • Version: WPA-PSK
  • PSK Password- eight numbers/symbols
  • WPA/WPA2 - Personal (Recommended)

Error WiFi authentication on Android this is a fairly common mistake. Unfortunately, not every user understands what it means and how to fix it. However, in order to solve it you need to know why it occurs. Therefore, first we should answer the question of what WiFi authentication is.

Now click on it and hold your finger until it appears extra menu, in which you need to select “Forget network”. Don't worry, it won't disappear. Only the data about her will be deleted.

Now run the search again available connections. Try connecting to your router. Only this time, when entering your password, check the “Show password” box.

This will allow you to see the characters you type. Carefully check the correctness of the key. If the password is entered correctly, but the authentication error still appears WiFi networks on Android devices, you should go into the router settings and check the encryption type.

Setting the encryption type in the router settings

In order to enter the router settings, you need to connect to it. This can be done using a laptop or desktop computer, both via WiFi and cable. After connecting, open the browser and address bar register the IP access points. As a rule, the device address is indicated on the case, in the instructions or in the box. In addition, you can view it in the network control panel.

To view connection information, click right click mouse on the tray icon (desktop area in the lower right corner). Select “Network and Sharing Center”.

In the central part of the window that opens, find “Connection type” and click on “Wireless” network connection" (or "Wireless Network" in Windows 8). In the window that opens, click the “Details” button. Find the line "Default Gateway IPv4". This is the address that needs to be entered in the browser.

Press enter and you will be taken to the login page. Here you need to specify your login and password. Enter admin, admin, respectively. Press enter. Now we are in the access point parameters. It is worth noting that the interface design may differ depending on the router model. However, the essence is the same for everyone.

Everything was always fine when connecting to the wireless network, but today something went wrong, and your Adroid device gave you the following: “Authentication error.” Don't be scared, it's not as scary as it seems!

I'll tell you how to fix it and connect to WiFi.

How to connect to WiFi? Authentication Error - Solving the Problem

  • Reboot your router and your device. Simply reboot your router (unplug from power, wait 5-10 seconds and turn it on again). This could be a simple glitch.
  • Is the network correct? Now every fourth apartment has a router, and sometimes the names of your network and your neighbor’s network are similar. Make sure that you are trying to connect to your network.
  • Check your password. Make sure you enter the Wi-Fi network password correctly. In 50% of cases this is the problem.

Did it help? If this did not help fix the WiFi connection error, and you have access to the router settings, then let's get into them and find the problem there.

  • Encryption. Change the encryption type in your router settings if all of the above does not help. Set the parameters to WPA2(AES). Note, very old Android models do not support AES.

  • Speed ​​standard. You can also change the mode from b\g\n to b\g in the settings.

  • Change channel. Another solution to this problem could be changing the channel to another

I hope these tips will help you solve the Wi-Fi authentication error on your Adroid device. But if the problem still persists, write in the comments, I will help you solve the problem.

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The generally accepted term “authentication” has been used throughout the world for decades. But society became aware of this phenomenon only when gadgets capable of connecting to wireless internet, method Wi-Fi transmission data.

All phones, especially those running the Android operating system, clearly display the process of connecting the gadget to Wi-Fi networks, one of the components of which is authentication.

IN basic concepts authentication is the process of checking for authenticity. It could be:

  • Verification Process certain passwords, which were entered by the user, with those that were saved in the database of a particular user.
  • This is a confirmation process emails, a method of checking the authenticity of the sender’s signature, which he indicated in the public key.
  • Verification method specific file to the corresponding number (number, amount Money), which was specified at the time of creation this file. Typically used in the banking industry.

Probably, if not for the problems that quite often arise when connecting a smartphone to Wi-Fi networks, no one would have asked this question.

Wi-Fi systems that require pre-authentication are purely wireless networks public access, the use of which requires a subscription or payment of a certain fee.

Typically, such networks are called “points Wi-Fi access" Most often, such access points can be observed in in public places (shopping centers, cafes, bars, restaurants), but you can also create an access point at home, as most people do.

Authentication when connecting to Wi-Fi access points is a kind of system protection wireless access to an Internet resource, as well as your personal data, which prevents the connection of extraneous external devices to your group.

Any external device that is unfamiliar with the access point requests an access password, entering which begins the process of processing the entered data and checking its authenticity.

Do not confuse authentication and authorization. If an external device was previously connected to an access point whose password was not changed, then an authorization process takes place, which also involves data verification, but has a slightly different function.

To connect your smartphone to an access point, you need to open the Wi-Fi connection item in the menu and select the name you want to connect to. If you previously used this network, or it is without a password, goes through the authorization process.

If the device is not familiar with the access point, a window will pop up on the screen asking for a password, after entering which authentication takes place. If the password is entered correctly, you will be able to use the network.

On this moment There are several types of mobile device authentication. The most suitable option for you can be selected in the settings of the access point (router). The most common type of authentication used when creating access points is WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 Mixed encryption.

Wi-Fi authentication problem on phone

Whether it's a smartphone or tablet with different operating systems, a laptop, netbook, laptop or even a desktop, anyone external device There may be problems with authentication. This most often happens with smartphones.

Essentially, the phone or other device that connects to the wireless network has nothing to do with the authentication process itself, it simply performs standard request security.

If when connecting to an access point mobile device There is a problem with authentication, the only reason that lies in the phone itself can only be a system failure (glitch).

If you still cannot connect, then the reason is in the router and the settings that were set when creating the access point. As a rule, this is an incorrectly set authentication type that is not supported by smartphones and other mobile devices.

You need to check the settings and specify the encryption type that was mentioned earlier in the article - WPA-PSKWPA2. I hope that now you understand what it is Wi-Fi authentication on your phone and how to set it up.

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operating room Android system allows you to perform various actions with a smartphone or tablet, including connecting to the Internet using a Wi-Fi wireless network. But, as practice shows, users are not always able to successfully establish a connection. Quite often, an authentication error occurs when connecting to Wi-Fi on Android. What can be done in this case? How to continue correct operation with the Internet, social networks? Or is it all a complete failure and you need to call a specialist?

OS Android, of course, is a vast operating system, but within the framework of this article there will be enough space to consider the main problems of such errors using the example of tablets and smartphones. Well, let's go...

Reasons for authentication errors when connecting to Wi-Fi

So, first of all, let's look at the most common reasons for this error that relate directly to the router. Looking ahead, we want to warn you that in 90% of cases this problem occurs simply because incorrect input Wi-Fi password. Therefore, always first try to enter the password carefully several times.

  • Incorrect password. Often similar problem occurs when incorrect input or subsequent password change. For example, you once connected to a Wi-Fi point and accessed the network without any problems and used various applications, but at one point an authentication error appeared. Most likely, the password you have saved on your device is incorrect! IN in this case you need to reconnect again.
  • Reboot the router or modem to which you are connecting via the Wi-Fi point. In most cases, such actions normalize the operation of the device, and the user can access the Internet via a smartphone.
  • Update the firmware software in your router. For example, ZyXEL, Asus and other popular companies very often release updates for latest models routers. On most devices, updating is done with the click of a single tab.
  • Check if you have paid internet! One of the common problems is a simple oversight by a person, when he simply forgot to enter another advance payment for using the Internet. This is where problems arise with Wi-Fi, which is provided from the router!
  • Change your password. Another common problem is an incorrectly entered password. According to the standard, the Wi-Fi password in the router is written automatically using characters, upper and lower case. Users often make mistakes when entering with this big amount characters. The recommended password format is 8 upper and lower case characters, more than 50% numbers.
  • Use WPA-PSK standards. Go to the router settings and in the “Encryption type” set the standard to WPA-PSK. As a rule, most routers were developed a long time ago and do not support new standards in modern mobile devices. To avoid purchasing new router, you can simply change the settings as described above.

Solving problems with authentication errors on your device

Above we described ways that relate to your home router. That is, in most cases, the problem, as a rule, was hidden in the router and could be solved by the user himself. Next, we will describe the main problems and ways to solve them specifically for an Android smartphone.

As practice shows, in some cases an authentication error occurs due to incorrect Wi-Fi settings directly on the device itself.

Here are the two most common mistakes and how to solve them:

  • Old Wi-Fi recordings. The Android system remembers the saved passwords and tries to connect to the access point with this data, and in some cases you don’t even see a notification about an incorrect password on your screen. In this case, you need to go to “Settings”, select the “Wireless Networks” tab, find the access point you are trying to connect to and click on it. In the window that appears, select “Erase data” or “Forget network”, depending on Android versions. The system will now re-identify this access point and you will need to enter the password for it again.
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi operation module. If nothing helps and the problem is 100% not with your router, most likely Wi-Fi on your device simply does not work. In this case, first try restarting the device or resetting it to factory settings. We also recommend taking another smartphone and trying to connect to the same access point from it. If there are no problems, then Wi-Fi is not working on your phone. In this case, contact the store where you purchased the device or take it directly to the workshop.

An authentication error on Android devices when connecting to wi-fi may occur due to various reasons, and not all of them are described above in this article.

If you are trying to connect to public wifi point, for example, in a cafe, then the correct operation can only be checked by “deleting/replacing” Wi-Fi data. If the problem is not resolved, nothing can be done! In this case, change your location and connect to others Wi-Fi points. Fortunately, it has now been developed for search great amount applications that allow you to receive real-time data about Wi-Fi networks and passwords in any city.